Former Crusader receiver joins UH

player_AbreuFrank Kainoa Abreu, a former Saint Louis School receiver, has joined the Warriors as a walk-on.

Abreu played well before suffering a foot injury midway through his senior season in 2012, according to former Crusader coach Matt Wright.

Abreu attended Notre Dame College in Ohio last fall. He then transferred to UH-West Oahu, where he attended the past spring semester.

Abreu can play both wideout positions and slotback.

Abreu’s father, Sean, is a former UH football player.

Here are his video highlights:

> PIAA combine

> 2012 season


  1. NorthShoreFan July 9, 2014 7:41 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.

    E komo mai Frank…Welcome back….another Son of Hawaii returns!….IMUA!

  2. tom-warriornation July 9, 2014 7:44 am

    Welcome Frank; GO WARRIORS!

  3. tommui July 9, 2014 7:46 am


    Welcome back, Frank!

  4. tommui July 9, 2014 7:56 am

    #4 Notre Dame College (Falcons) is a Division II football team. Frank Abreu played in one game – so I assume he has four years eligibility?

  5. Wes'side Warrior July 9, 2014 7:58 am

    Aloha, Gang!

    Been a long while since I last posted. Still dealing with my left foot. Screws should be taken out in about three weeks. Then some rehab. Hoping the healing process will go smooth and quick. Tired of limping around.

    Hope you all been doing good. Miss seeing everyone! Can’t wait for the season to start! I got lots of catching up to do.

  6. Z July 9, 2014 9:05 am

    Looking at stadium design in the paper this morning I have to wonder what we’re they thinking. The stairs at the entrance are enough to chase many away. When you have stairs that are that wide and add a lot of bodies

  7. Jackleg preacher July 9, 2014 9:13 am

    4.- yea i think he would have four years to play three- unless frank got hurt last year i think it counts as a season of eligibility.

  8. Andrew July 9, 2014 9:20 am

    Wouldn’t anyone be able to provide a link to a picture of the stadium design? A 30,858 seat stadium would be quite embarrassing at the D-1 level. It worries me that Ben Jay thinks it’s a great idea and is pushing for it.

  9. Andrew July 9, 2014 9:24 am

    nvm got it

  10. Stephen Tsai July 9, 2014 9:42 am

    Spending money to plan a future stadium is always interesting.
    Can you let my heirs know how it turns out?

  11. Stephen Tsai July 9, 2014 9:45 am

    For Hawaii’s next big construction project, let’s use the state’s payment plan.
    The contractor pays for the project and after it’s completed, the forms are filled, receipts attached and, after a reasonable vetting process, the contractor can be reimbursed.
    Bet there won’t be a 60-percent markup under those guidelines.

  12. Jaxon July 9, 2014 10:01 am

    Welcome home Frank! Looking forward to seeing you play!! Will never forget the great game you had against Bishop Gorman. Too bad your senior season was cut short due to injury…

  13. BigWave96744 July 9, 2014 10:05 am

    #7, sound correct…
    Unless he was an uninvited walkon at ND Ohio, he has to sit out 2014

  14. BigWave96744 July 9, 2014 10:09 am

    Someone selling a Sean Abreu football card from the 1990 team.

  15. SteveM July 9, 2014 10:28 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Welcome home, Frank Kainoa Abreu!

  16. BigWave96744 July 9, 2014 10:35 am

    Didn’t Papa Leahey refer to Sean as Frank Sean Abreu?

  17. al July 9, 2014 11:27 am

    mahalo to tom kitaguchi for coordinating road game tickets each year.

  18. boolakanaka July 9, 2014 11:44 am

    Mahalo nui to TK!!!

  19. st. anthony trojan July 9, 2014 11:51 am

    Don’t be so cynical ST…it will get done…golf is to big a deal for the golfing “buddies” os SSFM n Bowers n Kubota…to let slip through their grubby fingers….

