Soares’ UH career will officially end

Linebacker Blaze Soares said he will sign a contract with agent Wynn Silberman tomorrow, effectively ending his UH career.

Soares had a slim-to-none chance of appealing the NCAA for an exemption that would allow him to play for the Warriors next next season. Instead, after consulting with several friends and family members, Soares opted to apply for the NFL draft.

“I’m ready to start the next chapter in my life,” Soares said.

* * * * *

From   today through Jan. 1, 2010, NCAA football is in the “dead period” for recruiting. According to the NCAA, for a prospect during the dead period:

The college coach may not have any in-person contact with you or your parents at any time in the dead period. The coach may write and telephone you or your parents during this time.

The exception is:

Institutional staff members may be contact with a prospective student-athlete who has been admitted for midyear enrollment, provided the prospect has signed a National Letter of Intent or other offer of admission and/or financial aid to attend the institution and is required to be on campus to attend institutional orientation sessions for all students.

* * * * *

Want to be a graduate assistant with the Warriors? Tomorrow is the application deadline, we’re told.


  1. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 8:49 am


  2. WarriorMojo December 21, 2009 8:50 am

    Warrior fan for LIFE!

  3. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 8:51 am

    Is it my eyes.. or is that last line regarding the graduate assistant job in smaller print?

  4. chawan_cut December 21, 2009 8:53 am


  5. A-House December 21, 2009 8:54 am

    so, ST, with the dead period, can we still expect announcements of recruits for 2010?

    it would lighten up a “down” period for Warrior football.

  6. A-House December 21, 2009 8:55 am


    same thought crossed my mind – am I seeing this correct?

    maybe ST doesn’t want any one else applying for the positions!

  7. koakane™ December 21, 2009 8:56 am

    good morning and top ten babe

  8. d1島 December 21, 2009 8:57 am

    (repeating from the last post)


    Lower lots open at 10:00 am. Main lot opens at 11:00 am.
    Turnstiles open at 12:00 pm.
    People may start leaving the stadium at 12:01 pm.

    From da “Wow! Laulau” Dept.:

    Gate 1: Parking in Sections 1-7 are for PASSES ONLY.
    Gate 2: Parking in Sections 8-14 are for Public Parking.

  9. d1島 December 21, 2009 8:58 am

    Oh, btw, Top Ten!

  10. BleedGreen808 December 21, 2009 8:58 am

    Ohayo Gozaimasu Tsaikos!

  11. Stephen Tsai December 21, 2009 8:58 am

    Yes, it’s an eye chart.
    It gets smaller at the bottom.
    Actually, I’m not sure why it’s smaller.
    OK, I’ll be making ticket deliveries again today. I’ll call you once I figure out my daughter’s student loan. OK, I guess it’s going to become my student loan.

  12. curveball December 21, 2009 8:59 am

    Good Morning and thanks to all involved for the tickets…

  13. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:00 am

    People may start leaving the stadium at 12:01 pm.

    Huh? But da game no start till 3, I thought?

  14. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:01 am

    Bleed Green…

    What’s that? You selling Gozas?

  15. Da Punchbowl Kid December 21, 2009 9:03 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂

    The dead zone is any time there are no more UH Football games, IMHO.

  16. d1島 December 21, 2009 9:04 am



    My own commentary.

  17. d1島 December 21, 2009 9:06 am

    …only for those from O-ha-yo!

  18. d1島 December 21, 2009 9:08 am

    Congratulations curveball!

  19. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:14 am

    Ugh… I gotta drop some stuff off at the post office today…wish it was a ‘dead period’ there.

  20. (Jesse)James December 21, 2009 9:17 am

    Good morning Tsaikos….

    Hope all is well and everyone is enjoying the holidays.

    Just wanted to ask again for everyone to keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers as she finally heads into surgery today at 1 p.m. (hopefully they won’t postpone again).

    Thanks for all your love and friendship over the past few years. You guys are totally awesome.

    On my way to the hospital…hope to have good news for you guys later this afternoon.

  21. al December 21, 2009 9:23 am

    prayers are with you and your mom.

  22. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:24 am

    Take care (J)J…

    Prayers and thoughts for your mom for a successful surgery and quick recovery.

  23. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:36 am

    Taking one’s mom to the hospital certainly puts my trip to the post office in perspective.

  24. Colomaohana December 21, 2009 9:45 am


    Morning, gang!

  25. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:46 am

    I think the dead period was created to promote Basketball ticket sales during its pre-season.

  26. A-House December 21, 2009 9:52 am


    Successfuly surgery and speedy/full recovery for your Mom!!

  27. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:52 am

    Feb 3, 2010… seems like the distant future. So many things can happen between then and now. Hope our recruits stand firm on their commitments.

  28. LizKauai December 21, 2009 9:58 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka,

    Hugs to (J)J and prayers for Mom.
    We are all in His Hands!

    Have a GREAT day, erryone!

  29. d1島 December 21, 2009 9:58 am


    Will keep you in my thoughts. Best wishes.

  30. Manoa Mist December 21, 2009 10:12 am

    Good thoughts for your mom JJ…

  31. Slugger December 21, 2009 10:32 am

    Prayers for your Mom’s successful surgery today.

  32. Garret December 21, 2009 10:46 am


    I hope that everything goes well with your Mom’s surgery today.

  33. Garret December 21, 2009 10:49 am

    I think the dead period was created to promote Basketball ticket sales during its pre-season.

    The dead period is due to the bowl season, where teams are on very different schedules and coaches need to be able to focus on the games instead of recruiting.

    When they started the dead season rules the fans knew nothing about this early stage in recruiting and it really doesn’t affect basketball ticket sales. Even now it does not affect basketball ticket sales if they have a dead period or not.

  34. Pride. December 21, 2009 11:15 am

    Prayers for your mom Jamie.

  35. A-House December 21, 2009 11:26 am

    Welcom home to wafan and TChahng!!!

    And, Izzy will be on his way soon!

  36. g-nalo December 21, 2009 11:39 am

    j/j – prayers are with you and your mom.

    “The coach may write and telephone you or your parents during this time.”

    there IS a difference between talking and talking in person, but for this ‘dead period’ only, is it a big difference? shouldn’t they just make it no contact completely but keep the exception?

    hello everyone, long time!

  37. Kekoa December 21, 2009 11:46 am

    Cheerful thoughts to you this Holiday season (J)J. Bless you for being there for your mom. Our prayers are with you.

  38. Kekoa December 21, 2009 11:53 am

    g-nalo ~ Save your phone call. We are not entertaining any offers at this time. We are closer to the dead zone than you think.

  39. RedZone December 21, 2009 11:53 am

    Wasn’t there a coach who used to call a recruit and tell him to look out the front window of his house then would drive by waving from his car during this period?

    My best to JJs mom.

  40. RedZone December 21, 2009 11:55 am

    Does the smaller print about the graduate assistant announcement mean that they already have someone in mind for the positions?

  41. al December 21, 2009 12:29 pm

    g-nalo finally surfaces. must have been a rough vacation.
    heh, heh.

  42. Da Punchbowl Kid December 21, 2009 12:30 pm

    Prayers for your Mother JJ!

  43. Bulla December 21, 2009 12:30 pm

    prayers and good thoughts for your mom jamie 🙂

  44. Loa December 21, 2009 12:33 pm

    afternoon gang!

    thoughts and prayers for (J)J’s mom

  45. al December 21, 2009 12:45 pm

    it is funny that the dead period was created for two purposes.


    as mentioned previously so as to not give those teams not involved in bowls an unfair advantage to go hog wild recruiting while those participating in bowls are virtually rendered “helpless” because of their focused efforts surrounding the bowl games. (what a joke huh? helping the rich get richer? so you know who runs the ncaa right?)


    it was also designed to give the prospects and parents a bit of relief from the hustle that is recruiting. phone contact is limited to one call per week per recruit by each school. i am not sure just where the final issue of text messaging and email stands in the rules and regs. they did have an issue a couple of years ago regarding this.. (i am sure that one could google that info, i am too lazy.) snail mail is unlimited i believe.

    i suppose a recruit could verbally commit during this time.
    stay tuned.

  46. al December 21, 2009 12:46 pm

    there’s going to be a santa sighting tomw at central union church.

  47. al December 21, 2009 12:49 pm

    so, the day after new year’s must find a hundred or so coaches at the door steps of many a football recruit, huh?

    the weekend of jan 8,9,10 is a huge one for official visits.

  48. Don Weir December 21, 2009 12:51 pm

    Congratulations to Donald Patton who won two tickets and a inner ring parking pass to the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl.

  49. al December 21, 2009 12:53 pm

    many a coach will be squeezing their okole during the month of january as prospects will be committing and decommitting in the ensuing days.

    i’ll bet a lot sleeplessness nights, rolaids, tums, visits, calls, texts, emails, and then some fill an active coaches daily schedule. not a good time to be married with children i suppose.

    ah, fun times ahead. no doubt we could loose a recruit or two (although it already started with nixon nixing our offer) and hopefully by the same token we could get a bounce back recruit.

  50. al December 21, 2009 12:54 pm

    all right don patton!!!

    i wonder if being general patton’s grandson had anything to do with his winning?

  51. al December 21, 2009 1:07 pm

    i hope that oregon cb/s/wildcat decides that the beach at waikiki is better than the snows of moscow.

  52. A-House December 21, 2009 1:26 pm


    just a wondering – is the Oregon cb/s/wildcat not being offered by Oregon and Oregon St?

    is he down to Idaho – yuky place in the winter – and Hawaii?

  53. LizKauai December 21, 2009 1:27 pm

    Way to go, Mr. Patton! Now we know who has a fax machine at home 😆

    Thanks, Don Weir!

  54. koakane™ December 21, 2009 1:27 pm

    prayers and success to jj’s mom, may her recovery be quick. not to add to this but again I say 09 is a bad year. found out 3 more friends of mine passed this month. may the good lord take care of our family and friends.

    phew post office and fedex super crowed. gald that is over with.

    welcome home to the lost sons of the 808, chahng, wafan and latter izzy. is the ahouses planning a gathering? also congrats to the ticket winners (have a good day and boo meat june for me)

    off again so take care tsaiko’s and be nice now oh hellllloooo howwwww youuu to cohana, glad to hear gnalo recovering from his field trip (heard he only spent a week this time in queen) bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  55. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 21, 2009 1:31 pm

    Any chance that the Richardson Field/Arizona Memorial parking will be available on Thursday? We’ve got a company Christmas luncheon scheduled in Waikiki which should be finished by 2 pm.

    Back to work. By the way, mahalo to folks for explaining what HTTR means. I even went to my bookmarked Internet Lingo site and couldn’t find it.

  56. Pomai December 21, 2009 1:53 pm

    Wow I guess I’m the only one who faxed in anything. An no al I am not related to Gen. Patton, as a matter of fact he isn’t a patton at all.

