Grade checks

Not sure what’s the fairest way to evaluate, but it seems the old method of tossing the highest and lowest scores produces a reasonable assessment.

People are entitled to their opinions, of course. But I think the Warriors can be best judged after this week’s game against Tennessee-Martin at Aloha Stadium.

That would provide enough information from three different samples: 1) A 51-61 loss to California on a neutral field in Australia; 2) A 63-3 road loss against nationally ranked Michigan before 110,222 in the Big House; and 3) a home game against an FCS school.

So you can wait another week to cast judgment.

Or, as always, feel free to share thoughts of the first two weeks of the 2016 season.


  1. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 6:25 am

    Next man up

  2. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 6:32 am

    Today’s article says no QB controversy because IW is a leader. We’ve seen it too many times in the Chow era, IW is a leader in practice but doesn’t get it done under the lights. I think if we have DB or AZ start this week, we’ll win in Arizona, but if IW is the QB, we lose.

  3. Ohana Hawaii September 4, 2016 6:33 am

    Next’s up! University of Tennessee – Martin! They’re favorite to win by 63 point! That opening with each sport books in Las Vegas!. Thank You! Hawaii you made a lot’s of Michigan’s fans super happy to loss by that much!

  4. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 6:34 am

    A leader has the intangibles and excites the fan base…enuf said. Go Warriors !!!

  5. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 6:40 am

    While we’re at it, bring KT back, our DL is porous and he deserves a second chance.

  6. 808 September 4, 2016 6:52 am

    This was a money game. Thanks for the money. A 13 game season would be a good place to reevaluate the program again. After all, Chow had almost 4 years to turn it around.

    Rolo’s team looks and feels different than previous regime.

    As for the QB, would be interesting to see what DB could do in a complete game.

  7. Shoko September 4, 2016 6:59 am

    TM played tough against Cincy when they were 37.5 underdogs and lost 7-28. Their QB is a graduate transfer from Marshall who had backup duties while there.

    I’m going to guess the point spread will be single digits. Warriors favored by 7 points.

  8. wow September 4, 2016 7:01 am

    #4 & 5, Are you serious … lol

  9. Shoko September 4, 2016 7:03 am

    Anyway, are there any injuries to report?

    Heard something about Woolsey having a sore shoulder and noticed Damien Packer went down during the game.

  10. H-Man September 4, 2016 7:12 am

    You’re probably right. UT Martin had a decent game against Cincinnati and should provide good competition. The Skyhawks rushed for 180 yards behind a big offensive line and on the defensive side, contained Cincinnati’s running game. But they gave up 260 yards passing and 2 passing TDs. Hoping the Warriors’ passing game is on track for a good game.

  11. 808warriorfan September 4, 2016 7:51 am

    Physicality, size, speed, quickness, and no jetlag … Michigan had it all … now that the 2 toughest games (besides Arizona & Boise State) are out of the way let’s get the guys back in the classroom, healed, rested, and ready for Conference play …


  12. tom-warriornation September 4, 2016 7:58 am

    ESPN commentators mentioned we were moving the ball toward the end of the first half when we went to the spread offense (ala June Jones). Why didn’t we do this earlier when we couldn’t move the ball at all during most of the first half?

  13. tom-warriornation September 4, 2016 8:02 am

    Our first play after Packer’s beautiful interception–did anybody else see the Michigan DB holding Kemp on that pass down the sideline? That should have been called PASS INTERFERENCE. I remember the same thing happened last year at Ohio St where there were a lot of non-calls/calls against our team.

  14. tom-warriornation September 4, 2016 8:06 am

    Wasn’t jet-lag a big factor?? Going from a time zone that is 20 hours ahead to a time zone that is 6 hours ahead? A-House or any other fans that made both trips?

  15. GoWarriors September 4, 2016 8:10 am

    I think you have the score for the Cal game listed incorrectly.

    “1) A 51-61 loss to California”

    Shouldn’t it be “31-51”?

  16. tom-warriornation September 4, 2016 8:10 am

    Instead of mainly running the ball in the 2nd half (as if we were running out the clock); why didn’t we go back to the spread offense; and try to score or at least move the chains–just as we did toward the end of the first half? You know, to excite us fans; and give us hope for future games?

  17. Maddog50 September 4, 2016 8:10 am

    It was a perfect storm for the Wolverines-u play the best you gotta play your best! Ugly score but pretty good effort considering many factors. I for one see a lot of good during restoration project. #94 is a friend for life! Go Warriors!!!!

  18. Inyoface September 4, 2016 8:21 am

    What happen to Penitito? Is he suspended or injured?

  19. Inyoface September 4, 2016 8:31 am

    Looks like usc could use norm chow as oc.

  20. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 8:35 am

    Not NC…hire June.