    “Hawaii News Now has learned that the state Ethic Commission is winding down its year-old investigation into golf perks, which targets a number of employees at the University of Hawaii and the Department of Transportation.”….wonder if same dudes that went to watch the “Georgia Game” ???

    See the whole article here….

    Back in 2003, the commission fined SSFM a record $303,000 for making more than $400,000 in excessive campaign contributions. And both of Bowers + Kubota’s top officers — Brian Bowers and Dexter Kubota — paid hefty fines for making illegal political donations. nice to take some of thnat money n use for UHAD huh…for the new stadium…so ST can see it in his life time….

  20. al July 9, 2014 11:56 am

    aren’t there some dozen or so frank abreu’s in hawaii…all related.

  21. nutmegger July 9, 2014 11:58 am

    6. Z – Regarding the stairs:

    1) This is a conceptual design, not for construction. Its purpose is to generate discussion, like wtf are these stairs for?

    2) The intent of the stairs could be to provide small group seating like at the campus center. It could also be a visual key to identify the entrance and the ticketing area.

    3) Although the stairs may not be that attractive to use to enter the facility, for most people they would provide the quickest means to leave the stadium.

    4) ADAAG requirements would require an accessible entrance (ramp or elevator) so other less physically demanding means of ingress and egress are provided to handle the 30k fans.

    8. Andrew – regarding 30k capacity stadium

    1) Many of those posting have agreed with you about the need to have more than a 30k seat stadium for a D1 program. Since no other university faces the same high cost of construction (regardless whether it is a private or public project Hawaii construction costs are easily 15% or more higher than else where on the mainland) and has a limited fan base with the highest living expenses in the nation, what is the minimum number of seats that would not be “embarrassing”?

    2) I am in the minority here, but I don’t see the seating capacity as related to the viability of a D1 football program. My take is that the viability depends on how much money we as state are willing to commit to keeping the program alive. Personally I think a 40k capacity would be a compromise between cost and seats enough for about 95% of past events attendance numbers.

  22. st. anthony trojan July 9, 2014 12:02 pm

    Be nice to see how much that cost….the plans for the new stadium….seems kinda strange to me…to be talking about getting into a “super conference” n yet plan a 35k seat stadium..??
    Something wrong with that picture…!

  23. A-House July 9, 2014 12:15 pm

    IMHO, a 35,000 seat football stadium expandable to 45,000 should be considered.

    Build in the lower infrastructure at “today’s” cost for the future – then build “up” to “add” the seats for 45,000.

    I like the “design” – totally modern “Millie” – attractive!

  24. bowwar July 9, 2014 12:15 pm

    I agree with nutmegger that a 40K stadium makes the most sense if we still want to be in a Major DI conference. I also think we should do like alot of college campus stadiums and just have basic “bench seats” (like Honolulu Stadium). We don’t need no fancy seats that will require replacement every 3-5 years, when bench seats last forever and require less maintenance. Besides, its good for the crowd to “press some flesh” and get into the emotions of sitting in the stands. I bet it would save the UH alot of money if they keep that aspect simple…

    Luxury boxes are a necessity and keep the well-heeled corporate sponsors monies coming in. However, it should not be used by State dignitaries or UH officials for freebies on behalf of the athletic program. I’ve been in the pressbox areas as a “guest” and I can tell you that there are alot of folks getting luxury treatment on the UH bankroll…

  25. Andrew July 9, 2014 12:20 pm

    21. Personally I think at the very minimum it should be a 40,000 seat stadium, but that’s at the very minimum. I think the size of a stadium does relate to status of a D1 program. Especially if the AD has ambitions of getting into one of the super conferences, they look at things like attendance and amount of revenue that can be generated from that. In addition, capacity can have an effect on visiting teams as well as possible TV coverage. I also think they this plan for a 30K seat stadium is based on the current state of the football team. If they plan to stay at 2-3 wins a year then 30K would be perfect, but once the program rebounds and attendance goes back up, that leaves a lot of fans without a seat and loss of more potential revenues. Once they build it at that size, they are stuck with it. Sure they can expand if they need to, but already we see how long it takes to plan and build it initially, so imagine the added costs and time it will take to expand when they realize that they built the stadium too small.

