Fan friendly

Minutes after the volleyball Rainbow Warriors upset No. 3 UCLA, fans were invited onto the Stan Sheriff Center court for a youth clinic.

The thing is, the post-match activities aren’t unique. During every home series, there usually is an autograph session, with free poster giveaways.

True, attendance has dropped, significantly, through the years. (Last night’s crowd was announced at 1,843, although it did not include late-comers, such as a visiting quarterback from Southern California.) But volleyball remains a rarity in which opposing players receive lei and Senior Nights, and boosters prepare potluck post-match meals. And if your kids are restless, JM2375 and UHfan808 might watch them.

All of which makes you wonder if UH could take the next step for SSC events:

> Childcare during volleyball matches and basketball games. Parents get freedom, kids won’t be bored, and  UH might earn some extra bucks.

> Valet parking.

> Taxi stands. Yes, people are going to drink during events. (I think last night’s match was sponsored by a brewery.) So drink, be merry and make it home safely. I’m not exactly sure how you get your car the next day but, hey, we can’t solve all your problems.



  1. whitey March 1, 2014 10:06 am

    good morning tsaikos

  2. whitey March 1, 2014 10:07 am

    congrats volleybows on a very good win.

  3. SteveM March 1, 2014 10:16 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Congrats to the VolleyBows!

    jm2375 and UHfan808 as babysitters? hmmmm…add DPK too. 🙂

  4. Stephen Tsai March 1, 2014 10:19 am

    I’m sure KFVE, HawaiiNewsNow, etc. could show road games for free, air same-night delayed telecasts and reunite the Backstreet Boys.
    But the 1990s are dead.
    Oceanic also could show road games for free and air same-night delayed telecasts. Not sure about reuniting bubblegum bands, though.
    Hawaiian Tel could do the same.
    But it’s about money, and if you’re giving away road games for free and airing football telecasts on the same night, you’re not giving UH $2.3 million. And UH needs at least that much.
    OK, I’m going to watch reruns on TBS now.

  5. jm2375 March 1, 2014 10:23 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    Congrats to the Volleybows on their epic win last night!
    Congrats to the BaseBows on their victory last night, as well.

    The kids looked like they were having a great time last night.
    Still think UH should offer “student” (age 4-high school) tickets for reduced prices in the premium sections, not just in the nosebleed/end zone sections. Get the kids down to where they can see the players and make it affordable.

    I only watch the coaches’ kids. I also try to pay attention to the game. Just ask DPK. 😀

  6. Stephen Tsai March 1, 2014 10:24 am

    I also think that Larry Ellison’s money could solve a lot of problems.
    He could solve my financial problems, too.
    The trouble is I don’t know Ellison and neither do you. And, of course, neither does UH.

  7. Stephen Tsai March 1, 2014 10:25 am

    DPK’s not watching the game. He’s too busy making out with his wife on Kiss Cam. Then again, his wife is a lovely woman.

  8. Da Punchbowl Kid March 1, 2014 10:35 am

    What a great game! And I watched every bit of it when I wasn’t watching Tsai watching me.

    As far as the Kiss Cam, when somebody says to me to kiss my lovely wife, you don’t have to ask me twice!

  9. Former UH Athlete March 1, 2014 10:35 am

    Too bad UH couldn’t schedule the certain Southern California recruit next weekend for men’s basketball senior night. Would have been a way better atmosphere. Last year’s senior night was about 9,600 stated attendance. With Standhardinger, Spearman, and Rozitis being way more fan friendly that last year’s seniors. A sellout next Saturday is probable.

  10. NorthShoreFan March 1, 2014 10:36 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos….cloudy…

    Whoa ST…with jm2375 and UHfan808 as babysitters you might get some adults too…BE Quiet! and I’ll give you some bread pudding!…hehehe

    Anyhoo,….IMUA WARRIORS!

  11. jeezy33 March 1, 2014 10:45 am

    9. Lol… That recruit is a grown man and is going to decide where to play football based on football reasons. Depth chart, offensive scheme, coaches, players, etc….Not the crowd of a volleyball or basketball game.

  12. Former UH Athlete March 1, 2014 10:46 am


    I think a valet service is a nice idea, but only sports that would have enough traffic would be men’s basketball and women’s VB. Other sports don’t draw enough people to need a valet, because it’s easy to get good parking.

    The other issue is how many valet attendants are needed. You would need 8-10 attendants to service the mass traffic jam at end of games. If too few attendants, fans will have to wait too long for their car at pickup, this defeating the purpose of valet.

