Travel day
Hey, I’m traveling today. But the blog is open. (The sports office will be monitoring the blog until I get back this afternoon.)
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Meanwhile, I’m emptying the photo album.
Here’s offensive lineman Keith “The Bear” AhSoon:
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Jack Rolovich, former UH quarterback, completed his career at Montana State. He is pursuing a master’s degree at UH. Here he is:
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Slotback Miah Ostrowski has been a regular at unsupervised workouts:
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I keep hearing great things about Corey Paredes, a freshman who is moving to outside linebacker:
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And here’s a picture of Gigi and Hubby back in the day:
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Comments are closed.
Have a good one.
interesting last few days of sports
KJ Noons and Diaz brothers-weird occurences
and of course the NBA Ship and TIGAH!
and UH will have its own drama later this month
who else do you have on your card?
Great, the Rolovich brothers back together!
What’s Jack getting his masters in?
sorry fo da interup bonar
whoa bear look like he hungry and check out dem paws. he going mutilate somebody dis season.
bhf2 this bruddah looking good or what. how u figga?
I think I’ve become accomplished at taking pictures of people tying their shoelaces.
koakane – look at da eyes!
Stephen – i was thinking the same thing, hehe
no leftover ironman photos for the ladies?
hope you enjoying the vacation
luk da pickcha of gigi and hubby. I tink da aikane stay on big island now….
Happy Monday Tsaiko Family!
Happy Belated Father’s Day to all the Daddies.
Happy Belated Anniversary to Al and the Boss!
Happy Belated Birthday to Bulla and Ryan!
For any special occasions that I missed since I last posted, I’m really sorry – and I hope it was really happy!
Are the practices still on Monday, Wednesday, Friday? Or do they practice everyday in the afternon?
fp wondering how many days back den da pics taken. about aikane thought it sank many moon ago.
hey Ronnie – welcome home, i think its Mon, Wed and Thurs afternnoons
koakane / fp – they had digital cameras back then?
Thanks, Loa. I have to figure out when I can go.
On the “chit-chat problem” I wonder if your web people can add a rating system to the posts, maybe stars, so people can vote on posts. The number of stars would evaluate the post’s relevance to UH sports. This way people could still post their “chit-chat”, while those posts relevant to larger audience will be signaled by stars.
gigi with t shirt on I no believe bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
loa. I tink dey wen use da kine chisel and da rock..
holy moly it Ronnie
no wonda PC sunny lately
how you girl….fuuud good
time for hele on, cu later koa, fp, ronnie
loa neva like look um in da eyes cause either giving stink or evil eye
plus eating lunc and neva like choke bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
NYUH great idea!!
I guess this is good new for Colt
Rivals100: 2009 Prospect Rankings
1 QB Matt Barkley
Mater Dei HS, Santa Ana, CA 6-4 222
Future USC QB threw for 3,560 yards and 35 TDs in 2007.
Committed: USC
Good afternoon to all. We’re still recovering from that exciting play off between Tiger and Rocco. Looks like the weather will stay perfect and so we will probably head on up to the practice field a little later this afternoon.
We’re not doing too well. The day we were there at 2 and waited around they practiced in the morning . The day it rained and we stayed home they held practice. Last week we were there at 2 and were just ready to leave when they showed up after 3.
Today we will go up around 2:30 and hope for the best. It’s a good thing us retired folks have such flexible schedules!!
Haha. I am just back from Japan and hit the WB site just now and what da hell??? The Advertiser still has that pic of us, Tsai???
I showed it to hubby and he said to tell you he “still looks da same!” yeah right!
Hey WarriorFan,
I think the “chit-chat” plays an important role for the identity and community of blog, but sometimes I just want to find the good stuff without going through 200-500 posts.
Welcome back gigi! The photo looks just like you two except for the sun tans…
lun chow ah blog peek.
(Kauai’s favorite golfer)
Hi Ronnie!
WOW- GIGI and DAVID… hot hot HOT!!!
