Hawaii 3, UC Davis 0
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Since we’ve had problems getting posts seen, putting it up at 320
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Radio 1420-AM espn1420am.com
14-11 wahine. Already with 4 serving errors
is it the usual line up? this camera angle is no bueno!
UH up 15-11 at the TTO. Yep, 4 SEs already
Livestats line if you want to follow along
UH up 17-11 on a 3-0 run, Ponce serving. TO UCD
The normal lineup. you can see it on game tracker. Ponce first serving sub.
Adolpho with 2 straight kills on the slide. it’s 21-13 TO UCD
Five service errors does not really matter in this set, but still frustrating to watch. Middle attacks very successful, outsides not so much.
The score would be 21-8 If the wahine weren’t Serving so bad
Tai is struggling
Hawaii wins 25-18. shouldn’t have been that close. The Wahine with 6 SEs, no aces.
UH up 7-3, on a 5-0 run. TO UCD. Magill with another 2 kills and 3-meter from Taylor
Looks like UC Davis stacking the outsides leaving the middle open. Magoill with 7 kills already and hitting .750, Adolpho with 4 kills, hitting .667. Manu-Olvevao hitting negative.
UH up 14-7 on a setter lift. TO UCD
Manu-Olevao had gotten to .000 with 3 kills but her last attempt went long on the lineshot that Shoji argued should have been a touch.
LBSU takes S1 from UCI
CSUN takes S1 from CSF
CSF playing tough.
Koelsch in at 16-10. Wegener with a couple of kills and Davis has closed to 17-13. TO UH
Passing not there for Hawaii to enable Higgins to set the middle. Don’t remember a single set to Magill or Adolpho this 2nd set.
Tai is just way to error prone, not as much as last year but still way too much.
Higgins with the dump shot, ends it at 25-18
18. IDK. she has 5 errors, 4 of those in Set 1. Has 3 kills vs 1 error in Set 2. As the O1, taking a lot of swings. 21 so far.
Yes, Manu-Olevao did make too many errors, but UC Davis was stacking its block against her and she was getting the majority of garbage, out-of-system sets.
17. or do you think that Davis has adjusted its block a little which doesn’t allow Higgins to run the middle like she was?
Thanks for the updates, Cindy.
I agree with you about Tai’s performances. I don’t understand why people are so hard on her. When she does well…few say anything but they are quick to criticize on an off night. Same for Adolfo. They were on the team last year and often overshadowed by the seniors. Tai should be a sophomore (team wise) but gave up her redshirt for Jane Croson without any complaint. I have seen her do good things.
I hope the Riverside stream is better than this, I gave up, terrible quality.
Hawaii tweaked its lineup as well, you don’t normally see Greeley start off as the server. Perhaps they were looking for better match ups on the outside.
It’s hard to criticize a team that has won two sets rather easily, but I wish the passing was better to enable Magill, Taylor, and Adolpho get set more. I think the three got about six chances the 2nd set, with the middles two sets that I remember.
17. Magill had two kills early in Set 2.
Davis takes a quick 4-0 lead. TO UH
Arizona St beat USC in 4.
26. what you have to consider is the efficiency of the players you mention.
Magill 9 kills on 11 swings. Someone like Manu-Olevao is getting the trouble sets, doesn’t always get a hard swing so she’s dug.
Manu-Olevao with 2 kills, UH with its first lead at 11-10. TO UCD
29. no surprise. SC has now lost 5 of last 6. Believe that was at the Galen. think it’s the most home losses for them in years … already
Davis on a 4–0, up 18-15. TO UH
UCD adjusted well after 2 sets, now Wahine is scrambling-reacting mostly. Watching CSUN vs CSF, I worry a little how this young team will do.
The talk was all about all of the Bigs getting the top Senior Aces, USC among the names mentioned and also coached by a former Olympic coach. Can’t gell, can’t win.
Hawaii has come back to tie at 21. TO Davis
Hawaii hold off one set point, come back to win 26-24.