    Best I can think of is have the valet drop off/pickup back by the swimming/diving area and use the ROTC parking for the valet lot. That way, it’s easy to devote a valet line at the parking entry gates to LC road. That way, it’s way less foot traffic to deal with and easy for valet to retrieve the cars. Plus the fan can use the Varsity place eXit.

  13. Funnyman March 1, 2014 10:46 am

    GoodMorning folks!

  14. jm2375 March 1, 2014 10:47 am

    NSF – #10 – no forget, PBS. uhfan808 *promised* me we would get some at one of the t-gates next season. 😀

  15. HawaiiMongoose March 1, 2014 10:48 am

    Re #9, I agree, that was a missed opportunity.

  16. kev-1 March 1, 2014 10:48 am

    ST . . . is a work out allowed as part of Wittek’s visit? Just wondering if he has the opportunity to sell himself as much as UH is trying to sell itself. I noticed by reading a comment about Rivers and SDSU the other day that it seems he may no longer be interested. Or is he just exploring options?

  17. HawaiiMongoose March 1, 2014 10:51 am

    Re #11, yeah, a big basketball crowd by itself won’t be the difference-maker for Wittek. But a player still wants to know his school has some fans and that they’re passionate. A live Senior Night crowd at the SSC would convey that message in a way words or video could not.

  18. jeezy33 March 1, 2014 10:56 am

    17. Ummm… U do realize Wittek played AGAINST Hawaii in 2013 and already knows what kind of crowd we have…. IF crowd has any factor in his decision, Texas and Louisville would win that battle in a heart beat..

    A kid trying to make it to the NFL wants to play. Crowd at Bball game and Vball game are completely irrelevant. I would be a lot more focused on his chemistry with players, coaches, familiarity with playbook/offense, and opportunity to be a day 1 starter. He wants to play in the NFL.

  19. dabowman March 1, 2014 11:13 am

    I know everything ….. just needed to let everyone know

  20. HawaiiMongoose March 1, 2014 11:19 am

    Re #18, you make a good point, I’d forgotten he’d played here.

  21. Andrew March 1, 2014 11:20 am


    He could also see it as a challenge though. He obviously wants to make the most of his last years of playing college ball so going somewhere he could get playing time is definitely on his mind. Playing for a big time school like Texas would be an obvious choice but I think helping to rebuild a program that has been down is an attractive choice also. I mean if say he was to be the UH QB and all of a sudden UH had a big turn around year, that would really up the perception of him as a QB.

  22. jeezy33 March 1, 2014 11:23 am

    If Wittek wants to see a entertaining crowd, take him a Hawaii baseball game on a Friday night vs Pepperdine… UH baseball games more exciting than basketball anyway…. Pepperdine is a quality team. Basketball team only beats cake teams…

  23. Andrew March 1, 2014 11:25 am


    I agree, I think the one of the best recruiting tools Hawaii can do is show a recruit senior night. Even opposing teams stay to watch and are in awe when they see the support and recognition the seniors get.

  24. Kapahulu March 1, 2014 11:36 am

    Let not forget Mens’s Basketball Senior Night half-time will present the new Circle of Honor Inductees including the Football playing Noga Brothers.

  25. bowwar March 1, 2014 12:01 pm

    Pay per view is not the answer and never was…I think they should have opened it up for bid and see what came out of it. Personally, I preferred KFVE’s years versus the Oceanic Cable years…Shutting out 20% of home viewers automatically is a huge consideration and I liked the “black-out” clause to ensure game attendance. UH Football continues to head into the crapper and I’m getting more disenchanted wth Ben Jay’s leadership.

  26. ALLAN March 1, 2014 12:31 pm



  27. tommui March 1, 2014 12:35 pm


    Great ideas ST!

    Wonder how much $$ KFVE would have given UH – I assume it was much less than Oceanic.

  28. Warrior Dave March 1, 2014 12:43 pm

    If Pay Per View didn’t exist, I think an additional 12,000 would be needed to make up for it. But you can do the math. Times have changed since the early K-5 days. Diehard fans are getting older and can’t make the trek to Aloha Stadium and are in the process of letting their season tickets lapse. Younger generation have the option to pursue other activities rather than UH Football.

    Ben Jay made the right decision and Rick B. Is blowing smoke when the only quote in the paper says they were not going to have pay per view and show home and away games free. I highly doubt they would have paid UH the minimum $2.3 million annually that UH needs.