Reminder- Anyone going to the OSU GAME. We are one ticket short (my bad) in our block.
Any other Tsai-kos going to da game? If you haven’t bought your tickets yet, can you add on one more and we can adjust the seating arrangement.
#32, thanks for the link to the article the other day. The athletic DE is what convinced JJ to run 99% of his plays from the gun, or so I’m told.
Welcome back, gigi!!!
NYUH- hiya! Per your #22 – remember, according to the HA, this is an “uncategorized” blog so anything goes – er, whatever ST says, goes
Welcome home GiGi and David!! Hope you enjoyed your whirlwind trip to Japan. Hope you don’t sufffer from too much jet lag.
Koakane, yeah you are right. That pic was taken in 1987. Long time ago. We had fun on that catamaran. Great sunset dinner cruise that I won by creating the best xmas ornament in the office.
tappity willie grace!
Aloha Ronnie,
Since you are back in the islands, was it you who was asking for the UH car flags?
They are in stock now and I can get you some if you want. I will only be able to stop by the gathering on Thursday but I have some things for LizKauai and it will be no problem for me to grab you a few.
Let me know. I hope there are still some left. I will check today.
myki1 call me when you get to the field. thanks
welcome back gigi no pics yet
Hi peoples! Jet lag? Hubby slept just 1 hr on the plane and crashed in bed for another hr. Me, I drank ice coffee and began sizing my photos. Will start posting them tomorrow.
It is really weird repeating Monday. We left at 7 pm Monday and arrived in Honolulu at 7:20 am Monday.
Life without Gigi…kinda empty, eh Tsaiko’s?
Howzit All!
Welcome back gigi and hubbly. Sucks to have TWO Mondays in one week!
Not sure about town side but from here, no look like your luck going be so good yet
Wonder when the guys going get their UA shoes? Maybe they get velcro so Stephen gotta be faster with the shutter release
Well, ony smallkine time now so…
Nau Pau Lun Chau Wah
Welcome back Gigi, it’s funny because who needs a silver delorian when one can just take a plane to Japan and experience “time travel” first hand.
Gotta be around the corner until the guys can get their Under Armour gear. The contract starts July 1st.
hey we just found out that Tiger won on the 19th hole – sudden death! Wow! with a bum knee no less.
That Hubby sure has a lot of fur.
We heard about the Celtics winning 3-1 and I was salivating for dinner at Gengi’s to be paid for by Stretch. Well, despite the Lakers making it 3-2, I still have a chance to win the bet.
Peta, tell me about it. lol. That’s why he is always complaining about feeling hot when I am freezing.
Thank you for the photos! I hope that you have no problems with your flight and the whole travel process. Thank you for the update on Jack Rolovich, and I’m curious like bonar is about what he will be getting his graduate degree in…if that isn’t being too nosy on our part.
I have created a separate Genji-Camellia resource page and consolidated the info on the RSVP survey site and my web page Events Calendar there. Please see:
Note the listings of those having the buffet dinner and those arriving later/ordering ala carte. Please tell me if your name is listed incorrectly.
Reminder: The buffet dinner is by special order and specific number. We will be responsible for payment of the number we order. Our final count cut-off for the buffet will be midnight tonight.
As noted earlier, parking may be problematic on a week night. Carpooling is recommended if possible. Note: don’t worry about who is staying how late or long–just get to Genji’s and we will mix and match riders and drivers for the trip home. We’ll sort things out that night. BTW–who are the DD’s for the voyage home?
Designated Drivers:
– SteveM (w/Peaches & Liz) — town and Nuuanu area
– ?
Florida news: Florida was rated the most successful in athletics in the SEC’s history.
