Noga brothers

Falaniko “Niko” Noga and Alapati “Al” Noga were inducted into UH’s Circle of Honor yesterday.

Here’s a picture of three of the Noga brothers — Niko, Pete and Al:

Noga brothers


And here’s a picture of Niko Noga, Dick Tomey, Al Noga, Bob Wagner and Pete Noga:



> Here’s Wagner/Tomey introducing the Noga brothers: Introduction video

> Here’s Niko Noga’s acceptance speech: 1


Here’s Al Noga’s acceptance speech: 1-1


> 2014 Circle of Honor class: 1-2


  1. Bugaz March 9, 2014 8:38 am


  2. tommui March 9, 2014 8:44 am


    And congratulations to the new inductees to the Circle of Honor. And to the Noga brothers, it is about time!

  3. kev-1 March 9, 2014 8:47 am

    Interesting read from DR this morning. He makes a good point that fatigue often trumps preparation and sometimes even talent. Interestingly, I saw an interview on ESPN with Bob Knight. He says that as the end of the season and conference tourneys come around, he is adamant that teams should practice LESS. With the system the way it is for conference tourneys often having more weight than the regular season, teams should take steps to avoid physical burn out.

    I wonder if Gib subscribes to the practice less model?

  4. kev-1 March 9, 2014 8:48 am

    I was watching on TV last night hoping to see the induction during half time. They skipped it and just showed the guys standing on the court. Bummer.

  5. tommui March 9, 2014 8:50 am

    Close, but no cigar!
    Played Texas close – take the next one Bows!

    GO BOWS!

  6. tommui March 9, 2014 8:52 am

    Agree with kev-1

    You would think that the people at 16 would recognize the significance of the Circle of Honor instead of having a rehash of the first half. Sad!

  7. kev-1 March 9, 2014 8:53 am

    I wonder how HNN would have handled the broadcast. Ouch!

  8. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 8:56 am

    There’s nothing that prevented HNN from showing the entire ceremony during its newscast last night.
    There’s no law that says HNN must show seven “severe weather” reports every newscast.

  9. kev-1 March 9, 2014 8:58 am

    Whoa ST! Low blow. HAHAHA

  10. kev-1 March 9, 2014 8:59 am

    I guess its easy for HNN to come out after the TV contract was signed and say “they passed up millions.”

    I guess that’s like the guy who the girl passed on saying “you don’t know what you’re missing.”

  11. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 8:59 am

    By the way, it was an awesome ceremony.

  12. whitey March 9, 2014 9:06 am

    to honor athletes of the past should be of huge significance to the university and this is one of the reason UH is small time when compared with other universities. many universities have events prior to the ceremony during the week to honor them, but UH thinking is very small when it comes time to honor students, alumni, and faculty.

  13. whitey March 9, 2014 9:07 am

    porgot, good morning tsaikos.

  14. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:07 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day

    great & about time to have Niko and Al in the HoF…

    St…ditto #8.. I too get kind of frustrated with the constant weather reports on tv

    Anyhoo, IMUA WARRIORS!

  15. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 9:10 am

    1. I don’t need to know what the weather was like earlier in the day. I was there.
    2. If they show me a 7-day forecast, I think they can take off the next six days.

  16. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:17 am

    me ..just look out da door…hehehe..actually most reliable method.

  17. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:18 am

    method just for Hawaii…Texas…65 and sunny one minute…40 and cold the next

  18. 3-Prong March 9, 2014 9:19 am

    ………Tomey and Wags on the Nogas.

  19. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 9:20 am

    JJ called yesterday. Funny, but he never mentions the weather.

  20. 3-Prong March 9, 2014 9:24 am

    Oops was that up already ST? Sorry…hehe

  21. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:24 am

    who’s jj????…

  22. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 9:30 am

    June Jones
    Jerry Jones
    Jenny Jones
    Janet Jackson (Miss Jackson, if you’re nasty)
    (Singer) Joe Jackson
    (Shoeless) Joe Jackson
    Joe Jackson (Michael’s father)
    Jeremaine Jackson
    Jesse James
    (Jesse) James

  23. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:35 am

    my fav…jesse james

  24. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:36 am

    oops..cloudy now..looks like rain in a few minutes

  25. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 9:36 am

    I think I hurt my foot name-dropping.