  26. Down with... July 9, 2014 12:36 pm

    …super conferences? like the SEC, ACC, Big 10, Big 12 and Pac 12? maybe….and that’s a rather huge mayyyybeee the pac-12 might ask, but any other conference is a pipe dream (and we’re talking the highest quality of PCP type of pipe dream). and at that level the stadium will need to be like 70-80K+ (many go up to 100k+ for the big names)

    further more what to do with the stadium after the football season, to help with revenue? events?…okay there is the Pro-bowl (maybe/every other year), the Hawaii Bowl (again kind of iffy unless UH gets better), concerts (not many big names come here that can pack the stadium), Aloha run or any other marathon/runs (not big enough), Swap meet (does okay since year round), car events (too little), 50th state fair (gets some revenue during the off season), high school football (rather small), military/church related events (too few in between)….of all these events, only a big name concert, and maybe a 12-0 season will pack the stadium to it’s gills, the rest not even close….which is the reason why we don’t need a 50k+ stadium at a huge dollar amount to us taxpayers….why not design it to be expandable shall the need develop….but keep the original design so it can save us taxpayers money, be used more wisely, and generate more money by having less year round maintenance.

    Nutmegger has it right…..40K would be a good compromise for now, with the option of expanding if necessary.

    here’s a question: when was the last event at the stadium that was sold out (50K seats)?…(which should answer our question of why we don’t need to have a bigger stadium)

  27. tom-warriornation July 9, 2014 12:36 pm

    Thanks Al & Boola.
    I just secured a block of great seats for our Rice road game on Oct. 4 at $20 each (regular price $35); these are at the 40 yard line right behind our Warriors about 10 rows up from the field for better viewing. I will post the link on how to buy these in a few weeks.

  28. Andrew July 9, 2014 12:42 pm


    I agree that a 40K-45k would be ideal. I also agree that we most likely won’t get invited to one of the big conferences, but it just sounds silly for the AD to say how they strive to get invited (which is great that they’re trying) but then they go ahead and say they want to downsize to a smaller stadium that doesn’t exactly scream big time D1 football.

  29. Down with... July 9, 2014 12:58 pm

    #28-Ben Jay’s footsteps are yet to be paved, but at least he is trying i give him that….the main problem he is having, which unfortunately may be his downfall is he is not local…meaning he is having a hard time relating to the local people and ways….mainland tactics work well, well….in the mainland….dis’ Hawaii. He still has a chance to make a difference and help the UH move in the right direction but as of now, it’s just talk-good talk (i give him that) and a start but still “just talk”…we shall give him time and see….

    I kind of see what he is saying though, we may not have the need for a big stadium (like the super conference stadiums) but having a new facility with state of the art “everything” would prime us for a move that is worth noticing…and maybe allow us to have talks regarding joining other conferences….the stadium as it is right “now”….no can.

  30. NotNasti July 9, 2014 1:19 pm

    Some of you are concerned about the stairs? Have you tried walking up the stairs at Aloha Stadium from the bottom to the red section? Out of breath, rubber legs, etc., and no elevator or escalator to the top (except the freight elevator for handicapped people). That’s why I gave up my 45 yd. line red seats for the 20 yd. orange seats (lazy). I’m pretty sure the new stadium will be much more user friendly.

  31. gobows July 9, 2014 1:40 pm

    my mom has an uncle named frank abreu, and he got 3 sons named frank

  32. Stephen Tsai July 9, 2014 1:46 pm

    Indeed, there are a bunch of Frank Abreus.
    True, I believe his real name was Frank Sean Abreu, but his son said he goes by Sean Abreu.

  33. Stephen Tsai July 9, 2014 1:47 pm

    UH needs to get some of those tough third-down receivers, like Merv Lopes Jr. and David Dyas.

