Hello, goodbye

Earvin Sione, who signed with UH in February 2008, said he has met the requirements to play for the Warriors this season.
Sione, who is 6 feet 5, can play either wideout, safety or linebacker.
He said he is on the Warriors’ training camp roster.

* * * * *

But Brett Symonds, a kicker who redshirted as a freshman last season, has decided to transfer to College of the Desert.
Receiver Matt Kiel also is not expected to return to the Warriors this year.


  1. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:27 am

    first again

  2. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:29 am

    welcome to the warriors Earvin, at 6’5, athletic, he can play wide out or DE

  3. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:32 am

    but is he on scholarship? he missed an entire year since graduating..did UH keep open a scholarship for him

  4. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:32 am

    where’s Al?

  5. chongstein July 11, 2009 12:36 am


  6. Stephen Tsai July 11, 2009 12:37 am

    The last I heard he wasn’t going to be on scholarship.
    But that could change.

  7. chongstein July 11, 2009 12:39 am

    i smell a linebacker…a 6’5 one

  8. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:39 am

    receiver spot is crowded with athletes, tough for a walk on, but in two years alot of JC guys graduate opening up the positions once again

  9. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:42 am

    Kelli should be happy, I believe he is a McKinley grad although after her time. But the colors fly the same-black and gold

  10. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:43 am

    hey Al and SteveM are tigers, but they never bleed the black and gold, rarely hear them mention their colors…

  11. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:47 am

    like the thought of an athletic 6’5 LB..hopefully got long arms, emulate Ted “Stork” Hendricks, Oakland Raiders…Believe in the Silver and Black…acceptable if he wears some yellow in practice.. 🙂

  12. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:49 am

    lots of folks either playing mafia wars or darts to blog.

  13. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 12:49 am


  14. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:50 am

    just getting in or just got up from a nap?

  15. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 12:51 am

    Welcome and aloha new/ex Warriors!

    Fell asleep while resizing images from last – er, 2 nights ago.

  16. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 12:52 am

    Just got up / between naps.

  17. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 12:52 am

    Still flyin’

  18. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:53 am

    are you here or back on Kauai

  19. al July 11, 2009 12:55 am

    hey, i am still black n gold. after all that is the only hs in hawaii w/those colors.

    unlike some green n gold school whose lame nickname is the pine lads n lasses. hmmmm.

    btw, ralph now that there is no pine on lanai, shouldn’t they change the nicknames? perhaps the koele’s or manalele’s. better yet the murdock’s.

  20. al July 11, 2009 12:57 am

    when sione was first recruited i envisioned him as a de by the time he graduated. now, i am wondering if he could gain 65 lbs and become a otackle?

  21. Ralph July 11, 2009 12:57 am

    can’t change history!

  22. al July 11, 2009 12:58 am

    hi liz.
    behave yourself.

  23. al July 11, 2009 12:59 am

    so ralphie….how many in your graduating class?

  24. Ralph July 11, 2009 1:00 am

    it would be interesting to note Earvin’s weight as a senior and now…peeps were saying that the recruits will pack in the weight so it would be interesting to see what he did for about a year since he committed to UH.

  25. Ralph July 11, 2009 1:01 am

    i think 42

  26. al July 11, 2009 1:06 am


  27. al July 11, 2009 1:07 am

    200 lbs was his reported weight when he graduated. i am guessing he is 225 by now.

  28. jm2375 July 11, 2009 1:08 am

    Top 30!

    Welcome to the Warriors Mr. Sione!

    Good luck to Brett Symonds and Matt Kiel.

    Methinks keed has a full day planned for me tomorrow – movie, shopping, alumni dinner, friend sleeping over…
    BTW, hope to see Stretch and Kaimiloa at the dinner…
    Wonder how Stretch’s marketing session went today… 🙄

    Just think, 1 week from now, I’ll be in Espana!!! 😀

  29. al July 11, 2009 1:08 am

    17 times larger was our graduating class than yours.

  30. jm2375 July 11, 2009 1:09 am

    There were 56 in my graduating class.

  31. al July 11, 2009 1:10 am

    wow, jm0000 you’ve become quite a world traveler these days.
    who’s gonna watch the pup?
    must be 35 lbs by now.

  32. al July 11, 2009 1:11 am

    hey not bad only 12.75 times larger than your class.