  21. WarriorNY September 4, 2016 9:01 am

    Looks like Steve Sark is being hired by Alabama… Looks like hiring mid 2000s USC assistants is the new Norm…

  22. burro sabio September 4, 2016 9:04 am

    IMHO, one sign that the coaches are taking a longer-term approach is moving Koloamatagi to C and Eli to G. Leo is gone next year and Tui would move to G anyway with Ulu-Perry becoming eligible. I really don’t know why they made the change but it makes sense in the long run.

  23. justsomeguy September 4, 2016 9:09 am

    So much negativity. Everyone seems to have their jimmy’s rustled right now. Calm down guys. Some more positive things to take away:

    1. IW looked decent in the spread (empty set, late first half). Made good decisions mostly. Brown has the physical tools, but having the playbook for a month isn’t going to give him time to be “up to speed” that’s too much to ask. Dru and Aaron are the future.

    2. Why has no one mentioned Marcus Kemp and his play? That young man was playing against GREAT Big ten CB talent…Shout out to Marcus, you played great my man. The best CB in the Mountain West, Damontae Kazee for SDST, wouldn’t be 3rd string at UM right now.

    3. I’m sure those that truly follow the play calling would agree with me here: Rolo was not letting every cat out of the bag. Expect him to let a little more fly in conference play. He knows winning in the big house was pretty slim, and he kept things high and tight. Regardless, anyone who thinks what they saw yesterday was ANYTHING close to the past 4 years was definitely not watching the same game as the rest of us.

    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday, Aloha. Go Warriors.

  24. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 9:19 am

    The future is NOW. IW had his chances.

  25. Markazulu September 4, 2016 9:20 am

    Tom-warriornation gonna assume it had to do with brown just getting here so maybe they called plays they felt he was comfortable with. Was shocked we didnt see zwahlen though.

  26. kev-1 September 4, 2016 9:22 am

    I agree with ST, you can’t judge this team based on a lopsided loss to Michigan. Reminiscent of the Sugar Bowl when they were clearly outmatched in talent, size, and speed.

    Let’s not forget they put up 31 points against a Pac12 opponent in Cal. Defense will need to improve for sure.

    I’m hoping for a dominating and confidense building win this week followed by an upset against Arizona.


  27. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 9:25 am

    Im looking forward to the UA game. It will be a divided house since my daughter is going to UA and my wife will be probably side with UA too. No mattah, I think UH wins with DB or AZ, but not IW. The future is NOW…make the change.

  28. kev-1 September 4, 2016 9:27 am

    Not sure how I feel about the QB situation. I felt the broadcasters were over-hyping Brown a bit. Sure, Woolsey has had his chance, but is Brown ready?

    I could lean towards the argument that this week’s game is the perfect opportunity to give Brown more game experience in the offense, but I think the coaches are afraid of being too trigger happy and place tremendous weight on the fact that Woolsey is a team leader with more experience.

    When will it be too late to make the move?

  29. Markazulu September 4, 2016 9:28 am

    Justsomeguy i wholeheartedly agree with what u said. For the most part i felt the oline played pretty good going up against Michigan. Kemp, collie, and lakalaka looked good to me. Woolsey played ok i feel brown will get more looks when he learns more of the playbook.

  30. 3-Prong September 4, 2016 9:29 am

    Mr Matlin, I know what the student handbook says, but I also know there is an appeals process for circumstances like this. I know the charges were serious but the kid made mistakes but everyone deserves a second chance. Charges were deferred. See if Rolo and the team what to grant him a second chance. Don’t worry, your leash will be short. Free Kennedy… Do the right thing.

  31. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 9:38 am

    I think we will see who wants it more during this week’s practice. If we want to keep moving forward with the offense, the future is NOW. IW has had his chances and couldn’t deliver. He’s great in practices but doesn’t win games. We need someone that has the “IT” factor. Go with DB or AZ. The best player should play.

  32. Inyoface September 4, 2016 9:50 am

    We by far have played the hardest 2 games in the MWC, Boise state damn near played a high school team.

  33. Boolakanaka September 4, 2016 9:52 am

    Hmmmn, the commentators made an interesting comment during the game–something to the effect, that OC Brian Smith, had already alluded that DB would probably be the starter at some point during the season. Anybody else catch that???

  34. Inyoface September 4, 2016 9:52 am

    I think Brown is ready because of all else fails he knows he can get a first down with his feet.

  35. Arcumfortis September 4, 2016 10:04 am

    Rolo inherited a dispirited team and there are good signs of change. I don’t think anybody really thought we had a chance against Michigan. I wish it was less of a beat down but it is what it is. The travel schedule was brutal. I like Rolo. I believe he will do well eventually. I also think it is probable that one of these days we will be lamenting one of the big 5 schools offering him a boat load of cash to jump ship. So let’s be patient. This team is much more fun to watch. Our next game is a big one. We will play an opponent with less depth and skill. If we can’t prevail in that game we are indeed in trouble. I think we will. Dunno what to think of Ikaika. What I am sure of is that Rolo, Smith and Stutz know more about football and quarterbacks than I do. So if they say Ikaika is still the man then I can be patient and trust. My job is not on the line with that decision and theirs is. So I doubt that they take it lightly.

