A good bye

In most cases, it probably would be better for a team that lost its first two games to keep playing. The best way to get over a loss is to play the next game.

But this coming week’s bye probably is needed to heal the ailing. Running back Joey Iosefa, defensive tackle Kennedy Tulimasealii and free safety Marrell Jcakson were on the 66-player travel roster, but they weren’t going to play against Oregon State.

Now linebacker Brenden Daley and  safety Kawika Borden could use a week’s rest.

Head coach Norm Chow said Taylor Graham remains as the No. 1 quarterback. But Chow made it clear there needs to be improvement in the passing game, and that includes making accurate throws, catching passes (there were four drops), blocking better, and converting on third down. The Warriors had six three-and-out drives that used an aggregate 7 minutes, 11 seconds. With an hour glass as an image, most of the sand was on the defense’s side.

Even the most loyal figured UH would have difficulty against USC and Oregon State. But the Warriors actually had a chance to win both games if  they could have sustained any consistency on offense. They have an extra week to try to correct their problems.


  1. Paki Parker September 8, 2013 2:23 am

    First? What am I doing up so late?

  2. Da Punchbowl Kid September 8, 2013 2:27 am


  3. RainboWarrior September 8, 2013 2:32 am

    Woohoo, I made top 5.

    Let’s go Bows! We’ll do better in conference play.

  4. manoa#1 September 8, 2013 4:41 am

    Chow and his Offense Lose Money. what’s the excuse this week.?? the next game rolo and Lelie is going to show chow up for not keeping them on his staff. payback time for 2 of the best players to come out of the University Of Hawaii.

  5. slenzi September 8, 2013 5:06 am

    ST thanks for great starter post, well said and Coach Chow did the talkin too.

  6. Naks8 September 8, 2013 5:20 am

    Offense hurt bad. I’d like to see them take some chances downfield. Also gotta work on the drops or find people that aren’t afraid to get hit, cuz they are going to.

    Nice job on d. Osu made plays on third down.

  7. WarriorNY September 8, 2013 5:20 am

    Nice post to start the day. Happy belated birthday to the Blog host…

    I hope Graham starts to make some throws down the field in our next game. I think Iosefa returning to the lineup will make a huge difference. I thought when Iosefa played last year the offense just seemed to function better…

    Get well soon to all the injured Warriors!

    Our defense again played really tough against a really good offense.

  8. Shoko September 8, 2013 5:23 am

    Defense played great once again. Look forward to see how well the defense does against a read-option team considering how the Warriors struggled mightily last season. A bye week will be a nice respite for injured players to get healthy and give the rest of the players on offense time to find some team chemistry, since there are issues all around on that side of the ball.

    Anyway, on the bright side, Warriors once again beat the point spread.

  9. Old Diver September 8, 2013 5:45 am

    Four dropped passes isn’t bad if you are completing 35 of them. Four drops is also huge when you have no running game.

  10. Kapahulu September 8, 2013 6:01 am

    Top Ten?

  11. lava September 8, 2013 6:05 am

    Chow ruined ST’s birthday. Neither USC nor OSU are really that good, so no more excuses. Both lost to teams outside the top 100. Nothing is more boring than 3-and-out. UH has about the lowest average gain per offensive play in the country. We are boring. It all falls on Chow. The guy should not be a head coach. He also has no business pretending to be an offensive coordinator. Now we know why no other team wanted him. UH will not start the healing process until he’s gone. This isn’t about loyalty to UH. It’s about boring football. As attendance starts to hit new lows, this will start to get real ugly, as other conference teams that are very efficient on third down beat us by wide margins.

    3 years of Chow-and-out is too long to wait. No can 3-and-out. Just go already.

  12. Kris September 8, 2013 6:06 am

    This team, especially the offense, is an embarrassment. I look at all these other programs around the country – Texas Tech, Baylor, Oklahoma State, Utah State, etc. and all they do is put up 50 + points every week. Very easily I might add. Some of them also have freshman/red-shirt freshman quarterbacks step right in and contribute. Clearly they are being developed, whereas at UH they are not. This might sound harsh but this is a results driven business and right now the Rainbow Warriors and not severely lacking any offensive productivity or creativity.

  13. Kapahulu September 8, 2013 6:06 am

    Got to go onto the field after the game. They let everyone on. It was really nice to see a lot of Fathers tossing Footballs around with their kids. It was a nice experience.

  14. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 6:07 am

    I had a good birthday. Two words: VooDoo Donuts.

    (Or is that three words?)

  15. me startedtom-warriornation September 8, 2013 6:12 am

    Think we still run up the middle too much; how about more screens and quick passes to the outside to offset the pass rush pressure?

    Why did the Pac-12 Network cut our broadcast in the 3rd or 4th quarter at 7:30 pm PST when the Stanford-SJSU game started; our game broadcast was delayed until the Cal-Portland St game was over??? Or was this a regional thing since San Francisco is a Stanford area? I was fuming!

  16. Whats up September 8, 2013 6:12 am

    I have to say this, Sean Schroeder or Taylor Graham or Higgins can all run the offense, they all have live game experience. SS has the most and Taylor Graham has the least as of now. But I don’t care who is in at QB the FRIGGIN WR’s need to run the right routes and catch the FRIGGIN ball. Colt Brennan could not move this offense with the inconsistent WR play. The Bess, RJM, Rivers, Pilares, Salas and other great Hawaii WR’s that June Jones and other old school Hawaii coaches recruited need to make a resurgence.

    WR’s #1 thing is to catch the ball when the ball hits you in the hands or to catch the balls that are catchable. How many drives stalled or 3 and out because the ball was friggin dropped? A lot! It’s not because of the O line (they did a good job this week) or Taylor Graham accuracy this week. Can’t blame the play calling or the run game this week either. The WR’s need to put stickum or something on theirs hands and get it together with the route running! Jeez, I know the WR corp is young but the Defense did everything they could even with Daley getting hurt and the boys cramping up from being on the field so long.

    I know Norm Chow fired Price who was supposed to be the WR coach but that doesn’t mean squat! You telling me that the WR’s need a coach to catch a wide open pass that hits then in the hands? I know that Gant made a questionable play/s on special teams that pinned Hawaii on the 1 yard line but Im not putting this on anybody else but the WR Corp, they need to own this loss and step it up!!

  17. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 6:12 am

    I like how Oregon State students get that front section behind the bench. For $2.04 million a year, UH students deserve better seats.

  18. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 6:16 am


    The UH-OSU game actually was the national Pac-12 game. Each market on the mainland gets two options for a national game: the national channel and the regional channel. If you’re watching the Pac-12/Washington channel, it might cut away. It shouldn’t have cut away on the Pac-12/national or Pac-12/Oregon channel.

  19. Inyoface September 8, 2013 6:17 am

    Will Billy Ray be in the Nevada game? We need him!

  20. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 6:22 am

    UH probably needs to have a blessing ceremony.

    Against USC, it really needed a check-down guy like Jordan Pu‘u-Robinson.

    Against OSU, it really needed Brenden Daley to slow those runs and Marrell Jackson for his third-down coverage.

  21. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 6:24 am

    I thought David Griffin had a good game. He might be a keeper at right tackle.

  22. tom-warriornation September 8, 2013 6:25 am

    Thanks Stephen. Or how about more passes to the TE’s or trick plays or deep passes so that our offense will not be “boring”.

    Last chance for great UNLV seats (Oct 12); 40 yd line–11 rows behind our Warrior bench, email: tomkitaguchi@yahoo.com

  23. Shoko September 8, 2013 6:25 am

    I thought this was an interesting statistic. Noticed that BYU QB Taysom Hill had a 94.3 QB Rating with 9-26 passing and 1 interception. Then I perused the rushing statistics and saw he ran for 259 yards and 3 TDs! Too bad, neither TG or SS has the legs to be a threat on the ground.

  24. green tea September 8, 2013 6:31 am

    still committed to the RW FB team despite 2 losses….they will improve and get better in time….they don’t need to hear bad comments from their fans, they need morale support. If you got nothing good to say about this year’s team, don’t watch the games. Go watch the ladies VB and get your emotional fix there.

  25. d1shima September 8, 2013 6:41 am

    Great Morning All!

    Glad to see a new post by The Blog Host…the last one was really tough to keep up with. It seemed to be the same 2-3 comments over and over again. 🙄

  26. d1shima September 8, 2013 6:42 am

    Oh…. dat was still Top 25!

  27. d1shima September 8, 2013 6:47 am

    As Hawaii is now done playing in the PAC-12, I agree widda coupla comments here though.

    Receivers gotta receive.

    Would like to see more throws to the TE’s.

    And especially important, it’s a good time for the bye. Heal up gang!

  28. d1shima September 8, 2013 6:53 am

    Man! (Das my Pablo Torre impersonation 😈 )

    Ya killin’ me with the Voodoo Doughnut references! I would love one of those Bacon Maple bars right about now!

    And lastly, if you run into the Bird again, give ’em a big, “Go ‘Cats!” for me and #2.

  29. d1shima September 8, 2013 6:55 am


    Da blog clock stay fixed! Das a good sign…

  30. lava September 8, 2013 6:55 am

    Thank God for Voodoo Donuts.

    I enjoyed watching Oregon play. They looked good against Virginia, which beat BYU, which destroyed Texas behind 680 yards of BYU offense).

  31. d1shima September 8, 2013 6:56 am

    Time for RedZone!

  32. Whats up September 8, 2013 6:58 am


    Yeah, because Rolo and Lelie are killing it as a coaches at Nevada against PAC 12 schools in 2013!

    Rolo is not doing so well in Nevada against PAC 12 opponent either, Nevada played 2 games.

    UCLA 58

    Nevada 20

    They played a scrub team UC Davis that Hawaii has blown out a few years ago this week.

    Lets see how well Rolo coaches against Florida State in Nevada next game!