  33. jm2375 July 11, 2009 1:13 am

    al – a friend will watch the puppy. They got a puppy from the same litter. He goes back to the vet tomorrow, so we’ll see how big he is. He was 22 lbs 2 wks ago.

    world traveler – cuz we haven’t been to Spain in 5 years. Wanted to go last year, but couldn’t get our act together before the airfares went sky high. Got tix this year for less than $1K each. It’s the car rental/gas that’ll bankrupt us, not to mention the exchange rate.

  34. Ralph July 11, 2009 1:14 am

    good size for a LB…i notice the nfl lbs are in the 240 to 260 range. we could use a few big guys with speed. a 200 lb LB and a 165 lb CB trying to stop student body right or tampa right will be physically over match even with speed cuz the linemen-pulling guard, etc. will be running at top speed at impact.

  35. jm2375 July 11, 2009 1:15 am

    Oh shoots, just realized, a week from now, I’ll be on the plane somewhere between LA and London, not quite in Spain yet.

  36. jm2375 July 11, 2009 1:17 am

    ok, time for sleep. oyasumina-tsai. hasta manana.

  37. Ralph July 11, 2009 1:17 am

    I thought your hubby’s Cuban, how come you don’t go to Cuba..Obama just opened up travel to Cuba..

  38. al July 11, 2009 1:18 am

    watched him play football and basketball. i don’t see him as a db or a lb. but either a de or olineman, the latter if he can get to 285.

  39. Ralph July 11, 2009 1:18 am

    I saw your pup on facebook, pups are so cute…

  40. al July 11, 2009 1:19 am

    yah, lights out on east side.

  41. Ralph July 11, 2009 1:23 am

    why would a young athlete weighing 225 and muscular want to gain 60 lbs and look like a fat man is beyond comprehension…not everyone will be in the nfl, ever see a big lineman slim down and look like the Rock, so why punish his body with all the weight gain…play LB or safety, stay athletically built…

  42. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 1:54 am

    jm2375- Awesome! Haven’t been to Spain since 1983. Especially loved “Barthelona” …
    First batch of pix are loaded. Gotta put a few iPhone ones up now.

  43. Pauoa Boy July 11, 2009 2:57 am

    Brett Symonds is leaving??? Wouldn’t he and Scooter be battling it out this year? Does this mean Scooter has the job? Where’s the Aussie kid by the way? Shouldn’t all the other guys be in school by now…T.J. Alofipo, etc…? Sorry for the questions just curious.

  44. Pauoa Boy July 11, 2009 3:02 am

    Depends how Earvin Sione can carry weight on his frame. He’s pretty slim for a 6’5″ guy, I dunno if packing on planny weight would help him. Like Alema Tachibana, I don’t know if they can pack on planny pounds to there frame and still maintain the quicks and speed. I could see both becoming hybrid DE/LB types though. Earvin get planny range at 6’5″.

  45. Pete Jek July 11, 2009 3:21 am

    I’d say his best chances are at the receiver or safety positions. He is on the skinny side by football standards. He can do damage as a hybrid player if he has the speed, because he certainly has the length to be special. Hopefully he’ll contribute more regularly than Tua Mahaley, a player of similar height and frame.

  46. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 4:08 am

    Hi PB and PJ!

    Nitey nite and Sweet Luana Hills Dreams!

    oh- Hauoli Lahanau Chris Cooley!

  47. Garret July 11, 2009 5:04 am

    Best wishes to Brett Symonds and Matt Kiel.

    The writing was on the wall for Symonds after UH signed their starting kicker. Hopefully he can do well at the College of the Desert and find somewhere where he will be a better fit.

  48. Wotyobench? July 11, 2009 5:25 am

    Been around awhile, although I have many aliases and disguises because I’m in the federal witness protection program for infiltrating and ultimately testifying against the Gambino crime family.

    As you can read, I have a bone to pick with these recruiting tabloids and their so-called player rankings. I will trust the hard work and knowledge of Mac’s staff, as well as any college football staff worth their salt in evaluating and recruiting HS players over any $$ making entity trying to pose as experts.

  49. whitey July 11, 2009 5:48 am

    good morning tsaikos. getting ready to go, so have a great day and may the sunshine bring you plenty of smiles.

  50. d1島 July 11, 2009 5:52 am

    Great Morning All!

    Aloha Brett Symonds and Matt Kiel.

    Extra mac salad and gravy all ovah for Earvin Sione!

  51. d1島 July 11, 2009 5:54 am

    ….oh, and slide one extra scoop rice over to Alema Tachibana while you at it. 😉

  52. d1島 July 11, 2009 5:57 am


    Schmall kine HiHo.

  53. Huskies Fan July 11, 2009 7:28 am

    I hear that David Tanuvasa is back at McKinley, I know he left Maui High and has moved back to Oahu. Anyone know if this is true.

