NCAA does the right thing

There was a little drama — OK, a lot of drama — but the NCAA did the right thing in lifting the UH basketball team’s postseason ban and restoring a scholarship.

Brian McInnis has all the updates at: McInnis tweets


  1. RoyGBivs March 3, 2017 9:23 am

    Great to hear!!

    Go Basket’Bows

  2. Da Punchbowl Kid March 3, 2017 9:28 am

    Glory Haleluiah! The killer snail finally gets its act together!

  3. Arcumfortis March 3, 2017 9:44 am

    This is good and welcome news. However it doesn’t correct the damage that was done to the program by the original overly harsh penalty. We would have had a powerful team coming back this year, if not for the post season ban and likely would have been strong contenders for the Big West championship and another NCAA tournament spot. Instead we have a scrappy over achieving team that certainly deserves a chance to play in the post season but is not at the same level as the team the NCAA trashed.

    In many areas of life when mistakes are made with bad outcomes people lose their jobs, get demoted etc. (e.g. Oscar night best picture snafu). I am not sure who the pompous, dufus-like members of the NCAA staff were, who implemented the original erroneous and uncalled for sanctions but I doubt any of them will lose their jobs. They will just continue with their smug and autocratic ways.

    But happy we will play in the Big West tournament. This is team I have learned to love like Benji’s team of two years ago. They overachieve. Ganot’s cobbling together of this team and the success they have had is impressive. Props to all.

  4. haka March 3, 2017 9:49 am

    Well, well, well…
    Will wonders never cease…
    Very happy for the team!
    Go Bows!

  5. DaveLetterMan March 3, 2017 9:49 am

    Morning Tsaikos!
    What about the fine UH paid? No reduction on that too?

  6. hilorain March 3, 2017 10:02 am

    Great news!! About fn time. Now go win the BigWest tourney.

  7. mileHIwarrior March 3, 2017 10:18 am

    Thank goodness this is over. Too bad the “only if” statements just fills my head when it comes to what could have been. Of the underclassmen that left after last season, I think only Janks was the only sure thing. I believe Valdez would have stayed and Jovanovich would have provided more of a presence in the paint.

  8. Duster March 3, 2017 10:21 am

    On page 28, item 4 of Core Penalties section states:

    “Scholarship Reductions: The men’s basketball program shall reduce the number of grants-in-aid awarded in the sport of men’s basketball by one for each of the 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic years (institution imposed one grant cut each for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic years. The institution may credit its 2015-16 and 2016-17 cuts to this penalty)”

    So no scholarship reduction for next season – which would be 2017-18 academic year, right? And UH gets to restore one scholarship retroactively for the current year since UH withheld 2? Maybe Brock gets reimbursed for tuition from this year if UH

  9. haka March 3, 2017 10:27 am

    The extra schollie is huge for the team moving forward.
    Again, feel great for the team as they are very deserving of this decision.
    Now….shock da honua!

  10. Derek March 3, 2017 10:34 am

    Coach Ganot and his staff have been positive the whole time. He doesn’t make any excuses. Kudos to the players also for playing hard and not complaining. This is not a very athletic or talented bunch but they hustle and fight til the end. I’m real proud and appreciate of their efforts. Many thought it would be a disaster this year recordwise, but the team did much better. UH can make some noise in the tournament if they can just make a good percentage. 45-50% on FG and 75% on FT will give them a good chance to win.

    With 1 more scholarship opening I think we need a very good shooting combo guard. The Rock, Mike Thomas coming back and is capable of having a double/double every game. Avea reminds me of a very young Aaron Valdes. Drew Buggs will be back and he will get playing time and bring some toughness.

  11. Duster March 3, 2017 10:36 am

    Let me revise my post #8. Since UH apparently held back 2 scholarships in 2015-16, does that additional withholding get credited to 2016-17 such that there should be (or have been) no reduction for 2016-17 (i.e., 1-1=0)?

    In any event, no scholarship reduction for 2017-18 academic year right? Did I miss some other part of the report that imposed a reduction after 2016-17?