  34. A-House July 9, 2014 1:49 pm


    can you accommodate our tour group of 58 within your allotment of seats?

    tour agency says he’ll pay immediately.

  35. Stephen Tsai July 9, 2014 1:49 pm

    I think selling mini packs is a good idea.
    But I thought it was bad to have it leaked the day before season tickets were to be sold.
    Marketing strategy involves patience and, yes, suspense. Why buy a season ticket when you know discounted tickets will be available in a few weeks?
    A play-action pass is no good unless it’s set up.

  36. Shoko July 9, 2014 1:53 pm

    The 2013-2014 Mountain west Scholar-Athlete Awards were announced yesterday. As you may know, the awards are given to student-athletes who maintained an accumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better and have participated in varsity competition in a Mountain West sponsored sport. I think Clark, Dew and Moleni were recognized last year.

    Ben Clark
    Ben Dew
    Daniel Masifilo
    Harold Moleni
    Brody Nakama

  37. nutmegger July 9, 2014 1:56 pm

    24. Bowwar – bench seats vs fancy seats. Many of us older folk really appreciate some back support. That being said there is a compromise – bench seats with a bar back rest. Here is a link:

    The building section in the paper shows the fancy-kine seats, but as I said before it is a conceptual design meant to start discussion.

  38. Andrew July 9, 2014 2:17 pm


    I can’t see a conference like the PAC12 inviting a team with a stadium of that size. UH already has the disadvantage of distance going against it, so they pretty much have to use every opportunity it has to entice them in other ways. Considering the location, the PAC12 is really the only option UH has as far as another conference.

  39. NotNasti July 9, 2014 2:19 pm

    37. Nutmegger: Husky stadium has aluminum bench seats with the backrest. As I sat through the 4 hour, yes 4 hour commencement exercise last month, I was thinking how these seats would work out in Hawaii. After about two hours of sitting on the hard aluminum bench, I thought that my a$$ bones were going to pierce through my skin, and the back rests are so low, that you cannot lean back and rest against them without putting your head between the knees of the person behind you. Unless you are going stand for most of the game, a seat cushion is a must. Yes, these seats are cheaper, easier to maintain and can fit more people, but I kid you not, really, really uncomfortable.

  40. Stephen Tsai July 9, 2014 2:19 pm

    No. 37
    At a blog host’s son’s graduation party, there was a masseuse.
    I think that would be a money-maker at UH events, especially for old farts.

  41. NotNasti July 9, 2014 2:26 pm

    40. ST: Poor masseuse, if we get bench seats, you know where I’m going to ask him/her to massage.

  42. WWF July 9, 2014 2:44 pm

    39. NotNasti Depends on whose knees you put your head between?

  43. nutmegger July 9, 2014 2:52 pm

    NotNasti – Thank you. I never sat in a bench with a backrest, so it is good to hear your comments. I now ‘support’ spending the money on the fancy seats in the high priced/season ticket areas. Maybe could use the bench with backrest at the end zones?

    There is joke somewhere about being rubbed the wrong way, but I am not a masseuse…

  44. nutmegger July 9, 2014 2:57 pm

    ST – Do you know if the mini-packs actually designate a particular seat? It wasn’t clear in the paper the other day. That would differentiate its desirability from the season tickets.

  45. st. anthony trojan July 9, 2014 3:41 pm

    #29 Down with…agree you there…me mention sum time back..he was a coat n tie man…n sumone mentioned he wears aloha shirts…wearing aloha shirts is ok.. when we see him in slippas n uh t shirt.. means he has arrived he he he

    Riley Wallace learned fast huh…others take time…

  46. SteveM July 9, 2014 3:43 pm

    The proposed 30K stadium looks like it was designed as a university/small community venue and looks good to me. I wonder if if will fit in the university quarry with the existing Ching Field sideline structure incorporated?

    Nevertheless, I hope it is built in the UH quarry (my “home field” shtick) and UH continue to use Aloha Stadium until completion. Upon completion, it will be time to tear down and build a new Aloha stadium–60,000+ seats, I hope, with lots of paved parking and areas for tailgate parties.

