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Highlights from UH AD Ben Jay’s talk at Downtown Athletic Club

By Dave Reardon on February 6, 2013

On what some consider an impossible job: “I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t think it was great.” On the fallout of the Wonder Blunder: “I’ve read everything. … There isn’t anything there that isn’t correctible. … They’re teachable moments. … We’re moving forward.” On competing while meeting compliance standards: “We’re going to win and we’re going to win well. … We’re going to do the right thing.” He said there are three words he says he lives by: […]

At least one big hurdle for Army-Navy game here

By Dave Reardon on February 5, 2013

Mahalo to Adm. Cecil Haney and his staff for hosting us for lunch at his home at Pearl Harbor. Adm. Haney is the commander of the United State Pacific Fleet. I was honored to be among about a dozen local media members invited to the gathering. He laughed good-naturedly when I asked about the possibility of Hawaii hosting the Army-Navy football game sometime. Haney said it is an interesting idea but one obvious logistics problem quickly came to mind for […]