Warrior Beat: Curran update

Representatives for sportscaster Bobby Curran (left, with color analyst John Veneri) have been told he will not face criminal charges for an altercation with his son last week. / Photo by Stephen Tsai
Representatives for Bobby Curran have been assured that UH’s radio play-by-play announcer will not be charged over an incident that occurred last week.
Curran, 63, was arrested following a confrontation with his 15-year-old son. His attorney termed it as an argument that escalated into a wrestling match. There were no reported serious injuries.
Curran said he will discuss the matter at 7:30 a.m. Thursday during his daily radio show on KKEA 1420-AM.
Curran, who has been on vacation for more than a week, did not announce the past Saturday’s basketball game between UH and Alabama A&M.
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Good news for Bobby and others. What was the dangerous instrument ? The hands and arms ?
Happy New Year everyone. Now it’s time to await more football recruiting news and the start of Wahine Softball.
Tough to be a public figure. Exposed with any small/medium/big thing. Hope that all is resolved in the Curran household.
I like Bobby Curran, I’m glad he and his attorney’s are being forthcoming about the situation. I pray that he and his family will be able to resolve this matter where it belongs – in private.
Happy New Year to all!
Happy New Year, everyone!
Glad for Bobby Curran. In a father – teenage son confrontation, sympathy usually goes to the parent in my generation.
Good news. I pray that everything is resolved for him and his family. As a father, I know my son can and has pushed my buttons a few times and you just have to chillax before you react….chat later…and apologize on both sides for letting things get out of hand. His son will be a father one day and this is a lesson learned for all involved.
Everyone, including sports fans, will rally around and support Bobby and his family. Let’s all look forward to a great new year.
Heck in school we used to get the “Bells”, “the Drum”, and the “whistle”. Just imagine what they might be. Typical local style old school discipline. Most of us turned out ok. This friend of mine got whacked so hard on his hand in school that he needed surgery to repair ligaments. He could never bend some of his fingers the rest of his life. He just shrugged it off. He became a successful designer/contractor/builder.
I like Bobby Curran, and I hope all turns out ok. This is a family matter, and it should be handled internally within the Curran household. Too bad this information got out, but such is the world we live in now. I don’t know the facts, but I’m sure this is out of character for Bobby. Best wishes to the Curran family. And Happy 2019 to all!
An argument that turned into a wrestling match? … Oooookaaaay
What happened to the dangerous instrument that was initially reported? Oh, are we talking about an old school WWF wrestling match?
Not sure why its necessary to try and help clear his name here.
If you’re any public figure, how do you ever recover from something like this? The Prosecutor’s office can decline to prosecute, but I’m not sure if his spouse and kids will ever forgive or get over this. Only time will tell if all is forgiven. I have formed my opinion but will keep an open mind till he speaks on Thursday. However, I wish the victim also has an opportunity to speak too. Like most victims, they may not share the same opinion.
Even he addresses the issue., how do we know he will speak the truth? He could be putting his own “spin” on the situation to save his job.
I think the only true way for Curran to regain his clean reputation back is for the cops to relaease a report clearing him of all wrongdoing. He is not going to trash his family on radio so his speech on Thursday will really not say mean much.
Not our business.
Speaking of football, a blogger mentiion3d on a 0revious blog that Hawaii should implement more swing or screen passes to neutralize a pass rush, Texas Longhorns doing this effectively.
I want to share this song. It’s called “I Love My Dad” by Sun Kil Moon. The name of the songwriter is Mark Kozelek. Kozelek writes very autobiographical lyrics. Nobody knows what happened between father and son. It’s really none of our business. Maybe so, or maybe not, these lyrics are apropos.
“When I was young my father taught me not to gloat/If I came home too proud of myself I got wrestled to the floor and choked/But I forgive him for that/He was an eighth grade drop-out and I was being a brat/I forgive him, I do/I know that he loves me and he knows I love him too”
The point is, if what went down wasn’t too serious, both father and son will patch things up, and be forever bonded by the embarrassment of their conflict going public. Hopefully, when we get the full story, this will be much ado about nothing.
Bobby Curran is an established and somewhat esteemed “voice” locally. I think he needs to address his “family problem” in order to move on. Should be interesting. I’m sure it is not as big a deal as it was initially let on to have been.
He is very opinionated and critical (albeit usually reflecting the popular opinion most times) in certain designed segments of his show and may come across as a little haughty to some. He does play by play in this similar way as well (my opinion) and I know it annoys several on this board. I think this may change him a little (more humility maybe) so there may be an adjustment to his method. We’ll see. Could make him better than before.
Josh Pacheco filled in nicely in the morning show. Josh was pretty good on play by play as well but Portnoy doesn’t have the comfort level with him so was clunky little bit. But Curran is still the established drive time voice (for sports) right now. Good luck to him. His family as well.
This goes in the category as none of our business.
Assaulting your spouse will get you fired. Assaulting your kid can be spun into parenting. BC has to take 100% blame on Thursday and all can be forgotten.
this issue is being white-washed by HPD and SA. no matter what, a parent should not abuse their children. regardless if the child did not want to press charges, the prosecutors could bring charges. sure it was a personal matter but he is a public figure and should know that he should act properly and not do stupid things.
Good excuse for UH and 1420 to clean the radio house. Never thought that Kekaula would sound more intelligent than someone, but Curran is awful on the mike.
It amazes me how many posters suggests this should be kept private, within the family. Sorry, but that is the exact behavior that leads to more violence. Unless it was self-defense, this is an indicator of trouble to come.
I don’t understand why you feel the need to report on this (someones personal business), but you won’t let us know that John Ursua hurt his hamstring during practice on Tuesday before the Hawaii Bowl until after the game or that Cole McDonald isn’t going to play against Wyoming. I understand that the coaches might want to keep it a secret, but isn’t reporting to the public about the team your job? I’m sure Bobby Curran didn’t want the news of him being arrested for giving his son lickins to make it onto this blog either. I think we are the only fans in the nation who don’t know that their best player is injured the week of the bowl game and that is pathetic…then we wonder why the UH fanbase is so low.
#15 – get rid of Portnoy too. He needs to decide if he wants to be a regent or do color.
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