Washington Times expects Colt to be the #4 QB, beaten out by Hollenbach for the #3 spot. That would mean that he’d probably be on the practice squad and wouldn’t move up unless there was an injury to one of the other QBs. However, I think that Colt will earn the #3 spot…sorry to the Hollenbach family.
hey D1 call my cell thanks
Chad Kapanui’s team lost their final regular season game. They are really struggling now and the playoffs start now. No wonder Chad has been struggling–they have had to replace 40% of their offensive line because 2 players have quit or have some problems keeping them off of the field.
I did a different Google search and out popped this article. Aaron Bain is rated the #56 WR for this fantasy football site.
Looks like the Big 10 Network got a *huge* TV deal with Comcast, and the Big 10 will just be rolling in money now. This probably insures that the SEC will create their own network now and the other major conferences will look to do the same.
This was a busy recruiting weekend in Texas!
welcome back gigi. But, can you update your blog now, please?
BTW, did anyone have the same first impression as I did…why is there a picture of Chris Brown on the blog. I thought The Bear was Chris at first.
Also, glad to see Miah out there. I hope he has a very successful career with UH.
Great shoe tying shots ST. I am more impressed with the fact that you are getting all of these shots while traveling.
garret mahalo about update on #3 qb between colt and hollenback. but as usual we know betta and given da chance colt will represent. us boosters been there, heard dat and seen differant so as we know no worry beef cury.
[…] gaykauaitravel wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]
Jason posted this article on the previous blog. Interesting article about how conferences will get bigger due to higher travel prices and the need for greater revenue. UH made it into the Pac-16 here but Boise State and Fresno State somehow got left behind in the WAC.
I’ve seen other articles saying that Colt would earn the #3 spot after the preseason games are over. The latest article that I posted seems to be focused on Colt’s injury, but once Colt shows that he’s healthy then the projections could change.
eh, stacyj, i wen here dat one pickcha of da damien guys James and KK was taken wit Chris Brown, da odda damien guy at one club las week…I tink AHouse wen take dat one. Gotta ask KK or James about um.
Eh, PETA, dat not fur, dat one gorilla weareen one Hubby mask.
Wow, Mr. Tsai! Posting while traveling. And the photos! Whoo-hoo!
GG . . .
You were pretty in your younger days. What happened? Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Nah, just kidding! Please do not go angry-Asian-woman on me. HA!
So how was Japan? Maybe if you had left on Friday you would have had two Friday’s. Heck, two Saturday’s would have been even better.
Thanks for the offer, but my boys and I are planning to go shopping at Rainbowtique tomorrow.
Rob25 already took me to the NEX yesterday. Not only did I pick up some t-shirts and a towel, I found my dad’s Father’s Day gift!
Okay, going to sleep early last night back-fired on me. I was wide awake at 1:34 this morning. There is absolutely nothing good on TV at that time of night. And, since I had already completed the grading I brought home . . . dang.
Ah Soon looks like he did not want to be disturbed. It is a good thing the players are able to tie their shoes — thanks to Mr. Tsai for the visual evidence of their shoe tying skills!
Remember, over and under, the rabbit runs around the tree yada, yada, yada.
wafan enjoying my summa vac by doing asolutely nodding. its great. hang in dea and when you return will set up a wessai SBC³ foa you at Nancy’s
Oh that’s cool then! Lots of things on sale at the Rainbowtique now, especially their Nike stuff.
RE: Keith AhSoon.
To all opposing defensive linemen,
Take a look at the photo above and ask yourself, “do I really want to keep playing football”?
Koakane . . .
Sounds good! Hope you are enjoying your much earned time off from the rug-rats.
#95 is saying ‘ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah’; bring it.
Wow, Gi-Gi! What a looker!
I would play against him. You can’t be afraid of competition.
OK, I FINALLY posted photos of my 1st night in Japan. More to follow the next few days,,,
bulla welcome back to real life btw where you play racketball?
Cool pictures gigi, we are going in a few weeks. How was the weather? I keep on hearing that it is pretty miserable in the summer.
Easy there Coach!!! You know what I meant
However I do not deny what you are saying! Indeed come September 6th it will be brought by BOTH sides. It’s konna p could!
