UH football: Coming to a school near you …

The nine full-time assistant coaches have embarked on the ultimate one-day excursion today, attempting to visit every Oahu high school that fields a varsity football team.

This is the first day of the evaluation period in which coaches may visit high school campuses to meet with coaches, teachers and counselors. NCAA head coaches are not permitted to visit the schools during this period, but the full-time assistant coaches are free to go.

There are 30 prep teams on Oahu.

* * * * *

The Warriors are hosts to a football clinic for high school coaches tomorrow (although coaches from all levels are welcome to participate).

The event begins with UH’s ninth spring practice, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., on the grass practice field.

After that, lunch is available for $10. (NCAA rules prohibits a school from providing free meals to high school coaches.)

The clinic begins around noon. Head coach Nick Rolovich, Kahuku High coach Vavae Tata and Liberty High coach and former Warrior Chad Kapanui will be the featured speakers.

Sessions with UH’s position coaches will follow.

Rolovich said the clinic will go “as long as everyone wants it to go,”

For details, call the football office at (808) 956-6508 or, heck, just show up tomorrow.


  1. Aku Head April 15, 2016 7:51 am


  2. cappie the dog April 15, 2016 7:52 am

    Happy Emancipation Day.

  3. Akamai Okole April 15, 2016 7:59 am

    Great Morning All!

    2 words for the coaches today…Drive Safely!

  4. Akamai Okole April 15, 2016 8:00 am

    $10 for lunch. Does that include “beverages?” 😯

  5. seewhy April 15, 2016 8:47 am


    Inflation brah.

  6. Stephen Tsai April 15, 2016 9:01 am

    I did not see a menu. But one does get parched standing on the sideline for two hours …

  7. Mauian5 April 15, 2016 9:07 am

    I wish UH would reach out to neighbor island coaches and invite them to football clinic. There are good players on neighbor islands too.

  8. NorthShoreFan April 15, 2016 9:09 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!
    hope the excursion yield some “fruits”.
    they should sell snacks at every practice and at the spring finale…imho

  9. NorthShoreFan April 15, 2016 9:11 am

    hope coach Rolo can build a solid pipeline with all the programs in Hawaii nei. at least get some good intel and “heads up” from those on the frontline of hs football.

  10. jm2375 April 15, 2016 9:51 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    #4 – could be what Sodexho is charging…

  11. Duster April 15, 2016 12:34 pm

    Notice in the print edition of the Star Advertiser that we have DL named “Sam Acute”. LOL!

  12. Duster April 15, 2016 12:39 pm

    I just checked the online edition of the article in the sports section and the name is now “Samuel Acute.”

    I wonder if that will stick as a nickname for Samiuela. Definitely easier to pronounce than Akoteu.

  13. Stephen Tsai April 15, 2016 2:01 pm

    Somebody must have hit the auto spell.

  14. Stephen Tsai April 15, 2016 2:08 pm

    Yep, I checked. I had Samiuela Akoteu correct when I filed, but I guess it got auto-spelled in the process afterward.
    Oh, well.

  15. BigFan April 15, 2016 2:48 pm

    George M,
    Regarding your earlier comment assuming NotNasti was a school counselor and not a lawyer. Since no one commented on this, most of the people who blog or lurk on this site know that he is an attorney and Boolakanaka is a law professor at Yale. Just wanted to set the record straight.

  16. Duster April 15, 2016 4:01 pm

    Stephen, just messing with you.

    The autocorrect in MS Word, Outlook and even the iPhone, if not disabled, can lead to some unfortunate errors in documents with legal significance like contracts and miscommunication/misinformation in emails and texts.

  17. A-House April 15, 2016 4:27 pm

    30 high schools on Oahu, eh!

    which school would you visit for PAC 5? Maryknoll get football team? How about Anuenue?

    OK, only hit the schools where you want to talk about certain players – would you schedule Kalani or Kaiser or Hawaii Mission Academy? Mid-Pacific Institute?

    I do agree that UH coaches should keep tabs on the other island high schools as they got some good players – not 3 or 4 or 5 stars, but good players with a lot of “upside”, but they, like Oahu “ballers”, may get “stars” in their eyes for Power5 schools.

    I do commend Coach Rolo for continuing to encourage former players to visit and perhaps give tips to whomever is willing to listen

    hot dog — Jason Elam looks in great shape!!!

  18. A-House April 15, 2016 4:39 pm

    wonder which schools the coaches visited and whom they were interested in?

    St, any scoops on this?

    I do hope the August 2016 trip to Australia will produce heaps of benefit to all sports for UH – football as well as 10 other coaches will accompany the team — who will be responsible from UH for “advertising” the visit? maybe several “spots” in New Zealand or Singapore or Malaysia or China or Taiwan or the Philipines or Japan — a little sniffle may reap great rewards!!!!