  26. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:38 am

    btw, hows the weather in Waikiki? any body out there? want to go check out Jake Shimabukuro and Jody Kamisato concert this afternoon.

  27. ran March 9, 2014 9:39 am

    I agree with you about making the induction more significant.As for the fans, there was no scheduled interaction. The press conference on Friday introducing the Circle of Honor inductees was closed to the public and there was NO meet and greet the inductees at the game. Just introduce and aloha no.

  28. Da Punchbowl Kid March 9, 2014 9:40 am

    Very, very happy for the Nogas.

    And for all of the other inductees. And a big aloha to Tita Ahuna!

  29. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 9:45 am

    I was happy for the diver.
    Her father, who lives in China, never saw her dive for UH.
    He attended the induction ceremony.

  30. Da Punchbowl Kid March 9, 2014 9:46 am

    NSF – Partly cloudy, rain much earlier. Seeing the sun in a lotta places. Looks like it’s drying up.*

    *this is a very unscientific non severe weather report, your actual mileage may vary.

  31. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:51 am

    DPK…Beeg Mahalos….gotta take da showa curtain case

  32. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:52 am

    I hope some tv station will do a broadcast of the ceremony.

  33. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:53 am

    whoa…now da weather report wen invade da blog…sorry ST

  34. stoplettingJJcall March 9, 2014 10:17 am

    Could we stop mentioning the guys name already> HE LEFT. HE QUIT US. AND HE SUCKS IN SMU> Look at their stats and compare them to Hawaii…Almost the same and he’s been there for years with the ability to get the best talent. Luck they don’t have a volleyball team or he would be all over those young girls in his ugly sweat suit from the 80’s

  35. NotNasti March 9, 2014 10:45 am

    There was room for 2,600 more people to watch the half-time ceremony with the rest of us. A meet and greet (prior to the game) would have been good. A fundraiser which would allow fans to attend a ceremony prior to the game would have been even better. Anyway, I always enjoy the half-time ceremony. The CSUF players were sitting on the bench taking in the last few minutes.

  36. tommui March 9, 2014 10:52 am

    I guess civility and aloha doesn’t extend to JJ?

  37. Hank March 9, 2014 10:56 am

    Niko and Al….it was the right thing to do. Niko helped to transcend the program and Al was its first All American. They love UH.

  38. Old School Dave March 9, 2014 11:00 am

    Local TV newscasts need more sports and less weather!

    I get em down:

    “Mostly sunny, with some mauka showers. Trades 10-15 mph.”

    “Southerly Kona winds. Hot, humid, and voggy day. People with respiratory issues, please stay indoors. Drink lots of water……”

    “Going rain tomorrow. Take one umbrella.” 🙂

  39. jm2375 March 9, 2014 11:12 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    No tv coverage of the Warrior vb game today, so come on down and join us to watch the team vanquish the Anteaters. Game starts at 5pm.

    PS It’s Military Night and the Warriors will be wearing special camoflauge jerseys.


  40. Da Punchbowl Kid March 9, 2014 11:18 am

    NSF – Town mostly sunny, now.

  41. Haleakala March 9, 2014 11:18 am

    Am also glad that the diver was recognized for her accomplishments. She was a 5 time All-American!
    Swimming and diving are individual sports that take a lot of practice to accumulate minute gains. Congratulations to QiongJie (Huang) Drew.

  42. SteveM March 9, 2014 12:03 pm

    Good morning everyone!

    Congrats to the Noga brothers and the all the Circle of Honor inductees!

  43. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 12:15 pm

    DPK…on my way…Mahalos

  44. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 12:26 pm

    It was nice that both Wagner and Tomey asked to attend the ceremony.

  45. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 1:09 pm

    and I want to thank ST for posting the video…Wags and Tomey…class it

  46. Former UH Athlete March 9, 2014 1:14 pm

    UH has a great tradition honoring the greats with the Circle of Honor and probably has one of the coolest senior night ceremonies in the nation.

    The only thing that would make it better is if UH would present the senior BB player with their jersey in a glass case. I saw this at the Memphis senior night game the other day. I thought that was really cool thing for the players and families.

