Tuesday checkin: Taylor, Sibley out for now

Taylor not cleared to practice, doing some rehab work with trainer. Something they call the ARP, Accelerated Recovery Program.
They aren’t sure if she’ll go Wednesday. It’s “Plan B” for now.
Sibley out for the week.
Castillo still a little gimpy. She’s had this muscle cramp in her calf that has bothered her.

don’t have the video yet but Shoji was in drills for the first time I can remember, along with the other coaches on one side. he eventually gave up trying to block but he was setting front row, did a couple of nice digs.

as m mentioned on previous thread, no date set yet for Long Beach-UCI match from Sept. And doubt that 49ers protest from Friday will be allowed. 2 yellows equal 1 red and 1 point.


  1. rabbits ears November 1, 2016 5:27 pm

    I agree about coach being still tough on the wahines. He is subbing alot more than in the past. Probable still looking for his set lineup. In the past once he set his lineup that was pretty much it. I alway felt that why the subs in the past were not ready when needed.

  2. Cindy Luis November 1, 2016 5:32 pm

    Long Beach sweeps Fullerton 25-12, 25-11, 25-20
    another impressive match for Barber. 14-1-29, 18 digs.

  3. Cindy Luis November 1, 2016 5:33 pm

    1. hard to set a lineup with the injuries they’ve had this season

  4. Cindy Luis November 1, 2016 5:40 pm

    CSUN sweeps UC Riverside 25-22, 25-22, 25-19

  5. rabbits ears November 1, 2016 5:55 pm

    Hope coach doesn’t get hurt. Doing things like that normally doesn’t turn out well.

  6. Hot November 1, 2016 6:15 pm

    I think Shoji is nicer in a way that he is giving everyone opportunities. All the active walk-ons have traveled. Even if almost all the back row players are either the same class or just one class ahead, none of them can complain about playing time. Anderson, Guinasso and Ponce have all played in at least 10 sets this season. That’s not how it was in the past. I remember in 2007 when a fourth year walk on hitter, Caroline Blood, was left at home in the postseason because Shoji decided to bring a redshirting or was it an injured player (Ferrell, perhaps?).

  7. Cindy Luis November 1, 2016 6:27 pm

    He brought Ferrell, who was redshirting after being injured after four matches. Think he brought her to have the “postseason experience.” Don’t remember why Blood stayed in Honolulu. it could have conflicted with graduation but not sure.
    team shipped to Louisville. upset by Middle Tennessee State in 4. Sets were played to 30. was a weird match. think it was the first year the NCAA allowed for live blogging but it was somewhat restricted.

    as for the walk-ons traveling. He’s always done some sort of rotation with them.

  8. Bleachercoach November 1, 2016 6:48 pm

    My plan B:
    Setter: Iosia
    Opp: Koelsch
    MB: Burns/Maglio
    OH1: Mitchem
    OH2: Granato/Greenly
    Libero: Kahakai

  9. Bleachercoach November 1, 2016 6:56 pm

    I would also like to see Taylor Higgins get in the 1st set as a Setter if our team needs a spark. Granted Iosia has “magic” hands, but Higgins and even Koelsch has set in Big Time Matches in the last 2-3 years: Long Beach St, Texas, Texas AM, UCLA, Penn St and Minnesota to name a few….Sometimes “Been There Before Experience” might be the MAGIC we really could use….Nothing against Norene (she is remarkable!) She has not been in tough situation like the other 2 setters and they could prove to be a spark we could usee! Just a suggestion!

  10. Rabbit ears November 1, 2016 7:03 pm

    So it’s not up to Nikki whether she plays? Hard to imagine she wouldn’t give it a go. LBS and last year.

  11. warriorfan November 1, 2016 8:40 pm

    Anyone notice the warrior volleyball instagram page?, Im enjoying the videos they post wish the wahine had one with videos as well.

  12. Ron November 1, 2016 8:58 pm

    Bleachercoach, I agree with your plan B but I really hope Nikki is available. I would give Iosia the green light to hit more because she generally hits it down into the front row.Their libero had a field day with our deep attacks from our lt. side hitters. Both Annie and Emily can put it straight down if they get a good set. Easier said than done but we need to over power Long Beach instead of volleying with them.

