Spieler into E90 finals, Takai passes away
Spieler has made the Top 10 finalists
Voting open through 2 p.m. Thursday HST
Announcement on Friday
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Very sad to hear about Mark Takai’s passing today. A really good guy.
Do you remember him wanting a UH mascot so badly that he dressed up as the ‘Marshmallow Man” at one football game?
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condolence to Rep Takai family. Very shocking sad news.
May God Bless Mark Takai and family. You will be missed.
I hope Kaaihue takes down her “cancer free” signs out of respect for Mark Takai.
I also hope Kaaihue tells her supporter to stop waving the sign from the overpass over the H1 freeway. Distracting and dangerous for our drivers…be smart and considerate.
agree with sign waving from the overpasses. and everywhere else. Very distracting. And we’ll have months more of it.
It did seem quick. He announced he had cancer 9 months ago. Only 49.
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