Wednesday's practice

Thanks again to Sen. Shan Tsutsui for being today’s chat guest.

* * *

• Tyler Graunke competed in team drills for the first time since suffering the hand injury. He has more zip on his passes, but still isn’t 100 percent. Although he now estimates he is up to 90 percent.
• The offensive line looks like this: LT Aaron Kia, LG Brysen Ginlack, C John Estes, RG Clarence Tuioti-Mariner, RT Keoni Steinhoff.
OL coach Brian Smith said LT Laupepa Letuli and LG Raphael Ieru will play a lot this weekend.
• RB Daniel Libre was out there, and expects to play this weekend.
• Look for WO Jovonte Taylor to get more snaps.
• David Farmer looks to be back in form. He even had a nice run off a draw. But that’s not his role. He’s mostly a blocking back.
• It appears RB Jake Heun will redshirt this season.


  1. J-Dog September 24, 2008 2:47 pm


  2. J-Dog September 24, 2008 2:47 pm

    glad to hear the farm dog is back.

  3. J-Dog September 24, 2008 2:49 pm

    gold, silver and bronze.

  4. koakane™ September 24, 2008 2:49 pm


  5. Da Punchbowl Kid September 24, 2008 2:49 pm

    Tanks fo da updates Tsai brah!

  6. koakane™ September 24, 2008 2:49 pm

    heck in top 5

  7. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 2:50 pm

    Don’t call me, bra, you panty.

  8. koakane™ September 24, 2008 2:50 pm

    give up at least I hea

  9. homey ⑤ September 24, 2008 2:53 pm

    Was so looking forward to seeing Heun play this season. That’s ok, heal up, get stronger, and dominate next year.

  10. NEO September 24, 2008 2:54 pm

    hmmmm mebbe top 10?

  11. BowsForever September 24, 2008 2:55 pm

    Good to hear Tyler’s coming along. Otherwise, Inoke, you’re up man!

  12. NEO September 24, 2008 2:55 pm

    woohoo top 10

  13. d1島 September 24, 2008 2:55 pm

    How is it that the Blog Host was able to get so much info today at practice without myki and sj being there acting as “spotters”?

  14. homey ⑤ September 24, 2008 2:57 pm

    d1 – ST actually worked today. He must be exhausted by now. Kinda cranky too because he called DPK a panty.

  15. koakane™ September 24, 2008 2:58 pm

    Reminder about the planning for away UH games and the coordinating of places to enjoy the tgates, viewing the games and still be one beeeeg happy family. This is what has been confirmed so far.

    October 4 Saturday @ 4pm UH vs Fresno State. Murphy’s is the site. There will be seating for 35. Fuud will be ala carte from the menu. If you planning to come please sign up. There might be a buffet but not definite yet. Murphy can accommodate an overflow but probably will be seating away from the main group. So let me know ASAP.

    November 1 Saturday @ 9am UH vs Utah State. We are working it out and more info will be forth coming.

    November 8 Saturday @ 11 UH vs New Mexico State. This will be at Bay View Golf Course restaurant. Currently working with the manager on a buffet deal but only a ala carte menu so far. There will be pictures of the place and a menu to be posted latter.

    We wanted to spread the action to various parts of Oahu so it will be fair to everyone. Mahalo for helping goes out to jerry, kekoa, james, Rob25, midori and steveM for their input. Much more updated info will be coming out as these game get closer.

    If your wondering about why there is no mention of the Boise State game on October 17 its because the game is on a friday at 2 in the afternoon. We felt it would be to hard to reserve a place because not sure who could get there before the game started.


  16. koakane™ September 24, 2008 2:59 pm

    homey was the haps on friday you going be the dd.

  17. koakane™ September 24, 2008 2:59 pm


  18. J-Dog September 24, 2008 2:59 pm

    Heun gonna be a good one for us.

  19. d1島 September 24, 2008 3:00 pm

    That’s not “cranky”; that’s just fair and accurate reporting!

  20. Stretch September 24, 2008 3:03 pm

    ST – you was talking about DPK when you mentioned to me that you don’t like getting your panties wet standing in the rain??

  21. Da Punchbowl Kid September 24, 2008 3:06 pm

    If he don’t know da difference between brah and bra, he shouldn’t even be mentioning panties.

  22. homey ⑤ September 24, 2008 3:08 pm

    koakane – Friday no can do.

    Will not be able to attend the 10/4 Murphy’s outing but will make the 11/8 outing. Anyone planning to golf beforehand?

  23. Da Punchbowl Kid September 24, 2008 3:09 pm

    Is there gonna be a CC wif Terry Brennan on friday or what?.

  24. koakane™ September 24, 2008 3:15 pm

    we was thinking of having a long drive contest off the driving range afta the game.

  25. homey ⑤ September 24, 2008 3:17 pm

    DPK – I’m still waiting for A-Sports Pho cc.

  26. homey ⑤ September 24, 2008 3:22 pm

    koakane – I wonder if the gigi’s would like to enter that contest! We can see the hack attack in action! Since they’ll most likely not show up it should still be a highly entertaining contest! Just grip and rip!

  27. haka September 24, 2008 3:22 pm

    Small talk: We knew going in that the defense and special teams was needed to step up big time and carry the team early in the season, but both of them have not been up to the task. This weekend is a huge game for the Warriors. Your most important game is always the next one, but this game is…well…enormous. And not only that, it’s really big. No matter what you call them, the special teams unit must respond. The defense must play up to championship level. And most importantly, the fans must show up…en masse…large…huge.

  28. Da Punchbowl Kid September 24, 2008 3:28 pm

    You are right haka.

  29. homey ⑤ September 24, 2008 3:30 pm

    I was watching that commercial…

    “What is love?
    Baby don’t hurt me
    Don’t hurt me
    No more”

    So I bought a Diet Pepsi Max and drank it and now I can’t go to sleep.

