Tulimasealii pleads no contest to 6 charges

Defensive tackle Kennedy Tulimasealii today pleaded no contest to:

> A Class C felony count of property damage
> Misdemeanor counts of assault and resisting arrest
> Petty misdemeanor counts of property damage and harassment

His attorney, Michael Green, is requesting a deferral. If granted, Tulimasealii would have an oportunity to avoid conviction and have the charges cleared from his record if he stays out of trouble for a specified period of time.

The prosecution is objecting to a deferral.

Circuit Court Judge Christine Kuriyama has scheduled a sentencing hearing for Aug. 24, at which time she will rule on the deferral request.

The Warriors depart Aug. 20 ahead of the Aug. 27 opener against California in Australia. It is unlikely Tulimasealii, who remains on suspension from football-related activities, will be able to play in that game.


  1. Pupule June 14, 2016 12:29 pm

    Ekahi !!

  2. Pupule June 14, 2016 12:37 pm

    Auwe Kennedy.

    After the court has made a decision, please work on getting your act together . You were a role model for my son, he was as disappointed as me.

    Turn it around, take care of the anger issue, reach out and volunteer in the community, Hooponopono & earn your way back to being a role model.

    I believe in giving a second chance to those who made mistakes. I don’t believe in 3rd or 4th chance. One mulligan is all you get.

    You can still be a contributor to this team, the team that represents Hawai’i and all of Polynesia. I know that’s important to you isn’t it?

    Yes, it is, no need say nothing. Imua.


  3. NorthShoreFan June 14, 2016 12:42 pm

    Guud Afternoon Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!
    You da judge, deferral or light sentence? most minor stuff but prop damage over certain $ is automatic.
    If restitution made den….

    Akamai…yes I tink gotta practice little bit..start loosening the vocal cords..and do your elbow curls…

  4. Ipu Man June 14, 2016 1:29 pm

    Actually a blessing for Rolo. If deferred, UH can unleash
    Defensive tackle Kennedy Tulimasealii on Michigan and Arizona.
    Go Bows. Bang! Stay, Tuli, Stay 🙂

  5. SC June 14, 2016 2:57 pm

    Remember the prosecutor opposed the DAG plea. Therefore, the Honorable Christine Kuriyama may not grant the DAG plea especially with multiple counts and events.

  6. Akamai Okole June 14, 2016 4:46 pm

    Great Afternoon All!

    August 27 is not that far away. 🙄

  7. H-Man June 14, 2016 5:11 pm

    Since Charter Spectrum has purchased Oceanic Time-Warner, what happens to the contract that UH Athletics has with Oceanic Cable for the television rights of UH sports?

  8. 3-Prong June 14, 2016 11:02 pm

    Kids do stupid things when they are young and deserve second chances. (I did stupid things but luckily was never caught. Who among us hasn’t). He has plead no contest and is asking for another chance. I say give it to him. If he messes up again, he will sleep in the bed he made.

    Go Bows.

  9. SteveM June 14, 2016 11:03 pm

    Wow… top 10! Slow day.
    …actually, I should be top 8 pretty soon.

  10. SteveM June 14, 2016 11:08 pm

    3-prong — that is not the real al in #8 & 9.
    I can relate to your comment though, and I’ll still make top 10 after ST gets here. 🙂

  11. cappie the dog June 15, 2016 4:35 am

    Kaeo Aliviado is playing for Evansville in the Frontier League.

    In 63 at-bats, Aliviado hit two home runs and drove in ten runs.

    BA/OBP: .245/.349

    Patrick Scalabrini went through the Frontier League and eventually was signed by the Cubs.

    Some team will sign him.

    Maybe only Erik Evans was a better defensive center-fielder.

  12. Shoko June 15, 2016 6:49 am

    I don’t think KT will be reinstated while the deferral, if granted, is in effect. He might be out for the season. I think a year away from football will be good in helping him reevaluate and focus on what’s important.

    Wish him the best of luck.

  13. Sangamon Keith June 15, 2016 6:59 am

    I would suspend KT for the entire season, red shirting him for the next year. That way he is punished by UH and he can focus on being a better person. #1 he needs to take anger management courses … UH should require this. #2 he can leave or stay … his decision. If he stays, he can graduate and go to NFL or stay and play 2017 season … but no Sydney trip and no trip to the Big House at Michigan. The athletic department and Rolo need to send a message that no one is too important to punish but that second chances are available (for KT it would be to stay on scholarship, get his degree and play in 2017).

  14. st. anthony trojan June 15, 2016 7:26 am

    SC # 5…remember the prosecutor will surely oppose the DAG plea almost always…is their job to do so… even if he/she has a season tickets n member of KOA…It will work itself out…is what he gets paid for…to prosecute…

    There is a process of “shibai” that has to work itself through the system….

    Remember when it first happened… all the doomsayers…were so eloquent in their assessment…that he will not ever play again…now it is reported he won’t be available for the first game…

    Me remember first hand… in a case similar to this…with the state …n the “prosecutor” before the case…walked up to me, introduced himself n told me he will be opposing our request in the hearing…but not to “worry. the verdict will be in our favor”. While it was not in a court of law…it was an experience where me learned all to well the art of “shibai”….

    Hope he learns from the outcome… n have to presume Mr. Rolo will give him a 2nd chance with stipulations…the sport teaches controlled violence n anger on the field of play…and has to be controlled of the field…many can…n there is always a few that have difficulty off the field…here;s hoping…he will in
    his future turn it around for him n his family..

  15. Inyoface June 15, 2016 7:56 am

    We need a new Vili if Vili isn’t in Hawaii anymore!

  16. st. anthony trojan June 15, 2016 8:02 am

    yea # 18….we need sumone to rile up the troops …

  17. Ipu Man June 15, 2016 8:09 am

    Any of those muscle guys guarding the King in the recent
    Kamehameha Parade would do…

  18. SC June 15, 2016 8:09 am

    Number 17.

    I understand your opinion. As a practitioner of 30 years in Hawaii, I have witnessed DAG’s refused by conservative judges. This is a multiple event consolidated case which was bifurcated earlier.

  19. Stephen Tsai June 15, 2016 8:14 am

    New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=37807

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