Rolovich’s coach’s show set

Nick Rolovich and Hawaii News Now are partners in a new coach’s show this coming season.

Here are the air dates:

> Sundays at 10:30 p.m. on KGMB.

> Mondays at 6:30 p.m. on KHNL.

> Weekdays on Fox College Sports.

> Streaming on the Internet.

HNN sports director Collin Harmon will serve as the show’s host. Taryn Hatcher and Ian Scheuring will be contributors. Scott Humber is the producer.

HNN will send a reporting crew to each of the Warriors’ seven road games.


  1. seewhy July 11, 2016 9:04 am

    Good morning, Tsaikos!

  2. seewhy July 11, 2016 9:05 am

    Hmmm…. interesting.

  3. Annoddah Dave July 11, 2016 9:19 am

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
    Rick Blandgiardi appears to be doing his best to revive the “Home Team” concept that got the UH sports on local TV. OC/TW is being sold to Comcast, so one wonders of the commitment to this “small” market in the future. I think Ben Jay sold out UH to OC/TW by renewing the contract and not letting Rick and the local stations come up with a competing bid. I recall when when OC/TW won the bid by having pay per view as the big money hook, they proceeded to “raid” K5 of all the talent that developed the UH sports programming up to that point. It will be interesting to see how this develops down the road.

  4. st. anthony trojan July 11, 2016 10:26 am

    Annoddah Dave….interesting your questions n observations n ur point # 3…

    me remember when it happened that the signatures on the documents in bidding etc… was signed by rick here.. n sumone in california for ow/16….

    I always thought ne one local would have a lot more ‘manao’ for the local market…n more in tune with the local advertisers etc…

    Now with the sale….wonder what the next move will be in a few years…if ne… haw tel n other interested provides will come up with ?

    In BJ’s defense….he was stuck with a big deficit that he could not handle…noe had the expertise to… n lying about the income from the H-zone n non-existing revenue bowl game…was stretching ones imagination….

    “It will be interesting to see how this develops down the road.”…agree…..

  5. ponojr July 11, 2016 10:41 am

    Charter Communications purchased TW Oceanic Cable.

  6. poidog July 11, 2016 10:45 am

    I was very disappointed when UH chose to re-up with OTWC and not give HNN a shot. as rinky-dink as KHNL/KFVE was with their “The Home Team” production, it always just felt “right” where Oceanic is trying too hard with their cheap imitation of the Fox NFL pregame show with too many analysts with nothing to say. There’s also the theory that PPV is hurting UH as young fans, especially ones who aren’t already part of a family of UH fans, don’t have the same opportunity as previous generations to watch the games on tv and learn how to care about UH football. When I was a kid in the 80’s, my parents never had time to bring me to games but I rarely missed one because I could count on The Home Team to be my gateway into UH football and basketball. I know the games don’t sell out anymore like they used to, but if they came up with a happy medium like “if 35,000 tickets are sold, the game will be shown live” or something like that, everyone would win and the casual fan may be more apt to become a real fan if they can turn their TV on and catch a game without having to fork over $90 or whatever it costs now to order a game… Just a theory.

  7. Da Punchbowl Kid July 11, 2016 11:37 am

    As long as they keep that one very hard working sports writer on their show, I’m good with it.

    Looking for some wins to go with the new show.


  8. H-Man July 11, 2016 11:37 am

    Ben Jay negotiated a 7-year deal with Oceanic. My question was, “What was he thinking?” If you are the Big 10, then 10 -year TV deals are negotiated from a position of strength. UH is not in the same ballpark, nor were they in a position to negotiate a lucrative multi-year deal. Instead, it ended up with a contract with a very low escalating rate/price table, locked in for seven years.

  9. ALLAN July 11, 2016 11:38 am


  10. Da Punchbowl Kid July 11, 2016 11:45 am

    From Today’s SA:

    “Nick Rolovich’s new University of Hawaii football coach’s show has the capability of reaching local, national and global audiences, according to Hawaii News Now general manager Rick Blangiardi.”

    That’s what I’m talkin’ bout! A bigger net to catch bigger fish in the form of recruits and nice kala from new found fans and supporters.

  11. st. anthony trojan July 11, 2016 11:52 am

    Tulimasealii…is his court hearing today…or august ???

  12. st. anthony trojan July 11, 2016 12:03 pm

    # 9 Allan….you bringing up old wounds like many of us…. he he he

    whitey me be there saturday…

  13. NotNasti July 11, 2016 1:06 pm

    KT’s sentencing/hearing on motion to defer the acceptance of his no contest (DANC) plea is set for August 24 at 8:30 a.m. before the Honorable Christine Kuriyama. If Judge Kuriyama grants Kennedy’s request to defer the acceptance of his no contest pleas, no plea will enter, and he will NOT be convicted of his offenses, unless he violates any of the deferral conditions the court sets for him. The question, then, is Kennedy guilty of violating the Student Code of Conduct by pleading no contest, where the plea is not accepted by the court, but placed in a deferral status? Officially, and legally, if the deferral is granted, the plea is not accepted by the court.