  30. d1島 September 24, 2008 3:31 pm


    as one who will be in attendance, I have done what it takes today at lunch to show up large and huge….urrrppp! Excuse me….


  31. wafan September 24, 2008 3:32 pm

    How was the lunch at Camilla’s? Anyone skewered with chopsticks or a fork?

  32. Maverick September 24, 2008 3:36 pm

    Huen redshirting works out. Farmers last year, and Jake can learn the system better this season

  33. haka September 24, 2008 3:38 pm

    You’re huge…fan that is. Cheer twice as loud and have double the fun. And by the way, I’m glad the urrrppp made it to the top!

  34. wafan September 24, 2008 3:38 pm

    Ronnie . . .

    Thank you for going to the open house with, or without, your son! That little bit of extra effort on your part will definitely pay off huge for him this year and in the future.

    I wish more parents would get involved with their kids’ education. We would not have nearly the number of problems we have everyday in our schools and society.

  35. koakane™ September 24, 2008 3:40 pm

    homey if fact we can name it after gigi. the hack, wack and smack long ball contest but gotta wear mu’u mu’u in order for win a prize. 😮

  36. 3-Prong September 24, 2008 3:47 pm

    In addition to the obvious QB question, the key again will be the O-Line, especially since Dick Tomey said that his defensive ends are playing really well and his front 7 as a whole has been performing pretty well thus far. We need to protect the QB and have sustained drives ending in points……. Go Warriors.

  37. midori7 September 24, 2008 3:48 pm

    Afternoon Tsaikos!

    Good news that Letuli, Libre & Farmer will be back in action!

    What’s the status of Wright-Jackson?


  38. curveball September 24, 2008 3:55 pm

    Just read this on the Tizer…guy must of imported some Zippys chilli

    SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A West Virginia man has been charged with battery on a police officer for allegedly passing gas toward a patrolman. Jose Cruz, 34, of Clarksburg was also charged with driving under the influence, driving without headlights and two counts of obstruction.

    Cruz was pulled over by South Charleston police Tuesday for driving without headlights. After failing field sobriety tests, Cruz was taken to the station for a breathalyzer test.

    The criminal complaint says that as a patrolman was preparing the machine, Cruz scooted his chair over, lifted his leg, passed gas and fanned it toward the officer.

  39. haka September 24, 2008 3:58 pm


  40. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 3:59 pm

    I think the Brennans are going to be joining us at TJ’s on Friday.

  41. Garret September 24, 2008 3:59 pm

    Geez, after 13 straight hours of meetings and seminars I finally was able to catch up with the blog. The chat was interesting, wish I could have asked a question. I’m glad that the injured players are getting healed up, and hope that Blaze is better soon too. The key to the game could be the health of the OL, especially if there are any injuries at tackle.

    I thought that this post was interesting on SH on UH’s recruiting of Manti Te’o:

    When you look at the landscape of offers afforded to him, as a UH fan myself, I did question why UH waited until this past April to offer him (offer #28). It was a bitter sweet moment for us. Then, when Coach McMackin met him for the first time (this past summer), he mistakenly addressed another young man from calilfornia thinking he was Manti….while Manti sat on the other side of the table. Nuts huh? We laughed about it that night, but in retrospect, I had to question our home team’s recruiting preparedness. Then this summer at the All Poly Camp, a UH coach (I believe his name is Gerke) came from behind Manti, slapped him on the back of the helmet while Manti was being interviewed by another coach and asked, “So what, Do we have a chance?” I didn’t know who the hell this guy was, all I knew was that he was wearing UH apparell, so at the time I thought, “don’t tell me he’s from home”. Well he was. So as hard as it will be for our family to not be able to watch our own son play in college…LIVE, we will settle for the fact that we can enjoy our nephews in the green white (Falemalu and Lolotai). Go Warriors!!!

  42. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 4:00 pm

    3 prong:
    SJ’s d-ends are very good.
    And one of the DTs plays to the outside shoulder of the guard, which essentially makes him a pass-rusher, too.

  43. Garret September 24, 2008 4:01 pm

    And now I’ve got to work all night…I’ll check back tomorrow.

  44. Pauoa Boy September 24, 2008 4:01 pm

    Howzit Gang…
    Dunno if anybody know about dis yet….

    We are opening up “Hawaii Football School” on November 2, 2008. It’ll be held at Booth Park on every Sunday year round.

    November 2nd & 9th classes are as followed
    Menehune class (ages 5-7) @ 10am
    Imua class (ages 8-10) @ 11am
    Na Koa class (ages 11-14) @ 12pm
    Ali’i class (ages 15-18) @ 1pm.

    November 16th & on classes will be…
    Menehune @ 1pm
    Imua @ 2pm
    Na Koa @ 3pm
    Ali’i @ 4pm

    HFS is dedicated to helping kids strive for excellence in every aspect of their life.
    We want our youth to not only excel in sports, but more so in education and life itself! It is our mission to inspire our youth through our experiences to help them persevere in life, achieve their goals, and live their dreams!

    The Hawaii Football School will be providing coaching with the latest techniques in every position. Our coaching staff will consist of former UH and NFL players who knows what it takes to get to the next level (my boy Chad Owens). As a student of HFS you will find that what you learn here will provide you the knowledge of not only becoming a better football player and a better athlete, but it will make you a better person!

    If you or anyone you know who is interested please contact Booth Park. There will be more info by next week.
    Registrations will be coming soon so stay tuned!
    Cost $60/mo

  45. Kazz September 24, 2008 4:05 pm

    • Tyler Graunke competed in team drills for the first time since suffering the hand injury. He has more zip on his passes, but still isn’t 100 percent. Although he now estimates he is up to 90 percent.

    •OL coach Brian Smith said LT Laupepa Letuli and LG Raphael Ieru will play a lot this weekend.

    • RB Daniel Libre was out there, and expects to play this weekend.

    • Look for WO Jovonte Taylor to get more snaps.

    • David Farmer looks to be back in form. He even had a nice run off a draw. But that’s not his role. He’s mostly a blocking back.



