Suggestions, anyone?
When we checked out of the hotel at 5 this morning — I’m assuming it was 5, since I’m still trying to figure out this time-change deal — the only UH staffer up was head trainer Eric Okasaki.
He’s had a busy season. And last night was no different. Safety Mana Silva was on crutches after the game, and defensive tackle Josh Leonard didn’t play because of the ankle injury.
Eric Okasaki can only do so much. Today’s question is: Is there anything you’d like to see the Warriors do differently?
I know Malcolm Lane is doing a good job on kickoff returns, but I’d like to see Leon Wright-Jackson get a shot there. He’s pretty good in the open field, and he does need a confidence boost.
I think it would be fun to align Inoke Funaki as a running back for a few plays. Two passers in the same backfield would be an intruiging look.
And what about using Tua Mahaley as a receiver in goal-line situations?
What do you think? Constructive comments only, please.
* * *
A woman saw sportscaster Robert Kekaula yesterday, and asked: “Are you Roland?” I don’t see it, but you can be the judge:
* * *
Today is the debut of the Hawai‘i Football School, run by Chad Owens.
The clinics are held every Sunday afternoon at Booth Park in Pauoa. Parking is available at Pauoa Elementary.
The cost is $60 per month. Owens is the main instructor.
Here’s the schedule:
Menehune (ages 5-7) — 1 p.m.
Imua (ages 8-10) — 2 p.m.
Na Koa (ages 11-14) — 3 p.m.
Ali‘i (ages 15-18) — 4 p.m.
For information:
(808) 354-5449
28-21 LizKauai
Just got home a little while ago.
#1 son and I went fishing and caught a bunch of halalu! What a great way to clear the mind and prepare for next Saturday!
And wow, did we have fun at our game party at Brenda and Paulie’s house! A bunch of the guys took their feelings to the golf course afterwards and launched a few drives.
We stayed back and pigged out on lobster and sang karaoke.
The I went fishing. Now I must moemoe!
Sweet Warrior Dreams!
Hi ST!
No suggestions for the team except
Play for each other and for a higher purpose!
And be happy that you were you and not Georgia yesterday.
But better games next week.
they need to start having fun out on the field and play looser. they look so wound up at times. also, i’d like to see another blocker in the backfield to help make up for our trouble pass blocking on the edges.
It seems David Farmer has been used more as a runner than as a blocker.
so, you’re headed home for a few days and then you’re going to Las Cruces? whew, that’s a lovely flight, especially if you fly into El Paso. Give my best to their HC, haha….yeah right.
Warriors need to just buckle down, execute their assignments and it will be ok. no hype, no frills, just basic football, every play and every time. they should come out with a victory over the aggies, but time will tell.
The Salt Lake Tribune has a nice story on the Purple Monsters’ victory over Portland State.
Hi ST,
i just read the article, (hip hip hooray) they mentioned Ryan and his sack, haha.
The Beast actually started and recorded 1 QB sack, 1 TFL and 1 assist; also, on film he was getting into the backfield and creating a little chaos. He had a blast, but was totally ‘spent’ after the game.
Have a safe trip home, we don’t get home until tonight, we leave after lunch and lay over in LA, then back to work.
And for all the Tsaikos still home in Hawaii nei, from both ST and the m/m bulla ohana, ‘….i’ll be back….’ haha
that was my bad, the Standard Examiner for Ogdenwas the article i was referring to. it was the paper that the Marriott delivers to your room, that was the one that has a little more in depth reporting for the Wildcats.
Salt Lake Tribune is a little dry, and the Deseret News leaves a lot to be desired. any news is good news, so i’ll take whatever i can find.
travel safely, God Bless and God Speed
David Veikune either as a short yardage back or as a TE.
The boys just need to execute. If they held on to the football, made some catches that they should have, not have the field goals blocked, etc – they’d have won. Every drive was killed by a mistake. They just need to buckle down, focus and execute.
top 20
how about moving some of the back up DEs to OT(ala Wayne Hunter).
UH needs someone(s) to slow down the speed rushers.
Quentin Beaver as a blocking FB inside the 5 yd line
i hear you about slowing down the DE’s coming in,i can’t believe wedo not have the personnel to accomplish this. if we have to, keep a ‘widebody’ in the backfield to pick it up to buy some more time
IMHO, that’s all
Return Mouton to the defense! Stop trying to change and stick with basics to stop the penalties. Stick with on pure passer. Stop the predictable run play calling. Focus on one game at a time. You can’t go t o a bowl unless you win the game in front of you. Mac, please stay away from play calling on the offense and fix the porous defense. PLEASE!
Funaki in the slot?
Funaki as a RB? Direct snap?
Constructive comments:
1. Stick with Alexander at QB already.
2. Get Funaki some bigger pads, and put him on the field as a slot or RB.
3. The defense seemed to miss Mouton’s speed. Maybe (I no doubt know much less then Coach Miano or Mack, so “maybe”) keep him on defense – he’s our best defender.
4. Be patient everyone. This is an up and down rebuilding year. Let Mack recruit, and get more experience as a head coach.
5. Remember that win or lose, these are still our boys. These are the young men who chose to put on the Hawaii uniform, and like your family, you might get mad at ’em but you still gotta love ’em.
Bulla: congrats on a great year for Weber State and the Beast. Must be exciting times for a proud papa. I kept my eye on the Beast when they played UH, and that kid never stops hustling. That’s what its all about.
my suggestion is to have ALL the haters/naysayers/arm-chair qb’s to either strap it up and get their arse on the field or put on the headset and see if they can call the perfect game!
i understand *chit* coming from trolls. but not from a Tsaiko. I will not name this individual and stoop to his level. You CONTINUE to “throw Inoke under the bus”. If you were Inoke or his family how would you feel constantly reading your cr*p?
First TG was your savior now it’s GA. Whomever it is, as a *fan*, you must support that person. You can’t be jumping off and on the bandwagon. Either you are with us or you are not!
For those who are curious, all you need to do is read yesterday’s posts and decide for yourself. btw, this *bashing* has been ongoing since the beginning of the season…and it’s getting tired and old.
nuff said!
*ok, stepping off the soapbox*
It will be a good morning if we allow it to be.
We are only two hours into the future. Yahoo!!!
Our Warriors could have won that game if they played harder.
It’s as simple as that.
We know what they can do and the Fresno State and Nevada games are evidence of that.
I think I should avoid reading the blog today considering the asking of suggestions to the public. Considering the kind of crap I’ve always seen around the internet following a loss, there will be a few moronic suggestions to be posted here by strangers that have never posted before.
EXACTLY! Those a-holes wanna say they have a “right” to say what they want, well the BETTER fans have to right to tell them to go to hell.
Manoa Mist,
The sad thing for those people that can’t do what you mentioned in your post is that those are the easiest and best things to do after a tough loss like that.
I dunno I guess some people are still in that “teenage” phase of self pity and choose to harp on the negatives.
As it was once said: “you are never as good as you think you are when you win and you are NEVER as bad as you think you are when you lose.”
Being the superstitious guy that I am, I’m not going to put numbers for Pomai’s game. Last couple times were losses. Anything to help right?
Great Morning All!
I woke up this morning feeling “closer” to our mainland Tsaiko brethren – about an hour closer, to be specific.
My only suggestion is to fly Pride. up to El Paso and have him give the team his keys to winning…
Hawaiianbod . . .
Ummmm, had your coffee yet? HA!
I agree with you. Stop the bashing and start the unconditional support! This is when the Warriors need all the positive support they can get.
So, aside of your blood pressure how are you doing?
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
hoboy, nowz my chance.
I agree 100% with VonAppen and Manoa Mist’s comments above. imho:
Alexander the QB for the rest of the year. Put bigger pads on Inoke and him play 2. put bigger pads on a coupla odda guyz 2. keep Ryan on defense, period. and this is a biggie, Coach Ron, work with the JUGS. Coach Mack, stick to defense. Period. Make Ron have total control over the offense so he don’t have any excuse about anybody looking over his shoulders.
But this is my 2 biggest concerns. Coach Nick, 1 your eyes give you away. Show trust in your QB choice. Make GA believe you have trust in him. stop calling him them over to the side. by the second half, everybody, fans included, feel like you walking on eggs. feels like you automatically going into a stall mode. c’mon coach. 2. I not sure if you’re buying what Coach Ron is telling you. If you’re not, then you and he gotta have a big pow wow this week and work that part out. Cuz your eyes give away the vibe that something ain’t right.
what I’d really like to know is, the penalties we got yesterday, were they the result of poor conditioning, poor execution or poor coaching? With so many over the past 9 games, i gotta figure the coaches are not playing excellent chess with our players.
Heck coaches, you’re not the players’ friends, you are their leaders and teachers.
Go Warriors.
Listen, the loss to USU was bad. Put it in perspective. Both UW and WSU lost yesterday (so what else is new). But, the Warriors scored more points than both UW and WSU combined (they both forgot to score).
I can only imagine what the blogs in WA are like regarding those two programs
I would like to see them go with a two-back system in goal line situations. It would allow them to pound it in with more success since there would be a lead blocker. If they decided to pass it in, the lanes wouldn’t be as crowded.
I don’t like the platoon at quarterback. The offense still need to find its identity and they can’t do that by rotating quarterbacks with such contrasting styles of play.
Gotta go. Have a good day everyone.
rgujnz @$:)&:- aghasaaaa £{^¥>|€.,£
kden with dat said about yesterdays game Esme out wooooosh
He Lives!
Looks like a Bible Study is in the works…
As Wafan put it, could be worse, our team could be in Washington. Man, has it ever been that bad for both teams simutainously getting shutout?
Seriously, the team just needs to work on the discipline with mental mistake penalties and catch the ball. Can’t win games with only spike moments.
I know it’s a young coaching staff, so plenty to learn, but have a feeling that a certain coach might not be back next year. ( will keep that nameless.)
New USA Today Poll out:
1. Alabama (40) 9-0 1,498
2. Penn State (14) 9-0 1,437
3. Texas Tech (6) 9-0 1,409
4. Oklahoma (1) 8-1 1,290
5. Florida 7-1 1,268
6. USC 7-1 1,232
7. Texas 8-1 1,227
8. Oklahoma State 8-1 1,066
9. Utah 9-0 1,018
10. Boise State 8-0 958
11. TCU 9-1 862
12. Ohio State 7-2 843
13. Missouri 7-2 794
14. Georgia 7-2 693
15. LSU 6-2 683
16. Brigham Young 8-1 591
17. Michigan State 8-2 516
18. Ball State 8-0 503
19. North Carolina 6-2 359
20. Georgia Tech 7-2 289
21. Maryland 6-2 243
22. California 6-2 192
23. West Virginia 6-2 172
24. Florida State 6-2 150
25. Northwestern 7-2 120
Good morning all…
I’m still in mourning…next Saturday shall be better..
Bighilofan2: found a sports bar Crones? saw the last half of the last quarter yesterday. Went walking after the game and behold saw this brown sign with words ending with ESQ.!!!(smiley face) my name wrong
Be back laters.
d1 if not for going a #2 I would not have said that much about da fiasco yestaday
so @:&($ +%%<!£* ahaaaaaaaaa
Hopefully this loss will only make them better. Sometimes you need to lose to really want to win.
I have a statistical question. How many designed running plays have we gained over 5 yards in the past few games, or this season? Not including QB scrambles.
Wasn’t last week average like 1.5 yards per play. I think we only had one or two plays this week that were over 5 yards.
It seems the short and out passes are the bread and butter right now.
It’s Official: Fred VonAppen reincarnated (Fat Mack) is back. Except for Funaki, this year’s team must be the worst team the UH has fielded in the past 10 years. Leave Alexander in as starter. Keep the losing streak alive. While you’re at it, bring Graunke back so he can demonstrate further his perfected loser techniques. Finally, bring the other guy in to and let him demonstrate what is painfully obvious to all: the receivers and the O Line suck.
It doesn’t matter who QBs the team, if the line will not block and if the receivers will not hold on to the ball, even the best QB in the country will look like an a s s. Poor Funaki.
To all you Polynesian warriors out there thinking about playing for UH: don’t do it. Go play for one of the Pac 10 teams. You will be treated fairly by the Pac 10 coaches. The UH will put you on the bench in favor of community college guys, for no good reason. UH has community college coaches and it shows.
I think it’s time to put the fun back in the games for the Warriors, put in a few trick plays, let the team come up with some, what the hay let’m have some fun out there.
hi JaM
yup, looks like da front of a mortuary! 😀
an the soda and candy is right across the street, plus da dollah movies 2. life is good!
but seriously, about Warrior Nation and Warrior Football…..
