The ‘oops’ defense
We’re all human.
We all do stupid things — mostly inadvertently, sometimes intentionally.
Oregon State got busted doing a not-so-cool thing. For a civilized society to exist, there has to be some order. The rules of being a dude include: 1) Don’t pass gas in my car. 2) Don’t touch the fries on my plate. 3) Don’t send recruiting brochures to my players.
When caught, the Dude Book offers two options: Lie or cry.
Politicians, celebrities, co-workers, the Target cashier … they fudge all the time when they err.
“My Twitter account was hacked.”
“I didn’t cut one. It was grandpa who was sleeping in the back.”
“I thought that UH linebacker was interested in our student-exchange program.”
Crying is a guilty-person’s no-contest plea. You’re not admitting to anything but … I mean, sniff, sniff, I saw a frog get run over when I was 7 and it really scarred me and … and sometimes I do things without thinking because of that dead frog and … please forgive me …”
Face it, OSU folks didn’t do something “accidentally,” unless they confused the University of Hawaii with University Lab School. Their mistake — OK, one of the mistakes — was not knowing the dorm address. Sending brochures to the student-services building is the equivalent of posting a personal comment publicly instead of sending a DM.
Confess. Don’t confess. Apologize. Don’t apologize. It doesn’t matter.
At this point, just give us an entertaining story.
I feel bad for that smooshed frog. I don’t feel bad for the dam Beavers!
Entertaining story? Hmmmm…
How about this: The dog ate their NCAA rule book?
Get ’em Rolo!
Da Punchbowl Kid:
Oooh. I think a dead beaver would have been a better analogy than a dead frog.
I don’t think the NCAA rule say’s “it’s alright if it was done by mistake.”
I think rule #1 in the dude book is don’t check out your bro’s girlfriend😬
We knew a guy who had a crush on a woman who had recently been divorced. He wanted to ask her out. But he was told that, no, local guys just don’t pounce. You have to give her time. So the guy reluctantly agreed to wait before he would ask her out.
Well … there was another guy who wasn’t from here, who didn’t know about the bruddah-bruddah rule. That guy swoops in, asks out the woman, and now they’re married.
Moral of the story: Whoops. Sorry about the advice.
I would think that a school that poaches our players (and coaches) to the degree that OSU does, would not be included on our future scheduling. If you choose to play for OSU you will never play inside Aloha Stadium in front of your friends & family again…that should be the underlying message….
Funny stuff, Stephen.
#8 — Hapaguy: I believe Oregon State plays here next year, and UH plays there in 2021. Don’t think UH is in position to turn down a home-and-home against a P5 school.
Besides, the 2019 game could be the hottest ticket of the season.
Everyone can bring their postaged stamped envelopes to wave (instead of ti leaves) at that Oregon State game.
Watch where you are biting, Beaver You don’t want a Warrior biting you by mistake, now, don’t you, Beaver?
No apologies necessary. Just the facts ma’am. Who, what, when, where, why & how. Third party investigation. Seek the truth and expose the beavers. Let lying beavers lie.
So a UH player brought the materials to Rolovich ? The student services staff is not supposed to open mail.
Any professional sports commentator that say Lebron is the greatest basket player of all time, need to take a step out of sports altogether. There’s no way he’s better than Jordan or even Kareem!
Everyone knows hawaii recruits great played. We just need to utilize them with great play calling.
Remember the Leave it to Beaver reunion movie Still the Beaver In the 1980s? Where Beaver was all grown and divorced and all back living inside (pardon the pun) his old home?
Well, I’ll never forget how, at the beginning of the movie, certain characters, that we knew and loved from those days of watching the original series—which we viewed immediately after having gotten our daily after-school day dose of Kikaida or Battle Fever, yes?—started revealing their own grown selves. There was big brother Wally, living just next door with his own family. There was June (it IS “June” isn’t it?), older, wiser, still happy.
And then. Darn it. Somehow you figured the grown up Beaver would have strolled on into that study in which he received more than a few lectures, good and bad, from the ultimate TV father figure (besides Tony Soprano. More on this in a bit), Mr. Ward Cleaver, and we would’ve thought grown Beaver would have exclaimed plainly, “hi dad,” to a greyer, similarly wiser Ward, revealing that that home sweater we always saw him in in the black and white episodes confirmed our suspicions—that it WAS a garden-variety, suburban-based nuclear family RED garment.
Not to be.
As you know, we catch the grown Beaver, instead, staring out a window, recalling one of those very lessons Ward projected to little Beaver, indeed, even a flashback to that very original black and white ep. in which that teaching of Beaver happened.
And then what does it cut to? That’s right. The funeral interning of Mr. Ward Cleaver. With the Cleavers and their new family members walking away. Color. Huddled under umbrellas. Yes. It WOULD rain on the day Ward Cleaver was buried.
Seriously the saddest moment in TV history. More than the death of Ken Olin’s character in Hill Street Blues. More than Game of Thrones Red Wedding scene. More than the last second of The Sopranos.
See ya, Beav.
Well. Any mail sent to an institution is summarily and oblgatorily opened by that institution’s mail room. I have never received a piece of mail or box sent to me at my private office (yes, I am expressing “private office” to brag that I have my own office) without that item having been opened and receive-stamped by mailroom.
Don’t you work/didn’t you work before, man?
I worked man. If the mail was addressed to me at my workplace, it was not opened by someone else. It was routed to me to open.
did players bring this to rolo or was the mail directed and opened by the athletic department?
Why does it matter who opened the mail, the point is it is still a no no to poach signed athletes.
what players were the letters directed to?
Was something going on with part of old staff? WaS IT PART OF THE REBELLION? Wow! Big scandal!! That’s what happens when the team loses too many games.
Wonder if any of the players were from American Samoa….. Hmmmm?
BTW, doubt if he played a role because he was a good guy slighted by Chow and left, but former Warrior LB Kendrick Van Ackerman is now a GA at OSU.
Any business address, in this case the University of Hawaii, is owned by the business and ANY mail sent to the address can be opened by the address owner.
Yeah, I kinda think they were targeting a freshman like Blessman Ta’ala from American Samoa.
Great Morning All!
Gee Ward….weren’t you a little hard on the Beaver last night?
😯 😆 😈
As Vonnegut once said…
Wide open Beavers!
😎 heheheh
“Breakfast of Champions”
Come on SandBows!
Beat da UCLAns!
This was the last chance in this century at least.
So maybe the keiki of today will end up seeing happen with their grandkids.
Thank you.
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