Looks like Tai Manu-Olevao wound up being the difference-maker in this match. Came on strong at the end winding up with 13 kills.
Agreed. If anything, set 3 would have gone UCD if not for her.
Which is really encouraging since this was the Tai we saw last year. When she was off last season, she was off all night. Hope this continues…
Big West TV … pretty awful. Looks like a stationary camera from the end line.
From that perspective though we can see how much the serve receive needs to improve as others mentioned. Setting looks like mostly ‘rainbows’ and it makes the plays seem a lot slower to develop. Well they won though…… :o)
Yes Tai made some big kills late, but she still had more errors than the rest of the team combined, needs to pick up that hitting percentage.
UH has had OH’s before that would get junk sets and still hit much better.
41 agreed on some level there, however, UCD from what it seemed scouted her pretty well as Wahine’s go to OH. They know Nikki is making her way back in offensively, and middles are highly reliant on a young team’s passing so based on Shoji’s left OH centric offense, I would stack on Olevao as well which they did the first 2 sets. The big diff this year with Tai is she was able to adjust within the match.
Big West TV is for the most part pretty awful for all sports, including volleyball, basketball, and softball. But better than nothing. Most have no announcers, unlike Pac 12 for example, which uses student announcers a lot, sometimes very good ones. Hawaii, of course, is by far the best.
OC Sports should put in a bid to broadcast all Wahine games in and out of the islands for Bigwest or even better, all Vball games for Bigwest. Im sure there’s enough demand from Hawaii viewers, its just a matter of whether OC Sports are willing to use their Time Warner resources in the mainland to do this. Agreed, Bigwest coverage is pretty awful.
Im not picking on Tai, just would like her to make better hitting decisions, keep it in play instead of making an error or getting roofed.
and Big west tv is a big joke, especially compared to what a conference like the WCC puts out.
yikes Sealy’s team just got swept by Arizona.
Rubio’s team looking pretty good actually and without Magill and Croson, wow.
Im glad nikki is slowly but surely getting back into the hitting percentage im use to see in her. It would be a luxury for higgins if the passing is on target. Imagine of having all this 5 hitters around her.
46 Arizona has always beaten UCLA, well at least the past few seasons including the year UCLA won the NC. Rubio for some reason regardless on who he got on his roster has had UCLA on his W box checked off.
not bad from na wahine. wow lots of negative about tais performance. i guess not satisfied that the demand is hawai’i dominate davis including with her and service aces. but then again their stack up on tai means they were very worried about her and think she is the new emily hartong while nikki who is making her way back is less paid attention to so she kind of gets by unnoticed a few times.
tai adjusted and did command the play especially in the 3rd set when davis was making a survival set. she wouldnt allow it and the team gets to go retire for the night or on to riverside.
its amazing tai had a legions worth of kills and somebody complains lol
41-45. When looking at the Manu-Olevao’s stats consider this, she was 1-3-8 in Set 1, 3-2-13 in Set 2, 9-2-14 in Set 3. Sure she had the most hitting errors but important thing was how she improved as the match went on. And when they needed a kill at the end, she delivered.
As many have said, UH’s passing struggles didn’t allow for the middle attack options so where did the ball get set? to the outside. She is the O1 and she will get the most swings and the trouble sets.
44. If OC couldn’t be bothered to do that Saturday noon match at home, do you really think they’d take over road matches.
46. Thanks Tight match, reminiscent of their match with Hawaii
UCLA swept by Arizona 25-20, 26-24, 27-25. This match played at Pepperdine due to the water damage back on the UCLA campus.
The Bruins have struggled against the Wildcats for the past few ears.
No. 18 Arizona 13-1, 2-0 Pac-12.
WarriorFan: Its just nauseating reading your negative critiques on these student athletes esp. on Tai. If it wasn’t for Tai, who knows what would have happened in Set 3 but despite Tai’s performance, its just sickening and disgusting reading your comments although you have every right to express yourself in this comment section.
