Send us your ?s

It’s Monday, so send us questions about UH football.

We’ll pass on the questions, and print answers on this blog and in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser on Wednesday.


  1. seewhy October 31, 2016 12:39 pm


  2. seewhy October 31, 2016 12:41 pm

    What preparations will be made this week for Donnel Pumphrey?

  3. bowwar October 31, 2016 12:52 pm

    Why did the UH offense rely on long passes versus short passes, bubble screens, and passes out of the backfield to mitigate the stacking of New Mexico players in the box. We seemed to insist on running between the tackles versus going outside. Is there a reason we didn’t use the tight ends for short passes? I noticed throughout the game that the New Mexico players were bouncing around and putting players into the box at the last minute. Why didn’t we make the proper reads and adjustments? I applaud the defense making the adjustments during the game, but I failed to see any offensive adjustments…

    INHO, a trick play where the running back gives the ball back to the QB would have worked based on the way New Mexico lined up…

  4. SlippaRippa October 31, 2016 12:55 pm

    Coach Rolo, I have two questions about the running game:

    1) The running game is the strength of our offense, and I agree with your decisions to go back to it over and over on that last 4th quarter drive this past Saturday. Why, though, did you decide to use the same formation repeatedly and have the WR come in motion before almost every run? It seems that the New Mexico defenders were timing their get-off by the receiver moving across the formation every time.

    2) It seems that when opposing defenses load the box that Diocemy has a tough time getting positive yards, except when the line opens up huge holes. Would you consider using Steven more than just in short-yardage situations? Though not as athletic as DSJ, it seems to me he has better vision when playing in a phone booth and seems to fall forward for 4 or 5 yards at a minimum, especially on early downs. With that said, in spread formations Diocemy is a beast.

    At the end of the day, I love pretty much everything you’re doing and good luck the rest of the way! Aloha.

  5. A-House October 31, 2016 12:55 pm

    Why so many balls thrown by UH QB have been blocked/knocked down at or near the LOS in the last 3 games?

  6. A-House October 31, 2016 1:01 pm

    last post, 3 said, from their vantage point or watching the replay on the jumbo tron that Lakalaka did gain the first down with less than 3 minutes left in the game ,but the “zebras” moved the ball back – if so, why no challenge?

  7. A-House October 31, 2016 1:03 pm

    what is your philosophy on running the “dive play” when an opponent has “stacked” the LOS with 7 or 8 players before the snap of the ball?

  8. tom-warriornation October 31, 2016 1:05 pm

    For road games, can you also announce that you want fans to wear GREEN to show unity; or how about starting a tradition of waving NEON GREEN towels–it may not be much but at least it will be a start for national TV if all the fans do it?

  9. tom-warriornation October 31, 2016 1:18 pm

    Last call: UH-SDSU road game tickets on Nov 5; sitting with 250+ Hawaii fans on the visiting team sidelines @$25, including former UH player greats Gary Allen & David Toloumu & the families of current players. Text me: 415-324-0585.

    Also 35 yd line seats behind our team at Fresno (Nov 19) for only $50; regular price is $62.

  10. clyde October 31, 2016 1:23 pm

    Coach: What is the status for the SDSU game of DT Kory Rasmussen (concussion?), RG Leo Koloamatangi (thumb injury?), TE Tui Unga (DNP) and ILB Russell Williams (DNP)?

  11. jeezy33 October 31, 2016 1:35 pm

    Why didn’t Hawaii offense take advantage of corners playing 8 yards+ off the line of scrimmage vs New Mexico? Even in rain, throws would be simple, and New Mexico would be giving up easy 5+ yard per play until force the corners to play up.

  12. MattyBoy October 31, 2016 1:47 pm

    Why did you allow the offense to be so predictable and consistently run up the middle especially when it wasn’t working at all? why did you only begin to pass and score when only New Mexico scored? The pass was working and points were being put on the board! Why not stick with it? Why revert back to something that clearly wasn’t working at all (running up the middle)? Playing the game in “safe mode” came back to bite you in the end (DSJ’s fumble 6).

  13. z October 31, 2016 2:09 pm

    Good questions A-House. I hope he answers them. Something I have been wondering.

  14. z October 31, 2016 2:14 pm

    Coach Rolo is it okay to grab and hold on to a players jersey while blocking? If not did you bring it up with the officials during the game?