  54. chongstein July 11, 2009 7:46 am

    Huskies Fan:,………………true

  55. Slugger July 11, 2009 7:47 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

    Welcome, Earvin! al’s been waiting for you to show up.

    Good luck to Symonds & Kiel.

  56. Slugger July 11, 2009 7:57 am

    Heard from Coach Ron Lee that Corey Batoon left NAU for Arkansas State. His Dad is still coaching at St. Francis. Good luck, Corey!

    They play Nebraska Sept. 12th.

  57. d1島 July 11, 2009 8:19 am


    Wow, Arkansas is a lo-o-o-o-ng way from Kalaepohaku.

  58. madeinhawaii July 11, 2009 8:46 am

    A 6’5″ wideout? … If he can go up for the ball, can you imagine him in the redzone against 6′ and under defenders?

    Hey! Good luck to the ex-Warriors who will be leaving. I want to thank them for first choosing to be Warriors and wish them all the best wherever they may end up. Whether they are here for 1-redshirt season or 5 of their eligible years, they all helped to make the program and raise the bar.

  59. Tombo Ahi July 11, 2009 9:04 am

    The UH at Washington State kickoff time has been set for 4pm Pacific.

    Washington State University announced kickoff times for the first three games of the 2009 season Wednesday, including the season-opener against Stanford Sept. 5, which is set for 5 p.m. Additionally, the Cougar Gridiron Classic, presented by Washington’s Beef Producers, Sept. 12 against Hawaii at Qwest Field, is scheduled for a 4 p.m. start, and the Sept. 19 contest against Southern Methodist will begin at 2 p.m.

  60. Cindy C. July 11, 2009 9:04 am

    Good morning, all! Small break now before the busy afternoon/evening at the Relay for Life at Magic Island. Just staying until midnight this time.
    Have a fun day, all!

  61. Tombo Ahi July 11, 2009 9:05 am

    BTW, is Chad Preacher still transferring?

  62. wafan July 11, 2009 9:44 am

    A good morning to all!

  63. roysan16 July 11, 2009 9:44 am

    So I read ST #77 yesterday. First,tell him stop being presumptuous and sarcastic. Second, anybody looking at Lawrence’s film can see he’s a different specimen. Kind of reminds be of a Warren Sapp type of DT. Three things standout immediately-his strength, low center of gravity and athleticism.

    # Stephen Tsai:
    July 10th, 2009 at 9:16 am

    Let’s face it: Most of you never heard of the Aiea d-lineman. (And don’t start heading to Google right now.)
    Yet I noticed that nobody is critical of UH’s pursuit.
    Is it because other schools like him?
    Is it because he’s still a free agent?
    Do the critics believe UH should even pursue him?
    The grass is always greener, isn’t it?

  64. wafan July 11, 2009 9:45 am

    Aloha to Brett and Matt. Best of luck where ever you land!

  65. wafan July 11, 2009 9:47 am

    Roysan . . .

    I think you just did.


  66. wafan July 11, 2009 9:49 am

    Sione, finally! Whoo-hoo!!!

  67. roysan16 July 11, 2009 9:57 am


    it’ll get deleted, watch


  68. warriorfanny2 July 11, 2009 9:58 am

    Wilson still in hunt for British Open invite.
    Hawaii’s Dean Wilson shot 1-under today to go 7-under, six back of the clubhouse leader and T/8 after two rounds in the John Deere Classic at TPC Deere Run.

    Wilson made 3-birdies in the front nine and 2-bogeys going out to finish the round one-under.

    Tomorrow play will be completed as players who survive the cut today will play 38 holes on Sunday.
    If Wilson finishes 5 or better he will earn an invite to the
    British Open @ Turnberry starting next Thursday.

  69. warriorfanny2 July 11, 2009 10:14 am

    roysan 16, u need to start learnin the lyrics to that ole
    rock-n-roll tune,
    “shuga in the mornin, shuga in the evenin, shuga at sapatime, be my litl’ole shuga n luv me all the time”.
    heeee-haw and gollll leee… everything is so greeeeat in May-ber-ry!

  70. Da Punchbowl Kid July 11, 2009 10:17 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂

    Nice to see Sione’s progress, best of luck to the others!

    Aloha to all the bloggers, old and new, original and recycled. What ever your nic was/is, it’s nice to have you here! 😉

  71. warriorfanny2 July 11, 2009 10:22 am

    when was the last time Sione had contact on the field?
    2….3 years? best wishes.