  36. Old Diver September 4, 2016 10:37 am

    We’ve been told to judge the team after season’s end for four years. Fans are tired of that line of reasoning. I’m hoping The team will make a positive impression on the fans this week.

  37. NorthShoreFan September 4, 2016 10:57 am

    Guud Mornig Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!

    Two under the belt. As ST states, we’ll get a good idea of where we are after this week. UTM will play a good game. They are no slouches.
    Hope we don’t have any injuries.
    There was some good things on the field. Just need to make more plays and eleiminate mental mistakes.
    I did hear the commentator mention that he thought DB would/should be the starting QB. Not usre if he was quoting Smith though. Commentator went through all his observations on DB…but Rolo is the man with the call.
    Commentator also opined that there was about 6-7 NFL draft picks on UM team.
    Alabama looked real good too. Very deep at the positions. Tua gonna have a great time there.
    MHO…boyz looked a little “relaxed” through out the game. I didn’t see the energy up front. Maybe the peeps at the game saw different.

    With games like this, got to bring the energy and play with your hair on fire.
    Anyhoo, IMUA WRRIORS!…game stay pau already. Get ready for UTM!

  38. Ohana Hawaii September 4, 2016 11:11 am

    The big news in NFL? All cities and state police officer around the state will boycott to intending all games that? All Colin Kaepernick shows up to the games!. It won’t be safe at any games with no police officers will not show up!. The NFL have to do something to him!. Boy! Peoples around the world that United States will never change at all!. Peoples that’s following Colin Kaepernick? You should be glad that you live in the United States! Because you are making a lot’s of money and most of all you are free to come and go!. With out be follow and get shot by arms soldiers and ask for your paperwork where you going!. Have him move to Russia or another communist country! He really never do that!

  39. Hank September 4, 2016 11:15 am

    #34…NC knows more about FB than all of us and where did he take us? No problem in having an opinion.

    #35…I’m with you Old Diver.

  40. 808 September 4, 2016 11:37 am

    Let Kaepernick hold a clip board until they can trade him or cut him.

    Just like the previous regime, time will tell whether Rolo succeeds as a HC at UH. If he has success here, other schools will be looking at him to give him a boat load of cash to kick start their ptogram.

    The offense doesn’t look at all like what we saw the last 4 years. As for the QB it would be fun seeing a dual threat QB in DB running the spread.

  41. 808 September 4, 2016 11:40 am


  42. Inyoface September 4, 2016 11:43 am

    #38 NC cant coach a mid major he’s only a big program type of guy.

  43. Boya_jr September 4, 2016 12:01 pm

    Michigan looks like they will be playing for a national championship. What if any is their weakness?

  44. Tempmanoa September 4, 2016 12:08 pm

    Woolsey was not better than Colt or Rolo or Timmy or Moniz. But he was better than every QB we have had besides Sean Schroeder. And he had some great performances– coming off the bench vs Wyoming in the second half when we were down 21. He got us the win with two TD throws and clutch drives. His agame vs Fresno State throwing 3 TD passes. In the Fresno and Utah State games he threw for more yardage than any of our recent QB’s vs MWC competition. His last second TD pass to beat UNLV. He had a good first game vs Cal, keeping drives going throwing for 11 first downs to go with 13 rushing first downs, throwing for 71 % in the first quarter and 50% thereafter. His last drive vs Michigan he took the team from our 26 to UM 3 completing 6 of 7.

  45. ALLAN September 4, 2016 12:19 pm


  46. ALLAN September 4, 2016 12:22 pm


  47. islandman September 4, 2016 12:29 pm

    Looked good, but he couldn’t punch it in. The pass to Collie was too high. Earlier they were on the 3 yard line, but execution and/or play calling wasn’t there.
    Anyone on this blog donate $1 million to charity ? Kaepernick pledged that amount.

  48. Faithful Fan September 4, 2016 12:35 pm

    Ok, we are only 2 games into the season and I think we all have to relax. There has been a lot of comments made with good intentions, I believe it shows you care about the program. Arcumfortis had the best comment I read, I have to trust coach Rolo and his staff, I am NOT a coach so I can’t say, I am NOT with the players and team so therefore I don’t know. One thing that I do know is that I AM A FAITHFUL UH WARRIOR FAN just like many of you on this blog and for thousands out there. I know MY ROLE is to GET TO THE GAME no matter what. The root word for FAN is Fanatic …….. Shoot we used to rock the stadium in the 70ʻs and 80ʻs and we didn’t win every game but the FANS showed up win or lose…… I always ask myself where is that spirit. I believe Rolo and his staff will do their jobs as coaches and we have to do our job as fans so together we can turn this program around! #uhfaithful #30years #gowarriors

  49. ALLAN September 4, 2016 12:38 pm


  50. Balko September 4, 2016 12:50 pm

    Kaepernick is doing very well in the capitalist system; he now has the eighth selling NFL jersey. He wasn’t in top 50 earlier this year. He was also denoted as the number two QB in San Fran.

