Wednesday’s scores et al
Wednesday scores
Long Beach State def. Cal Baptist, 24-26, 25-12, 25-14, 25-19
USC def. CSUN, 25-22, 25-21, 18-25, 22-25, 15-10
Some answers, comments and dispelling myths off Monday’s thread in order of the posts
on Ah Mow-Santos being “too nice”
you obviously haven’t been in the gym when she is coaching. She is very vocal. She wasn’t the U.S. national team captain for eight years for nothing, which also speaks to her leadership.
BTW, it’s Robyn not Robin, Kaleo not Kalei
Shoji is not coaching the exhibitions. It will be Hall.The new recruits are not here in spring.
Shoji did not give a list of four names to Matlin.
Matlin is hoping to make the beach full time but it depends on if he can find the money. in the meantime, Hall said he was happy with the selection of Robyn.
It doesn’t “speak volumes” about Hall that Ah Mow-Santos got the job. why must there be so much negativity.
Ah Mow-SAntos didn’t leave to take care of her father. She moved to Vegas when her husband was transferred there, taking her dad with them.
The Pac-12 coach finalist was not Sealy.
Blunite, have you been drinking the Trump kool-aid?
And as I have said in the past, if you folks want to start name-calling, take it to VolleyTalk.
Haley just signed a five-year contract. He told me he wasn’t ready to retire, in spite of what his feet told him after some 13 hours on them the other day.
as for Ma’afala, don’t know what anyone didn’t realize it before, as in ‘just read it.’ wrote about it last August.
There is no conspiracy theory in the way the job was posted. It was posted with the intent that there would be a vacancy. And if there was a question about that, the interested parties contacted the AD.
No, Baxter does not need to re-apply. because of the situation of Shoji’s retirement and Ah Mow-Santos not able to get here in time for the 3 scrimmages, they are allowed to add an additional assistant.
Interesting that someone now questions how the associated head and beach job works since it’s been going on since Scott Wong was going both. The beach coach does answer to the head indoor coach, who technically oversees both programs.
Lindsey Berg is not coming back. it was a one-semester deal.
If you want to know what was said on Tsai’s show when he was doing it for the Advertiser, I suggest you ask him. I don’t know if any archive exists.
Ah Mow-Santos was flown in for the interview. All 3 finalists had face-to-face.
Excellent job in shutting up the trolls who don’t know diddly squat and assume (ass-u-me) all the bs that spews from their lips.
…nuff said.
Going on a small limb here and thinking the three finalists were Robyn, Hall and Rubio. I threw Rubio in there because he said he picked Robyn over a PAC-12 coach.
Robyn just needs a hard working recruiter. I believe they will want to play for a 3 time Olympian captain. And some were comparing Robyn to Paula Weishoff. Two completely different situations. Irvine didn’t have the aura Hawaii has. Paula didn’t have the best reputation of having a great relationship with her players, which I think is Robyn’s strength. Paula had no emotional connection to Irvine like Robyn does for Hawaii. And finally, Robyn is much more relevant to today’s recruits than Paula.
I’m nervous and confident at the same time. Really excited to see what Robyn can do. She’s the ONLY former wahine I can see taking over this program. Fast offense and international recruits!!!
I feel Robyn is a great hire. Despite not having any DI head coaching experience, I feel the rest of her qualifications tip the scales largely in her favor. She has been a head coach for high level club and although Open Division & NCAA DI are too different animals, she knows what it takes for teams to be successful regardless of level.
Here’s one for the people who say that Robyn is not vocal. At a Reno Qualifier a couple years back, a snooty local coach who runs his own club made comments towards Robyn’s team not being an open caliber team. Once her team qualified, she shared some choice words for him to hear. She is vocal, she is commanding, she talks/coaches, players would be silly NOT to listen, she has seen it all!
I feel that her hire will bode well for securing local talent. If a local girl wants to reach the olympics, who better to play for…..than a local girl who reached the olympics. Even prior to Robyn’s hire, I felt Hawai’i had a chance to secure Oglivie, but for one minor detail that could be added to the likes of “playing in front of friends, family, & in front of the huge crowd”, but Elena was a HMSA ball/floor wiper growing up while she was with Jammers. Those girls grow up watching the Wahine, idolizing them, wanting to be in their position. I’d like to think that could be this case here.