    So Mr. Wier how do I collect? LOL

  57. Pomai December 21, 2009 1:54 pm

    Should be Mr. Weir sorry about that.

  58. Pomai December 21, 2009 1:55 pm

    Liz actually I don’t, did it from my computer.

  59. Garret December 21, 2009 2:00 pm

    Manley committed to NMSU?

    From what I hear, the Aggies received verbal commitments from two quarterbacks and a linebacker.

    One of the QBs is Andrew Manley, who hails from Wahiawa, Hawaii and went to Lelehua High School. According to, Manley received interest from a handful of competitive schools.

    At 6-foot-3, 220 pounds, he’s your classic drop-back, pocket passer.

  60. whitey December 21, 2009 2:05 pm

    Best wishes and speedy recovery to J(J)’s mom.

  61. d1島 December 21, 2009 2:12 pm


    inner ring parking pass to the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl.

    Catch ride? 🙂

  62. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 2:19 pm

    Yo Pomai!!!

  63. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 2:25 pm


    Hope the surgery went well.

  64. protector December 21, 2009 2:28 pm

    My thoughts & prayers are with J(J)’s mom & familly.
    Good luck to Manley, Quezada & others who went elsewhere. If and when they play against us though, I hope our D creams them good!
    Honestly, I didn’t feel Manley really wanted to play here & I don’t want any wafflers or half-committed players here anyway. And as for the OT that supposedly committed to Wyoming, good riddance (even if he was physically gifted). If a player says it’s between Wyoming & Hawaii & he has to think about it, we don’t need stupid players here. Granted they beat Fresno State & have been getting into Bowls of late, but come ON! Next to Utah, BYU, TCU they are only an after-thought.

  65. Pomai December 21, 2009 3:08 pm

    wafan check your email.

  66. tommui December 21, 2009 3:11 pm

    JJ – my best wishes and prayers go out to you and Mom.

  67. Garret December 21, 2009 3:29 pm


    Jeremy Ioane (CB, Punahou) and Hauoli Jamora (DE, Kahuku), both 3-star recruits that appear to have offers from UH, took recruiting visits to BSU this past weekend. I really don’t want *another* team trying to raid the top recruits in Hawaii, and if BSU is able to raid Hawaii for top recruits that will be even worse (to me, anyway) than if they took the Pac-10 offers they have.

  68. Okole Maluna December 21, 2009 3:32 pm

    that new commit from Skyline – John ‘Cooper’ Peller looks like a good one. It’s in his genes plus Skyline produces a lot of great athletes.

    See the Link:

    From Emerald City Kick-Off Classic

  69. Garret December 21, 2009 3:37 pm

    I agree that it looks like UH is getting several good recruits from the Washington area. That pipeline will be a great addition to UH’s recruiting efforts, and the pipeline will only get better over time if UH keeps getting good recruits from that area. Those recruits will tell their high school teammates great things about UH and be excellent recruiting hosts when UH brings in future recruits from that area.

  70. d1島 December 21, 2009 3:50 pm

    Florida St. leading Na Wahine at the half, 37-24.

    2nd pd starting now.

    Catch the internet audio, click da name

  71. d1島 December 21, 2009 3:52 pm


    Game Cast also available.

  72. d1島 December 21, 2009 3:56 pm

    Keep hearing “Easy lay-up” from the audio… 🙁

  73. d1島 December 21, 2009 3:57 pm

    9-0 run…7 minutes since UH scored. 😯


  74. Ralph December 21, 2009 3:59 pm

    redskins suck. negative yardage after one quarter, under 2 minutes of possession, and its an NFL team.

  75. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:01 pm

    Right now it’s the only offer I have, but I am excited about it.


  76. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:04 pm

    But they got a commitment from another quarterback and they asked me to grayshirt. The way the numbers are now, I could end up without a scholarship.


  77. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:04 pm

    But Ralph, dey playing an NFL team!

  78. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:06 pm

    14:25 left. UH still no mo’ mo’ points yet.


  79. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:06 pm



  80. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:07 pm

    13:31. UH scores….and 1….no


  81. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:10 pm

    Did anyone mention FSU is ranked #6?

    3 ptr by dem.


  82. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:12 pm

    10:58, left.

  83. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:13 pm

    “Funny” thing about listening to internet feed of radio broadcast is that the announcers usually forget that their mic’s are still live during commercial breaks… 👿

  84. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 4:15 pm


    Hurts to see them get beaten this way.. but it’s a good lesson for them to play a team like Florida St. If anything, they will expose every weakness that the Wahine have.. and if the Wahine hang tough… they will find all their strengths to build on, as well…

  85. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:17 pm

    8:40, left.


  86. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:19 pm


    Great…this was a “Let’s get our swagger back” game for FSU….

  87. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 4:19 pm


    Who were you quoting earlier… Manley?

  88. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:21 pm

    djmitcho comments on Twitter that Giants are making ‘Skins look like they’re playing the JV….sadly, same could be said in the WBB game 🙁

  89. Garret December 21, 2009 4:22 pm


    d1 cannot give you the direct link, but you can read the quotes here:

  90. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:22 pm



  91. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:23 pm

    Someone is *really* sad “Elvis left the building”

  92. duffer (iPhone) December 21, 2009 4:25 pm

    Hey d1
    what happened with da grumpy airline people?

  93. duffer (iPhone) December 21, 2009 4:26 pm

    Redskins look terrible. Zorn is history.

  94. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:29 pm


    Ask stretch. 😆

  95. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:30 pm

    4:38, left.


  96. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:31 pm

    The BlockFest carries over from WVB….10 blocked shots by FSU tonight!

  97. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:32 pm

    3:40 left.


  98. Slugger December 21, 2009 4:33 pm

    Congrats, Pomai!

    MsLiz must be having kittens given the Redskins play.

  99. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:33 pm

    Announcers checking if 8 points allowed this half is a record….they are comparing this to a game with Savannah State.

  100. Slugger December 21, 2009 4:34 pm


    Thanks for the Wahine updates.

  101. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:35 pm

    …that was a game from 03-04 season

  102. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:36 pm

    79-36….thankfully, FSU is running clock off now.

    2:24 left…wide open Seminole makes it 81-36…

  103. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:43 pm



    UH, 13-59 (22%) shooting
    FSU, 29-62 (47%)

  104. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:44 pm

    3-pt shooting

    3-16 (19%)
    10-15 (67%)

  105. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:45 pm

    If I was watching it live I might feel better now that the game’s over.


  106. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:49 pm

    Thankfully, CB is safe from this train wreck. 🙄

  107. d1島 December 21, 2009 4:49 pm

    WTF was that?

  108. whitey December 21, 2009 5:00 pm

    wouldn’t be surprised is zorn is fired tomorrow and the redskins get ready for the m holgren era. this will be a huge plus for cb cause there is no future for jason c in washington. he will be waived or traded.

  109. whitey December 21, 2009 5:01 pm

    is = if

  110. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 21, 2009 5:03 pm

    The Wahine getting da hurt right put on em huh?

    Is FSU like ranked 10th?

  111. whitey December 21, 2009 5:03 pm

    after this season, wouldn’t be surprised to see 3 or more NFL teams change their leadership.

  112. whitey December 21, 2009 5:06 pm

    getting lickings like the kentucky fried chicken is something that’s going to happen when the oppostion has better personnel than you, but that should not stop any coaching staff from coaching and looking for future recruits. i coach dana has the right idea and has set some reasonable goals for the wahines, but at the same time, I am sure she is looking at various recruits who can turn the program around.

  113. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 21, 2009 5:07 pm

    Is there such a thing as “playing for each other” in professional sports anymore?

  114. Ralph December 21, 2009 5:08 pm

    m holmgren is with the Cleveland franchise. Allen is with the skins, Cerrato is out. and to think the skins brought in sherman lewis to run the offense.

  115. whitey December 21, 2009 5:09 pm

    don’t know where zorn’s mentality is, but his team is getting their butts kicked, he has a chance to put up a score before half and he puts in a play which is from sandlot fb, and team gets nothing, except plenty of booooooooooos!!!!!

  116. Derek December 21, 2009 5:10 pm

    What is disturbing about the UH recruiting is that they don’t have any recruits from the state of Texas. I thought they were looking for prospects from the Lone State when they practiced at Euless, TX. I guess they were false rumors. Too bad! Good players like Mouton, Newberry, and Lewis were excellent players for the Warriors. Texas also has very good QBs. See recent story in the Sports Illustrated about the high school QBs from Texas who have played or are playing at a host of colleges all over the country. You would think we could get some offensive and defensive linemen from there.

  117. Ralph December 21, 2009 5:12 pm

    wbb got to recruit better bb players period. Coach Dana got to pick up the nuances of what a D1 player is all about. Our girls can’t shoot. Last night they shot 12 % in the first half and about 20% for the game. Hard to win games without being able to shoot and play defense.

  118. whitey December 21, 2009 5:14 pm

    dang, giants block the pat, but what else is new with the redskins.

  119. Ralph December 21, 2009 5:15 pm

    Whitey, sherman lewis is running the offense.

  120. whitey December 21, 2009 5:18 pm

    derek, you are probably correct about texas recruits. how can we not get players from blinn, especially when we got mouton and patek?? but then again, they came here because of jj and haven’t been asked for their opinions. or the warriors are limiting their jc recruiting to just the west coast.

  121. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 21, 2009 5:18 pm

    I like that. If refs get in the way… RUN EM OVER!!!!!!!!

  122. whitey December 21, 2009 5:21 pm

    ralph, and sherm lewis is an old man like me with possilbe tinges of “glory forgotten”. this game has passed him and he should just enjoy or yell like hell like us old farts.

  123. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 21, 2009 5:22 pm

    Jaws is yappin about accuracy…

    My God… 🙄

  124. OldDiver December 21, 2009 5:23 pm

    We got Mouton because it wasn’t clear he would qualify. UH took a chance on him and it paid off. It’s pretty clear we were able to get some players from Texas due to circumstances.

  125. duffer (iPhone) December 21, 2009 5:29 pm

    The Redskins are terrible. Campbell is terrible.

  126. whitey December 21, 2009 5:30 pm

    olddiver, i don’t know the circumstances about mouton’s admission, but we have an outstanding db play for us and i am sure he knows many other fb families in his area, so why not ask him for info. derek’s point about practicing in Euliss is a good example of team exposure, but not recruiting any of them. Not sure, but Euliss is always one of the top teams in the no 1 division in texas hs fb.

  127. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 21, 2009 5:31 pm

    Colt wouldn’t have overthrown that. 😎

  128. OldDiver December 21, 2009 5:31 pm

    Regarding # 117

    {Coach Dana got to pick up the nuances of what a D1 player is all about.}

    I guessing she knows exactly what a D1 player is all about. She just has not had a chance to recruit yet. This lady is smart.

