Rolo is going green

This week, Nick Rolovich has these questions for Warrior Beat readers:

> What should the punishment be for people who do not wear green to Aloha Stadium this weekend?

> What is the best idea for the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor for Military Appreciation Night (on Oct. 29)?

> How much would you pay to wear a headset and listen to an entire game from a coach’s point of view?

By the way, Rolovich said he is willing to substitute these Q&A sessions with a live blog chat. We’ll let everyone know the date/time, but it probably will be next week.


  1. Bugaz October 11, 2016 10:13 am

    You’re doing a fine job coach Rolo. Keep it up!

  2. kev-1 October 11, 2016 10:18 am

    1. I wouldn’t punish a fan for not wearing green… yet. Right now we just need to make sure they show up.

    2. Under Armor better have something planned for that night. If we aren’t including those kinds of things in our deal, then we are sleeping.

    3. I would only pay to wear a headset if it came with the ability to call a play.

  3. SailorBlue October 11, 2016 10:18 am

    Aloha everybody. Congratulations to our Rainbow Warriors on the great road win. This weekend is Homecoming, so come on out to the tgate and game and support them he compete for another win.

    The last Tsai-ko tgate theme of fried foods went so well that we decided to try again. The theme of this week’s tgate is …. Mexican ….

    We’ll use the grill for meats (chicken, beef, pork or fish are all good) for fajitas, tacos, tostados, etc.

    So trot out your favorite ‘South of the Border’ appetizer, salad, main or dessert recipe and bring it on out.

    Cheers, SailorBlue

  4. NotNasti October 11, 2016 10:43 am

    1. Punishment? Stand up and dance to Masese
    2. 75th Anniv.? Green camo unis.? Battleship grey helmets? Sky divers landing on the turf? Free Admission to all military personnel (probably doing it already)?
    3. I’d rather not know.

  5. Boya_jr October 11, 2016 10:43 am

    Right now I would pay $200-$300 to listen on the headset for a game. In a few years though, career-wise, I would pay up to $1K.

  6. madeinhawaii October 11, 2016 10:46 am

    1) Don’t punish those who don’t wear green.. just pretend they are invisible and reward those who are.
    2) We were #125 in the CBS Sports Football Poll ranks at the start of the season, we are now #95. Can you get us to #75 for the 75th anniversary?
    3) No mo kala, sorry. Someone else will have to answer that one. I got time and energy (some anyway)… but no money.

  7. Sangamon Keith October 11, 2016 10:57 am

    1. Give them a green lei or a cheap green paper visor. Keep it friendly with the general admission crowd. Encourage the dorm students (based on resident halls and Greek houses) to compete among themselves for a “Going Green” Homecoming Award from the team. You could have a traveling trophy or something fun … also a shame award for loser team.

    2. Special half time for Pearl Harbor and WW2 vets … a pregame tailgate event sponsored by Travel Industry or Hotel Association. Reach out to Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard to participate in ceremonies … special sections for each service.

    3. I would only pay $50 … but there’s always deeper pocket fans who might bid the price a lot higher in a raffle.

  8. Na Koa Mike October 11, 2016 10:58 am

    Yesterday’s lunch report is now posted.

  9. tom-warriornation October 11, 2016 11:07 am

    How about the UH Athletic Dept selling GREEN shirts (Pride Rock, Live Aloha, Rolling with Rolo, etc) at cost; or less; at all games or H-Zone stores; so that everyone can wear green? Also at road games! And how about donation buckets (like church) at all games for UH Football–it might work after folks have a few beers!

    $1 game tickets for all military for the Oct 29 game?

  10. Inyoface October 11, 2016 11:10 am

    Wonder if Dru will be replaced if he fumbles again.

  11. tom-warriornation October 11, 2016 11:12 am

    Keith: you got the legendary Gary Allen & David Toloumu sitting next to you at the SDSU game on Nov. 5–anyone else want to join our group of 200+ Hawaii fans sitting on the UH side & meet Gary & David? $25 (UH price is $30). or text to: 415-324-0585.