    We need to remember that what he is protesting has resonance here in Hawaii: per our local news, Honolulu paid $9.7 million to settle police excessive force lawsuits.

    Hawaii also disproportionately imprisons Native Hawaiians relative to other ethnic/racial populations in the state per OHA. The consequences of this over-policing and over-charging by DAs of Native Hawaiians is intergenerational disenfranchisement and poverty due to unjust/inappropriate/unnecessary convictions.

    His viewa are a valuable reminder that not all of us receive equal treatment by the police.

  51. Da Punchbowl Kid September 4, 2016 1:08 pm

    Time tells the tale.

    Coach Rolo, his staff and the Warriors are still in the first chapter of their saga. As in all great tales, the story is the struggle to set things to right. I think the blog host is right in saying the next game will be very telling.

    Patience is key, and I believe we will be a good team in our conference. Failure is the cradle of greatness. Keep your heads up, Warrior Nation.


  52. NorthShoreFan September 4, 2016 1:21 pm

    Me thinks Kaepernick is allowed his free speech. Police supposed to ensure that his rights aren’t violated. To announce they will boycott is infantile. I guess they can pick and choose their security jobs. Good thing they haven’t taken to boycotting the presidents travels.

  53. NorthShoreFan September 4, 2016 1:24 pm

    There have been many a great leader, inventor and billionaires who have tasted failure before success.

  54. whitey September 4, 2016 1:33 pm

    Next week game will be about 25% of the schedule so should have some indication whether the team has heart

  55. Arcumfortis September 4, 2016 1:45 pm

    38……I enjoy the opinions……just don’t have one of my own to share regarding the QB situation. I have so little info re: the other QB’s and their development. I keep waiting for Ikaika to “get it” like others before him have done. But he has had a long run and plenty of time and it hasn’t happened yet. So maybe it never will. It will be interesting to see what happens next game.

    And yes old NC had plenty of football knowledge…….maybe better he writes books.

  56. Sangamon Keith September 4, 2016 2:04 pm

    I don’t think Ikaika starting was the problem against Michigan. We were just out-muscled and out-talented across the board. If there is a problem, it might be team fatigue from travel. This concerns me as it could lead to an upset lose to UT-Martin.

    As for the QB slot, there will ultimately be a change. Apparent, Ikaika brings enough to keep the coaches confidence versus the alternative choices. Everyone can see that Brown has a lot more physical talent and gamesmanship.

    Just guessing … but Dru probably doesn’t know the offense well enough or is still too ready to ad lib out of the play in progress. While the latter issue can look great, it isn’t a long term way to develop a consistent executing offense.

    Just my opinion … Let the coaches make the decision. They know the situation better than us.

  57. burro sabio September 4, 2016 2:24 pm

    Obviously the coaches think that DB is ahead of AZ, so isn’t it more important to give DB the reps than giving AZ some reps also and then neither one of them get enough work?

  58. H-Man September 4, 2016 2:27 pm

    Boola, yeah, I heard the same thing you heard the broadcasters quoting Brian Smith saying Dru probably taking over sometime this season. But listening to Rolo, it won’t happen.

  59. 808warriorfan September 4, 2016 2:39 pm

    #5 … “azwarrior22” … I’m a firm believer in forgiveness and giving a person a 2nd chance … while I feel KT is no different than the next person, should he be giving a 2nd chance by the UH Administration and/or Judicial System, his being allowed back on the team should be decided by the team/players. If all those come into place I believe he has a redshirt year so use it this year and earn your way back on the scout team.

  60. Balko September 4, 2016 2:45 pm

    Regarding the quarterback issue, people need to understand that even in coaching, decisions are not based primarily on talent. Coaches are susceptible to the same social psychology-based issues that every human is.

    Having played football for a long time (and started through all my years), I repeatedly saw coaches select starters based more on how well they got along with the coach (i.e., favoritism), than on talent. Most observant players would see that one person was getting more reps with better players in the very early part of training (thereby ensuring an advantage that would result in the coach’s implicit social bias) It’s human nature (we all want to be around people who agree with us, affirm our attributes, and boost our confidence irrespective of their professional abilities), and it is inescapable and irresistible even in a job where outcomes are based on black and white outcomes. This is especially true in the quarterback position because the coach interfaces far more often with that player than any other position.

