
Sunday ramblings:

• Yesterday’s locker-room project was a lesson in teamwork, and not only among the Warriors. Facility renovations are supposed to be completed by Aug. 1; football training camp opens Aug. 2. But sometimes not all deadlines are easily attainable, especially when they involve appropriated funds and approvals and other such things. Yesterday’s attitude was: If we need to get the ball rolling, give us the ball. It’s not unique. For years, athletic-department staffers have worked events to help, which is why the basketball secretary is the sideline monitor at football games. When heavy rain flooded the athletic complex several years ago, staffers got together and cleaned. Sometimes teamwork trumps paperwork.

• There have been inner debates on whether to capitalize on the popularity of the softball program. It has long been a pro-bono sport — its value to the school and community outweighs the red ink it incurs. But should something so popular continue to be given away for free? (And, yes, wiseacres, we do get the irony here.) Maybe the answer is a compromise. Charge a small admission fee for adults; youths get in free. Or, as it was suggested at a brunch yesterday, offer seat-cushion rentals; more if the seat comes with a back.

• The volleyball Warriors have won only a quarter of their league matches, but yet they are very much alive in the hunt for one of the eight MPSF tournament berths. After a stretch of 10 consecutive matches against top-four teams, their final six regular-season matches are against teams jousting for the final two or three postseason slots. As it has been pointed out, the volleyball system is not the BCS, in which teams can be eliminated in the first couple of weeks of a season. With short training camps (five days for the Warriors) and limited scholarships (the value of 4.5 spread among 18 players), it takes a team a while to click and evaluations to form. Coaches have always viewed the season as a line of progression, which is why they freely experiment with lineups early. It also is why two-thirds of the MPSF teams are rewarded with league-tournament berths. And it is why the Warriors still have hope.

* * * * *

Belated birthday wishes to Jeezy.

To paraphrase Rod Tidwell: You’re militant but we love you.

Your hard work is appreciated.


  1. izzy March 18, 2012 10:21 am


  2. Maleko808 March 18, 2012 10:23 am

    Am I 1st

  3. MattyBoy March 18, 2012 10:23 am


    Hey I seen you last night ST at foodland!! You were walking out and I was walking in lol!

  4. MattyBoy March 18, 2012 10:24 am

    We informally met lol!!

  5. MattyBoy March 18, 2012 10:25 am

    I was gonna say hello but I didn’t wanna bother you.

  6. Maleko808 March 18, 2012 10:25 am

    Almost… I read the articles… Aloha from rainy/snowy/hailing and then sunny Oregon. All in 5mins.

  7. ai-eee-soos March 18, 2012 10:26 am


  8. Stephen Tsai March 18, 2012 10:26 am


    I was trying not to drop the packages.

  9. Stephen Tsai March 18, 2012 10:28 am

    Those unique weather conditions probably will be noticed in the Oregon wine in a few years.

  10. MattyBoy March 18, 2012 10:28 am


    Yes thats what it seemed like lol

  11. madeinhawaii March 18, 2012 10:29 am

    Are there concessions at the softball games? Soft drinks, shave ice, hot dogs? etc?

  12. Stephen Tsai March 18, 2012 10:29 am


    It was nice to almost meet you.

  13. SteveM March 18, 2012 10:30 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Malekoa808 — what city do you reside in? Will add you to the list along with the fellow Oregon Tsai-kos at…


    The city location helps determine how far apart the others might be.

  14. Stephen Tsai March 18, 2012 10:30 am

    I feel sorry for Sodexho.

    Attendance has been down for arena sports, so they’re using fewer community groups.

  15. MattyBoy March 18, 2012 10:31 am


    Haha yes it was nice to ALMOST meet you too!

  16. papajoe 2 March 18, 2012 10:38 am

    Top twenny.

    ST, you forget close da old one.

  17. mo808 March 18, 2012 10:51 am

    Good Sunday Morning All!

  18. d1shima March 18, 2012 10:51 am

    Good on the SoftBows’ Supporters for their grass roots fundraising efforts. Hopefully the powers that be can come up with ways of furthering the effort without being too off-putting.

  19. d1shima March 18, 2012 10:52 am

    …back to “air-drying” 😯 😈 😆

  20. duffer March 18, 2012 10:58 am


    Good Morning Tsaikos!

    The County of Maui’s Office of Economic Development is trying to lure the University of Hawaii to play more games in Maui County. Be it men and women volleyball, men and women basketball, softball, baseball, diving, water polo etc.

    The office wants to get in contact with the various booster clubs, fund raising club, board of director of the various clubs, like the Letterman and such.

    Can the Tsaikos offer names so the County can present a mission statement to all?

    Already got Pomai, Keven and Power Puff. Looking for more. Where Don Weir?

  21. Stephen Tsai March 18, 2012 11:00 am

    Off to hike. If you don’t hear from me by 3, send the helicopters.

  22. Maleko808 March 18, 2012 11:04 am

    SteveM, i live in Hillsboro, OR. Thanks in advance for the add.

  23. Kevin March 18, 2012 11:11 am

    Softball admission will fall into the black hole of debt for the entire department.

    Admission gives an impression to the fans that they are directly supporting the PROGRAM, therefore outright donations that actually do go to the program received at games most likely will lessen.

  24. SteveM March 18, 2012 11:14 am

    Thanks, Maleko808!

    ST — did you get orange smoke flare yet. 🙂

  25. Wes'side Warrior March 18, 2012 11:25 am

    Howzit, everyone!

    Good points, ST!

    I would rather see donations at Wahine Softball continue, instead of charging admission of any sort. (I believe) we gotta have some programs out there where the public can just go out to enjoy and not have to worry about funds (aside from maybe parking or transportation).

    Duffer… would be good for any UH athletes to visit neighbor islands for competition in their respective sports. But I’d like to see the inviting entities cover all costs, instead of having to rely on boosters or team fundraisers to pay the expenses of travel, lodging, and food.

    Happy birthday, Jeezy!

  26. Wes'side Warrior March 18, 2012 11:28 am

    MIH… there are some concessions at Wahine Softball games. I recall buying hot dogs, sodas, chips, and candies for the kids while there last year. Also saw a (I think) Bud Light booth, but I gave up alcoholic beverages in Korea back in 1990, so I didn’t really pay much attention to that one.

  27. SteveM March 18, 2012 11:29 am


    March 18th, 2012 at 8:13 am

    good morning Tsaikos,

    Bobbing in tbe pacific somewhere between LA and Ensenada, rough seas,cold and wet, but having a great time, haha


    Imagine poor Bulla clinging to the wildy swaying crow’s nest in the driving rain and storm. That’s why my reference to “3 hour” cruise (ala Gilligan’s Island) in my Bon Voyage post. 😐

    Nah, rest assured he is a lot more comfortable than that. But the weather is real bad. NOAA Marine Weather forecast for today in the San Diego-Mexican border area and 30 miles out to sea:



    30 NM-

    921 AM PDT SUN MAR 18 2012









    – – – – – – – –



    3 FT.

    Note the Tuesday forecast conditions. 👿

  28. Kevin March 18, 2012 11:31 am

    Currently I personally believe they cannot justify admission with this current stadium.

    Out of principal, they shouldn’t charge admission to make a nic or scratch in the AD budget when they cannot accommodate bathroom facilities for the student athletes and coaches separately from the fans.

    If this supposed new stadium is ever built, then ok, but for now… no way.

  29. BigHiloFan2 March 18, 2012 11:36 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.

    morning still yet.

    boy, da NCAA basketball tournament is awesome. wishn we wuz dare. 😀

  30. Wes'side Warrior March 18, 2012 11:39 am

    I would love to see built-in locker rooms for both Wahine and visitors at that stadium too. I mean, it’s nice that between games, we can see them and talk story with them. I love the “closeness” between fans and team… the available interaction with the team… as long as we’re respectful and mindful of the posted NCAA rules on sportsmanship, etc.

    But, as mentioned previously, if the girls gotta go, not too good that they (and the visiting teams) have to stand in line with the public to use the restroom.

    Is it like that at the Les? Or do they have their own private lockers? I didn’t get a chance to catch any games there.

  31. RedZone March 18, 2012 11:40 am

    Seattle signed Matt Flynn to 3 year deal.

  32. ai-eee-soos March 18, 2012 11:51 am

    # 33:

    That might mean Alex Smith could sign with the Dolphins; he’s visiting/visited there.