  46. Pauoa Boy September 24, 2008 4:12 pm

    If Graunke ain’t 100% he shouldn’t play…we need a QB who can throw with no complications. San Jose St. is going to be relentless on the DLine. Coach Tomey will attack knowing our OLine is still not in sync yet… This will be a tough game but I feel our boys can get the W if they play all facets of the game competitively without giving up on themselves when things go bad. The team needs to start playing as a team and start trusting in each other…I feel this has been lacking…with as much Senior leadership we have on this team someone needs to step up and rally the troops. Need to get them focused for battle and have no fear, take care of business and leave it all on the field! C’mon Warriors, where your heart at?!?!

  47. da princess' classmate September 24, 2008 4:19 pm

    coach mack i think beginning to learn da importance of special teams placing adam leonard on it, though that’s taking ahuge chance 2. so sad about our handling of manti. didn’t have much of a shot from the beginning but to be the 28th to offer is extremely sad. and then the actions of gerke, don’t know if we need that.

  48. Maverick September 24, 2008 4:30 pm

    All that Brah & Panty talk scared me away.
    So did this am’s subject from Stretch and the “U know what”.

    Must be the SJSU tension in the air.

  49. Kekoa September 24, 2008 4:31 pm

    Loose lips sink ships! As much as coach was trying to protect practice, we have a responsibility to keep the technicalities to ourselves on the blog.

    We keep examining every minute detail of each players current health status and exposing more than we should. Remember, the opposing team has local boys who know how to get on the WB. They can easily determine how to man-up to their opponent, and exploit their weakness.

    Hmmm..we need a Minister of mis-information. Any volunteers DPK?

  50. BowsForever September 24, 2008 4:31 pm

    Might not be a bad game to give Inoke some playing time. What, if anything, could Hawaii do to stop SJSU from playing an all-out pressure game for four quarters? You know _someone_ on the team or staff has a big red circle around Tyler’s right hand, and that’s a kinda scary thought.

    It’s great that the Brennans are such huge fans of Hawaii. But, uh, why aren’t they watching Redskins games instead? I’d totally understand if they were on the east coast most weekends…

  51. BowsForever September 24, 2008 4:33 pm

    Well Kekoa, no one has to answer my question about offensive strategy then :P. But seriously, I’m sure the experts already know the answers as it is. It’ll come down to heart, determination, execution, and probably luck.

  52. bb September 24, 2008 4:33 pm

    is the 11pm hoops game against Idaho State (whooohoooo!) part of the ESPN deal?

  53. BowsForever September 24, 2008 4:35 pm

    We really need our D to step up this game. I just know they have it in them to be even more awesome than last year. Hopefully special teams has improved to the point where the D feels more like they can “be ithemselves” and play on their own terms.

  54. Maverick September 24, 2008 4:35 pm


    The Brennen has family on the SJSU coaching staff

    Plus, they can’t get enough of us. :>
    The 1 + 1 equation for a good reason to fly out here. Let’s take it. Once Colt becomes a starter, we lost Pops & Mom Brennen coming out here.

  55. haka September 24, 2008 4:40 pm

    I heard Quintin Beaver has been moved to running back for this weeks game.

  56. BowsForever September 24, 2008 4:42 pm

    Doh! Oh yeah, I forgot about Colt’s cousin working with SJSU. But SJSU is the enemy, so it must be they…love…Hawaii… Which is great.

    Who knows, the Brennans might actually come out to Hawaii _more often_ if Colt becomes “the guy” on the Redskins or elsewhere. Sure they won’t be around for the last third of the year or so, but there’s plenty of offseason and the possibility that Colt will buy a house here once he rakes in the serious dough.

  57. Kazz September 24, 2008 4:53 pm



    🙂 ………. 🙄

  58. Da Punchbowl Kid September 24, 2008 4:54 pm

    Where’d ya hear that, haka? Talk about a big load at RB.

  59. haka September 24, 2008 5:02 pm

    Ooh, I bet you’re wondering how I knew
    About our plans to make SJSU blue
    With some other guy who never ran before.
    Big as the two of us guys
    You know the truth is more.
    It took me by surprise I must say,
    When I found out today.
    Don’t you know that…

    I heard it through the grapevine
    Misinformation would be mine.
    Oh I heard it through the grapevine,
    Oh and I’m just about to lose my mind.
    Honey, honey yeah.

  60. Kazz September 24, 2008 5:03 pm


    He might have heard that from Keahi.

  61. d1島: September 24, 2008 5:10 pm

    You own a bucket?

  62. d1島: September 24, 2008 5:11 pm

    …wanna own a bridge?

  63. d1島: September 24, 2008 5:13 pm

    ….still wait for the Easter Bunny?

  64. FloridaTed September 24, 2008 5:18 pm

    Oh, yah, Percy Harvin is transfering to UH and got a special excemption from the NCAA to start right away….

  65. haka September 24, 2008 5:21 pm

    I also heard that the offense will line up with 4 wr’s and no slots in that Salas and Lane will actually be in the slot with Pollard and Avery wide and actual positons will be determined by who goes in motion.

  66. d1島: September 24, 2008 5:22 pm

    EXCELLENT FIND Florida Ted! 🙄

  67. d1島: September 24, 2008 5:24 pm

    haka must be a relative- he obviously was at practice this morning!

  68. Maverick September 24, 2008 5:26 pm

    That Brah & Panty thing git everybody in a tizzie….

    Bunchy and Punchy.

    2 much info, IF it’s tru

  69. haka September 24, 2008 5:27 pm

    d1島, it’s all relative.

  70. Kazz September 24, 2008 5:28 pm

    Ok… if “haka” is being serious I think uhhh… maybe uhhh… delete these posts???

    No offense to “haka”, buuuutttt yeah……

  71. haka September 24, 2008 5:29 pm

    Actually, I had a media pass from that other media da kine that has no website.