    The reason this human nature dilemma is important to be aware of in mid-major schools is a place like Alabama can afford to gloss over this natural tendency because they acquire the best talent our country produces. Lower Division One schools pay a higher price because their talent pool is so much lower and thus the consequences of unawareness are much higher.

  61. steve P September 4, 2016 2:47 pm

    Listen, nobody thought UH was going to win against Michigan, but we did hope that we wouldn’t be completely humiliated AGAIN on national TV. This crap is getting old. And will somebody tell me why a football program with a decent
    legacy cannot get a talented QB to head our team. Why in hell are we starting Woolsey who is at best, a fair QB. Dru Brown appears to have skills that Woolsey doesn’t have, why not hand the rains over ? And last but not least, don’t think for a moment that this endless slaughter of our program on television doesn’t impact our recruiting. Good players will go elsewhere,why would they want to come here.

  62. Ron September 4, 2016 3:36 pm

    Balko, you are a very wise man!

  63. Sangamon Keith September 4, 2016 3:45 pm

    As I noted on another blog, this feeling is like after the 2008 Sugar Bowl. I thought I saw a good team going into the game … but not at this level! Hopefully, the potential we saw in Sydney re-emerges in the next couple of weeks. Michigan dominated physically and with talent … much like Georgia did in 2008.

  64. al September 4, 2016 4:03 pm

    Okay…so Ben’s revenge is over. Poor Ben he thought that the only way out of the financial “red” was to sacrifice his football team to the likes of The big ten and the Pac12.

  65. nomu September 4, 2016 4:05 pm

    Imho, Rolo will face increasing criticism if he sticks with IW for the entire season, for two reasons, both of which are obvious.

    Actually, there two additional reasons, it’s a business, and you have to win.

  66. al September 4, 2016 4:06 pm

    Koloamatangi was moved to center because he was ankle to best call the blocking schemes pre-snap. This within 1-2 seconds of reading the defense. It’s been a great move and will probably get him a look at the next level.

  67. Former UH Athlete September 4, 2016 4:07 pm

    UH moved the ball late 2nd quarter basically because Michigan let UH complete all the short passes they wanted. During that drive, Mich only rushed 3 and dropped into a soft zone.

    Once UH got the to red zone, Michigan stepped up the pressure and UH reverted back to its ways, illustrated the the complete F-up that ended the drive/half with no points.

  68. al September 4, 2016 4:08 pm

    Remember guys we just played a top 5 team.
    Remember it will take a couple three years to recruit and mold this program to a better level.

  69. Former UH Athlete September 4, 2016 4:09 pm

    I hope Naeole can work with Kolomatangi’s snap velocity… It just annoys me to watch such a slow snap. Also, the QB has to wait a split second longer to get going while everybody is already moving, it can throw timing off of quick screens and one step throws.

  70. al September 4, 2016 4:11 pm

    Also, DB, while he showed much promise he was competing against the 2nd- 3rd string defense for the most part.

  71. al September 4, 2016 4:13 pm

    Koloamatangi was switched over less than 2 weeks prior to the Cal opener. It’s a work in progress that only will get better.

  72. al September 4, 2016 4:15 pm

    The main is that they never hung their heads and that they played hard for 60 minutes. This is most refreshing compared to the “florist’s era”.

  73. Former UH Athlete September 4, 2016 4:17 pm

    IW is the starter essentially because he’s the only player on the roster with FBS game time. Remember, IW impressed so much (or so little) during spring ball that Rolo and staff decided to bring in 4 more QBs for fall camp (Dru Brown being one of them).

    I like DB’s moxy and elusiveness in the pocket, he consistently had 4 star recruits grasping at air when protection broke down.

    For grading purposes, I am omitting both IW and DB’s pick 6’s because they were clearly deer in the headlight moments in early action for them at the Big House.

  74. Former UH Athlete September 4, 2016 4:22 pm

    65. Michigan’s 2’s and 3’s are probably more talented than most MWC defenses, so I am encouraged at DB’s ability to make plays. He also threw some really accurate balls that were broken up by perfect coverage.

  75. z September 4, 2016 4:30 pm

    The problem with Ikaika is that when fans see him they think same o same o. They look for and remember his mistakes. With a new coaching staff they just want to see something new. Me? I just wonder what it would be like to have another qb in there just to see what would happen. Some times that’s all it takes to swing the momentum in your favor. I was surprised to see Saban go with a true freshman at qb in a huge game but he got the job done. Just makes me wonder what if……..

  76. z September 4, 2016 4:33 pm

    Michigan may have lost a starting defensive tackle who will be having a MRI done. I also remember a defensive end going out with an ankle injury. On that one I said see what happens when you go up against Dejon.

  77. z September 4, 2016 4:37 pm

    I really liked how Marcus played. I expect big things from him. Qb just need to get the ball to him in the right spot. I remember one commentator say that Ikaika needs to get more air under his ball. With a receiver like Marcus I think that would be a good idea.

    And coach how about a long ball to Iwaliko.

  78. justsomeguy September 4, 2016 4:43 pm

    #71 Z I really enjoyed watching Dejon go up against Rashan Gary…..the number 1 overall recruit out of HS this year….and no doubt a soon-to-be MONSTER. Dejon is no joke, we could see that this weekend.

  79. z September 4, 2016 4:46 pm

    Early in the game I saw Michigan defensive tackle take one swipe and knocked our center to the side and ended up in Ikaika’s face. I thought oh oh. Brought back memories of Sean and the beating he took when he was back there.

  80. z September 4, 2016 4:51 pm

    73. Yeah all I remember hearing when they were talking about Michigan was this guy going to end up in the NFL. That guy going to end up in the NFL. I was thinking hey what about us? Really been awhile.

  81. Casual Observer September 4, 2016 5:04 pm

    Dru Brown looks like the QB of the near future. It appears that he has those “intangibles” that you want in a QB – decision making in a broken play, extending plays, accuracy in the clutch, and a bit of swagger – that makes the defense and defensive coordinators work a bit harder. Woolsey is definitely a serviceable QB but only if you have a strong performances all around but UH is not USC or Alabama. He is more game manager, which no one wants to hear, and somehow seems to lack that fluidity despite obvious athleticism. Of course we’d all like to see Woolsey come back and lead the Bows to victory in every game.

  82. Sangamon Keith September 4, 2016 5:34 pm

    Please remember that #20 USC lost 52 – 6 to Alabama. Just think how they must feel! We shouldn’t over-react to losing to one of the best teams in America.

  83. azwarrior22 September 4, 2016 5:40 pm

    No overreaction…just want a QB change because the future is now. Go Warriors !!

  84. al September 4, 2016 6:05 pm

    Speaking of qb’s…Ken Niumatolo summoned a planned redshirt freshman QB from the stands to suit up and eventually finished the game for Navy.

    Stuff of legends.

  85. clyde September 4, 2016 6:30 pm

    And Texas started a true freshman at QB (first time since Bobby Layne in 1944) in its victory over Notre Dame today.

  86. The Flying O September 4, 2016 6:40 pm

    Bench Woolsey. Start Dru Brown. If brown or zwahlen is the future, then start them and get them live game reps. With reps, Dru Brown will overtake IW as he has better mobility, pocket presence, a better arm, and also much better touch on his throws.

    Can’t take the loss to michigan too seriously. It was a bodybag game. only the delusional thought UH would win or keep it close. There were some positives coming out of the game. But the UH defense needs a lot of work.

    I feel that in year three, this team will be in good shape.

  87. Tofuzuke September 4, 2016 6:51 pm

    Grade check-
    Team C, Michigan is good! Team played hard, coaches made aggressive adjustments
    Offense- C+, Willingness to be aggressive
    Defense- C+, Played hard, more consistency needed

    First home game for Rolo! I hope Rolo lets every Warrior suit-up and be on the side line. I’ll be there!! How many in the stands for Rolo? 20,000?

  88. z September 4, 2016 6:53 pm

    We need to find an 18 wheeler.

  89. cocobean September 4, 2016 6:56 pm

    Reading between the lines……..

    When Rolo said there is no QB controversy and Woolsey is the starter I take it to mean he doesn’t think Brown is ready…yet. To a casual observer like me it’s apparent Brown has shown more play making ability whether running for yardage or extending plays. To me it gets down to how much of the playbook can Brown execute. Given the amount of time he’s been here and the number of practice reps he’s taken it’s probably hard for Rolo to make a change at this time.

    With Wo0lsey the coaches can game plan based on their full play book with Brown they may be limited to an abridged version. Right now it’s hard for Rolo to replace the QB most capable of executing the game plan with a less experienced QB who has better wheels. Unless you’ve been at all the practices it’s hard to have any firm opinion on Brown’s decision making – an area Woolsey has to improve on.

  90. burro sabio September 4, 2016 7:46 pm

    Thanks real al, did not know the reason for the OL shuffling.

  91. Willie September 4, 2016 9:04 pm

    Yup, freshman QB to boot, that was a great game with Texas upsetting #10 ND @ home. Charlie Strong in this his 3rd year looks like he got it turned around. Yeah they got the recruits, but they also play a tough schedule; both in and out of conference.

    Key points is that Coach Strong’s freshman QB starting today is his recruit. They played at home. This is his 3rd year, showed constant improvement from 2014; which by the way was not good win/loss wise.