  12. H-Man October 11, 2016 11:25 am

    We supposed to wear green? All my Warrior t-shirts are black or white with the H logo. Does white with green Warrior count?

  13. pakegolf October 11, 2016 12:10 pm

    #8 Thanks for the lunch report link. Thanks to Gareth for the report!

  14. Willie October 11, 2016 12:17 pm

    #10, I’d take the one fumble, his 2 TD passes per game, foot speed and Akamai decisions anytime. The alternative would be 2 interceptions a game at the least, few TD passes and bad decision making.

  15. A-House October 11, 2016 12:32 pm

    Coach Rolo:

    I will presume that you listed question # 1 as a “joke” — at least I hope so cause it would lower your status as the HC of UH football.

    as a former military person, I have mixed emotions of what would be appropriate to “add” to the festivities on “military night” — it would have to be very creative, entertaining, and meaningful for such a tremendous loss of men and material —

    is there really a place during an athletic contest to honoring 12/7/1940? would a fly over by the Hawaii Air National Guard with the “missing man formation” be suitable? followed by the missing man formation” of the helicopter unit at Wheeler? come in with the attack choppers – hold their position over Aloha Stadium for a minute or two above the 50 yard line – then have one slowly lift up and away to honor all those who perished on 12/7/1940 – no music or words needed — let each attendee create his/her own thoughts

    head sets to listen to ‘what’? conversations between whom or just a coach giving his thoughts of what’s happening during the game?

  16. A-House October 11, 2016 12:35 pm

    IMHO, it would be better if the DC be in the booth with OC

    see the field — what’s happening — communicate with the position coaches what’s happening and needs to be done and make necessary personnel changes

  17. NotNasti October 11, 2016 12:41 pm

    tom-warriornation, H-man: Butigroove selling “Green Party” Live Aloha, Play Warrior green t-shirts for $5 each.

  18. digitald2 October 11, 2016 12:44 pm

    1. I mostly have black UH Tshirts. I better go out and buy more green gear.

    2. Tribute and historical video clips of that time on the Jumbotron.

    3. Wow! I would be absolutely amazing to be able to sit in the coaches booth and wear one of those headsets and hear what they are saying!! I’d probably pay up to $1,000 for that chance of a lifetime experience! Would be even cooler if there was a bonus condition like if UH is up by at least 3 TD’s, we would be allowed to call 1 offensive play!!

  19. Lurker October 11, 2016 12:46 pm

    #15 With respect…..1941

  20. digitald2 October 11, 2016 12:55 pm

    Yes, donation buckets at the stadium to support UH football. Especially after a good win and a few beers, fans would be more apt to donate another $10 at every home game.

    Have the cheerleaders or football players ask for donations and chat with the tailgaters.

    Make a deal with the fans if the team wins the game and they are proud of the product to pledge to donate an extra $10 when they leave the game in designated collection bins by the exits.

  21. digitald2 October 11, 2016 12:57 pm

    Make a deal with the fans if the team wins the game and they are proud of the product to pledge to donate an extra $10 when they leave the game in designated collection bins by the exits.

    If there are 30,000 fans and everyone pledges an extra $10 donation when they leave, that is $300,000 in donations. Even if only half come through, that is still $150,000 in extra donations.

  22. sfogate October 11, 2016 1:12 pm

    1. My UH Football t-shirt is kinda gray. But the letters are in green 🙂

    2. This question is best answered by a military person.

    3. I know I paid around $250 (in 1991) at a charity event is sit have cocktails at the UH President’s house, ride his bus to a game and sit in his Box plus go down to the field for the 3rd quarter. I’m not interested in wearing a headset but I would love to buy a seat in The Box 🙂

  23. Warbow October 11, 2016 2:46 pm

    1. No beer sells on the home side of the field if not wearing a green shirt, they want beer, they have to walk to the visitors side.

    2. The service with the most attendee’s in uniform gets in free the next home game if in uniform again. Veterans included.