I’ll say it again that these are just student athletes evolving as the season progresses and they don’t really deserve many of the negative comments coming from interlopers….let the coaches criticize the players and let the players play as they do not have to read all this junk that comes on in this comment section concerning their performance whenever they underperform.
Go ahead and criticize me for making these comments but not the players.
Tai is becoming the stud for na wahine. She improved throughout the sets and deliver at the end – just like Hartong. It shows mental toughness. I have a lot of respect for her. Way to go girl!!!
I agree with that it is appalling that people make such remarks about student athletes esp. when they did well. What would she have had to do? Even Emily Hartong had her nights where she had to adjust and had a weak first set because of the blocks against her. What is esp. amusing is that a lot of these remarks are from people who are reading this comment section and not from people who were actually at the game. Tai is the most improved from last year and she is working with a sophomore setter. Give the team a break and celebrate the win.
Id rather read warriorfan than the obsequious, fawning, self-righteous, 1st amendment haters. Look, you have the option not to read. But intimidating others by eviscerating their opinion is just plain cyber bulling.
Who is cyber bullying? Supporting the wahine is cyber bullying? Expressing the other opinion is cyber bullying? I will not comment further or anymore. It was only my second post this season. Aloha. I would hate to keep you from coming to this site.
When it comes to Manu-Olevao she has history for being inconsistent. Was this match another lapse? IDK, Cindy offered some perspective to bad passes and sets, others opined the block was stacked bc she, like Hartong, is an awesome OH. Cindy’s explanation is plausible, the other is subjective opinion. Warriorfan has an opinion, like it or not. Why are bloggers so upset? Stick to the issue, not the messenger. Im still perplexed with Shoji’s decision not to bring baby G on the trip. IMHO, I believe she is clearly the better back row player. Hopefully, fans can deal with this opinion without feeling threatened that the sky is falling.
#51. There remains a difference btw cyber bulling and supporting the team. You need to decide on your own which shoe fits…
correction to #60. addressing Sharene, #56.
Kimo dear, do u or anyone else understand volleyball? At all.. Do u know why Tai has negative hitting percentage compared to any oh2 at all?
#57. Kimo Browner. Cyber Bullying? Wow, what a sensitive soul, you know the one who obsessively criticizes certain student athletes but can’t take the heat when the criticism is directed towards oneself. As they say, if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Eviscerating someone’s opinion on Na Wahine is not cyber-bullying. It is merely a show of disagreement. Criticizing student athletes is like walking a tightrope. Be careful not to be personal or too harsh, these young women need our support more than our back seat coaching.
59. I agree with you…I can vision Baby Gift being a stellar back row player…Ponce and Anderson have performed well but my gut tells me that Guinasso given a chance in a game situation might help the passing game immensely. Could she also be the next Libero if Kahakai doesnt recover as fast as we want her to? She just looks fundamentally sound with great volleyball instincts/IQ/quickness coming from playing sand and just watching her in warmups, timeouts, and in her very limited playing time. (JMO-Just My Observation)Maybe she just got to pay her dues and be patient, but ready to roll when it’s her turn. Hope she has more opportunities to prove herself during the conference Everything starts with the PASS!!!
cyber bullying? who’s cyber bullying who? don’t see anyone cyber bullying anyone else. I do see a lot of criticism. People criticizing a player and people criticizing the criticizer.
I’m surprised no one has used the old playground come back to the person who labeled others with a negative tag…….takes one to know one.
This site has outlived its usefulness. Nothing to be gained, or learned here.
All I see here is a bunch of hyperbolic outrage about some tiresome criticisms.
67…Exactly…current thread is becoming pointless…anyways good job wahine on avenging last year’s loss…keep it up…another sweep at Riverside…
yeah. *sarcasm* we not happy because we wanted tai and na wahine to dominate davis more than anything else. and when tai/na wahine isnt dominating as we demanded, we complain (no matter the bows won handsomely and tai was heroic).