    Gotta give Rolo time to recruit his own QB to fit his system and style. That 19,000 mile travel schedule was a “b*tch” of a death type March. Playing at home this week is a blessing. Last, let’s see how the team does after 3 years has passed by. So far they have not stopped fighting or playing hard. Most important the coaching staff does not get down on players on the sidelines and no “constipation face” from the head coach.

  92. st. anthony trojan September 4, 2016 10:21 pm

    About IK… not believe to many QB’s will look good against MI this season…..

  93. 3-Prong September 4, 2016 10:45 pm

    Rolo conforms IW is the starter this week on the rolo show.

  94. 3-Prong September 4, 2016 10:46 pm

    He also said if we have to make a change we will.

  95. 3-Prong September 4, 2016 10:52 pm

    Aloha Stadium….Saturday…6:00pm…Be There…Aloha

  96. al September 4, 2016 11:35 pm

    I think I’ll have to fire my spell check. It’s making more errors than I do.

  97. Homeless Fan September 4, 2016 11:49 pm

    Next time change to a larger ball when in Australia and change coach to Wallabies Michael Ceika; I’m sure rugby football should be better for the Warriors?

  98. hitmanhart September 5, 2016 12:06 am

    time for change !! let the young qb play !!

  99. hilosupaman September 5, 2016 12:56 am

    The start of this season is rough for any team, add in new coaches and system its a nightmare.

    Remember Michigan is preseason #8, USC #20 go blown out nearly as bad. Tennessee, the team that was supposed to be the up and comers almost lost to a DII team.

    I agree with all that IW hasn’t played great but as mentioned those were tough games. I like that Coach Rolo is having his back, that has to help his confidence.

    This team clearly has a lot of learning to do but give it some time. Some home cooking and a game on home turf should give our boyz some pep. Then another road game will test the spirit of this team. Arizona will be a tough game to win. But after that if Coach Rolo and Co. can keep the spirit of the Warriors strong we are in the heart of the season with winnable games. That’s when we really see what this team can do. I still believe this team has a chance to play on Christmas

  100. Maddog50 September 5, 2016 3:03 am

    First game at home after one good caliber one great caliber opponent. This game just from an emotional standpoint will be like the opening game just because from a players perspective it is. Don’t look for any lack of effort or plays off-the Warriors will come loaded for bear!!!!!

  101. Maddog50 September 5, 2016 4:01 am

    Kaiwi Chung is a devastating blocker-would love to see some touches. He is a load!!!

  102. Casual Observer September 5, 2016 4:10 am

    When it comes down to conference play and a more level playing field in terms of talent, that is when and where you hope Rolo makes a difference. With Chow, some loses should have been wins by perhaps a play calling perspective or a player(s) making some plays (just a few key plays), and some loses that were lost in the second half for whatever reasons (inability to make the right adjustments, players not giving better effort, etc.) hopefully will even out under Rolo, that we will see more wins albeit close games.

  103. Whats up September 5, 2016 4:18 am

    It’s fair to grade this team after playing a not very good FCS UT Martin at home, in a game Hawaii should win 63-3.

  104. Maddog50 September 5, 2016 6:42 am

    For the record I do believe that this weeks game should be a “W”, by what margin I could care. UT-Martin has no less than 14 FBS transfers including starting QB from schools such as Fla State, Arkansas, Marshal, and Michigan State. OVC plays good football at that level and they are picked to finish 4th in a 9 team conference. They gave the Cincinnati Bearcats all they could handle for a half this past week. There is now reason why we should not see a high spirited game from our guys-jumping on them early and keeping it going for 4 Quarters-a gimme it’s not. Go Warriors!!!!!

  105. whitey September 5, 2016 6:57 am

    Reading the all the Tsaikos comments is interesting. It seems to me that the coaches are box thinkers. What they say outside of game is not transferred to game time. Position competition and evaluation as game progresses is example.

  106. islandman September 5, 2016 7:18 am

    90. Ikaika is a Rolo recruit, from Mac days.
    102. UT-Martin was 7-4 (6-2) last year, but lost key all-conference players from that year.
    “The University of Tennessee at Martin football team notched its first Adidas Ohio Valley Conference Player of the Week honor this afternoon as junior safety Kahlid Hagens was tabbed the league’s Defensive Player of the Week after his standout performance against Cincinnati on Thursday night.
    A native of Maplewood, Mo., Hagens registered a career-high 15 tackles (5 solo) in UT Martin’s loss at Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) foe Cincinnati.
    The junior added 0.5 tackles-for-loss, forced a fumble and tallied a key pass breakup in the game. Due in large part to the Skyhawks’ defensive effort and three forced turnovers, UT Martin held its first lead against a FBS opponent at the half in program history. “

  107. Tempmanoa September 5, 2016 7:49 am

    If you follow football, then you know Bowling Green is a very good team with a reputation of beating powere 5 conference teams– last year they beat Maryland and Purdue and won 10 games by big margins. But they lost by 67 points to Ohio State– 77-10. We all know how Alabama stopped a good USC team 52-6. These blowouts happen when you play teams ranked in the top 10 with NFL quality talent.