  47. boolakanaka July 9, 2014 3:52 pm

    33..ST:You forgot also Duane Coleman and Joe Nobles…some sure-handed dudes.

  48. NotNasti July 9, 2014 3:54 pm

    I saw Ben Jay in Costco on Sunday. He and his wife look like they grew up in Makiki, went to McKinley High School, and now live in Pearl City. They looked as “local” as the next person . . . except he was wearing an Ohio State t-shirt (Fail).

  49. kIMO July 9, 2014 4:04 pm

    I’m an old timer who remembers the family name “Abreu” from th 1940s, there was an local Hawaiian athlete by the name of Melvin Abreu who was a football star at St. Louis College (High School), and who I recall went on to play college football at UH Manoa. As I recall, Melvin was an outstanding athlete who excelled in the passing and running game. My guess is he could possibly have been the patriarch of the Abreu family who have since produced the many outstanding Abreu athletes in Hawaii in the ensuing years.

  50. turfwar July 9, 2014 4:04 pm

    Boise State stadium has bench seats. Forget it. Three hours on a bench is torture. No one is gonna pay the kind of money UH will ask for season tickets in the future when fans are already used to the comforts of the present seats.

  51. NotNasti July 9, 2014 4:13 pm


  52. nutmegger July 9, 2014 4:16 pm

    Based on Bowwar and turfwar, UH will have to do provide comfortable seats.

    I think turfwar is right about the price of a season ticket necessitating the good seating.

    Next area of cost is the roof. What is the value of shade and rain protection?

    The other area of cost is the structure – it will be between steel (lighter and cheaper) vs concrete. I think after the Aloha Stadium issues, concrete will be the choice.

    I sure hope the season ticket holders will be considered “stakeholders” at the design meetings.

  53. nutmegger July 9, 2014 4:17 pm

    oops meant NotNasti not Bowwar. Bowwar was for the benches.

  54. nutmegger July 9, 2014 4:34 pm

    Someone asked about attendance figures. In the Aloha Stadium report there is a table with year totals for event categories (page 28). 2008 had the best year for football 288,000 for 7 games – average 41,140 per game. Sure some games were sold out that year, but looking at totals is the only way to analyze the data.

    Average in other years was significantly less, hence the 30k – 35k seating report recommendation. Still I think a 40k stadium would provide adequate coverage for a successful program.

  55. hatakeman July 9, 2014 5:55 pm

    Avg Attendance:
    1999 – 43,229
    2000 – 37,339
    2001 – 36,245
    2002 – 38,398
    2003 – 41,307
    2004 – 36,343
    2005 – 32,734
    2006 – 37,352
    2007 – 43,514
    2008 – 40,998
    2009 – 36,724
    2010 – 36,401
    2011 – 31,784
    2012 – 30,031
    2013 – NA

    30,000 sized stadium? No way !

  56. SteveM July 9, 2014 6:10 pm

    nutmegger — bench seats are for the younger and more pliable. Older people (like us) don’t need a roof for sun and rain protection…that is for the the pliable and indestructible. At that time, I will be watching from a 50-yard line vantage TV set…

  57. SteveM July 9, 2014 6:13 pm

    … unless I can get a suite with a few other Tsai-kos. 😕

  58. NorthShoreFan July 9, 2014 6:59 pm

    so…if the stadium gets built on campus…will there be room to t-gate? Can’t see people saving stalls for late arrivals….only lots of beefing over stalls.

  59. NorthShoreFan July 9, 2014 7:00 pm

    if they go vertical stalls…then no more t-gating.

  60. NorthShoreFan July 9, 2014 7:00 pm more hibachi

  61. nutmegger July 9, 2014 7:48 pm

    SteveM – After having the dermatologist freeze about 10 spots off my face and scalp, a roof is a good idea to me – otherwise need a hat.

    Jim Leahey is totally against a 30k seat stadium, have to be able to compete at the highest level.