  15. Speed Kills October 31, 2016 2:17 pm

    Will Hawaii be recruiting faster skilled players on offense? Team had more speed in run and shoot days. Think this team needs to recruit more speed to stretch out the field. Safeties not respecting us.

  16. Derek October 31, 2016 2:27 pm

    Yep, hindslight is always 20/20. On 4 and I on the New Mexico 7, most people had the feeling that Hawaii would give the ball to Lakalaka. I also thought UH would do
    it too. The problem is New Mexico figured that too. It was too obvious because Lakalaka always got the ball in short yardage situations and up to that point he converted. But, as they say, you go to the well too often sometimes there is no water.
    In a similar situation against San Jose, Brown ran a read option and scored a long TD run. And in hindslight, what not run a read option again to give Brown 3 options, keep and run, pitch it to the running back or trailer, or pass a short one to at least get 1 yard, or even score. This loss and the loss against UNLV hurts real bad. I don’t call the plays and what’s done is done. All you can do is focus on San Diego State and I’ll be there watching and cheering as well as Mariota the following day against the Charges at Qualcomm. Good luck team!

  17. MattyBoy October 31, 2016 2:28 pm

    What’s the point of having us ask questions when in turn you just delete them? If you don’t want my question being answered by Rolo then fine but why delete it for? Don’t understand. It was a legitimate, honest question.

  18. MattyBoy October 31, 2016 2:30 pm

    Sorry for post #16 but my question wasn’t there then all of sudden it came back. That’s weird. Oh well. Sorry again for that post.

  19. Old Diver October 31, 2016 2:39 pm

    Like the improvement I’ve seen so far. Which players are you counting on to provide the leadership we need to finish strong during the final third of the season.

  20. Buffoman October 31, 2016 2:58 pm

    I believe that you have the team going in the right direction. The area that I see as a tough one to overcome has less to do with physical ability. It seems that after tough games that maybe folks had written off as possibly losses, you win, you return to a “possible winnable game” and the team starts flat. How do you mentally prepare the team? A great basketball coach once told me that mental preparation for competition is even tougher that physically and tactically preparing a team to play. I am assuming that it is probably the same for just about any kind of competition.

  21. willieboy October 31, 2016 3:12 pm

    I noticed on more than a couple of plays that the snap would come a little later than what seemed normal after dru brown clapped and it seemed to throw off the rhythm of the play…. is this being done intentionally or something that needs to be worked out with the centers?

  22. Ipu Man October 31, 2016 3:13 pm

    Coach, you know how if you give a kid candy,
    they are high off the wall for an hour. Why
    not have chocolate covered Macadamia nuts
    on the sidelines to activate the players?

  23. J-Dog October 31, 2016 3:44 pm

    Coach Rolo,

    During that series late in the 4th quarter when yards were tough, and NM was keying in on our running game, would have loved to see Ewaliko or DSJ line up at wideout and get put in motion to get that direct snap or pitch, rather than Marcus Kemp just being put in motion and tipping off the defense on the timing of the snap.

    Still behind the team though. Much more exciting than the last 4 years for sure.

  24. UH Fan for Life October 31, 2016 4:19 pm

    Coach Rolo, Saturday’s Game was a tough home loss, but it’s still encouraging to see we had a chance to win up to the final minute.
    With 9 games under your belt as head coach, what has been your most pleasant surprise so far this season? What has given you the most satisfaction or sense of accomplishment as the head coach?
    Best wishes to the team against the Aztecs.

  25. M L Warrior October 31, 2016 4:32 pm

    Why does Matt Norman change his number from 72 to 90?

    Coach have you seen this young man out of Fullerton College, he is a very good QB, Hawaii should be talking to this young man.

  26. cocobean October 31, 2016 4:39 pm

    Everyone here knows but often lose sight of the fact the coaches are doing a good job of turning this program around. Everyone here knows and often lose sight of the fact that this is a young team in terms of both players and coaches that is still going through the ups and downs of growing pains. Everyone here knows but often lose sight of the fact that the team is thin on the O and D lines, that the team lacks overall defensive speed. Everyone here knows and often lose sight of the fact when you your lacking in those two areas all the Xs and Os can’t completely mask those two areas that breakdowns will happen.

  27. z October 31, 2016 4:50 pm

    I think Coach Mayur has done a really good job.