  33. koakane ® September 8, 2013 7:05 am

    morning 808 :ccol: rainbow warriors, wahines, tsaikos and tsikettes

    the Warriors actually had a chance to win both games if they could have sustained any consistency on offense

    that statement 😐 says it all, much up and downs in yesterdays game, can improve and its fixable

    safe journey back

  34. jeezy33 September 8, 2013 7:05 am

    anyone got good links to nfl games? site i use is down

  35. koakane ® September 8, 2013 7:05 am


  36. Old School Dave September 8, 2013 7:13 am

    Another inspired defensive effort. Julian Gener played an outstanding game (11 tackles, 1 sack, 1 forced fumble, and a pick-6) in place of Brenden Dalley (get well soon, Brenden).

    Goes without saying that the offense needs more work. Wide receivers need to step up.

    Once thing that bothered me were the numbers of UH players cramping up in the second half. The UH trainers and medical staff need to keep the players hydrated. Playing in the cool Pacfic NW may be deceiving, but you still get dehydrated.

  37. kryon September 8, 2013 7:15 am

    Bubble screens, quick pitch, draws, quick outs, deep ball, etc is how to keep the D honest. We don’t do any of that. Chow puts TG in a position to fail. TG roll out? That’s a weakness for him. These all WR’s run straight and turn around timing patterns are pathetic. Hard to catch a ball in with traffic all around. Get our players in space and let them create. Not expect miraculous catches in traffic. Its not the QB, WR, RB, OL, its the coaching scheme PERIOD. There’s a reason every HC has an OC. Chow can’t keep blaming his players. Take some ownership! Stubbornness only gets you so far. Open you’re mind for more!

  38. kryon September 8, 2013 7:15 am

    Bubble screens, quick pitch, draws, quick outs, deep ball, etc is how to keep the D honest. We don’t do any of that. Chow puts TG in a position to fail. TG roll out? That’s a weakness for him. These all WR’s run straight and turn around timing patterns are pathetic. Hard to catch a ball in with traffic all around. Get our players in space and let them create. Not expect miraculous catches in traffic. Its not the QB, WR, RB, OL, its the coaching scheme PERIOD. There’s a reason every HC has an OC. Chow can’t keep blaming his players. Take some ownership! Stubbornness only gets you so far. Open you’re mind for more!

  39. Buffoman September 8, 2013 7:21 am

    Jason Rivers, Davon Bess, Greg Salas, Chad Owens, Craig Stutzman are guys who come to mind who had the mentality that they would:

    1. Catch anything thrown their way

    2. Go across the middle, know they may be in for a beating but would make catchs in traffic

    3. Never let alligator arms be a description of their receiving technique

    And they backed it up.

    Our young men have to first do this regularly as their persona as receiver before they even consider demonstrating what a swagger looks like after one or two catches.

    Graham need to get better. SS is an adequate back up and Higgins should be working to be the next guy up and although he does not have the cannon arm he should just keep working to have that chance (like Bryant).

    I am optimistic as I have seen improvements in the midst of the complete breakdowns. The team needs to string the improvements together such that the breakdown (and they will occur) do not dominate as they currently do.

    For those who expected the team to operate like mid-season successful UH teams of the past or like any of the top 25, well, I’d like that too, but that is not the reality of the moment and I am still supportive of what the coaches are attempting to instill with the 180

    degree change in philosophy and style of play. If it falls flat, so be it, move on, but I for one knew that this kind of change would be difficult as the ingredients to success would need to be totally re-done. And this takes time and would as we see get ugly and be ugly for a while.

    WE have great young men and they want success as much as anyone else. Coaches know what they are doing in the development of this change and our second guessing is just that, we don’t live what they are living through. They have my support.

  40. kryon September 8, 2013 7:22 am

    When change comes. I hope they keep the DC. Our D is good and only will get better with more incoming talented recruits. Great job D!

  41. oneseason September 8, 2013 7:50 am

    @17 ST … Agree 100%. IMO, students are much more likely to become strong lifelong supporters of a college sports program if they have great game experiences during college. Former UW AD Mike Lude took away good student seats at Husky stadium and said he didn’t understand the problem since “most of the action happens at the end zones” (or about that). If you don’t treat the students well, you better deliver winning seasons.

  42. PurpleMaple September 8, 2013 7:51 am

    I don’t feel so bad after the loss to Oregon St. I wanted to see how BYU beat Texas. BYU rushed for 550 yards!!! That is unheard of. Also, USC had a total of only 193 offensive yards in their loss to Washington St. at the Coliseum. Kiffin has one foot out the door.

  43. indpendentfocker&sockpuppets September 8, 2013 7:58 am

    lol, what a clown

  44. PurpleMaple September 8, 2013 8:07 am

    By the way, Norm’s contract is 5 years, not three.

  45. Shoko September 8, 2013 8:15 am

    Five-year contracts are normally the industry standard. I think Bobby Hauck is the only one that I heard of that initially was offered a three-year contract when he got hired. Of course, after year two (4-20) he got an extension. Bet some UNLV folks regret approving that extension.

  46. Shoko September 8, 2013 8:21 am

    Weeden is loving Bess today.

  47. Slugger September 8, 2013 8:23 am

    Good morning, gang!

    Heal & go for it at the next game. GO WARRIORS !!

  48. Papololoco September 8, 2013 8:23 am

    The Offense is DOA, if we can’t score then we’re not going to win. We now have a new offensive scheme, the Run & Punt.

  49. RedZone September 8, 2013 8:31 am

    Just need to find a runningback like Thomas of Oregon. He is only 170 lbs but he can run. Amazing.

  50. Inyoface September 8, 2013 8:36 am

    I’m still interested into how this team develops. We haven’t gotten blown out considering all the new guys out there. We have a full season ahead if us still and will have a nearly full roster when we play Nevada. I’d much rather have saw a hard fought game against a quality opponent instead if a blow out against a Lamar state.

  51. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 8:37 am

    Thanks for reporting industry survey results Shoko. That is helpful information. Now we can can win thanks to your report. Next time we need more useless information you can get it for us.

  52. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 8:46 am

    Going to weber was bad decision for Higgins. Coming back to uh was an even worse decision. Am happy for mariota though.

  53. Shoko September 8, 2013 8:46 am

    53. Likewise

  54. Former UH Athlete September 8, 2013 8:50 am

    The bye week is definitely coming at a good time. Time to heal up, and really work on the offensive issues. WRs need to spend a couple practices dedicated to catching the ball. Just an unacceptable number of drops through 2 games. Several drops were drive killers and that would have been first downs had they been caught.

    Watching the NFL action… Not too many average QBs right now. It’s either awesome of awful.

  55. I ALL NUHA ALREADY September 8, 2013 8:50 am

    kryon (#38)

    Eh, I was tinking the same kine stuff like you. UH den, dey no moa the creatives on offense yeah. Same old kine stuff day no can work unless u get the good kine players yeah. No can. So what dey gotta do is come up with da kine creative ways for get da first downs yeah. Skreen em, swing em, run a fullback foa block, maybe even crap the tight end (cuz dey junk anyway) and just add one usda tackle and get all bully kine. Das some power de yeah.

    Eh, if da offense was even average, at least small kine, and not just the one touchdown a game kine and nothing else….wow, rainbow warriors would be, should be, 2-0 against PAC-12 teams.

    No can!

    Feel sorry foa da guys on defense. Dey desrve moa bettah, dey play hard two times yeah.

  56. Papololoco September 8, 2013 8:50 am

    it doesn’t take 5 years to figure out that Chow is driving the program into the ground. I’ve been saying it since midway last year, we are not going to win with this Offense, hell we’re not even going to score with this offense. So I’m curious, for all you Chow supporters out there, what’s it gonna take to convince you. Do we need to go 3-9 again, do we need to finish dead last in the conference again, everybody has a breaking point, what’s yours? Maybe you’ll like this new Run n Punt Offense, all I know is this Offense will hold us back all season.

  57. oneseason September 8, 2013 8:50 am

    Waiting to see how the Rainbow Warrior team (coaches and players) do against Nevada. Nevada was convincingly beaten by UCLA (20-58). As with UH vs OSU, the game was close at the half. Hopefully against Nevada, the offense will outscore the defense.

  58. I ALL NUHA ALREADY September 8, 2013 8:53 am

    (Independent Thinker #54)

    Eh, Hawaiian, no worry if you not, I call eʻrybody Hawaiian.

    Anyway, Higgins never go Weber State, he came from da kine, Utah State.

  59. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 8:54 am

    All local qbs: notice from chow school of quarterbacking. If you are a qb from a hawaii high school, expect to warm the bench in favor of guys from the mainland who warmed the benches on the mainland.

  60. Leron September 8, 2013 8:56 am

    The TD drive was beautiful to watch. Nice mix of run and pass. But the mind boggles at why the offense can’t consistently put it together like that.

    Just hope the Warriors don’t forget about OSU #19’s cheap shot at the end of the first half and how he was laughing about on the sideline. It’s a year a way, but the get a crack at him next year. Kennedy may have not been playing, but I thought he was gonna smack that guy down after that play.

  61. Papololoco September 8, 2013 8:56 am

    #59…..both the USC and OSU game was very winnable but once again our Offense held us back and they will continue to do so all season.

  62. Dino September 8, 2013 8:56 am

    @ nevada, if hawaii fails to move the offense with TG, i would expect SS to get into the game sooner than later.

  63. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 8:57 am

    Eh, tanks hawaiian. Mahalo, bra. Shoots.

  64. Inyoface September 8, 2013 9:04 am

    The Kiffin era is over

  65. cocobean September 8, 2013 9:06 am

    I hate to comment when I didn’t see game. Listened to BC. By the middle of the 4th Q he couldn’t hide his disappointment with the O’s performance. When a “homer” like BC came across as frustrated with the O I can understand where the angry posters are coming from.

    In my view the O is rudderless. It’s going in circles rather than moving forward. The coaches are hoping the O will begin to “gel” but at times it seems they are trying to make jello without the use of a refrigerator.