Maverick, I not going talk about anybody leaving, cuz might not happen and i like put out positive vibes for every coach on the team.
it is the coaches’ job to get the greatest body of work out of each player. the drops penalties is a reflection of a lack of total concentration on the part of the penalized player. i know the player no like seem like he was outplayed/outspeeded by the opposing player. but if he feeling like he was outplayed/outspeeded by the oppostion, is that because the assignment scheme was no good oh wat? and if its because the assignment scheme was not good enough, or because there was a incorrect recognition of the assignment scheme for the particular situation, why is that? we teaching our guyz so much that they no can handle with what ever else is in their lives? just wondering……
there comes a time in everyone’s life that talking about getting better is not enough. i really wuz hoping we were on our way to become a nationally recognized program. felt like that after FSU an Nevada. then I get reminded by SJSU an UTAH STATE that we got A LONG WAY TO GO…..
but seriously coaches, i know thats not true. you’re doing excellent in recruiting. you’re doing excellent when you’ve felt your backs to the wall. what about taking care of the everyday situations? the daily
UTAH STATE? you gotta act like you’re the coaches. i’ve met you.. you’re good. act like htrsy coaches. it is within each of you. Mack’s got confidence in you. I got confidence in you. We’re counting on you. go go go.. go go go….
Go Warriors!!
Ughhhh!!! What a loss yesterday. Can only hope the Warriors will learn from the lost and rebound next week against NMSU. Remember, “it’s how you finish the season that counts!!!”
Can anybody tell me who the captains on the offense is? I don’t see anyone stepping up and taking a leadership role. I like to see GA step up but with him going in and out…it’s hard to see him step up.
Another note…
I also agree that some of our more talented players are not being used to there best abilities…
Ryan Mouton needs to stay defense period. It showed exactly how valuable he is to the defense this past game. Without him wreaking havoc on the “D” his talent is being wasted! He could be a really good slot, but like his bro K. Mouton stated, he’s inexperienced at receiver and needs to stay on D!
LWJ I’d like to see get a chance to return some kicks and maybe line up at slot too. He needs room to work and obviously our OLine hasn’t allowed him to have that space. To me he is certainly being wasted in this offense and is almost hitting the point of being…overrated, although it isn’t his fault.
Jayson Rego…oh where, oh where has Rego gone, oh where, oh where could he be??? Another waste in an otherwise unproductive backfield. Granted with Kealoha back there we move the ball well. To me this guy should be playing more, a tough runner who can move the chains, what the heo happened to him???
Greg Alexander should be fixated at QB already. Much love for my boy Funaki, but to think forward to next year, what will happen. Are we going to run the same platoon system that has plagued us this year, I think not! Alexander needs the game reps and experience as he’ll be counted on to carry us next year. Funaki should be used like a Kordell Stewart type. Line him up all over the place…slot, backfield, QB, whatever to keep defenses confused! Besides, with Rausch, Jantz, and the rest of the QB’s coming back next year it’ll be more headache trying to figure out the rotation.
Tua Mahaley, should be used in redzone situations on offense, playing receiver before I’m sure his hands and route running are decent. He has the size to be a big target as well…I’m sure he’d be able to out muscle some smaller DB’s in the endzone…
CJS1 lost a bundle Huh?
See kids… this is what happens when your high school coach doesn’t play you and you start having delusions that “if the Coach put me in the 4th we would have won the game and I would have made All-State”. 😆
Any other suggestions as to what YOU think would work you FU*KING FOOTBALL EXPERT YOU?
There, I went down to YOUR level and it feels crappy. How do people like you sleep at night??? After you abuse your wife and kids of course????
He probably lost enough to pull out a 3rd mortgage or probably just another “never-has-been” in his little mind.
He should do a favor to all those around him and go have a couple of drinks and go off-roading at Kaena Point.
1. Put your best defensive player back on defense where he belongs.
2. Don’t run the option with Greg Alexander
3. Release Keao Monteilh or cut him because he should not be playing division 1 football.
4.Hire some real coaches who have experience at the division1 and NFL level. High school coaches don’t cut it.
5. Fire Miano before he has all walk-ons or “favorites” starting in the secondary.
Constructive comments:
1. Call plays on offense as if we are trailing by 2 touchdowns.
2. Use the pass to establish the run,
3. Alexander is the starter at qb.
4. Pick the brains of the defensive coaches to find out what they most fear about the UH offense, and go with that.
5. Continue to use Inoke at qb on special plays with an empty back field and a roll out to allow the receivers to go deep. This should leave a wide open field and make him a more dangerous threat to run.
6. Use Rego at rb. He showed us he’s tough, and we’ve never seen him again.
7. Rotate players to keep them fresh. We should have pressure on their qbs every play.
8. Blitz all night.
9. Mouton on D.
10. Fix the secondary coverages so no man is left exposed for a deep pass.
11. When we face a running team, experiment with 5 guys on the line.
12. Follow Boise State’s example of adding special plays for certain guys so everyone on the team becomes a potential weapon.
13. Experiment with putting a guard in the slot who on the snap of the ball retreats into the backfield, and let Inoke roll toward him. Allow the defense’s nose guard to run through, and when he gets close to Inoke the guard can knock the snot out of the guy, and after doing that several times, the nose guard will probably lose his legs for the rest of the game and not be a factor.
14. Use a few plays where Leon is lined up just as he wants — deep in the backfield with a big blocker type in front.
15. Experiment with more formations.
16. Experiment with Inoke at rb looking to throw.
17. Encourage all the fans who want to fire all the coaches to come out to practice and then recruit them to be the scout team and pound the crap out of them. Hell, the Cubs have lost for 100 years and they have a faithful following all over the country.
18. Keep the offense going vertical, so draw the plays up accordingly.
19. Recruit the next Graham Harrell, the next Michael Crabtree, and a line like that of Texas Tech’s — they probably average 6’6″ and 325.
the community college coach reference was one stink bomb. but even you should know that as long as the coaches are studying, watching film, watching great teams, watching the body language of great coaches, they can become great coaches too. thats what I’m hopeful of, that coach Mack made great choices who will produce, given time.
and as for going away, getting good vibes from PAC 10 coaches, i tell you, its the coach. UW, get Solys ovah there. i wouldn’t put us down. i’d go away for the life experience, not because we don’t have the makings of a great program. Mack is going into the community. the other coaches are going into the community. Warrior football getting backin from UH admin. we got a great AD. Mack is playing alot of players. He’s saving peeps for next year. He just started this year. Its his team now. i give him 3 years. I expect improvement, and you got a right to speak your mind. Temember, Coach hired Tony. This is a team thing. On that level, the grade is A.
Coach Mack is doing great. He’s saving Geordon, letting that part work itself out first in the legal system.
Mack’s gotta address one thing you pointed out, and thats the inferiority complex by a few coaches. you might be right about them trying too hard to overcome their inferiority complex. but they’re in the fire now, and they’re learning .
So when you’re all finished running off your mouth, thats all you did, run off your mouth. you’re not helping Warrior Nation build a better future for all us when you’re encouraging peeps to not show up because all you did was run down some coaches.
Go Warriors!!!
This is the best one I read thus far. Instead of kickoffs, can we pick one out of the bunch for the curbstomp? The ball is placed where their teeth land.
I agree that our secondary without Mouton back there is suspect. Ao Boy has given up too many big plays and he is our last line of defense to the endzone. I’ve seen him miss many a tackles and not wrapping up like he should. It irritates the shit out of me when guys try to de-bo a tackle rather than wrap up and bring down. Yeah it may be exciting to blow a guy up but unless you have a clear shot, make the solid tackle and bring the guy down!
I also agree with recruiting big, athletic lineman that can move the pile. Need to recruit Tackles that can move their feet cause obviously that is our worst part of the Oline. Every opposing DE that plays against us feels like a kid in a candy store waiting to lick the crap out of a lollipop! I hope Kainoa LaCount is as good as advertised.
Anyway, as good as recruiting has gone so far…I still don’t see enough lineman being recruited on both sides of the ball. You can never have enough, so go get em Coach!
I stay as much frustrated as anybody and maybe moa. So no get me wrong but only way I can express wot I saw yestaday is what my faddah always says….. boy if look like manua and smell like manua den son dat gotta be dodo.
pau now esmeeeeeeeee
Spot on! People with no vision like this moron shouldn’t be allowed to breed.
Florida Ted-
You got your wish. They took out the brown guy and put in the white guy. Alex got the start and played most of the game. Despite his prowess, intelligence, and athleticism, UH still got spanked. So much for Alex the Great, huh, Tsai.
Here is a quote from the the sage of football:
November 1st, 2008 at 12:15 pm
So, how idiotic does it look now to let Funaki drive us to nothing?
Your true colors are showing again, Ted, and this time, please don’t bring your innocent grandchildren into again. You must be one of those “undecided” voters in this year’s presidential election, huh?
Being the generous person that I am, I will indulge you in your fantasy. I will agree at this time to your wish that Alex be left in for the remainder of the season. If you truly understood football, as you claim you do, you would understand that the problems at this time rest with the O Line and Receivers. Until this piece of the puzzle is resolved, it won’t matter who is QBing the system. Rolo could be playing at this point and it wouldn’t matter.
I say let the community college QBs play. This way, the Polynesian players will see Mack and Rolo’s true colors, the same colors that resonate clearly and loudly in your posts, Florida. This will allow the Polynesian players considering UH to make an informed decision.
Finally, Higgins, at St Louis, please, whatever you do, please do not go to UH. Go play at Standord, following in the footsteps of Tavita Pritchard or at Oregon, in the footsteps of Moevoa, or at Arizona, in the footsteps of Tuitama. Don’t go to UH. If you do, no matter how good you are, Florida Ted, Mack, and Rolo will want to bench you in favor of Alex the Great or some other person like Alex the Great from the Community College.
It’s always interesting to hear what fans would like to see.
Just a reminder not to cuss. Family blog, you know.
What do you guys think of Chad Owens starting a camp?
Does anyone know why Jayson Rego does not get more carries and if Mouton will finally be placed back on defense??
I forgot to say, while I said I was frustrated, the better word for it is “disappointed”.
Like many of us here, I know this team is WAAAAAYYYYYY BETTER than what we saw yesterday and we will see it against New Mexico State!
Man there is so many things I would like to see. But this is not the game to be tinkering around. I hope we keep it simple. I dont have a good feeling about this game particularly because of NMSU D scheme. O line, Alexander, Funaki, whoever will have fits trying to figure out the blitz packages in this game. They blitz from EVERYWHERE and the LB’s line up right behind the D linemen in the 3-3-5 scheme – disguising very well. QB’s seem to have a tough time reading, get shaky and end up making bad decisions. Hence, the number 3 ranking in Pass D in the country. Coupled with our ranking in sacks allowed, dead last in the NCAA div 1, if I’m a Warrior O linemen I am sleepless in El Paso.
Big plays will almost be impossible unless they are YAC plays with broken tackles. I would like to see QB deeper behind center, RB take on a rushing end, OLB for about 1.5 sec then release in the flat, turn and catch. Delayed WR screens, etc.. They are going to give us short plays all day. Their run defense is very suspect, kinda like Kimbo Slice – They look strong up front when they stack up the line – but it’s a disguise, attack it!
It would be nice to see the O line charge, move forward and block low – A la Air Force Acadmey. Give them a good dose of LWJ, Farmer, Libre and Pilares. Maybe the change up with help relieve some of the pressure off of the O line and let them have some fun playing smash mouth ball instead of backing up all the time.
Wish list:
Keep it simple, take what the NMSU D gives and smash mouth against the Kimbo Slice 3-3-5 scheme!
Our D will keep us in the game. No worries there. Mouton should stay on D.
The more the better! I heard Chad on L&L earlier last week I think mentioning his football camp.
It’s good to see local boys giving back to the community and giving kids the opportunity to bring out the best in themselves.
howzit Kazz.
my comments about inferiority complexes, i saw it with my own 2 eyes last spring, at that clinic with all the coaches talking to all the wannabe community coaches. Coach Smith especially. But I saw him samoa, and I know he has belief in himself. he has that “its me against the world and i don’t care what you think” type mentality. Coach Smith you gotta try a new approach. Not because I said. But because your players can use the boost. To get the boost, somebody’s gotta take the rap. Take the blame, its the players time now, not yours. Thats what a great coach does – take the rap, and make the improvement…. Get your distraction outta the way. You do it. You’re the oline coach. C’mon coach, we’re waiting on you!!!
Go Warriors.
Agreed. I mentioned a while back about my concerns for the NMSU game and the 3-3-5 defensive scheme.
I can only assume that NMSU will bring more DBs near the line of scrimmage to present a problem for our running game and our o-line and I ASSUME they must feel confident about single man coverage against our receivers that have struggled to get yards after the catch.
Go routes seem to work especially when they want to go to a man free sort of thing in the 3-3-5, but as you mentioned it is a deceptive defensive scheme and the blitz is going to be HEAVY.
Time to step away from the blog for a bit.. be back in a few hours.
“What do you think? Constructive comments only, please.”
Definition of “constructive”: (adj) constructive: emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good
There are some good comments here today.