    If that happens, and Peyton doesn’t sign with the Niners;

    then holy Kapernick will be niners QB ? How you figgah ?

  33. jm2375 March 18, 2012 11:52 am

    Howzit Tsaikos!

    Happy Sunday to you all.

    I, too, would rather not see admission charged at RWSS. I’d rather see all (OK, maybe 80%) monies received from ticket sales go into the program’s budget.

    Would love to see some of the monies go towards a “training table” budget with sports nutritionists on the AD staff. While meals provided by the boosters are a great way for the boosters to get to know the players, I’m sure the coaches would rather have training table meals that are nutritionally sound, instead of the usual island-style foods like katsu, mochiko chicken, chili, etc.

  34. wafan March 18, 2012 12:01 pm

    Not sure about charging an admission. Island folks are likely to cut their donations then begin to complain about the costs. Seems they are more likely to be generous with their donations especially if they know and can see that it goes directly to the girls.

  35. wafan March 18, 2012 12:02 pm


    Good Sunday, all!

  36. shorebreak March 18, 2012 12:05 pm

    Wahine basketball cost how much? Charge at least that or are they saying beating the No. 1 team in the country is not worth that?

  37. slenzi March 18, 2012 12:28 pm

    Wahine softball is a cultural and almost cult thing on Oahu. The same people come out to support year after year. Please, no sharp stick in the eye for them. If new stadium, etc, then different story. People pass down the softball love from mom, to daughters, and grand daughters, and sometimes they are all at the game together – its a beautiful thing.

  38. A-House March 18, 2012 12:28 pm

    Jim D did mention a new stadium for the NaWahine softball replacing the existing one with lockers/showers/restrooms for UH and visiting teams and “covered” seats.

    Anticipated cost is $12-14 million.

    Unfortunately, UH does not have the multi-million donor(s) like some schools on the mailand.

  39. A-House March 18, 2012 12:30 pm

    don’t know where ST went hiking but it’s wet, cold, and sometimes very gusty in our area!

  40. bleedgreen March 18, 2012 12:32 pm

    I will continue to go to the games even if an admission charge is imposed. Worth it. I will gladly make donations at the games also. Where are the donations being collected? The hot-dogs sold at the concession are great. Only $2.25 ea. for a jumbo-size dog. Saimin good too.

  41. bleedgreen March 18, 2012 12:35 pm

    The Wahine basketball game (Senior Night) vs. Nevada, and Wahine Soft ball games vs. California were more exciting than any of the Warrior football games I attended last year. I felt especially flat against the loss to BYU.

  42. jm2375 March 18, 2012 1:00 pm

    bleedgreen – donations are being accepted at the booster club tent located outside the concession stand area. If you arrive late, find one of the Tsaikos and it will get to the right people.

  43. ai-eee-soos March 18, 2012 1:42 pm

    change of pace – Kilauea Volcano lava flows.


    select 5 of 7, above “Editors Picks”

  44. Lanaiboy March 18, 2012 1:46 pm

    If UH decides to build a new softball stadium, find designers and builders who actually consider Hawaii weather and prevailing winds. I always feel sorry for the people, visiting Mainlanders especially, who, when it rains, come rushing to the grandstands only to find out that the roof does not shelter one from the rain or wind. There are only a few choice spots deep into the stands that actually protects you. Strong trade winds blows the rain sideways directly into the stands.

  45. Ipu Man March 18, 2012 2:13 pm

    How do we participate in the One Hundred Thousand People Drive giving $10 directly to UH Athletics? Is it only on line or is there

    a bank where one can deposit it???

  46. sports for fun March 18, 2012 2:42 pm

    Ohio’s black uniforms…it looks like it has green tapa design in the numbers and side trims. It looks really nice.

  47. Supastoke March 18, 2012 2:55 pm

    Two moa days!

  48. tom mui March 18, 2012 3:51 pm

    Ipu Man #49 – The One Hundred Thousand People Drive giving $10 directly to UH Athletics was started by Tom Kitaguchi.

    You can give by accessing University of Hawaii Foundation on line and the fund is UHM- Athletics / Warrior Nation Fund (12600404).

    Hope you and others will consider giving.

  49. kruzen March 18, 2012 3:52 pm

    Its past 3:00pm, should we call for the helicopters for ST?

  50. wafan March 18, 2012 3:54 pm

    Happy birthday to Jeezy!