  28. cocobean October 31, 2016 4:55 pm

    If I were a betting man I’d take the points in the next game. This team has shown a lot more heart than in previous years. The team, especially on defense, seems to channel the hurt and disappointment of a loss into a redoubling of their effort for the next game. They come out with the fight of a wounded animal. I’d take the points if I were a betting man. Pumphrey and Washington should get their yards but I expect them to finish the game with some free tattoos courtesy of our defense.

  29. z October 31, 2016 4:57 pm

    Coach I can understand when a player fumbles but what disappointed me was how the players quit on the play. Your quarterback was heading toward and looking at the sidelines I assume looking to get the next play? But the ball was fumbled and no one from the offense went looking for it. Not even the one who fumbled it. Obviously the whistle hadn’t blown. Aren’t they taught to finish plays? It was so weird looking at the ball on the turf.

  30. Pride Rock October 31, 2016 5:14 pm

    I don’t wanna spoil any strategies, but will you guys be expanding offensive playmaking? Also is Cory Rasmussen okay? That hit looked really scary.

  31. AllG October 31, 2016 5:16 pm

    Why such conservative offensive play calling this past game? I understand it was raining and windy, but we were telegraphing our run plays by bring in tight end and fullback and motioning the WR. Seemed like we were going back the Chow play book of run, run, pass, punt. Was very disappointed in the dull playing calling and I know I was not the only one. We had a interception and the sudden change is often a time to get a big play downfield and we went with a dive up the middle on the first and second play. Leading to a 3 and out. We will stand by you if you go out firing but you will soon have a empty stadium if this is how our play calling is going to be like a home especially.

  32. Old School Dave October 31, 2016 5:22 pm

    Wow! Interesting article on fan attendance at Montana. Turns out that this FCS program averages more fans than 7 MWC schools. Very disappointing attendance this past Saturday (19,000) for a game that had conference ramifications. Need to get more okoles in the seats at Aloha Stadium. This is NOT the UH teams of past years/regime.

    Coach, do you plan to recruit more JUCO players for some immediate help, particularly on the D-line, next season?

  33. Shoko October 31, 2016 5:36 pm

    Coach, while the team was trying to come back and tie the game near the end of regulation, did your offensive staff intend to call running plays up the middle or were they too busy pleasuring themselves in the booth to actually care and craft a good game plan?

  34. kapakahi October 31, 2016 5:42 pm


    I believe that redshirt frosh ILB Solomon Matautia got his first collegiate start this past game. How is Solomon developing/progressing at the ILB position (since converted from playing safety for Campbell HS)?

  35. H-Man October 31, 2016 5:57 pm

    Hawaii ran 68 plays against New Mexico; 40 rushing, 28 passing. Average yds/rush – 3.1; avg yds/pass – 6.2. Given the passing plays produced twice the yards as a running play, shouldn’t the balance have been at least closer to 50/50, or even 60/40 in favor or more passing plays?

  36. cocobean October 31, 2016 6:09 pm

    #28. I was at the game. Not too many people noticed the fumble until the NM player picked it up and started running. Dru Brown was the closest UH player to the ball he did give chase but the NM player had too much of a head start and had several other NM players running with him. Brown eased up somewhere inside the twenty when it was apparent he had no chance of catching the player.

  37. Na Koa Mike October 31, 2016 6:24 pm

    New Mexico game photos have been posted.

  38. islandman October 31, 2016 6:32 pm

    Coach, On the last UH drive of the game, why was the ball given to Lakalaka on 4th and 1 ? During the prior 4 downs, on 3rd and 1, he lost 1 yard. Then on 1st and 10, he rushed for no gain. After a pass to Kemp for 8 yards, he ran for 1 yard on 3rd and two.

  39. hilosupaman October 31, 2016 7:00 pm

    Do you happen to know if the helmets were in development prior to Rolo asking for ideas here?

    What will become of those helmets? I would love to get my hands on one!

    Tough loss… but as you mentioned there is still a chance! Something that could not be said at this point in previous seasons


  40. oneseason October 31, 2016 8:00 pm

    Coach & AD, have students commented that they would be more excited about going to Football games if they had sideline seats closer to midfield? UH is just one of many schools that have moved their students to less desirable seating over the last 30 years or so, but having had really good student seats in college is one reason why I enjoy the game so much and buy season tickets now.