Hey, enjoy the win! I am Go Bow’s
Saw Passi jump serve against Davis. Hope she becomes a regular in the serving rotation.
#57 kimo browner — the irony of your own statement is lost on you. you should take your own advice about the option not to read.
people disagree with warriorfan’s negativity, call him on it, and you feel they are “eviscerating” him, intimidating and cyberbullying, and hate the first amendment. no one said he couldn’t say what he/she said, just that they were disgusted or appalled but never that he/she didn’t have the right to give an opinion. you fail to see it is their first amendment right as well to make their statements in response — disagreeing with the disagreeing opinion. its reductive to call that cyberbullying. look at your own behavior of calling other people “obsequious, fawning, self-righteous, 1st amendment haters” and cyberbullies. that can be seen as cyberbullying and intimidation in itself.
so, why is it okay for people to voice their criticisms of players/coaches/other bloggers (as you seem to condone as a first amendment right) yet it is not okay for people to voice their criticisms with those people making those criticisms? again, the irony is lost on you. the first amendment goes both ways. no one is being censored (at least not by other posters here).
regarding your post in #60, you should ask yourself the same question.
Look, you have the option not to read what I’ve written. let’s see if you take your own advice. but seeing your posting history, I know how you’ll respond.
i don’t mind hearing the criticism. it’s fine to disagree, but i agree with someone above, there’s no need to attack the poster… unless the poster posted something obviously offensive.
that said, i was disappointed in olevao’s performance early on last night. i’m sure she was too. she played in the disappointing loss last year, so i’m sure she was wanting to play well so there’d be no repeat of that outcome.
she sure did turn things around! i think one of the big differences between olevao 2014 and olevao 2013 …. is that when olevao 2013 would start out playing poorly, she would really disappear as a contributor on the floor. olevao 2014 finds a way to turn things around. i was impressed at how she improved over the course of this match. and even when she wasn’t hitting well early on, she was contributing on defense (digging and blocking).
Wow. sincere comments. Great stuff! The point is to allow free discourse of opinion without personal attack…no one is a holy cow, not even the Pope. Some view criticism as akin to team disloyalty, a rather narrow and subjective characterization. Thank God we do not think all alike. That is a blessing not a curse.
Today is another match and Im sure we ALL will be rooting hard for the wahine.
I would like to add, the most cogent TEAM moment occurred in the 3rd set with our backs against the wall and the game in the balance. The wahine met the challenge and overpowered Davis mano a mano. and finished strong to clinch the match sweep. IMHO, that is what I’ve been looking to measure. Im not too sure this team has the na’au to overcome adversity. Time will reveal this wahine TEAM character. Third set at Davis was the first successful test on the road. Baby steps…
What’s sad is Olevao “could be” a redshirt sophomore right now. Imagine if Olevao had two more years to play. Yet another testimony of Shoji taking a project and turning them into a high-calibre Division I player.
I also think of Magill, she was solid in the Pac-12. And perhaps her stats were deflated because of how competitive the Pac-12 is. But she’s playing like a first team All-American, and with all respect to Rubio, I think it’s Shoji who’s bringing that out.
I tried watching the Davis match briefly but the video quality was so poor I couldn’t even tell who was making the plays. So I switched over and stuck with the simultaneous Northridge at Fullerton match broadcast online by ESPN3. I can see that the Matadors will truly challenge the Wahine on their own court. So the Wahines had better come prepared and pass better.
#67. Strongly disagree. I watch every Wahine match at least twice. Same goes for football and both basketballs teams. Watching UH sports live or on TV is good entertainment as far as I’m concerned. I’ll browse and comment on the various blog.
I treat UH sports and anything written, spoken or broadcasted about it as entertainment.
Blogs such as these hold a great appeal for me. It serves as a forum for fans to voice their opinions which you also did. It gives fans a chance to interact with each other whether it’s a discussion, debate or argument. I don’t mind but I know others do get upset when post turn negative about a coach, player or team. I do mind when the same negativity is repeated over and over again.