Before anybody calls the coaches names or tells recruits NOT to come to Hawaii, let’s not forget that these are the same coaches and players who beat a nationally ranked team on the road a few weeks ago. That’s a first for our school, and there are many other schools who have never done that. Let’s try to keep things in perspective.
My only suggestions would be for the team to focus on two things: Consistency and Execution.
It’s in you, Warriors. Just do it.
Nuff said.
Midori(#1) ~ Thank you for taking care of business yesterday at ‘Therapy.’ I want to stay with the positives about the place because we all left in such a sour mood.
1. Ample free parking.
2. Lots of TV screens for great viewing.
3. Lots of Tsaiko’s in attendance (always a positive).
4. Guest lurker included Bob Hogue. (Sports junkie & politico).
So Mahalo Midori for putting up with “dem” and us!
Me and my pahtna promise you a real good time at the Bayview TV-/b>gate next week as we roll out the Prize Wagon for football contests during and Golf contests aftah da game.
Since this will be our last TV gate of the season, we just want to end it on a really supah *football, fun, foolishness, fellowship, and food* note.
Check da blog for further details. (Gotta get da hook in there for ST!)
Constructive Ideas:
Stick with what UH does – the R & S. Go with Greg Alexander. Put Inoke at RB or Slot. That should keep defenses thinking.
Enough of the QB musical chairs. That’s what’s confusing to the Offense. Can’t get in sync.
Shake up the O-line by starting the entire second-team. Worked for USU.
Game -9 and still plagued by offside penalties.
Give a call to fmr NFL great Ray Berry for some tips on pass catching and how to hold on to the ball.
One pet peeze: I’ll get slammed for this, but the players should get rid of “the hair” (that encompasses all ethnic groups on the team) and the attention players are drawing to themselves. Has a “it’s better to look good than to play well” message. Seems to divide rather than promote team unity. Being proud of one’s culture is fine, but football is a team sport. No need for ethnic chest pounding IMHO.
Good morning BigHiloBraddah! 🙂 Howz you today? Good to see you on the blog.
“It’s good to see local boys giving back to the community and giving kids the opportunity to bring out the best in themselves.”
At $60 a month for sundays only….I’m not sure its giving back…But his kids gotta eat too.
CJS1 wins for the dumbest comments of the morning.
Howzit Kekoa! 😉
Hey Nalani! How are you today? 🙂
It’s what you are all thinking, but are too afraid to say because you are all locals and want to be “polite”, with a lot of “Aloha”. Nalani, the Aloha spirit is what caused you all to lose your lands to people like me.
Stop doing the hula and go out and get yourselves some land.
LOL! You’re kidding, right?
BTW, We “lost our lands” to lying thieves! 😆
You have a good morning.
Hi Punchbowl Kid. I’m actually running out the door, to go “do the hula” in Kona. CJS1 – I’ll bet I own more land and make more money than you do “doing the hula”….ha!
Actually, his comments are so obviously intended to inflame, that they’re ridiculous. So I won’t be communicating with CJS1 anymore.
Have a great day everybody!!! Gotta run…..
Bye Nalani. Have fun in Kona.
DPK – I didn’t mean you. It was for other people that either don’t understand english or can’t follow instructions…
ST- What do you guys think of Chad Owens starting a camp?
Coach Mac should let Chad give a quick little clinic to the Warrior punt return team – Surely we can improve on our 119 ranking!
Good for Chad! It will be a hit. His camp will give even the most experienced high school athletes a chance to polish their skills and learn new tricks and tips that will dramatically improve their game. Priceless for the little ones.
when I played I went to camps on the mainland with big names which turned more into an autograph sessions then learning experience. I’m sure Chad’s camp will have big name players but his focus will be improving the camper and telling his story to motivate the kids.
I just contacted Allen Allen last week he is doing a similar volleyball camp in San Diego for about 4 years. (now there is a story of how anyone can make it)
Good for them, love the idea.
Have a great day, Nalani! I’m glad you girls are doin’ the hula today, because you guys do it so well! 🙂 Kiss Lehua and tell her howzit from me.
Thank you for bringing that up…I thought I was alone on the hair thing. It’s a distraction for me and like you said, it doesn’t seem to be a “team” thing.
Ronnie Girl-
No worries. We know who we are. 😉 How are you doing today?
Wow, the anonymity of the internet really makes people brave doesn’t it?
How true, eh?
Would love to see some of these posters at the next TsaikoGate. 😉
A few observations for the season:
– Too many incomplete long passes on first down, (and in some series second down). Get a few yards at a time then try a 10-15 yard out. Leave the deep stuff as a surprise.
– Receivers for some reason can’t make the catch when it’s in their hands. Could this be from the QB shuffle and not knowing timing or touch? I remember when the receivers last year said Colt had a knack for laying the ball into their hands.
– O-Line is breaking down too quickly most of the time. Who’s fault is that? I’d say blocking schemes. Most of the defenses faced this year are average.
– Turnovers & Penalties: FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS
– Defense is suspect to giving up big running plays to opposing QB’s and big plays on deep passes. Too many 3rd & 10+ first downs converted either by big plays or penalties.
– They have executed very well at times. They just need to be more consistant.
Hi DPK. I’m doing good. I’m counting down the days until I get to come home for Senior Night and the Na Koa banquet.
I did learn one this from yesterday’s game… I can’t watch a game with my dad. We argue about everything from play calling to personnel 😀
Howzit Rich! How was the Thai food?
Hi Rich!
Sorry you can’t make it for lunch tomorrow. Are you going to the NMSU game?
Time Test
November 2nd, 2008 at 8:30 am
“Any other suggestions as to what YOU think would work you FU*KING FOOTBALL EXPERT YOU?”
On my way out, I came across this nugget of restraint and wisdom. Thought you might all want to know the real Kazz. ST, is this the kind of conduct you were referring to?
I’m done. Gotta go.
Thai food was great. Chili paste not kind…LOL
Hey Ronnie – Yeah I’m a little bummed about tomorrow. Don’t know about NMSU.
hi DPK
Hope all is well, on my wayback to the homelands. I am the only male In shorts at SLC airport, haha
Can’t wait to get home
Hi M/M Bulla!!! Have a safe trip home.
We’re all entitled to our opinions, but please refrain from name-calling and cussing.
Good Morning Everyone:
Here’s some small bits of good news after yesterday’s debacle:
First, the Wahine took care of the Utah Aggie Women in three sets – according to a source, one of the players said that last night’s match was “payback” time.
Second, tonight kicks off the Rainbow Warriors Men’s basketball season with an exhibition game against UH-Hilo. I plan to head over to the SSC after visiting DrDoc because we need to support Coach Nash.
Speaking of DD, he has almost all his tubes removed, is actually walking up and down the hallway by himself and continues to get much better.
Unfortunately, there is no way for him to send his mahalos – yes, I know that there’s no plural “s” in Hawaiian – directly to myki and sjmacro for the jersey & the photos and to everyone else for their good wishes because the hospital rooms at Kaiser are not wi-fied; however, he’ll be doing so once he returns home.
He’ll be “on break” from work for about two weeks and then will be working parat-time from his home office probably until the end of the year. However, it’s too soon to say what will happen that far out because we still don’t even know when he’ll be released from the hospital.
DD would love some company – especially watching the games. Two of his nurses kept “checking in” to watch the Texas/Texas Tech and Wahine volleyball games yesterday. I had to leave to go vote and take care of some business.
A quick note regarding Saturn The Dog – I took the suggestions and hid his meds in some yummy/messy dog food and he scarfed down the pills in seconds. He’s responding well. Mahalo for the suggestions.
Mahalo to neighbor Jack Flash who lives around 750 feet away who has stepped forward to help out with things.
Finally, from this novice fan’s perspective – I’ve been around the game since childhood but have never taken the time until this past year to learn strategy and tactics. I heard the first quarter on the radio while I was on the road and watched the game at Therapy’s until shortly before 12 noon when I had to leave to meet up with DD’s doctor at 12:30 so I wound up listening to the end of the game on the radio.
There’s no way for an outsider to get inside the coaches’ & players’ heads even for those of you who played the games from age 8 through college, but if I may borrow a classic line from a classic film, even I could see/hear that there was clearly a failure to communicate throughout most of the sixty playing minutes. And I am not talking about specific calls here – the failure to connect was clear throughout the game.
All teams in every sport have to win both physically and psychologically and that didn’t happen yesterday.
We cannot blame the altitude or the officiating. The truth is that the Warriors dropped the ball literally and figuratively too many times and got beaten by a motifivated team which doesn’t begin to have the Warriors’ raw talent.
That has to change and it will take some serious work on everyone’s part.
Remember the 48-hour rule – until 12:30 pm Hawaiian time Monday.
Stephen, does the Princess get to fly up to El Paso this week so we can have videos starting Wednesday?
Safe trip home M/M Bulla.
the quest for banana pancakes begins…
Howdy Herr Buller!
Congrats to the Snow Beast for his good day yesterday. What an evolution that guy’s experiencing. Wouldn’t it be something if the Wildcats got into the national playoffs?
That’s great news about Jim, Doc! We’ll keep him in our prayers.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
You guys are being too nice to that bigot CJS1. He’s a prime candidate for SMUing. ST? Please? I can’t to see stuff like ANYWHERE. 😡
oops. Can’t STAND….
Good morning all! Hmmm? Tough one yesterday, is there anyway someone can coach up Lane (#89) to run his routes up to the down markers then make his break? He always seem to run a yard or two short when we need a 1st down 9 2 games already). Inoke at slot would take advantage of his running ability in the open field, and provide a different threat from the slot ( i.e. passing). Wright-Jackson at KR-PR would be a change up. His speed should find some way on to the field, although he does seem to be running gimpy, still injured? A certain O.Lineman seems to be consistently flagged for holding or illegal motion. Why? Lacking focus? Tired? Think some other guys on the depth chart should at least get a look. We need more separation at receiver and slot.
Hi WDoc. That’s great news about DrDoc ❗
I’m sure he’ll have a steady stream of visitors now that the Tsaikos have the green light 😀
I like to see more leadership on the offense. Someone to get everyone to focus and step up.
W-Doc – great news about DrDoc. Please take care of yourself now while he is still in the hospital, because for you, the hard work starts when he gets home.
I’m having a nice quiet morning. Hubby got up before the roosters to go do some, ummm, marketing Stretch-style, out on the Wessai and daughter is at a friend’s house. Watching the Packers-Titans, reading paper and blog and doing laundry. Nobody to bug me!!! hehehehe.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
I feel all puffy and itchy today… cannot be all that lobster shiro I scarfed down yesterday, right?
I sure is nice to throw and catch again. The halalu are about 5 months late this year.
As mr. Pride. would say (paraphrased) – you are never as bad or as good as you think you are when you lose/win.
I believe in our team of coaches, players and fans.
We have seen another learning opportunity and there is much good yet to come.
Whether we choose to see things with a short or long perspective, I believe that when we choose to look at life with a positive attitude, we benefit ourselves and those around us.
Time for breakfast!
Like others have said: consistency and execution. Everyone just has to do their jobs. If the team had had less penalties (apparently at one point a _receiver_ was off-sides because he didn’t keep his eye on the center) and dropped balls, they would’ve had a lot more momentum and quite possibly a very different result. There were problems elsewhere of course, but penalties and catches should be comparatively easy things to fix.
Mahalos for reposting the football camp at Booth Park. I posted the football clinic info previously on the blog so hopefully there will be a good turnout. Chad Owens and some other former players will be hosting the camp…his in law’s, the Keomaka bro’s should be there too. Anyway, glad to see my boys representing and giving back to the community.
Lizk- great fun yesterday…so glad you both could join us. I agree 100% with your comment about staying positive and beleiving! I’m with you on that!
Go warriors!!!
Hi Kymry!
Here is a fun tidbit about our fave Redskin!
“Halloween hijinx
Guard Randy Thomas left Redskin Park this afternoon with a gorilla mask in hand. Tight end Chris Cooley and receiver Santana Moss switched jerseys during practice and Moss joked that he was going as Cooley for Halloween. Quarterback Colt Brennan pretended he was coach Jim Zorn from back in the day with John Stocktonesque short shorts. And there are pumpkins at the entrance to the facility carved with the team logo, late safety Sean Taylor’s No. 21 and other such expressions of Redskins fandom. Do you get orange when you mix burgundy and gold?”
I thought that the quarterbacks did a pretty good job yesterday. After the game I just thought that too many players made too many mistakes. That is always a recipe for disaster.
Fumbles will kill you.
Way too many dropped passes. I wonder if the cold had something to do with it.
Why are so many players slipping and falling on their okoleles? Could it be the equipment?
There actually seems to be holes when the oline run blocks. Just need to find a back who can find it. When Pilares returns it will be solved. It is a special talent that few backs have so you just can’t blame players for not having it.
As for changes I would like to see Ryan back on d full time. It is a different d when he is there. He gets to the quarterback the quickest and you got to have someone doing it early in the game to disrupt their offenses timing. Plus it was sad to see their quarterback outrunning UHs safeties.