    Thanks, too, for the info . . .


  51. tom mui March 18, 2012 4:01 pm

    #42 A-House: You may recall that the existing stadium was designed by architects who put the dugout in a protective place – of course it was partly underground to the point where the players could not see the playing field and the sight lines were pretty bad!

    They had to spend extra monies to “modify” the structure by raising the structure from the submerge position. Must have been done by a marine architect specializing in submarines!

  52. Ipu Man March 18, 2012 4:09 pm

    Tom Mui–thanks but I don’t like giving “on line”…

    Don’t want to have my finances wiped out by a cyber space blooper…

    So was hoping there would be a snail mail address… or a bank where

    you could walk into and give a real human being the ten bucks.


  53. tom mui March 18, 2012 4:25 pm

    #57 Ipu Man: Give double – write a check and mail it to UHF and write the UHM- Athletics / Warrior Nation Fund (12600404) on the check!!!!

  54. Shoko March 18, 2012 4:32 pm

    Uh Athletics don’t have Pay Pal? :lol

  55. BigHiloFan2 March 18, 2012 5:22 pm

    ST ST come in, over…

    you home… o we gotta send out da patrol. 😀

  56. RedZone March 18, 2012 5:23 pm

    No mo Pay Pal and they don’t accept all credit cards.

  57. BigHiloFan2 March 18, 2012 5:34 pm

    Saw Matt Sparks, mom, dad, bro and sis today at Don’s Grill Waiakea. going back to Honolulu tonight. note to all UH players, fans. if you wanna visit an island, give da locals a call. Liz Kauai from…. Kauai. she can give you da tips ober dare. Matt’s parents shoulda contacted Hilo from da blog. we coulda told dem where fo go. example. Pahoa 10mm Kahakai to Beach Rd., go right through the mango forest to Kapoho. awesome ride on da bumpy road. or, Kilohana Girls Scout camp on Saddle Rd, go mauka through Kaoaie Rd to Kilohana forest wit da 12″ pine cones, overlook all Waiamea, or da 40 mile drive from Mauna Kea Rd, jump off right after the guard rails past the Humuula Sheep Station, go thru the 7-8K elevation road, open/close choke cattle gates, through Keanakolu hunter’s station and to Mana in Waimea.

    ifn you come Hilo again, i told Matt’s parents, you gotta check us out first, we could give you da special spots for check out.

    ummm. and afta I neva know who was da kid i was lookinm an i wen spahk his arms, i said..

    um…. you should go UH…. Coach Chow could do wonders wit yo arms. 😆

    too bad i neva get to look at “wus his face” from “i porget where” an tole him da same ting. :mrgreen: boy o boy, we gonna have fun dis ear. 😀

  58. RedZone March 18, 2012 5:45 pm

    Whatever happened to Tsaiko Fund? Inactive?

  59. Stretch March 18, 2012 5:58 pm

    RedZone – the Tsaiko account is still active and have money in there but we don’t want to compete with fundraising efforts of Na Koa. We will not ask people to donate money to this fund unless we have a specific request.

    The main purpose of our fund is to purchase something that the football team needs, separate from UH and Na Koa. When a need arises, we will ask people to deposit some money into the Tsaiko Fund. When enough money is received, then we go ahead with the purchase.

  60. Stephen Tsai March 18, 2012 6:54 pm

    Whoops. Forgot to check back.

    We went to Makapuu because it was wet. Awesome view.

    Then just saw Jump Street. Pre-ty funny. Some of the football guys were there, including Cayman Shutter and Paipai Falemalu.

  61. SteveM March 18, 2012 7:33 pm

    Stretch is being reasonable and conservative in #59 above. I don’t have to be…so will tell you the Tsai-ko fund is accessed at:


    …also linked in the directory of my Tsai-ko home page. 😉

  62. madeinhawaii March 18, 2012 8:00 pm

    Does the Athletic Dept make anything from the hotdogs and other foodstuff sold at the concessions during the game?

  63. BigHiloFan2 March 18, 2012 8:48 pm

    Happy Birtday Jeezy boy!