  129. whitey December 21, 2009 5:38 pm

    when the announcers start talking about other things besides what is happening on the field is not good especially for the home team. when they bring up the issue of the hc and possilbe replacement, you know his days are being numbered. the NFL is not like college teams because they have the money and expect everyone to perform up to the team standards.

  130. whitey December 21, 2009 5:42 pm

    sheesh, the redskins pat attempts look like our team’s pat this past season.

  131. lefty December 21, 2009 5:45 pm

    Hey Tsaikos,
    Dont know if anyone read but Leilehua Qb Manley is going to New Mexico State. Messed up. At least NMSU sux. BTW even though I have a personal vendetta against coach Dana for charging the Aiea High school football coaches during a game, she knows what she is doing. Heck, her offense and defense actually make sense!! Unlike “give the ball to my “Son” Hiram and let him run the the Ala Wai stagnant water offense!”

  132. whitey December 21, 2009 5:45 pm

    jaws may yap a lot, but he is absolutely correct about being an NFL coach, “winning is the most important thing”.

  133. whitey December 21, 2009 5:50 pm

    wow, even in the giants-redskins game they talking about my friend the instigator. stretchy, i think they get the wrong guy.

  134. whitey December 21, 2009 5:52 pm

    lefty, manly had chance when offered, but he made his decision, so all can wis.h him is best wishes with NMSU

  135. whitey December 21, 2009 5:59 pm

    my best to blaze s on his next level of play. we going to miss you, but want to wish you the best and look forward to seeing you on sundays.

  136. CheeHoo December 21, 2009 6:01 pm

    Best of luck for Andrew Manly @ NMSU but I Hope UH can work a scholie for him.

  137. whitey December 21, 2009 6:05 pm

    looking at this year’s recruiting for 2010, i am impressed with coach mc and his staff commitments to date. there will definitely some disappointed players and fans in hawaii cause their player is not on the warrior team. i don’t know, but have a feeling that most hs players that uh was interested in were offered early, but it is not uh’s fault if the players was looking at all other offers and uh filled their needs. the number of scholies are limited and if uh fills it’s need early like this year, the only thing left for the players is walk on or grayshirt.

  138. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 6:10 pm

    Wasn’t Manley’s scholarship offer from UH a conditional one based on a time frame. Possibly a “First one to commit gets it?” If that was the case, I can see how the Coaches’ hands are tied. I’m sure inasmuch as they may want Manley, they can’t go back on their original offer and expect future recruits to take them seriously. Got to stand firm.

  139. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 6:11 pm

    Too bad, though. Manley might have ended up as another feel good walk-on story. Many of whom are fan favorites.

  140. (Jesse)James December 21, 2009 6:17 pm

    Hey Tsaikos…’s surgery was just completed…was supposed to be 2.5 hours but it went about 4.25 hours…MD said things went well and she should be okay…still concern for infection. The next 24 – 48 hours are the most important and then it will be on to probably months of rehab. The surgery is completed though.

    Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. I ask for you guys to continue to pray and keep my mom in your thoughts though.

    Whew…at least there is some relief. Thanks again. The power of prayer does work….and the power of the Tsaikos is remarkable.

  141. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 6:18 pm

    I wish Manley the best in his future. cannot blame him for overlooking UH. we get 40 qbs in waiting for next year. 😀 no kidding. and 20 mo for da year afta. plus, you gotta wait yo turn. 😀 no kidding. and you gotta try fo compete against 6 when its yo turn. 😀 no kidding. and we not recruiting Useless Tx.. no kidding. 😀

    how come I feeling like I dunno wats going on? i guess i gots to be
    Christian again. Blinn faith. 😀 no kidding.

    I can honestly say I am glad we got Coach Tormey to cover our back. He is projecting a very positive image. showing up with tangibles.


    now it may be that there is more positives going on. I really didn’t care if Manley showed up. I told you why. what I do care about is the Kahuku kicker, the North Shore biggies, and our ability to keep the best of Hawaii at home. I was reading the Rivals top 100 nationwide, and the Scout top 100 nationwide. our biggest guy was Crabbe. it is what it is. we gotta go afta da Crabbe. make him a Blaze. pretty please. :mrgreen:

  142. tommui December 21, 2009 6:22 pm

    JJ – glad to hear the operation went well. Prayers for her …

  143. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 6:23 pm


    positive thoughts for your mom.

  144. whitey December 21, 2009 6:24 pm

    j(j) great news and when you see her, wish her a merry, merry christmas.

  145. whitey December 21, 2009 6:25 pm

    bhf2, did your “boss” come back to work with much kala????

  146. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 6:25 pm

    So good to hear that your mom’s operation went well… the waiting must have felt like the hardest work you’ve done in years. Will keep her in our thoughts.

  147. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 6:28 pm

    RE: Manley…

    If I were a gifted QB.. I’d want to go where I could learn the most about my position and have the best shot at getting myself ready for the next level. Competition is only natural. And, if you can’t beat out the competition in your own team… better make sure your academics are in order.

  148. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 6:28 pm


    i’m gonna give you all a threat of a treat. to enter the contest, all you gotta post is:

    ” I wanna help Big Hilo out on his journey to show up at JJ’s game, give him a tix so he can sit wit me at the game 12/24.”

    da wife’ll be picking the winner tonight. okay, maybe tomorrow nite if we no mo contestants tonite. :mrgreen: extra bonus points: you get free beer if you pick me up at da airport. 😆

  149. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 6:30 pm

    don’t rush. don’t rush.

    😀 😆 :mrgreen:

  150. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 6:31 pm


    is this a ncaa violation? 😆

  151. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 6:38 pm

    ok ok. i get the hint. 😆 awfully quiet alla sudden. :mrgeen:

  152. whitey December 21, 2009 6:52 pm

    bhf2, i would gladly give you the tickets, but unfortunately I neva win any. Maybe Santa get some in his bag.

  153. whitey December 21, 2009 6:53 pm

    bhf2, one thing tho, your heart is in the right place.

  154. A-House December 21, 2009 6:55 pm

    there is an unsettling feeling in A-House’s mind this part of the recruiting process – too many things are hanging – we don’t know exactly what the Coaches are doing ( by the way, dummy, who said you must know all the itty biddy facts ) – ST is suddenly silent and so is “al”, my self appointed guru of all gurus –

    Manley just missed the boat to Hawaii and now must take his lumps at NaMasu!

    I guess it’s only natural that Boise St offers recruiting trips to Hawaii athletes – but, would you want to go to Bosie St? – dang, last player was the one from Molokai, who came to UH for one year and then transferred – now playing for the Steelers ( still yet? )

    speaking of Molokai, remembered what Psyco and Mento said about Peter Pale – the biggest Filipino they ever saw! and Tevita Sangopolu(sp) – he da man, no fuss around with him, give him all the space he wants – to bad so many injuries cut his career short and had only a brief playing career with UH – built like a 55 gal drum and powerful as heck!!!

  155. lefty December 21, 2009 7:02 pm

    Manley going to NMSU is better than Boise St. I HATE BOISE!!!!! THERE IS NOTHING THERE!!! I remember I went on a road trip across Canada and Washington and we had to go through Idaho to get back. There was nothing there…just remember my Dad saying there were a lot of white supremacists there and that for some reason we drove really fast through Idaho. lol.

  156. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 7:06 pm

    so i wanna tell you, parent to parent, good luck to your boy. If he no like go UH, and he’s one of several of your boys who neva like go UH, then my advice to him is, go da someplace else. stop making me druul because of you. go find his own way in life. amen.

    i mean dat, totally. i’m not a poor sport. i just no like waste my time wishing for somebody who no like be for Warrior Nation. he no like play in front of his mama. i no he’s not his mama’s boy.

    and the reason i’m saying this is, i see your family, and i’m thinking to myself, this man no mo culture implanted into his kids. might as well go SMU and make noise ova dayah. fo real! get a good life and good vibes ova dayah. fo real. talk nice fo one minute, and den stab us in da back da next. go ahead, call me aliyah.

    PS Peace. I am a Warrior fan. i’m sicka da bs. i’m speaking up, because i’m thinking about da next Warrior up. i want Hawaii people to know, i for one am tired of the two face speaky up.

    you guys can all disavow me. cut me off da blog. ainokea. i’ma tellin you how i feel. Mississippi Michigan guys wanna play in front dare muddaz. illinois iowa guys wanna play in front dare mamaz. our best guyz wanna go someplace else. except Paipai, Geordon, Blaze anna few oddas.

    i talking out cuz i’ve given up on so and so. he’s gone. and i might as well say sumtin now so that everybody nose what i’m saying out loud, and da high school coaches facta dat in when they try fo take advantage of UH, feel good about themselves at the expense of us. fo real!

  157. jm2375 December 21, 2009 7:13 pm

    Howzit Tsai-kos!

    j(j) – glad to hear your mom made it through her surgery with flying colors.

    Good luck to Blaze. We’ll sure miss dem katooshes on all dem qbs. 😀

    Re: Manley – you snooze, you lose.

    Redskins – looking to the Tsai-ko gurus for insights on how to get this team back to being successful. I know changes need to start from the top, especially the *owner*. As long as Snyder is the owner, they’ll never be on top. When Zorn was hired, I thought he was going to use the West Coast offense. Whether it’s his play calling or the lack of appropriate personnel, I haven’t seen much of it. Jack Kent Cooke is probably rolling over in his grave!

  158. Slugger December 21, 2009 7:14 pm


    I think I can get you a ticket to the game. I’m picking up LizKauai at 10:30 am on the 24th at HA. Can you get in at that time from Hilo?

  159. Slugger December 21, 2009 7:20 pm


    I’ll keep your Mom in my prayers. You are such a good son.

    Good luck to Blaze in his next phase! Would love to see him on a team.

  160. Slugger December 21, 2009 7:25 pm

    Mrs. A-House,

    Aunty Loretta did good at the LV airport on the way home! Yay! My Mom didn’t have the luck. But they are all home now & probably ready to crash. What a wonderful experience to see the Wahine play Penn St.

  161. al December 21, 2009 7:38 pm


    shhhh. its the dead period remember?

  162. Jason December 21, 2009 7:45 pm

    Here’s my two cents on the Texas recruiting: Not only do we need to compete against Houston and Texas Tech in recruiting players for our pass-happy offense, but now SMU is a legitimate threat as well. Not only are they a winning program, but they also have the foremost expert on the R&S as their coach, just like TTech has one of the foremost experts on the Air Raid in Mike Leach. And Houston’s Kevin Sumlin is a pretty good offensive mind as well.

    Sure, we have a paradise-like setting, but they have academics, money, and a setting closer to home. I always hoped we would build a mini-pipeline through Texas, especially when we had a bunch of players from Houston (like Michael Brewster and Brandon Eaton), but I’m not sure it’s going to happen anymore.

