Warriors land O-lineman

Ben Northup, an offensive tackle from Glendora (Calif.) High said he has accepted a 2015 scholarship offer from the Warriors. Here’s what it means:

> On the line: The 2013 recruiting class emphasized receivers; this year’s class focused on defensive backs. It appears the Warriors, with four fifth-year seniors on the offensive line, are seeking blockers for the 2015 class. The Warriors already received commitments from Jordan Agasiva of Mililani High and Eperone Moananu of Tafuna High. Gus Lavaka, who is completing a church mission, also joins in 2015.

> Big time: “I’ve always been a head taller than everyone in my class,” Northup said of his wonder years. “I came into my freshman year of high school around 6-4.” He now is 6 feet 6, and weighs 320 pounds. He said goal is to weigh between 305 and 310 when he enrolls at UH next July.

> TV promotion: The offer had been on the table for weeks. But Northup decided to notify the coaches of his acceptance while watching the telecast of the Warriors’ 17-16 loss to Washington. “I was really impressed with how hard (the Warriors) came out and how hard they fought and how much more physical they were than Washington,” Northup said. “I come from a school where we’re not the best, but our philosophy is we’ll play harder than our opponent. That’s what Hawaii did in that game.”

> Powell power: Defensive line coach Lewis Powell has proven to be an effective recruiter who is well respected on the West circuit.


  1. boolakanaka September 4, 2014 6:13 am

    Morning all! I like what they are doing on the recruiting side…looks strong!

  2. Wes'side Warrior September 4, 2014 6:15 am

    Morning, Gang!

    I had to go to the main page to come back here to see today’s blog.

    Dang, that’s a big kid! What do you guys feed them these days?

  3. Wes'side Warrior September 4, 2014 6:18 am

    Welcome to the Land of Warriors, Ben Northup! Lovin’ the “play harder than our opponent” mantra!

  4. Pomaikaikeolahou September 4, 2014 6:23 am

    Good Morning:

    UH vs Oregone
    13    –    52    Glenn
    13    –    52    jeffdman2000
    14    –    10    ponojr
    17    –    21    Whats Up
    17    –    16    zúqiú mí
    17    –    16    Derek
    18    –    34    C-Pop
    19    –    27    gobows
    19    –    17    begreen
    20    –    19    A-House
    20    –    17    kev-1
    20    –    13    Naks8
    20    –    16    mauiwarrior
    21    –    24    Fei Jai
    21    –    31    SC
    22    –    20    Lurker #8
    23    –    16    Haleakala
    24    –    21    BigWave96744
    24    –    17    boolakanaka
    24    –    21    Ipu Man
    24    –    34    JustAsking
    24    –    10    Pomai
    24    –    06    tom
    24    –    17    Warrior Will
    24    –    23    NotNasti
    26    –    17    mo808
    27    –    35    Chopsueyboy
    27    –    35    hatakeman
    27    –    20    Masatoshi-san
    27    –    17    oldtimer808
    27    –    24    Pcwarrior
    27    –    17    Whats Up
    27    –    10    Joel
    27    –    21    BigFan
    28    –    21    Warrior
    28    –    24    Andrew
    30    –    21    Lawaia
    33    –    31    bowwar
    34    –    24    Darren
    35    –    17    3-Prong
    35    –    17    kawika49
    35    –    17    Z
    36    –    13    Tofuzuke
    38    –    21    AlaWai
    38    –    28    Old School Dave
    38    –    21    wafan
    40    –    21    UHfan808
    42    –    17    azwarrior22
    42    –    24    Tom Thumb
    45    –    10    akuhead2
    45    –    10    Wes’side Warrior
    49    –    17    st. anthony trojan
    49    –    28    TChahng
    56    –    14    d1shima

  5. letsgowarriors September 4, 2014 6:25 am

    what about Tommy Woo and Christian Cronk?

  6. whitey September 4, 2014 6:29 am

    good morning tsaikos.

  7. UHfan808 September 4, 2014 6:30 am


  8. whitey September 4, 2014 6:32 am

    Plus Kamuela Borden. The committed linemen are very good size on both O and D. If da Warriors keep up their performance, the 2015 class might be filled before they are done with this season. Good to hear that the potential recruits are impressed with da Warriors performance.

  9. whitey September 4, 2014 6:34 am

    Col and 3 prong, going back to the north country for some heavy duty cohos.

  10. letsgowarriors September 4, 2014 6:34 am

    I believe Borden is going on a mission first. and hes projected as a DL?