  72. hoho July 11, 2009 10:25 am


    i betcha roysan sterile. there’s no rythun in his life

  73. warriorfanny2 July 11, 2009 10:43 am

    yep, it will be two years this fall–last played the fall of 2007 in HS–he was in Haku’s class….he can do it, but he will need 2-3 years to grow, train and adjust…..hoping he has been busy dialing-in on his athletic skills.

  74. warriorfanny2 July 11, 2009 10:51 am

    #72.Lol, good one…..i like roysan, he speaks his mind when he sees an elephant in the room.

  75. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 11:16 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  76. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 11:16 am

    I don’t see no elephant…
    But I speak my mind.

  77. chawan_cut July 11, 2009 11:51 am

    more info on the party the night before the WSU game in Seattle.


  78. Dobbs Ferry Dude July 11, 2009 11:57 am

    Regarding the guy who red-shirted and now will not be coming back: wouldn’t red-shirting tend to take all the wind out of the recruit’s sails? One is all excited and pumped up about going off to play football in college and then the air goes out of the balloon, pfffft…. I mean I don’t really know, but red-shirting seems more convenient for the team than for the player. And, could you recruit someone by promising to red-shirt them? Just asking, as I’ve never quite understood it.

  79. roysan16 July 11, 2009 12:16 pm

    To the poster posting the comment yesterday, saying that how Coach Jones and Coach Mack look at recruiting are like comparing apples to oranges–I disagree.

    I’ve read a few comment here maligning the way Coach Jones recruits as hit and miss–I disagree.

    I think Coach Jones when speaking on the subject of recruiting he’s sandbagging somewhat in saying that he doesn’t put much into recruiting. Maybe he does this to throw others off from his trail.

    When I look at the coaches on Coach Jones staff recruiting, like Jeff Reinabold, Cavanaugh, Morrison and the Lees and Miano I think they did well bringing in some big name recruits. They were pounding the pavement, too. Why people get the impression they didn’t and to think the current staff is doing a much better job, I don’t understand.

    I think there is a reason why the teams did well on the field during Coach Jones tenure. And it starts off with having a keen eye for recruits that other programs passed on. And it starts off with having a strong gut feeling about players that they brought in that will help the team. And how I see it they did wonderful.

    Recruiting playmakers and sizing up recruits Coach Jones and his staff did well. To his credit Coach Jones picked out a lot of “Best in Shows” that later went onto the NFL. (Alama-Francis, Brennan, Forney, Hunter, Ilaoa, Ingram, Klemm, LaBoy, Lelie, Manuwai, Mauia, Mouton, Noa,Owens, Purcell, Satele, Sopoaga, Tinoisamoa, Ulbrich, Veikune)

    What set back the program and people associate this with a lapse in recruiting is when the team was docked scholarships for having a too low an APR. One year the team lost 5 scholarships and then a few in the preceding years.

    What also set the program back is how, seemingly, Coach Jones didn’t go out of his way in fostering relationships with some of local high schools.

    But overall, recruiting wise I think Coach Jones did okay. Handicapped by a small recruiting budget and locale I think he did really well.

    To make a judgment, comparing him to Coach Mack style of recruiting, would be premature at this time because you really don’t know how Coach Mack’s recruits will pan out. This is why I’m puzzled at people putting down Coach Jones recruiting, where the end result we saw Coach Jones recruiting did bare fruit.

  80. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 12:28 pm

    I love Coach Jones for his “Believe”.
    I love Coach Mack for being here and now and planning for the future.

    I guess I am still totally high from Thursday night.
    Mahalo again to ST and Midnight and errybodee for being and doing!

    And mahalo to Mr. Gracious, Colt Brennan.

  81. labrat July 11, 2009 12:42 pm

    Alright welcome Earvin. I see him going the way of Kapanui.

  82. lower campus rd. July 11, 2009 12:59 pm

    labrat –

    are u on campus ?

  83. warriorfanny2 July 11, 2009 12:59 pm

    you have problems recognizing metaphors even with glasses.

  84. lower campus rd. July 11, 2009 1:06 pm

    labrat –

    meant to phrase it this way – are u regularly on campus ?

  85. roysan16 July 11, 2009 1:06 pm

    To #78

    I’ll do the best as how I interpret a scholarship offer and the path the incoming recruit takes if he’s either redshirted or grayshirted.

    What I’ve read from the experts is that on signing day a recruit signs an agreement of either entering the program in the coming fall semester or the spring semester.

    If his signing agreement is for the winter semester then he’s classified as an grayshirt. What this means he can’t practice with the team. And if chooses to enter school in the fall to take classes it’s money from his own pocket, as the scholarship offer starts in the spring semester.