  72. momotaro September 24, 2008 5:32 pm

    Per another news website, the second bid protest over UH’s Ching Field was dismissed today. UH can now start construction on the Ching Athletic Complex and Ching/Cooke Field. Hopefully WassupDoc or tom mui will post later and give us the scoops.

  73. momotaro September 24, 2008 5:36 pm

    Sorry, somehow I missed the Advertiser breaking news article about it. Click on my name for link.

  74. haka September 24, 2008 5:41 pm

    The defense may be deploying the “25” or “2 bit” defense.

  75. Maverick September 24, 2008 5:42 pm

    Kazz –

    Tonight on L & L
    Who B ?

  76. d1島: September 24, 2008 5:46 pm

    Isn’t that particularly effective against the dollah-chree-atey offense?

  77. haka September 24, 2008 6:01 pm

    It suointinly is.

  78. HiFlyer September 24, 2008 6:09 pm

    momotaro; that’s great news about the Ching/Cooke field deal, maybe now they can get it resurfaced by the end of Nov. or early Dec.

  79. Ronnie September 24, 2008 6:24 pm


    Just got back from back to school night. I learned that Ian’s metal shop teacher played football for Hawai’i in the early 70’s (when June was a player). Pretty cool! I also realized that his English teacher is quite a character. She is much loved by her students – and is a very tough teacher.

  80. Esme September 24, 2008 6:28 pm


  81. tommui September 24, 2008 6:40 pm

    MOMOTARO: Ching nursery filed its objection two or so days after the deadline. UH filed its Motion to Dismiss based on the late filing.

  82. Ronnie September 24, 2008 6:51 pm

    Hey! What happened to the blog? Are the techies messing with the colors again?

  83. Ronnie September 24, 2008 6:58 pm

    Could it be my style sheet? I see all blue, with every other posted comment and the “leave a reply” section in white boxes…

  84. Ronnie September 24, 2008 6:58 pm

    Three in a row…

  85. al September 24, 2008 6:59 pm

    hey i am back.

    yah, i know who cares. thought i’d try a tsai opening line.
    so tsai tells of a 90% graunke and robert reports a qb controversy.
    what up?

    and a haka tries to play with dpk’s mind.

    pssst. actually dpk, i heard that they will line up in a “I” formation then run a few power running plays with ex-rugby guy adrian thomas. then shift out of the “I” in to 5wr formation with thomas the main target.

    also, no be surprised that they go into the bone with inoke, libre, pilares, and farmer. the lone wr will be lwj running post patterns all day.

    and then mouton will enter in the single wing formation.

    oh the list is endless. they practiced for 6 1/2 hours today. tomw is closed doors at the stadium and friday at ford island air field.

    are we having fun yet.

    …nuff said.

  86. Ronnie September 24, 2008 7:00 pm

    Do I hear 4?



    GO WARRIORS!!! ❗

    7 down
    8 UP

  87. al September 24, 2008 7:00 pm

    sorry ronnie baby!

    p.s. thanks eh haka for the smoke screens today.


    hey, i went to the wrong camellia today.

  88. Ronnie September 24, 2008 7:02 pm

    I knew I should have posted the Saturday stuff in a separate post! 😉

    Al, I’m glad you’re back! 😀 Bummer about going to the wrong camellia.

  89. Long Time UH Fan September 24, 2008 7:03 pm


    You mean to say there’s a Camellia on the Darkside?

  90. MeiLing September 24, 2008 7:07 pm

    Aloha from the Bay Area! Not much time to read the pepah or the blog. Will have to wait till I get home.


  91. curveball September 24, 2008 7:08 pm inside info is we are going to a wing -t… and Pilares is actually going to be QB ..and the O line and D line are going to

  92. Kazz September 24, 2008 7:09 pm


    What controversy does RK speak of?

  93. Kazz September 24, 2008 7:10 pm

    Well I’ve been to quiet about this…

    The TRUTH is that we’ll have our goalie switch with the guy that can hit the knuckle puck and ….

    Oh wait.. that’s from a movie I think…

  94. Kazz September 24, 2008 7:11 pm

    ***too*** quiet

  95. madeinhawaii September 24, 2008 7:15 pm


    For a moment there, I thought you were about to give away the BEEG secret lineup where Inoke is lined up as the RB. SJ should expect a trick play with Inoke blocking..side stepping to catch a quick screen and then passing across the field to Lane… but Inoke simply receives the a handoff and scampers for a first down.

    Phew.. good thing it’s still under wraps… yeah?

  96. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 7:30 pm

    One difference: Only one of us was at practice.
    It’s going to be Graunke. He took most of the team reps today.

  97. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 7:32 pm

    Quentin Beaver would be a huge surprise, especially since he was cut from the team.

  98. ai-ee-soos September 24, 2008 7:40 pm


    Did the offense practice the “muddle huddle” enough that mebbe they can spring it on Tomey?


  99. Kazz September 24, 2008 7:42 pm

    BEAVER CUT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!


    ok… calm down…

    Ok, I’m calm… but sad. 🙁

  100. chawan_cut September 24, 2008 7:45 pm

    no its CHAWAN CUT.

    ok, nvm, going to sleep

  101. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc September 24, 2008 7:48 pm

    Took some time to do a quick skim of today’s previous posts. Here is the situation concerning Ching/Cooke Field finances.

    The money to renovate the field has been appropriated and released. Work on the project will begin immediately.

    The length of time it will take to complete the project is dependent upon the manufacturer’s stock on hand. If enough is available to ship out immediately, it will be here within the next couple of weeks. If not, then it can take as long as a month to arrive.

    Site prep work will take place while the artificial turf is on its way.

    It will take about ten working days to install – and the bidder will work on Saturday if needed. The inspection and sign-off process will take another five working days or so.

    Barring really rotten weather, the field should be completed in time for the last home game of the season at the latest.

    Let’s have a celebration party when the Field is blessed.