  163. protector December 21, 2009 7:48 pm

    Great news, J(J). Continued prayers & blessings to your mom:hang in there, buddy.

    Garret on # 67,

    I totally agree with you that top recruits considering BSU and other teams in the WAC is a disturbing precedent. I don’t mind Hawaii kids going there if we’re NOT recruiting them; another thing entirely if we’re going head-to-head (and worse, losing out to them). Kind of reminds me of when BYU would raid our coffers & help that team beat us in football & baseball (unforgiveable in my book). Still, Hawaiian kids are not stupid and some will recognize a quality program who’s a winner with national exposure. It doesn’t sting any less, though. Although I wasn’t as hot on Manley as others were, I think other teams in the Conference would see that as a slap in the face to UH because they offered a scholie first. I hope Ioane & Jamora don’t commit to BSU.

  164. Don Weir December 21, 2009 7:53 pm

    I think Jeremy Ione is going an a trip just to see the world.
    As a Junior at Punahou, right before the semi-finals, Harbaugh out of Stanford offerred him a full ride. What would you do??

  165. protector December 21, 2009 7:53 pm

    Good luck to Blaze; hope he gets drafted so that he receives a legitimate shot. Hoping to see him light ’em up on Sundays, Mondays & Thursdays!

  166. Vonappen December 21, 2009 7:55 pm

    Letting Manley go to NMSU would not happen on Junes watch. This is a HUGE mistake that will comeback to haunt MAC. Manley and Moniz would be great marketing for the program and state. Plus they can play.

    Mac wants to keep the good ones at home …really? How good is that Arizona quarterback…the last one to come form there with a rep was …hmmm Tyler Graunke.

  167. Don Weir December 21, 2009 7:58 pm

    Mahalo goes out to the Letterwinners Club for the use of the clubhouse, the coffee and juice for graduates and parents alike, the UH stoles only worn by all Letterwinners at graduation (look closely at the picture with Coach McMackin and the players), the computer cases, the road teams laptops, the day planners given out to all athletes, and the list goes on.

  168. wafan December 21, 2009 8:00 pm

    Good evening!

  169. wafan December 21, 2009 8:02 pm

    (J)J . . .

    Good news! Continued prayers and positive thoughts for you and your Mom. She is a tough lady — she has to be to have raised you so well.

  170. whitey December 21, 2009 8:02 pm

    protector, i don’t see anything wrong with uh’s recruitment this year and i truly don’t believe it is a slap on their face when they lose a recruit. the kids have until feb to change their minds and some will, but most won’t. like bhf2 said, we stick with those who want to be warriors and to those who do not, best wishes and no try stab us in the back.

  171. whitey December 21, 2009 8:04 pm

    yeah, but tyler won games for uh. manley hasn’t won any.

  172. whitey December 21, 2009 8:07 pm

    what’s wrong with any school, wac or non wac, offering our kids scholies to attend their school. absolutely nothing wrong and why do you want to put up barriers for these kida and families. uh is like any other school, makes their presentation and if they want to, make an offer. it is then decided by the kids and their families. so why get all bent out of shape about recruiting?????

  173. wafan December 21, 2009 8:07 pm

    RainbowCliff . . .

    Hold a special place in your heart for your Mom. She had to have been so special to have sacrificed for her kids. Your Mom did a great job — you are the evidence!

    Stay strong and keep the faith.

  174. wafan December 21, 2009 8:09 pm

    Pomai . . .

    Please check your e-mail.

  175. A-House December 21, 2009 8:10 pm


    if, and only if, the “blue chip” players decide to be a Warrior and not enough scholarships, who will be on the short end?

    do the coaches tell each player that a scholarship is a yearly renewable contract/item and there are no gaurantees that it will just be rolled over? College football is a BIG business and with that comes many uncomfortable issues which may turn off a recruit. But, he faces that, even more so, with a BCS team.

    i know that Coach Mack is a very honorable man, but for the sake of moving the program forward in as little bounces as possible, can he make that decision?

    i, for one, am grateful that the Army taught me certain principles that that decision would be easier than someone who has not experienced having to make such a decision. it is tough, troublesome, mind consuming, and tests one’s self, but must be made.

    i remember that 2 former Rainbows with the baseball team was let go by their mainland coach because he wanted to go into a different direction, that they did not fit into his scheme, and they came home to play ball.

  176. whitey December 21, 2009 8:11 pm

    don weir said stanford offered a jr at punahou a scholie and asked what we going do. simple, have uh present to the kid and his family reasons to stay here and if they think he deserves a scholie, offer him one. why are we afraid of any school recruiting in Hawaii. that is truly great and it reflects on the hs programs and their coaches.

  177. whitey December 21, 2009 8:14 pm

    col A House, you answered your own questions. hahahhaaaaa

  178. protector December 21, 2009 8:16 pm

    bhf2 on # 156,

    Totally agree with you. And we all know that there will be players who will keep their “options” open even if they have already made a decision in their heart & mind. I don’t mind kids that truly have an open mind about finding the right fit for them at all. In Manti Te’o’s case, although it was personally galling to me that UH was not even in his top 5, I appreciated him being up front & not getting UH’s hopes up & tieing up a scholie in the meanwhile.

    jm2375 on # 157,

    I’m sure that with the new GM & if they do bring in Coach Shanahan, they will turn things around & fairly quickly I would think. In Colt Brennan’s case, Zorn tried to force a square peg into a round hole rather than figuring out how best to utilize his talent. I really think that Shanahan is intelligent enough to figure out that it’s costing the team only , although one of the so-caaround 400 thou to kleep him around for his 3rd year although one of the so-called experts predicted they’d get rid of him since Zorn is as good as gone. What terrible logic! If they implement a West Coast Offense, I say Colt beats out Campbell handily
    and hopefully he would get a real shot the way Flacco, Ryan & Sanchez did. Sadly, Colt was screwed out of the money that these guys got but if he gets a legitimate look by a smart Coach, I think he’ll make Shanahan forget about Cutler.

  179. Ralph December 21, 2009 8:27 pm

    Na Wahine has one senior, Dita, not much recruiting for Coach Dana next season. Na Wahine shot 18% in the second half, 22% for the game. Must not have gotten a lot of good looks at the basket, but they did get the shot off and they need to convert in the paint. 27 turn overs also hurts. The girls got to spend a lot more time in shooting baskets, spend time shooting baskets, over and over again. WAC starts with Fresno state in a week or so and on the road.

  180. Ralph December 21, 2009 8:29 pm

    J(J) good news! fortunately fb season is over, now you can help in her rehab.

  181. al December 21, 2009 8:35 pm


    as the story goes, manley was offered a scholie during his junior year at leilehua. he sat on it. i believe that the young man had visions of grandeur dancing in his head.

    he had been pressed for a decision over the last year or so. he sat on it. finally, i believe uh told him that they needed to move on.

    uh was gonna only bring in one qb this year. meanwhile they had an opportunity to get kevin spain. again manley sat on it, visions of grandeur still dancing in his head inspite of the fact that he still only had one offer. the warriors that is.

    manley attended a qb clinic (basically an opportunity for coaches to preview players). still he had only one offer. uh.

    uh gets a verbal commit from spain after waiting over a year for manley. life goes on.

    manley talks turkey with uh. with the rise of moniz, they tell manley hey we offered you sat on it. we will bring you in as a greyshirt and then you can redshirt the following year while you work on your footwork, learn the system, etc.

    but, nooooo. the kid wants to play now.
    beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    end of story…..

    …nuff said!

  182. protector December 21, 2009 8:36 pm

    To Vonappen on # 166,

    It wasn’t a ‘big mistake’ on UH’s part that will “come back to haunt them”.. They offered him a scholarship last year; he just didn’t WANT it or was afraid of the competition there. And as for Graunke, he played really well for us except his Senior Year when he truly dropped the ball & only looked like a shadow of how he played in previous years. I think when Colt decided to come back, it just totally discombobulated him & he never recovered.

    whitey on # 170,

    I didn’t say it was a slap in the face to UH (for Manley to end up at NMSU). I felt it could be perceived as a “slap” by the other teams in the (WAC) Conference and elsewhere on the mainland. I don’t care that we lost Manley,because (just like bhf2) I don’t want any players that don’t want to be here. I said before I’ll wish them luck and then concentrate on the incoming Warriors who are jacked to play here, like Quines, Pelluer & others.

  183. jm2375 December 21, 2009 8:38 pm

    protector – I’m still wondering what happened to the West Coast offense as promised by Zorn when he was hired and Colt was drafted. Thought Colt was with the perfect system.

    BTW, IIRC, Coach Nash, when he was hired, said we’d run a more uptempo offense. Ummm, what happened? Haven’t seen it yet. Is it because he doesn’t have the personnel or …. This offense seems slower than Wallace’s teams. If you’re gonna with a slow offense, can we do a Princeton/Georgetown version? 😀

  184. Ralph December 21, 2009 8:39 pm

    can colt take the pounding that campbell took tonight? Sanchez is taking a pounding with the Jets, so is Stafford with the Lions. Colt is fortunate to be on the sidelines learning, I believe Montana stood on the sidelines a few years and Steve Young waited his turn behind Montana.

  185. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 8:44 pm

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all those good things to all on the blog =)

    Been lurking cuz it been a crazy 6 months.


    Expecting first kid in March.

    Moved to Oregon for job promotion.

    And it is freeking cold at times, but getting used to it =)

    Yep, Plenty things have happened.

    I met the wife of Mouse Davis here in Tigard lol..shes really cool.

    Heard about Glanville and of course Stutz1….wish him the best….good thing is that food and rent is cheap and get a good amount of Hawai`i transplants here….so still get chance to make a living if he not going move back to Hawai`i

    Uwajimaya is the place for all the local goodies when you need a fix lol.

    But most importantly, BHF2, you are right. We have to be honest with ourselves. There has to be a culture change about how the UH is viewed. Heck, not just how UH is viewed, but how Hawai`i is by its own residents! Locals get so much pride in all things Hawai`i, but when it comes to their kids and going away to college (when they have the option to get a free education), they get pushed away and everything other then Hawai`i is the best.

    Get plenty examples, but you know what?? Until people actually speak up and say, “Man, LOSE MONEY!!, your son/daughter SHOULD HAVE played for UH…they have a chance to represent THEIR CULTURE, their family” instead of, “Ohh, WOW! USC huh? Damn, you BETTER tell him to go, neve mind he like stay home. UH when offer too? You gotta be crazy for him/her to stay here”

    We gotta be VOCAL.

    We gotta apply the PRESSURE.

    We gotta CHANGE the culture.

    That is the only way we will ever get the best and brightest to stay home and make our home better….be it on the field or in the classroom.

    Look at one example, you get Dave Shoji who MAKES his living representing Hawai`i and what? His son get a scholie offer from Stanford and he is GONE. What? Uncle dave neva instill the PRIDE into his son or what? What is he going to tell the next Hawai` star VB player? Even my son is playing Vb at UH….NOT!