    If his signing agreement is for the fall semester he is under scholarship, he can take classes and he can practice with the team. These types of players that earn a spot on the roster as freshmen are referred to as true freshmen. The ones not on the roster are called redshirt freshmen and practice along with the team.

    With a team’s cap of only having 85 scholarship players on it’s roster at one time is the reason why you’re seeing incoming recruits into the program (both high school and JC) being maneuvered around.

    Sitting out a year has it’s benefits and drawbacks. For the ones that need the grayshirt year to bulk up or get their studies in order it’s beneficial to them. To the ones that have to grayshirt because it self imposed by the team I can see how this can take the wind out of the athlete’s sail. Athletes are competitive; they been doing all their lives and to have sit out a year it is hard for them. The realization is that they (grayshirts) are all parts of the overall picture but they have to skip a year to wait for an opening on the team the following year. Some refer to this as stocking the shelf, or stockpiling–which is true. And it’s a great benefit for the team and program.

  86. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 1:16 pm

    It’s not all about you. Surprise!

  87. Slugger July 11, 2009 1:36 pm

    Alvin Katahara Hired As AKA Director Of Annual Giving

    Hey, I was talking to Alvin at the football camp dinner on Friday cuz I know his son who attended NAU. From the Advertiser to ‘Ahahui Koa Anuenue…congrats!

    Liz, Jason & I met the people from Chevron who helped sponsor the fundraiser on Friday…lurkers…. Hi there! 🙂

  88. el guapo July 11, 2009 1:38 pm

    Grayshirting is like a player going to prep school without actually having to go to one. Six years is better than five.

    If UH were on a trimester system when would a grayshirt go on scholarship? I would think the 2nd term but too lazy to research this.

  89. Garret July 11, 2009 1:53 pm

    el guapo,

    Schools on the quarter (trimester) system have their grayshirts start on scholarship in January. That is after the football season, which is all that matters to preserve eligibility.

  90. Garret July 11, 2009 2:00 pm


    The 85 scholarship limit isn’t necessarily the reason for all the grayshirts now. There is also a limit of 25 initial scholarships each year, so schools like UH that could go over that number have to grayshirt some players.

    Some players don’t like the idea of grayshirting–for example, an OL who was committed to SMU decided to break his commitment when he was informed that he would be asked to grayshirt and he instead he took a scholarship offer at UTEP. OL are grayshirted and redshirted at almost all schools at a higher rate than other positions due to the benefit of going through their college’s weight programs and the time it can take to learn the fine points of the position.

    Grayshirts can pay their own way in the Fall, you are correct about that. However, if they take too many credits they will start their eligibility clock and lose their grayshirt status. I think that they can safely take 6 credits (2 classes).

  91. Garret July 11, 2009 2:01 pm

    Analysis of the Titans’ secondary mentions that they are adding a dime defense and that Mouton is one of two players competing to be the dime DB.

    As far as the 2009 Tennessee Titans Secondary, they are going to add a new wrinkle to the defense with a dime back position that should be a fierce battle between Ryan Mouton and Jason McCourty. The cornerbacks are the same as last year and the Titans are thrilled with that. Corners Cortland Finnegan, who was a pro bowler last season, and opposite of him will be Nick Harper. Safeties Chris Hope and Michael Griffin are the guys who are supposed to be stopping any big play from happening.

  92. Garret July 11, 2009 2:02 pm

    Today is free slurpee day at 7-11…my kids discovered that they loved slurpees when we were in Hawaii so we won’t miss this. The free slurpee is pretty small, but a good size for my little kids.

  93. roysan16 July 11, 2009 2:28 pm


    Are potential recruits told of what their status is before signing day? In other words are they told ahead of time if they are going to have to skip a year and be a grayshirt? I think recruits need this information before hand instead of waiting for signing day so they can shop around for a program offering them a scholarship where they don’t have to skip a year if that is their choosing. Can you imagine a recruits predicament when on signing day he finds out that the offer is for the spring semester where this may not be to his liking but also too late for him to look else where.

  94. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 2:31 pm

    Speaking of lurkers- a BIG shout out to Faye!!!

    Kenny Estes was a grey shirt. I think it helped him get prepared physically and mentally. He was actually redshirting when he had to go active on ST. The coaches had very nice things to say about him on Thursday… even mentioned that he can kick!