    Re the Ching Complex overall: The estimated total is $9.2 million. $5 million has come in as a gift. The Legislature has funded the field for $1.2 million and will spend about $300K less. This leaves a balance of an estimated $3.million. That can come from the Legislature in 2009 or 2010, foundation grants, a direct mail campaign, selling barbecued chicken, holding car washes, or redeeming HI-5 bottles & cans. The Ching gift will not be released until the entire sum is raised or commitments have been made.


    Regarding Aloha Stadium upgrades: Tomorrow’s Aloha Stadium Authority meeting has the following item on the agenda.

    V. New Business- Discussion and Appropriate Action

    B. Senator Fred Hemmings- Presentation on a public / private partnership for the development of public infrastructure to the stadium property in return for commercial consideration.

    With respect to Aloha Stadium renovations and other capital projects, I urge you to contact your legislators – and candidates – during the campaign to support keeping the projects in the budget. Big caveat is that the investment market stabilizes between now and January.

    Capital projects generate taxes and increase employment. None of us here is old enough to remember the WPA in FDR’s first term some 75 years ago, but that is what got the country back on its feet and prepared it to become major world power during WWII.


    T-Gate Recyling: Once again, we’ll provide recycling services at the T-Gate which includes taking your contributions from home as well. We’ll be donating the proceeds in the name of Tsaikos to Dole Middle School’s cross-country program under the supervision of Coach Alan Inaba to purchase shoes, uniforms, and event day meals.

    Coach Alan and at least one of his students will be dropping by the T-Gate – more on that tomorrow or Friday – so those of you who are so inclined can take the time to see how your running skills are these days by challenging a 12 or 13-year-old.

    All recycling programs will go to Coach Inaba’s program.

    T-Gate Stuff: We’ll bring one pop-up tent, a 10 x 10 ft. tarp to put over the grilling areas in case of rain or too much sun, two folding tables & a table in a box, four chairs, a microwave w/power strip and extension cord, and several exceedingly large garbage sacks. DrDoc plans to arrive around 11 am because I will be helping with the set-up for the Sierra Club’s 40th Anniversary Party being held that night and will be catching a bus out to the T-Gate around 1 pm.

    Don’t forget the island-wide Obama Rally tomorrow night at Kailua High School starting at 7 pm. Maya Soetoro-Ng and live music from John Cruz. This will be Maya’s last speech in Hawaii before heading to the mainland to campaign for her brother. MC is Emme Tomimbang – and, yes, there will be light refreshments.

    Look for me as I will be on the parking crew. We’ll be “on the job” no later than 5:45 pm. Please don’t run me over.

    X your fingers & toes – the Bishop Museum Board of Directors will vote tomorrow to transfer ownership of the Falls of Clyde to the Friends of Falls of Clyde. If that happens, then we will celebrate that on Monday, September 29

    If you really want to eat some outstanding Mexican food and you are in Kane`ohe, try El Mariachi. It’s just slightly bigger than a hole-in-the-wall, but the food is authentic and reasonably-priced. It’s located in a small strip mall behind the Aloha Petroleum on the corner of Kamehameha Highway and Lilipuna Road – the Castle Professional Center is across the street.


  102. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc September 24, 2008 7:57 pm

    Slight correction: All recycling proceeds will go to Coach Inaba’s program.

  103. Kelli September 24, 2008 8:00 pm

    Yay! Go Ralph!

    Now, back to work…

  104. haka September 24, 2008 8:02 pm

    The beaver is out of the bag. Leave it to beaver. 🙁
    It’s Graunke…;-) 😉 😉

  105. duffer September 24, 2008 8:03 pm

    Charter flight update:

    I’ve had a preliminary discussion with Hawaiian Air on securing a charter to Las Vegas next year. The cost will probably be to prohibited for this venture.

    The operating cost of a 767 is about $18,000 per hour. It’s about 5 1/2 hours from Honolulu to Las Vegas. So 11 hours total flight time with passengers. The catch is, they will not have the aircraft sit idle in Las Vegas. So they must re-position the aircraft back to Honolulu or whereever it is. This re-positioning is an added cost to whomever is charting the flight. So it’s another 11 hours of “ferry’ time. $18,000 X 22 hours is $396,000. There are 18 First Class seats and about 246 seats in coach.

    This would be considered a “public” charter since we are not an official organization, thus we need to be bonded and pay some fees, which are substantial.

  106. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:08 pm

    These stories are from Jon Wilner of the SJ Mercury – so some of you may want to ignore them.

    Wilner: SJSU coach’s love for Hawaii continues….

    Next up for SJSU: at Hawaii, 9:05 p.m. …

    The matchup: Without Coach June Jones and quarterback Colt Brennan, the Warriors are struggling. They lost at Florida and Oregon State by a combined 84 points and trailed Weber State at halftime.

    SJSU has a terrific opportunity (there’s that word again) to end a seven-game losing streak against Hawaii, but it will need more than one touchdown.

  107. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:15 pm

    Good try duffer – I think you’ll have many Road Warrior Fans having different travel plans (WSU game, extended stays, stop-overs, etc.) that commercial is the only sensible transportation. Even without the additional “ferry time” R/T – the costs would only be on par w/ commercial airfares. Mahalo for your efforts. 😀

  108. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:19 pm

    wafan – You were asking about a game in Seattle the other night? 9/10/10 @ UDub. You & Izzy are in charge or that one! 😀 😯 😆

  109. d1島: September 24, 2008 8:22 pm


    Thanks for checking into that. Now we know…

  110. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:23 pm

    djmitcho – I’m also wondering if you’ve done any “scouting” for the Road Tsaikos regarding the 9/12/09 game/visit in Pullman? 😯 🙄 😀

  111. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:26 pm

    d1島 – You and the Mrs. driving to the WSU and UNLV games next Sept? 😀

  112. al September 24, 2008 8:28 pm

    whoa…..back from dinner.
    burger king or buffet?
    burger king or buffet?

    actually was gonna skip the dinner and do some work. half way through the work the stomach said, “skip dinner! wot! you kidding me!”

    needless to say stomach won out with his cries of hunger as he was in pain.

    oh, buffet won too. hey, its in the same place okay.

    salad bar
    fresh fruit
    stir fry noodles
    sweet n sour pork
    pot roast (to die for, really)
    tempura bar w/ shrimp, ika rings da size of hawn bracelet, veg
    miso shiru
    dessert table featuring dobash, pineapple upside downcake, coco cake, and soft serve.

    oh, and did i forget to mention sushi bar too. tobiko roll, spicy ahi, kogai roll, tako, ika, inari, maki, cali rolls, tamago, ahi, unagi, and my fav hamachi.

    really only 25 bucks! cattle call!!!!

    ps duffer next week we bring the boy to this place it won’t disappoint. maybe nanook will be back in town, too.