    Sorry, but I get one bone to pick with that guy and his game management…heck player psyche management. He ALWAYS calls his time out too late and by the time, his girls have lost confidence and composure and the other team gets all amped up and from then on, it is an up-hill battle for the Wahine. When was the last time he won a NC? 1987? THATS 22 YEARS AGO!! He has gone STALE. Was SAD watching the Final Four…and what this? Why most people stay happy with making the Final Four…I AM NOT…I am not happy until we WIN A NC!!! I no like be the 2nd place loser, not even the 1st place loser! I want UH to be the CHAMPIONS without a doubt.

    One another thing. This has bothered me from for like almost a year. So when Notre Dame came to Hawaii`i for the Hawai`i bowl, why is it that DON MURPHY was working with the IRISH?? Is he not one of the Na Koa big wigs??? One of our biggest fundraisers and supporters when do an about face.

    Ok, so it is just food, but come on, who butters his bread??

    Ok, small kine pau. Sorry, but recruiting season and always the talk about Hawai`i kids and college gets me all nuts.

    Take it easy everyone and BHF2, I heard that Alysyn stay freezing in Arizona lol….2 ft of snow from what I last heard by my mom and pops.

  186. wafan December 21, 2009 8:46 pm

    xx . . .


  187. jm2375 December 21, 2009 8:47 pm

    Change of subject… Brand X reporting that Kolten Wong named Louisville Slugger preseason All-America 3rd team. Go Rainbows!

  188. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:01 pm

    I believe Manley had a chance to verbal and be a scholarship player for UH.. it seems he decided to take his chances and wait to see who else would come to the table. In the end.. Spain took his lunch ticket and the rest is history.

    BUT, apparently UH did extend Manley a walk-on opportunity after the scholarship offer expired … which is a very fair deal. But, I suppose, one would have to have a world of confidence to take a walk-on opportunity over an assured scholarship if tuition and board is an issue.

    In the end.. the Coaches held true to their offerings.. and stood firm. The way it has to be. They can’t afford to be weak at the knees now. Cave in and every future recruit will think they can play footsies with the coaches and string them along. Gotta to lose a few 3 or 4 star players to get bunches more to commit.

  189. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 9:04 pm

    RE: Blaze Soares…

    Go get em, Blaze!

    You’re healthy now.. hitting hard.. .and in charge. Wow em at the combines and make your mark at the next level. We’ll all be rooting for you! No matter what uniform you don… you’ll always be a Warrior for life!

  190. al December 21, 2009 9:04 pm

    i agree with letsgowarriors aka letsgobows aka letsgobroncos…

    we should make a concerted effort to pick up jeremy ioane of punahou.

    besides…i’d hate to see him in a blue uniform and for that matter i’d hate to see both he and hauoli jamora in blue n orange.

  191. al December 21, 2009 9:05 pm

    mih…it was a greyshirt plus a redshirt.

  192. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 9:07 pm


    Roger that, the ultimate “Burbs” here in portland…..Tigard. LOL. What part of WA are you in now?

    Working at Washington Square (Nordstrom) and got promoted to an Management position in the middle of Oct. They gave me 13 days after they offered the position for me to start….was nutz trying to move pregnant wife and our furry cat here…haha. And you know what? the cat was the most expensive to move because of shots for her, plane tickets, special this and that lol.

    Congrats to Kolten Wong! BIG ISLAND REPRESENT!!! IIRC, he graduated one year after my niece at Kamehameha Hawai`i…something like that

  193. al December 21, 2009 9:07 pm

    doesn’t ioane remind you of number 43 of the pittsburgh steelers sans the long locks?

  194. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 21, 2009 9:07 pm

    If my kids have a chance for a scholarshipped Stanford education, I say GO.

    Hawaii has much to offer but a Stanford education is a premium opportunity for any child. Athlete or not.

  195. al December 21, 2009 9:09 pm

    lizk….er, gulp, that is true.

  196. al December 21, 2009 9:10 pm

    ms. lizk….in case i forgot. again thanks for that for real kine hawaiian salts.

  197. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 21, 2009 9:10 pm

    (J)J- good news about Mom. Now the hard part- staying clear of secondary infection. Prayers continue!

    Go get ‘um, BLAZE!!!

    Back to cookie-makin…

  198. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 9:12 pm

    Thanks for the scoop 2K and Mixed of WSN

    #194: What ever.

  199. al December 21, 2009 9:12 pm

    lizk….and inquiring minds want to know. ever since hamura’s was taken over several years ago by an employee of the original hamura clan has the tastes of the saimin, bbq sticks, lilikoi chiffon pie changed?

  200. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 21, 2009 9:12 pm

    I cannot talk about football right now… just watched part of the Mon Nite Football on dvr…

    😈 🙄 😈

  201. al December 21, 2009 9:13 pm

    the last time i ate there, i swear that the dashi tasted a bit different.

  202. Garret December 21, 2009 9:14 pm

    Al is correct that Manley had a lot of time to take UH’s offer. The coaches offered him extremely early and it was clear that he wanted to explore his options…which has risks for both UH and for him.

    I also remember a discussion we had a year ago when UH took 3 high school QBs, which is something *extremely* unusual in all of college football. I know that I said at the time that was going to hurt the Manley recruiting. I also remember Manley specifically discussing that 3 QB class as something that was not positive.

    ALL players look at the depth chart before committing, especially QBs. If you want intelligent high school recruits, you have to expect that they can think for themselves instead of just choosing a school on blind faith. Manley saw that there were a whole bunch of QBs that would have the experience in the system ahead of him and he’d have less of a chance to play at UH than almost any other school.

    When UH is thin at a position, the coaches (and UH fans) focus on the depth chart and point out why a recruit should pick UH. When UH is overloaded at a position with scholarship players, don’t you think that other schools and the recruits themselves notice that? Even I cannot swallow that much kool-aid to ignore that.

  203. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 21, 2009 9:14 pm

    al- Hamuras is the same but prices are higher. The family is still around- Wendy’s kids are there pretty often.

  204. Jason December 21, 2009 9:15 pm

    I wanted to stay home, but if Stanford had offered me a full ride, I probably would have gone. Then again, I never had that opportunity, since I never applied. 😛

  205. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 21, 2009 9:15 pm

    al- I have converted to Pho for my health and pocketbook.

  206. al December 21, 2009 9:15 pm

    sniff, i smell cookies?

  207. al December 21, 2009 9:17 pm

    xxfaithxx….maybe stan the man hasiak needs some home cooking to soothe the soul. that would be an awesome bounceback pickup wouldn’t it???

    of course.

  208. Hoohiki December 21, 2009 9:18 pm

    Who cares if Manley goes to NMSU? Bottom line…HE DID NOT WANT TO PLAY FOR UH! He wasn’t a loss. Now I consider Kama Bailey a loss. He wanted to play for UH but there was only room for him to walk on. He’s playing big time now for Idaho. Que sera, sera…

    Enough talk of the recruits who did not want to be Warriors. I’d like to hear more about the ones who chose to play for our state.

  209. Garret December 21, 2009 9:19 pm


    I’ve probably seen 4 or 5 posts of yours when you discuss how you wish that Manley would have walked on to UH. Do you really think that would have been a smart decision on Manley’s end? He would be walking on to a team with *7* scholarship QBs. Do you realize how little reps the scholarship players will have? The freshmen didn’t even get that many reps on the scout team last year compared to a normal year, and only Shutter took (very few) snaps running UH’s offense in practice.

    Why would a QB walk on to that situation? UH says that they will split the reps evenly in the spring (at least that is what was reported in the paper), but if that is true then each QB will not get nearly as many reps as normal. Remember, UH’s offense is one where it takes a lot of reps, every UH QB has pointed out how they got better with more practice reps. If more practice reps are good for UH’s QBs, what is 1/6 the practice reps? And you are going to keep wishing that a QB would walk on and get basically near zero reps?

  210. Garret December 21, 2009 9:20 pm


    Good point–Kama Bailey really wanted to stay home, Manley sat on UH’s offer for a year and the coaches had to move on.

  211. Garret December 21, 2009 9:23 pm

    I think Jeremy Ione is going an a trip just to see the world.
    As a Junior at Punahou, right before the semi-finals, Harbaugh out of Stanford offerred him a full ride. What would you do??

    Don Weir,

    I agree with you that Ioane will probably end up at Stanford. That was what I thought was going to happen, which is why his visit to BSU surprised me.

    With the offers that Ioane had, why would he want to see the world and end up going to *Boise* in the Winter? I’ve seen a lot of places in this country and visiting Boise in the Winter would be pretty low on my list if I was just looking to be a tourist.

  212. Garret December 21, 2009 9:29 pm


    UH is first and foremost a place for education. What really bothers me is how the budget cuts are hurting the Academic side, because that hurts ALL of Hawaii. It also hurts the Athletic teams because recruits (and their parents) do select schools based on academics.

    UH has some excellent academic programs and many, many excellent professors who do a great job and would only live in Hawaii. However, cutting the budgets and neglecting to maintain the buildings and labs is taking a toll that I do not see a solution to since the Hawaii state budget is squeezed right not. That is happening other places also, especially for the public Universities in California.

    There is a big difference in what some private schools (like Stanford) can do now vs. what public Universities can do. When the gap narrows on the education side, I’d bet you’d see a lot more local athletes staying home to play for UH.

  213. Garret December 21, 2009 9:30 pm

    Best wishes to Blaze. I thought he was signing with Zuckermann instead of Silberman, but maybe I just mixed the names up in my mind.

  214. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 9:30 pm


    It might be, but to be honest, it is like what they say about girls and leftovers.

    I would pass =)

    ….besides, he would only have 2 maybe 3 years (Played this year, would have to sit out one year OR possibly get an AA before he could play) and quite frankly I am tired of cheering for players for 2-3 years and then “POOF”, gone. I want all 4.

  215. al December 21, 2009 9:40 pm

    hasiak is a true frosh. would have 4 for 3, sometimes one is misunderstood, a second chance could turn one around.

  216. Garret December 21, 2009 9:54 pm


    I chose other schools instead of UH *three* times, so I guess I’ll be on your bad list. But here are my reasons:

    1. When I was a senior at Castle High, I wanted to go into Engineering. UH had just gone through the Accreditation process and their Engineering school was severely criticized because of a number of problems they had. I was told that UH could lose its accreditation, which would mean my Engineering degree would have been worthless. A UH professor was quite upset at the situation there and really discouraged me from going there until the accreditation was cleared up.

    The fact is that UH went through the accreditation process a year or two later and passed that time, so everything was fine. But when I was applying, things did NOT look good to stay home. Plus, Texas offered me *3* scholarships (no NCAA limits on scholarships for the academic side) and they waived the rule that you could only take one at a time…so I had all three scholarship checks to cash.