  95. Jack Flash July 11, 2009 2:43 pm

    It seems to me that as far as recruiting goes, coach Mack is much better at fostering relationships with the local schools than coach Jones ever was. Personally, coach Mack just seems more approachable than coach Jones. Kind of like a local Uncle or something. I gotta admit I was a little starstruck when meeting both for the first time. Hell, if we had won that Sugarbowl game, my next kid (girl or boy) would’ve been named June!

  96. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 3:14 pm

    Jack Flash… “Hell, if we had won that Sugarbowl game, my next kid (girl or boy) would’ve been named June!” … that is sooo funny – esp coming from you….

  97. roysan16 July 11, 2009 3:22 pm

    Jack Flash,

    I agree with what you said about Coach Mack.

    “June Sugar Flash” would’ve prompted people to say how did that name come about.

  98. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 3:32 pm

    #97 – SWEET! 😈

  99. A-House July 11, 2009 3:42 pm

    Speaking of speculation, wonder what would have happened if UH had won the Sugar Bowl? Would JJ have left?

    To this day, it still haunts me of seeing the image of UH players entering the stadium – seemingly totally down and out – no enthusiasm – giving me the feeling that the game was already lost!!!

    On recruiting, I must agree with all who posts that Coach Mack totally surpasses JJ on local connections, meeting with high school coaches, parents of all players being recurited; kinda like the local “uncle” image. Biggest difference is Coach Mack’s willingness to out of his way to bring him to families and players.

  100. A-House July 11, 2009 3:45 pm

    ooops, left out the word “go” between to and out.

  101. SteveM July 11, 2009 4:14 pm

    Just back from my Uncle & Aunty’s 50th anniversary lunch gathering…at Tsukiji’s. We had the private room(s) on the side facing Macy’s.

    As a non-seafood eater, I had the cone sushi, chicken teriyaki, kal bi, and bowl of beef curry. Every one else was pleased by the seafood assortment and noodle bowls. I agree with the Tsai-ko reports that the kal bi was good. Peaches had the shrimp tempura…after all, it had Ralph’s endorsement (I think). 😉

  102. Hoohiki July 11, 2009 4:26 pm

    Got to finally meet Colt and Davone at the autograph session here on Maui. Now I understand the “following” for these 2 guys. They are both genuinely nice people. Colt’s parents raised him right-he signed sitting down, but he would get up to shake a fan’s hand or take pictures with them. So he spend all of his time, getting on and off his chair. I was impressed with their athleticism, but now I’m even more impressed with them as great role models for our young kids. They are not prima donnas, unlike one of our local boys who’s made it big.

  103. roysan16 July 11, 2009 4:27 pm

    For UFC 100 viewing


  104. Ralph July 11, 2009 4:31 pm

    SteveM I ate about 20 of them…focused on the shrimp tempura and kalbi..finished with 3 shave ice dishes..

  105. SteveM July 11, 2009 4:32 pm

    Imagine standing in a long sushi line at Tsukiji. My cousin, indicating a relative on the other side of his family, asks “See the big guy over there….?”

    I see a guy around 6′, 270 lbs. but keep looking… My cousin gives me the “are you blind?” look and continues, “I been to parties with him–that guy can eat….”

    At that point I stifled a laugh and nodded politely.

    I’ll have to bring my cousin to a Tsai-ko Cattle Call one day. 😆

  106. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 4:40 pm

    Hoohiki- high 5… I’m still high from Thursday!

    roysan16- thanks for the link!

    SteveM/Ralph …kalbi… mmmm.

  107. SteveM July 11, 2009 4:43 pm

    Ralph — Peaches said they were very light and good. I had one bowl of shave ice.

  108. roysan16 July 11, 2009 4:47 pm


    I saw the first fight of UFC 100

    and the signal disappeared

    UFC is smart to mix their signals so nobody can cockaroach the fight for free

  109. roysan16 July 11, 2009 4:50 pm

    never mind #108

    the link in #103 gives you UFC 100

  110. roysan16 July 11, 2009 5:41 pm


    for the UFC 100 this link is good

  111. PIAA DS July 11, 2009 6:21 pm

    #93 – yes, the athletes are told prior to NLI day that they are being asked to greyshirt. As long as they get it in writing (the scholarship agreement) then there usually isnt a problem. This year each student was told and they agreed to it, there were no surprises. In a few previous situations, I’ve seen where the athlete signs an NLI for the fall then is later asked if he will greyshirt, thus resulting in an invalid NLI and scholarship agreement since the agreement is marked fall & winter and if the athlete does not enroll full time they are both void. And a winter scholarship never appears. However, it is not being done this way anymore, thank goodness.