  66. Old School Dave September 8, 2013 9:08 am

    Leron: Did you see the UH assistants having to restrain Chow after that cheap shot against the UH player on the sidelines? I also thought that ST coach Chris Demerest was going to clock #19.

  67. Shoko September 8, 2013 9:10 am

    I don’t think the game against Nevada will be like it was last season. The Pack won’t put up 69 points against the Warrior defense. From what I’ve seen in the last two Wolf Pack games, the o-line and the RBs took a step back from last year’s team.

    Big question is whether the offense will come around in the next two weeks.

  68. oneseason September 8, 2013 9:10 am

    @ 66 … PAC-12 fans from 11 Universities would be greatly saddened.

  69. ai-eee-soos September 8, 2013 9:11 am

    UNLV QB situation … from the LV Sun.

    Rebels quarterback Nick Sherry ….. UNLV’s only score in the first 51 minutes came on the first play of the second quarter when Devante Davis took a short Sherry pass 69 yards into the end zone.

    Besides that Sherry went 5-of-21 for 42 yards with two interceptions and a fumble, ALL of them returned for scores. He sat out the entire second half.

    Hauck said he considered moving Sherry to the bench with three minutes left in the first quarter, when the sophomore was 2-for-10 with only the fumble on his record. Things got worse from there and when asked who his starting quarterback would be at Monday’s practice, Hauck didn’t have an answer.

    “We’ve got to meet all day (Sunday) to figure that one out,” he said.

  70. Shoko September 8, 2013 9:12 am

    Thought Chow was going to pop a spring after seeing that late hit.

  71. I ALL NUHA ALREADY September 8, 2013 9:17 am

    UH went 3-9 lass year, first time for Chow. This time, second time, okay maybe dey one bettah team overall, remains to be seen yeah, but stay possible or what, dat dey can be one bettah team and get one worse record dis yeah?

    Defense, da way dey stay play da first two game, I tinking Hawaii should maybe be 2-0, but dey not. Period.

    Offense, how you say em, dey stay be offensive first two times we see em.

    If our offense was one horse, I tink so the vegetarian would shoot em kine already, know what I stay saying, or put em down hia moe for good. I tink so das how bad so far yeah.

    Eh, dey stay moa hauna right now den da kine, the corpse plant dat bloom once eʻry tree to figh years and smell like one dead buggah dats all miko.

  72. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:18 am

    Some of you are ridiculous. Chow is not driving the program into the ground. Our overall talent level has increased, our recruiting has improved, and our competitiveness has improved. Yes, there are major problems on offense. But we have been more competitive in the last 2 games against high caliber opponents than we have been in a long time. There have been improvements since last year.

    If you are paying attention to the problems, they are fixable. If they don’t get fixed, then starter changes are in order. Stop being so negative . . . and I don’t mean not to express legitimate opinions – but the sky isn’t falling. The last two games, despite being losses, have pulled the program more out of the ditch it has been in than driving it under if anything.

  73. I ALL NUHA ALREADY September 8, 2013 9:28 am

    (kev-1 #74)

    Bruddah, wit all do respeck, I gotta ass, you fo real?

    When stormin norman took over the program, from da udda old guy dat neve know what he was doing, da cupboard no was empty lad at.

    In years b4 dat, we used to win on da regular kine. we shua as heck had moa den one touchdown per game on da average. You mention high caliber team right…..USC went to lose to wazzu, dey haunt. Beavers went lose to one lower level team, bruddah, no make like us went play oregon, you know what i mean.

    i gotta agree with on one point foa shua. da recruiting effort did get pumped up, no doubt!

    But, so far itʻs like giving one top chef all da good kine ingreedaments one could ass foa, fresh produces, nicely cut dead cow, maybe even some fresh fish or some poultry, and dat top chef serve us one damn bowl of fruit loops for dinner.

    Dis team, dis program, whoa, i tink so maybe dey close to being kamakazee. Nose diving maybe.

    Gotta ass peepos, um, chow, he stay pau oh what?

  74. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:34 am

    Here, maybe you need this.


  75. dannyp September 8, 2013 9:36 am

    OSU and USC are most definitely not of a high caliber this year…

  76. I ALL NUHA ALREADY September 8, 2013 9:36 am

    bruddah kev-1, hawaiian, i went watch dat buggah! Das one good one, mahalo foa dat yeah.

  77. Popololoco September 8, 2013 9:36 am

    The Offense has scored a grand total of 25 points in two games. Johnny Football scored more than that in one quarter.

  78. tommui September 8, 2013 9:36 am


    Well, we did sweep UCLA last night!

    Lots of vitriol on the Blog today. Of course they came from the same people or should I say the same person.

    Has anyone figured that the underlying cause could be $$?

    $$ builds structures – like athletic facilities. $$ means getting coaches, like an OC, Receiver Coaches etc; $$ might mean a place to gather – and not a dance studio.

    The athletic budget at UH $3mil. The athletic budget at Oregon State – about $14mil. The student athletic fee $50 – and I don’t know what Oregon State charges but the overall student fee is over $450.

    We can’t seem to beat teams like USC, Oregon State, etc.

    With all the underlying problems, aren’t we comparing apples with oranges?

    #74 kev-1 is correct in his assessments.


  79. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:37 am

    All Nuha . . . yes I am “fo real.”

    I am not talking about JJ years. But since you brought it up, even under JJ we were occasional victim of vicious blowouts. But were definitely competitive then because of our offense. I am referring to the years since he left.

    Chow is not out on the field dropping passes, stepping out on the one yard line, or missing blocks.

  80. Shoko September 8, 2013 9:37 am

    Short post-game interview with Chow after the game. A question was asked about changing the return guy. Sounds like someone is in the dog house.

    “Meh, we’ll watch the tape then make up out minds.”


  81. Popololoco September 8, 2013 9:38 am

    If Chow is going to continue to run this Offense then at least he should put in a more moble QB.

  82. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:38 am

    dannyp . . . they are still supposed to be way better than us. You don’t come into the season ranked for no reason.

  83. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:39 am

    Popololoco . . . if TG continues his struggles, I agree.

  84. Popololoco September 8, 2013 9:42 am

    #81…The Captian is ultimately responsible for his men and their actions

  85. Popololoco September 8, 2013 9:44 am

    #85…TG is going through the same exact thing SS went through last year, trying to learn on the fly. The smart thing to do is put SS in there, at least he has a year of ACTUAL experience under his belt.

  86. Popololoco September 8, 2013 9:45 am

    So now we have to waste another season waiting for TG to play checkup.

  87. Popololoco September 8, 2013 9:47 am


  88. Shoko September 8, 2013 9:50 am

    The thing is if SS replaces TG this season, Chow will be stuck in the same situation he’s in now when SS leaves and TG has to come in.

    Chow isn’t going to change QBs now. Pretty evident that’s his philosophy from last season.

  89. RedZone September 8, 2013 9:58 am

    Third down conversions are so important with this offense. Going 1 for 11 won’t do it. The plays seem to be there. Just poor execution.

  90. jeffdman2000 September 8, 2013 9:58 am

    Really? We could have won these last two game? No we couldn’t have. We have improved enough to compete. Graham showed a considerable about of improvement. Having him roll out only produced open receivers. O-line was much improved.

    I think the play of the game that turned the tide was Gant dropping an open 3rd down play when they were up 21-14. He and Haynes can’t catch a cold. After that, the defense started cramping. Game over. This wasn’t on Chow, Oline or Graham. Our receivers are either way to young, way to dumb, or just plain suck.

  91. oneseason September 8, 2013 10:01 am

    @ 80 tommui … those sure sound like major challenges that the coach and AD should be raising with upper campus. It would be good to revisit the budget for assistant coaches now versus under the previous coach.

    But, while I can see the coach not wanting to sound like he is making excuses (~1:15 below), that doesn’t require denying that these challenges exist.


  92. RedZone September 8, 2013 10:02 am

    Prior to the OSU game Dick Tomey was asked how the UH quarterback played in the USC game. He thought that the quarterback played poorly. He also thought that the 2 USC quarterbacks played poorly.

  93. RedZone September 8, 2013 10:07 am

    Chow did say that he was disappointed with the way Taylor played.

  94. Inyoface September 8, 2013 10:09 am

    I think St. Juste would be an awesome kickoff returner, he looks to have break away speed like LaMichae James.l

  95. Shoko September 8, 2013 10:11 am

    I think it goes without saying that Graham had a very bad first game against USC. His QBR was 2.7 (out of 100). This time around it was 24.3. So, yes, there was improvement.

  96. oneseason September 8, 2013 10:12 am

    USC sure looked beatable to me. Wazzu’s lackluster 10-7 defeat of USC demonstrates just how bad atrociously bad USC is executing. Their preseason national ranking this year of #24, like last year’s #1 ranking, was clearly inflated beyond reason. The fact that USC only dropped to #25 after their performance against our team this year would have surprised me, except that pretty much the same thing happened throughout last season.

  97. Whats up September 8, 2013 10:15 am

    I know there are the fans that think Chow is not good for Hawaii Foot. But me remind you, that we all put up with no credibility in college football world Greg McMackin bumbling and so-so recruiting as head coach for 4 years after doing changing nothing but keeping the RnS offense hanging off of Big Daddy June Jones coat tails to a huge $1.2 million a year paycheck. And Mack still bringing down the talent level and reputation of Hawaii football in the process. But now Norm Chow has to come in and pick up the program that Mackmuff left behind in not so good condition and recruit talent to play fit his Offense. Plus get the Warrior players in better conditioning than when Mack softened up the program.

    I don’t see how any coach can turn around a program in less than 2 years, that was run by the bumbling, so-so average recruiting under McMuffin, not to include the soft out of shape condition the players were in under Macks era. Getting blown out by Tulsa 2010, and Man handled by a awful Notre Dame 2008, Wisconsin and USC. The Hawaii defense in 2010 couldn’t stop USC running game and was getting man handled by USC. Yes the same USC under Kiffin that was under probation USC.