  113. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:30 pm

    Hmmmmmm – It must be about 2800 miles, HNL-LAS. So at $3.80/gal, that’s $10.6k each way! Even if you carpool w/ four peeps, that’s over $5k R/T each! Hey – air travel is a bargain even at these inflated prices! 😀 😯 😆

  114. al September 24, 2008 8:31 pm

    the truth is ronnie i was just pulling your leg about the wrong camellia you see i am on the no kaoi isle.

    and ltuh, no i do not venture to the darkside. its only for retirees and engineers.

  115. jm2375 September 24, 2008 8:31 pm

    Kekoa – replied to your email. So, where’s my coco puff? 😀

  116. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:34 pm

    al – WHAT!?! You ate at the buffet for lunch AND dinner?!? 😯 🙄 😯

  117. al September 24, 2008 8:34 pm

    the truth is mr. tsai i only report what i see and what the little birdie whispers in my ears.

    check out rob’s 10 oclock news please.
    but, you do know that i have long learned that you mr. tsai is the truth. did i not hang that moniker upon you like two years ago when i first questioned you only to find out that you were the source of the truth, thus, calling you the truth. (bowing as i utter these words)

  118. BG September 24, 2008 8:36 pm

    Top of the evening to da gang!

    Doris, are you lurking? If get time, please call me (381-9334) and let me know if the National Guard ever got back to you. Thanks

  119. al September 24, 2008 8:41 pm

    brew…..come on now. i am not that good.

  120. BG September 24, 2008 8:43 pm


    Thanks for digging out the facts. Can’t make good decisions without da faks. Main thing is to put out there what we want to do…sometimes, what shows up is really amazing…

  121. d1島: September 24, 2008 8:45 pm

    Thanks for doing the math on that one. I guess the Mrs. and I will wait until next month to start checking the airfares.
    btw, reminded me (and I’m sure tommui will also recall) of JPL’s reply to Lazlo Toth’s letter about driving to Mars.
    “At 55 mph, it would take about 8 million hours. That’s about 10 centuries – sounds like a good trip. Bon Voyage.” 😀

  122. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:45 pm

    I wonder how whitey is doing “fishing” in Nevada? Anyone else think that LV and whitey could pass as brothers? 😯 😕 😀

  123. duffer September 24, 2008 8:46 pm

    Hey BG,

    We can always sell portuguese sausage, sweet bread, coffee cakes, car washes and such to defray expenses! 🙂

  124. al September 24, 2008 8:47 pm

    so for all you old folks out there and jason….it is good to listen to the beatles once in awhile.

    when is that last time you heard “day tripper”, “don’t let me down”, or “and i love her”?

  125. duffer September 24, 2008 8:48 pm


    I said the same thing over a year ago!

  126. al September 24, 2008 8:48 pm


  127. chawan_cut September 24, 2008 8:50 pm

    tonight’s news

  128. d1島: September 24, 2008 8:50 pm

    If I Fell….

  129. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:51 pm

    Just a quick observation. – Airfares were quite reasonable to the PNW this past month despite the inflated fuels costs. I think Sept. is a slow period after the Summer and “back-to-school” rush. Hopefully, that pattern will hold next Sept. and allow reasonable airfares to the PNW. Travelers will have to find low-cost routes to/from LV. 😀

  130. al September 24, 2008 8:51 pm

    d1…yah, that’s one of my fav too.

  131. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:55 pm

    Wait – I’m asking too many questions! Which question(s) are you guys responding to? al says “no” and duffer says he “said the same thing” last year – regarding lv and whitey looking like bros? 😯 😀 😆

  132. brew808 September 24, 2008 8:58 pm

    Oops – sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt al and d1島 exchanging Beatle ballads to each other…. 😳 😆 😳

  133. al September 24, 2008 8:59 pm

    brew…next thing you will be saying is that lizk and gigi are sisters.

  134. d1島: September 24, 2008 8:59 pm

    I’m pondering making the drive from PHX. Been chkg fares to Sky Harbor; big diff compared to LV.
    Anyone done that drive?

  135. d1島: September 24, 2008 9:01 pm

    This Boy. Don’t hear that one much

  136. al September 24, 2008 9:01 pm

    brew…here’s one for you.

    “won’t please, please help me, help me, help me …..”

  137. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 9:01 pm

    Hey, Kelli:
    Lesson No. 1. Don’t lend your school books to anyone.

  138. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 9:02 pm

    My eyes hurt. I’m filled with useless San Jose State trivia.
    And tomorrow I get to collect more. I’ve got another phone interview. Hopefully, it will be better timing than today, when I had to do a phone interview on the Pali Highway.

  139. brew808 September 24, 2008 9:03 pm


    Actually, there was that one instance when I made that mistake and caught plenty flack over it!!! 😀 😯 😆

    d1島MeiLing lives (use to) north of there and did that drive all the time (I think). She’d be a good source to ask. 😀

  140. al September 24, 2008 9:05 pm

    listen do you want to know a secret………..?