So Da Beast does indeed get to keep his #95?
UH Athletic Department Telethon?
Anyone else think that this could work?
I know, “when was the last time we saw a telethon”? But it could be a good way to get things started to try to find the balance to pay for what is the remaining cost of the Clarence TC Ching Complex.
However, I assume no UH students could be on the program asking for donations… (NCAA regulations :roll:)
eh bulla, where u play dat kine ball with da racket?? I like challenge you to wone game li dat since I get da kine plenny time off from school.
Aiyahhhhh. I tink we get too many falsies in here. Really only get room fo two falsies.
bruddah Kazz…das won taught but wif da economee like how she stay now, mite be one bad time fo ask fo kala eh? Wot u tink?
The tink da “falsies” only attend the “false cattle calls” or the “false tsaikogates” during da “false games”.
Kazz…das rite, I one hard core false fan
This is true indeed, but hopefully when things become better (BELIEVE!!!) it would be something Mr. Donovan will seek out.
Jayson, it was sunny and dry. The monsoon weather will kick in later in June, we were told.
#95 returns on September 6th…it will be great on both sides of the ball, i agree! just another opportunity to keep living the dream….one day at a time. auryte!
Oops forgot to mention about a telethon in the future…
What I think will NOT work would be to have “certain” UH officials on screen asking the public for their donation considering all da kaka from “da list” in the news lately.
Need people on screen that the public will love and hopefully get some former ‘Bows and Warriors involved: AC Carter, Colt, Natasha Kai, etc…
I tried to play racquetball once. While I was in college my buddy tells me he is willing to teach me. I remember very clearly that he grinned a very toothy grin. That should have been the first clue.
He introduced me to Mr. Right Wall, Mr. Left Wall, Mr. Rear Wall, and Mr. Floor. Geez. I hurt for the next week. Never touched a racquet since then.
And, I was always under the impression racquetball was not a contact sport. Well, okay, it was my experience that indeed it is a contact sport with the walls and the floor.
hu going be da postah keiki fo’ da telethon?
Easy! Put up a graphic of HF’s empty smile with the slogan, “remembah dis? call in fo help erase DIS!!!”
gigi – Monsoon weather huh? I hope it isn’t much worse than summertime in Georgia/Alabama…
<blockquote:False Portuguese:
June 16th, 2008 at 3:36 pm
Kazz…das rite, I one hard core false fan
Eh! I tried fo post on u guyzes false blog but no work!!!
I also tried to access the site but was unable to do so. This new one looks spiffy though.
Kazz . . .
If people see its face first they would definitely turn the channel.
Jayson, how long will you stay in Japan? Bring a small, collapsible umbrella just in case. We did and managed to pass security.
Racquetball is a great sport; just ask Coach Chris Brown about playing rball with yours truly. better yet, ask him how he and former RB John Kauka did when they played me 2 on 1 in rball…..haha.
i feel rball helped ryan and his footwork, as a former state men’s c division champ, he played anyone and everyone and was a state champ at 15 years old. he still has his rollout shots….
i play for fun, played competitively for years, now i just work with Prince/Ektelon Sports and we sponsor about 31 players in the state of Hawaii. as the Regional Advisor, i coordinate everything and keep the team rolling. just another hat i wear on my head, the dome, that mr. al refers to……haha
next time you’re back in hawaii, we’ll go hit the courts……auryte…..
Falsie this. Falsie that.
I have never seen so many falsies gathered in one place. Except for maybe in Hollywood.
Hmmm all of a sudden I remember why I don’t go to my company parties…
bulla when you and wafan gather to play rball give be a buzz
<blockquote.Health Savings Accounts:
June 16th, 2008 at 3:52 pm
I also tried to access the site but was unable to do so. This new one looks spiffy though.
Bulla . . .
See? That is the problem. I will literally hit the court floor and walls. And, I do not mean with the ball or racquet. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
My trainer is learning racquetball and has the bruises to show for it. The one on her leg are particularly viscious — she hit herself with the racquet. HA!