    So stop crabbing about a head coaching change, we could have put Rolo’s, Babers or whoevers okole as head coach and the result would have not be any better because the damage was already done by the Mack regime. If anybody here thinks 2013 is going to a huge improvement they have to put down the koolaid and pick up the Vodka, because until next season the Hawaii Warriors will still have growing pains. In 2014, I expect Hawaii to be challenging for the MWC title, but this season with no FCS opponent on the schedule for a tune up game, I figure 4 wins would be a great season, anything more would be topping on the cake!

  98. dannyp September 8, 2013 10:18 am


    So basically “We were supposed to lose so it’s okay that we did.” is your attitude?

  99. AllG September 8, 2013 10:22 am

    ST I agree Griffin had a pretty good game, but what happened to Koloamatangi? I thought he was gonna get some reps at OG?

  100. AllG September 8, 2013 10:24 am

    Chow has done a good job recruiting but his play calling has been very suspect. He needs to hire a full time OC and just concentrate on being a coach.

  101. Popololoco September 8, 2013 10:31 am

    #100… I don’t know what you’re smoking. You figure 4 wins would be a great season proves just how delusional you are. So please explain to me where are these 4 wins are gonna come from cause I sure don’t see it. The way the Offense is playing right now, we’d be lucky to get by UNLV.

  102. J-FORCE September 8, 2013 10:36 am

    UH playing its first two games against two PAC-12 team

    early in the season is tough. Not trying to find excuses here but

    but I think we should schedule a Luisiana-Lafayette or a

    Texas state. Warriors will get better and the pay off will be

    next year. Go Rainbows Warriors!!

  103. Not an Expert September 8, 2013 10:44 am

    People are getting 5 to 7% less plays to watch. The NCAA changed some of the rules to shorten the time of the game. Now that they have done that the networks has now made the game longer again by all those commercials that is needed to pay these conferences. The NCAA has shot themselves in the foot as we here how the BCS schools want more control.

    The last 2 UH games took 3 hours and 40 minutes or so to complete. People who go to the games are going to realize that they are spending about 30 minutes or so sitting on their behinds or standing due to all these commercials.

  104. UHFan September 8, 2013 10:45 am

    It seems like our offensive system has a steeper learning curve than the RnS, Air Raid, Read Option. They need to simplify the play book, run more packaged plays so it doesnt take a ton of in game reps or a couple of years in the system to get things going. The anemic output of our offense is just downright disappointing.

  105. JWilks September 8, 2013 10:47 am

    Is the talent level on this team so bad or the numbers so low that they have to put their starting MLB and team captain on the kickoff teams and expose him further to injuries? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Get well Brenden Daley.

  106. Not an Expert September 8, 2013 10:49 am

    Forgot how long games were when JJ was coaching UH. But if you spend that much time watching UH play and score under 20 points boredom may start setting in.

    How about the rest of the country, how many hours are their college games due to all these commercials?

  107. d1shima September 8, 2013 10:49 am

  108. kev-1 September 8, 2013 10:49 am

    101 dannyp . . . umm, nope. Your putting words in my mouth. Why would I think its ok that we lost if I thought we could have won?

  109. d1shima September 8, 2013 10:50 am


  110. kev-1 September 8, 2013 10:52 am

    Just because I choose to look for the positives in the losses, doesn’t mean I am ok with them. Just trying to remain positive. It’s too early to be saying the season is over. That’s all I am saying.

  111. I ALL NUHA ALREADY September 8, 2013 10:52 am

    @ Popololoco

    Hawaiian, we neva score 25 points on offense this season!

    Defense has a safety and a touchdown in 2013, special teams has a field goal and 2 extra points.

    Total so far in 2013, UH has scored 27 points.

    My math says thatʻs UH offense has only scored 12 points this season.

  112. Haleakala September 8, 2013 10:54 am

    Haha! The sun did rise today!

    After reading the above posts, I thought we were entering tha apocolypse.

  113. Haleakala September 8, 2013 10:57 am

    There are so many Sunday morning coaches.

    I wonder in this age of technology, that plays can be called by votes by fans through the internet. We have so many couch coaches out there.

  114. d1shima September 8, 2013 10:57 am

    Get one OC.

    Get one QB like Mariota.

    Get one RB like D. Thomas.

    Get real. It aiin’t gonna happen….

    Name a competent Asst. Coach who will come now and work for free.

    There is no waiver wire in CFB.

    I going support the Rainbow Warriors. Invite all to come along.

  115. Haleakala September 8, 2013 10:59 am

    No matter the outcome of the last two games, I sure would like to see the next game at Aloha Stadium.

    UH’s defense was exciting to see.

  116. RalphToo September 8, 2013 11:01 am

    Rainbow Wahine at Oregon State at 11 a.m. today, HST, Wsoc on the pac 12 TV channel

  117. Popololoco September 8, 2013 11:03 am

    #113…INSANITY, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The Defense have made major improvements from last year but the Offense have made absolutely no improvements, why can’t you see that.

  118. kev-1 September 8, 2013 11:06 am

    Popololoco . . . Oh boy. Positivity in your world is insanity? I’m not stupid or blind. If you actually read what I write, you will see that I have acknowledged that there are major issues on offense. I just think that they are more correctable than you probably do. You disagree, fine.

  119. Popololoco September 8, 2013 11:07 am

    #114… it’s actually 15, a TD and 2 point conv. aginst USC and a TD against OSU, in two games.

  120. dannyp September 8, 2013 11:10 am



    Thats exactly what Doug Marrone did at Syracuse. He saw that his Pro-Style offense was failing despite having legit talent so he scrapped it and just packaged plays like Read/Bubble etc. What happens? Shared Big East Championship and now he’s the HC for the Bills.

  121. Shoko September 8, 2013 11:10 am

    What’s nice is that couch coaches do it for free.

  122. dannyp September 8, 2013 11:13 am


    No I’m not putting words in your mouth I was asking a question.

  123. Popololoco September 8, 2013 11:13 am

    Kev-1..I do understand that there were alot of dropped balls yesterday but all I see is the same exact plays game after game. If Chow is dead set on running his style of Offense then at least he can put more moble QB back there because TG is a statue.

  124. Popololoco September 8, 2013 11:15 am

    #123… Chow has demostrated that he’s too stubborn to change so forget it.

  125. Shoko September 8, 2013 11:20 am


  126. Shoko September 8, 2013 11:21 am

    Clearly, Mathews is targeting Kap!

  127. dannyp September 8, 2013 11:21 am


    Which is stupid because packaged plays, if read correctly, can’t fail. Its just basic math.

  128. Shoko September 8, 2013 11:30 am

    If he didn’t put together package plays last year, I think its safe to say he won’t do it this year.

  129. Huh? September 8, 2013 11:34 am

    Wahine soccer…UH 1 OSU 0

  130. warriorsfan September 8, 2013 11:36 am

    what time does the team arrive back?

  131. Papololoco September 8, 2013 11:37 am

    What we’re witnessing is the same exact thing from last year. TG is learning on the fly, the offense is struggling badly, and Chow won’t replace him no matter what, now do that sound familiar, it’s Groundhogs Day.

  132. d1shima September 8, 2013 11:40 am

    Go FuutBows!

  133. warriorsfan September 8, 2013 11:42 am

    ST: when will the team arrive back to Honolulu?

  134. Shoko September 8, 2013 11:49 am

    134. With the exception that, by all accounts, it appears the Warrior defense is much improved.

  135. Papololoco September 8, 2013 11:53 am

    137…the Defense is awesome but they can’t keep carrying the offense otherwise you’re gonna start seeing players drop like flys.

  136. Huh? September 8, 2013 11:53 am

    Halftime…Wahine Soccer. UH 1 OSU 0

  137. Kapahulukine September 8, 2013 11:55 am

    The extreme poor performance at OL is NOT due to Coach McMackin’s lack of recruiting (as we’ve heard a thousand times from the same member). So maybe we stop looking in the rear view mirror to explain an exceptionally lousy offensive performances. It’s horrible coaching and lack of focus on fundamentals and timing. Basic coherence and execution were entirely lacking. Not the result- I’m talking about attempting to execute a play in a coherent, organized fashion. As if there is no authority figure on the team who took the time to drill and reinforce technique. Yes, it’s understandable to get beat by a worthy DL line. No shame at all! But to look completely flummoxed and chaotic, every player confused about what assignments, fundamentals is shameful. This goes back to HC who is really in an entirely new milieu, and is going through a learning curve of his own. It’s not the players who are ignorant, need experience, it’s the coach.

  138. kapakahi September 8, 2013 11:56 am

    Too many dropped passes…..especially that one by CG.

    Would like to see more of KK.

  139. Bigislandkurt September 8, 2013 11:58 am

    Chow has actually made a lot of changes. They just have not worked. Now as for playcalling, I think he called a better game this time. “better” is certainly contextual.

    We can’t make third downs, while our opponents make theirs. That will make for a longs season.

    Graham, Schroeder, Higgins all come with similar characteristics regarding mobility or lack there of. Given the present challenges, I believe all three will struggle.

    I’ve been a Griffin fan from day one. His JUCO tape showed a guy with quickness, good feet, and a little bit ‘o nasty. I know he ran into some adjustment difficulties when he got here. But I think he can go down as one of the better ones.


  140. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 11:59 am

    At least I’m not the only one who thought griffin played pretty good for first start

  141. Papololoco September 8, 2013 12:03 pm

    140… There’s an old saying…if the student didn’t learn then the teacher didn’t teach. You should not come into the season trying to learn how to play, there’s no excuse why the team shouldn’t be ready to play from game one. Even during down years in the RnS we still manage to win at least 6 games.

  142. Shoko September 8, 2013 12:11 pm

    138. I agree that the defense can’t carry the team with a lethargic offense, but the season is young. If the defense can maintain their level of play, barring any injuries, and the offense comes around, there’s a chance the Warriors can finish strong and give reason for optimism the following year.