    3. 5K if they can get a headset to catch the coaches on Kauai while I watch the game on PPV in my living room.

  24. Ohana Hawaii October 11, 2016 3:01 pm

    I’m really happy for the people in Hawaii!. University of Hawaii Gooding on the right road! H-Man and others! You be proud of the team. Because before the season started. The Athlon Sports College football and all others magazines. Pick the University of Hawaii football to finish last place in their division conference. Now they are eating their words!

  25. z October 11, 2016 3:02 pm

    I like DC on the field. Lempa is one who has been coaching up his players on the sidelines. If he was the type to just walk around quietly then I would rather have him in the box. But I like what he is doing now. It seems to be working.

  26. Former UH Athlete October 11, 2016 3:27 pm

    1. Lashings, but be sure thank them for attending.

    2. Have the military personnel (in uniform) line up to form a tunnel for the Bows to run onto the field; If any living Pearl Harbor survivors can make it, have them honored during halftime.

    3. If the offers too big and irresistible, will Dave Matlin start coordinating to monetize this for the program?

  27. NorthShoreFan October 11, 2016 3:35 pm

    Guud Afternoon Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!
    Is there a good place to watch the game in Hilo? Will be at a celebration but wanting to find some place can go watch the second half of the game.

    1. Put the cam on them…WAT!? NO GREEN?!…like the kiss cam. Then again, most of my tee’s are black or grey (my Live Aloha, Play Warrior tee).
    2. Free entry and half time festivities…have all service members, active, reserves and veterans stand and be counted.
    3. Hmmmmm, $500? ehhh maybe….

  28. leron October 11, 2016 3:40 pm

    I’d add in a history lesson of the correct date of Pearl Harbor attack to grouchy blog members. 🙂

  29. shadow October 11, 2016 3:54 pm

    1) Punishment? How can you punish when the team itself can’t wear the dark GREEN helmets for home games. (White helmets suck.)

    2) 75th Anniversary? Wear special uniforms (maybe all Green). Special prices/seating for military. WWII vets serve as honorary game captains. Fly-by from military planes or choppers.

    3) Headset listen: Random winner pick from $100 minimum donation raffle (& include team meal w/ guest).

  30. bg October 11, 2016 4:10 pm

    I’m glad I had a moment to check-in this afternoon because I do have a suggestion for #2. If we had more lead time to get this done, I would be in favor or asking the Army Reserve to fly in the full contingent of the 100th Bn to march in at half time to join the half time activities and sing the unit song which contains references to Pearl Harbor. There is no other unit with the lineage and courageous history that stretches back to the Pearl Harbor era. More importantly, they are local and must be remembered for the way they represented themselves, their families and friends, the State of Hawaii, and their country. For those who have not had the opportunity to hear the unit sing a cappella in parts, it is truly a chicken skin moment. // bg

  31. Ipu Man October 11, 2016 4:32 pm

    1. Shoot them… a green tee shirt with that thingy that shoots shirts. 🙂
    2. Have the band march in the formation of an atomic bomb cloud
    and all fall down as dead (as alternative to promoting war)…
    3. Bobby Curran should have that head set…

  32. Markazulu October 11, 2016 5:07 pm

    1. Probably just a simple cam going on ppl not wearing green. With sound effects.
    2. Military id gets in for free or discount. Maybe a video package thanking all who serve and a lil halftime competition between a few military ppl just have them sign up… let them have a lil fun in front of a few thousand.
    3. If it was for a whole game maybe $250-300

    Also coach highly recommend if u got netflix check out the miami 30 for 30 part 1. Talks about how they rebuilt the program alot of great info that could maybe give u some ideas.

  33. Clay Agena October 11, 2016 5:23 pm

    What happen to Jerrol Garcia-Williams? I don’t remember seeing him play against San Jose State. Is he on the team?
    Go Warriors!

  34. Inyoface October 11, 2016 6:20 pm

    There’s a guy that called in Sport’s Animal’s literally crying about Dru Brown’s fumbles!! Now he just called Ask the Coach show and cried again! LOL!