  108. Shoko September 5, 2016 8:20 am

    If the Warriors beat TM at home then some fans might think that’s expected, just as it’s expected to lose against a ranked Michigan at the Big House. But, God forbid, if the Warriors lose to FCS opponent at home you can bet forums/blogs will be in an uproar.

    I think the best indicator of where this program is at is when conference play begins, and that starts with Nevada at home.

  109. Coach DB September 5, 2016 8:50 am

    When your down over 50 points in the second half and you have no chance to win the game, GET THE SECOND TEAM SOME REPS especially on defense!!! Get these young guys some reps in the BIG VENUES so that the Mountain West will be a cake walk. Coach Lemp you missed a golden opportunity to get them ALL READY, were gonna need ALL HANDS ON DECK to turn this thing around!!!

  110. islandman September 5, 2016 9:03 am

    They were showing a replay of the game on ESPN late last night. I think for the 2nd half they only showed when Michigan had the ball, except for when Dru threw his interception for a UM TD. I wanted to see Dru doing his thing again.

  111. H-Man September 5, 2016 9:17 am

    >> Harbaugh: “I’m watching our defense the first half and even into the third quarter, there wasn’t a mistake made. There wasn’t an alignment mistake made, there wasn’t a stance mistake throughout the first half and the first part of the third quarter. It was very impressive. Everybody knew exactly what they were doing. It just showed.” I guess this is what our coaches are telling our players….play mistake free. I suppose easier said than done.

  112. Slugger September 5, 2016 9:26 am


    aswarrior22, what’s your seating numbers? Am I next to Tsaikos at the AZ game, tom-warriornation?

    I’ll see if I can get some ti leaves from my hula sister.


  113. z September 5, 2016 9:43 am

    I would like to see Michigan play Appalachian State.

  114. Naks8 September 5, 2016 9:46 am

    I saw receivers open against Michigan and either iw didn’t see them or he missed badly. There’s a reason he throw 48% completions. The guy might be a nice guy and work hard but he’s not a d1 qb. Even if brown or az aren’t “ready”, how much worse are we going to be? We have watched woolsey look down the receiver and throw it into the dirt for 4 years, so it’s time to try something new

  115. Manoa Mist September 5, 2016 9:47 am

    “Turn out the lights. The party’s over. They say that all, good things must end.”
    All I’m saying is Ikaika has had his chance. Let somebody else try. How could it hurt? We lose every game anyways. If someone else tries and they suck worse, let Ikaika play again. That’s it.
    UH ain’t getting creamed because of the QB play.
    UH does not have a defensive line. It hasn’t had one for at least two years, if not three. This is the major problem that Rolo gotta get on. D-line is horrors. Also, the LBs are slow to the edge. Slower than molasses on a cold winter day. Everything else is good enough.
    It’s like my golf game. My driving is good enough, my putting is good enough. But my iron play and pitching/chipping suck. So I suck. You can’t have half a game, you can’ t have half a team.
    These are UH’s problems.
    Fix those two areas, and we can at least be a .500 Mountain West team.
    I think Rolo will get it done. He’s a good dude. People will follow him. College sports is all about recruiting. I think folks like Rolo and kids and their families will want to play for him.
    But for this year, yes, we suck.

  116. Derek September 5, 2016 9:59 am

    Don’t sell these FCS teams short. Eastern Wash. And Northen Iowa both beat Power 5 teams on Sat. Remember, Portland St. beat Hawaii too.

    Loyalty is a double edged sword. But I do know that 50% completion accuracy is not going to win a lot of game. The name of the game in college football is to score a lot of points. The offenses today are so much advanced now. Just look at the scores. Texas and Notre Dane, 50-47 in OT. And I think their defenses are pretty good too.

  117. kev-1 September 5, 2016 10:52 am

    People keep saying that UT Martin is a dangerous game because they put up 7 on Cincinnati. Seriously? Have we stooped that low?

    The guy on the Coach Rolo show even went as far as saying that they were 15 minutes away from upsetting Cincinnati. How much of a stretch is that? So technically, UH was 60 minutes away from beating Michigan.

    My point is we better smash Martin. I’m not buying the bs.

  118. Hank September 5, 2016 11:42 am

    I wish they would consider putting Eperone Moananu (6-3 290) back in the D-Line rotation since they’re thin and he’s sitting behind the starters at the O-line. The young man is strong and showed that he can hold his own last year when they needed help on the D-Line.

  119. burro sabio September 5, 2016 11:54 am

    kev-1 it’s probably cause UTM was down 14-7 at the end of 3 and lost 28-7. It may not be an easy game.

  120. Stephen Tsai September 5, 2016 12:06 pm

    New post:

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