  143. Papololoco September 8, 2013 12:16 pm

    I only want the best for this team but somebody has to be realistic. when homers like Bobby Curran is showing frustration with the offense then you know it’s bad.

  144. rebelwarrior September 8, 2013 12:17 pm

    Packaged plays=Simplicity by Multiplicity!!!

  145. Papololoco September 8, 2013 12:20 pm

    149…I agree

  146. negativescountboarddufus September 8, 2013 12:22 pm

    too many scout board whiners posting the same $hit here they do on the whiner board……

  147. Shoko September 8, 2013 12:24 pm

    148. Everyone wants to be optimistic, but at the same time everyone has a different pain tolerance. I think Bobby might be reaching his pain threshold…lol

  148. Shoko September 8, 2013 12:29 pm

    Seeing Anquan Boldin play today makes me thankful that there are teams that overpay their quarterbacks.

  149. A-House September 8, 2013 12:29 pm

    I have not and will not read all the comments on the blog yesterday. We arrived back at our hotel around 11:30 pm because of “repaving work” on I-5.

    But, so sad, so sad! For all the 3rd and long and making 1st downs with passes over the middle and QB who had no difficulty completing passes even with a DB coming around end to pressure him.

    Yes, there were dropped passes, etc. but the killer was allowing OSU making 1st downs with 3rd and long.

    Wonder what Kaumeyer’s defensive scheme was before the game and changes at half time? Seemed to be none.

  150. Da Punchbowl Kid September 8, 2013 12:29 pm

    Our defense rocks! Nice to see the bone crunching, blood thirsty attitude they play with.

    I’m not the expert many here are, but this is my take: even when JJ was coach, when a new QB was installed, it took a last a handful of games before the “lights” came on and the offense began to click.

    We see a UH offense which is struggling, true. Lotsa things to fix, and you can see small improvements here and there. The O line played better and will be even better as each game goes by. Other parts of the O need help, but even there, you can see small areas of improvement. We see only flickering glimmers at this point, but I believe the light will come on for the O and they will be much better.

    When that happens, we will be a very good team. Until then, I’m with D1 – love and support them and stand by the team.


  151. iwonderwhytheyhateme September 8, 2013 12:38 pm

    It’s weird, I would have not been surprised if both USC and OSU were blowout victories but am pretty frustrated that we did hang with them and “let them off the hook” so to speak and kept it sorta close. -_-

    It’s better than what many expected in terms of the score/spread and all but it was just so dang hard to watch our offense.

    imho, the receivers looked atrocious. can’t be dropping passes like that. according to chow it was also on graham for throwing before they were ready. there is enough work/disappointment to go around on offense. best of luck to all of them in the next couple of weeks to work through this mess.

  152. iwonderwhytheyhateme September 8, 2013 12:43 pm

    On the flip side, that drive for our single offensive TD was quite nice. Make that happen more often than not 🙂

  153. pu'uwai September 8, 2013 12:46 pm

    Chow should call the offensive plays from the booth.

    I believe his over all view of what is happening on the field would not only enhance the offense but the defense as well. He has the experience to do that and has been very successful in the past.

    Why does the head coach have to remain on the field? Assign his other coaches to handle specific additional duties on the field.

    Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!

  154. RedZone September 8, 2013 12:59 pm

    Wahine wins. Beat da Beavers.

  155. madeinhawaii September 8, 2013 1:00 pm

    Only 4 drops? Does that include the one from Schroeder? Seemed like there were a lot more. But, I’ll take your word for it. Four drops might make a difference but I’m not sure it would change the outcome of the game. Rare is a team without a drop or two… so say, two excessive drops…

  156. RedZone September 8, 2013 1:00 pm

    Irvine beat da Ducks. They also beat the Beavers the other day. Good for the Big West.

  157. RedZone September 8, 2013 1:01 pm

    Tiana one of the smallest wahine scored the winning goal. The only bad. MF Gibson got red card.

  158. ai-eee-soos September 8, 2013 1:03 pm

    158. pu’uwai: September 8th, 2013 at 12:46 pm

    Chow should call the offensive plays from the booth.

    pu’uwai, and Pomai from a few days ago …

    Yeah, I agree. Something’s got to be done.

    Chow can be in the booth, with the RB coach, and maybe a Student Asst to help spot.

    Jordan and the WR GA can be on the sidelines, with Jordan signaling the plays in.

    The WR GA and Jordan can relay the coaching instructions to the players.

    Kaumeyer can “run” the sidelines, with Demarest helping him with the game & Def.

    But wodda hell do I know – I’m just a FANatic.

  159. Rodney September 8, 2013 1:04 pm

    We are getting better!!!!

    Imua warriors and lady warriors !!

    Nevada we are comming to punch in the mouth!!!

  160. Hilo Moon September 8, 2013 1:07 pm

    #158 Pu’uwai

    I second the motion.

  161. kapakahi September 8, 2013 1:17 pm

    Thought that he did OK too for his first live action at the FBS level……even more so against a BCS school.

    Will depend on who graded out higher……DG or FL……to see who starts against Nevada…..since DL seems to have fallen off the ones.

  162. Rodney September 8, 2013 1:25 pm

    Wow Kiffin in trouble!

    USC fans not happy!!!!

  163. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 1:30 pm

    I think the real problem is the OSU punter and kicker had great games. Gant erred , but, darn that was a great kick.

  164. ai-eee-soos September 8, 2013 1:51 pm

    for the 49er faithful, 34-28.

  165. observation only September 8, 2013 1:51 pm


    WERE THE HECK IS STUTZ??????????

  166. Shoko September 8, 2013 1:52 pm


  167. Shoko September 8, 2013 1:53 pm

    Boldin is golden.

  168. Reptile Party September 8, 2013 1:59 pm

    Great Idea, I shall try some at our next reptile party.

  169. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 2:03 pm

    I love trolling whenever Hawaii loses. God help me if UH ever wins a game. Then I will have no opportunity to jerk off to the computer screen as I troll ST and UH fans before I get back to my billables. I’m smarter than all of you, and I don’t putt from the rough like you guys. I’ve never played a down of football or coached at any level but I STILL know more than Chow and can evaluate quarterback talent better than anybody here. Check out my fake pidgin accent on the computer when someone who sounds like a moke talks to me so that I sound like I have street cred. Must be that Tim Golojuch Jr. guy.

    Oh well. Back to the billables!

  170. gobows September 8, 2013 2:07 pm


    they might as well give back to the UH students the old sideline section on the mauka side. it was all empty for the opener.

    well i suspect we’ll have empty seats around us for the fresno game.

  171. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 2:07 pm

    Stop talking, shoko. I’m smarter than you. All of you. To the moke sounding guy: tanks, ah hawaiian! we da only ones keeping it real here. all da rest of these fakas, they no understand how smart we is, brah. We go eat zippys after this, bule!

  172. Whats up September 8, 2013 2:11 pm

    Unfortunately, McMackin did leave a mess for Coach Chow to try clean up. Now, I know it’s hard for the Mack lovers here to hear the truth but it is what it is? For example, you have $100,000 given to you to by credit run your business. You spend $99,999.99 in 4 years without making any money and get replace by a new boss who gets .01 from your left over credit and a debt of $99,999.99 from you, plus the negative press because of you. But still has to find a way to rebuild the business and actually turn it around to make money too. But the hitch is that you got paid $1.2 million to mess it up, while the new boss gets half what you made to clean up your mess. It been less than 2 years ago Chow took over and this recruiting class is his first full year of recruiting.

    I’m sorry you can’t forget that what happens in the past does effect the future, Chow can’t fired everybody like a CEO of a company and just clean house and hire Peyton Manning as QB, Adrian Peterson as RB and so forth! He still has to work with what holdovers are still on the team he’s got on the roster, plus bring in talent to fill the needs, that usually mean a ton of freshman starting with a sprinkle of JC’s but every last one of them are pretty new to Hawaii Football. So quit bumping you gums about Chow not being the right coach because you don’t know that after only the 2 games that Hawaii was 30+ underdogs anyway in year 2. Oh yeah, Hawaii covered the spread both games too! Show me year 4 and if its the same as this, then yes Chow needs to go, but right now those of you are talking out of your okoles.

    I figured Hawaii was going to get blown out against USC, OSU, Fresno State, Nevada (Maybe), SJSU (Might be the game the light bulb goes on Offense) but I still think Hawaii losses the first five games! The growing pains continues in year 2, year 3 2014 will be better. Have patience.

  173. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 2:11 pm

    To all local qbs thinking about playing at UH. You will never start over mainland quarterbacks. Because Chow hates local people. And of course, this pronouncement is very important to me because we all know that you guys log on here to listen to me. No wait. I’m just trolling again. What am I doing? I have to get back to my billables, brah!

  174. Independent Thinker September 8, 2013 2:14 pm

    @174 whats up, blah blah blah excuses excuses. You must putt from the rough just like shoko. You type so many words but all I read is “excuses excuses I am a shim glbt lover that putts from the rough.” You must be the same person as shoko. You are all against me. ST! CHECK THE IP LOGS!

  175. observation only September 8, 2013 2:22 pm


    is this why we havent heard from stutz or bukowski or donnie king???? one thing i know is that hawaii receivers are taught how to catch correctly and run routes! especially stutz. he’s been starting since he was a freshman??????

    i dont understand.

    bukowski was also a 3 time all state. PLEASE CHOW play these local boys. we want to see them!

  176. gobows September 8, 2013 2:25 pm


    September 8th, 2013 at 12:43 pm

    On the flip side, that drive for our single offensive TD was quite nice. Make that happen more often than not

    that drive seemed like the light finally went on…and then it reverted back to terrible. and terrible picks up momentum real quick.

    10% 3rd down conversions means you really suck.

    is the video guy pressing record on the camera? they need to look at what works, and go to those plays a few more times.

    they should bring in 7 or 8 offensive linemen and run the ball. they might be able to move the line of scrimmage that way.

    and they really need to get rid of that delayed running play, unless the goal is to lose yardage every stinking time.