  41. A-House October 31, 2016 8:01 pm

    Old School Dave:

    your # 31 — every time I hit the play/forward button all I get are commercials – why???

    very interested in seeing the QB play!

  42. kev-1 October 31, 2016 8:39 pm


    I thought for sure your return mentioned that we would she at least a version of the run and shoot (I would bet many people did). Just wondering why not?

    Is it due to personnel? Or are gonna pretty much see the read option more often then not?

  43. kev-1 October 31, 2016 8:40 pm

    Sorry for typo. It should say “meant” not “mentioned.”

  44. kapakahi October 31, 2016 8:42 pm


    The designated student sections look to be the same sections for the past 40 years since Aloha Stadium opened……

  45. kev-1 October 31, 2016 8:43 pm

    Can you grade the play calling for the season thus far? Some games have had good spurts and variety. Others not so much. Just curious what your perspective is.

    BTW … these are just things I’m wondering since we have the opportunity to ask. By no means am I down on the season or team. I have definitely noticed the improvement.

  46. Down with... October 31, 2016 9:02 pm

    When do you have the right to over rule the play calling? Seems offensive linemen always think they can win the line and run, even when it doesn’t work for 4 quarters. You have a 6’4″ WR on a much smaller corner who’s playing almost 6-10 yards back. Please tell Brian Smith that 3 times 3 only equals nine. You need ten yards or more for a first down. You used to call great games coach wish you would step in once in awhile (especially since you’ve done it before) Go Bows!!!

  47. kapakahi October 31, 2016 9:02 pm


    How is redshirt frosh TE #95 Sione Kauhi developing/progressing so that he may be a possible option in the future on offense (in case either Tui Unga and/or Dakota Torres are dinged up and cannot play)?

  48. paki park October 31, 2016 9:06 pm

    Much improved team over the past few years. Still room for improvement, but program is definitely moving forward. Any chance of using Lakalaka, in addition to a short yardage back, as a spot 3rd down back? Be nice if Lakalaka got more carries or a few catches out of the backfield.

  49. kapakahi October 31, 2016 9:23 pm

    Hopefully the coaching staff be visiting San Diego area high schools, games, and/or recruiting prospects on either Thursday and/or Friday (before Saturday’s game).

  50. Derek October 31, 2016 9:25 pm

    Coach, I know it was military appreciation night and the helmet decal showed the “Go For Broke” insignia so you went on 4th and 2 on the first drive and you didn’t make it. New Mexico scored and soon added a 2nd touchdown in the 1st quarter. Was that a mistake so early in the game?

  51. DefendPrideRock October 31, 2016 9:36 pm

    Coach, Defense really impressed. Lempa is making great adjustments as the game progresses. Looking like the defenses of old.

    I was really disappointed in the continual runs up the middle when the defenders were stacking the box. Can you help us understand the strategy there?

    Also love DSJ but Lakalalaka has proven to be the short yardage champ, why hasn’t he been used more? I was surprised at how often it seemed DSJ was in on 3rd and short.


  52. oneseason October 31, 2016 9:42 pm

    #44 … I recall being told otherwise, but perhaps not. Could it have been just the UH band seats? The question stands though as to whether student attendance at football games could be improved through better seating. It does look like there was voiced interest by the students in 2011.

  53. warriorsanddolphins October 31, 2016 9:43 pm

    When you activated safety Kalen Hicks this past game, his redshirt year was wasted.
    The season is more than half over and he only came in for a few plays. Wouldnt it have been better if we just saved him and he could come back bigger and stronger next year as a redshirt freshman?

  54. kev-1 October 31, 2016 9:49 pm

    Lakalaka is effective when he is used sparingly and when he is fresh. Even though when he comes in they know he is going to run it, the D is still caught of guard by the size and strength. When he is left in play after play, the D gets used to how he attacks and can adjust. He doesn’t necessarily have a diverse style to be able to mix it up that much in regrads to how he is used. DSJ for example, will take you up the middle or burn you on the outside. As a defender, you are forced to play slightly on your heels. With the way they use Lakalaka, defenders know to fill the hole, plant, and drive without really worrying about a significant cut or burst.