I thought those 2 holding penalties were hilarious. Maybe the first one but the second on Lafu was a joke. How can they call that on him and let the more blatant ones that were done to Veikune go???
Overall the players know what needs to be fixed. Mistakes stick with you and you can’t wait to make up for them. I expect to see a huge change in their attitude in New Mexico.
labrat- if this was the game that slingshot the team through the rest of the season in the W column, I’d say it was a good thing.
Even if it wasn’t- I still believe in the Good Things in life. No one really knows the significance of events until hindsight reveals the truth.
Hi Liz!
I’m still amazed at how these “fans” with only negative things to say come out of the woodwork after a loss. Where are they after a win?!!! Shouldn’t they be on the blog congratulating the team too? grrrrr..
don’t know how stephen can report news when it isn’t good. i gotta upload it no matter what too i guess.
oh, and hopefully this other video will be bring a smile to some people’s faces to help us forget.
don’t forget too that today’s the start of basketball season.
can’t wait!
Alexander the Great for the remainder of the season! Yes!!!
Hi Everyone!
Looks like the team arrived in El Paso about an hour and a half ago.
Let’s hope they can correct their errors this week in practice and come out with a vengeance against NMSU this coming Saturday. I think a lot of the things that went wrong which contributed to yesterday’s loss is correctable. A morale boost wouldn’t be too bad either. Yes, this lost was bad, but we still have a chance to reach the Hawai’i Bowl. Until we are officially eliminated from bowl contention, I wouldn’t give up on the team.
I think that would be a great idea to get LWJ some return time. The coaches have to figure out ways to get the ball in different player’s hands– everyone knows that Funaki is a player, but so far the only way that they have figured out to get him playing time is to rotate the guy in at QB. The defenses are T’ing off on him because they know that they can stack the box with him in there. Sure, he has had some good long passes, but those have not been the norm. He is talented guy. Get him and Alexander in at the same time. Mouton is also a talented guy, but the way the defense is breaking down and giving up big plays they need him back there. Leave Pilares in at slot and if you want to have him run the ball do it off of handoffs with motion. Rotate more receivers in. It isn’t like there has been lots of rhythm developing the way it is. Put Farmer in as a tight end in certain circumstances. As I mentioned the other day I think they have to open it up. McMackin kind of alluded to doing that, but pretty much it just meant putting Mouton in at slot.
Malloe should focus on putting in schemes to block punts. When you are the worst punt return team in the nation and the season is more than half over you have got to start looking at other ways to make that part of the game mean something. Why even have a returner? Put all the guys up there and go for it every time.
i wrote up this post on SH.
The Unknown
OMG I can’t believe I actually want Dallas to win. Sacrilege!!
I noticed that too. It’s pathetic, to be honest with you. Too much emphasis on negativity in the world today, IMO. It’s one thing to constructively criticize and offer some suggestions on how to solve, but constantly bombarding the blog with negative comments doesn’t do anyone any good. Perhaps it gives us a glimpse of the person writing that stuff.
Just a thought.
Good morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
ST, your suggestions are intriguing and could work, but my main concern is this incredible gloom and doom that descents over the blog after each loss.
Sure, I was frustrated and disappointed, like the rest of us, but let’s look at this whole situation a little more clearly and realistically :
1.) We all knew that this team would be a work in progress for awhile. Well, in progress to me means ups and downs and that’s what we’re getting right now. Why the shock? We’re not last years team.
2.) This game was “one of those games” that happen in college all the time. Look at Georgia, Fresno, Texas, etc.Does anybody really think that Florida is 39 points better than Georgia? For that reason I was less frustrated than the San Jose game.
3.) This team has traveled a LOT ! Maybe they were a little more fatigued than normal. They flew to 4500 ft of altitude, combine that with jetlag and mistakes will compound. We’re not good enough yet to win without all out effort.
4.) There was nothing wrong with the overall sceem. We should have won this game fairly easy. 4 zeros out of 5 in the redzone spell doom and was killed by mistakes, pure and simple. The only plays very questionable were the three running plays up the middle. We moved the ball well, but dropsies and penalties snuffed us out (fatigue and resulting lack of concentration?).
5.) Somebody said not to let Alex play the option. That is foolish, his pitch was right in Libres chest, but he looked into the endzone before he’d secured the ball, plus the pitch was forward and should have been an incomplete, unfortunately the coaches didn’t challenge.
6.) Funaki in the slot or as a passing running back could have promise. We should try it a couple of times.
7.) The next game will show us very quickly what our team and coaches are made of. If they win, and I truly believe they will, the world is back in order and the storm clouds will have blown away.
8.) Next year is really the first year we can gage McMackin as a coach. This year he took over a depressed program in shambles and gave us hope. Did we really expect to repeat last year? Come on boys and girls.
9.) Stick with Alex the rest of the year and we’ll get better and better with each game. Next year, open it up again and go from there.
10.) We will beat NMST and we will go to the Hawaii Bowl.
11.) Cinci will be our signature win.
So, my fellow Tsaikos, heads up, the future looks bright. We have great talent redshirting and coming in. I’m glad that Coach Mack won’t sacrifice the future for the temporary gratification of this year.
GO, WARRIORS, regroup, reload and win with new fervor.
To the regular posters of the WB – can we agree to just IGNORE idiots and bandwagon “fans”? Maybe that’ll make them go away.
Great post, we share very similar sentiments.
It’s called “ignore the trolls”, that’s the only way, unless you smu them.
I hope I can stay with positive comments.
Penalties: calls for great discipline – don’t give the zebras the opportunity to make that call – a 2 or 3 yard gain is better than 10 or 15 yards backward – some times have to wonder if the zebras are getting back at Hawaii for their 12-0 season?
Again, those “non-calls” against USU and other teams make it appear that the zebras have an agenda against Hawaii. People will argue that is not the case, but how can one explain the obvious,blatant holding by other teams and no flag? Did the official suddenly get some thing in the eye or was distracted by some thing else and missed the call. On one play, the head refree reached for his flag, but pulled back when USU was on ofense which resulted in along gain for USU.
Dropped balls: again, discipline and concentration – changing Qbs will affect timing, speed of ball, and trajectory making it tougher for completions, but that’s what practice is for – receivers use the “jugs” machine – your use is an indication of your dedication to your self and team. Rember, “soft hands”; bring ball into you for completions.
Personnel: use or lack of use thereof, from the fan’s perspective, may be a hint to the coaches that nothing is static or written in stone – yes, you have crafted plays, but that does not mean that new ones suggested by fans should drop on deaf ears.
I must agree with other bloggers that what the coaches said about using more players is not what is occurring during games except on defense. Correct me, but I did not see any replacements for the receivers especially after long passes. Where there any changes for the O-line? Other teams do it all the time!! Don’t be like JJ and give others the experience of game time conditions. It will only make the “reserve” players better for now and in the future. Practices will NEVER duplicate game situations.
Coaches: One of the most glaring mistakes made by top leaders is the failure to teach and “groom” some one to replace another including your self. If you train someone to be better than you, it speaks volume of you and your leadership abilities. This applies to any level of management or type of work. And, yes, many will disagree, but it is true.
Chad Owens Football School.
Great idea, couldn’t think of a better role model than him for our youngsters.
In the long run, it will create even more fundamentally sound football players in Hawaii Nei.
I agree expat. I was surprised that they did not go after the punter. He took a lot of time to get the punt away.
5.) Somebody said not to let Alex play the option. That is foolish, his pitch was right in Libres chest, but he looked into the endzone before he’d secured the ball, plus the pitch was forward and should have been an incomplete, unfortunately the coaches didn’t challenge.
I dont like the play and hope they never run it again inside the 15 yard line. There is a rule about not running an option play inside the red zone. The bad out weighs the good in that situation. Any former QB will attest to that. Unless the coach is very skilled at reading defenses and can call plays that mis-directs dont run it. Over the years how much success have we had running that play inside the 15? Didn’t we just try and running an option pitch against BSU inside the 10? I thought for sure that was the last time we saw that play.
And since ST is spotlighting Chad’s Camp, Not running an option inside the red zone was something i learned in camp when I was 12 years old.
Thanks for the info on CB Liz! Were sitting in the rain at Vidinha watching son no.2 play championship game.they’re down by 2 goals but its a good game.
Actually the speed option has worked in the redzone. It gives the defense one more thing to worry about. I like it. I hope they keep it.
It can work, but you need to set it up… Those 2 plays I referenced there was no prior set up to the play and the D have it covered before the pitch.. I think we never see that play again inside 15 rest of the year.
I dont remember anything positive from running that play recently in the red zone? maybe short memory, sorry.
My point was not to either “play or not to play” the option, I’ll leave that to the experts. My point was simply that the failure was not GA’s fault, but rather Libre, who looked in the endzone before securing the ball. Had he caught it, it would have been five yards.
Anyway, it’s all water under the bridge, let’s just regroup and concentrate on NMST.
To our wideouts, a suggestion
Oh yeah it did work in the red zone: Raphael Cherry did pitched it to Anthony Edgar vs Colorado St
I dont Libre for looking up at 4 defenders ready to put the smack down on him. GA either, looked like he had the hot potato that was about to explode he wasn’t going to take it. “here you take it”
…just bad play calling
sup tsaikos,
ill throw it out there. someone eluded that this is the team that beat a nationally ranked team on the road….but that nationally ranked team barely beat Utah st, and just lost to La Tech…..not much going there…we all know that just because you are nationally ranked (w/ all the hype included) does not make a great team and off course vice versa.
as to Leon Jackson…i have no clue what the heck is going on with him. They dont employ him in the right scheme maybe?, use a fullback (farmer) and give him some blockers…then again no O-line = no running game blocking. seeing we can move players around so easily i.e. mouton at receiver, go ahead and move Jackson in as receiver. he may be able to get yards after catch after hitting the next gear…i dont know listening to what the ESPN analyst said during the game should pretty much sum up my thoughts.
im not realistically expecting a bowl game. just want to get through the rest of the season without injuries and hopefully take next year back….
we, i mean I dont have a clue what kind of offense we have, i dont know what the deal with the o-line is (although alexander had all sorts of time it seemed this time around), and i dunno why the receivers cannot get open and hang on to balls.
imho, looks to be too little, too late…lets play the rest of the season with our hearts and keep the faith that next year will be a lot better.
i hate to add even more pressure but Coach Mac, your program will be fighting for funding in the midst of a budget crunch…lots will depend on productivity of the team….u know what that means =(
go warriors.
A House, how true about teaching others and elevate them to another level above you. Many on the top forgot that at one time, they were on the bottom.
HUSTLE, HUSTLE. One of the most glaring things about this year’s team is the lack of hustle. They drag their butts to get to the huddle whether it be on offense or defense.
TACKLING. There has been some improvement, but poor tackling showed up in this game and as a result, USU made big plays.
VEIKUNE. Now this is a football player!!!! His motor is unbelievable and at this rate, he will definitely be the first player taken in draft for UH. Now only if we had somebody who possessed the same speed and skill on the opposite end.
MIDDLE LB. When Blaze was injured we lost more than a lb, we lost a mlb (sol e) and somehow watching what happens in the middle this game was the total ineffectiveness of the mlb. Brashton is good, but he has got to make the plays in the middle and not get blocked out.
OTHER PLAYERS. This has always been on of my pet peeves. You take 64 players on the road and somewhere along the line, you will need to play other players who may produce more, have more enthusiasm, can control the ball, etc. Give them a chance. I thought that this game would have been an excellent one to give Rausch a shot instead of playing Funaki. Personally, I think Funaki is still hurting from the 2 concussions and this is affecting his play.
COACHES. What can I say that has not already been said by a lot of Tsaikos. They need to be coaches and teachers and if discipline action is needed, lay it down on the players. Basically, this game was lost by the coaches. Bench players who are not performing and put in others. Give your field captains more authority and play calling, so they don’t have to be waiting for plays. If the opposition goes to no huddle plays and quick count, UH will get trampled because they are not ready (hustle).
My take and hope that this week’s game with NaMaSu is not repeated.
FloridaTed – juuust in case you were referring to my comment about the option pitch, just to repeat what I’d said earlier, my remarks were “tinted” by Curran/Kekaula’s negative take on the situation. I didn’t watch the game live or see the replay so I didn’t know Libre could’ve had the ball except he was looking the wrong way.
I’m still optimistic that the Warriors can pull off a winning season, but to me it’s more important that the team play up to its potential and leave everything on the field every week. Wins tend to take care of themselves if that happens, as the historic Fresno game showed. Whatever spark the Warriors need, they’ve got six days to find it, the sooner the better. Pilares being able to take the load off Mouton would be a huge help, because I’ve seen the D giving up too many huge-yardage runs lately.