  47. boolakanaka March 9, 2014 1:25 pm

    Aloha, and btw, SMU does have a women’s vball team.

  48. Ipu Man March 9, 2014 1:40 pm

    Aloha Coach Wagner, Tomey , Jun Jones and the Noga Brothers.
    Thanks for the memories eh?

  49. kapakahi March 9, 2014 1:41 pm


    Woulda been even nicer if UH invited them both to attend in the first place.

  50. al March 9, 2014 2:10 pm

    nsf…did you mean joy kamisato (white light)?

  51. al March 9, 2014 2:13 pm

    congrats to niko and al noga. long overdue.

  52. al March 9, 2014 2:14 pm

    tomey and wags, two class acts in my book. that they also gave credit petelo is an example.

  53. al March 9, 2014 2:16 pm

    saturday night luve…here i was waiting to watch the hall of fame inductees on tv.

    what a huge fumble by oc16!

  54. al March 9, 2014 2:17 pm


  55. al March 9, 2014 2:22 pm

    we are blessed that the nogas have been humble enough to standby all these years…awaiting their long overdue acknowledgement.

    it has been such a travesty all these years that the selection committee were ignorant of”giving everyone a second chance.” and “forgiveness for our sins”.

  56. Warrior Dave March 9, 2014 2:23 pm

    Rick, Rick. Rick… HNN played poker with UH and folded. Now that the hand is over you say you had pocket aces for UH. Blah, Blah, Blah… Talk is cheap and free. You say millions more for UH and FREE TV of over 100 games. BUT when informally asked, you or someone representing HNN indicated that the $2.3MM minimum couldn’t be met.

    Now you go to Ferd and make big noise, etc. with no proof to back anything you say now. In hindsight, you should have said HNN is aware of UH minimum requirements and are anxiously awaiting our opportunity to unveil it to them.

    Rick, you were awesome while working with UH for all those years. Now you’re on the outside looking in, your comments leave a bad taste in my mouth. Go away quietly.

  57. Warrior Dave March 9, 2014 2:28 pm

    Something was missing from last nights induction. Don Robb’s introducing them live and reading their accomplishments in only the way he can do it really adds to the ceremony.

    I was also surprised they actually ran a halftime promotion before the ceremony. I guess UH got to pay the bills??? But the ceremony did appear to be a little rushed because of time.

  58. Galatians March 9, 2014 2:30 pm

    Agree with 53

  59. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 2:37 pm

    Here’s a scenario:
    Joe, who owns a restaurant, needs money. He is selling his car for $5,000. He promises to let Jack have first crack at buying it but he has to let him know by Feb. 28. Jay says he also wants the car but doesn’t have the cash. Instead, he is willing to pay $2,000. Jay said he will tell all his friends that Joe has a great restaurant. Jay said that the publicity and recommendation is worth $10,000. Joe sells the car to Jack for $5,000 cash. Jay complains Joe missed a chance to earn $12,000 in cash and publicity.

  60. Stephen Tsai March 9, 2014 2:45 pm

    Don Robbs was on the pre-taped video. Billy V was live.

  61. Shoko March 9, 2014 2:58 pm

    Mazel Tov, Noga’s!

    By the way, what happened to Adam Noga?

  62. Warrior Dave March 9, 2014 3:32 pm

    Interesting article by Ferd this morning regarding the Ching Field project. He mentions the Office of Facilities and Grounds several times but never mentions who runs it. He also goes on to say Ben Jay asked on several occasions for updates and information but it would take forever, if ever to get it.

    Anyone know who heads OFG? I would be very interested in knowing.

  63. ai-eee-soos March 9, 2014 3:33 pm

    … Duane Akina …

    Stanford: According to Bobby Burton of 247Sports, former Texas defensive backs coach

    Duane Akina has accepted the defensive backs job at Stanford. first

    reported over 10 days ago that Akina had the offer and David Shaw was willing to be patient.

  64. truegreen March 9, 2014 3:47 pm

    #59: Yup, in a nutshell that’s the difference between the haves and have nots. Have nots only see the instant gratification while the haves got to where they are because they could see the big picture. Not to many big picture guys in leadership positions at UH right now.