  11. UHfan808 September 4, 2014 6:34 am

    Good morning, Tsai-kos!

    Welcome Ben Northup! I love your philosophy!

    Good going, Coach Powell – Sounds like a great fit!

    Thank you for the great news, ST!

  12. Da Punchbowl Kid September 4, 2014 6:56 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 😉

    Absolutely love all of our recruits, but especially happy when the big guys sign! Way to go coaches.

    Give these new line men a couple of years with Nae’ole, Beemer and the others and watch what happens!


  13. Slugger September 4, 2014 7:10 am

    Good morning, gang!

    Hoo-rah! Welcome, Mr. Northrup!

  14. A-House September 4, 2014 7:17 am


    I sta envi U – what is your Coho weight goal for this trip? Catch a big one for the Tsaikos – smoke um and bring um to a tailgate – invite Duffer!!

    Area you folks will be fishing?

  15. A-House September 4, 2014 7:18 am

    Woo and Cronk are still “floating” – earlier post that they committed is still valid?

  16. A-House September 4, 2014 7:24 am

    I’m sure that the NFL scouts were watching the “pre-season” first team nose tackle from Washington (Shelton)

    I do hope that they were paying attention to his cross line blocker ( Urban ) – he did not have any pre-season fall camp, came in and practiced for 2 days, made all the right blocking assignments/call, and still kept Shelton from creating havoc with UH’s offense

    truly says a lot for Urban!!!

    next year, as a senior, he may get the starting call and be an excellent mentor to Chung

  17. haka September 4, 2014 7:35 am

    Aloha Ben!
    Already a Warrior!
    Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!
    Go Warriors!
    Dam da Beavahs!

  18. 310Braddah September 4, 2014 7:45 am

    UH 23 OSU 17

  19. 3-Prong September 4, 2014 7:52 am

    Aloha and Welcome Ben!

  20. tom-warriornation September 4, 2014 7:56 am

    We have 100-300 Hawaii fans going to the road games at Colorado, Rice, SDSU, SJSU and Fresno–sitting at the 50 yard line right behind our Warrior bench. If you want to join us, email me: tomkitaguchi@yahoo.com

  21. hatakeman September 4, 2014 8:31 am

    I am anxiously waiting for Coach Powell to land two or three good defensive tackles.

  22. jeezy33 September 4, 2014 8:44 am

    19. You have to account for Gus Lavaka considering he will return from his mission and count against this recruiting class. Can’t say I know if he’s good but he is large. But we definitely need 1 more Nose Tackle with Moses graduating. Friel looks pretty solid but we need to add depth there.

  23. pollypicador September 4, 2014 8:57 am

    Shelton was in on 12 tackles, 6 solos, 2 sacks, 3 tackles for losses.

    That’s impressive. That’s a big disruption.

    Statistically I would define this player’s performance as causing *havoc.*

    For the most part this player also contained the QB from running with the ball.

  24. tommui September 4, 2014 9:08 am


  25. green-n-black September 4, 2014 9:14 am

    AN ADVANCED REQUEST FOR THE UNI GAME ON THE 13th….I do not live where pay per view is offered. Please… I beg the patrons of this blog to put a link to the game on vipbox aka vipstand so that fans such as myself can watch the Warriors!! thank you.

  26. MattyBoy September 4, 2014 9:18 am


    What do you think Hawaii’s chances are against Oregon state?

  27. green-n-black September 4, 2014 9:21 am

    AN ADVANCED REQUEST FOR THE UNI GAME ON THE 13TH. I do not live where pay per view is being offered. Please, someone post a feed to vip box aka vip stand. Know that you will have provided a valuable service to your fellow Warrior fans who cannot access pay per view. All I can offer in return is that I will continue to donate to Na Koa. Thank you.

  28. green-n-black September 4, 2014 9:22 am

    excuse the double post. mahalo

  29. (Jesse)James September 4, 2014 9:27 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos…

    Welcome to the Warriors Mr. Northrup….From what I’ve read, I like his attitude. 🙂

  30. (Jesse)James September 4, 2014 9:30 am

    And just a reminder…and I’m sure Sailor Blue will say something too…

    Tsaiko T-Gate is this Saturday again. If you haven’t been to one, even if you are just a lurker, come on down to one…introduce yourself and join in on the fun…. 🙂
    As usual, we’ll be there around 9 a.m. and grilling starts around 10:30. As always, good food, good friends, and good fun.

    Per yesterday’s post from Pomai….MadDog come on down for a visit….