Because Rausch’s hand was sore in the beginning of season and only took a few snaps in the Fla game, would that make him a medical hardship to gain another year? They must be saving him, he is clearly the best pure QB we have. Didn’t the coaches confirm that weeks before the Fla game by naming him the starter? Wonder what changed?
Take care Mana Silva and Josh Leonard. The team needs you.
I am in agreement with #140. The Hawaii Bowl may and would probably not happen for hawaii this year. The team started thinking and acting like it was theirs before the game on Saturday and overconfidence got the better of them. A team like this, a team in transition cannot get overconfident. They have to play like someone just beat up their sisters, mothers or kid brothers. A little angry.
Watching Texas Tech paly yesterday, I was just so impressed by the paly of the defense. They played with such controlled rage, and the tackling…wow! If we learned how to tackle like that and did it all of the time, we’d eliminate many of our defensive issues. Somehow our guys have the belief that if they run into the opponent they should fall down. many, in our defensive backfield simply do not choose to wrap up the opponent. Whose teaching?
Maybe this was a hand that was not truly what coach mack wanted and he’s doing the best he can with what he has. next year, no excuses. At this point he has to draw the line between friendships and what needs to get done. If his coaching team needs to be put on notice (we have 4 games and I will be evaluating) do it. It would be a much, much rougher 2009 season if the held pat knowing that his loyalty to friends was more important than the business of running a team. Somehow, I don’t believe folks will be as patient, not with that huge salary and the expectation that goes along with it.
Don’t have time to read all previous comments, but my question is, wasn’t there a write-up about Farmer having a greater role against Utah State?, and if so, was he in the game at all???
Did you folks see that Texas Tech/Texas game?’s about that OL of Texas Tech?…..smallest guy was their center at 6’3″ about 290lbs., the rest of the line was in the range of, 6’6″ averaging about 320+ per man; no wonder their QB has all them stats. The sports commentator said they had an NFL line.
I don’t know why, but no matter who we play, our OL just can’t contain the opponents DE’s???? that’s where I’d like to see improvement if there is such a thing?
As I posted the past two weeks in a row, Alexander should be starting QB with no platoon system. However, I’m all for Funaki coming in on limited plays here and there throughout the game to show a different look — but only for a play not an entire series. Third and short situations and goal line situations would be perfect. Almost like a wildcat formation.
Play calling on offense has to improve. Farmer up the middle on 3rd and goal? Libre was running all around the USU defense and he disappeared for a quarter and a half.
How do you not challenge the pitch forward fumble? If I can see it’s going forward from my couch at home, how can the coaches in the box not see it? And it would cost you what? A first half timeout? That was terrible judgment. Our coaches need to learn to gamble on a big payout, low risk situation like that and challenge the call. That would have given us the ball back knocking on the door.
Lastly, we can’t give up the big plays. That’s what killed us this game. The long TD pass and the long run by the QB are two plays that pretty much pushed the game in USU’s favor.
Having said that, we can still win 3 out of 4 to finish the season. We just need to strap up and play smart. Let’s go Warriors!
Things are bad for the WAC this year, which is good for UH. Amazing as it is, I see UH holding down the third position in the conference standings. Alright!!!, still get chance for a bowl game. regroup!, regroup!, play heads-up fb guys!!!
I made that remark to remind those who were name calling and bashing to keep perspective. My point was that our team has the potential to do better, much better. I wasn’t trying to glorify the ranked opponent which they beat. Nevertheless, it’s still a great accomplishment, but if it has little or no meaning to you, that’s your take on things.
I was just trying to find positives to build on.
And the word is “alluded”, fyi. 😉
Mouton has to play defense this week against pass-happy NMSU. Maybe he can come in for a play or two at slot in the red zone, but UH would be crazy to play Mouton both ways again this week.
Like 808flowmaster, I like featuring Funaki in a wildcat formation, either as the direct-snap RB or the motion back. UH ran this pretty well against Fresno so it’s not something that is totally new to the offense, and it gives the defense something to think about.
Otherwise, I don’t think moving players around to different positions is productive at this point, especially between road games on the mainland. Everyone needs to focus on their assignments and execution, and if they are not performing, the back-ups should play.
Attention Tsaiko Nation!
Tsaiko T-Gate Eggstravaganza Coming in Hot & Heavy!
Date: Sat. Nov. 08
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: Bay View Golf Course (See link below)
Since this is our last TV-Gate, we want to send a Tsunami thru the Tsaiko Nation with Football, Food, Fun, Fellowship and Foolishness!
Mark your calenders, make your plans for this one. We will roll out da UH Prize Wagon to award all kind prizes for your game time ‘props’ but the thing is…you must be present to win!
After the game, for those of you who want to flex your golf shaft on the driving range, there will be special prizes awarded for the best and the worst drives! (even get one where you can ‘kick’ da ball off the tee if you like!) Aunty Tita lead foot brought that contest to mind.
Stay tuned for more detailed information on the Menu, seating arrangements and who to contact for reservations as we roll thru the week.
haha gosh alluded ur right. thats embarrasing. lol. shouldnt write with a hang over.
a win over Fresno too me is simply a road win…not that it isnt great, road wins for UH are far and few. so thats good.. but it is just as great as someone claiming to beat Clemson (ranked at…?) which is NOTHING to brag about. u mentioned the “ranked” part so i had to address that Fresno being ranked didnt make the win any better or more impressive. cuz quite frankly they looked to be pretty pathetic (exception against Wisconsin which is another terrible team).
oops one more thought.
i dont think people are name calling and bashing (for the most part). I think people are calling it like they see it. i think for the most part people are still supportive and know that this year is a pass, next year is when we can begin to make some serious judgments.
as a fan. and a big one at that, I would never reserve myself from criticizing something when it is warranted and factual. its when people get too personal and overly emotional that things get out of hand.
Boise St. #10 in the new BCS standings…TX Tech jumped up to #2.
hi folks……….
a lot of good suggestions and a lot old ones too.
we must eliminate the mental errors. this is costing a slightly better than average team to look like a slightly below average team.
if the players can’t play without the mental errors, then replace those that consistently do make the mental errors with someone else who won’t. at least we could have a chance at succeeding without all the penalties.
its frustrating for the team. if i were alexander on that series when two successive penalties were called after scrambling and getting whacked down upon making an all out effort to get the first down, i would be firing off at whoever did it.
that is a classic example of how we are playing these days. one step forward and two steps backwards.
the whole team seems snakebitten.
and if we are a run and shoot team then why do we run three times in a row only to be stuffed!!!!
Boise at #10. thats pretty awesome.
where do you all see Boise going too? and against what team in the BCS bowl?
Boise v. Alabama in sugar bowl.
Chris Peterson, does not coach Sugar and goes to Washington.
thats my thought.
So what excuses people like Kazz who finds creative ways to make his own personal attacks against “strangers who have never posted here before” and disguises cussing like in #49 and #60?
What about his “then I gotta wish for a waiver of a 5-day waiting period to purchase a firearm.” in post #60? Some of his postings here and at the SportsHawaii forum comes across worse than the trolls he so despises and furthermore, sounds like someone with anger management issues who lets these people get under his skin to the point where he implies perpetrating bodily harm on said individual. That to me is sign of sick individual with issues.
Joking or not, to even talk about firearms in this manner is rather unsavory in my opinion. You folks may know him well enough from your IRL get togethers but since this blog is open for anyone to read, you cannot assume everyone knows a posters real character. If I was a blog host, I would publicly rebuke that person even if it was someone I knew because implying violence in this manner even if it was meant as a joke is something I would not condone. It has no place at all on what you say is a family blog.”
This will be the perfect week for some team “bonding.” It’s definitely needed. Something or someone has got to light a fire under them…maybe a loss like this will be the catalyst!
Let’s go WARRIORS!!!
“It’s Official: Fred VonAppen reincarnated (Fat Mack) is back. Except for Funaki, this year’s team must be the worst team the UH has fielded in the past 10 years.
“To all you Polynesian warriors out there thinking about playing for UH: don’t do it. Go play for one of the Pac 10 teams.”
This is what I’m talking about. Doesn’t it look like bashing and name calling to you?
I actually agree with many of the other observations posted here. The only reason I’m not specific about my suggestions is because I know that sooner or later, others, if not most posters here will be posting things which I agree with. (Including some of what you posted.) And I for one, brother, don’t hate you. 😆
IIRC the “invited guest” to the BCS party gets relegated to the “play-in” game that falls the week before the NC game.
This year it’s the Orange Bowl.
Probably see BS-You against the Big (?) East Chump.
sorry for posting your name twice IWWTHM.
i agree with you. those types of comments are emotionally charged and unfounded and are NOT criticisms rather uneducated remarks.
well except if a player wanted to go to berkely or stanford based on the education, heck i would too. =P
other than that i do agree with you that some comments go out of hand. most of those criticizing the play calling etc etc to me are tasteful.
thats junk. i think boise could sweep any team from the big east. wish they could get into the national champ game.
I heard a suggestion today that the team should “walk to El Paso”; it seemed to do wonders for a certain HS baseball team.
While that may be too drastic, certainly some time for reflection before the next game by each individual may not be a bad idea…
…maybe that shouldn’t be confined to the team either. 😐
Auntie Tita Leadfoot did wha…huh??
I bringing da foot on Saturday and going take a whack at it, but are we talking offa grass or mats? **Fair warning, bring protective (head, body, other) gear.
where do you all see Boise going too? and against what team in the BCS bowl?
You dont think the BCS committee would ever set up a Boise St vs Oklahoma II would they? This time make em play in the Rose Bowl.
Wonder how many would tune in to watch that game?
I tink you get to “tee” it up
hmmm oklahoma v. boise. oklahoma is pretty mean. it would be a super charged game for sure. rose bowl sure has a hell of a lot of tradition and i would think boise would love a shot at that. realistically prolly be usc and someone else.
Rose Bowl.
USC-Texas II would be more palatable to the BCS than Boise-OK II
Ya know, if I ever had to make a guess, and knowing how “fair” the BCS guys try to be, this is what I think:
They will try to pit the non BCS “crasher” against the toughest team which isn’t playing for the NC. That way they can hopefully “beat down” any “outsiders” and emphasize the superiority of the BCS. It seemed like that way last year for Hawaii. I thought Georgia shoulda been in the NC game. But they weren’t, so they played the role of “enforcer” against the non BCS “crasher” which happened to be us. I know, I know, I sound paranoid, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the BCS would think that way…
I think Chris Peterson would take the Huskies job ONLY if Washington U agreed to paint the football field purple.
Of course, first they gotta pick up all the Husky poops first
That would be a better rematch definitely! Both scenarios, 2 of the greatest games ever played.
Somehow I think Texas will find its way to the title game against Penn St imho
As good as they looked yesterday, TTU has a tough road to the BCS: host OK St; @ OU; Baylor 🙄 ; then Arrowhead Stadium on 12/6 for the Big XII Championship
What a way for JoePa to go out ,eh? IF he can pull it off…
howzit Tsaikos!
howzit Coaches!
what I notice is missing from our team is the lack of coordinated play calling after a certain point. It seems like the coaches have scripted the beginning part of the game, but it seems like there is board meetings on what to do next after 10 minutes or so into the game. that really comes across as a concern to me when i watch the QB visibly trying to figure out what to do next he won’t do nothing without walkin closer to Rolo. i watched the visible interaction between the faces of the QB who was playing, and Rolo. thats what i meant yesterday about Rolo looking like a deer at nite with the headlites on him.
maybe thats why GA stood far away from Rolo doing this last game second half.
i really think Rolo has all the makings of a great coach. Coach Mack is giving him the opportunity.
Seize it Rolo. Seize it! Study up study up!
And Coach Mack, you can help out too. Designate somebody as the receiver coach only. somebody who’ll make those guyz go to the spot and stop on a dime and catch and hold onto the ball. use samoa receivers. use some qbs. God knews we get choke who ain’t playing but who are athletes.
I still cannot believe the results of USU 🙁
A few days ago someone asked what the meaning of “usu” was.
Obviously we all know now: trap game
Time fo’ do yardwork…
Dat hibiscus bettah not give me no backtalk; I’m not in da mood 👿
what I’d like to see
coach Lee on the sidelines calling plays, Rolo upstairs reading the D.
a win-win situation, with coach Lee calling plays directly, we would cut out the middle man and remove Mac from the down to down decision making ( face it, he needs to concentrate on the D)
by now, Rolo should be able to recognise defenses and their tendencies in addition, this will make him a better coach in the long run.
I actually don’t care where Boise plays if they get to the BCS. Just go pick some BCS pockets for us! We need the cash. 🙂
Penn St looking good to get to title game. However I think they would get destroyed by teams 1-7. It would be nice to see! Paterno is amazing!
in ’85 or ’86 somehow I got into talking with Penn St president about Tim Manoa. back then he mentioned that Paterno was definitely retiring in about 2-3 years. Unbelievable 20+ years later still going!
bighilofan2 – I wonder if the “deer in headlights” expression is because Rolo, having been a really good quarterback who had to learn and play the run and shoot, is wondering what the heck Lee is calling. My gut is saying there is some sort of second guessing going on which is too bad, because I think Rolo’s calls might be the better choice after seeing the recent play calling that I am assuming is coming from up top.