    My parents taught in the public school system in Hawaii and they saved their whole lives for the college funds for my sister and me. I really wanted to go to CalTech and they gave me a 80% scholarship…but after Texas gave me 3 scholarships and made it so that I made a profit to go to college, I had to choose them.

    2. When I was going for my Masters degree, I won a competition for a fellowship from Sandia National Laboratories. They gave out 10 in the country and they paid for all school expenses PLUS paid $33k+ in salary for the year away at school…and there was no obligation to go to work for them after getting the MS degree. The catch was that you had to go to a Masters program that was certified take no more than a year. UH never bothered to get that certification, so I could not go there. I ended up choosing Stanford, which was rated #1 in my major.

    3. I only applied to 2 PhD programs, UH and Texas. I was set to go to UH and talked with the professors I wanted to work with. Then UH decided that I wanted to go there so badly that they could just offer me a *half* scholarship. They assumed that my parents would pay the other half.

    Right after I got that news, Texas decided to fly me in for a recruiting trip. That was one of the best weekends of my life and I am glad that there were no NCAA regulations on how much they could spend on my food and entertainment! They offered me a full scholarship *plus* a salary…enough so that I qualified for a loan to buy a condo in Austin based on my student salary. After I committed to Texas for their PhD program, UH found out and offered me a full scholarship…but I stuck to my word and went to Texas.

    So, you could say that I turned away from UH 3 times. But are you going to say that I made the wrong decision? I wish that I could have gone to UH, but the Academics and the money was a combination that I could not pass up. The Texas professor I studied under was #1 in his part of EE, and that is the specialty that I’m still in right now. If UH had given me the full scholarship offer for the PhD program like their professors thought they were going to do, then I never would have gone on the Texas recruiting trip and I would have gone to UH even though the academic side was better at Texas.

  217. Garret December 21, 2009 10:01 pm

    DE Beau Yap is visiting UH on January 15. He is a 3-star recruit without any offers, which is odd, but this could mean that UH is in the lead to keep him home.

  218. Garret December 21, 2009 10:03 pm


    A 4-for-3 OL with that size and talent is worth a second chance to me. Did he get a release yet? If not, there is nothing official that the UH coaches can do now except to wait.

  219. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 10:04 pm


    I agree about academics and buildings and whatnot and to simplify the main point of what I am trying to make is:

    We, the current, former Hawai`i residents have to be the one to change our feeling about UH and that of our children. It has to start at one point and it will not start with the children as they are influenced by their parents and not the government as they too are influenced by said tax paying parents.

    So what generation will be the one to start the change? Probably not the ones in the 55 – later age range as they are set in their ways and the status quo is what makes their life easy and comfortable.

    Anyway, until we BELIEVE (to borrow LizK’s favorite expression) that we can make UH better and that it can only be done by keeping the best and brightest home, it will be the same vicious circle.

    UH will get no respect from the citizens because no graduate from the university garners national respect and or wealth, thus the government sees that UH is will not be defended (public has no pride/gives no support for that public institution) if they make cuts to the budget. If the government is afraid of public outcry, they will be less likely to make cut funds. No smart kids are steered to UH?, then that equals less funding from all types of avenues.

    Look at the state furloughs…why did Lingle do it? Because she knows that the majority of the vocal citizens and a hefty portion of our state workers have their children in private schools and do not care what happens out there.

    We have to cultivate the University….take your beloved University of Texas…it is a public university right? Why are they at their current academic and athletic place? Because in the publics eye, they are the desired university to be at and over the course of generations, texans steered the best there.

    It has to start somewhere.

    When is it going to start for The University of Hawai`i?

    And are you going to be a part of it?

    Sorry, I said that I was going to simplify it…..but alas, as you can tell, it hits home for me….or maybe it is just a Big Island thing /shrug

  220. lava December 21, 2009 10:07 pm


    I’m a Manley fan, but when Graves became available last year we had to take him. He should see the field next year.

    Manley will be fine. I don’t think he has any regrets at the moment, other than not getting better offers from bigger schools.

  221. lava December 21, 2009 10:10 pm

    UH is grabbing every linebacker who runs a 4.7 as a possible speed rusher. They must have really missed Veikune this year. With so many teams able to run up the gut, it would be nice to bring in another Sopoaga.

  222. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 10:11 pm


    No, do not even feel/think that you are on my bad list as there is not even one that exists. And I do not even rate as someone that you should feel you need to explain yourself as I am just a normal dude lol.

    You did what you felt is right and it is what it is and from what I hear, you do a lot to assist the university and for that I Thank You and if we ever meet, do not be offended that I call you “Sir” =)

  223. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 10:14 pm


    I don’t know if UH would be in Manley’s best interest, but except for the scholarship, I can’t say that NMSU is going to be the right fit, as well. Who’s going to run their offense? What kind of Offense? At least with Hawaii, he would be competing as a pocket passer, which is his specialty and strength.

    Maybe even applying at a lower division might have suited him better if a scholarship was what he was really after. Someplace where he can showcase his abilities under an already established system which he could flourish in.

  224. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:16 pm

    It will be a pleasure to sack and pick off Mr. Manley over the next 4 or maybe 5 years.

    If he starts and if NMSU doesn’t get kicked out of participating in the FBS.

  225. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 10:21 pm

    I just hate to see talent go to waste. However, if it really is for the scholarship, then I really do hope for his sake that NMSU has a solid curriculum for whatever field Manley intends to major in.

  226. d1島 December 21, 2009 10:23 pm

    Good Luck Blaze.
    Mahalo for all you did for the Warriors!

  227. huh? December 21, 2009 10:24 pm

    #216 toot, toot.

  228. d1島 December 21, 2009 10:25 pm

    Good news (J)J. Hoping for a full recovery.

  229. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:26 pm


    Enjoyed reading your stuff. 😎 I like the pound da fist on the podium attitude! Everything else, I won’t comment on, so let’s stick to athletics…

    Although in your assesment that Dave Shoji is that you believe he has gone “stale”, I have to say that NO one in the whole damn volleyball universe was gonna stop Penn State and Texas. The physical specimens in the Penn State program are freaks of height and in the end height took over.

    Take away the oddities like Penn State and Ms. Attitiude on Texas and we’re the best program in the nation and the next best is still a far ways away.

    This volleyball year, in the end it went down like this:

    Penn State/Texas on the top level… then a gap, and then Na Wahine, and then a BIGGER GRAND CANYON-LIKE GAP and the #4 team and below (the rest of the country).

    KALA sir… K-A-L-A in facilities from the BCS football conference schools have changed the recruiting landscape for women’s volleyball and Dave Shoji has done a FINE job of keeping us relavent in the TOP 10 EVERY year for a decade without our budget seeing significant increases as well as facilities stagnating in previous years.

  230. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:29 pm


    December 21st, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    December 21st, 2009 at 9:18 pm
    Now I consider Kama Bailey a loss. He wanted to play for UH but there was only room for him to walk on. He’s playing big time now for Idaho. Que sera, sera…

    Kama Bailey a loss? Yes.

    Define “big time” in this context though…

  231. madeinhawaii December 21, 2009 10:29 pm


    Not to mention that few schools, as reported in the tizer, outside of the BCS really get to the final four these years. Hawaii being the last one in four years.

  232. al December 21, 2009 10:30 pm

    the perception of beau yap is that he is too small to play de.

  233. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:30 pm

    So… Soares ends his collegiate career.

    A collective sigh can be heard from QBs across the nation.

    Ok, you can all relax for now.

  234. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:32 pm


    December 21st, 2009 at 10:30 pm
    the perception of beau yap is that he is too small to play de.

    On paper so was Fetaiagogo Fonoti. 😎

  235. OldDiver December 21, 2009 10:34 pm

    Regarding # 219

    Got any numbers to back up your claims about anything you said? Just asking.

  236. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:39 pm


    December 21st, 2009 at 8:47 pm
    Change of subject… Brand X reporting that Kolten Wong named Louisville Slugger preseason All-America 3rd team. Go Rainbows!

    Man, I can’t wait for softball and baseball to start. The pace of the game is a lot easier on the heart and mind…. Easier on da wallet too!!! 😎

    This past football season was quite taxing on the soul, the Wahine volleyball team took us on a GREAT emotional ride this season, the Rainbow Warrior B-Ballers got me pulling hair….etc… I’m exhausted!!! 😆

    Wouldn’t have it any other way though… 😎

    But yeah! DEY U GO KOLT!!! (woah!… headrush all of a sudden… that phrase gave me a deja vu moment 😛 )

  237. OldDiver December 21, 2009 10:42 pm

    Regarding # 202

    While I agree with your assessment Garret, USC is loaded at every position, so is Texas, Alabama etc. I have to think players decide to go their because they believe in themselves and feel they are good enough to play.

  238. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:45 pm


    Not sure if XxFaithxX can get actual “numbers” to his claims, but it doesn’t take a statistician to figure out the long-standing image UH academics and athletics has with a hell of a lot of people. Well, at least perhaps XxFaithxX and I run into the same kind of people, but apparently he resides on the Big Island and I work and talk with a lot of people on the *ahem* East side of Oahu… The far East side, not the farthest but right before it… I’ll say nothing more… 🙄

  239. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 10:45 pm


    Whats up dude. I hear ya, the block totals were a story all by its lonesome.

    But, what I feel was that UH had the momentum after winning the first set and then lost it in the beginning of the second set.

    They lost it because, and I have seen this many of times by shoji, the girls were losing like 6-2 Penn and he still did not call a timeout. He likes, to a fault, try and let his girls “work” out of a jam and “play” their was back into a closer score. Hello? Earth to Dave:

    1) Our girls have a height disadvantage

    2) Penn St. believes that they are better (and they probably are)

    Why are you letting the score get out of hand and causing your players to feel the effects of the above points. Call that damn timeout and rally the troops and help their ego’s before they get smashed….rather, he helps the opposing team’s ego by letting they get a big lead.

    That is why I feel he is stale…he does not learn anymore…he has not changed, but the game has…you cannot coach with Fear alone. Before when the BCS teams had crappy players, he could get away with what he does, and that is why he won those NC’s in the eighties, but that is not going to fly any more.

  240. OldDiver December 21, 2009 10:46 pm

    “a hefty portion of our state workers have their children in private schools”

    I was just wondering where this came from.

  241. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:49 pm


    December 21st, 2009 at 10:42 pm
    Regarding # 202

    While I agree with your assessment Garret, USC is loaded at every position, so is Texas, Alabama etc. I have to think players decide to go their because they believe in themselves and feel they are good enough to play.

    Or knowing that they can get hooked up with SWEET part-time “jobs” with EXCELLENT 😉 “compensation” 😉 .


    And even if they don’t have their own car, there are plenty of well-to-do people in the area that can “loan” them their vehicles to use… 😆

  242. OldDiver December 21, 2009 10:49 pm

    Last word on Manley. Someone wrote some months ago that during the summer Manley was attending camps on the west coast looking for scholarship offers. I think UH got the message.

