Warrior Beat blog is on medical leave
It’s not much of a secret, but I’ll be undergoing open-heart surgery next Friday. I think it’s something like five or six bypasses. (Things got a little blurry when I tried to add up the bill in my head.)
Because of the prep work (and subsequent crankiness), the Warrior Beat blog will go on hiatus beginning today.
Barring unforeseen complications — Kramer dropping a Junior Mint from the observation deck? — the absence will be about eight weeks.
If you need to reach me, feel free to e-mail: sighdude@gmail.com
If you wish, you may follow me at: https://twitter.com/StephenTsai
Thank you for sharing the four Fs — football, family, friendships and, of course, food.
I appreciate each of you.
Let’s meet here in March.
See ya,