Las Vegas – thank you!!! I said the exact same thing on Saturday…well said and great suggestion!!!
After the disasterous Seahawk game today here is something else to, hopefully, make you feel better.
Earlier today I pointed out the Warriors scored more points yesterday than the UW and WSU did combined.
Well, if you add in the points the Seahawks scored today the Warriors outscored all three of them. Combined total of their points = 7.
las vegas:
coach Lee on the sidelines calling plays, Rolo upstairs reading the D.
Unlikely scenario:
Until next year. When Rolo can go back downstairs and Mike Sanford can come in and take over the play calling duties. Sanford is a terrible head coach but a great Offensive Coordinator. Hope we can land him before Urban Meyer takes him back.
Kona girl,
They say great minds think alike!
atleast you have the super sonics. …oh wait their gone!
never mind.
I agree with 99club. I asked in the week leading up to the BSU game if it would be better if UH could not get to a BCS game if BSU went undefeated and crashed the BCS party. Essentially the question revolved around the choice of knocking off BSU or going for the cash.
At the time I was thinking the cash would be better simply because we need it; but that the win for a repeat WAC championship would sure be sweet.
However, since we lost to BSU . . .
Come on, Boise!!! Bring in the big bucks!!!
I think sanford will keep his job for another year.
UNLV is too broke to pay for two head coach salaries at once.
We’ll see Sanford next September, in ‘Vegas
Postmanke . . .
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! The best part of them leaving is the bachi that followed them.
Oh yeah. To great fanfare they openned their season the last week with a glorious LOSS!
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Serves that greedy owner pig of theirs right. Not that I dislike him or anything.
Just landed.
I always get aisle. I always sit next to the person with the weakest bladder. Remember: When it is announced that the plane will land in 20 minutes and now is the time to use the rest room, that’s merely a suggestion.
Folks, I know things can get a little agitated after a UH loss, so it’s OK to vent. I just wanted to make sure the venting is about situations and not about people. And especially not about fellow bloggers. We’re all entitled to our opinions. But at the end of the day, as some guy used to say, we all have to live with each other. So let’s be cordial because it is hard to take back words said in emotional states.
gee Wafan,
glad you no stay bitter or nothing.
ST, do you know if mouton will continue to play offense? I hope not.
some boosters randomly, at tailgate circles are saying this is it.
Maybe they will let him finish out his contract… if not we need to snatch him up.
Snickers and 3 Musketeers now have these small 100 calorie candy bars.
great! fewer calories, help me lose some flab and still get some sweets.
so I ate seven so far (in the past 2 hours) Mrs LV is very unhappy with me (again)
Is it too early to start planning the Wash St & UNLV games next year?? I hope not since I just made my flights.
Flying Friday into Seattle with the possibilty of the Wash St game at Qwest. Then leaving out of Vegas the following Sunday. Not sure how I will get from Seattle to Vegas but I’ll deal with that later.
A Hawaiian Air one way back from Vegas is $646 plus taxes. Are they fricken nuts??!!?? If I didn’t use all mileage for these flights, I wouldn’t go with Hawaiian.
Stretch . . .
Why not r/t from SEA/HNL and r/t SEA/LAS? Probably less expensive that way. Flights from SEA/LAS are on US Air and Alaska (non-stop) all others have 1-2 stops.
I am hoping the game will be at Qwest Field that way the seating will be better. Hopefully, the band will be able to come up for that game, too.
wafan – I wanted to use mileage on Hawaiian for the flights and if I waited until next year, no more seats available.
as long as I was able to get up to Seattle and return from Vegas, I will find a way to in between. Maybe drive, fly or train?? Maybe Alaskan cruise?? Get plenty time to figure it out, I just wanted the flights to get me over the water.
Sunday flight is up to $775 +taxes
if U leave on Tues its $517
got my Feb 2009 tix on Hwn $304 + taxes o/w $609 r/t
LV – one week away is enough. Should get back to work by Monday.
bt it’s ‘Vegas baby!!!
LV – and that’s the problem
Here are my suggestions:
1) Leave LWJ as the main ball carrier, change the running plays to use his speed, he is not the type who will power through the middle but more the type that will outrun defenders.
2) Move Rolo to the booth and RL to the field. Rolo will be able to see where the holes are in the defense and help the QB find the holes in the defense.
3) Stop the QB rotation. Leave Alexander in, if Funaki is going to be inserted, insert him as a slot or receiver. There is no rhythm to the offense at times.
4) Consider no huddle, it will stop the defense from setting up.
The offensive line play has been less than spectacular but there are times where they are taking the rap where the QB holds on to the ball too long. They can’t be expected to block forever.
Do believe there are times the coaches are too easy on those who make mistakes, bench them or sit them down awhile.
Gotta hit and run…have to P/U my lady.
With all due respect to the head coach, he needs start acting like one. A head coaching position is not one you grow into. It’s way past time to take control of his assistants and demand the excellence his players deserve. Crediting the effort of his team and coaches for this dismal performance is not only wrong, but, counterproductive.
There is plenty of talent on this team offensively and defensively; however, they play more like individuals than a cohesive team.
Well coached teams can overcome dropped passes and a few missed tackles. What it cannot overcome are missed assignments, wrong alignment, a lack of discipline, and a lack of “team.”
Don’t blame the players; this belongs with the coaching staff.
There was a personal foul on UH the first missed field goal. Does anyone know who is was on and why?? I missed it during the game Saturday and the replay.
Just wondering if I missed something…since Washington State is in Pullman, not Seattle, why would they play at Qwest? Just wondering if I missed an announcement of some sort…I was planning on flying in and out of Spokane either from Seattle or Las Vegas on Southwest.
meds working again.
be back after nap.
Southwest Airlines has decent one-way fares & some online specials, but they aren’t booking beyond March 2009 right now. They have a $101 one-way from Seattle>LV for this coming weekend. Sign up for their Ding! program. I’ve bought some great fares thru that program if you don’t mind waiting.
Re: LWJ – I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Punt-return, kickoff-return, or the “Moses play” where you part the Red Sea… I might be out in left-field, but I think he could use tai chi to improve his peripheral “vision”. Worked for me… It’d have to be with the right teacher, tho.
Great to hear that Dr.Doc is doing better & can have visitors.
Aunty Tita Lead Foot ~
I recognize the fact that you have anger issues. So I designed a contest where those who have a similar penchant for “kicking it” may compete in a fair and equitable manner. (You know who you are) jm2375 comes to mind as a person of interest…Hmmm!
We simply put the driving range ball on a tee, and you may kick it off with your shoe. Steel-toed boots are permitted of course.
I will extend the use of your lead foot on the putting green as well. However, you must check your boots at the door before re-entering the bar or lounge area.
Kona Girl,
It appears every so often Washington State moves one of their home games to Seattle. They did it this year when they played Oklahoma State.
I suspect they do this because the revenue opportunities are much greater in Seattle than if they were to play the game in Pullman, especially if the non-conference foe is a higher-profile one. Their home stadium only seats 35,000, which I believe is the smallest stadium amongst the BCS schools.
Committed Road Warrior – Mahalo for the info…I think I will hold off on air tickets until it’s settled then…thanks again for the info! Qwest would be fun!
Stretch – thanks for starting the discussion…never too early to plan!
I love you too Kekoa. grrrrr…. 😈
re: lwj. when he goes in we shift to the rb behind the qb 4-5 yards almost like a pistol variation. thus givng lwj a view further back of the hole as it opens.
btw, what happened to the tampa right/left series????
I just returned from Kona and have to gripe about the terrible service on Go!. Now just to be clear, we don’t usually fly Go!. We fly Hawaiian, and love that airlines. But these tickets were purchased by our client, so we have to go where they make us Go!.
These are a series of shows, so last week we flew to Maui. They lost our keyboards. Had to borrow someone elses for the gig. Again this week to Kona, they lose our keyboards again. This time, we never did find them, even back in Honolulu, so I think my keyboard player is still there at the airport as I’m typing this.
Then, we gate check our guitars because we use soft carrying cases to protect them and the cases don’t fit in the overheads (they fit in Hawn’s overheads though)…All of our instruments are very high quality (ie very expensive) and the guy doing bags is just throwing them out of the hatch. Oh my gosh, we all almost had a cow. Luckily, my favorite guitar is still OK.
Went to complain and walked all over but couldn’t find a supervisor, so I thought I’d spread the word online.
Must admit, the flight attendant was very friendly.
I’m wondering if anyone else had similar problems? Service just isn’t what it used to be.
Nalani – Never flew go! and never will. Even if I am a little disappointed with the price gouging of Hawaiian with its flights to LV.
im back
Mei Ling! Yoo Hoo
Leon Wright Jackson = Power-I formation/something similar or put him in as a receiver.
the guy is nebraska sized rb. he needs to hit the hole HARD. nevermind the shifty shifty stuff.
Nalani – for once, be a diva and demand that the client put you on Hawaiian. If they balk, tell them you won’t do the gig.
Edward is on the money. With all of the money were paying the top guy, he really is the one who needs to set the pace with regard to what is acceptable and unacceptable for his team. Discipline, blocking and tackling, practice routines, who coaches where, personnel, all of that ultimately rises to the leader.
Liking someone one who is wonderful in the community may not necessarily get the job done, so to speak. I got to know coach Von Appen and found him to be a nice guy who thought his athletes should strive to be great students and community minded folks. Nice guy, meant well but did not win.
If you noticed, the guys who he recruited were all quite terrific with the new head coach.
JJ may not have been loved by all, but over the span of his tenure, he did one thing well, for the most part his teams won.
Coach Mac is a nice guy who deserves the opportunity to lead. Now it is his responsibility to do just that. Make no mistake about it, winning is at the top of the list of the head coaches ability to lead.
LWJ may be a Neb sized back, but Neb. wanted him to play safety.
Thats how he ended up in Hi.
Nalani. I love Go! but I recognize that their planes are smaller and have adjusted to them. Other “feeder flights” for big airlines on the mainland are using CanadaAir jets so I always look at what kind of jet is being used when I travel.
One thing nice thing about Go! is their stairway service. I take my rollon bag (guitar, or other med sized instrument) as a carry on. Then I give it to the attendant at the bottom of the stairs to the plane and they put a ticket on it and carefully put in it in the baggage hold. When we land, I pick up the item when I get off the plane and it does not go to baggage claim. This does not work with large items, tho.
Next time, just let the client know your baggage and equipment needs to fly on a larger plane.
Hope everything arrives safely!
Gotta cook dindin.
las vegas — got Feb 2009 tickets? Are hinting you coming this way again? Want to do some karaoke again? 😆
Our Warriors move the ball all the way to the redzone well enough.. It’s after they get there that the problems surface. I hope they will focus on redzone plays in practice this week. Next to fumbles and interceptions, I believe that nothing deflates the team more than a score denied in the redzone.
This is an exerpt from ST’s article today:
With three Aggies in pursuit, Lane said, “I didn’t want anybody to push me out (of bounds). I was right by the sideline. I wanted to dive into the end zone. I was putting the ball up to dive into the end zone, and it flew out. This was a crazy game.
HUH? The team is losing and he wants to showboat on the visitor’s turf? TEAM….TEAM…..TEAM….forget the showboating and get 6. Geez.
For anyone watching the Altitude feed yesterday, the annoncer made a great comment when Farmer was denied scoring from the 3 yard line. He said “This guy is 6’1″, 248 lbs and running diagonally? Bad play call, they need to run him up the gut with that size.”
As a person that used to work in the airline industry NEVER EVER ask for a sticker to be placed on your bag that says “FRAGILE.”
For many of the employees that work on the ramp FRAGILE=THROW HARDER.
The amount of pilferage that takes place at the HNL Bag Room Area is also unbelievable and many passengers do not do anything about it because they don’t want to go through the hassle or they know already that nothing will ever come out of it.
Las Vegas,
Hope you feeling bettah! I saw mentaiko in the store the other day & remembah’d the udon. What’s the name of that restaurant?
I gotta hear you sing when you come back in Feb.!
I BELIEVE in this team. GO WARRIORS!!!
Esme & out… back to my aunty’s…
Kekoa, email me
re: your nephew
Yup, going back for Mom’s one year service and nephew’s marriage.
2/17 to 2/24, got the flight, got the car, almost set for a hotel.
Karaoke? I certainly would not want to impose on you, especially at Genji’s, say at seven p.m. to closing.
Mei Ling,
How are you and mom doing?
That place is called Yokohama Kaigenro corner of Paradise/Harmon
Are you back in Hnl?
Sell or rent the house?
Sounds like it was an exciting game but the UH Men pulled out a victory 72-70 against UH-Hilo.
