Hendrie continues to wait for NCAA approval

The face of the Sydney Cup is confused.

With nine days before the Warriors depart for Australia for the season-opener, Sydney-raised Max Hendrie still has not received eligibility clearance from the NCAA.

It has been a frustrating eight-month process for Hendrie, who appears to meet all the NCAA qualifications. But he has been repeatedly asked to submit more and more documents. In the meantime, Hendrie has been told he cannot practice with the Warriors until his situation is resolved.

Hendrie, a defensive end, has been featured in promotions for the Sydney Cup, a football game matching UH and California. It will be the first NCAA game of the 2016 season. Last week, a crew from Australia’s version of the Wide World of Sports traveled to Hawaii to interview Hendrie.

For now, UH waits …


  1. Bugaz August 11, 2016 11:25 am

    Hurry up already NCAA

  2. Bowwar August 11, 2016 11:32 am

    Oi! Poor form by the NCAA!

  3. Da Punchbowl Kid August 11, 2016 11:45 am

    That’s the good ole NCAA for ya!

    Have patience Max, you day will come and we will all be rooting for you.


  4. letsgowarriors August 11, 2016 11:58 am

    wow, in the middle of camp and all we get for an update is eligibility issues. does Rolo have a gag order on you that we cant get any practice updates?

    probably unaware of the social media changes that happened on Aug 1st.

    weak reporting

  5. letsgowarriors August 11, 2016 12:05 pm

    anymore separation being shown between the 4 QBs?
    anyone standing out in camp, returnees or newcomers?
    close to 2 weeks away from the 1st game, when are we splitting it up between 1s/2s and scout team?
    rolo’s thoughts on the new social media rules? (probably too late to run this article)

  6. H-Man August 11, 2016 12:12 pm

    I always expect better of the NCAA, but always find myself disappointed with the time it takes for them to reach decisions in determining a player’s qualifications. I mean eight months should be more than ample time to determine whether a player is qualified or not. But that’s the beauracracy of the NCAA. Well not entirely. If it were Michigan or USC, I am sure a decision would have been forthcoming in a couple of months or even sooner.

  7. jeezy33 August 11, 2016 12:22 pm

    5. Would love some practice reports from anyone who has attended:
    Would like to know which newcomers are pushing for playing time. Which newcomers are falling behind. Any surprise returnees that are making a huge leap forward? Viane Moala cracking the 2 deep on a thin DL?

  8. Ipu Man August 11, 2016 12:54 pm

    Again, great reporting, Tsai.
    Can’t give out too much info.
    “Loose Lips Sink Ships”….

  9. Jeezy33 August 11, 2016 1:05 pm

    8. Lol. Uh football running some top secret mission or something? Geezz.. Apparently some of you don’t follow how other camps are covered at other schools. It’s not too secret info to report on practices..

  10. Darren August 11, 2016 1:16 pm

    Good day off to catch some of today’s practice. Full pads today, a lot of energy…especially on the D side. Coach Lempa radiates tremendous energy. Can tell that the D needs to start hitting someone else when it’s a little more chippy than normal. Coach Rolo yelling a couple of times to keep everything under control. Good to see that he can crack the proverbial whip when needed. Took in mostly drills, but was able to catch a short session of 11s.

    – QB rotation was 11, 15, 19, and 17. No one was lighting it up. About the same type of performances from 11 and 15 as before. 19 took off too soon when pressured. 17 still holds on to the ball too long (this was during drills…Coach Rolo mutters loudly: “Throw the damn ball”). Whoever is named starting QB needs to get as many reps with the 1s before 1st game. Only TD pass was a 30 yarder from 17 to 23 at the corner of the end zone. There is no doubt we have talent on O, just hoping that serious reps with #1 QB will make everything click. Seemed to alternate pretty evenly between 10 and 11 personnel sets.

    – D looks ahead of the O as there were more “sacks” than big pass plays. 3 and 5 are back at practice and both make a noticeable difference for our edge pressure. If he performs in games the same as how he practices, 3 will be a stud for our defense. Across the front was 3, 75, 99, and 5. LBs 38, 31, and 44. DBs 11, 19, 15 and 39.

    – Didn’t see everyone in the pit, but 2 and 7 were there for sure.

    – 98 really looks the part but don’t think he’s on the 2 deep. 94 and 91(?). 8 will be around too if/when healthy.

    – Hendrie is there at practice, but in street clothes. Bummer.

    – Was that Isaac Sopoaga giving out some tips?

    – Coach Tomey is a very attentive observer at practice, and Coach Rolo still comes over to pick his mind from time to time. It’s actually kinda cool to see that. Can’t help but love the connection that Coach Tomey still feels with the program.

  11. letsgowarriors August 11, 2016 1:21 pm

    awesome, thank you Darren.

    really excited about #3. hope #2 and #7 get healthy ASAP

  12. jeezy33 August 11, 2016 1:30 pm

    Thank you Darren. Exactly what some us fans needed to hear. Even if all isn’t good.

    What you say kind of confirms what I’ve heard from a couple players. David Manoa has improved a whole lot. Good to see. We need an edge rush presence. He is the one name I heard that had been doing well since Spring.

    Concerned a lot about the QBs still. Would hope 1 or 2 guys started to separate more. Woolsey still sounding like a game manager that isn’t going to light up the scoreboard.

    I noticed the same observations with 98 Moala too. He definitely looks the part. But you can tell he’s very raw and haw a lot of technique and strength training to work on. Liva 93 looked pretty big too. Scary to think lot of our walk ons out performing scholarship guys. Need to recruit better.