    Hope to see lots of you guys there again this weekend….. 🙂

  31. jeezy33 September 4, 2014 9:30 am

    23. If Woolsey doesn’t turn it over again, you would think our chances have to be pretty good. We were tied at half time last year on the road with a much less talented team. No Brandin Cooks to worry about. 40k fans show up and it should get loud. So if we don’t turn it over, i like our chances.

  32. HiFlyer September 4, 2014 9:56 am


  33. HiFlyer September 4, 2014 10:03 am

    Off subject: RIP Joan Rivers

  34. Kapahulu September 4, 2014 11:00 am

    Hawaii 31
    Oregon State 28

  35. Andrew September 4, 2014 11:04 am


    Hopefully with the defense having a game under their belt they can get a turnover or two also which will definitely help out the chances for an upset.

  36. Kapahulu September 4, 2014 11:07 am

    The game against The Washington Huskies at Aloha Stadium was a lot of fun.
    The UH Defense really fired up the crowd. The UH Coaches and players said that they heard and really appreciated the cheers and support.

    I taped and watched the replay on TV, and the crowd noise and enthusiasm is something that you really have to be there live to enjoy.

    This years Defense is reminder of the glory years Defenses of the past.
    Hawaii fans seem to get more excited about Defense than Offense,especially on a big third down stop or a sack.

    Looking forward to Saturdays game.

  37. Chopsueyboy September 4, 2014 11:29 am

    Turned in H-Zone vouchers at Stan Sheriff Arena ticket office for this Saturday football game. Easy & quick, loading zone parking & no line at box office. They allowed $40 voucher to obtain $50 sideline upperdeck seats. Chose makai sided to enjoy shade during game. Go Rainbow Warriors!

  38. Inyoface September 4, 2014 11:33 am

    Wonder if Graham can be put in some package formations. Hmm

  39. Chopsueyboy September 4, 2014 11:50 am

    Please correct my prediction Hawaii 35 – OSU 27

  40. hatakeman September 4, 2014 12:02 pm

    Jeezy, I believe Gus Lavaka was recruited as an OL. And there isn’t anyone behind Calen Friel with playing experience after Moses Samia and Marcus Malepeai complete their eligibility.

  41. leron September 4, 2014 12:07 pm

    Anyone traveling/planning to travel to SDSU game in October. A certain airline has round trip fares for $415 which I believe is pretty dang cheap. Hint: the airline’s name begins with a “U”

  42. blaxican September 4, 2014 12:22 pm

    I think another goof game defensively. But in the end a loss 20-17.

  43. st. anthony trojan September 4, 2014 12:24 pm


    air fare…hotel…ticket to game…for under 1,000 bucks…plus a few bucks for shopping..extra…

  44. jeezy33 September 4, 2014 12:25 pm

    38. It doesn’t matter what he was initially recruited for. When u look at our depth at guard, waa, tupai, allen, tui eli, rasmussen, hollis, etc, and u factor in Gus lavaka size, he will be used at nose tackle.


  45. jeezy33 September 4, 2014 12:27 pm

    We prob do need 2 more though.. one jc guy and high school..

  46. Derek September 4, 2014 12:49 pm

    It will be a close one on Saturday. Oregon State has the better QB by far in Mannion. But, he’s a statue so maybe the Hawaii front 7 can get some sacks. And there is no more Brandin Cooks. Assuming we don’t make stupid mistakes and don’t turn the ball over I’ll call it:

    Hawaii – 17
    Oregon State – 16 and take the very generous points.

  47. bowwar September 4, 2014 1:02 pm

    I hope UH recruits a “top shelf” running back next year along with a WR with blazing speed. Problem is everyone else is also looking for players like that.

  48. jimmy the lock September 4, 2014 1:12 pm

    Yeah, need receivers with Flash speed but without the Roberto Duran hands.

    And welcome Ben.

  49. kawika49 September 4, 2014 1:32 pm

    I would look at the track team and find the fastest 2 trackmen. Then find out if they can catch. No need routes, just go as fast as the can along sideline, then look back after behind their man.

  50. SteveM September 4, 2014 1:33 pm

    Planning to attend a UH road game this year?
    If so, please post here and email me any other details (hotel, ETA, stadium section/row, have car, etc.