  141. brew808 September 24, 2008 9:06 pm

    ST – Do you have a BlueTooth wireless adapter? It’s now illegal to use a hand held cell phone AND to text message while driving in CA. But you knew that already…. 😀

  142. al September 24, 2008 9:06 pm

    okay, i heard that sjsu has a wealth of donors waiting to pound the program some new money but, the product has just not delivered.

  143. brew808 September 24, 2008 9:09 pm

    I like this one….

  144. brew808 September 24, 2008 9:14 pm

    hey d1島 – Re: your #134 post

    That might be a nice limo/bus ride from PHX to LAS with las vegas-san driving or in-charge of the transportation! Probably good eats and a floor show too! 😀 😯 😆

  145. d1島: September 24, 2008 9:15 pm

    Thanks. I had e-mailed MeiLing about that and I’ll talk to her about it when she gets here.
    Anyone know if she’s going to be here this week?

  146. al September 24, 2008 9:15 pm

    too bad mojo’s not around he would like this stuff.

  147. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2008 9:36 pm

    my phone, for some reason, can’t send text messages.
    i get a lot of incoming texts, but i can’t respond.

  148. d1島: September 24, 2008 9:38 pm

    maybe it’s your service plan?

  149. d1島: September 24, 2008 9:39 pm

    al, duffer,
    sent you mail

  150. Stretch September 24, 2008 9:40 pm

    September 24th, 2008 at 8:31 pm
    and ltuh, no i do not venture to the darkside. its only for retirees and engineers.

    I am sensing jealousy again….

  151. al September 24, 2008 9:43 pm

    and engineers have all night passes.

  152. Stretch September 24, 2008 9:49 pm

    and engineers have all night passes. until the phone call comes…..

  153. J September 24, 2008 9:59 pm

    Text messaging ban starts in January 2009 in California.

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has banned motorists from sending, writing or reading messages on electronic devices starting Jan. 1.

    Hmm…reading directions on GPS units? Hmm…

  154. bighilofan2 September 24, 2008 10:03 pm

    howzit Tsaikos

    looking forward to hanging with you guyz, tgate Sat. wave my bannah, yell at errybody coming outta da tunnel.

    dis is da time to hang onto Ron’s brah. 😀 no mo mistah nice guy 👿

    Go Warriors!

  155. 3-Prong September 24, 2008 10:09 pm

    ST: Thanks for the info. Will pay attention to the sjsu DT too. Our backside is the key for QB comfort level in the pocket. This game is shaping up to be a battle of two team with many similarities (strong D’s,questionable O-line play with a/lack of long plays). Think this game may also boil down to which D forces more turnovers. Go Warriors.

  156. SteveM September 24, 2008 10:14 pm

    hi… finally came out of my Camellia coma…it’s taking me longer and longer to recover 🙁 But a big “Mahalo” to Long Time UH Fan and the gang that came to share lunch time.

    I remember coming home and answering Kazz’s email updates…then waking up in my chair and then waking up in bed. Ahhh… good thing I have a rare Thursday day off tomorrow.

  157. Stretch September 24, 2008 10:16 pm

    ST – does this mean that you guys are getting raises too??

  158. d1島: September 24, 2008 10:26 pm


    Would you consider them “fuel” or “raw material”?

  159. al September 24, 2008 10:44 pm

    and those calls are never endearing ones aren’t they.

  160. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:04 am

    beetle song trivai eh au’wryte I think I’m going to be sad yea, the girl that driving me mad is going away yea….. she got a ticket to ride

  161. SteveM September 25, 2008 12:06 am

    Got a call from Peaches this morning. They have been sightseeing, eating, sleeping and getting up early. She was very happy and excited. Their hotel is 5 blocks from the White House and they mostly walk everywhere.

    Maybe they will meet with Garret for dinner Thursday, but neither has wheels so looks doubtful. Interesting they are both in DC this week and 5 miles and the Potomac river apart.

  162. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:08 am

    must be late couple hours behind but took me some time to read and catch up

    so who’s left or it lights out

  163. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:10 am

    steveM mahalo for putting up the tgate post. looks like much options for the fresno game but das good gives the tsai-ko’s a place to view and enjoy the game.

  164. al September 25, 2008 12:11 am

    stevem….cmon now. bust out the change and get a cab for the ladies.

    koakane….um, beatles discussion was hours ago. its okay. as long as….she loves you, yah, yah, yah.

    actually its marvin gaye hour right now brother, brother. mercy, mercy me you need some sexual healing (go see your boss).

  165. SteveM September 25, 2008 12:16 am

    Speaking in Beatles? Put me down for this one…

    …for all ages. This song and the “Endless Summer” theme makes me think of surfing–gliding across 3-4 foot endless walls…

  166. SteveM September 25, 2008 12:25 am

    Al — I hear my mom and bro’s mom-in-law rides a cab back to the hotel daily, but there are 6 of them– bro, bro’s wife, bro’s mother-in-law, sister, mom, and Peaches.

  167. Kekoa September 25, 2008 12:38 am


    September 24th, 2008 at 8:31 pm
    Kekoa – replied to your email. So, where’s my coco puff?

    Burrrrrppp!…‘cuse me, what was da question again? 😎

  168. Kekoa September 25, 2008 12:40 am

    Oops!…so in a hurry to stuff all da coco puffs down I forgot to do a correct blockquote!

  169. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:43 am

    marvin eh only thing to say is ‘lets get it on’

  170. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:49 am

    patnah coco puff what happened to da saloon pilot crackas crushed in one beeg saimin bowl filled with hot coco? 😯

  171. Kekoa September 25, 2008 12:51 am

    SteveM ~ I just checked your Events Calender and was wondering which 29th of September I should use to go to the Call the Coach or Na Koa lunch. Please advise.

  172. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:51 am

    al already played with my children’s mom so now taking time to blog bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa

  173. koakane™ September 25, 2008 12:55 am

    steveM also please add ralph name to murphy’s list. will keep you posted as to whom will rsvp.

