Thursday checkin: Sebastian Pestolesi honored, beach, etc
UH school of nursing is celebrating its 60th. All-American Diane Sebastian Pestolesi has been chosen one of the 60 distinguished alums who will be honored in June.
Spoke with Hall today about the 18th indoor exhibition/beach conflict, which is something that happened last year. As mentioned a few threads ago, the indoor players who are the beach team will play indoors. The beach-only players will complete on the 18th. There likely will be a crossover to play both, such as Taylor did last year. Hall said the biggest issue will be splitting practice time for those doing both that week since they are limited by NCAA rules.
Beach opens in a week at the Pepperdine tournament. Teams leaves Thursday.
In case you missed the answer to “how did Taylor do?” USAV won’t send out results until next month. Will catch up with her and the rest of the beach team next week.
The only indoor player not playing is Greeley, who is in good spirits during her rehab.
Think many will be surprised how fit Mitchem looks. they haven’t started practice, just individual workouts.
Dropped by both practices for The Beach and UH men. both coaches playing it tight to the vest. only thing Wade would say was that the in-practice competition today will determine who plays tomorrow. Said he’s looking at different combinations so there may be some changes Friday.
Hope the warriors snap out of this horrible slump.
In the UCLA win I thought they had a fantastic shot at winning the MPSF and now they look like they could lose to anyone. very disappointing.
new thread up for Friday