  13. warriorwahine November 1, 2016 9:59 pm

    previous thread 26.

    it was “pretty much SOP for years” really? didnt see said procedure happening including even for last year. im just saying the blog is closed early or earlier and no new thread was created for the next day when that day breaks.

  14. Maverick November 1, 2016 10:08 pm

    13. Agree 100%, for some reason this year, several threads have been closed without a new one open, so no one can comment overnight/early the next morning. Initially, I recall it was because posters weren’t behaving, but then Cindy decided to give everyone a second chance. But I don’t know why it has been occurring more recently. If this is not intentional, then there may be some technological issue with the blog.

  15. warriorwahine November 1, 2016 10:12 pm

    nothing more to say about these:

    9. iosia has “magic” hands and ‘norene is remarkable.’
    of course right? ‘nice hands’ – jeff hall/lindsey berg ‘nasty serve!’ – kelly sheffield

    12. overpower the beach instead of volleying with them, yes. its dominate, crush and destroy. not ‘chillin’, go to sleep, ‘its unimportant.’

    btw i know you cant attack the serve but can you attack the spike? example instead of blocking, time it just right for the middle hitter to take a swing at the ball just right after the opponent swung at it to result in the spiked ball rebound back at the attacker.

  16. warriorwahine November 1, 2016 10:15 pm

    14. yes i too recall cindy giving everyone a second chance and it did not seem like it was SOP at all. didnt see posters misbehaving. didnt see an issue.

  17. Hot November 2, 2016 12:00 am

    7. IIRC, Blood stayed in Honolulu because Ferrell went instead. It was for the reason you stated, “for postseason experience,” for a scholarship player instead of bringing a walk-on. And before the transfer to Big West, which allowed him to bring 14 players, most walk-ons didn’t travel. Even after the move to the Big West, I don’t think Kristina Kam, for example, made any travel roster.

  18. blunite November 2, 2016 6:55 am

    The injuries are unfortunate but they do remind us that it is how you land on your feet that matters most. Normally, you only get one chance in life for each and every moment. In this case the Wahine have a second chance at LBSU!

    Whatever the outcome of this match the Wahine did have everyone healthy in the first match. If Hawaii truly has better talent than LBSU then that leaves the coaching. Coach’s assessment of the first match (“…they exposed our weaknesses”) indicates that Brian Gimmillaro (BG) saw what coach did not see.

    Playing favorites is fine when winning…, not so much when losing. For example, if first touch (serve receive) breaks down again (passing to the 3 meter line or worst) it won’t be just BG; all of us will see what coach failed to see.

  19. islandman November 2, 2016 8:03 am

    Dave, you’re almost 70, your block might not be as good as it used to be.

  20. H-Man November 2, 2016 8:19 am

    Dave Shoji on the BC show this morning mentioned that it is Nikki’s knee that’s injured. I thought she tweaked her elbow again.

  21. tongo November 2, 2016 9:26 am

    Had the chance to be at the Long Beach match and my impression was that the Beach played very inspired – digging extremely well. IMO, our team needs to play more relax and trust in each other as the balls will not go down as easy.

    I think Burns at MH matches up well against the Beach, as well as Mitchem at OH especially against their slide. Think key match up is Maglio, as Beach MHs matches up well against her. Iosia has to create space for Emily. Without Emily as a threat to hold their block, our pins tendency to hit deep was well scouted. Hoping our pins will have a better night hitting smartly off the block hands.

  22. blunite November 2, 2016 1:03 pm

    Best of luck to the Wahine.

    Coach wants them to “elevate and bring the heat” against the double block. (Reminiscent of TMO) MG’s “heat” against LBSU’s double block, the game plan that goes with his slow, high ball setting.

  23. Cindy Luis November 2, 2016 1:35 pm

    Koels is getting reps at Opp as well
    It is not up to Taylor in a way. She has to be cleared by the medical staff first. But she has the last word as to whether she wants to play.
    Shoji did mention her knee this morning. she’s got several problems, including the elbow. they continue to use the stimulator on that. and they were working on her left quad as well.

    will know more when I get to practice.

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