Wednesday: Shoji on morning show, NLIs


Pictured is 17 indoor commit Shaney Lipscomb, Cathedral Catholic, San Diego. technically my alma mater. I gradated from the University of San Diego HS which is now Cathedral Catholic. Still the Dons.

Shoji on 1420-AM at 7:03 a.m.


  1. noblesol November 9, 2016 7:25 am

    I’ll post a longer discussion later on the Auto Qualifier situation provided that LB and Irvine replay the Sept. 24th ‘no-contest’ match. It will have lots of detail a possibly make heads spin, but it is possible to boil it all down to a bottom line statement.

    The Bottom Line for HI is very simple, with all other scenarios very unpalatable: Hawaii must win out, dominate matches, and win as many sets as possible. In doing so they’ll control their fate and win the AQ, and do the maximum possible to improve their seed ranking consideration by the selection committee.

  2. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 7:59 am

    1 appreciate it but don’t know if it’s necessary to make heads spins with scenarios that may or may not happen. Perhaps wait until after this weekend when things get a little clearer.
    as you stated, win and Hawaii doesn’t have to worry about the AQ
    in case you missed the big west scores from Tuesday
    Cal State Northridge def. Cal State Fullerton 25-18, 25-10, 21-25, 25-16
    UC Davis def. UC Riverside 25-19, 25-18, 20-25, 25-20

  3. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 8:04 am

    to recap Shoji on the morning show (please add if I forget anything)
    talked about how well they played against Long Beach, somewhat surprising him considering the loss at Long Beach. but he said the they all knew how poorly they played at The Pyramid so …. gave a lot of credit to his scout B team and coaching staff to prepare the team.
    talked a bit on the move of Mitchem to LS, said the game at the Beach highlighted the lack of production from the LS and how without it they became one dimensional at the pins with block stacking on Taylor.
    said if Mitchem wants to play pro next year she will be an OH but she needs to be able to pass better.
    said the concerns with UCI is that they are capable of playing very well and actually the teams in the league can win on any given night.
    gotta run so feel free to add info.

  4. H-Man November 9, 2016 8:19 am

    Aaaaahhhh, missed Shoji on the BC show. Always enjoy his interviews.

  5. Liberal Me November 9, 2016 8:21 am

    Shoji was asked about west coast teams – he said Stanford is the top west coast team and Arizona is lighting it up now with key wins over UCLA, USC, etc.

    He was also asked about this team vs. last year’s – he mentioned there were so many question marks…Would Iosia be able to play up to D1 standards? Would KG be ok? Mitchem, etc…he mentioned KG hasn’t been able to swing the same as last year.

  6. noblesol November 9, 2016 8:31 am

    #2 Yes, I appreciate that as well. Whatever happens, the bottom line remains ‘win out’ and control their fate. Other possibilities exist, but why go there.

  7. HawaiiMongoose November 9, 2016 10:18 am

    Cindy, slight correction. He said that if Mitchem goes pro he’s not sure if she would play MB or OH, but if she plays OH she will have to handle six rotations and therefore will need to be able to pass well. He also mentioned that Annie has the hand-eye coordination to be a good passer.

  8. tongo November 9, 2016 10:51 am

    #6 Thanks for the additional recap. From watching Mitchem in the backcourt, Annie looks very coordinated. Hoping she continues to bang away – only 4 more matches in the regular season.

  9. turfwar November 9, 2016 11:00 am

    Cindy, any chance info on recruits can be released by you when signed letters are received and released by UH? Or will we have to wait until Dave gets back from road trip even if UH sends out announcement.

  10. Maverick November 9, 2016 11:13 am

    AQ is straightforward if UH beats UCI tomorrow night. Then, assuming LBSU wins its last three, UH gets the AQ if it sweeps its last three. If UH wins only 2 of its last 3 (doesn’t matter to which team), then LBSU-UCI need to play their no-contest match to resolve the AQ (unless LBSU is willing to give up the AQ by virtue of having one fewer conference win than UH; both would have two conference losses). If LBSU beats UCI, LBSU gets the AQ (by virtue of tiebreaker #2), and if LBSU loses, UH gets the AQ by virtue of having one fewer conference loss.

    It will be more complicated if you start assuming additional losses by LBSU and UH, or if UH loses to UCI. But IMO, those scenarios are highly unlikely to happen. Bottom line: these last four matches are must-win for UH.

    My prediction is that UH and LBSU both sweep their remaining matches and UH gets the AQ by virtue of having one conference loss vs. two for LBSU. And there will be no replay of the LBSU-UCI match.

  11. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 11:35 am

    8. Shoji was hopeful he’d have the NLIs in this morning and would be able to comment before team left this morning. but until UH releases, I have nothing other than the stories I did on the three when they orally committed a while back.

