BWC Title Match: SandBows win Hawaii 4, Long Beach State 1
not sure what happened to my original post but
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not sure what happened to my original post but
aboves is link to live stats.
Hawaii wins Set 1 on all five courts
1. 21-18. 2. 21-12. 21-16. 4. 21-15. 5. 23-21.
Hawaii takes the 1st set on all 5 courts!!!
Hawaii wins dual with wins at Flits 1-2-4
Hawaii up 4-0. Flight 5 going to 3
Zalopany and Dreeuws, 23-21, 19-21, 15-13
Go bows !!!!!!
Until this season, hawaii had never swept the 49ers. They’ve done it twice this year.
next match is Cal Poly-Bakersfield. winner plays the Beach at noon. That winner moves on to play Hawaii at 1 p.m. if SandBows lose, deciding match at 3 p.m.
Looking forward to a possible Cal Poly match-up in the final(s), if the Mustangs rein in the Roadrunners and 49ers.
The Beach and Poly in the losers bracket final
Live stats above
Beach up 2-0 on Poly. the other 3 are in the third set.
Beach clinched dual at 3-0. with win at 5.
49ers win match 4-1. play Hawaii in 130
Looks like Polys season is done… Unless the committee does what it did to the Hawaii men’s team… Would have loved to have seen Hawaii match up against Cal Poly… Go bows !
live stats for uh-beach
Flight 3 wins 21-17, 21-13.
Going to a 3 Flight 5
going to a 3 in Flight 1 and 2
Hawaii up 2-0 with win at Flight 5
UH wins dual with win at Flt 2
Congrats to the Wahine Sandbows!
Maglio-Schucht see their winning streak ended at 25 with 2-1 loss in Flight 1
Will be interesting to see how the committee treats Cal Poly and LBSU for an at-large. I think Cal Poly’s chances look dicier, LBSU has made a stronger case, and overall, the odds of an East coast at-large may have been helped. May depend on who they give the East Region bids to, and which East region team is remaining under consideration for the at-large. FIU over both Cal Poly and LBSU? Given the Men’s committee precedent, any SWAG seems within the realm of possibility.
As expected congrats wahine,
Pairs tourney tomorrow will be pretty meaningless.
When does the ncaa tournament begin friday?
23. Pairs tournament was never meant to mean anything. IT’s a fun thing for the players.
NCAA tourney Fri=Sun in Alabama
Congratulations, great season for SandBows. Next stop Alabama. Play hard do your best.
Very young team,next season should be good.
-25 our team has a good mix of seniors and underclassmen. They are gunning for a national championship this year.
21. Wasn’t their streak 25 wins. A tall order at the #1 position in any case.
22. It will be interesting because you have to think for parity they would want to award an East team an at-large bid.
Does anyone know who makes up the committee and does it have equal representation of East and West representatives?
Would love to see this team win a National Championship.
Noblesol, what do you think Hawai’i’s chances are at getting a number 2 seed for the tournament over Pepperdine?
Have to win it this year shucht and mags ,kan and weaver, are huge losses.
27. 50/50 on the #2 seed.
I think the BWCT helped Hawai’i more then the WCCT helped Pepperdine. But the pre-Champ doesn’t define tie-breaker criteria, and lots of ‘body of work’ criteria factors go unmentioned and undefined such as treatment of SigWins/Losses, or how they evaluate the CommonOpp criteria, or how they calculate SoS. It’s assumed that H2H, SoS, CommonOpp, then Record are evaluated in that order of priority, but the pre-Champ manual doesn’t say and goes out of its way not to say, leaving it up to the committee apparently.
– We know H2H is a push. They didn’t play each other.
– SoS probably goes to Pepperdine, as they appear to have played fewer weak teams and fewer teams that scheduled weakly. The exact algorithm the committee uses isn’t published.
– CommonOpp. There are different ways of evaluating, and the pre-Champ doesn’t define. Mid-season I had it a push.
– Record (Region and Overall) I think the edge goes to Hawai’i, but it depends on if/how they use and define SigWins/Losses. They have lots of gray area to work with and do as they like.
The recent men’s precedent ignored H2H, SoS, RPI and focused on multiple components of Record and added up all those multiple components as if they were each a primary criteria, then referred to ‘holistic’ and ‘body of work’ factors. If the Beach committee goes that route, then they’ll define things in their data that no one had access to or knowledge of before or during the season, in order to achieve a result they won’t be required to explain, have reviewed, or be held accountable for.
On the positive side, seeding is less of a factor this year, as there isn’t a dominate team, they are all pretty close. UCLA and Hawai’i/Pepperdine are 1, 2/3, and there will likely be nothing to argue about re the order of #2 and #3 between Hawai’i and Pepperdine.
27. thanks. was typing quickly at the beach and didn’t notice the mistake. Streak was 25
There is no justification for the east to get an at-large. The strength has been in the west this season.
28. huge losses but they are very deep at returnees and incoming players
29. agree. 50-50. Hall hoping for 2 but more realistic about 3.
new thread up for Sunday