Crossover players

Dayton Furuta and Davine Tullis have moved across the line to offense.

Furuta, who was recruited as a linebacker, is practicing as a fullback. He was used in that role at Mililani High. Furuta also is on the kickoff unit.

Tullis was moved to defensive back two weeks ago. But he is now back at wideout. That gives assistant coach Kefense Hynson five former QBs in the receivers room: Tullis, Makoa Camanse-Stevens, Dylan Collie, Keelan Ewaliko and John Ursua.


  1. A-House November 1, 2016 12:13 pm


  2. A-House November 1, 2016 12:19 pm

    okay, okay, ST did it to me again – my “shout out” last post didn’t make it for yesterday’s post

    so, I try again, in reverse order [ if I can remember ]

    and to Garret and his wonderful family in SoCal.

    Texas to Midnight, Barbara, and McTruck

    East Coast to Committed Road Warrior, Alanbama, and Merv in Georgia

    Pacific Northwest to wafan, izzy, djmitcho, expat and chopsueyboy – stay dry and warm guys – many, many wet days/nights ahead!

    adding, our most famous Chicagoan, Maddog50!

    just trying to exercise my brain!!!

  3. Ipu Man November 1, 2016 12:24 pm

    Well if we are too far for a hail mary, we got enough
    qbs to toss the ball around on the field to keep the ball alive
    on a last chance play.

  4. A-House November 1, 2016 12:24 pm

    and, of course, I blew it as Boolakana and DC warrior also on the East Coast

    i’m certain there are others I have missed and to them mahalo for your support of Warrior football and this blog!!!

  5. A-House November 1, 2016 12:47 pm

    hey, hey, hey — with Furuta and Chung in on short-yardage situations from an under center position, many options such as a fake hand off the QB runs behind them for first down or TD!! or, QB does a one-man sweep around the corner!! or, QB lobs a short pass to the TE!! or, QB does a “jump-pass” to a slot or TE!!

    hey, hey, hey, Big Al, things are looking up!!!

  6. A-House November 1, 2016 1:00 pm

    jump pass – shades of what Tebow did to UH at the Swamp and Nate did not to many moons ago.

  7. cocobean November 1, 2016 1:02 pm

    Rolo only has himself to blame for all the negative comments on the last blog. He was the one who raised people’s expectations by winning three league games coming into the NM game – two of them on the road to boot. He had some fans thinking outside chance for West championship with an almost lock for the Hawaii Bowl. It was his fault for getting more out of his players then most initially expected. He should have aimed for 5 wins total just to show some improvement and aim to raise the expectation bar for next season. He got some fans angry for having the team fight so hard till the end in the two home losses. They had to wait till the final snap instead of leaving in the 3rd quarter like last year.

    It’s Rolo’s fault if some are disappointed in the teams performance to date. He shouldn’t have raised their expectations so high by winning. He should know there’s only so much blood you can squeeze from a stone and yet he continues to press his team for more.

  8. haka November 1, 2016 2:11 pm

  9. haka November 1, 2016 2:12 pm


  10. SteveM November 1, 2016 2:27 pm

    RE: #2
    A-House — I see you re listing the mainland Tsai-ko’s who you have met in person on the road over the years. Don’t forget 99club in Texas!

    Did you notice how quiet the Lo-Cal (Lower California) Tsai-kos have been… and we are playing in San Diego this week!

  11. Ron November 1, 2016 3:33 pm

    Good one Cocobean! I can not believe the negative comments about the best first year head coach in the Country.

  12. Maddog50 November 1, 2016 4:16 pm

    A House just sitting here in the dark watching Cubs try to hold on and catching Western Michigan during commercials. Hope all is well with you and Mrs A House!!! Go Warriors!!!!

  13. DaveLetterMan November 1, 2016 4:18 pm

    Cocobean, too funny. I’ve been sitting back shaking my head at all the comments. I think the team is progressing. Even in a loss, you still see the effort by the players.

  14. al November 1, 2016 4:23 pm

    So…I don’t get it…?
    Fire the OC you say.

    With nearly the same players on offense except the fact that the OC brings a late arriving JC QB who has brought new life and has inserted a SB who hadn’t played a down in three years, both of whom replaced last year starters. Crafted a new system that has already averaged 405ypg versus 316ypg. 30pts per game vs 18pts per game. AND has already exceeded last year’s win total in just 2/3’s of the season…YOU WANT HIM REPLACED???

    Explain please I don’t get.

  15. Pride Rock November 1, 2016 4:41 pm

    Is #7 serious or is he just a troll?

  16. Ron November 1, 2016 5:00 pm

    #15 #7 was satire and very well written.

  17. SteveM November 1, 2016 5:24 pm

    Ron — I believe you are correct. I was just going to write that cocobean had his tongue-in-cheek. I figured that out after reading it twice… of course, it helped that I knew he has been blogging since April 2008 and is definitely not a troll.

  18. clyde November 1, 2016 5:31 pm

    Well done, cocobean. Hopefully, it struck a chord with some on this blog.

    Perhaps more posters should adopt this mantra:

    Na Alii Pride November 1, 2016 at 7:23 am
    Hi Coach
    I do have questions about the last game, but I know you know far more than I do and will Adress them in practice.

  19. Akamai Okole November 1, 2016 6:40 pm

    Great Evening All!

    Two words: Game Seven!

  20. NorthShoreFan November 1, 2016 6:43 pm

    Guud Evening Tsaikos…Bootiful Evening!
    cocobean…well written….some people want to monku…then…LOL!

    and…afer 61 years…GOOO BULLDOGS!

    sorry had to do this…

    Call the Coach on right now…

  21. (Jesse)James November 1, 2016 6:44 pm

    Oh man Akamai Okole…I nevah see the game yet… MWAHAHAHA

  22. (Jesse)James November 1, 2016 6:45 pm

    Al…#14… Huh??? LMFAO

  23. NorthShoreFan November 1, 2016 6:47 pm

    Dayton at fullback is gonna make some people “hurt so bad”…

  24. NorthShoreFan November 1, 2016 6:49 pm

    Rainbow Cliff…wea u?

  25. burro sabio November 1, 2016 7:33 pm

    Cocobean that’s one of the funniest post ever on this blog!

  26. kalua pig November 1, 2016 7:50 pm

    rolo looks like he is ready to crossover to the offensive line.

  27. tom November 1, 2016 7:52 pm

    cocobean #7

    To put it in more positive terms, Cocobean is saying that certain posters/general public is bitching about that this team under Rolo is doing , forgetting what kind of team we had in the previous couple of years.

    In short, expecting Rolo to win everything forgetting what was done with almost the same personnel we had last couple of years.

    In essence – be satisfied that we are progressing week by week.

  28. Ohana Hawaii November 1, 2016 8:28 pm

    All this going on the football program. It’s really help the time. But the team doing a lot program to get better for next year. But really seriously they’re doing their job on the field. But the fan’s and the community aren’t helping at all. By not showing up to the games for support!. Yeah! 25,000 that shows up in a stadium that holds 50,000?!. Plus that University of Hawaii football program is in the FBS not in the FSB! Because, I been to a division 2 championship game and it hold 26,000 fans!. So come on and support the University of Hawaii football program others too!

  29. Ohana Hawaii November 1, 2016 8:30 pm

    I made a mistake! . It’s FCS!

  30. Losing? November 1, 2016 8:52 pm

    Last 3 home games UH looked a little sluggish. When at home tendencies are to relax a little too much. Perhaps, too much eating and sleeping and feeling good about oneself. Gotta get em off of cruise control and fire up their u know what! What got me tho was their last 4 plays to Laka not very choices in my opinion. Could have been better play calling. Very upsetting!

  31. Maddog50 November 2, 2016 4:46 am

    Like our chances with SDSU who has also looked sluggish at times against NIU and South Alabama-saw both those games and bottled up Pumphrey most of the game. Being big favorites I hope works against them. Just FYI-UT Martin looks to be on a collision course with Jacksonville State three weeks from now 4-1 in conference and 5-4 overall. They are a good team at that level and have a chance to finish in the top ten if they win out-Go Warriors!!!!