  29. Warrior Dave March 1, 2014 12:45 pm


    Amen to your previous post. No way K5 would have paid $2.3MM annually.

  30. RainbowCliff March 1, 2014 1:04 pm

    #22: The Big West Conference basketball teams are no cup cakes kind sir ! I have seen the b-ball team play here against Northridge, Fullerton, Long Beach, Irvine and all the mentioned teams can play with solid players and a fan support atmosphere that supports their teams.

    Now mind you the gym/arena that they play in can use a MAJOR over haul with Hawaii and Long Beach having a real basketball arena but as far as talented division 1 players the Big West players can run, jump, shoot and dunk with those players of the MWC, WCC. Now the Pac 12 is a whole different ball game. But I reserve my comments to see if USC ex QB Wittek does take Hawaii serious to sign a letter of intent.

    Still Mr. jeezy33 like pretty much all your comments as you realistically make valid points.

  31. A-House March 1, 2014 1:06 pm


    from the past blog – how you figga “abstract” – me thinks is more 3 dimensional than abstract – can you elucidate!

    that’s why I have difficult looking at and understanding “abstract art works” – I can read building plans which are 2-dimensional, but abstract if difficult

  32. RainbowCliff March 1, 2014 1:08 pm

    Excuse me for my bad manners. Good afternoon Tsaiko Nation !

    Rain has stopped and LA is drying up slowly. Hoping for a sunny Sunday !

  33. RainbowCliff March 1, 2014 1:16 pm

    Mr. A House, Howz it AWESOME supporter of UH football !

    Hope all is well with you and your family. When ever I see you I have a desk top Mickey watch to give you as it will go well on your office desk. Just needs a battery as I will take care of that when I know for sure I will see you and the A House Crew !

    Always the BEST Mr. gentlemen and GREAT scholar !

  34. gobows March 1, 2014 1:21 pm


    last year i predicted 18-20 wins for this years mens basketball team and a few laughed with disbelief. but I’m a little disappointed with their bwc record. especially at the ssc. btw, they lost to northridge, long beach, and irvine (the non cakers).

  35. NorthShoreFan March 1, 2014 1:22 pm

    #14…das da problem with t-gates…gotta wait a whole year fo grind da goodies da Tsaikos make!…

    Guud win last night…baseball and volleyball….got to ditto that tonight!


  36. A-House March 1, 2014 1:30 pm

    I believe the agreement between UH and MWC is that UH can keep all of the PPV $, but get ‘zero’ revenue sharing from football and basketball

    ever wonder how much $$$ the other schools get from FB and BB? will it come close to PPV?

    also, ever wonder how much Oceanic gets from PPV and single game sales?

    reminds me when Oceanic went to the PUC and proposed that all subscribers would get XXX channels for only $1/month – wonder how customers they had for the Disney Channel alone? it was one of the 5 new channels for a buck – if Oceanic had 25,000 customers at $5/month that equates to $125,000 monthly revenue – why did I use 25,000 – easy I called and asked.

    with the additional $1 from each subscriber – hmmm, lets see 415,000 x $1 = $415,000 monthly revenue – it’s a fantastic way to blind-side the PUC by seemingly being generous and the PUC bought it – hook line and sinker!!!!!!!! I called the PUC and asked if Oceanic can show figures on how much revenue it would generate, but they refused. They truly believed that Oceanic was so generous they could not refuse.

    I do hope the current contract does not have the drop dead clause for signing a new agreement – let supply and demand work – hey, I learned something in Econ class

  37. kev-1 March 1, 2014 1:34 pm

    Just wondering what the conversation is like when Wittek was taken around the facilities.

    Umbrella in hand as they walk past the construction site covered in a rain soaked tarp . . . “don’t worry, that’s almost done. Promise.”

    Standing at the 50 yard line in Aloha Stadium on a wet, Saturday afternoon . . . “It’s not usually this empty. Promise.”

    Riding back to the hotel in afternoon traffic . . . “There must be an accident. Traffic is never this bad. Promise.”

    Walking down the strip later tonight . . . “I know she looks hot, but you know that’s a dude, right? Promise.”

  38. A-House March 1, 2014 1:34 pm

    Rainbow Cliff – how u braddah?

    Hope you, Mrs and family are healthy and happy!! We are all fine and MasaBoy has come home and starting to learn the insurance business.

    I heard Panda Travel will unveil their 2014 football trips tomorrow – most interesting for me is the Rice game and Colorado St/San Jose combo – maybe, just maybe, we can hook up later!