    As usual I will connect all attendees for a given game via email a week before the game so you can OPTIONALLY exchange more contact info and get-together logistics among yourselves. Also note if you are on a Panda tour, which I think is the only organized travel agency tour so far. The current listing is at:


  51. Ipu Man September 4, 2014 1:37 pm

    Ben Northup would make a mighty fine running back to replace Joey
    when he gets drafted…

  52. chopsueyboy September 4, 2014 1:41 pm


    SDSU game, airline flying direct to San Diego or LAX?
    Planning on seeing Anaheim Ducks home opener the day before UH football game.

  53. jimmy the lock September 4, 2014 1:46 pm

    The track team only have women. Need to check if they want to play football.

  54. chopsueyboy September 4, 2014 1:46 pm


    is the cheap airline fare direct to San Diego or LAX?
    Planning to to go Anaheim Ducks home opener the day before UH game

  55. kawika49 September 4, 2014 1:50 pm

    Follow up to my #49 I would use one of them on every play early to gas out the corners early; then bring out the real receivers.

  56. 3-Prong September 4, 2014 2:05 pm

    Key to the game: Turning Manion into a Minion with Preshah!

  57. kawika49 September 4, 2014 2:06 pm

    Would open up that side for a quick screen, end around, or sweep.

  58. kawika49 September 4, 2014 2:13 pm

    Jimmy, didn’t know we had no men. Then again a wahine would be nice.

  59. kawika49 September 4, 2014 2:14 pm

    And I am sure the Corners would enjoy, the gassers.

  60. (Jesse)James September 4, 2014 2:48 pm

    Kawika…yeah, due to Title IX only women’s track and field and women’s soccer. No men’s soccer or track and field at UH

  61. boolakanaka September 4, 2014 2:51 pm

    Who is the genius at NC State, that did not want Russell Wilson back for another year and allow him to transfer to WI????

  62. kawika49 September 4, 2014 3:14 pm

    #58 Well JJ, there must be at least one, stalking horse at UH, that can run the 40, faster than 4.2.

  63. hatakeman September 4, 2014 4:15 pm

    Oregon St Alumni and current chancellor for the University of Hawaii – West Oahu, Rockne Freitas, has been named honorary team captain for the Warriors this Saturday. Hope this brings us ‘maikai pomaikai.’

  64. Boolakanaka September 4, 2014 4:54 pm

    Onipa’a Warriors! Packers getting schooled by the Hawks….

  65. hatakeman September 4, 2014 5:04 pm

    Check out the Arizona – University 9f Texas-San Antonio game on Oceanic 214. Arizona leads UTSA 26-23 in 4th Q with 5 min in game.

  66. leron September 4, 2014 5:16 pm

    #54 planning to connect in la to San Diego so I’m guessing to LA is comparable if you book now

  67. kawika49 September 4, 2014 5:59 pm

    Main thing no, delay of the game type penalties.

  68. NYUH September 4, 2014 6:22 pm

    ST: Nice job on Inside Access!

  69. NYUH September 4, 2014 6:31 pm

    Hey, for those of us overseas. Keep those videos flowing to Youtube. Hawaii Bowl!

  70. Warrior World September 4, 2014 6:58 pm

    FYI, new story on the site about Simon Poti: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/football/poti-a-threat-on-defense/

  71. Chicken Grease September 4, 2014 7:03 pm

    Ore’ St. practicing @ Aloha Stadium today.

  72. Bryson September 4, 2014 7:11 pm

    I’m sorry but having Freitas as an honorary capt vs his alma mater is a stupid idea and a slap to those who have donned a Rainbow Warrior uniform.

  73. Pomaikaikeolahou September 4, 2014 7:22 pm

    Good Night:

    UH vs Oregone
    13    –    52    Glenn
    13    –    52    jeffdman2000
    14    –    10    ponojr
    17    –    21    Whats Up
    17    –    16    zúqiú mí
    17    –    16    Derek
    18    –    34    C-Pop
    19    –    27    gobows
    19    –    17    begreen
    20    –    19    A-House
    20    –    17    kev-1
    20    –    13    Naks8
    20    –    16    mauiwarrior
    21    –    24    Fei Jai
    21    –    31    SC
    22    –    20    Lurker #8
    23    –    16    Haleakala
    23    –    17    310Braddah
    24    –    21    BigWave96744
    24    –    17    boolakanaka
    24    –    21    Ipu Man
    24    –    34    JustAsking
    24    –    10    Pomai
    24    –    06    tom
    24    –    17    Warrior Will
    24    –    23    NotNasti
    26    –    17    mo808
    27    –    35    hatakeman
    27    –    20    Masatoshi-san
    27    –    17    oldtimer808
    27    –    24    Pcwarrior
    27    –    17    Whats Up
    27    –    10    Joel
    27    –    21    BigFan
    28    –    21    Warrior
    28    –    24    Andrew
    30    –    21    Lawaia
    31    –    28    Kapahulu
    33    –    31    bowwar
    34    –    24    Darren
    35    –    17    3-Prong
    35    –    27    Chopsueyboy
    35    –    17    kawika49
    35    –    17    Z
    36    –    13    Tofuzuke
    38    –    21    AlaWai
    38    –    28    Old School Dave
    38    –    21    wafan
    40    –    21    UHfan808
    42    –    17    azwarrior22
    42    –    24    Tom Thumb
    45    –    10    akuhead2
    45    –    10    Wes’side Warrior
    49    –    17    st. anthony trojan
    49    –    28    TChahng
    56    –    14    d1shima