As far as Kaleo’s qualifications in recruiting goes, in that short time he spent in California as an assistant at UCI he also coached with Long Beach Mizuno (Emma Smith’s team). He was also involved with the USA pipeline with the likes of Karch Kiraly as well as Misty May who is now at LBCC which could be a great source of talented transfers. Not to mention his connection w/Pesto over at Irvine Valley, not that there needs to be any one since Hawaii already holds a special place in Tom’s heart. During Kaleo’s playing years at Northridge he’s built up a huge network of friends who are now club coaches up and down California.
Wahine volleyball is in a great place! I think Robyn keeps Hall, should he not get a FT Beach HC position. Should we be able to fund that position, Robyn will not have a shortage of willing, able & highly qualified applicants that she will choose to compliment her talents. Right now, I’m interested in who will be the Volunteer Assist.
Someone in the last blog asked how does the university honor Dave? I am a long time and current Kamehameha Schools employee. I know that Kamehameha (Bishop Estate) conveyed (deeded over?, sold for a nominal fee?) the lower campus to the state after the lease held by the quarry expired.
Why not honor Dave by naming the lower campus, “Dave Shoji Lower Campus? or Dave Shoji Athletic Complex”?
Better than the “Quarry” as us old timers know it as. Or “Lower Campus”.
Where in the world did Ferd Lewis get his info about Shoji submitting four names Matlin?
I was in the gym several times her first year and she was very nice to everyone. I defer to the fact that you have seen her in action many,many more times than I and I assumed she had a tough side or she would not have accomplished so much in her life. Good to know that Baxter has much more top notch experience than I realized. I am impressed. Thanks Wawa
“Blunite, have you been drinking the Trump kool-aid?”
interesting for you to point out cindy. what trump koolaid was included may i ask?
so lindsey berg was a one time deal, why was that for a single semester again?
also i believe baxter is the left hand man because iirc he is left handed yes?
Lindsey Berg’s passion is not coaching, correct me if I am wrong, but IIRC she has a fashion/clothing business that is more lucrative for her.
Baxter is right-handed, but I wouldn’t doubt if he was ambi when it came to hitting. He is very athletic.
6. I think Cindy was referring to his claims that Shoji implements his ideas and that his suggestions are noted. Apparently, we have him to thank for fast offense, the D set (!!!) and the opposite-heavy offense the past couple of seasons (!!!!!!!). Thanks to him, Shoji relied on Nikki Taylor for a lot of the offense, and not because of factors like Taylor being more effective on the right and her being a more reliable scorer than any of the left sides.
All these after claiming that Shoji plays favorites with his players and that “Robyn could not do any worse than Dave for the upcoming season.”
Ah Mow-Santos is a great hire. She will have much support throughout the local, national, and international volleyball community. I was wondering if AD for UofHawaii Women’s Sports Marilyn Moniz-Kahoohanohano (GoBulldogs!!) felt a familiar vibe in Ah Mow- Santos. Though taking different paths after playing Wahine Volleyball, I think both share a similar passion and fire, and commitment to the UofHawaii Community and the State of Hawaii.
Why is there a reference to Trump on this thread at all? It was stated previously that religion and politics not be gotten into on this blog. See post 2 of:
Robyn was a surprise hire but well deserved. I look forward to the continued success of the Wahine Volleyball program. As for the Trump kool-aid, maybe it should be the Liberal kool-aid.
Yeah. Cindy…you owe your poster an apology. You stated no politic and then you bring politic up.
Are Trump supporters not invited to speak volleyball in this blog?
8. Those are just alternative facts. 😉
what happened with Ma’afala? sorry if it was mention in a previous thread or something, but with everyone causing unnecessary drama, i rather not go looking to find out.
also all the negativity about Robyn or her ability to coach, well it needs to stop. if you can’t respect the choice than stop following the sport. i am thrilled with the choice of Robyn, i wish everyone could accept it
I don’t think any of us care who the bloggers support politically as long you have something intelligent to say about the Wahine or volleyball in general. Cindy’s blog, Cindy’s rules and Cindy’s right to use what ever descriptive literation she wants. Case closed.
Ah Mow Santos’ hiring was a surprise at first, with the names that was thrown around, her name wasn’t among them but the more I think about it, it seems like a great fit. Long ago UH hired a young volleyball coach with no college head coaching experience and he turned out to be pretty good. Hope Hall will stay on he is putting together a very good sand program.