  19. amela April 15, 2016 7:03 pm

    Agree that former players or players with ties to the island should show up at practices and share some advice. Think the boys like meeting these guys they look up to. As for Australia maybe be we can get 5 Max’s a year.

  20. el burro sabio April 15, 2016 7:34 pm

    I thinks the coaches should go to all schools even if no football team. Kimo von Oelhoffen was from Molokai.

  21. cappie the dog April 15, 2016 10:34 pm

    Hawaii in first place must be the Big West commissioner’s worst nightmare.

    RPI #190.

    Similar to how Cal Poly basketball represented the Big West in the 2014 NCAA Tournament.

    All this offense is jarring to me after three years of moribund baseball.

    Three years of watching our hitters take two strikes, then swing at something out of the strike zone. I’m mostly thinking about Trevor Podratz.

    Would like to see Alex Sawelson and Josh Pigg get into the mix.

  22. ALLAN April 16, 2016 12:00 am


  23. C-Pop April 16, 2016 7:57 am

    Rolovich and staff will canvas the entire state this Spring.
    Neighbor Island NFLers:
    Max Unger – HPA, Oregon, Seahawks, Saints.
    Daniel Te’o-Nesheim – HPA,Washington, Eagles, Bucaneers
    Mana Silva – Kamehameha-Keaau, Hawaii, Cowboys & others
    Kaluka Maiava – Baldwin, USC, Browns, Raiders
    Kimo Vonolthausen – Molokai, UH/BSU, Bengals, Steelers

  24. C-Pop April 16, 2016 8:09 am

    Add also:
    Jessie Mahelona – Kealakehe, Tennessee, Titans & others

  25. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 8:20 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!
    watching the Tennessee spring game……stadium is packed full with orange fans!watching drills and man to man match ups ….one word….AWESOME SUPPORT!
    this is what it means to be big time.

  26. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 8:21 am

    I mean a 2 hour telecast nationwide for a spring game?!?!?!!

  27. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 8:22 am

    and we no can sell water and soda at practice….

  28. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 8:22 am

    imua warriors!…

  29. Old School Dave April 16, 2016 9:31 am

    Nick Fineanganofo – Kalani High (86?) and Arizona (Tomey recruit). Played on a losing team, but he was big and could move for his size (6’5 260) and attracted Pac-10 schools. Ended up starting for the Wildcats. Leave no stone unturned.

  30. Old School Dave April 16, 2016 9:33 am

    Northshorefan: Televising the spring game would be a great way to generate support and interest. All of the Pac-12 schools televise their Spring games on TV.

  31. DaveLetterMan April 16, 2016 10:05 am

    Morning Tsaikos!
    Old School Dave – Hopefully AD can negotiate this in the next TV contract.

  32. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 10:45 am

    The SEC net work have a deal with ESPN. Amazing to see the kind of Spring Game programing. Even Brent Musberger was there and received some kind of award. Named the captains and have them address the audience, gave out team awards etc..great to watch even though I’m not a Vols fan.
    Now, if we have a pro-active AD, televising the Warrior Spring Game would be
    fan-tastic support from the school and media.
    The last time I went to a spring game, not much snacks and stuff. Hopefully they’ll get with the program and make snacks and drinks available this year. If not enough volunteers, give the Tsaikos a shout….might be able to get a few to help..yeah?

  33. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 10:47 am

    In light of what’s happened this Spring camp, would be good if he stands get filled for the last practice…spring game.

  34. NorthShoreFan April 16, 2016 10:52 am

    Me thinks..no need contract….just ask em…heh, you like televise the Spring Game? We go make one deal heh? You like? We go try get some sponsors like dat. huh? We go get Tsai fo be da announca and den he can make one show. Talk story wit some Warrior Alums la dat. Get pleny alums fo talk to.

  35. Old School Dave April 16, 2016 12:12 pm

    I think even MWC schools such as USU had something like 5,000 fans at their Spring Game last year. UH needs to be proactive in creating interest in the program. Ching Field supposedly can accommodate 4,000 (?).

    Remember back when UH had their spring game at Waianae HS, then had a spring game or two at Aloha Stadium during the 80s.

  36. Kapahulu April 16, 2016 12:44 pm

    Have the Spring Game at Aloha Stadium…………
    So the Fans can practice Tailgating!

  37. turfwar April 16, 2016 12:51 pm

    A-House. Kalani had a senior named Sione Vea 6’4″ 235 DE. Look up his hilights and tell me he can’t play in college. And Kaiser? Didn’t the number one recruit this year come from Kaiser? Ignore Pac 5 schools? Really? Onosai, Gabriel, Lutu, Sagapolutele, ….

  38. ML Warrior April 16, 2016 2:16 pm

    I thought they were redoing Aloha Stadium’s turf this spring?

  39. Stephen Tsai April 16, 2016 2:24 pm

    New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=36957

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