  243. OldDiver December 21, 2009 10:50 pm

    Heh! Kazz, you are right.

  244. Kazz December 21, 2009 10:51 pm


    December 21st, 2009 at 10:46 pm
    “a hefty portion of our state workers have their children in private schools”

    I was just wondering where this came from.

    “Hefty” is a strong word. Maybe he meant local politicians? I dunno. However, if he did mean politicans, would you be surprised?

    I sure as hell won’t be.

  245. Kekoa December 21, 2009 10:52 pm

    jm2375 ~
    Re: WRedskinny Team

    My recommendation? Move then out of the D.C. area. Move ’em to Portland, OR. Let the rich guy with the deep pockets build a stadium there for his football team. Oregon peeps aren’t as looney tunes as D.C. folks. Besides, Portland has had an NBA team already, so why not go NFL?

    They can do all this after they trade Colt to the 49ers. Colt will stay hospitalized if he remains there. Their Oline is non-existent.

  246. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 10:57 pm


    Per my experience on Oahu, yes, very a sizable portion of state workers enroll their kids in private schools.


    St. Louis



    PunahoE 😉



    Sacred Hearts

    Word of Life

    Hawaii Baptist Academy

    And there are just the bigger schools lol

    So yes, I do not have numbers, but I do have opinions lol.

  247. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 10:57 pm

    Hiya Tsaikos.

    boy o boy, i feel much better knowing get oddaz verbalizing like me.

    totally real and honest good vibes tonight by y’all.

    1. grand daughter, BIIF first team middle in volleyball and 4.0, getting a Stanford schollie full ride on academics, not vb. since she’s only 5’11”, maybe 5’10 1/2″, I was not pushing UH. but now I’m thinking, after XxFaithxX encouragement above, first thing tomorrow after school I’m gonna find dat girl and have a honest sit down…
    thanks for the news on Alysyn. her mom told me dat today 2. XxFaithxX, you got my email gleeloy at gmail dot com. write when get time. from anudda total Warrior fan!

    2. Slugger, howzit and thanks. I’ll post tomorrow, gonna shoot for that time too.

    3. all you Warrior fans, you got good points. neva gonna get em all.
    always gonna get good and bad reasons for go away. no problem.
    but like XxFaithxX said, WE gotta change the CULTURE! Honest.
    We cannot be hula hula guyz. you telling me coaches doing good.
    thats great. Coach Tormey is SHOWING ME. that is the best.
    Cal, Ron, Nick, Brian, you guys are from here. Everybody in local football knows your name. SHOW ME that you are ALL RESPECTED by the local coaches. Great that some local coaches make pipelines to mainland schools. main thing, show the local coaches you respect them as much as you want them to respect you. then you’ll get the pipeline fo long long time. starting right now is always the start of another bright day.

    Go Warriors.

  248. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 10:59 pm

    Blaze Soares.

    have a great and happy life.

    My aunty Cindy speaks highly of you. I saw greatness from you. And I was always gushing when you spoke up for our team. Thank you for
    a great season! someday, you should think of running for office.

  249. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 10:59 pm







    Half and Half

    All relative to how many State workers you know I guess lol

  250. Kazz December 21, 2009 11:01 pm


    Gonna knock out tonight… Tired BUT I get where you are coming from.

    The Wahine volleyball program has had a long standing history of winning and conference championships, NCAA regional and Final Four appearances, and in the past, national championships.

    I DO believe, this established history is enough… no… wait… MORE than enough to expect the best every year because we’ve shown that we are on the cusp of it more times than not.

    Volleyball budgets vs their expenses are not as outlandish as football budgets vs their respective expenses. The differences between the consistent history of success in women’s volleyball and the up and down pattern the football program experiences shows this monetary discrepancy, but that’s another topic.

    Anyway, final word of the night from me on Wahine Volleyball, is that if you wanna see change in the coaching regime, you won’t have to wait too long anyway. Coach Shoji has said he won’t be a Bowden or a Paterno (figurehead) in terms of staying around too long.

    Personally, I feel, and many do, that Dave Shoji is Wahine Volleyball and that is all we’ve known.

    Another thing that we’ve only known with Dave Shoji and the Wahine Volleyball program is WINNING, CONSISTENCY, PRIDE, and CLASS.

    Welcome back and keep posting what’s in your gut!

  251. al December 21, 2009 11:01 pm

    kazz….now that you mention it. softball and baseball are waaaayy easier on the wallet than football.

    football season does take a chunk of change

    two tickets = $76
    beverages/ice for the cooler = $25
    tailgate kaukau = $40
    sunflower seeds/kaki mochi smuggled in stadium = $4
    hotdog/pizza and the like = $15
    beverages = $40
    post game meal = $20

    total for two = $220

  252. Ralph December 21, 2009 11:02 pm

    someone posted on another website that Maiava, UCLA, ruled academically ineligible to participate in the bowl game. Taua another polynesian casualty. Our polys here and on the mainland got to take academics seriously

  253. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 11:09 pm

    nite nite Warrior Nation.

    Merry Christmas XxFaithxX. just think, you in da hub of cheap Tix home
    plus you can drive da burbs 😆 Nordstrom is my fave when i gotta have Nordstrom foda GQ…

    :mrgreen: 😆

  254. Ralph December 21, 2009 11:10 pm

    grand daughter will get a great education from Stanford, but she can also get a good bachelor degree from UH. Now if grandpa Gerard foots the bill, talks the talk with the kala, gurans she stays in Hawaii, talking alone will only make you feet good, make it happen and tap your wallet grandpa.

  255. al December 21, 2009 11:12 pm

    i don’t think that is a fair generalization.
    so you got two poly’s on academic probation by their school’s standards.
    however, the articles do not also list the other dozens maybe hundreds of other non-polys on academic probation.

  256. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 11:13 pm


    an no foget da air ticks $$ too.
    and summa us consumers easily crank up da
    kala to a more respectable BCS like number.


  257. jm2375 December 21, 2009 11:13 pm

    Kekoa – no way, jose. What else is DC gonna talk about? If they get some good OL in the off-season, Colt might be OK. Man, they should have a good place in line in the draft, if they haven’t traded them all away, which is what I’m afraid of.

    BTW, my parents were high school sweethearts at a certain private school in Manoa. Their kids all went to public school (Roosevelt and Lab School), but *all* the grandkids graduated from/are attending private school (“legacy kids”).

    Didn’t I hear somewhere that many DOE teachers have their kids in private school?

  258. jm2375 December 21, 2009 11:16 pm

    December 21st, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    sunflower seeds/kaki mochi smuggled in stadium = $4

    *shakes finger at al* tsk, tsk, tsk… 🙄

  259. bighilofan2 December 21, 2009 11:18 pm

    i no dat one Ralphie. gulp gulp
    i wish i wasn’t pake. 😀
    ackchally, i wish i was mo pake.
    but since its gotta be mo dan smoke,
    gonna talk turkey at XMas dinner I’m
    hosting fo alldem Wed nite. UH
    gonna be da subject for her and da
    two mo on da way. but really, if da
    choice is no schollie versus paid college,
    i understand what LizK is saying.
    but i gotta ask all da ques. so i no fo sure!

    ok, nite nite. and thanks for da boosts. 😀

  260. XxFaithxX December 21, 2009 11:19 pm


    I agree. I also have known Shoji as the “face” of Wahine VB since I was wiping my hanabatas on my shirt lol ….and even with my current feelings of his coaching style, etc., I RESPECT the man for what he did for the program.

    You take is easy and yeah, it is late over here for me, but I finally have 2 days off in a row and I dropped the wife off at the train station earlier this evening so that she can visit her parents in Eugene. That gives me time to blog hehee.

    BHF2: Roger that. I will email you when get chance and Happy Holidays and take it easy as well.

  261. al December 21, 2009 11:19 pm


    some tsaiko coordinators have been known to sneak in a loaded flask of liquids.
    shame on me
    shame on them
    (smiles as he leaves this post)

  262. Kazz December 21, 2009 11:23 pm

    I ask, has anyone ever seen that symbol of a snake eating it’s own tail??? Think about what that means.

    Last thing… I promise,

    Thanks to the powers that be… it’s getting very risky to place kids in public high school education. It’s obvious they don’t give a ____ about education, well the ones that their kids are not involved with.

    Helps though when the people in your country club also sends their kids to a certain school and you get to schmooze with ’em and you get to network yourself to other well to do people in the state blah blah blah…

    So you send your kids away from the mess that is the REAL “rainy day fund” that is the bucket of money that once was for public education and athletics. It is a smart move. But as the saying goes for the rest of the hard-working blue collar and some white collar folks, the people at the top would suggest, “let them eat cake”.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people that do send their kids to private high schools that are not politicians, high end bankers, etc… These people have to work two or three jobs. I KNOW, I was in a private school from pre-school through the 7th grade. I KNOW!!!

    But really, does the parents of the future have to kill themselves to get their kids a “decent” education???

    Where is the justice in that? Here you have parents that truly want he best for their kids, but they themselves didn’t have the advantages to go to a big time college or have a passion to work in careers that provide great salaries, but should their children get punished by having to go to a public school in which they are almost NEVER in class thanks to furloughs and whatnot??? Should the parents have to kill themselves out of exhaustion to have to work double or triple the amount of hours to get their kids into private education that provides the advantages needed to prevent this great circle of crap from continuing to roll so that THEIR kids don’t get disadvantages in a public educational system in which those in charge don’t give a rip because their kids are not exposed to it and then they don’t have to bust their okoles with two or three jobs to send their kids to these private schools????


    If this state gave a CRAP about education, the kind of advantages in facilities and teachers private schools provide should eventually be accessible to the mass public, regardless of the financial status of their parents.

    My parents never went to college, but for seven years, I’ve seen them bust their butts to pay for a private education for myself and my brother.

    We rented homes all of our lives almost up until that point. Then my parents became home-owners, later than most, but homeowners nonetheless.

    They gave all they could and then more, there are thousands of others like this, and some maybe worse. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like on them if they didn’t decide to send me and my brother to private school for all those years?

    But that didn’t matter to them, they wanted to invest in our futures. To give me and my brother a decent education, we shouldn’t have had to scrape by.

    This is not just my story, but one of THOUSANDS.

    Invest in the future. It starts with education. PUBLIC EDUCATION!


    Might as well be telling it to a wall. The people that make decisions don’t give a _____.

  263. Kekoa December 21, 2009 11:29 pm

    jm2375 ~ Don’t you want the Redskins to have a more politically correct *nick* for the team? Like the Oregon Faux Beaver Skins?

    Who knows, they may even start playing a better brand of football out West.

