Warriors practice at Pauley, Thurlby at UCLA


Warriors having a spirited practice in Pauley Friday evening. They had a short film session then took the court.

Former UH setter Cayley Thurlby, who has several positions the UCLA athletic office, stayed to help the Warriors get settled in, taking them from film to the pavilion. She is doing well, one year away from getting a pension through UC.

Also ran into Mike Sealy and had a nice chat with Micah Ma’a. The UCLA student manager is from Kauai, Kainani Otsuji. In the usual small world, I know her father Marvin through sailing canoes.


  1. rabbit ears April 15, 2016 7:03 pm

    Thurlby getting a pension. How time flies. Good luck to her. One of my favorite wahines.

  2. rayson April 15, 2016 10:03 pm

    It’s been 10 years since Thurlby’s been an active Wahine. I feel so old now.

  3. Uncle Fester April 16, 2016 6:39 am

    Pension for what? She’s too young to retire; did she get injured?

  4. Big Island VB fan April 16, 2016 12:16 pm

    You said it, time flies! I vividly remember the day she was born (though I didn’t know her then) since she shared my birthday in the 1984 Olympics, the day of the Mary Decker-Slaney tumble (tripped by a South African runner). That was such a spoiler. Gosh, Thurlby will only be 32 this year and then next year, she will be on pension! That is awfully young. I don’t think she’ll want to work as assistant setter coach here.

  5. Cindy Luis April 16, 2016 3:16 pm

    3. as mentioned, she has one more year before she can receive a pension from the UC system.
    you are really reading more into this. Basically it means she’s vested. she’s not retiring.

    new thread up


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