  174. Kekoa September 25, 2008 12:57 am

    Oh Koakane!…Try axe Diana, soon as you mentioned dat dis morning, ho boi I was on a heavy visual of doze days! Throwing things around da pantry lookin’ for dem Saloon Pilots while my cocoa was brewing! Dumped in da Saimin bowl one block buttah…Slurp for one hour, put one serious dent in da kracka can and den go back sleep!

  175. Kekoa September 25, 2008 1:05 am

    Before I porget…Steven Tsai…please check your email for a very important request. (Folks on da mailing list, please do the same).


  176. Ralph September 25, 2008 2:13 am

    last hurdle over, ching field a go….Ching nursery drops protest….

  177. Kekoa (iPhone) September 25, 2008 2:38 am

    Ralph – whoop…whoop…WHOOPIE!
    Big Hilo will be pleased!

  178. Pomai September 25, 2008 2:45 am

    One snap en clear.
    It’s on to WAC play with San Jose St. Next
    6    –    34    Erdman
    9    –    24    SAWARRIOR
    17    –    10    HiFlyer
    19    –    17    wafan
    21    –    10    tommui
    21    –    14    James
    21    –    17    Ralph
    23    –    16    da princess’ classmate
    24    –    21    ai-eee-soos
    24    –    10    LizKauai
    24    –    17    Pomai
    27    –    24    bighilofan2
    27    –    13    koakane
    27    –    9    lab rat
    27    –    17    Unkanesson
    28    –    24    Hoohiki
    28    –    21    Da Punchbowl Kid
    28    –    14    L10pc
    30    –    28    Calvin from Kona
    31    –    28    Glenn
    31    –    13    d1shima
    34    –    31    g-nalo
    34    –    17    mp
    35    –    24    Jack Flash
    35    –    28    Lizkauai
    35    –    31    NEO
    38    –    21    curveball
    41    –    20    Sen. Tsutsui
    48    –    42    Pauoa Boy
    49    –    35    TChahng
    54    –    10    Mike Wedge
    63    –    12    homey

  179. Ronnie September 25, 2008 4:08 am

    Good Morning Tsaiko Family!

    so, can anyone tell me how to get rid of the all blue screen with only some comments in white boxes? I can get a screen shot of it and email it to someone, if that will help…

  180. Ronnie September 25, 2008 4:30 am

    Ok, nevermind… cleared cache and cookies – and everything else and my display is good again. Nothing like a good purge! 😉

  181. Stretch September 25, 2008 5:13 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

    September 25th, 2008 at 4:30 am
    Ok, nevermind… cleared cache and cookies – and everything else and my display is good again. Nothing like a good purge!

    That’s what I do every morning after the first cup of coffee…..

  182. Addahknowsports© September 25, 2008 5:26 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!

  183. Bulla September 25, 2008 5:43 am

    good morning to asports and everyone else,

    have a productive day!

    d1, mahalo for the note, i will wait ‘for the call’ 🙂

    mrs bulla and i will be off to america again this evening. going to watch ‘snowflake’ battle the #17 ranked team in the country, Utah. should be a blast. we’ll be back after the Montana game next weekend, a belated honeymoon for us.

    after we got married in 2006, 2 days later we had 6 high school football players and uncle ana with us headed to San Antonio for the US ARMY Combine for the top 500 Juniors in the country….and that was the beginning of the ride…..wheeeeeeee!

    Have a good day Tsaikos, cheer our WARRIORS to victory!!!

  184. Loa September 25, 2008 5:54 am

    morning gang!

    Bulla – safe travels, say howzit and good luck to all the local boys

    Stretch/Ronnie – i usually get a good purge after too many adult beverages

    Asports – no forget to let us know when you going attend practice, gotta bust out the steel toe

    Pomai – i’ll stick with 59-28 again, thanks

    back to school for me today, hope i can stay awake
    everyone have a safe and happy day

  185. Addahknowsports© September 25, 2008 6:10 am

    Morning Bulla!

    Have a great trip and give our best to the Beast.
    Happy Belated Anniversary!

    Have a safe trip and return. As you say, our locals are not safe without you. Bwahaha.

    Hi Loa!

    No worry, I’ll drop a note on the blog. Maybe I should warn UH, too, so they can bust out the fake turf. This foot of mine can put some mean divots in the ground. Bwahaha.

  186. Bulla September 25, 2008 6:19 am

    Asports and Loa,

    Mahalo for the good word, on a side note, Cameron Higgins wins Offensive Player of the Week for the Big Sky Conference (2 weeks in a row) and brother Jeremy Higgins at SL, was offensive player of the week in Hawaii…..when was the last time that was accomplished?

    good job by the parents raising some qualtiy student-athletes 🙂

  187. bighilofan2 September 25, 2008 9:18 am

    Howzit errybody.

    Just got off the phone with Vincent Ching, his office is 845-2314. His mother is at the 259-5707 no. his is dba Service Contracting. He talked to me long time. He is a Na Koa guy, said Ben Yee knowz him. I going give him chance fo talk to his people.

    I thinking he is a smart guy. Then he tells me he get one lawyer, so I couldn’t really ask him all the questions I like ask him. But he called me a long time. So I get hope the field not going get fixed in 2011. I dunno wat he going do. He sounds like a nice guy. I bet Dennis Sadowski would sound like a nice guy if i called him up.

    All I like do is fix da field now, asap, dis year. An if da UH Procurement Office wen cause sum riff raff, I’d like to know what it is, publicly crucify dem so day no do it samoa; da main ting is dat da people who bidding for UH jobs all get to feel day getting a fair shake. i’m fo dat too. but i’m fo fixin da field now.
    makes all us, da suits and da homeless, feel good about our situations.

    Vince neva tell me his attorney name. said he going talk to his partner. speakin fo myself from what he said today, he sounded sincere. sure hope he reads dis blog and realizes this is bigger than him, his partner, me…. this is about doing the right thing for Warrior Nation. To me, dat means fix da field!!

    Go Warriors.

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