    Sophia Howling (6-2 MB Venice High Calif.
    – Shaney Lipscomb (6-2 MB/Opp Cathedral Catholic San Diego
    – Skyler Williams (6-2 MB Mayfield High Calif.
    two invited walk-ons
    Janelle Gong 5-9 L Campolindo High Calif. teammate of Sibley
    – Jennifer Roth 5-11 OH, Crook County Ore.
    There may be one other walk-on but nothing on that yet.

    Men have Gage Worsley, NLI supposed to be in today
    Beach will have 3 NLIs
    – Presley Forbes Mira CostaCalif
    – Lea Monkhouse (Canada/Lorne Park Secondary School
    – Juliana :Pani” Napoleon Bonita Vista High Calif
    Three walk-ons
    Jenna BanzCanada/St. Benedict’s High
    Paige Reeuws San Marcos High Calif.
    Ashley Stevens Huntington Beach High

  12. Maverick November 9, 2016 11:38 am

    Jennifer Roth is 5-11…just a typo. Don’t want posters to get excited about a non-existent 7′ player, lol.

  13. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 11:42 am

    6. thanks for the CX

    Shoji also weighed in on who he thought were the best teams in the West: Stanford and San Diego. Felt those two and Washington would host with UCLA on the bubble. Said who knows where UH will get sent.
    Looking at the top 16 RPI it’s
    1. Wisconsin. 2. Texas. 3. Nebraska. 4. Minnesota. 5. San Diego. 6. Florida. 7. BYU. 8. Stanford. 9 North Carolina. 10. Kansas. 11. Michigan. 12 Missouri. 13. Washington. 14. UCLA. 15. Michigan State. 16. Creighton.

  14. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 11:44 am

    11. thanks. corrected. typing too quickly.

  15. noblesol November 9, 2016 12:01 pm

    #Mav.. yep, that’s all correct I believe. There are other scenarios but all require more branching and possibilities springing from a loss. Not that difficult to describe, but having looked at them they all have in common that Hawaii avoids them all by winning out. Just win baby.

  16. Andrew November 9, 2016 12:12 pm

    It’s pretty remarkable the rise that San Diego has had over the past seasons. Considering how competitive recruiting is already between the PAC-12 schools, Hawaii, BYU, and also the Big-10 schools that are recruiting the west as well. Granted they haven’t been as consistent as UH over the years but it’s great to see other power 5 schools succeeding.

  17. Maverick November 9, 2016 12:16 pm

    San Diego had a great team the year Emily Hartong was a senior. Same year that UH beat Texas. Only non-conference loss during the regular season was to San Diego.

  18. warriorfan November 9, 2016 1:25 pm

    San Diego is seriously over rated, nice team but top 5? I don’t think so. More likely in the top 12-16 range.

  19. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 1:57 pm

    think that USD has been a very steady program over the past few years, including Hartong’s senior year, when Carlos Briceno’s daughter was playing for the Toreros.

  20. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 1:58 pm

    NLI update
    Only one received by UH so far (2 p.m.) that is for beach Lea Monkhouse. but paperwork hasn’t cleared UH compliance.
    Wade said he might not have his until tomorrow.
    Lipscomb did sign, Cathedral Catholic. See picture above.

  21. islandman November 9, 2016 4:33 pm

    Article today said Castillo was in the projected starting lineup in Tuesday’s practice and Dave said “we’ve got to get something out of that position. That one position can go back and forth.” I thought that Natasha was doing a very good job in the games.

  22. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 6:47 pm

    21. don’t shoot the messenger.
    Burns has progressed but still is a work in progress. only thing holding Castillo back has been her injury.
    Top 25 scores
    1) Nebraska def. Iowa 25-14, 25-18, 26-24
    5) Texas def. Baylor 25-23, 26-24, 25-16
    15) Michigan State def. Purdue 30-28, 25-22, 25-19
    17) Michigan def. Indiana 25-17, 25-22, 25-22
    24) Kentucky def. Arkansas 25-21, 25-17, 25-19

  23. Bleachercoach November 9, 2016 6:48 pm

    Hey Everyone! If you have a chance go to the Big West Volleyball Conference site
    and they have a very nice piece of video of Kendra Koelsch , ” The Ultimate Teammate”…It is players like this as well as Tayler Higgins that I really admire the most. If the youth and young adults of today could have that type of “ATTITUDE” in athletics and life, we would make this world a better place regardless who and who is not the President of America….

  24. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 6:52 pm

    had a nice chat with Warrior commit Gage Worsley tonight. he’s very excited about being reunited with his brother Joe. in 2017-18. came down between UCLA and UH.

  25. Cindy Luis November 9, 2016 6:54 pm

    23 meant to mention that
    link is

  26. Maverick November 9, 2016 8:12 pm

    Here is an up close photo of Lipscomb signing her NLI:

  27. Maverick November 9, 2016 8:15 pm

    Sophia Howling signing her NLI…

  28. Maverick November 9, 2016 8:32 pm

    24. I remember a time when UCLA got Hawaii’s best volleyball recruits. Glad to see Charlie has turned that around, at least in this case.