  62. jiminycricket July 9, 2014 8:37 pm

    Lambeau Field has aluminum bench seats and they been selling out for 30 years. If the product is good, people will go irrespective of the seats. The bench seats also generate more “oneness” of the fans.

  63. kapakahi July 9, 2014 8:45 pm

    Jim Leahey was also against when the Stan Sheriff Center (formerly known as the Special Events Arena) was being proposed for 7,000 seats…..instead of the 10,000 seats that were ultimately funded and constructed.

  64. kapakahi July 9, 2014 8:52 pm

    Even though Saint Louis had Tabuyo (now at Texas A&M) and Stubblefield (coming to UH), Abreu was the standout receiver for the Crusaders against nationally ranked Bishop Gorman (Nevada) in the 2012 game.

  65. SteveM July 9, 2014 9:06 pm

    The only bench seats I was on at a UH game was in Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas. Sat in a row full of Tsai-kos–it was a little snug (read: Tsai-ko size) like bowwar described in #24 (pressing the flesh) and jiminycricket #62 “more oneness”. We all knew each other, so it was OK–I was sitting at the end. The only problem was when we all stood up cheer on a great play–when we all sat down again, I was pushed onto the stair steps. 🙂

    Two years later, same scenerio. But I sat next to “rasu begasu” that time. He rented a back rest. “So I don’t lose my seat”, he explained. Yup, even a sumotori gets shoved over.

  66. d1shima July 9, 2014 9:31 pm

    Great Evening All!

    Welcome home Mr. Abreu!

    ….like that video from the SLS ’12 season. Some offense! 😉

  67. d1shima July 9, 2014 9:34 pm

    Bench seating is fine. UNLV, UDub and Boise (and I’m sure a lot of other places) take advantage to raise funds by either renting backrests prior to each game or including one as a premium fee incentive.

    Or in other places all the fans stand for the entire game! So it doesn’t matter…

  68. NotNasti July 9, 2014 9:52 pm

    As much as it would pain me, I wouldn’t miss the game(s). Sit, stand, rain, win, lose, sore butt . . . still going. Those aluminum seats might get pretty hot on a day game though. H-Zone better stock up on seat cushions.

  69. d1shima July 9, 2014 10:01 pm


    Woulda been at that 4-hour grad ceremony as well except my nephew decided not to walk so we stayed on Bainbridge, enjoyed the view and the beer from the local brewery and the wine 6-pack from the grocery store! Memories! 😆

  70. oneseason July 9, 2014 10:01 pm

    UH’s stadium vision would have about 7,000 more seats than the largest high school football stadium in Texas …

  71. NotNasti July 9, 2014 10:30 pm

    D-1: My son and I would have been ok with not walking . . . but the Mrs. and Grandma . . . well . . .

  72. NotNasti July 9, 2014 10:33 pm

    Steve Ballmer’s commencement address, however, was worth the price of admission.

  73. mark July 10, 2014 4:32 am

    Great addition. Here is a preview of the Hawaii season, not looking to positive from these guys.

  74. d1shima July 10, 2014 6:33 am


    Absolutely understand Carpe Diem to bow to the Mrs. (and Grandma) POV because they are undoubtedly “hard core” about seeing what they want to see! 😉

  75. whitey July 10, 2014 6:58 am

    good morning d1 and all our tsaikos.

  76. A-House July 10, 2014 7:11 am

    every mainland football stadium I have visited – bench seats are the norm – Florida, Army, Colorado, UNLV, Udub, Oregon St

    worst ever is Illinois – concrete, just like Roosevelt HS, it snowed and we froze our okoles!!!!!!!!!!

    the games at San Diego St and Wazzu were played at pro football stadiums and don’t count

    even Pauley Pavillion – the “premium seats” next to the court were all wooden bench seats – the “upper level” had all theater seats -how you figga?

  77. A-House July 10, 2014 7:12 am


    a few more days then “gold, gold, gold” discovered in the Yukon!!!!!!!!!

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