  39. RainbowCliff March 1, 2014 1:35 pm

    #34gobows: I get what you are saying. Watching my ex-team play here against the big west teams they have to get an ATHLETIC big that can run, jump, defend and board at both ends of the floor. They will NEVER win the Big West with out a solid 6’8 athletic big as Northridge has two that are red shirting this year and next year when you see them they are going to be deep at that position. Hawaii Five is good with my main man Fotu being the ex-factor, but to WIN in the Big West you need GREAT guard play and athletic BIGS that can run, defend, rebound and dunk not in that order kind sir !

    Still this Hawaii team competes and is in every game because they play hard through out the contest which gives them a chance. Tournament will be Hawaii playing Northridge (4vs5) as that will be a GREAT game at the Honda Civic. Will be there with my crew cheering them on eating my cup cakes !

  40. RainbowCliff March 1, 2014 1:48 pm

    #38 Mr. A House Sir !

    All is well here with family and love ones. Been to San Jose and have turbo that can travel. San Diego State is on the schedule as IF you like your fam can stay at my house here in Ladera Heights and drive up to the game. FREE rooms for you and your entire clan with pool to swim and lounge chairs to soak up California sun. Showers all over the place.

    Heck you don’t have to worry about eating as you will have a home cook meal each day you are here. Have the space and view with GREAT homes to walk and view plus I live near all the major attractions.

    Midori and Massa Boy will live like Kings and Queens as I put you and Mrs. A House in my Master bed room !

    Mi casa es su casa !

  41. d1shima March 1, 2014 2:18 pm

    Great Afternoon All!

    Nicely done in the Quarry last night.



  42. d1shima March 1, 2014 2:20 pm

    Got a hankerin’ for some watermelon today…

    must be curveball on my mind.

    Happy Birthday Bruddah!

  43. d1shima March 1, 2014 2:21 pm

    Not sure about the valet idea.

    If get OT/Extra innings/5-set match imagine the pilikia when pau.

    “Oh, no mo kala for pay the valets OT…dey all wen home!” 😈

  44. BigWave96744 March 1, 2014 2:51 pm

    San Diego St is making a strong push to get Stephen Rivers. Banking on him playing in the same stadium as his bro. Only thing is is the Aztecs has no scholies available and are offering him a preferred walkon. Using Ryan Katz as an example of a BCS QB coming in and succeeding

  45. BigWave96744 March 1, 2014 3:05 pm

    Not looking good for Colt. 2/28/14 placed on the Physically Unable to Perform list by the LA KISS….

  46. Old Diver March 1, 2014 3:19 pm


    As I recall the OC16 TV package is worth more than the MWC Package is worth to each MWC team.

  47. kev-1 March 1, 2014 3:36 pm

    #45 . . . boy, that was fast.

  48. Former UH Athlete March 1, 2014 3:36 pm

    30… The BWC isn’t on the same planet as the MWC on the basketball court. Yes UCSB shocked UNLV early in the year, but if they played again, UNLV would still be sizable favorites at the sportsbooks.

    the BWC is closer to the WCC, but the top end of the WCC is way better than the top of the BWC.

  49. Former UH Athlete March 1, 2014 3:40 pm

    22… baseball vs basketball is apples vs oranges. I happen to really like both (literally and figuratively), but the general public would most likely opt for basketball game if given the choice.

  50. Former UH Athlete March 1, 2014 3:52 pm

    48… I just remembered that UH beat St. Mary’s in the Diamondhead… Granted it was a home game and was the 2nd of back-back nights. Which is tough for visiting teams at the Stanley. Plus, St Mary’s is a little down this year.

    But I am very happy UH appears to be headed to a 20 win season. I think they get it on senior night next Saturday. Just glad senior night is not on Thursday, where UH has had major issues on Thursday home games this season (for inexplicable reasons).

  51. Inyoface March 1, 2014 4:53 pm

    A visiting qb from USC was at the game. Tui Tuileta was there? Lol

  52. al March 1, 2014 4:56 pm

    1. childcare. a very novel idea. contract mother rice to run it. of course it won’t be free and collect a per right off the top.

    2. valet parking. in spite of what some naysayers have sad, this is a great idea. pull up late and run in just in time to watch the tipoff or your watch daughter sing hawaii ponoi. again, this is to be contracted by one of the many private firms to operate and worry about labor costs and the expense of liability insurance. no way, would any business take on this task anyway else. just take 12 % off the top.

