One of the good guys — former UH cornerback Kenny Patton — is putting on the Aloha4Puna Speed Clinic this Sunday at Radford High’s gym.
The speed and agility clinic is open to boys and girls ages 6-12. The clinic is from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
Participation fee is $30, but all the money will be used to purchase food for the Puna community affected by the volcanic activity.
Patton said he trains several athletes who are from the Big Island. He said his wife also has family living in the affected area.
To register, go to:
Or show up at the event.
Donations also are being accepted at the event.
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Ekahi, Ichi, Uno, why am I First?
Elua, Ni, Dos, very late post so I am Second too
and still Not a Robot
ST adds MBB to his already full plate!
With August not too far down the road (75) days, feeling very optimistic regarding the fortunes of the Warrior football success. Now I’m not one to make predictions but to me there is no doubt they will be high energy and competitive. The import of some dozen and a half newcomers many of whom will immediately make the two deep roster, the product that’s heads to CSU will not even resemble the “spring version”. Many players held out in spring for good reasons will also become available. It is my opinion that this staff is the most experienced capable group assembled in a very long time-The naysayers and or the pessimists can do all the analysis they want, the preseason rankings will be what they will be, but I truly believe we may see some of the best competitive efforts on both sides of the ball. I’m sure we will take some licks, everybody does at one time or another but I kinda think this may be a positive corner turning year!!!! GoWarriors!!!!!
That’s overwork. And to those that said this is only a football blog (plus baseball), add basketball.
Steven, with all of the responsibility that has been added to your plate, I hope there is increased compensation for you. You are definitely deserving of a pay raise. Love the way you cover the different teams.
All those duties plus being the “whack a”.
There is no rest for the wicked, the wickedly talented that is….
Stephen does a wonderful job with his football reporting… good that SA wants him to do the same great job with other sports. Would have been better if the other sportswriters get up to his level so you would have a staff full of great wtiters instead of making Tsai do all the work.
I’m sure he will do a great job at whatever sports he will be covering. Hope he will have time to enjoy life instead of work, work, and work some more.
Good Luck Stephen
Surprise !!! There is at least one other writer on the SA staff. (part time?)
Oregon State submitting secondary violation notice to NCAA over mailings to Hawaii football players.
Lame excuse.
see SA.
Said it before, Imma say it again: Stephen Tsai is the hardest working man in sports media in this town! Passion, diligence and talent, that’s the Tsai-rah! Ask the robots – they’ll agree!
Stephen, you know how contact me for payment.
ST, all in for you, but please heed the warnings of your health! Cover yourself dude!
That being said, I hope they are sending you down under!!! Hey, we want all the details live! Right?
“Beaver cleric made an error! Dam it!
Hate it when that happens.”
“Okay, move along Hawaii. Nothing to see here.”
Wonder how often this has happened at other schools-wonder if there was an error regarding any other schools? Clerical error-isolated incident ………only Hawaii? My butt!!!
Somebody spank that Beaver alreadies! So vicious no? Spank-spank beaver-beaver 🤗
You know if that Oregon team went to Australia like how our Warriors will be doing, well, I guess you could say the Beaver is there down under!
The Titans dropped their last two conference games.
Hawaii’s season is still alive, albeit on life support.
Still mathematically in it.
Another loss against CSUN will make things interesting.
New post: