Private scrimmage set for tonight

Tonight’s private scrimmage at Aloha Stadium will help shape the Warriors’ depth chart.

The Warriors are treating this as a full-on dress rehearsal. The team will arrive at 4 p.m., then go through all the pre-game rituals. Media relations even will be there at 3 p.m. to set up equipment. First play is at 6 p.m.

For the mostly full-contact scrimmage — the quarterbacks, as usual, will be exempt from big hits — there will be coaches in the booth relaying coverages to the coordinators on the field.

Head coach Nick Rolovich said former players are invited to attend. The practice is closed to the general public.


  1. Warrior Dave August 13, 2016 9:33 am

    Good luck Warriors!!!

  2. H-Man August 13, 2016 9:41 am

    Anxious to hear who is named #1 QB. And wishing a good outing for all players.

  3. BigWave96744 August 13, 2016 9:50 am

    Is the band going to be there for the Warrior Walk?

  4. al August 13, 2016 10:07 am

    Former players eh?
    Maybe I can pass for Richard Higa…

  5. Warrior Dave August 13, 2016 10:22 am

    Love everything that’s coming out of Rolo’s mouth. We are definitely headed in the right direction.

    Go Warriors, see you in Sydney!

  6. Bryson August 13, 2016 10:31 am

    Re:4 Maybe I can pass for Nasti Nate…lol

  7. Bryson August 13, 2016 10:32 am

    I like the fact that Rolo doesn’t hide his dissapointment when it came to the offense not having a great practice the other day…It shows the want and urgency to get better each day

  8. LKB August 13, 2016 10:35 am

    Stephen, I’m not sure if you’re allowed to disclose such info…but how is the team looking injury wise?

  9. 808warriorfan August 13, 2016 10:46 am

    Regardless of who wins starting roles, etc., I hope everyone
    comes out of this scrimmage HEALTHY & NO MAJOR INJURIES


  10. seewhy August 13, 2016 10:48 am

    Go ‘Bows!

  11. RB August 13, 2016 11:01 am

    ST is Rolo gonna keep the Warrior walk and is he gonna change the name back to Warriors? Since he NEVER played as a “rainbow warrior” he should switch the name back to “Warriors” JMHO.

  12. madeinhawaii August 13, 2016 11:34 am

    JMHO any name change arguments at the start of the season are a distraction at best. The team has enough on it’s plate. You can’t argue for or against a change without dragging the players into the mix. Let them focus only on playing the game.

  13. Justsomeguy August 13, 2016 11:49 am

    You can’t hope for that enough. We want HEALTHY players at the end tonight. Who hopefully come out a little more akamai. Go Warriors!

  14. NorthShoreFan August 13, 2016 1:09 pm

    Guud Aftrnoon Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!

    Tonight we see who wants the position. Who wants to be number 1! We see who are the Warriors! Who gonna PLAY WARRIOR!

  15. Rodney August 13, 2016 2:13 pm

    Keep Bruddah Iz song in
    4th quater!!!!!

  16. 3-Prong August 13, 2016 2:54 pm

    What is the decision making process on the Kennedy situation? Who makes the call?

  17. Andrew August 13, 2016 3:18 pm


    I would think that’s even above Matlin’s head. It would probably be either the President or Chancelor.

  18. Da Punchbowl Kid August 13, 2016 3:20 pm

    Da scrimmage… main ting Warriors look sharp and no injuries.


  19. st. anthony trojan August 13, 2016 4:13 pm

    # 15….who will make the call???
    no one ever knows..
    it goes into a big black hole n then an answer will emerge..
    they will call a emergency meeting n put that on agenda in january 2017…

  20. A-House August 13, 2016 4:30 pm

    KT situation should be only Matlin’s call for he is ultimately held responsible for all things athletic — upper camps leaders have made so many blunders — why leave the decision to them!!!!!!!!!!

    anology is President Obama deciding if an Army infantry company commander must be given a second chance and kept in the Army — ridiculous!!!

  21. burro sabio August 13, 2016 4:40 pm

    One assumption that seems to be prevalent with a lot of people is that Rolo wants Kennedy back. If Rolo does not, all this posturing by Green is moot. He might somehow be able to force UH to put Kennedy back on the team but he can’t keep Rolo from burying him on the depth chart.

  22. 808warriorfan August 13, 2016 4:45 pm

    #15 … “3prong” / #15 … “Andrew” / #19 … “A-House”:

    JMHO … should KT be allowed back on scholarship, I feel and again JMHO, that the Team should be allowed a vote as to whether or not they want him back as a fellow Warrior.

    If the team says “NO” then at least he’ll have his scholarship to finish his education and move on w/ his life … it would be sad for him to have come this far in the progress of his degree and come up short.

    My question is “if” he’s allowed back on scholarship, I’m sure at this point the team has used up it’s allocated amount for the ’16 season so does he get one as a “grayshirt” that is credited against next year ???

  23. Shoko August 13, 2016 5:12 pm

    Okay, my twitter is active in case anyone attending the scrimmage wants to tweet the action….Mr. Tsai, Lewis, Reardon et al.