  177. d1shima September 8, 2013 2:30 pm

    Like Carrie Underwood’s songs more than Faith Hill but not sure I like all the modulation in the SNF theme song…firsst impression is that I like Hill’s rendition better.

    But mostly, NINAHZZZZ!!!

  178. gobows September 8, 2013 2:40 pm

    papololoco…you listen to bobby curran? are you one of his frequent callers, it seems like its always the same guys calling his show. i stopped listening several years ago because he’s just a little spoiled brat that doesnt like to be corrected. and he’s often wrong when talking football.

    if you want to hear a great play by play football announcer…catch the reverend felipe calling the high school games. he makes bc sound like crap.

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  180. Whats up September 8, 2013 2:48 pm

    Independent Thinker

    I didn’t know you could read? Who knew? But if you did read what I wrote then you would know there are no excuses just the facts! But I’m glad that you admit your prejudice against mainland football players. It takes a big man to fess up that only local boys can play football at University of Hawaii. Like the ones with the names like Ikaika, Stutz (who didn’t play that well last season he had a hard time getting open and dropped quite a few passes too), There were a lot of dropped passes last season by the WR’s corp which was supposed to be the strength in the RnS holdover type WR players! Surprise, Surprise, thanks Mack/Rolo!!!

    I don’t care who plays for UH whether its (mainland) Colt Brennan or (Local Boy or of Island decent) Timmy Chang, just as long as they are the best on the roster for that position. But thats just me! The problem I have with Independent Twater is that he was the first one kissing Colt Brennan okole for representing Hawaii Football. You had your Hawaii Football shirt on all season in 2007 and was saying man Colt Brennan is the best. Go Warriors! Because your 2 faced! Thats why when people challenge you you resort to name calling and bring nothing else to the table! If you like talk bring some facts about Hawaii Football other than that shut you pie hole. This blog is for HAWAII FOOTBALL fans only not impostors and posers!

  181. frustratedRaBoWar September 8, 2013 3:08 pm

    ive been to more than a few practices. Offense has no strengths, nothing to hang the hat on. Lots of picks thrown in practice… lots. Week of USC I counted at least 8 picks in three practices by graham. throwing picks in practice is very, very bad. No tempo control, no timing, no cohesion, no trust, no situational progression. No “this is who we are, this is what we do live or die” kind of established identity. lots and lots of yelling by the coaches, but no real sense urgency. if you watch the offense practice you would not be surprised by the way they play… its frustrating.

    defense on the other hand practices up tempo, aggressive, together. lots of fun to watch. it has shown in the last two games.

  182. AllG September 8, 2013 3:19 pm

    I’m pretty sure Independent Thinker is like 14-16 years old, not sure why you guys waste time arguing with this kid.

  183. manoa#1 September 8, 2013 3:23 pm

    play the local receivers they not scared for run across the middle and take a hit the new receivers what ever they call themselves the freakshow….. are afraid to go across the middle and take a hit. that’s why they cannot hang on to the ball they are scared. but like independent thinker said about chow is right he will play the mainland boys before the local ones. stuts and bukowski will warm the bench this year cause chow will favor those receivers that he brought in.

  184. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 3:27 pm

    I think anyone responding to IT is just wasting their time .. Just let him talk to himself … Arguing with him is giving into to what he wants

  185. d1shima September 8, 2013 3:32 pm

    It could be worse.

    We could be Giants or Cowboys fans. 🙄

  186. gobows September 8, 2013 3:37 pm

    the UH will not lose a football game this week…garans!

  187. gobows September 8, 2013 3:38 pm

    its always a good week when they don’t lose.

  188. eMpTy September 8, 2013 3:38 pm

    IT. You are wrong…

  189. Whats up September 8, 2013 3:56 pm

    Manoa#1 While I agree with you that all the WR’s on the roster from Island boys to Mainland from freshman to senior from holdover RnS type WR to new recruits. They all are scared to catch a pass and take a hit, I remember Billy Ray freshman and sophomore years he played scared and didn’t even try to catch passes in traffic. Billy Ray did toughen up last season play with that broken hand. Lets keep in mind Chow didn’t recruit the holdover players and don’t owe them nothing. Because he didn’t make promises to them, McMackin did.

    Chows own recruits did get promises and guess what they get a shot to play if they are good enough. Its not about mainland or Islander recruit/player, its about the Hawaii Football recruit/player. Kennedy Tulimasealii was on track to start or get a lot of playing time and he is a local Island boy? Aofaga Wily, Lakalaka, Alo, Samia and so many others on the roster are starting or getting some serious playing time that are not from the mainland. Thats why I don’t take some of the complaints about Chow benching Islanders serious!

    I know the players and their parents read this blog and yes we are calling out the Offense as a whole but the WR’s haven’t played with the mental toughness that Hawaii fans have seen in past WR like Bess, Older brother Stutz, Rivers, RJM, Salas and more that will catch everything thrown their way and take a hit! And sometimes they even give some big hits, Salas was one of those who caught the ball and punished the defenders by running them over. Just saying, the current WR’s on the roster need to step it up.

  190. kauai warrior September 8, 2013 4:00 pm

    Dear Coach Chow,

    Give Jeremy Higgins a chance to play a full game at quarterback. Why? the little playing time he got in the past, he was impressive, and is very mobile and has experience playing quarterback. Sean Schroeder had a year to prove himself, and Jeremy didn’t. Taylor Graham lacks the experience and timing, and needs more time to develop. Taylor had two games to prove himself, and we lost both. UH does not have the time to “develop”. We need a WIN on the next game. What’s the worst that could happen with Higgins at quarterback an entire game? We either lose one game, or we…WIN, and you found your quarterback! Give the young man a chance!


  191. PurpleMaple September 8, 2013 4:16 pm

    Congratulations to the Wahine volleyball and soccer teams for their victories against PAC 12 teams. Those were feel good wins. Now if only the football team can come around. Looking forward to the Nevada game and maybe the first win of the season.

  192. kapakahi September 8, 2013 4:23 pm

    Regarding local QB prospects, JMHO that only Tui is legit……as of now.

    Ryder still gonna have the rest of this season and next to become legit…..by developing some pocket presence…..when getting pressure like he did last weekend against the Warriors.

  193. kapakahi September 8, 2013 4:25 pm

    Hoping that Stutz can come back this season…..and play SB.

  194. manoa#1 September 8, 2013 4:27 pm

    #192 watch as soon as iosefa and and that kid st,jude from florida get over their injury wily and Lakalaka will get push back to the bench. wily had only 1 carry yesterday and he was done.

  195. madeinhawaii September 8, 2013 4:30 pm

    Questions of the day from a Warrior fan on scout…

    Eastern Washington beat a more talented OSU and they also put up better offensive numbers then Hawaii did. Does Eastern Washington have better talent than us? Is their offense scheme better than ours? Or is their team better coached? If its coaching, then remember the name Beau Baldwin, he is a young coach with a good winning record (6th year head coach for Eastern Washington), also Coach of the Year with 2 national titles.

  196. Snap808 September 8, 2013 4:31 pm

    Out from lurking. To all the players and their families: some of us fans still appreciate the hard work and dedication these young men are putting in. Hope all the players get healthy over the bye week. This is only the beginning of a complete program overhaul. Coach mac didn’t change jjs offense so there was continuity with new recruits. And what would all the negative posters be saying if we were scoring 40 points and losing by 60 or 70 points each game? Chow is very open and honest in his interviews. He is giving the top players in practice a chance to prove themselves in the game but no one on offense is taking advantage of their opportunities. In defense Gener stepped up and replaced Daley we just need that on offense.

  197. AllG September 8, 2013 4:33 pm

    198…I believe they do not have better talent, but they use the talent they have better then we do. Their QB knows how to run their offense and does it at a high level. They do a much better job running their offensive scheme then we do.

  198. jcvolcano September 8, 2013 4:39 pm

    lets lighten up.

    OVERHEARD at wolf pack practice:

    AD – Hey coach, no DB practice today?

    HC – They’re out there.

    AD – Where? I don’t see them.

    HC – Over there (pointing), catching passes with the receivers.

    AD – Oh yah (nodding), Hawaii next.

  199. Konoman1 September 8, 2013 4:41 pm

    I thought Papo was the main poster on the other site…

  200. 3-Prong September 8, 2013 4:44 pm

    188 d1: Hey now, watch your mouth! I resemble that comment. How Bout Dem Cowboys! Hehe

  201. Konoman1 September 8, 2013 4:58 pm

    that’s right we supposed to ignore the trolls.. But one last comment to manoa1.. Weren’t you the one who said we had no chance to get Wily and you said you knew this bc you work with his father? Interesting cuz I know his uncle and several others who work with his dad…

  202. Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς September 8, 2013 5:06 pm

    Is IT also Manoa#1 and papololoco the same person?

    Quacks alike.

  203. lava September 8, 2013 5:23 pm

    Going to be a long year … longer for anyone following the football team closely.

    Chow did recruit some talented players, but don’t expect that to happen again. Recruits know his days are numbered.

    Texas fired its defensive coordinator today. I guess the fans in Texas care about their football.

    If you want to keep seeing Chow football, just bury your head in the sand. If you want to see a change, time to speak up.

  204. Wes'side Warrior September 8, 2013 5:37 pm

    Howzit, Gang!

    Oh, look at that… the sun rose!

    Heal up, Warriors! Can fix our deficiencies. Still a long season ahead. Saw glimpses of good. Just gotta be more consistent. Can.

    Gotta get back to this birthday party, but just had to sneak on to spread some aloha before it got too late.

  205. slenzi September 8, 2013 5:37 pm

    Ditto to Snap808, “To all the players and their families: some of us fans still appreciate the hard work and dedication these young men are putting in. Hope all the players get healthy over the bye week. This is only the beginning of the season.”

    Looks like trolls and trash talkers are all we have today. Can we please all commit to a troll holiday for this whole week. Nothing kills a troll like nobody taking the bait. ST has a real job and can’t be expected to discipline grownups acting like spoiled, rotten children. Just hoping that the friends and families of the Hawaii players do not consider this blog “the pulse” of the fans. It keeps getting hijacked by people that … for whatever reason … feel they must mess with anyone who is a fan.