OK the lost to USU was hard to take, but I belive the team will recover from this set back. Going on the road and playing a football game is not easy. This is the fifth road trip for the team within the past ten weeks. I’m sure there’s some fatigue and tiredness associated with the rigors of travel. That might account for the mental errors in the game. By spending the week at El Paso the team will be completely acclimated and we should see a better effort by the warriors. So, on to NMSU.
UH 38 – NMSU 24
Rich2176 they did run Farmer up the gut twice when they were on the three then the one but UH did not get the push up front. Farmer ran into a wall.
lab rat – I’ll double check on 360, but wasn’t the first run off tackle, then up the gut? Regardless, he couldn’t pound it in….So many frustrations yesterday. But, it’s done and time to prepare for Saturday. GO WARRIORS!
Howzit rich,
How is Ms. Margo doing?
Hey LV – how’s the cat? Oh, it was the meds.
Margo is doing well. All follow-up appts are going great. I know she’s feeling better since the to-do list for me always has new items.
Okay, time for sleep. My body thinks it’s 11:30, but it’s only 10:30.
Hey LV – how’s the cat? Oh, it was the meds.
Margo is doing well. All follow-up appts are going great. I know she’s feeling better since the to-do list for me always has new items.
Okay, time for sleep. My body thinks it’s 11:30, but it’s only 10:30.
Back to ST’s initial question of suggestions, I think the coaches are trying a lot of different things to try to win THIS season, and sometimes it works (ala Fresno) and sometimes it doesn’t…..Platoon QBs, playing guys both ways, starters on special teams, moving OG to OT’s and OT’s to OG’s, etc. But the real solution in the long run is more depth, which means recruiting. I see Coach Mac doing a much better job of recruiting, so I think this will improve the depth in future years. We were missing a few guys due to injury, and it showed on both sides of the ball.
I still totally believe that THIS coaching staff and THIS team has what it takes to go to a bowl game and, as soon as next season, be WAC champs again. With more depth and a few seasons to fine tune, this team could be a BCS buster once again.
Win or lose it’s an honor to wear the green/black, whether you’re a player on the field or a fan in the stands. So I’ll keep cheering for our team….and looking forward to a win this weekend.
LukiTai – Howzit! Welcome to The Warrior Beat!! Thanks for your insight. You touched on some very important points. Seems like you strapped it up before (homey – get your mind out of the gutter. i didn’t say “strap it on”. bwhahahaha. btw. i hope the homester got home safely). Keep on posting.
OK — got some scheduling to do… have to check with Gaye and Keiko when they can round up all your acquaintances who have been asking about you after they heard you reappeared last year. : )
In January, I will put out a intermediate size Karaoke Call for Genji’s since it has Japanese songs and 7:00 PM to closing is the norm. We could take the entire lounge again–Gaye would not blink if she knows it’s for you 😐 We’ll see how many Tsingers RSVP this time.
But, maybe we can do a separate BIG Karaoke Call too, depending on your schedule…
I’ll have my people talk to your people
I wish I had peeps…
It took Colt, Bess, Mullen, Rivers, more than a season to master the redzone. Remember those frustrating games in 2005? How about those close loses with dropped balls in the endzone in 2006? And these were what many consider the best receiving corps in UH history with the Best QB in UH history.
That our Warriors are having problems in the redzone is to be expected. I didn’t expect to lose to Utah State, but hey.. it happens. NMSU is up next. They gotta work on those redzone plays.
Some day, all the Warriors will do the Ha’a and none will make a bee-line for the lockers at Aloha Stadium as soon as the game ends.
Suggestions for ST – are you going to discuss suggestions with Coach Mack?
1) utilize more receivers during the game – all the other schools do including the “big name”, BCS schools – every time a receiver runs a long route, he automayically heads for the sideline, not the huddle – this allows the “reserves” a chance for game experience and first teamers rest.
2) rotate the o-line; individually or the entire unit – again, building for the future and rest for the weary.
3) use Funaki as a RB or slot and have him pass the ball or take off running.
4) use more “motion” or “mis-direction” plays to freeze the LB and allow more time/space for the QB.
5) use the “tackle eligible” play by positioning him as a “tightend” or slot next to the guard/tackle.
6) the “run ‘n shoot” does not mean a straight drop back or stay in the pocket to pass – it’s merely a term to name a “system”.
7) use Corey Paredes as a RB – he has size, speed, good hands – ask Coach Nelson Maeda how good he was on offense.
8) use LWJ on “flair” patterns to utilize his speed.
How rigid is the play book? Open to suggestions?
Ah, I stay tired.
Great to hear the updates on Dr. Doc and that things seem to be going well! I hope that you are doing well also and getting your rest.
Mahaley on short yardage goal line plays reminds me of RC “alley op” Owens for the 49ers of long ago.
Go into the end zone, throw the ball high, and let him leap for the reception. TD Warriors!!!
Yea, baby!
Right now I do not think that radical changes can be made for the NMSU game. After the NMSU game the team has a bye week and some changes can be implemented for the stretch run. However, just adding more plays and options is not what I think the answer will be…I think it is important that the team work on execution of what they do now, as execution is more important than throwing more things up against the wall to see if it could work.
There are a LOT of things that have been tried already, some that worked and some that did not. The coaches can sift through that and pick out what they want and discard what hasn’t worked (Mac and the coaches have done this already to some degree). Then the team needs to work on a core set of things and get them down so that execution is efficient.
Completely changing the offense, adding in new formations, moving too many people to different positions would be a sign of desperation to me. How can they implement all of those things in a week *and* get the new stuff and the old stuff to be executed properly? Plus, the team is on the road and will not have their usual practice setup to work on things. Remember, the offense had plays that would have been more effective against Utah State but they just weren’t executed properly.
There are things that can be added in a week. Put in a set of plays for Inoke and/or some other players that can be worked on until they can be executed smoothly. Put in a (very) limited set of plays for Mouton at slotback and then use him full-time at CB. A limited set of plays can be learned and practiced so that it will be executed well…kind of using the BSU philopsophy. NMSU won’t know what those plays are, so the plays should be effective. And the team has a bye week after the NMSU game to put in a new set of plays for Inoke and/or others.
madeinhawaii – the funny thing is, _before_ this game, Hawaii had very good red zone efficiency (just not a lot of trips to the red zone).
I’m sorry I couldn’t answer your question about my weekend when you asked last night, but my houseguests kept me busy until late last night. My weekend was okay, but it would have been a lot better if the Warriors had won.
One of my closest friends, her husband, and their 18-month-old child stayed with us last night. We took them to Legoland yesterday and they had a great time, then my wife and I stayed up all night talking story with my friend while her husband and son slept since Legoland wore them out. It is nice that Lori and my friend get along so well, since my friend and I dated for a couple of years in college and maybe also right before I started to date Lori…Lori jokes about hanging out with my ex, but she really gets along well with her.
Today we went to Legoland with the family of my older daughter’s best friend. It was a lot of fun, but tiring. We hung out with my friend’s family until they had to leave to go surfing in San Clemente, then we met my daughter’s friend’s family at Legoland. My daughter’s friend is 5 (just like her) and they were inseparable in preschool, and her younger sister is 3 and is in my younger daughter’s preschool class. So, we know this family well!
The biggest thing that stood out to me on special teams was that Utah State blocked both of UH’s FG attempts. I saw people bashing Dan Kelly for missing two FGs in the game, but Utah State blocked them–it wasn’t like he kicked them wide left or something! The special teams obviously didn’t adjust well enough after the first block–they focused on the guy that blocked the first one and left alone the guy next to him who got the second block. The kick protection needs to be fixed before the NMSU game!
So the stats show.. but boy it really didn’t look that way yesterday, eh? 5 or more opportunities.
Utah just stopped the Warriors Cold… Those tipped and blocked field goals.. the goal line stands… Farmer up the gut.. Farmer to the side..
Gotta put the two together.
But you have to give Utah credit. They played solid defense in the redzone on Saturday.
I really feel bad for the Warriors. I bet none of them are really enjoying their weekend.
Re: Apology letters
Maybe they should have written them, I’m sure that
we would have fewer personal fouls.
Esp since it seems like the same few guys getting caught.
btw I was against it originally
Someone mentioned this on that other forum..SH…
One of the plays we don’t see often (or not at all) is that soft toss to the outside shoulder of the wide outs. They used to throw that to Jason regularly, and he’d catch, cut and get good yards out of that one.
Anger + Disgust + Disappointment >>> Total Focus + Positive Motivation
That’s gonna have to be the winning formula for NMSU.
Las Vegas…
Hard to play tough disciplinary football when you don’t have the depth to replace these guys, eh? Even if you pulled them, you’d soon have to throw them back in unless you wanted to punish everyone.
Hopefully they’ll be able to remedy that lack of depth with the recruits, redshirts, and second team players after they bulk up a bit and get stronger over the summer.
I know that myki and a couple of others have either posted or e-mailed me with questions about Katie, but I purposely didn’t say anything about Katie because I thought I was talking too much about my dog here earlier in the week. So, I quit all comments on Katie until after the Utah State game. Here is the update:
Katie has a malignant tumor in or near her pancreas. It will kill her if they cannot remove it. Even if they remove it her life expectancy is a year. There is one case in all of the cases we’ve heard about when the dog lived 2 years after the surgery.
They took 3 X-rays. She spent the whole day at the hospital with the vet and they studied her with ultrasounds and other tests. Unfortunately, they could not find where the tumor is. A specialist with a very special ($$) ultrasound machine is coming on Tuesday to try to find the tumor. They charged us so much already that they are actually not charging us for the exam on Tuesday!
If they find that it is just one tumor and that things haven’t spread, and if it is in a good spot, we could go ahead with the surgery. Otherwise, surgery might not help her. The only other standard thing to do would be to open her up and look around for the tumor…which is not a great idea so they want to find it before they operate.
Katie is fine now. We bought the food the vet recommended, I feed her around the clock (keep the blood sugar up) and I have to walk her around the clock (side effect of feeding her so much). She doesn’t have the energy she used to have a month ago, but she is still very affectionate and she loves the new food.
I thought that AhSoon played at G in the second half and Letuli replaced Kia at T. That would seem to indicate that the coaches *did* make changes on the OL during the game. I haven’t seen anyone mention this and so many people today and yesterday have said that the coaches didn’t do anything about certain mistakes on the OL.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
The tainted food problem in China has spread to animal feed, which could be a big problem for consumers around the world.
Study found that chimps reduce stress with a kiss or hug and truly seem to feel empathy.
Chicago was trying to encourage its students to have perfect attendance, so they ended up giving a new car to a 12-year-old girl with perfect attendance. Of course she won’t be able to drive it for a long time…
This robotics expert wrote a book about how people will be having sex with robots within five years and within 40 years people will be having full-blown romantic relationships with robots. He writes that the development of artificial intelligence and roots is advancing so quickly that it will soon be possible to produce anatomically correct mechanical partners that can hold conversations and act as if they are in a romantic relationship. He says that this will be a big help for people with psychological problems or physical deformities.
Cook at a restaurant was upset when a customer sent a steak back that he said wasn’t cooked properly. So, he inserted his hair (he told police it was his facial hair but he apparently told another cook the hair was from a lower part of his body) into the steak. Not surprisingly, the customer is suing now, especially since the cook apparently had done the same thing twice before and management knew about it.
Free play links pau.
Good luck with Katie.
We’ve spent over 4 thousand on our Sassy, but
what can you do?
After all they are family.
I hope those will be self-cleaning robots.. yuck..
Maybe that 12 year-old girl can now get an older boyfriend who can drive and they can cut class and go for a cruise somewhere, eh?
Why a car?
Surprisingly, Vegas has us as 2.5 point favorites over New Mexico State. Are they expecting a sloppy game from both sides?
I agree on post #258.
I feel what is really missing is a vocal
leader on the offensive side of the ball.
Someone like Samson or Hercules in the recent past.
It would be great if GA would become that type of QB
who commands respect from his teammates and gets
a 100% from them every play.
Rich2176 UH used an unbalanced line and moved Bain to tightend on the weakside. They also had 2 wingbacks on that side. Salas was split out on the strongside. They ran the pretty much the same play three times with Alexander under center handing off to first Libre who did run wider than Farmer who ran more to the inside. USU got penetration all three times and really brought the house the last one.
I actually like this idea but with a bigger tightend and a lead blocking back instead of the 2 wings. They could also run passing plays from this formation and I would assume that they do have some in their playbook.
Hey ST, when you review the game tape to do your YAC stats, check out the “running clock” as I mentioned yesterday. Saw the ending of the replay last night. Alexander takes snap with 7:19 left, bolts up middle into end zone. Clock stuck on 7:19, then suddenly changes to 7:07 or 7:08 as he scores. He gets up, and runs toward the sideline as the clock keeps ticking down to 7:00 before it stops (Alexander already on sideline!) Later, Borel breaks 61-yard run and is tackled, he gets up and time keeps ticking. Later, Turbin scores 6-yard run, celebrates in end zone, and time keeps ticking. Don’t know if TV clock and official game clock are in synch, but I’ve never noticed how much time can tick off after officials whistle a play dead. Must have been a heavy-handed clock keeper. Not saying it would have changed the outcome, just saying it’s pretty shoddy time keeping … and misleading to TV viewers. And did you notice that the game lasted 3 hours, 3 minutes (with 57 pass attempts). Hmmm. Something to chew on.