  112. Dennis Halloran July 11, 2009 6:34 pm

    Great HS All Star game at the OC. No future warriors for the first time in awhile. Mac is staying home, and I agree.
    Went to the Edison HS summer passing tourney and saw tons of great players. But, lineman win games!
    It appears that San Diego State has made some inroads ino the OC, and even non-scholie USD got 4-5 kids.
    The future for Warriors is in the islands!

  113. d1島 July 11, 2009 6:56 pm

    Looking forward to the Bes(s) Warrior Beat Show on Tuesday!

  114. d1島 July 11, 2009 6:58 pm

    …or is it D Bess Show?

  115. roysan16 July 11, 2009 7:27 pm

    #111 PIAA DS

    Thank you for answering this question. This information is new to me. It sounds like it’s a very fair system as where the recruits knowing of what the stipulations might be before they eventually sign on N-L day.

  116. al July 11, 2009 8:13 pm

    so did schwenke really verbal to byu today?

  117. jm2375 (21) July 11, 2009 8:29 pm

    at the UHS alumni dinner – anyone seen Stretch lately?

  118. Garret July 11, 2009 9:25 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.

    The Milan trade fair is commissioning the world’s biggest rooftop solar power installation–270,000 square meters and a peak capacity of at least 18 megawatts (the current world record is 12 MW).

  119. Garret July 11, 2009 9:26 pm

    Mother failed to notice when her 2-year-old son FELL OUT OF HER SPEEDING CAR! Her older son told her that his brother fell out of the car, but she ignored him and didn’t bother to look in the back seat to check. She drove all the way home and then saw that his car seat was empty…luckily, the car behind her on the freeway stopped an inch or two before running the 2-year-old over and had already called for medical assistance and called police.

  120. Garret July 11, 2009 9:26 pm

    Guatamala has been hit really hard by the swine flu–they closed all of their schools for at least 3 weeks and had to shut down nearly all public venues in two towns.

  121. Garret July 11, 2009 9:26 pm

    Dog wandered away from his owner and got stoned on a large amount of pot…his owner told police where the pot was and joked that the police could borrow her dog if they paid her $1500 vet bill.

  122. Garret July 11, 2009 9:27 pm

    Woman in Riverside County got a HUGE surprise when her 3 chihuahuas woke her up with their barking…the 3-pound chihuahuas had cornered an adult mountain lion in her garage and kept the mountain lion there for 45 minutes until police arrived.

  123. Garret July 11, 2009 9:27 pm

    Free play links pau.

  124. Garret July 11, 2009 9:30 pm

    I don’t think that UH gives out free stuff to women at games…and soon all teams will be forced to stop give-aways for women. This one California lawyer has filed over 40 lawsuits for ladies-only promotions, and the lawyers get half of the verdict so he can make a living this way I guess.

    The California lawyer won a $510,000 lawsuit against the Oakland A’s because they “discriminated” against men by giving away a floppy plaid sun hat for Mother’s Day during an event that promoted breast-cancer awareness and gave free mamograms. He flew from San Diego to Oakland to attend this game on Mother’s Day just so he could file his lawsuit.

  125. Slugger July 11, 2009 9:30 pm


    It’s Da Bess Show in Town…

    Talked about the Land of the Oaks with Davone at dinner on Thursday…he went to HS down the road from my friend’s house. Da. Bess knows exactly the place I’m talking about…small world.


    It’s good to see those young men representing themselves, their family and UH in a positive manner. Now the NFL world will get to know them.

  126. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 9:40 pm

    he is DBess foshua.

    Ditto erryting Slugger jes said…

    Still flyin!

  127. Jack Flash July 11, 2009 9:44 pm

    Wait… June Sugar Flash? Now that’s funny! G’nite folks…

  128. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 11, 2009 10:00 pm

    Let’s see if the Blue Flash shows up again. Wrote one post two times this morning before heading on over to the Ulupo Heiau Ho`ike – don’t miss it next year if for no other reason than the entertainment as well as the food – and both of them disappeared in a blue flash before I finished them. Cannot remember what I was trying to say, but it must have been really b-a-a-a-a-d to have been disappeared like that.

    Cannot remember that ever happening before. Has anyone else experienced it?

    Are there any plans to coordinate a T-Party at this Thursday’s Meet The Coach event at Murphy’s. If so, please post the information here.

    Hope that this year’s women’s football clinic has more technical information than the one held last year. The first 45 minutes was a PP presentation on how the McMackins wound up in Hawai`i.

    Have a great Sunday.