  55. jay October 31, 2016 10:02 pm

    I still don’t understand the play calling Rolo.. Where are the screens, the swing passes , the shovel passes- and short passes to tight end – they work all the time against aggressive defenses and you have 3 of the most talented running backs UH has had in years – they would be dynamic if you just got them the ball in space…….Tomey and JJ would have to be upset at your lack of using the talent you have-smething he did so well . I am a big fan of yours Rol0 yet why be so stubborn my friend- especially your background …….an offensive line of 5 guys can’t block 8 guys and you can’t expect a running back to gain positive yardage. Let’s stop being macho and start using our knowledge of the game – go back to Run and shoot and call 60% of plays passes and 40% runs and we will put up all kind of points with the kids you have. ……try it – what do you have to lose Rolo- its always been the formula for success at UH through the years along with a good defense and this defense is getting better.

  56. 808 October 31, 2016 11:01 pm

    I don’t have any questions. It’s October 31st going into November and Hawaii is in 2nd place in MWC west division.

    When was the last time Hawaii was still in the title hunt for the west division this late in the season?

    The last 4 years produced a 10 – 36 record. With 4 more games to play, this team has the chance at having a win total of more than half of the win total (10) combined for the past 4 seasons. That’s a good start to turning this program around.

    There are 4 more games. I’m looking foward to how the team competes in the last 4 games.

  57. Markazulu October 31, 2016 11:29 pm

    What have you learned since becoming a head coach?

    Any Difference in philosophy from when you first started?

  58. Maddog50 November 1, 2016 12:40 am

    No questions-pretty sure I have a good handle on this. No moral victory, should be 5-0 but not there yet. Just go beat the Aztecs. South Alabama did it and NIU had them on the ropes late into 4th. Control LOS and you got em!

  59. seewhy November 1, 2016 2:53 am

    The lack of students in attendance at the game was due to a large “rave” that was happening that same night in Wahiawa.

  60. Palolo_2LA November 1, 2016 4:58 am

    Coach, why is there a lack for RNS concepts?

  61. Buffoman November 1, 2016 4:58 am

    We appear to have good tight ends. In the past, we’ve been burned by teams utilizing tight ends in some form of their passing attacked. Why did we not utilize that more in the past game? It seemed that we were only looking at Kemp (not a bad option) in many of the critical situations.

  62. The Flying O November 1, 2016 5:42 am

    @Palolo_2LA Define “run and shoot concepts.” I’m interested in your question.

  63. H-Man November 1, 2016 6:18 am

    What amazes me about Donnel Pumphrey is that he is not that big. Watching him on TV in their game against Utah St, I noticed he looks smallish with noodle-like arms. He’s listed at 5′ 9″/170, but really quick. Warriors will have a handful trying to slow him down. But in the end, it will have to be our offense to move the chains and “score” to win the game. And no fumbles !!!

  64. Na Alii Pride November 1, 2016 7:23 am

    Hi Coach

    I do have questions about the last game, but I know you know far more than I do and will Adress them in practice. I love the direction we are going in!

    My question is would you and/or Mr. Matlin consider starting games at 7:00 p.m.? When football was THE game on town in the 80’s that’s what time they started. It was an event, and no one worried about the swap meet and we could tailgate from like 3:30. I think with how busy families are with things, would a later start help attendance? Thanks coach.

  65. papajoe2 November 1, 2016 8:13 am

    Na Alii Pride, #63~I totally agree with you on attendance. I think the attendance at games would draw a lot of people who work earlier in the day and have to make it out to the stadium with their families. I think they changes the starting time to accommodate the mainland time difference, especially the east coast. Cannot make the media and poll voters with the later start.

  66. 808SEC November 1, 2016 8:34 am

    I agree with changing the start time back to 7:00PM Hawaii time as well. I understand the earlier start time was to accommodate the travel requests of the visiting team, and mainland viewing, but since you can’t watch Hawaii games on the mainland anyway, except for those rare games that are picked up by CBSSports or ESPN, it may be a good idea to revisit the start time!

  67. UH Fan for Life November 1, 2016 8:48 am

    #40 Re: student seating. My recollection from attending games in the early to mid 1980’s is the UH band sat in the orange section on the 50 yard line and the student section was next to it on the 40. There was a “super rooter” student section in the first few rows right above the UH benches. But given the ticket revenue these seats now produce I don’t think it’s financially viable anymore to restore these as student seats.

  68. Inyoface November 1, 2016 8:51 am

    Coach, why did we lose?