  74. 808WarriorFan September 4, 2014 7:42 pm

    GO ‘BOWS…..

  75. 808WarriorFan September 4, 2014 10:42 pm

    Bryson (#72)…you have a right to your opinion so let me give your mine. Back in the days when guys like R0ckne Freitas & “Skippa” Diaz played football UH had what was almost an intramural team. Can’t blame the best in those days to go to the mainland. It’s another story these days. Apparently there is one thing about Rockne Freitas that you have either forgotten or are not aware of…he was one of the forces behind the scenes that helped Hawaii get into the Mountain West. If it wasn’t for UHWO Chancellor Freitas and a few others, Hawaii would have become a small college team or have none at all. ALL OF US WARRIOR FAITHFUL OWE “THE ROCK” A HUGE MAHALO & he deserves to be an Honorary UH Capt. Hope he brings us good luck !!!!!

  76. pollypicador September 5, 2014 12:15 am

    The choosing of honorary captains by Chow is ceremonious.

    The honoree gives the team a pep speech. Flips a coin. Photo-ops. Stands on the sidelines. Usually this individual is a former player or somebody outside the school that is well respected.

    Chow’s criterions of whom he chooses as honorary captain probably met the blessings of his players, alumni and school. That’s all that count.

    Forget about what pool Chow chooses from. He makes the right choices. Freitas is a great choice. How can anyone say no? He’s iconic. He has a storied history. And he is well respected. Forget about the OSU hat Freitas wore almost 50 years ago. The main thing is the UH hat he is wearing now. Plus if anything, I would think, it’s the OSU side that should be slighted.

  77. Chicken Grease September 5, 2014 12:25 am

    pollypicador⁠ September 5, 2014 at 12:15 am⁠

    The choosing of honorary captains by Chow is ceremonious.

    Well, whatever it is, it sure isn’t helping the team win games. He should stop this practice — if they start winning a little more, maybe Chow won’t have to do this at all.

  78. pollypicador September 5, 2014 12:46 am

    That’s how CG just do-do my post.

    Right about now you should be pleasing your prized hen instead of coming on here and defecating.

  79. boolakanaka September 5, 2014 5:23 am

    Good Morning All–

  80. akuhead2 September 5, 2014 5:25 am

    Attention please !
    I did not post that score of 45 – 10. There must have been a mistake.
    Please remove that score and post my prediction as: 30 – 17.

  81. boolakanaka September 5, 2014 6:08 am

    More intelligence from the Portland/Oregon papers–forward to our security analysts–see: http://www.oregonlive.com/beavers/index.ssf/2014/09/five_things_to_watch_from_oreg_1.html#incart_river

  82. Bryson September 5, 2014 6:12 am

    What I’m saying in regards to choosing Honorary Captains is that an alumnus who actually went to Hawaii or Someone Who has done something positive for Hawaii should be on that field…Yes Rockne Freitas was one of the people who approved our move into the MWC but let’s also not forget the stipulations that were agreed upon like travel subsidies, I don’t believe any other member of the MWC pays these even the programs who joined after us…And let’s be honest a big reason we looked attractive at the time was the success the Team had during that season…As for wearing UH colors he gets a paycheck for that

  83. boolakanaka September 5, 2014 6:26 am

    I can appreciate what Bryson is saying, and no doubt Rockne is a fine, not scratch that, a great man. But, we have many worthy ex bows—Alex Kaloi comes to mind, Blaine Gaison another, or how about a modern player like Shawn Ching–all fantastic role models.

  84. cocobean September 5, 2014 7:30 am

    How about “the peoples choice.’