  29. Ron November 9, 2016 9:13 pm

    The financial package the prospective player receives is very important in landing a recruit. This is where Wade is a genius. He doesn’t have much money to spread around but he gets good players to come here anyway. Cindy, your high school has produced a lot of famous athletes as I am sure you are aware.

  30. turfwar November 9, 2016 11:32 pm

    Mahalo Maverick for posting the links. Great to know 2 of the 3 have signed. Howling looks taller than 6’2″ in her hilight videos as does Skyler Williams. Wouldn’t be surprised if one or both show up at a solid 6’3″ or more. And Lipscomb will add much needed firepower at maybe the opp position. But seriously she also needs to bring proof of prior modeling jobs before she gets here as proof she did some work prior to being a Wahine or NCAA won’t let her take jobs she will surely get offers for. She is stunning. Have worked with some previous UH athletes and it gets tricky if they get modeling offers while they are a UH athlete unless they can prove they modeled prior to being a Bow.

  31. turfwar November 9, 2016 11:37 pm

    Also heard that Iolani’s 6’9″ MB Hugh Hogland has chosen to play hoops at UCSB. A great school and he will be able to play at home once a year. Good luck to him. He’s a great kid. Was hoping to see him play volleyball but basketball scholies are full rides so can’t argue with that.

  32. Maverick November 9, 2016 11:43 pm

    Wonder if UH tried to recruit Hogland. If he is good, would have liked to see UH keep him home.

  33. turfwar November 9, 2016 11:55 pm

    They did but not hard. Don’t think they had much left to offer scholie wise.

  34. warriorfan November 9, 2016 11:59 pm

    Sophia, Shaney and Skyler look really quick, I am excited about how they will develop under Shoji, he does wonders with quick under the radar middles like we have seen with Maglio.

    I have seen videos of Skyler and she can also hit on the left and she gets up high too.

    31. Is Hogland giving up volleyball for good or will he play at UCSB.
    I would have liked uh to get him but UH is set at opposite it seems for the next four years.
    UH basketball only one scholarship to give, waiting for the NCAA to give them back more.

  35. Hapaguy November 10, 2016 12:44 am

    I’ve been watching youtube videos of the three recruits and I think that Shaney will be able to help us sooner. She’s got good footwork, runs the slide really well and hits a pretty heavy ball. I also love the way she celebrates!

  36. Ron November 10, 2016 5:19 am

    I know it is a little sexist, but Rolo should use the above videos for recruiting football players to UH.

  37. PBnJz November 10, 2016 7:04 am

    Hey, Ron…it’s either sexist or it isn’t…that’s like someone’s “a little” pregnant! Trump’s attitude about women already being copied?!?

  38. Ron November 10, 2016 7:32 am

    I apologize, OBnJz, it was not funny in the context of the National set-back for women and minorities.

  39. tako November 10, 2016 9:58 am

    Who won the Mexican Cook off? Casey noted that it’ll be no-contest, however, that has yet to be announced.

    Looks like only two LOIs so far. Let’s hope the Skyler’s is on its way. Not sure about the walk-ons though.

  40. Maverick November 10, 2016 11:07 am

    The walk on from Oregon recently tweeted that she couldn’t wait to get to Hawaii. Don’t know about the other.

  41. tako November 10, 2016 11:40 am

    The possibilities of tomorrow: Natasha and Casey as MBs, Mags, Sibley and Granato/Kalei as OHs and Noreen as setter. Howling and Williams as understudies at MB, think Howling will emerge earlier than Williams. Kendra, Lipscomb and Ross as understudies at OHs. Setters and Defensive Specialists including Libero positions look solid. Who knows, leapers like Ross and Gong may prove as dark horses, especially, when weight training increases their vertical.

    And, may the force be with us and the unknown 3rd walk-on may be the “biggest” surprise; you never know, so far mum is the word. So many invited walk-ons these past two years, or am I just imagining??

    Of course, all this after the Wahine make the final four this year. The future’s line up will be all anti-climatic…to this year’s achievement. -Go Wahine

  42. Duster November 10, 2016 11:52 am

    Wahine Volleyball signees – here’s UHAD’s presser:

  43. Cindy Luis November 10, 2016 12:17 pm

    new thread up with the links as well

    and thanks for the apology, Ron. Election stuff still too too raw. Dealt with too many guys with his attitude during my career.
    Uni/Cathedral has had a lot of great athletes including Steve Dunning, Phil Mickelson …. My classmate was Cameron Crowe.

    as for the other walk-on. Janelle Gong, Sibley’s teammate. Gage Worsley, who is also out of Campolindo, said she was a very nice girl and good player.
    Worsley and Gong will be at UCD.

    as for the cookoff, it will be subjective Jeff Hall said it was great but this time he limited himself to 8 tacos instead of 12 because of the other food.

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