  206. Jonj September 8, 2013 5:56 pm

    I wish we had a Offensive coordinator to fire!

    I do see the potential in the players. I just don’t see any character to this offense. It’s all the same. Run play action. Where are the slants, swings, screens, counter plays, shovel pass?!? This offense is to vanilla and its not the players fault! Hire Ron lee to help you see the field up and analyze the D in the box. Do something different!

    I garentee if this year doesn’t shape up chow is gone. The attitude n tone of everyone reminds me when Mack was on the hot seat.

    #174 Mack is and was the only reason we are in the MWC today! We were a top 25 team

  207. d1shima September 8, 2013 5:58 pm


    Eh, even one broken clock is right twice a day!

    heheheh 😈 😎 😉

  208. d1shima September 8, 2013 5:59 pm

    ….if you are under 30 you may not unnahstan dat lat comment!

  209. AlaWai September 8, 2013 6:07 pm

    Preseason games are done. On to the conference. Beat Nevada! Support the Bows. Get your tickets for 9/28.

  210. Buffoman September 8, 2013 6:10 pm

    I thought we were in the MW C was because Chancellor Freitas worked it for the UH. I did not know that our former HC was the one. Shows you how much I know.

  211. Jonj September 8, 2013 6:56 pm

    We would have never got there if we didn’t have a top 25 team which helped boost the MWC ratings once Boise declared they where leaving

  212. tommui September 8, 2013 6:56 pm

    Receivers dropping their passes like they never handled a football in their entire lives; the OLine can’t open holes for the backs; the backs can’t gain more than 1-2 yards at best; the quarterbacks throwing to the opponent’s defense.

    And these are professionals getting big $$$ to play on Sunday?!!!

  213. Ipu Man September 8, 2013 7:00 pm

    The best offense is surprise attack and ambush…

  214. tommui September 8, 2013 7:06 pm

    #215 Buffoman

    Both Freitas and MRC Greenwood became the people that got us into the MWC and negotiated our entry into that conference with the concessions of travel subsidies. They iced out Jim Donovan whom they felt was too slow in getting us out of the sinking WAC and who did not want to pay subsidies (or the amount we are paying now) to the MWC or to any possible new teams coming into the MWC (i.e. San Jose, Utah State).

  215. tommui September 8, 2013 7:11 pm

    “Where are the slants, swings, screens, counter plays, shovel pass?!?”

    Of course one can argue that if we cannot even property execute our present plays …

    Or as the guru said “patience, grasshopper” Let’s see what happens in Nevada.

  216. nanakuli September 8, 2013 7:12 pm

    Aaron Price was the only coach with experience. Coach Chow uses Jordan Wynn, a 22 year old kid instead of a real coach. Wonder what Price did that was so wrong that he would get a paid leave of coaching Hawaii.

  217. gobows September 8, 2013 7:33 pm

    picture of voodoo doughnuts:


  218. oldie September 8, 2013 7:35 pm

    Tom, Good one.

  219. Ipu Man September 8, 2013 7:42 pm



    halfback pass…

    Refrigerator Running Backs…


  220. al September 8, 2013 7:56 pm

    yah, I agree its time for chow to go to the booth.

    receivers who consistently (ugh) drop passes should observe from the bench. i’d sacrifice some speed for a sure handed fellow. enter bubba poueo-luna and re-enter billy ray.

    limit harding to slotback and “punter”.

  221. al September 8, 2013 8:00 pm

    oline…shuffle the deck until we find the right combo.

    rj hollis? shigematsu to lg???

  222. al September 8, 2013 8:01 pm

    nanakuli…just know that if it were up to you, you would have severed the proverbial umbilical cord, too.

  223. kev-1 September 8, 2013 8:20 pm

    Jeezy . . . if you’re out there tonight, if Griffin has locked up the right tackle spot, who do you like at the other side? Shigematsu when he’s healthy?

    Even Chow said on Inside access that he felt the oline issue has been settled, but he never said with which group.

  224. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 8:25 pm

    230. I like milovale… But I haven’t actually gotten a chance to see any replays… I only remember griffin getting beat once bad by Crichton .. I do know that lefotu shouldn’t be playing at all.. I’ve just Sean shigematsu get beat off the edge too many times and he might be better off moving to guard ..

    I don’t know tho. Just my opinion…

  225. Old Diver September 8, 2013 8:40 pm


    JD was already working on joining the MWC. Seems he was working on the travel subsidies which slowed talks down. Fretias took over and promptly caved. Anyone could have speed up the negotiations by caving.

  226. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 9:15 pm

    1. Mack had nothing to do with MWC invitation. They didn’t even tell him about it until a few hours before the news conference.

    2. The reason there are former bitter assistant coaches is because the administration gave them the illusion they would be retained. Not so. You fire the head coach, the staff goes, too.Only the staff wasn’t fired. That created the awkward situation of of the new guy having to do the firing. If Norwood or Akina were hired, they would have cleaned house, too

  227. d1shima September 8, 2013 9:19 pm

    Welcome back Stephen!

  228. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:20 pm

    So ur saying us being a top 25 team at the time had nothing to do with us getting in the MWC??

  229. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:22 pm

    Btw moniz, Alex green, Rodney Bradley where not JJs recruits. Also Pilares walked on the 2007 season

  230. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:22 pm

    Btw moniz, Alex green, Rodney Bradley where not JJs recruits. Also Pilares walked on the 2007 season

  231. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:24 pm

    Funny how the local boys Mack recruited who ended up not coming here due to academics did the same when chow recruited them

  232. d1shima September 8, 2013 9:27 pm

    “1. Mack had nothing to do with MWC invitation. They didn’t even tell him about it until a few hours before the news conference.”

    Yep. Looked at it again. That’s what was written.

  233. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 9:29 pm

    It had nothing to do with UH getting into the MWC.

    Paying for visiting teams’ travel and not having to share in the TV money had everything to do with UH getting in.

  234. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 9:30 pm

    Trouble with a revolution is the rebels are the first to go.

  235. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 9:33 pm

    Pilares was always on scholarship .. Moniz walked on.. Mack can’t take credit for recruiting him.. That was a fortunate situation ..

  236. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 9:33 pm


    Nice try, but, no, I don’t believe you’ve been to practices.

  237. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 9:34 pm

    JJ tried to get Moniz earlier. I was at that camp in Kahuku when Mo was passing out his DVDs.

  238. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:43 pm

    Pilares walked on after signing with Air Force n not liking them

  239. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:44 pm

    So now moniz technically a JJ recruit?!? Lol

  240. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:47 pm

    Btw moniz wouldn’t even get a sniff of the field had Mack not kept Miano. But don’t worry no more greAt walkons wit chow!

  241. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 9:48 pm

    Why do people out words in my mouth ? Never called moniz a jj recruit. Just said he was a walk on. No one recruited him.. And Pilares was on scholarship .. Don’t know where u got that he walked on

  242. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 9:49 pm

    Kory Rasmussen is walking on… He might eventually start

  243. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:52 pm

    Norm Chow’s University of Hawaii Rainbow Warrior football team has a bye this week and will take on Nevada at their place. Should be a highly anticipated match up, as the Rainbow Warriors are coming off two disappointing losses to PAC12 opponents. While the Rainbow Warriors have played tough on defense, they are still struggling to find their offensive rhythm. Looking to build timing and consistency will be the focus of the offense this week. With the return of some key players from injury, the University of Hawaii is poised to open conference play with a statement.

    Or do you guys not care and would rather talk about past coaches, players, and administrators who have nothing to do with today’s team?

  244. kev-1 September 8, 2013 9:52 pm

    sorry . . . just felt it

  245. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:53 pm

    Jeezy I was commenting on what tsai jus said becuz he was trying to say JJ tried to get him. Rasmussen is walking on but not the same like moniz, paredes, silva to name a few. Chow got lucky he was a high caliber kid who got dismissed.

  246. Jonj September 8, 2013 9:55 pm

    What about the ASU wr who was tearing it up?!? Not playing is he??

  247. Jeezy33 September 8, 2013 9:59 pm

    I guess time will tell with the walk ons.. If our recruits develop, then I don’t think many will care if we don’t have solid walk ons

  248. kev-1 September 8, 2013 10:00 pm

    Yeah, what ever happened to him? I thought he was turning heads in camp. Masifilo?

  249. Jonj September 8, 2013 10:03 pm

    I think what happened where the other WRs where “reps” guys so chow gave then the nod. Haha

  250. Jonj September 8, 2013 10:15 pm

    And what’s chow gonna be?!? A sub .500 team?!? Lets get realistic with our athletic budget and location we aren’t gonna be a top 25 team every year. But I can take it every 3-4 years while also being competetive every time we took the field. Also if it weren’t for some key injuries during Mack era we would have been way better!

    So maybe you should be realistic with what n who Hawaii will be for the rest of our lives!

  251. wowlaulau September 8, 2013 10:20 pm

    #258, ok we get your point, move on already….

  252. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 10:32 pm

    You do realize Chow didn’t get Mack fired.

  253. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 10:37 pm

    By the way, take note that whatever I wrote in today’s blog post pretty much capsulizes 150 other comments. I covered the passing, the drops, the line, the three-and-outs and the injuries.

  254. Jonj September 8, 2013 10:43 pm

    Really the AQ rating had nothing to do with it?!? So why didn’t the MWC offer San Jose st and Utah state when we were invited??? MW isn’t stupid n in order to get a AQ bcs birth we have to have the team rankings.

  255. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 10:47 pm

    And, yet, San Jose State and Utah State were invited before their breakout seasons last year.

  256. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 10:50 pm

    Don’t forget that Fresno State and Nevada were invited to the MWC before UH, and neither had been to a BCS game.