Road Warrior –
from what book is that line? DonBest not posted yet. big surprise on the line.
I’m guessing that the 49-0 beatdown makes NMSU look worse to the oddsmakers than Hawaii did in the 27-7 loss. You could also say that Utah State’s playing up to Fresno’s level the week before also “helped”.
I will post an update on Katie after Tuesday’s exam. However, I will refrain from talking more about Katie because I’d rather not sidetrack the blog…
Hiya- I dunno if anyone has already mentioned this but Utah State came to the game with a purpose. Newscasters were saying that their coach was under a lot of criticism and that his job may have been in question because of the losing season. Utah State had a reason to play well and they did.
Kudos to them for stepping up and coming together as a team.
The same formula can work for our guys.
las vegas,
I could have used the money to attend two road games or fly my whole family to Hawaii…but I had no choice just like you.
Liz the way USU is playing they have a chance to have a better record than Michigan.
I saw on YouTube the Kauai High Japanese Club perform the Algorithem March.
Also saw the Filipina looking teacher (?) sing in almost perfect Japanese.
do you know her?
Aleishea Yamaoka
oh… last suggestion. Put Mouton back on defense. We need to get the ball back on dfefense and prevent those long gains.
stretch….you do have peeps in all the wrong professions.
Hiya Liz!
Howzit LV!
I would ask how you think the team was doing tonite, but I think it’s been a pretty down day for them. Lots of soul searching I’ll bet.
This weekend, we here on Fantasy island will once again meet at our pre-arranged TV-gate and cheer for our Warrior team as much as ever. We are not fair weather fans (A real soggy Nevada game was proof of that!).
Liz & LV – I wish you guys could get on a magic carpet and come join us. I plan to unload the Warrior Prize Wagon for this one! Unusual Warrior items, and some golf equipment and apparel to the winners per each Qtr, Half-time, and end of game /football and golf contests. I’m still working on a possible hookup to their big screen for some Karaoke singing after the game for those non-golfers.
Working out the final details on Monday with the Bay View manager. More later. Gonna go rest the bod pretty soon.
jm2375 ~ Just in case you are lurking…I owe you an apology. I didn’t mean to hold you up to public ridicule, or try to belittle you in any way. I just happen to love to ‘mess’ you! That’s putting it in a much softer light. Kinda like scolding the boys for losing the game, but’s ok we understand.
If you come to this one last TV-gate, I promise I’ll give you a prize just for showing up…(as in Win, Place or Show!) We bury the hatchet and hope Homey’s Poodles don’t dig it up! K??
Kekoa – no worries, beef curry. I’m pretty thick-skinned. Besides, I was being sarcastic. That’s the thing with the written word. Sometimes that stuff just doesn’t come thru. Hope I can make it. I may not know till the last minute. Chaffeur-duty. grrrrr.
Still hoping to get to the Wazzou game. Should the Warriors make it to the Bowl game, I know already I won’t be able to go. On Christmas Eve, we have a sort-of traditional Cuban dinner of roast pork and black beans and rice.
jason, kazz,
were you guys at the basketball game this evening?
As JFK used to say “Cuber!” Wow, that dinner sounds exotic!
Bring your hubby or Ricky Ricardo with you complete with his golf sticks so he can go one-on-one with Homey! Win the right to help Homey find his way back to Mililani.
Kekoa has left the building….
tonight’s news
lab rat,
if you know her, tell she’s great!
Hi las vegas! I will try to come to Oahu whilst you are there to honor your mom. Don’t want to miss hearing those honey tones emanating from Genjis!
Not familiar with the Kauai High teacher you mentioned.
Kekoa- we will be raising the roof over here for the NM game. Brenda and Paulie are amazing hosts. The house is big enuf for plenty of kaukau inside near the TV and messy foods like boiling lobstah outside. They have some “for entertainment purposes only” fun stuff to do and scores are often shouted out to golfers passing by who know they are the “Home of the Warriors” on gamedays.
Man- they even have extra Warrior apparel on hand should an unfortunate guest be wearing the opposing team colors – just to avoid unnecessary bachi.
Next week we are having new Mexican fuud as the theme.
So far, Kymry is the only other Tsai-ko there. Her hubby calls her a “stalker” instead of a blogger.
Nitey nite and sweet Warrior Dreams!
Happy Belated Birthday Clayton “Da Sloth” Laurel (11/02).
If I’m not around on Election Day, can someone give a birthday shout to Adam “Manimal” Leonard and Freshman DB Steven Chrisitan…
Enjoy reading all of the very good suggestions today? Blog appeared to be kind of wild this morning. “Can’t we all just get along?”
I didn’t get to see the game on Saturday morning so will be unable to make any comments on the game. What I would like to do is review a few of the must-do’s in order to win a game, and get comments from our fellow Tsaiko’s to hear they’re feelings on how we did in these areas.
Remember there are the four expectations:
1 – Expect to Win.
2 – Expect to be in a Dogfight.
3 – Expect that at sometime during the game, winning will appear to be impossible.
4 – Expect to win the game late in the fourth quarter.
Also need to remember the keys to the game:
1 – Win the turnover battle.
2 – Win two out of the three phases of the game. Either offense and special teams or defense and special teams.
3 – Score everytime we get into the red zone.
4 – Win the 3rd down efficiency battle.
5 – Eliminate penalties.
6 – Play great sudden change football.
Also don’t forget individual keys:
1 – Do it right.
2 – Do it 100%.
See? The game is very simple.
Like I said, I didn’t get to see the game. but fdrom the comments, I can gather that we didnt:
1 – Expect to be in a dog fight.
Which resulted in our players possibly not being prepared so:
2 – Didn’t do it right.
3 – Didn’t do it 100%.(Lacked great effort because they didn’t expect to be in a dogfight)
Our Warriors are taking mid-term exams every week. Their mid-terms are on the subject of college football. They need to prepare every week for a new exam. There are no repeat questions. Every week’s mid-term is on different chapters and different subjects. You can’t take a vacation this week because you got an A on last week’s mid-term. They need to be prepared every single week.
eh howzit professor pride?
where were you on saturday then???
but it is true, we didn’t do it 100% and we lost in just about every phase of the game. we beat ourselves really. how can you march up and down the field only to shoot yourself in the foot?
can. we did. we took too many things for granted. we couldn’t even push a yard three times in a row or catch a ball in a crucial clutch situation.
the good news is that these can be fixed. if they want to.
Good morning Pride…
#3 in the ‘keys to the game’ list didn’t happen. Coach Mac identified that one as a disappointment too. If you get around to watching the game you’ll notice several slips on the turf. I haven’t read anywhere whether it was a problem with the cleats or the sportsturf. Don’t know if there is a restriction on the type of cleats allowed with that stuff.
As Ron Jacobs used to say, “Wake u-u-u-u-u-u-u-p!” 🙂
Good to read in Ferd’s column that Coach Mac isn’t letting anyone go to Mexico this week. You couldn’t pay me enough to go to the border area where they are at right now with all the violence. Several instances of shootings in public markets during broad daylight. No thanks.
While watching the game one of the things that struck me was that it appeared to me that the whole team just didn’t seem to have the right mindset during the game.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!
hoboy, tomorrow i get to vote. historic day.
Kona Girl at 182 and Las Vegas.
howzit howzit. i agree 100% that on some plays Rolo is wondering to himself, whats up wit dat changing the upstairs and downstairs guyz. it shows on his face. maybe even putting them both upstairs and sending the playz down to Coach Mack or to Rausch.
Good morning everyone!
Last week we had our very own historic day in my Civics class. I have seven brand new voters! I asked them to bring in their absentee ballots so we could vote together — still a secret ballot, though. I made copies so the other kids could “vote” too albeit we did not send in their ballots, of course.
Almost like a LOI day. Those seven kids were a bit nervous and kept asking me to check to see if they had bubbled things in correctly. Geez. They spend a huge portion of their school lives bubbling in things and now they want clarificatoin. HA!
Anyhow, I brought in stamps, had the kids sign and seal the envelopes and took them to the mail drop in the main office.
I have never seen a group of kids who were so excited and so proud to have exercised their primary and most significant right as a citizen of the USA.
Remember to vote tomorrow if you have not already done so! If you do not vote you forfit your right to say antying about any decisions.
Out here Starbucks is giving away free coupons to voters — good for one free cup of coffee. Are they doing the same thing elsewhere?
Time to Esme!!!
Good morning Wafan
I sure hope all our Warriors got to vote before they took off on their two week trip.
this election, historic no matter who wins.
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
Just a reminder…
*** LoCal Calf Call ***
Today, 11/3/08
Ono Ono Hawaiian Barbecue
17582 East 17th Street, Tustin, CA 92780
11:45 AM
Great Morning All!
Good move by Mack. I doubt that the road to victory dips South of the Border anyway.
Hope this mini-camp produces a lot of positives.
It sounds like you’re doing a fantastic job in your Civics class. Getting kids excited about the electoral process is probably not an easy task but you seem to have found a way to get it done.
btw, I haven’t forgotten about sending you the dvd, I’ll be going to the post office today 😉
Work hard today Warriors!
Have a great day erryboddy!
The coaches can make a lot of changes if they want but the bottom line is the PLAYERS need to MAN UP and decide that they are tired of lining up across from the guy in front of them and getting their butt whooped.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Time for boot camp to start and focus on NMSU!!
bradda Mouton is right. MAN UP, WARRIORS!!!
and coaches, MAN UP TOO!!!
PRIDE: re: #295 & 296.
Your analysis is right on the money!
Good morning all.
Go vote tomorrow
Good Morning Tsaikos and everyone else. After reading everything that was posted on the blog yesterday, I refrained from posting myself, because I could see myself being really negative towards certain posters.
Despite the loss, it’s time to move on and focus on beating NMSU.
K. Mouton is right. It’s time strap on those helmets and show the world who the Warriors really are.
Pride – you forgot your most important saying.
You are not as good as you think you are when you win and you are not as bad as you think when you lose.
99club- you are right about going across the border. I was at NMSU for 2 1/2 years and went across to Juarez only once and realized it wasn’t the place to be. Coach Mac is doing the right thing keeping them away from there.
No sense upsetting the apple cart, Garett.
trying to figure out how to get the O coaches to get the players to look better.
it would seem to me that the coaches know who is the better players on the opposing team, trying to get an advantage on matchups.
that being said, who would you put upstairs, Ron or Nick?
OT: anyone want make free money while having fun? no strings attached? let me know djmitcho at yahoo dot com
Pride. – did you send me an email? Just checking that it’s not something sinister. bwahahahaha.
jm2375. I don’t know what that is? Please delete it.
pride – I think you looking at too many naughty sites.
hey, I got an email from Pride. too. Now I know I can delete it.
Hey, new post.
Pride. – it was a “friend request” from Tagged.
Liz ~ Just read your post about the House-Gate you and the Warrior Wahine are hosting on Kauai this week. It would be nice to travel over next season and sample a neighbor Island-Gate.
Pride ~ It was recommended by the Wessai Chaptah at yesterday’s high level BCC, that you should be flown in to deliver the motivational locker room talk to the team…with a follow-up ‘fever pitch’ to them at half-time. We are collecting old junky laptops for you to toss around to make your point.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Garret, thanks for the update on Katie. Hoping for great news on tomorrow.
Pride-I really enjoy your posts. Your comments are meant specifically for football but can be used in all aspects of our lives. Thank you.
Enjoyed the exhibition game last night. Saw Kazz and his gang and C-C from across the way.
Have a great week!!
1) We cant beat ourselves, and need to stick to the script. That is what practice is for
2) Us as fans need to stop thinking what wouldve been done if players that were injured weren’t. Appreciate the team we have we dont have another
3) Libre and Pilares are our best weapons use them 45-65 % of the time, and work in deep bombs to Lane Salas, and Washington
4) We as fans need to disregard racial comments. Alexander is starting because he is better at this time. Not because Funaki is Polynesian. Word to hatin Fans Brennan was not Poly. WHY ru as a Polynesian discouraging them to come and play for the only team that is tied to our culture. And whats this about cutting hair everyone last year had it and we all loved it. Keep the hair look at how dumb Melo looks now
5) Let Mack breathe and give him a year.
6) LWJ does not play because he cannot hit the holes.
7) Give #3 or #9 a Shot at Safety
8) Show Respect be a model yourself. Keep cheering like some crazy Beasts.
9) Try a TE set
10) As you notice majority of mine are for the Fans, we need more help than Mack
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