  32. kama krab November 2, 2016 7:20 am

    Howzit Everybody,

    Cocobean, love that post.

  33. kama krab November 2, 2016 7:22 am

    This program is turning around in a big way. Yes the home losses where rough but look at the bright side, at least we where in the game until the final whistle and not going home after the third quarter cause the game was out of hand. It’s just the little things that need to be fixed, like learning how to win and finish games.

  34. A-House November 2, 2016 9:39 am


    lofty status do not tell/describe how the game was called

    yet, 2 fumbles returned for winning TDs count; dropped passes count; up-da-middle [ mostly unsuccessful ] count; conservative plays count; unsuccessful “fly” patterns along the sidelines count [ notice how the DBs are forcing #14 out of bounds ]; very few across da-middle pass plays count; 5 and 0 MWC record compared to 3 and 2 count; missed assignments count; miscalculated game planning counts; OC says not all plays are up-da-middle because of A or B or C running routes – great for the coach, but fans only see up the middle [ between tackles ]; lack of QB run/pass option plays; no “sweeps” to the outside; no imagination.

    from what I see — UH offensive plays can be scripted on one page – front and back — same plays called over and over – becomes easy to defend. conservatism appears to be the driving force!

    with the inability to defend the run or pass and going to a “prevent defense” with NO down lineman and asking LBers to run over OL seems counter productive — receiver will break free from DBs for completion.

    perhaps the players don’t play at 100 + % cause they don’t agree with play calling

    yes, team stats have improved over the past 4 years; yes, HC has infused a much needed positive “culture”; but HC was very unhappy with the loss against NM — was it because “how they lost”?; yes more “crafty offensive plays” the pass 3 games count, but failure to execute on crucial plays hurts ( B Smith says missed block caused stoppage of Lakalaka on last offensive play; not Lakalaka’s fault ).

    how to fix ? – how to fix?

    hey, al – nuff said

  35. kama krab November 2, 2016 10:18 am

    A-House #34,

    Howzit my long lost Uncle.

    You know what’s most frustrating to me at this point in the season. It’s not the play calling, it’s not the offense or defense, it’s not the fact that we lost two winnable games at home, it’s that fact that we as fan base has used the failures of the past regime to fuel the misfortunes of this current regime.

    As stated early, this program as it stands now is light years ahead of where we were the past 4 years. I can go to games or watch games on the T.V. now knowing that we have a great chance to win. I couldn’t say that throughout the Chow regime. Winning was a surprise when it happened. Winning now is something we can actually look forward to. Yes it has been a rough two homes games but by no means does that mean that changes for the good are not happening. It’s really just time to sit back and relax. Enjoy what is going on right now cause as we learned with the JJ tenure, we gotta enjoy success while it last. Nothing is forever.

  36. kama krab November 2, 2016 10:23 am

    And with regards to play calling, I actually like what’s going on right now. On both sides of the ball, we are playing a very aggressive style. With the no lineman look, it just gives us incredible amount of speed at every position. I for one love it. What needs to happen is better execution. That can be achieved with more reps and a better understanding of the scheme. Things like that don’t come over night but you see it getting better each game. Come next year and years to come, I think you will see a revival of what we where used to under JJ. JMHO

  37. Just Asking November 2, 2016 10:39 am

    Cocobean-thanks for the funny post! Still laughing!
    Kama Crab- thanks for the balanced perspective.
    Been taking my folks to Koolau Theater to watch the games because the trek to our seats at Aloha Stadium has been too hard for them this year. Great crowd, great fans! $12 a seat, easy access, easy parking.

  38. Rodney November 2, 2016 11:19 am

    Funny thing
    Chows recruits play better
    under Rolos schemes.

  39. Maddog50 November 2, 2016 11:20 am

    This roster had to undergo a complete makeover. What this team has been through compared to what is-nearly indescribable. They have done a magnificent job and yes should be 5-0 in MW-no excuse but please take this into account. This is aside from the fact that in the end of the remaining 18 scholarships we probably only got 14 of those targeted. I like our chances to compete and win as long as the kids keep breathing “fresh air” GoWarriors!!!!!

  40. Stephen Tsai November 2, 2016 11:52 am

    New post:

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