  257. leahi2 September 8, 2013 10:52 pm

    You all know how terribly ineffective our offensive is! How can this be when Chow is an offensive minded coach? A QB coach of heisman winners of the past. A former coach of QBs in the professional ranks today! Now he comes to UH as the HC. Oh what a failure. Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to sense some thing wrong.

    Tommy Lee quit after one season saying he wanted “to spend more time with his family”. If you really believe that, I think there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I could sell you. Aaron Price gets “fired” before the season even starts. Tommy Lee was a great one for the screen pass but Chow doesn’t to know what that is let alone install that play. Many of you say wait for the team to develop. Well wait for another 2 or 3 years and you will find that we have another Fred Van Appen. Also good HS players won’t want to play for him.

  258. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 10:54 pm


    Pick a screen name, any screen name, and stick to it.

  259. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 10:55 pm

    It’s a beautiful thing when I know the identities of the posters.

    Especially when one critic is a former coach.

  260. Jonj September 8, 2013 11:02 pm

    Come on st. U and I both kno that Fresno and Nevada both where in the top 25s a few times. It’s not about a getting to a bcs game it was about rankings!

    War criminal… I don’t need to cite u anything! If u had Alil common sense and didn’t go off of tsai u would kno a thing or two! Tsai job is to have good standings with the current football coach. I wish I was here to hear what tsai said about Von Appen! Lol… But thank u tsai for creating this blog it gives me much to do and I don’t blame u for doing ur job.

  261. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:04 pm

    The shame of the 2010 bowl is UH didn’t have its best team on the field. One lineman was suspended, and a receiver and lineman didn’t make the grade. That was another weird thing about the ineligible lineman. He needed one class to earn a degree. But the NCAA said a player needs to take two classes to be eligible. So he passes the class he needs for his degree, but doesn’t pass the throwaway class that had no bearing on his degree. Still, he’s ruled academically ineligible … even though he earned his degree!

  262. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:09 pm


    You could say whatever you want, but, no, Mack — while he was a great guy and good coach — had no say in getting UH added to the MWC.

  263. Jonj September 8, 2013 11:10 pm

    Ok cite me something saying the total opposite. And ill find u one

  264. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:11 pm

    Rockne Freitas and MRC Greenwood get credit for UH getting into the MWC.

  265. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:13 pm


    UH lost the left wideout, left tackle and left guard entering that game.

    Then Pilares, the left slotback, gets injured.

    There wasn’t a whole lot left.

  266. Old School Dave September 8, 2013 11:15 pm

    Beat Nevada Reno!! And stay hydrated!!

  267. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:18 pm

    UH was 7-3, unranked and coming off a loss to Boise State when it was invited to join the MWC on Nov. 19, 2010.

    It was 7-7 and 6-7 the previous two seasons.

  268. G (China) September 8, 2013 11:21 pm

    I haven’t posted in a while. I think the board has gotten a little crazy. I’m rooting for the home team. I’m hoping for better offensive production. But please don’t retaliate whether you are for Chow or not. There is ways to articulate your views in a non personal way. Peace.

  269. jonj September 8, 2013 11:22 pm


    Heres one that talks about UH 2010 AQ ranking at 24. BTW they don’t count the bowl games just end of season!

  270. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:22 pm

    Old School Dave:

    The cramps were puzzling. It didn’t seem humid, and there was plenty of Gatorade and water on the sideline. They actually had a table of filled cups.

  271. jonj September 8, 2013 11:23 pm

    gotta scroll down to the 3rd chart

  272. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:28 pm

    UH did have a very good ranking in 2010. But at the time of the invitation, it did not.

    Now Hawaii is a very good team, clearly a consistent winner through most of the 2000s, and it should have been invited to the MWC a lot earlier. It actually should have been taken along when the eight teams seceded in 1999.

    But as far as who worked to get UH into the MWC, that was Rockne Freitas’ negotiations.

  273. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:31 pm

    Also, the MWC should have invited Boise State a lot earlier. The Broncos petitioned for a long time.

    Then again, the decisions are not made by commissioners or ADs. They’re made by school presidents and chancellors. And those change all the time.

  274. Old School Dave September 8, 2013 11:31 pm

    Stephen: I gotta think that the UH players and maybe trainers were mislead by the perceived coolness of the Pacific NW, but were caught off guard with 80 degree temps yesterday. It did look warm, even on the TV. Looks demoralizing, to have a rash of players laid out on the carpet. Oh well, hard lesson learned. It will be very dry up in Reno, so I hope they prepared accordingly.

  275. lopaka43 September 8, 2013 11:31 pm

    I miss gigi and the questions about robot vacuum cleaners. Much more interesting than the flame wars that are going on here between guys who will never show up at the Cabana on game day or have a clue about who Florida Ted was. We get it. You have your ponies and you want to ride them. As a result, you are killing what used to be distinctive about the Tsaikos. They know each other, and they are friends and fans who enjoy each other even when they disagree. Lighten up or go away. Nobody cares if you are wrong or right if you need to ram it down our throats. Try imagine you drinking a cool one at the tailgate that d1shima just poured for you from his big bottle from Costco. Take deep breath. Aloha, Tsaikos! Esme woosh!

  276. jonj September 8, 2013 11:35 pm

    ST we both kno that UH would have been invited if it wasn’t for our geological location and that no one wanted to pay all that money to get here. But we were always a top choice becuz of our rankings. So when Mack started doing good and beat the undefeated Nevada and was on a 4-5 game win streak. they started taking us seriously again.

  277. jonj September 8, 2013 11:36 pm

    War criminal ur tired of this convo becuz u have nothing to back ur argument but the fact that “ST said so”

  278. jonj September 8, 2013 11:39 pm

    how many wac titles did JJ have?? how many did mack have??

    now I Know and knew Mack wasn’t the 2nd JJ but I did kno he put out a competitive team! remember 2008 when Inoke beat top 25 fresno??? that was amazing becuz we had to adjust to our personell. something we aren’t seeing today

  279. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:42 pm

    OK, I think I’m getting confused about this argument.

    If the argument is Mack had something personally to do with getting UH invited, that would be wrong. He was excluded from the talks. Greenwood assigned Freitas to get that done.

    If you’re saying that Mack was the coach of a team that did well enough to be considered for membership, that would be accurate.

    But as for the actual negotiations, that was all upper level. Like I said, Mack didn’t even know about the negotiations until the day of the announcements. Then again, he wouldn’t be involved in that, anyway. Not even Chris Petersen negotiates with other presidents. As they say, it’s above a coach’s pay grade.

  280. Truman September 8, 2013 11:45 pm

    Common ST, who is the former coach that’s the critic. Not too many here on island but I guess you don’t have to be here to post. At least give a hint.

  281. jonj September 8, 2013 11:46 pm

    that’s like saying frietas was the QB and mack was the rest of the team. You don’t go no where without ur team! frietas may have lead it but without mack it wasn’t possible!

  282. Truman September 8, 2013 11:46 pm

    I back track as there are several coaches still on island.

  283. Truman September 8, 2013 11:47 pm


  284. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:48 pm

    I think UH played in a WAC that was different in 1999-2007 than it was in 2008-2011. Just like the MWC is different from the WAC of those years. Then again, the WAC that Bob Wagner coached against was different from the post-secession WAC.

  285. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:51 pm

    Like I said, Mack’s a great guy, but it was Freitas who got it done.

    LIke I said, UH was 7-3 and unranked when it was invited.

    Like I said, Mack didn’t know about the negotiations.

  286. jonj September 8, 2013 11:51 pm

    common ST just say it was a good analogy I put out there! lol

  287. Stephen Tsai September 8, 2013 11:54 pm

    No, the best analogy is Freitas is the UH administrator who knew the UNLV president, and Mack was the head coach in charge of his team who had nothing to do with negotiations.

  288. SteveM September 8, 2013 11:57 pm

    RE: #293

    lopaka43 — well said. Your mention of gigi and FloridaTed brought back some memories… along those lines, I wonder how many could be identified in this 2007 Tsai-ko group caricature:

    Click here to see the original Tsai-ko caricature.

    ,,,and hi to G (China)…long time!

  289. amela September 8, 2013 11:58 pm

    Where is Ammon Barker?

  290. SteveM September 9, 2013 12:00 am

    ooops… ST is on a roll!

    Sorry for interrupting, ST…

  291. kruzen September 9, 2013 12:01 am

    nice one hour tribute to coach shoji.

    congrats to RWSoccer.

    go bows. beat nevada.

  292. Stephen Tsai September 9, 2013 12:02 am

    Actually, I’m going to stop here.

    I like Mack and I’d rather leave his legacy as it is. He’s a good guy, and he gave the UH program his best.

  293. Stephen Tsai September 9, 2013 12:03 am

    Barker is redshirting this year.

    There are some who believe he would be an excellent tight end.

  294. NotNasti September 9, 2013 12:22 am

    Phew! Looks like JonJ finally went to sleep, or his battery died. Peace.

  295. Maddog50 September 9, 2013 6:24 am

    Disappointed but not disheartened….saw the game saw improvement…..timed to make a quantum leap. The 80 yard drive shows qwhat can be done….time for the frustration to come out in form of positve energy against the Wolfpack…..that game last year needs to be avenged…..I am looking forward to it…..except for the passing yards take a look at the average given up in rushing for two games against two good opponents. This is gonna get squared away…time for these guys to get really upset with themselves and each other and take that to RENO—–

  296. d1shima September 9, 2013 7:04 am

    Great Morning All!

    (clears off the dust and debris from the “discussion” overnight)

    Enjoy the day off Warriors. Rest up and heal.

    Conference play starting soon!

    Let’s Go Bows!

  297. Shoko September 9, 2013 7:32 am

    As of late, it seems the BC Show’s online feed cuts in and out a lot. Not sure if the problem is no my end or not.

    Anyway, two weeks to prepare for the Wolf Pack. Feels like waiting two weeks for the season opener, again.

  298. chawan_cut September 9, 2013 7:34 am


    this week’s opponent’s schedule results

Comments are closed.