  12. DaveLetterMan March 3, 2017 10:54 am

    According to Brian McInnis Bows did their time and have full 13 scholarships moving forward.

  13. Duster March 3, 2017 10:54 am

    I am so giddy that I can’t type straight. The quote I posted was from the actual 34 page NCAA COI decision posted on its website. I’d post a link but I don’t think that is allowed on this blog.

  14. Duster March 3, 2017 10:56 am

    Thanks, DaveLetterMan! I feel blessed that I can still read.

  15. Ipu Man March 3, 2017 11:35 am

    UH basketbows lost last night…
    But wow, they surged at the beginning of the
    2nd half and looked like they were going to
    run away with it. But a couple of phantom
    referee calls done them in and good 3’s by
    the other team to pull way ahead.
    So can Ganot win or he cannot?

  16. haka March 3, 2017 12:09 pm

    So with Avea onboard, how many additional schollies do we have for next season?

  17. WarriorMojo March 3, 2017 12:16 pm

    Re #14

    “I feel blessed that I can still read.”

    Objection, assumes facts not in evidence.

    But, I do agree that getting back a scholarship for next season is huge. Would like to see another recruit coming in besides Avea.

  18. WarriorMojo March 3, 2017 12:23 pm

    And for those interested, Stefan Jovanovic’s LMU team finished their regular season with a 15-14 record. They’ll play BYU in the WCC tournament on Saturday. Stefan averaged 20 minutes, 8.6 points and 4.7 rbs per game.

  19. clyde March 3, 2017 12:23 pm

    haka: Brian’s story says UH will get back the full complement of 13 scholarships next season. They currently have 11 players under scholarship. Allen is the lone senior, so his schollie essentially went to Avea. UH still has two more scholarships to offer for 2017-18.

  20. hilorain March 3, 2017 12:56 pm

    #8 & #19 In reading, your comments and Brian’s story, would seem like NCAA restored a scholarship that was already not used. So in effect, UH did not get any scholarships back, unless they can retroactively give Brock a scholarship for 2016-17.

    Reality is the only this we got back was post-season and less probation. Big FN deal. We would have been at full scholarships for next year anyway.

  21. Mytake March 3, 2017 12:58 pm

    ipad gate is over.

  22. shoichi March 3, 2017 1:01 pm

    After this season all NCAA penalties will be in the past. No penalties will affect next season and beyond. Hawaii will be allowed to have 13 scholarship players on the team next season and Hawaii will be allowed to play in the postseason from this point on.

    Hawaii did lose a scholarship for this season (when they were put at 2 lost rather than 1 by the penalties). But that will be made up this upcoming recruiting season.

  23. cappie the dog March 3, 2017 1:11 pm

    C’mon Hawaii.

    Send a message to the very talented, but immature student-athlete out there in East Carolina.

  24. clyde March 3, 2017 1:21 pm

    hilorain: Yes, the damage was done, but the NCAA’s ruling is quite uplifting.
    The scholarship situation has been confusing, and there wasn’t any clarity until today. Publicly, Ganot was operating under the assumption that the program, in a worse-case scenario, would have had only 11 schollies for the 2017-18 season, or 12 at best.
    Bottom line, they’ll be back to 13, and that’s huge for a program in resurrection. Signing period starts in about a month.

  25. Maddog50 March 3, 2017 1:43 pm

    Lotsa stuff goin on-just a note, in the last week in Church, Dicks Sporting Goods and a drinking establishment I spotted 3 different folks sporting the “H” on a shirt and hats in Naperville IL. Made me feel good!!!

  26. jm2375 March 3, 2017 1:54 pm

    Well, NoClueAtAll took their own sweet time, issuing the ruling at, pretty much, the last minute.

    maddog – I doubt it has anything to do with it, unless whomever were wearing the “H”s were family members, but there are 2 MVB players from IL. Dalton Solbrig is from Lindenhurst and Jackson van Eekeren (redshirt) is from Naperville.