  69. UH Fan for Life November 1, 2016 8:55 am

    #63 7:00pm start time – I think this is something worth trying out next year for the following reasons:

    1) with live scoring updates via the internet, pollsters can still see all game results instantly.
    2) with the subsidized charter flights for MWC opponents, they won’t miss their flight.

  70. 808warriorfan November 1, 2016 9:03 am


    Seems we only bring in Steven Lakalaka on short yardage situations and that
    4th down late in the NM game where he got stopped short is a classic case of “going to the well 1 time too many” … why not bring him in on 1st down situations if we’re going to run between the tackles … try different plays w/ him such as short yardage passing to get maybe a 2nd and 5 or 3rd and short . Seems we were in a lot of 3rd and long.

    Also what was the problem with those blocked passes ??? How were the NM defenders able to get into the passing lanes ???

  71. (Jesse)James November 1, 2016 9:29 am

    Good morning Tsaikos…

    #40, 44, 52, and 66….

    I believe up until the late 80s, early 90s, the band and student section was directly behind the bench, mauka orange, from the 50 yard line Ewa…..They were moved to the North End Zone area to accommodate premium seating.

    Not sure what the answer is to get students back to the games….other college programs across the country, including teams doing worse record wise than Hawaii, have better student attendance at games….When I was at UH in the early 90s, students packed the section, we used to all look forward to going to the games and getting all nuts….what happened???

  72. cocobean November 1, 2016 9:30 am

    I have a sneaky suspicion our offensive brain trust have picked some things up from our last two opponents. I can see in short yardage or goal line situations where having two RBs and the Qb as run options would be an effective change of pace. I think Brown is capable of making the right read of handing it to Lakalaka, keeping it himself or pitching to St. Juste or Harris.

  73. A-House November 1, 2016 10:05 am

    guess many of us agree that offensive play calling left a lot to be desired

    with NM packing the box with their DL “tight” and MLB 3 yards back filling the gaps between their DTs and DEs — why call “un-da-middle” so many times — especially late in the game with 1 yard to go and a 1st down at the UH 7 yard line

    a total lack of imagination by the OC

  74. Old School Dave November 1, 2016 10:06 am

    SDSU is tough, but they still did lose to South Alabama. Still, get chance!

  75. A-House November 1, 2016 10:29 am

    now, I start to wonder just how good the back up QBs are

    will they “smell” playing time? commitment to getting better? stay or leave?

    heard from a very credible source that young McDonald may be the REAL DEAL!!! if so, will he replace Brown next year?

    after this season if over, Coach Rolo is going to have to make some tough decisions! with so many “young ‘uns” getting playing time expect upper class players to be warming the bench — more so if incoming recruiting class is meant to be better than current true or redshirt frosh [ per Rolo ]

    I personally would like to see a different OC

  76. George November 1, 2016 10:30 am

    Coach Rolovich. Not a question but a thank you. My father-in-law and father were in the 100th and 442, respectively. My father-in-law passed away. My father is 94. Thank you for recognizing them in such a nice way. We appreciate it. You are awesome!! Good luck on Saturday.

  77. (Jesse)James November 1, 2016 10:47 am

    Question for Coach Rolo….

    First, I love what you’re doing with the team and fans. You’ve re-energized a program that was on life support and brought many fans back to a mindset of believing any given Saturday “Get Chance”.

    Anyway, my question, and this may have been asked before so my apologies if it has. But has there every been any thought of using a 2 back set on occasion. Maybe Lakalaka as the lead and DSJ following…or Hariss and DSJ split in the backfield? Just wondering. With the 3 different backs and their running styles, that might throw a wrinkle into the mix.

  78. 808Surfer November 1, 2016 10:49 am

    See several really good questions for the coaches. Let’s put everything on the table, so is it also time to bust out the ti leaves at our next home game? These 4th qtr losses are heart-breaking.

  79. A-House November 1, 2016 12:02 pm


    any special reason why no new post today?

    current one is from yesterday with spill over to today – hot dog! 10 months have passed in 2016

    was saving the first weekend in 12/2016 just in case UH plays for the MWC championship – that’s a lost cause now!

    still, get chance for the Hawaii Bowl – and, this one is stretched to the limit!!!

  80. Stephen Tsai November 1, 2016 12:11 pm

    New post:

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