Blogs will always have the most up to date information on the recruiting front, on injuries, on scouting reports or information that’s considered “insider only for now.” My opinion is as long as there is Wahine VB this blog will serve a useful purpose. To me this blog is a service, a freebie to those who enjoy the Wahine.
76. We offer the blogs for the fans for valuable discussions and insights into the teams.
Have noticed, however, that since Hawaii Warrior World was created, there has been an increase in negative comments and attacks on the players from those who weren’t on this site before. Perhaps they got tired of complaining about the football team and mosied over here to complain about volleyball. IDK
Please just keep in mind that these are young, amateur athletes who are playing a game.
Perhaps no style points were awarded for Friday’s win at Davis but the fact is they won their first road match with a group that is still learning how to play together as a team.
Yes ,lets all be PC,don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
#75 kimo browner – “The point is to allow free discourse of opinion without personal attack…no one is a holy cow, not even the Pope.”
Unless this is some half-hearted acknowledgement of your own participation in personal attacks by calling people “obsequious, fawning, self-righteous, 1st amendment haters” and cyberbullies, then you’ve again missed the point you are trying to make and the irony is again lost on you.
i’m all for intelligent debate, i look forward to it. but what has been happening here is often reduced to name-calling and personal attacks on coaches/players/other bloggers when none of that needs to happen. by engaging in such, the points people are trying to discuss get lost.
anyway, moving on. as for the davis game, i was frustrated with tai’s output during the first two sets when she was hitting negative (4 kills 5 errors in 21 swings) but then again i was okay with it because of how well everyone else was doing and how there was little doubt about the outcome of those sets. tai stepped up big in the tightly contested third set when she was truly needed, going for 9 kills with only two errors in 14 swings (hitting .500) including when down 24-23, to go up 25-24 and then getting the block to win the match.
PC? How about just being civil.
No new thread yet for the Riverside match? Can’t see one from the Warrior World site or from HSA main page.
There is a new thread. sounds like we’re still having problems with the site
Maglio in for Adolpho in Set 2.
Cal Poly and Irvine looking for the upset…
Magill is an animal this set…a lot of errors in this 2nd set though from the wahine
Oh no…hope kalei is okay
hawai’i @ uc davis
@ 81.
“then you’ve again missed the point you are trying to make and the irony is again lost on you”.
LOL. @90. How quickly you devolve into the same kind of personal attacks that you denounce in your comment in #75. As expected.
– “The point is to allow free discourse of opinion without personal attack…no one is a holy cow, not even the Pope.”
Further, kimo,, IF possible, without resorting to a personal attack or name-calling or the use of inappropriate language, can you elaborate on the term you called me because I am a little confused. Am I blocking Coach Shoji from doing something (even though I have never posted anything about his coaching ability or questionable early lineup choices and his repeatedly starting ginger and passi in lieu of the talented frosh?), or am I blocking you from doing something to Coach?
72. yeah we need to see more of that
passis debut serve (jump serve) at 1:09:20
regarding passis jump serve, looks like shoji subbed passi in to serve for nikki taylor when her serving was rough at the time the most with 2 se. additionally na wahine didnt score much on her serve when the ball was in. and looks like shojis finally thinking aggressive and instead of his serving specialist he orders passi to attack. and attack she did, it was strong and straight down the middle but unfortunately she was unable to defend and save with a dig after long hit it low into the block.
so tayler higgins had to dump it over deep to secure the set after an adolpho bump.
if somebody is still reading this blog even though it isnt the most recent, tell shoji he should use passi into the serving line to attack from now on.
Don’t know what to tell you. I have spoken to our web guys about the problem that my posts don’tt show up in timely manner.
there was new thread. Perhaps you should call in Tuesday for Call the Coach.
they’re still experimenting with the lineup. They know that there are some rotations where they only have 2 attackers in the front row. and, at times, there were two DS in the badk. Passi gives them another look.