  13. jeezy33 August 11, 2016 1:35 pm

    Darren, did JGW practice or is he hurt? So talented, yet injuries always a concern with him.

  14. Darren August 11, 2016 2:14 pm

    13. 2 was in the pit and seemed to be moving around ok. Not sure what his issue is, but doesn’t appear to be anything serious.

  15. HawaiiMongoose August 11, 2016 2:23 pm

    NCAA = No Clue At All

  16. Stephen Tsai August 11, 2016 2:40 pm

    JGW will be fine.

  17. Shoko August 11, 2016 3:01 pm

    I think UH has a bad rep with the NCAA when it involves international players, which might be the reason for the unusually long clearance process. When you think about all the NCAA violations that came down on UH, it always involved a foreign-born player.

    Hope Hendrie can get his clearance ASAP and represent the school in his homeland.

  18. steve P August 11, 2016 3:28 pm

    The NCAA should have been dumped years ago and a new entity formed in its stead. They never have been able to get it done.

  19. 808warriorfan August 11, 2016 3:36 pm

    #17 … “Shoki” … it’s the CURSE OF GIB ARNOLD … but the NCAA is like #15 … “Hawaii Mongoose” says … NO CLUE AT ALL …

    #10 … “Darren” … Brah much mahalo for the awesome “scouting report” … I’m sure a lot of us would like more reports from you … great to hear that “Rolo” can crack that proverbial whip and Coach Tomey being there …


  20. kawika49 August 11, 2016 3:48 pm

    Rolo should say, to the NCAA; please make a decision within a week; or we may not be able to appear in Australia.
    We are a team and will remain a team.

  21. AllG August 11, 2016 4:10 pm

    Bummer about Hendrie. I thought he had the highest ceiling in our recruiting class and is very raw. Hope they can clear up the paperwork issue soon!! At this point I think no choice other then to redshirt him. Just hope he can get cleared and this doesn’t end up with him transferring.

  22. Stephen Tsai August 11, 2016 4:21 pm

    After every practice, the team runs gassers — round-trip sprints the width of the field. What’s that, 106 yards total? On Tuesday, I think, Hendrie was first for most of the gassers. On the last one, he was edged by Paul Harris. That’s something when a defensive end is leading the sprints.

  23. BigD August 11, 2016 4:34 pm

    That sucks about Hendrie. Will he still be able to travel with the team even if he isn’t cleared? BTW is there any rallies planned in Australia prior to gameday? I’m trying to figure out where the parties will be where I can meet up with Hawaii fans.

  24. clyde August 11, 2016 7:24 pm

    Hope Hendrie gets cleared soon, and this doesn’t turn into another Jessie Williams’ situation.

  25. A-House August 11, 2016 7:41 pm


    if a buyer was NOT a “UH booster” but purchased a t-shirt and part of the $$$ goes to NaKoa – that makes her/him a “booster” under NCAA rules?

    if so, people must watch what they purchase whenever NaKoa or another sport puts on a “fund” raiser such as a “dollar for a home run” by the softball team

  26. SteveM August 11, 2016 10:22 pm

    Re: #24
    A-House — I would guess casually buying sport wear in itself does not automatically make you a booster if there is only royalties involved. In the case of the Tsai-ko t-shirts through Na Koa, NorthShoreFan is identified as a booster but not the people he bought it for. However, the UH compliance office stated that you are a booster for life if you purchase season tickets or purchase a ticket to an institutional banquet, or join a booster club.

    UH compliance made a one-page chart. Click here to see chart. (I hope) 🙂

  27. Captain Ron August 11, 2016 11:14 pm

    Egads!!! I’m a booster. I had season tickets when they first moved to Aloha Stadium, how many years ago. Thanks for the info SteveM.

  28. NWA Electrician August 12, 2016 5:15 am

    I wonder what the NCAA is waiting on? We need him to be cleared! He’s a major game changer!

  29. A-House August 12, 2016 6:11 am


    based on the first paragraph of the chart, any employee of First Hawaiian Bank or Bank of Hawaii or any company that donates to UH athletics, by definition, is a booster by being a “member of the organization”


  30. ponojr August 12, 2016 7:50 am

    when colt was the QB, did they outshine the D in their fall camp scrimmages? Read today that the D shined in the Thursday scrimmage, so that either means the O isn’t there yet, or our D is All League!

    I was watching a few highlight clips of Timmy and Colt the other day, and noticed that many of their completions were to WR’s in wide open space. Didn’t notice much of that the last four years, so hopefully Rolo’s new O will allow the SB to get free and allow QB’s to make the throws without having to fit passes into a small windows.

  31. Boolakanaka August 12, 2016 8:48 am

    My impression of Issac S., giving tips…..”sole, get super big and stronger than anybody else, and no let anyone move you—alu alu sole.”

  32. Bryson August 12, 2016 8:54 am

    I hate that if you don’t make money for the NCAA they don’t give a crappy about you…If Hendrie were at Alabama this would’ve been handled a long time ago…

  33. H-Man August 12, 2016 10:27 am

    In the last academic school year, UH Athletics had 63 foreign athletes on its rosters (21 sports). This is nothing new for the University of Hawaii, so why is it taking UH/NCAA this long to either qualify or disqualify Max Hendrie?

  34. Stephen Tsai August 12, 2016 11:23 am

    New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=38633

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