  85. Buffoman September 5, 2014 7:30 am

    I was under the impression that Rockne was one of two that Coach Chow had asked to be honorary captains for this game. Rockne and Skippa. These men did not go to UH but their subsequent contributions to the State and UH, directly and indirectly have been tremendous and most worthy of recognition.

    Skippa will now be watching from another place, and I am happy that he was selected with Rockne. It is just a bit sad that he is not at the stadium with Rockne as yet another proud son of the State of Hawaii to be recognized and acknowledged.

  86. Pomaikaikeolahou September 5, 2014 7:31 am

    Good Morning:

    13    –    52    Glenn
    13    –    52    jeffdman2000
    14    –    10    ponojr
    17    –    21    Whats Up
    17    –    16    zúqiú mí
    17    –    16    Derek
    18    –    34    C-Pop
    19    –    27    gobows
    19    –    17    begreen
    20    –    19    A-House
    20    –    17    kev-1
    20    –    13    Naks8
    20    –    16    mauiwarrior
    21    –    24    Fei Jai
    21    –    31    SC
    22    –    20    Lurker #8
    23    –    16    Haleakala
    23    –    17    310Braddah
    24    –    21    BigWave96744
    24    –    17    boolakanaka
    24    –    21    Ipu Man
    24    –    34    JustAsking
    24    –    10    Pomai
    24    –    06    tom
    24    –    17    Warrior Will
    24    –    23    NotNasti
    26    –    17    mo808
    27    –    35    hatakeman
    27    –    20    Masatoshi-san
    27    –    17    oldtimer808
    27    –    24    Pcwarrior
    27    –    17    Whats Up
    27    –    10    Joel
    27    –    21    BigFan
    28    –    21    Warrior
    28    –    24    Andrew
    30    –    17    akuhead2
    30    –    21    Lawaia
    31    –    28    Kapahulu
    33    –    31    bowwar
    34    –    24    Darren
    35    –    17    3-Prong
    35    –    27    Chopsueyboy
    35    –    17    kawika49
    35    –    17    Z
    36    –    13    Tofuzuke
    38    –    21    AlaWai
    38    –    28    Old School Dave
    38    –    21    wafan
    40    –    21    UHfan808
    42    –    17    azwarrior22
    42    –    24    Tom Thumb
    45    –    10    Wes’side Warrior
    49    –    17    st. anthony trojan
    49    –    28    TChahng
    56    –    14    d1shima

  87. Pomaikaikeolahou September 5, 2014 7:35 am

    Team captains: This would be a good opportunity for them(UH) to engage the Alumni, let them make the pick for the honorary captain to make them feel like they are still appreciated.

  88. Shoko September 5, 2014 7:44 am

    I think BJ Penn was an honorary captain in the past and I don’t think he went to UH.

    It doesn’t sound like attending UH is part of the criteria for being an honorary captain these days.

  89. kawika49 September 5, 2014 7:47 am

    Where’s the ding ding ding or better yet, the ding dang wala wala bing bang?

  90. 3-Prong September 5, 2014 8:15 am

    Braddah Kawika, if you don’t know by now, you in trouble!! hehe

    Happy Aloha Friday from Paradise er’body. Have a good one.

  91. Shoko September 5, 2014 8:25 am

    Norm Chow Inside Access show for the mainland folks courtesy for Irse.

  92. NorthShoreFan September 5, 2014 8:50 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootful day.

    #87…Pomai…excellent idea.

  93. boolakanaka September 5, 2014 8:53 am

    Bruddha 3-Prong, I see your cats don’t play for a couple more weeks, in fact you guys have an intra-squad schedule for this weekend. Until then you can read up on your guys new recruirts: http://www.linfield.edu/sports/release.html?id=5464&sport=fb

  94. 3-Prong September 5, 2014 9:06 am

    Tanks eh boo! Tou hear that d1, we releading. GoCats!

  95. Maddog50 September 5, 2014 9:06 am

    I will do my best to find u guys getting some help from Kim from Na Koa todAy over lunch. Saw some Beaver fans on a morning stroll can’t repeat my parting words!!

  96. Ipu Man September 5, 2014 9:07 am

    Sure wish you Tsai would have “thumbs up” and “down” by each comment
    as some are really good. Is it that hard for your geek to do??? 🙁

  97. Andrew September 5, 2014 9:13 am

    Does anyone know if any websites will have the game replay of the UH OSU game? I will be on the mainland this weekend and will be unable to watch the live broadcast. Plus stupid me forgot to DVR it at home..haha

  98. Stephen Tsai September 5, 2014 9:14 am

    Ding, ding, ding.
    New post is up. (For real)

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