    Jeezy. Happy happy birthday. 😀

  64. BigHiloFan2 March 18, 2012 8:56 pm




    speakin ah kala, i don’t know da man, an my bess guess is he proud an no ask fo no favors

    so ifn a small ting is needed fo da football team he gonna do it hisself an he not going ask SteveM or Stretch fo reach da Tsaiko supafun

    so ifn any body knows sumtin dat da team can use fo, example, in da locker room, fans, maybe yu guyz can post here or y’all can discuss at lunch tues.


    den poofa! magic happens. like da professional paint crew jus shows up. 😆

    gotta hand it to da pake. no wait. no wait fo nuttin.

    Good job coach. Good job.

  65. BigHiloFan2 March 18, 2012 8:56 pm


  66. RedZone March 18, 2012 8:59 pm

    Football team needs new locker room.

  67. SteveM March 18, 2012 9:50 pm

    hmmmm– slow night if we need the SPAM to make it 70. 🙁

  68. SteveM March 18, 2012 9:58 pm

    OK — 5 years ago on this day was a slow day too.

    Curiously, Bulla was in the news too…and not for bobbing on approach to Long Beach. 🙂

    Here’s the entire post from the 4th anniversary…

    On this day (March 18) in the first full year (2007) of The Warrior Beat blog … a drop to 137 comments as ST announces the new plans for football season ticket pledges and renewals starting tomorrow–even withoiut a complete schedule yet. No night shift as las vegas once again notes LTUHF is missing. gigi-hawaii sends her letter to UH president, Chancellor, and the Board of Regents. But the general mood is lighter and the spotlight falls on bulla…

    Comment from: Da Punchbowl Kid [Visitor]

    Guava, oh Guava where for art thou? Was that you sitting next us at Camellia’s at lunch last week? Have you been discovered and silenced by higher ups at the Athletics department? If so, that would be a shame, because you have posted some very good info here, and your point of view will be missed. Give us a sign, dawg, we are here for you.

    03/18/07 @ 15:09

    Comment from: bulla [Visitor]

    aloha Kid,

    how’s you doing? i gotta roll to work in about 30 minutes, but all is well. looks like it’s raining at your palatial estate, as i look over the gutter curb on kapiolani….

    hope you and mrs. kid are fine and healthy, maybe this week we go do a lunch and video al eating…kind of like the iron chef meets his nemesis…..

    haha, the evil laugh rings through the cramped kitchen at camellias,

    03/18/07 @ 15:15

    Comment from: Kazz [Visitor]

    It seems that the Rainbowtique is also joining in for the upcoming football season ticket launch by having their jerseys on sale for 40.00 as opposed to 54.00.

    Could they be doing this in conjunction with football season OR are they clearing out their inventory to make way for the supposed “new” Nike versions? Maybe this could explain the reason for a lack of #15’s available.

    03/18/07 @ 18:26

    Comment from: addahknowjoe [Visitor]

    bulla- just saw the photo. Yup Spooky!

    Whatever the size you were describing to me and ST, it got hubbys’ attention.

    It must’ve been BIG!

    03/18/07 @ 20:36

    Comment from: SteveM [Visitor]

    Addahknowjoe…is that the picture I sent bulla? If so, how about isolating him and Photoshop-ing a blog Marshall’s badge on it?

    …and bulla, please don’t send the picture around…it’ll scare the children. 😉

    03/18/07 @ 21:15

    Comment from: Stephen [Member]

    I was at a function tonight. Besides the dozen people who asked me about the schedule, I also was asked: Who’s Bulla?


    When Bulla and the athletic director are in the same popularity orbit, I think my work is almost complete.

    03/18/07 @ 23:14

    Comment from: Jason [Visitor]

    I guess that makes Bulla the Prince to ST’s King. 🙂

    03/18/07 @ 23:30

    Comment from: Stephen [Member]

    Well, we already have a princess.

    03/18/07 @ 23:36

    Comment from: al [Visitor]

    say all you want about bulla now, cuz, he is still at work. but, hurry, because i think he gets off at 12:00 goes to zippy’s for a couple of bentos then home.

    nothing worse than a ragin’ bull.

    03/19/07 @ 00:02

    Comment from: Jason [Visitor]

    We can have ST as Mō‘ī, King of the Blog ‘Āina; bulla as Ali‘i ‘Ai Moku, Chief of The Warrior Beat; Leila as Ho‘oilina Mō‘ī Wahine, Crown Princess. And of course, we worship Iepi, the Sun God.