    Speaking of MVB, only 5 home games left this year, including tonight. Come down to the SSC and cheer the boys on! I would also get tickets for Senior Night NOW. I predict there will be a large group of teenage female fans of Kupono Fey will be in attendance. hehehe


  27. Duster March 3, 2017 2:25 pm

    Re. No. 17, is the objection as to being blessed, being able to read, or both?

    It’s obvious from my postings that I can’t type. Good to hear from you, Mojo.

  28. NorthShoreFan March 3, 2017 2:25 pm

    Guud Afternoon Taikos…Bootiful Day!

    Great news! Finally!…hoping the Warriors will go pedal to the metal and finish the regular season strong! Best revenge it to WIN IT ALL!

    Again, I plead my case…. Coach Ganot … Coach of the Year!…some feel the team over achieved….I think Coach Ganot was able to get them to play together and with passion. He got the boyz to play hard and together. Noah came up big this year. Polishing the seat with the other team to producing and providing leadership. Coach Ganot you done good!

  29. haka March 3, 2017 2:48 pm

    19 Clyde, that is sweet! Thanks!

  30. Kanole March 3, 2017 4:21 pm

    Ganot is doing a fantastic job. I hope a power 5 school don’t offer him something he can’t refuse!

  31. Old School Dave March 3, 2017 5:34 pm

    Former Radford HS Head Coach Fred Salanoa has been named the OC at Eastern Washington. Salanoa is a former record setting EWU QB (1999-2001) and graduate. Good for Salanoa, who has coached at the high school level for some 15 years here, locally.

  32. DaveLetterMan March 3, 2017 6:03 pm

    Thanks, SteveM!

  33. islandman March 3, 2017 6:50 pm

    11. Duster; UH was penalized for only one scholarship (self-imposed) for 2015-16. They had 12 on scholarship in the spring semester that season. Dyrbe was awarded a scholarship for that semester. Dyrbe, Quincy and Janks graduated.
    Quincy, Jovanovic and Niko were on the Big West All-Academic team, 3.0 cumulative GPA.

  34. islandman March 3, 2017 7:00 pm

    20.hilorain. No, if the penalties were not amended ,we would have had only 11 scholarships for 2017-18.
    The original decision was one scholarship reduction self-imposed for each of 2015-16 and 2016-17, then NCAA added one more for 2016-17 and two for 2017-18 for five total.
    The new decision changed it to only one for 2015-16 and one for 2016-17.

  35. Ohana Hawaii March 4, 2017 7:20 am

    OKAY! NOW GO OUT THERE AND SHOW WHATEVER YOU GOT!. GO WARRIORS!. It’s was great decision for the NCAA. Because the University of Hawaii have a large great case on the ban. Because out there they’re a lot’s of will know larger Universities gone or have done it and never got ban from postseason play!. Like one Louisville they did the worst then Hawaii!. And also other schools too. It just come down to it! Money! .

  36. Ohana Hawaii March 4, 2017 7:41 am

    BREAKING NEWS! In Las Vegas. They’re is a lot of local people go to Las Vegas. A lot goes home sick or still in the hospital in Las Vegas and also Hawaii too. The state of Nevada had large investigation in their Department of Health. They arrested over eight employees and includes the manager for getting paid under the table!. The reason came from : 1. Notifying big companies that? They’re coming down to health check the place. 2. Never wrote the hotel restaurant or others food handling. When they’re see that something is wrong or really seriously bad!. 3. They’re did a lot in a cases of 10 counts!. Like, I really seriously learn from my teachers at Kapiolani Community College food service. Where is the most safer place to eat? Your home!.

  37. Boya_jr March 4, 2017 1:58 pm

    Great news about UH MBB. Go Warriors!

  38. musicman March 4, 2017 2:13 pm

    Sitting here at Walter Pyramid waiting for basketball game. Place needs an upgrade real bad.

    1st game for me to watch Hawaii play……hope The Warrior’s are victorious 😉

  39. Stephen Tsai March 4, 2017 3:10 pm

    New post:

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