    3. taxis. perhaps not stands as they are literally obsolete. once again put it out to bid and just collect a surcharge or some contractual obligation by one company.

    a little bit here and a little bit there adds up. however, more importantly they become conveniences for many as to why i should attend.

    great vision by the blog host. too often we look for the negative as to why we have poor attendance, poor grades, poor this and poor that. we often monku monku instead of finding solutions and create ways to get better.

    …nuff said

  53. al March 1, 2014 5:04 pm

    jeezy…i agree. its all about which place provides the greatest opportunity to get on field?
    which staff can help me develop my skill set?
    which team and team mates also make a good fit?

    he has two years to get on the field and get some game video for the nfl to see and evaluate.
    no matter how you slice and dice it, this is exactly why schroeder and taylor came to hawaii.

    schroeder did well enough to be invited in one post season affair partially endorsed by the nfl. he got that opportunity because he got on the field and got some film on him. it didn’t hurt that norm still has a legacy out there.

  54. jm2375 March 1, 2014 5:18 pm

    Child care – provide credit for Family Resources majors or hire students. The UH Mania Children’s Center could run it. Just trying to keep it in-house.

  55. st. anthony trojan March 1, 2014 5:19 pm

    a-house.. thanks for ur questions on the so called “new-deal” with oceanic…
    n not open it up again for bidding..if that was possible…
    hoe oceanic…so very easy.. they are dealing with sumone that really needs the cash.. they know that..u know it know it n all hawaii knows it….
    be nice to know what their rate card looks like for advertisers 4 FB..N BB games..
    n next year 13 games… believe UH is really loosing out on this..

    interesting point… at the end of the press release announcing the extension..on the bottom…
    contact… mr. ben jay at…etc.. n the other name representing representing oceanic… ms.. sumbody.. sum place in california…makes you wonder who is pulling the strings.. n if they really care about uh sports..or just the botton line…

    really not a good business not open it up.. n examine other offers…
    for a “numbers” guy…that goes against all reason…not inviting competition for ne purchaser in ne business…is like cutting ur own throat… cuz in the long will 2017 till 2019…
    ad rates for those two sports.. will be up be 20 to 40 % i would guess.. especially if we are fielding competitive teams… n wonder about the bowl is that worked out…???
    like sumone here said …mr. B is not a happy camper…wonder how that works out for competitive bidding on state contracts.. n who is pulling the strings for the “numbers dude” up there.. makes one wonder huh…???

  56. jm2375 March 1, 2014 5:19 pm

    *Manoa (stupid auto correct)

  57. Leron March 1, 2014 5:36 pm

    Mr B. stated in November that they didn’t have the same kind of money to throw at UH like Oceanic. Then states yesterday that if given a chance, were going to present an “unprecedented offer.”

    If someone told you they didn’t have enough money, why bother listen to them again?

    Agree with the blog host. It’s about dollars, and Oceanic has it.

  58. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 5:51 pm

    Without the infrastructure (cable or telephone lines) I don’t see how Mr B would generate sufficient dollars to entice UH. PPV brings paying customers who would otherwise just wait for free replays. I was interested to see what his proposal was going to be but he was not even able to make an offer until Oceanic was out of the way. Was he going to argue that the school would make more money by having more attendance without ppv? Just curious, because he is such a teriffic business man.

  59. tommui March 1, 2014 5:57 pm

    I’m not a math major and I confess I subscribe to PPV because of physical limitations.

    But if UH is getting $2.5m, and if tickets average $30 each, that would represent some 76,000 tickets that must be sold.

    It would be terrific if we could get live UH games free Statewide. It would be better if we could have UH games on a UH Network Nation-wide.

    But we better figure out how to get $2.5m in the coffers from some place other than Oceanic.

  60. st. anthony trojan March 1, 2014 6:09 pm

    well is a very simple reason to listen to ne one… n open up the bidding.. it makes oceanic more competitive if they thought they had competition.. then maybe should take away the bidding process ?? if ur in can treat that process like trash.. cuz you know no one else would offer.. n worst.. uh athletics is “in the hole” n will never get out with the way they are thinking now… listen to mr. B.. N MR. C. N MR. D..all the way to mr. x… nothing to loose.. in the process..