  264. Kazz December 21, 2009 11:33 pm


    Maybe you should take up my UH football budget plan:

    -Stress out so no can eat at tailgate = $0.00
    -No can drink cause too stressed before game = $0.00
    -Two bottles of wate = $5.00
    -Soda = $3.50
    -No can drink cause busy smoking cigarettes and all ____ off at the officiating. = $0.00
    -Jack in the Box postgame meal = anywhere between $6.00-$9.00

    TOTAL = $17.00 or so at the most. Oh wait, cigarettes are like $8.50… and a temporary wrist splint from Longs Drugs for your sore wrist and fist from punching a wall after a loss or a chair after a bad officiating call is about $12.00.

    (Season tickets paid for months in advance so I don’t even count that.)

  265. Kazz December 21, 2009 11:35 pm


    December 21st, 2009 at 11:16 pm
    December 21st, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    sunflower seeds/kaki mochi smuggled in stadium = $4

    *shakes finger at al* tsk, tsk, tsk…

    That’s nothing!!! How about the people that sneak full on bentos into the Stan Sheriff Center??? 😆

  266. Kazz December 21, 2009 11:37 pm

    Ok now go nai nai…

    The stuffed penguin in the corner of the room is now bringing me my blood pressure pills.

  267. Ralph December 21, 2009 11:41 pm

    Kazz go to mcdonald’s and buy a chicken sandwich or double cheese burger for a $1. lol you over eating at jack in the box

  268. […] posted here:  The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … By admin | category: University of HAWAII | tags: are-pleased, california, […]

  269. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 22, 2009 1:04 am

    Man- look what happens when there are no contests to win…

    Cookies are done.
    Bringing some with me on Thursday.

    Took my pills and ltryptophan caps to compensate… just waiting for the yaaaaawwwwn.

    No matter what happens in the near future, I envision Hawaii and its University to eventually be headliners in a kinder, gentler, smarter, spiritual, exploration-oriented world.

    Unrivaled in arts and sciences, a gathering place for East and West, turning out excellent teachers and healthcare practitioners that can address the human needs on a more personal basis so that all kids can succeed in life.

    We can learn a lot about life from people in places like Kiribati. Their spirit is unmatched and their resources are fully utilized.

    We who have so much more materially by comparison can find greater success when we modify competition with cooperation for the greater good. And so fulfill our state motto.

    Nitey nite and SWEET Sheraton Hawaii Bowl Dreams!

  270. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 22, 2009 1:21 am

    Is there any pre- or post-Sheraton Hawai`i Bowl party? if so, where and when and how much?

    BHF2 – We’ll be driving past the airport sometime between 2 and 2:30. If you cannot get an earlier flight, we can pick you up.

    Tomorrow – well, later on today, it’s basketball from late in the morning til late night with a two-hour break between the first two games and the last two. Barring bad weather, I plan to go for a nice long walk – maybe down to the library. If the weather is junk, I’ll just crawl into the back seat of the car and take a nippy-nappy.

  271. royvic December 22, 2009 3:53 am

    In an article written by wes/ Manley mentions/details his reasons as to why he choose New Mexico State over UH.

    A quote from the article:

    “UH wanted me to grayshirt, but there’s no guarantee with that and I could end up with nothing,” Manley said.

    To me his reasoning seems logical. He seems to be bright. He wants to go where he can play right away instead of delaying his career.

    My thought is that if UH wanted him badly they wouldn’t have offered him grayshirt status. It’s the same way with any recruit–if the coaching staff values a player they’d tailor the scholarship offer to the recruit’s liking just so that they get that player signed and on the team. Evidently UH didn’t value Manley services.

    Reading between the lines it seems that in the article Manley would have loved to come to UH if he was offered the right choice.

  272. Pomai December 22, 2009 4:01 am

    Well I guess I will give my 2cents on Manley. First consider he is what 17/18. He has been playing QB a few years now an has a lot of people tell him how good he is. While looking at schools that he might like to go to, he gets a offer from UH, which when he would attend has like 5/6 QB’s in waiting. So he hedges and waits to see if he can get an offer from a school where his chances of starting right away are better. So then he gets that offer from NMSU he see’s that their QB situation is not that good and his chance’s of starting greatly improves. So he chooses to go where he can play right away.

    I can’t see anything wrong with that, I wish him the best.

    The other thing is, why is it so important to play in front of mama? I’m not playing football to play a game in front of mama, I am playing football because I love the game, and I will go where my chances of playing are good.

    Also how many of these kids are playing football thinking they have a chance to play college ball, then go into the NFL and the reason they started in the first place is the big $$$$$$ they see all the NFL players making??

  273. NYUH December 22, 2009 4:14 am

    UCLA offensive lineman Stanley Hasiak has been sent home to Hawaii for personal reasons and is not likely to return, according to a source in the Bruins’ football program.

    UCLA-logo Hasiak, a freshman, was one of the top recruits in the Bruins’ 2009 recruiting class. UCLA Coach Rick Neuheisel would not comment on the situation.

    He was ranked fourth nationally as a guard by and was also recruited by USC, California, Michigan and Oregon, among others.

  274. Richie December 22, 2009 5:17 am

    I agree with those who think Manley is making the right choice in going to NMSU. Although we all want to see our home grown talent play for the Warriors, if the coaching staff is not going to give them full scholarships, then you can’t blame them for leaving. It seems that scholarships are sometimes extended to mainland players to get them down here, when an equally, if not more talented local player is left to live at home, work part-time to pay tuition, find a way to pay for their own meals, etc. Bryant Moniz and Brent Rausch is an example that immediately comes to mind. The ESPN commentators during the Wisconsin game were commenting about Bryant selling pizzas and they even made a comment that I recall was something about his training table consisting of the pizzas that he takes home from work. Brent Rausch, on the other hand, does not seem to have what it takes to ever be a starter, nor even a significant contributor for us, yet he is getting a full-ride from the people of Hawaii and at the expense of other players. There are many, many more examples.

    I wish Blaze Soares the best in striving to make the NFL. I had to google this Wynn Silberman who he had signed with as he did not get the write-up that Estes’ agent got when he signed. He seems to be a good selection for an agent by Blaze. It is now all on Blaze to prove himself over the next few months.

  275. the nene December 22, 2009 5:21 am

    The coaches so far has done a fab job on recruiting. After missing the bowl game by 1 game I’m sure they would prioritize their needs to make sure that won’t happen in the coming years.Which side of the ball that really would need to shore up? Then….
    1. Athleticism
    2. Skill, Academics
    3. Size
    4. Potential, etc
    (This is my minds list, not the coaches)
    UH has some talented kid’s at QB’s that will give us some great years and games to watch. I don’t feel too bad about Losing Manley because what we have at QB and set skill’s he has might fit in better with what another school runs offensively. I am very happy that he will have a chance of getting a great education which many kids don’t have and that goes for any kid that attends anywhere on scholie. AS with many. we wish them well.
    As the saying goes, WINNING TAKES CARE OF EVERYTHING.(well, not quite, jus ask JJ)
    I am excited for this years recruiting class and already anticipating a great season next year.

    Our prayers to our troops in harms way thru the holiday seasons and those in need at home.
    Drive safely all and have a great holidays.

  276. Garret December 22, 2009 5:42 am

    My parents went to and taught at public school, my sister and I went to public school, and my kids go to public school. I never considered sending my kids to private school. However, California is different than Hawaii because school districts vary in quality, so where you live makes a big difference in how good your public schools are. So, instead of living closer to the ocean or with a better view, I studied where the best schools were and we picked the best school district to buy a home in.

    My daughter has 19 kids in her class and other schools in this county have 40 kids in a class. The teachers in our school district make 20% more than the school districts 10 minutes away…and not surprisingly the teachers in this district are excellent. There are two things that make a difference here that do not happen in Hawaii:

    1. Constant fundraising by the PTA. Carnivals, benefit nights, etc., raise money for the school and pay for the Art, Music, PE, Science, and Computer teachers. State/city funds are *not* used to pay those teachers, which frees up money for other things. Each PTA is motivated because all of the money they raise stays with their school and pays for teachers that work with every student.

    2. Huge parent volunteer workforce. Every class has a parent volunteer in the classroom at all times to help out–2 or 3 parents split each day. No teacher aids need to be paid for. Parents also do a lot of office tasks (photocopying, etc.) reducing 1 or 2 positions in the office. My wife volunteers in my daughter’s classroom every week and tried to also volunteer to help out in the science teacher’s classroom but there were too many volunteers and her lottery number wasn’t called. Some parents volunteer before they start work, others juggle their work schedule to do so, some are stay-at-home parents, and we know of a few that actually use a few hours of vacation time each week to volunteer.

    When the kids are at their science/art/music/PE/computer classrooms, their regular teacher has free periods to prepare. Their teacher also doesn’t need to do any of the busy work because there is always a parent volunteer to do that. So, that frees up the teacher to just focus on teaching…and they have to do a good job because there is always a parent in the room to see what is going on.

  277. Garret December 22, 2009 5:46 am


    Moniz will be on scholarship in January. They couldn’t award him a scholarship during the season, but he is an example of a local walk-on who was awarded a scholarship after moving up the depth chart.

    The coaches offered Manley a scholarship a year before Spain. But Manley waited a year while Spain took the scholarship right away so there was no scholarship left for Manley in this recruiting class.

  278. Garret December 22, 2009 5:50 am

    I’ve probably been blogging too much…but we are about to have a houseguest that will pretty much keep me off the blog until past Christmas so I wanted to post while I could. I hope that everybody has a Merry Christmas.

  279. koakane™ December 22, 2009 6:01 am

    Capitol -ist/WassupDoc: December 22nd, 2009 at 1:21 am
    Is there any pre- or post-Sheraton Hawai`i Bowl party? if so, where and when and how much?

    are you planning something? where, when, how much

    early morning all, sun neva puka out yet, have a good day

  280. LizKauai [iMac] Happy Holidays! December 22, 2009 6:15 am

    ALoha Kakahiaka!


    Be safe and happy!

  281. d1島 December 22, 2009 6:34 am

    Great Morning All!

    Aloha to the “100-ish” Reno fans who made it over for the game…we appreciate the reciprocity from your City. 🙄

  282. d1島 December 22, 2009 6:35 am

    New post!

  283. CheeHoo December 22, 2009 11:31 am


    What will Hasiak do now? Can he xfer to another school and play or does he have to sit out a year?

    Will a team even want him on their roster….

  284. leslie December 23, 2009 2:47 pm

    The NFL Draft

    is creating a partnership with researchers at Boston University who are studying the long-term effects of brain injuries on players, the Associated Press reported.
    “It’s huge that the NFL Draft
    actively gets behind this research,” Robert Cantu, the co-director of the school’s research program, told the AP. “It forwards the research. It allows players to realize the NFL Draft is concerned about the possibility that they could have this problem and that the NFL Draft is doing everything it can to find out about the risks and the preventive strategies that can be implemented.”

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