Pride Rock is real
Good news and bad news.
First the bad news. Security is pretty lax at the University of Hawaii athletic department. A couple of people were able to sneak into the offices late last night without a key or any burglary skills.
The good news is they didn’t take anything. They left something.
It’s a big green rock, with the “H” logo, left along with a note for the UH football coaches.
Pride Rock is no longer just something borrowed from a cartoon movie. It actually exists in a literal form.
Maybe Nick Rolovich — who started the whole Pride Rock thing with his intro speech when he became head coach — can figure out a way to turn this gift into a tradition for the Rainbow Warriors, like how the Clemson players slap their rock on the way to the field.
Many traditions in college football. Emotional stir tangible symbol of a war cry or chant. Would love to see large crowd at stadium alternating the chant—Pride—-Rock. . . .
Hopefully no one will need to be reminded … “Please do not bring rocks to the stadium!”
DR: I thought Pride Rock was Diamond Head since you can see it from campus. Plus, you can climb to the summit like a right of passage. I can see the seniors going to the top to take a picture after the season…
I’m not sure you actually say what it is or what it means, other than referencing it to a cartoon or a speech by a coach.
(For those of us who don’t follow sports religiously) 🙂
From the Lion King. If you’re not familiar with the movie you can learn about it by inputting “pride rock” and “Lion King” on your favorite search engine. Add “Rolovich” and you will likely find some stories about his speech where he referenced it.
So, where’s the portable “mini me pride rock?” for the fans to carry around with dem?