  65. boolakanaka March 9, 2014 4:03 pm

    63…I think that’s a nice fit for both Stanford and Akina.

  66. 3-Prong March 9, 2014 5:21 pm

    Who will be the next local kid to stay home and transcend the program?

  67. Old School Dave March 9, 2014 7:37 pm

    #59: Well stated analogy, Stephen. As we all know, the word “free” or something for “peanuts” is still a very powerful attraction to many. Look at the long lines whenever L & L has its 76 cents plate lunch promotions.

  68. Kevin March 9, 2014 8:06 pm

    Warrior Dave:
    March 9th, 2014 at 2:23 pm
    Rick, Rick. Rick… HNN played poker with UH and folded. Now that the hand is over you say you had pocket aces for UH. Blah, Blah, Blah… Talk is cheap and free. You say millions more for UH and FREE TV of over 100 games. BUT when informally asked, you or someone representing HNN indicated that the $2.3MM minimum couldn’t be met.

    Now you go to Ferd and make big noise, etc. with no proof to back anything you say now. In hindsight, you should have said HNN is aware of UH minimum requirements and are anxiously awaiting our opportunity to unveil it to them.

    Rick, you were awesome while working with UH for all those years. Now you’re on the outside looking in, your comments leave a bad taste in my mouth. Go away quietly.

    Nice. Needs to be highlighted again for anyone that missed this point of view as opposed to dwelling on convienent hindsight.

  69. Warrior Dave March 9, 2014 8:27 pm

    Mahalo Kevin!

  70. tommui March 9, 2014 9:17 pm

    I’m sure Ben Jay would have paid more attention to HHN if it said: we will broadcast a minimum of 100 UH games and even set it up so Mainland people can see the games; we will even televised the Away games as well. And all of these games will be free, absolutely free to our viewers. And all of this free publicity will be worth at least 10million.l

    And to show our sincerity, here is a certified check for 2.5 million and our signed contract for x years for 2.5 mill annually plus x% COLA!

  71. tommui March 9, 2014 9:18 pm

    I’m sure Ben Jay would have paid more attention to HHN if it said: we will broadcast a minimum of 100 UH games and even set it up so Mainland people can see the games; we will even televised the Away games as well. And all of these games will be free, absolutely free to our viewers. And all of this free publicity will be worth at least 10million!

    And to show our sincerity, here is a certified check for 2.5 million and our signed contract for x years for 2.5 mill annually plus x% COLA!

  72. Kevin March 9, 2014 9:20 pm

    Warrior Dave.

    Hindsight is something many people have in common.

    Like in hindsight… everyone all miffed about the lack of footage of the Circle of Honor during the halftime and making it seem like only an OcSport boo boo YET K5 also never showed much of the past Circle of Honor moments when they covered UH………………


  73. tommui March 9, 2014 9:20 pm

    But of course HHN has provided TV time the last two or so years for the UH telethon.

  74. NorthShoreFan March 9, 2014 9:42 pm…no I meant Jody Kamisato. worked with his mom for many years. Jody’s parents are great people. Jody is a natural. He was in the Hon. Boys Choir and loved music. He now has classes and his Super Ukulele kids are amazing.
    Studied under and played with Jake.

  75. Leron March 9, 2014 9:50 pm

    How quickly it’s forgotten that HNN still operates under its’ legally questionable “shared services agreement” to run the 3 stations. The argument at the time of the merger was that the 3 stations couldn’t survive independently because of financial woes. Guess Rick has money now, so why is the FCC not cracking down on them since the money woes notion no longer applies?

  76. Bows4life March 9, 2014 9:54 pm

    Alen alen next year maybe, and congrats on Noga Bros.

  77. al March 9, 2014 11:47 pm


  78. kruzen March 10, 2014 2:05 am

  79. Da Punchbowl Kid March 10, 2014 2:43 am


  80. boolakanaka March 10, 2014 4:07 am

    My next round of inductees would be as follows: Kafentzis Family, Glenn Bragg, Rich Miano, Reggie Cross and Pono Ma’a.

  81. maddog50 March 10, 2014 4:19 am

    Congrats to Circle of Honor winners…..particularly the Noga’s who are finally home—-

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