  35. hilosupaman October 11, 2016 7:04 pm

    > What should the punishment be for people who do not wear green to Aloha Stadium this weekend?

    Instead of kiss cam… lame cam. Highlight the people who not wearing green

    > What is the best idea for the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor for Military Appreciation Night (on Oct. 29)?

    I think it would be great to honor the most decorated military units of all time 100/442 Battalion, group of Japanese Americans, Hawaii locals and others who fought for the country after the attacks despite how they were treated, and kicked some serious okole

    Camo Uniforms, GO FOR BROKE on the back where names should go
    Signs (with UA theme, Protect this house) WE MUST PROTECT THIS HALE

    Invite current and retired vets on the field to do the Ha’a

    Instead of having the team run on the field, have your honorary captain (pearl harbor survivor or 100/442 battalion vet) march them on the field for the National Anthem and Hawaii Pono’i and salute the flag

    Pregame speech for the players maybe the day before at USS Arizona by honorary captain or local veteran. yes I realize the team has been there. Do it again

    Halftime, presentation of jersey’s to survivors. Announce the name change of a section of the stadium… to Veterans Row. Being that there is so many military on island a small section for vets with discounts would be great!

    > How much would you pay to wear a headset and listen to an entire game from a coach’s point of view?
    While I appreciate the outside the box thoughts, not sure overall a good idea. I would rather have more viewing options for the games.

  36. FearGod October 11, 2016 7:20 pm

    His government and its peace will never end.
    He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David
    for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies
    will make this happen!

  37. FearGod October 11, 2016 7:23 pm

    You will be secure under a government that is just and fair.
    Your enemies will stay far away.
    You will live in peace,
    and terror will not come near.

  38. FearGod October 11, 2016 7:34 pm

    You should fear punishment yourselves,
    for your attitude deserves punishment.
    Then you will know that there is indeed a judgment.”

  39. FearGod October 11, 2016 7:38 pm

    What is the best idea for the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor for Military Appreciation Night (on Oct. 29)

    For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.

  40. Jonathan Uyeno October 11, 2016 7:42 pm

    > What should the punishment be for people who do not wear green to Aloha Stadium this weekend?

    > What is the best idea for the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor for Military Appreciation Night (on Oct. 29)?

    > How much would you pay to wear a headset and listen to an entire game from a coach’s point of view?

    1. Start Ikaika the next week

  41. FearGod October 11, 2016 7:56 pm

    How much would you pay to wear a headset and listen to an entire game from a coach’s point of view?

    You gotta pay to play
    Let the bidding war begin

  42. Kanani808 October 11, 2016 8:17 pm

    Coach rolo shud be more careful about saying he will replace brown if he fumbles again, I understand he dru was being careless holding it but it golems and it and it can be fixed that what coaching is and what coaches are there for. He shud keep those kinds of comments within the team and not public because for how far dru came in such short time he is a blessing in disguise for us fans and he program giving us hope that football is turning the corner, plus it hurts drus trust with the coach if he says things like that. He can be critical but in a positive way. Cant say the same if woosley was still our QB, and how many times did he throw picks, fumbled or killed drives. I am a fan of dru but If rolo goes back to woosley that’s a mistake I will not support.

  43. NotNasti October 11, 2016 8:56 pm

    While I do not fear God, I fear FearGod.

  44. FearGod October 11, 2016 9:33 pm

    Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
    go into his courts with praise.
    Give thanks to him and praise his name.

    Praise the LORD, all you nations.
    Praise him, all you people of the earth.

    Praise him, O heaven and earth,
    the seas and all that move in them.

    And yet again,

    “Praise the LORD, all you Gentiles.
    Praise him, all you people of the earth.”*

  45. FearGod October 11, 2016 9:37 pm

    Christ Trumps any Presidential candidate

  46. burro sabio October 11, 2016 9:43 pm

    Church is at the end of the hall, off the deep end.

  47. FearGod October 11, 2016 9:46 pm

    Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.