Thanks Cindy…
Funny how a lot of people “question” Robyn’s experience as a head coach. From what I remember, UH took a chance 42 years ago on a guy who was 25 years old and who had no college head coaching experience. I don’t think he had any experience as an assistant (but I could be wrong) and he didn’t do too bad over the 42 years. Say, 1200+ wins, 4 National Championships, countless All-Americans. Not too bad…
So relax people. Give Robyn a chance. In 20 years or so, we will all be hoping that she doesn’t retire as the Wahine volleyball coach too.
Go Robyn… You will do a great job with the Wahine…
42 years ago the landscape of womens college volleyball was completely different. Hoping Robyn is a fantastic head coach, but I am worried.
15. Everyone has accountability. What you are describing sounds like a dictatorship. Without the posters, this blog is far less.
Who said anything about eliminating the posters. By the way, it is a dictatorship sort-of. I was just trying to narrow down the reason for the blog. I think that Cindy’s request that name calling be taken elsewhere is reasonable.
Some wahine fans may have never seen Robyn as a rainbow wahine, maybe Kfve can show some games.
20…Cindy request name calling be taken else where…then she called a poster a Trump Kool-Aid drinker. Double standard much here?
For the record, I did not call anyone names, nor have I ever.
If any of you doubt my words talk to Chris Mclachlin, color analyst for Wahine volleyball games.
He is aware of my convincing Shoji to start Nikki at Opposite because he was going to put her at left (previously he had Keani Passi and Ginger Long there). And of my Email on setting Nikki 3 meter line.
21. I didn’t say anything about eliminating posters either.
Convincing Shoji to start Nikki opp lol was there also a ty email for that great idea.
8. Sorry, my post 124 was actually in response to 9. I swear things got renumbered. :/
15 – Ashley, majority of people are fine with Robyn as head coach, it just came out of nowhere and the selection process in general is questionable. No matter who got the job, there would be some uncertainty until proven otherwise. Robyn will be great.
22 – bowsfan, you tube has tons of old wahine games. There is one site, I’ll forward it when at my home computer that has lots and lots of older games from all different teams across the country. You can spend days on end watching that website.
As promised…attached is the website.
There is the 96 WAC Championship on here as well, with Robyn.
And many, many, many more.
I am ecstatic about Robyn being chosen to lead the Wahine. She loves the program, our state, and the game. With the history of Rainbow Wahine volleyball being what it is…. I think hiring a former Wahine was the right thing to do. Go ‘Bows.
Iosia, Granato and Kahakai are participating in the annual U.S. Women’s National Team Open Tryouts:
Good luck to our Wahine
I am a ROBYN and a TRUMP SUPPORTER!! Yes!!! See we should have started…Wow everybody is human after all
Sorry had to go there..On the otherhand, my wife said she has watched Robyn on the sidelines and during the games. She may seem very unemoting to people she is vocal, very passionate, and always coaching up her players when it is needed. I can only agree with my wife 100%. She knows the culture, she is the right age to still relate to the young players, and most importantly…she knows what it takes to win!! A great recruiter could be just making this new era continue its winning ways with a new brand of play and a National Championship!! I bet my odds that Robyn Ah Mow will do it!!
I am a Robyn supporter and a Bleachercoach’s right to be politically wrong supporter because he has made good contributions to the blog with regard to volleyball.
Who were the three finalists ?
and thanks for the answer on Robyn coming here for the interview.
Tiff is good at the Wahine basketball analysis in the radio broadcasts.
Anyone know if National team tryouts are submitted by their coaches? If so it is surprising that Maglio and Smith were not listed.
RE: #26 – No, no ty Email was received. My reasons were two-fold: 1st for defense, 2nd for offense. I backed up my suggestion with prior game evidence (vs Texas) and also an authoritative source on volleyball (providing the URL and quotation). After Hawaii swept Northern Arizona (trying Nikki at opposite) Shoji permanently switched from going left to going right.
Mags is Canadian so she can not try out for the US national team. Smith is probably too busy with beach volleyball now.
new thread up for Friday.
2. I believe you are correct about the three finalists. Rubio told me he applied with the blessing of his administration.
5. don’t know where he got that. Wasn’t from Shoji.
11. was in reference to people taking credit where they shouldn’t.
16. thank you.
23. didn’t call the person anything. just asked if that was happening. because of wanting to take credit when they shouldn’t.
35. thanks, he works hard at it.
KDEN, promising no more political references. obviously a failed attempt at a joke.