    03/19/07 @ 08:15

    Comment from: SteveM [Visitor]

    Ahhh Jason…bulla is great and all that (as long as there are at least 1,100 lbs of us to restrain him), but don’t forget your Uncle Kid. Picture him majestically descending the slopes of Punchbowl…leis in one arm and football in the other… welcoming new visitors to the blog.

    03/19/07 @ 09:02

    [now can you guess which one is the Kid in the Tsai-ko caricature?] 🙂

    Of course, bulla’s personna is larger-than-life. No one is really like that.

    Is that enough of a disclaimer? 🙄

  69. Kekoa March 19, 2012 12:26 am

    Off da lite ST…all da spammers are out.

  70. wafan March 19, 2012 2:00 am

    Good morrow!

  71. wafan March 19, 2012 2:00 am

    Might break 100 if the spam continues.

  72. wafan March 19, 2012 2:03 am

    Or might drop to the 70’s if the 22 spam are zapped.

  73. wafan March 19, 2012 2:04 am

    Enjoyed your series, Mr. Tsai.

  74. wafan March 19, 2012 2:06 am

    Thanks for the look back, SteveM.

  75. wafan March 19, 2012 2:23 am


  76. wafan March 19, 2012 2:23 am


  77. wafan March 19, 2012 2:23 am

    Hoping the spam does cut in — 100!

  78. wafan March 19, 2012 2:25 am

    Or 78 if the zap button is deployed.

  79. LizKauai (iPad) March 19, 2012 3:04 am

    Happy birthday, Jeezy!

    Esme and out!

  80. BigHiloFan2 March 19, 2012 5:37 am

    70. Redzone.



  81. d1shima March 19, 2012 5:57 am

    Great Morning All!

    Looking forward to the new beginning tomorrow…old things become new again.

    Old School is in Session!

  82. Ipu Man March 19, 2012 6:46 am

    Anyone catch the channel 2 news yesterday? A hike fell and died…

  83. Ipu Man March 19, 2012 6:47 am


  84. Dennis Halloran March 19, 2012 6:47 am

    Leaving Friday for tour of Mississippi and Louisiana, with a week in New Orleans for the final four.

    I’ll wear UH shirt to represent the Tsaiko’s return to town.

  85. Da Punchbowl Kid March 19, 2012 6:56 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂

    Happy belated Birthday to Jeezy. Jeez, does Jeezy get da scoops. One passionat poster, that Jeezy!

  86. Kekoa March 19, 2012 6:57 am

    No worries Ipu Man ~

    Wasn’t da blogmeister, he checked in after an APB was put out covering the entire island of Oahu. The office of emergency preparedness put out the warning with the standard announcement modified just for ST:


  87. Da Punchbowl Kid March 19, 2012 6:59 am

    Maybe we can nickname this place “Spamalot”! 😆

    btw- I meant to say “passionate” above…

  88. Da Punchbowl Kid March 19, 2012 7:02 am

    Good Morning Kekoa –

    As Tsai explains it, after the hike, he went undercover at 21 Jump Street. 😆 A man of intrigue, tha t blog host of our’n.

  89. Da Punchbowl Kid March 19, 2012 7:06 am

    Agree with the folks bout admission for Wahine Softball. Give generously to the booster donation box til a new facility is built. If admission is charged, make it very family friendly, because I see a lot of families at the games. Kid through HS free, same for college age. Adults no more than $5 I’m thinking.

  90. Kekoa March 19, 2012 7:08 am

    Dennis ~ Bon Voyage! Have a good time, and enjoy the multi-cultural, ethnic foods that Liz & I discovered…and that included:

    St. James All-You-Can-Eat Sushi Restaurant.

    At $10.99, it was quite a bargain, and the food/service was fantastic! Just tell the manager you are Tsaiko’s and he’ll prolly give you a free meal.

  91. Kekoa March 19, 2012 7:15 am

    For those who have heard of braddah Midnight’s ordeal, I just rec’d word from Barb that he is scheduled for triple by-pass surgery tomorrow morning.

    Healing prayers continue…

  92. Ipu Man March 19, 2012 7:50 am

    For Midnight:

    “Wait on The LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on The LORD…”

    (Psalm 27:14)

  93. Susanne Paradisi March 19, 2012 2:35 pm


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