    The code states: Felony Conviction. Any SA (student athlete) convicted of or pleading guilty or no contest to a felony charge shall be permanently dismissed from the team . . .

    If Judge Kuriyama grants the deferral, Kennedy may have to seek an injunction to prevent his dismissal from the team. From what I hear, even if Kennedy’s DANC plea is granted, I do not believe the UH administration (upper campus) wants anything to do with Kennedy at this point, due to the domestic violence aspect of his criminal case. Judge Kuriyama could deny his DANC plea which would render any talk about his return to the team moot. Stay tuned.

  14. SteveM July 11, 2016 1:14 pm

    DPK — either ST is being modest or maybe he won’t be a regular on Rolo’s show. But he has a national audience here and his show goes out daily. 🙂

    Speaking of national audience, what Tsai-kos plan or hope to attend any UH road games this year? Let me know which (even tentatively) and what travel arrangements (so you can see feasibility for cattle call, tailgates, and meet-ups among yourselves). Listing at:

  15. Ipu Man July 11, 2016 3:09 pm

    And the name of the show will be?
    A) Call The Coach?
    B) Rolo-Coastal Ride?
    C) ________________?

  16. H-Man July 11, 2016 3:50 pm

    Just noticed Rolo and staff has reshuffled the jersey numbers for some players. For example, David Manoa is now #9 (was #96), Kiko Faalologo is now #8 (was #54), Ka’aunGifford is now#4 (was #94). ST, is this temporary?

  17. LizKauai July 11, 2016 3:58 pm

    Good news! Keep it coming!

  18. 2liveque July 11, 2016 4:20 pm

    Blasphemous! When a defensive lineman to go from #54 to #8. Especially when “54” comes with such great UH football history. Perhaps the move was necessary to retire #54. 🙂

  19. Buffoman July 11, 2016 4:24 pm

    On the matter of KT, if he has put it in his head that going forward is more productive than dwelling in the past and “what ifs” and acts accordingly, he betters his chances in front of the judge. I believe if he enrolls, actively participates and models we’ll in anger management program that would help. In addition, if he goes to school, even if he has to pay, attends, actively participates and grades we’ll in a meaningful college class or two during the summer, that would help. If he gets a part time job, and with advice from his attorney starts to make restitution to the family where he caused damage, that would help. Doing all of this may not change a thing, but it may.

    On the other hand, if he just hung out to wait for what may happen, he probably would not be helping his cause. Getting on may also help in the event that he does not get the best possible results from the Court as it would help him move in a more positive way to the next phase of his life. He’s young and may not be able to accept what is suggested and that would be a normal thing. What’s suggested as a possible way to help ones cause is difficult. As such, it’s merely a suggested thought.

  20. st. anthony trojan July 11, 2016 4:51 pm

    me added the 3 option 4 you ipu man…if the sales n marketing dept.
    has a say in it…

    Ipu Man July 11, 2016 at 3:09 pm

    And the name of the show will be?

    A) Call The Coach?
    B) Rolo-Coastal Ride?
    C) UH Athletics….H-Mail: News & Discounts

  21. cappie the dog July 11, 2016 6:54 pm

    Nobody is out there trying to make Janks look good.

    Stefan, on the other hand, dished out two assists.

    He hit a three; he needed to hit both.

    The camera caught Erik Spoelstra yawning.

  22. Dano July 11, 2016 7:42 pm

    Does Robert Kekaula get a job with Blangiardi?

  23. burro sabio July 11, 2016 9:18 pm

    Counselor NotNasti,
    What about the part where he agreed to comply with the code?

  24. ALLAN July 11, 2016 9:27 pm

    $#9 ST. ANTHONY:



  25. WarriorNY July 11, 2016 11:31 pm

    Hey ST,
    In regards to your comment about getting the team Windows tablets a few days ago, I just want to point out that Amazon Prime Day(today only), Amazon Fire is offering tablets for $33.99. Maybe they can save some money…

  26. st. anthony trojan July 12, 2016 5:44 am

    FJ…. nice to see you back here… but be a nice… remember he could send didong after you he he he

    Allan…pake’s are good coaches…n athletes… say sum very nice things about Calvin Chai… he was the very best… those that had him as a coach were very privileged to say the least…his teams were always good to watch…good sportsman n a very moral man…which is sorely lacking in many of the coaching ranks in ne sport 2 day……Hail Kamehameha….

  27. OKC Painting July 12, 2016 5:55 am

    Can’t wait! GO WARRIORS!!!

  28. NotNasti July 12, 2016 9:07 am

    FJ: Come see me. I’ll give you a free lesson.

  29. Stephen Tsai July 12, 2016 9:20 am

    New post:

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