  48. z October 11, 2016 10:42 pm

    Egads man. Ikaika has a role on the team and he does it well. He is one of the reasons Rigo is doing so well. Give the kid a break already.

    Besides I did not hear Coach Rolo saying that he would replace Brown with Woolsey. There are other quarterbacks on the team too.

  49. Former UH Athlete October 11, 2016 11:05 pm

    For the 75th anniversary, as mentioned earlier, I like the idea of a special flyby from all branches of then military…

    However, UH admin gets so many things wrong that I’m afraid the flyby formation will consist of Zeros, Kates and Vals.

  50. Former UH Athlete October 11, 2016 11:18 pm

    I exclude Matlin from my previous statement about UH admin. Matlin has been good thus far.

  51. burro sabio October 12, 2016 12:15 am

    This burro scoffs not at religion but at the religious fanatics for they are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are the devils in disguise who use religion to deceive and mislead.

  52. Kanani808 October 12, 2016 12:38 am

    Z #48. I know there’s other qbs on the team but if that’s the case why is woosley still number two? He should have put Aaron ahead of him then on the depth chart but I almost bet you if dru gets taken out in a game for whatever reason he will go back to wooolsey unless he changes the depth chart. There’s a reason for a depth chart they only give so many reps to the ones and twos, u think the number 3 guy is gonna be ready if he wasn’t practing or getting the snaps he shud be getting as a two? Rigo is doing well because he works hard granted woosley holds his snaps now but who do u think held his snaps the first 4 games? If you go by your logic then u shud factor in the whole team long snapper and line men who block for rigo. Don’t go off track I’m just saying qbs needed a change and woosley isn’t the answer anytime soon regardless if dru or any other QB has a good game nor in the future he’s already a senior. I’m not bashing woosley as a person I’m sure he’s a good kid and helps the team in other ways but him as QB is not ideal you seem it for the past three years. How much longer u wana keep beating around that bush and nothing changes.

  53. airsumo October 12, 2016 3:22 am

    Burro Sabio – love your comments to Fear God!
    No punishment for those that don’t wear green but have cheer team send out green UH shirts for sale to them. Also to get more students to attend have a dorm/or group competition for the most people attending the game. 2 points for dorm/group member and 1 point for their guest. Winning team gets x number of cases 0f beer and x # of pizzas.

  54. mileHIwarrior October 12, 2016 4:44 am

    1. Make ’em run gassers in the parking lot and then paint their faces green.
    2. Probably too late now but design a uni to commemorate the anniversary. Maybe like Navy, helmets designed with the Arizona Memorial and all other ships that fought bravely at Pearl Harbor.
    3. Fund Raiser. Let ’em go to the highest bidder. Highest I’d bid is $1000. No need to call plays. I’m sure I’d be entertained just listening.

  55. Maddog50 October 12, 2016 5:10 am

    Spread vs UNLV now up to 8. Who cares it doesn’t matter we need a win no matter what. The Rebels will definitely go with two Qb’s and look to juice up passing game. The OL calls themselves the “Orca’s I assume in reference to the largesse and killer whale mentality. Well I say dial up a harpoon or two for the Qb and RB’s!
    No doubt they are going to load the box on first and 2nd down so outside attack read option and passing will probably be the order of the day initially. If you get them in their normal defensive front the DL is aligned almost 2 plus yards off the ball-Go Warriors!!!!!

  56. Maddog50 October 12, 2016 5:14 am

    1. Hand out boxes of Rit Dye-green!

    2. The flyover is a great idea-

    3. 1000.00 dollars for the head set thing-then donate the experience to someone who has never done it in a game before and would get a thrill out of it!

  57. Maddog50 October 12, 2016 5:18 am

    Change that to food coloring or some other non toxic or hand out a color chart….this is what green looks like! It’s got to be good natured fun. How bout a green ribbon as a starter kit and have a group of student volunteers go tag as many people kind of like that stupid Pokémon thing. The student that tags the most gets some sort of worthwhile prize!!!!

  58. Stephen Tsai October 12, 2016 5:39 am

    New post:

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