  129. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 11, 2009 10:00 pm

    Let’s see if the Blue Flash shows up again. Wrote one post two times this morning before heading on over to the Ulupo Heiau Ho`ike – don’t miss it next year if for no other reason than the entertainment as well as the food – and both of them disappeared in a blue flash before I finished them. Cannot remember what I was trying to say, but it must have been really b-a-a-a-a-d to have been disappeared like that.

    Cannot remember that ever happening before. Has anyone else experienced it?

    Are there any plans to coordinate a T-Party at this Thursday’s Meet The Coach event at Murphy’s. If so, please post the information here.

    Hope that this year’s women’s football clinic has more technical information than the one held last year. The first 45 minutes was a PP presentation on how the McMackins wound up in Hawai`i.

    Have a great Sunday.

  130. BG July 11, 2009 10:06 pm


    If you’re lurking…didn’t a relative recently win at the slots in Vegas? Saw a pic in the quarterly newletter from Boyd Group.

  131. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 10:34 pm

    Doc- blue screen of death, you mean?

  132. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 10:35 pm

    Ok. my gimchi blog post is up.

  133. Slugger July 11, 2009 11:17 pm


    Wonder if you threw off the Tsaikos about your gimchi blog post?

    My recipe calls for a little fish sauce…

  134. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 11, 2009 11:39 pm

    Some real gimchi has fish, oysters, really stinky something! I remember those as the jars in the ground in the wintertime.

    I’m still tweaking my recipe and weaning off the bottled sauce as it contains msg.

    Cool beans- ExtremeSkins posters are coming out of the woodwork. The one I thought was a woman IS. And another Cult of Colt fan just posted her pic with CB5! She lives in Kailua and I hope she’ll join us!

  135. jm2375 July 11, 2009 11:43 pm

    Hail to the Redskins!

  136. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 12, 2009 12:44 am

    So the night I stay up for ST to post the new midnight blog…


    Nitey nite and Sweet Warrior Alumni Dreams!

  137. röysan16 July 12, 2009 1:16 am


  138. chawan_cut July 12, 2009 5:25 am

    oh, the name of that Hawaii girl’s soccer club team that was staying at this hotel and playing in a tournament up here was Real Rush. not sure how they did. they left earlier this week.

  139. Bulla July 12, 2009 5:59 am

    Good morning Tsaikos,

    have not been around lately, almost completely moved to the West side. a small crisis yesterday, moved everything but my clothes, Houston we have a problem, haha. anyway, congrats to UH on recruiting, as long as we do not revert to the Hula-T days, we’ll be ok.

    The Beast comes home on Friday for some R&R, and then goes back for Fall camp. He has been taking care of the Hawaii recruits at Weber and playing ‘tour guide’ in reverse….haha.

    Have a blessed Sunday,


  140. Bulla July 12, 2009 6:15 am

    #138 Chawan,

    that’s because they were in a ‘real rush’, haha. sorry, that was just to easy, have a good day 🙂

  141. Slugger July 12, 2009 6:30 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka! Have a great day, everyone.

  142. chawan_cut July 12, 2009 6:39 am

    no worries. i tend to leave myself open a lot.

  143. derekpm July 12, 2009 7:03 am

    Read the Advertiser.

  144. Bulla July 12, 2009 7:15 am


    like the late sparky matsunaga used to say, ‘you know you’re getting really old when a few embarrassing events happen:

    you forget names
    you forget what you had for lunch
    you forget to zip up…..
    but the worst of all….

    you forget to zip down

    as for me, i say it all ‘depends’

    now have a dry sunday…..


  145. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 12, 2009 7:28 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

  146. Bulla July 12, 2009 7:37 am

    loved the photos from the fundraiser 🙂 🙂 priceless

  147. djmitcho July 12, 2009 8:18 am

    Good Morning All! Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  148. d1島 July 12, 2009 8:23 am

    Great Morning All!

    Welcome to the Wesside Bulla! Mo’ easy fo get together at Nancy’s!


    As you continue tweakin’ that recipe, keep in mind the airport checkpoints…those TSA folks have been kinda quirky about what they’ll allow you to take on board! 😉

  149. LizKauai [iMac] Unite and Conquer! July 12, 2009 8:51 am

    Thanks, Bulla!

    Hi guys!

    d1- I gotta get the TSA thing figured out soon. In need of a tub of cochu-jang soon.

    New post is up.

  150. U2B Baller July 13, 2009 6:05 am

    Hey ST,
    What ever happened to Kiran and Bryce? Are they still on the team?

  151. Kqrejrpn July 19, 2009 3:33 pm


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