  61. st. anthony trojan March 1, 2014 6:21 pm

    sort of a moot point now… done deal…but if uh goes 13 n 0 next year.. n all the way to 2019… the only they would benefit from tickets? so the cost of ads on oceanic could double..they will get rich n uh gets opala…only if there is a clause in the contract.. that if there is 40,000 tickets sold 2 consecutive games..uh can renegotiate again..or sum way to get out that long term to 2019…n if not.. they will get opala.. really..oceanic not doing uh ne favors…

  62. kawika49 March 1, 2014 6:38 pm

    #61 the only thing UH can do, is control their own destiny…If Chow and the gang went 3-11. 2.5 mil would be really good. The only thing Ben J can do is look for ancillary revenue. The idea of pre or post game concerts, may be a way towards revenue enhancement. Additional women restrooms are a future enhancement. External (parking lot- food and team ware) stands could be helpful. A more rational parking and tailgate policy would help.

  63. kawika49 March 1, 2014 6:46 pm

    Being from the neighbor Island; I would pay Roberts tours ( or whomever) $125 dollars for tickets, food – tailgate and back to Waikiki tomorrow. I pay my own airfare and room.

  64. st. anthony trojan March 1, 2014 6:54 pm

    they cantmake it on whsat oceanic pays.. n if they go 3 -11…. they would go deeper in debt.. n msybe the face of earth as a team..a few years like thjat.

    me used to stay at the airport place when i went to games..was closer.. n rented a car..
    glad u back them..

  65. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 7:22 pm

    Ok ok, catching up in game 1 at the Stanley. 12-13. Whats happening or happened at Murakami?

  66. kawika49 March 1, 2014 7:24 pm

    #64 read please…2.5m guaranteed. That’s what I meant.

  67. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 7:40 pm

    0-6 bottom 6 at The Les. Put your rally cap on gang.

  68. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 7:41 pm

    0-1 at The Stanley. Let’s Go Bows!

  69. Ipu Man March 1, 2014 7:55 pm

    Never went to Stan Sheriff Center because I could never figure out where the parking was as I drove by on the freeway over the years. Wonder if most of the attendees for both bb and baseball were fans who lived in the neighborhood and could walk to the games, as well as students (hopefully)…

  70. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 8:02 pm

    Bottom 7, 2-6. Everybody turn your cap around!!

  71. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 8:02 pm

    No geev up you guys!!

  72. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 8:11 pm

    1-1 Baby!!! Go Bows!

  73. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 8:45 pm

    3-7 top 9. No give up. Go Bows!

  74. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 8:49 pm

    24-23 game 3. Right now!

  75. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 8:54 pm

    Dang it 1-2

  76. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:10 pm

    15-8 time out UCLA

  77. al March 1, 2014 9:19 pm


  78. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:20 pm


  79. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:24 pm

    OK, First to 15! Let’s Go Bows!

  80. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:28 pm

    Is Wittek at the game? Guess he wouln’t be cheering for UCLA. hehe

  81. koakane ip5 March 1, 2014 9:31 pm

    so wat da scores

  82. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:33 pm


  83. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:35 pm


  84. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:41 pm


  85. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:44 pm


  86. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:45 pm

    Stand up!!!!!!! N.

  87. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:46 pm


  88. 3-Prong March 1, 2014 9:47 pm

    Guess we must be #2. hehe

  89. AlaWai March 1, 2014 10:09 pm

    Paula Creamer, 50 foot bomb for Eagle on the second extra hole at the HSBC in Singapore. OMG!

  90. st. anthony trojan March 1, 2014 11:47 pm

    kawika… that is good to have that guarantee…did not know that…lots me don’t know.. so can only type from what me see nm read on here…so…does ne one know any particulars
    about the rest.. of the agreement or how it is structured…????

    feel bad for the vb bows.. they will be ranked no. 11 next week if the past holds true…as to how they were ranked and treated…the past weeks…

  91. 99club March 2, 2014 4:32 am

    It would be interesting to see all the details in the Oceanic deal. Is UH gambling that ESPN won’t exercise their option to broadcast games that were originally scheduled for PPV? How many games would it take to submarine the guaranteed money?

  92. wafan March 2, 2014 5:37 am

    Good morning!

  93. el burro sabio March 2, 2014 9:23 am

    #91 – good point, because when the team starts winning again, ESPN will pick up more games. Success brings new problems.

  94. NorthShoreFan March 2, 2014 9:36 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos….wet…bracing for the traffic jams…waves over the roads?..

    anyhoo, good games yesterday..


  95. Ipu Man March 2, 2014 9:53 am

    Good morning to all tsaikos worldwide.

  96. Ipu Man March 2, 2014 9:54 am

    We can do this.
    100 before Tsai wakes up…

  97. Ipu Man March 2, 2014 9:56 am

    97 bottles of orange juice on the wall…

Comments are closed.