  24. burro sabio August 13, 2016 6:00 pm

    IMHO there is much more at stake than the career of one player. UH’s reputation and Rolo’s reputation are also on the line. If UH allows KT to return to the team, that may give the impression that the powers that be do not take domestic violence seriously and will let their athletes get away with it. Would you let your daughter attend a school with that rep? Would you let your athlete daughter attend a school that has that rep, knowing that they will be in close proximity to players with violent reps? Wouldn’t any reluctance by parents affect Coach Shoji and Coach Beeman’s recruiting?
    If UH allows KT to return and Rolo lets him play in games, that may give the impression that Rolo is all about the W’s and not serious about domestic violence. Does it help Rolo to get that kind of tag in his first year as a head coach? Would he want to have that kind of reputation in this day and age?
    There’s a lot to consider. We all know that reputations are based on perception and not facts or reality.

  25. burro sabio August 13, 2016 6:03 pm

    Mr. A-House, Matlin reports to the Chancellor who reports to the President, which is 2 layers. How many layers are there between an infantry company commander and the Commander in Chief?
    Other that that, I still love you, hahaha.

  26. Ipu Man August 13, 2016 6:05 pm

    Hope all qbs get rid of the ball in three seconds or under…
    Hope defense practices ripping the ball out…
    Hope they practice the Hail Mary. Seahawks won today on
    the last play that way. The whole team went bananas.

  27. Captain Ron August 13, 2016 7:01 pm

    Reply to #23. I appreciate your reasoning, and from that viewpoint I agree. But there is another way of looking at this, which I hope is the one selected and emphasized by all involved.

    As has been stated in the blog, UH has given a number of players from other schools 2nd chances. Can we not do the same for our own? Yes, KT messed up big time. But if he gives evidence of understanding what he did and takes action to correct it (and I don’t know if he has or not) then why not give him another chance.

    In that case, I think the message given would be one of understanding and caring, not of tolerating bad behavior. And I like the idea in #21 of letting the team vote, or have a say. But again, it should be from the standpoint of redemption, not tolerance. Just my 2 cents’ worth.

  28. st. anthony trojan August 13, 2016 7:07 pm

    burrio sabio… last i read he assaulted a auto… n resist arrest.. was not them all lumped into one…n if the prosecutor thought abuse was that serious of a case…why would he allow it at all … me really don’t recall all what others was also included in this hearing…n not sure what was a felony n the other charges…if was abuse that was a felony…. then maybe i could side with your opinion….so for me the appeal should be heard…..n coach n and players be given n opportunity to voice their opinion like we do here….

    for me….if the judge…who had all the facts before her…and as stated in here by sumone that knows her…..who is considered a very conservative n very good judge…decide to give him a break…. so will I….hope he keeps his nose clean… for at least one year he he he…or till after the bowl game …..

  29. islandman August 13, 2016 7:47 pm

    Effective Sept 1, the chancellor and president of UH will be the same person, Lassner, until a new chancellor is selected. They have a 20 member search committee.

  30. A-House August 13, 2016 9:15 pm


    let’s see the chain of command – Pres; Sec of the Army; Army Chief of Staff; Commanding General of Region; Corps Commander; Army Commander; Division Commander; Brigade Commander; Battalion Commander; then Company Commander

    like Nam where a Division Commander { Major General } was reliving Platoon Leaders [ 2nd LT ] from a helicopter skipping 3 layers of command – overseeing a battle from a chopper is a lot different than being on the ground

  31. z August 13, 2016 9:57 pm

    Secretary of Defense.

  32. burro sabio August 13, 2016 10:13 pm

    SAT we are talking different things. You’re talking about the impact on one person, I’m talking about the perception of and the reputation of an institution. And if you’re really concerned about the person, he has to stay out of trouble for *four* years. UH, Green, and especially the judge would both look really stupid if he were reinstated and really did get into trouble again. I know you kidding but this is not a light issue.

  33. amela August 13, 2016 10:46 pm

    Letting KT back on the team may not be a administration decision but the interpretation of the law. If the charges were deferred then he’s not really guilty if he stays out of trouble for whatever time the judge sets. Not letting him back in might be a lawsuit in the making.

  34. bomber August 14, 2016 12:51 am

    Just on the Max Hendrie NCAA debacle……a previous reader suggesting the NCAA may think TSC (The Scots College) is a “College”, which in the US presumably references an inferior secondary education qualification, or one requiring additional subjects. This would absolutely explain the NCAA’s behaviour. In fact, TSC is the Australian equivalent of Lawrenceville or Salisbury Schools in the US north east, and is widely regarded as one of the best (certainly the most expensive) secondary schools in the country. Furthermore, his years 3 to years 12 at TSC and subsequent grades automatically gained him entry to Sydney University (sits in the top 1% of Universities worldwide)! The NCAA requested he do his SAT’s (as expected) then in March this year requested he complete the US GED……both i understand he achieved hi 90’s/100. It would be interesting to know WHO at the NCAA is accountable for, what appears to be, 6months of absolute incompetence of the highest order. This kid has given up the last 12mths of sport in Australia for UH & American Football. Good work NCAA!

  35. Tempmanoa August 14, 2016 9:16 am

    The student athlete handbook says that a student athlete pleading no contest to a felony is permanently dismissed from his/her team and the player’s scholarship for the following year is revoked. However, the student athlete has a right to appeal under the handbook. In the appeal, the student athlete can bring up a judicial deferral of acceptance of the no contest plea as a factor along with other factors in deciding whether to grant the appeal– but the deferral does not erase the plea and does not require the UH to grant the appeal or wait the 4 years of the deferral to see if the player loses the deferral through his conduct in order to dismiss the player.

  36. ALLAN August 14, 2016 10:15 am


  37. ALLAN August 14, 2016 10:18 am


  38. ALLAN August 14, 2016 10:29 am


  39. Stephen Tsai August 14, 2016 10:35 am

    New post:

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