Sounds like you are busy doing so many things. Keeps you out of trouble? Or at least out of as much trouble as Mrs. Bulla will allow you.
gigi – you know guys are not allowed (and still look cool anyway) to use an umbrella, I will however pass the word on to my wife. We are staying there for a week then go home to Maui for a week, and then back to NY.
stacyj ~ Here’s that shot of doze wild & crazy Damien Guys again to make comparison.
Jayson, huh??? Since when? Hubby packed an umbrella with no qualms about it.
fp think I been to that darkside of the bar bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Kazz . . .
Well, with the warmer weather we had today, the falsies were out in force today at school. It was absolutely hilarious! The boys kept forgetting that physiologically the eyes are located in the face not down lower.
These girls need to be smarter, too. Cannot go from a carpenter’s dream one day to Dolly P. the next.
I suppose, though, when the girls start to perspire at least they have absorbent things readily available.
I was just kidding, in the military males are not allowed to use an umbrella (while in uniform).
stacyj classic pic of the DMHS 40 years of evolution
Jayson, never heard of that. So how do soldiers keep their pants creased in the rain? haha
Hahaha, our new uniforms are not required to be pressed.
Hello fellow Tsaikos.
Hey Kekoa, nice pic on your link…..mwahahahahaha
KK, yep, 40 years of DMHS in that picture. Just so happened that I got in the middle and that is the correct order of our graduating classes. 1962, 1987, and 2000(?)….BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
gigi…soldiers don’t wear pants in the rain…they wear fatigues….mwahahahaha
Sorry, did I miss a post? The new WAC as described does not have a few faces we have become used to seeing. What happened to them (Boise, HI, Fresno, etc.)? Hope the prognosis was good for those folks, esp., HI.
I have never seen so many falsies gathered in one place. Except for maybe in Hollywood.
Wafan – when was the last time you were in a Honolulu bar, Kapiolani area?
not that anything is wrong with it……………………
g-nalo…when was the last time you were in a bar in the Keeaumoku/Kona Street area with Stretch and dat odda guy (I don’t want to uee his name…mawahahaha)…??? Oh, wait, just a few nights ago…nevermind…
James, stupid me! My dad used to be a tailor for the Marines.
According to a story posted earlier by Jason and Garrett about conferences being made into superconferences to adjust for costs and travel expenses, Hawaii was in the new PAC 16.
gigi…not stupid. Military personnel still were pants when wearing their dress uniforms.
oops… were=wear
okay gang. Have to go grocery shopping. Need to get food to make dinner. Talk later.
Eh, I wonda wea my cuz false kanaks stay today? maybe he wen go work security again. He knows dat guy Cris Brown. I tink he no koakane too…culd be wrong doe.
i play for fun, played competitively for years, now i just work with Prince/Ektelon Sports and we sponsor about 31 players in the state of Hawaii. as the Regional Advisor, i coordinate everything and keep the team rolling. just another hat i wear on my head, the dome, that mr. al refers to……haha
Bulla – how much ‘fun’ is fun? its similar to when the Warriors start pounding Northern Colorado, by half-time its no fun? haaa
IMO racquet ball is MUCH tougher than it looks.
g-nalo…when was the last time you were in a bar in the Keeaumoku/Kona Street area with Stretch and dat odda guy (I don’t want to uee his name…mawahahaha)…??? Oh, wait, just a few nights ago…nevermind…
just my luck to know a few Instigators………………………………..
Welcome back, gigi!
Garret: Er, I think you meant 67% of Kapanui’s line. If I’m not mistaken, AFL teams use three offensive linemen, with one of the guards raising his hand to declare himself eligible (like a tight end).
Howzit Gang
Wow Da Bear looking massive and hungry for eat up some DLinemen once he make em pancake!
To bad for Chad, Oline is so important for an offense to run smooth. Hope our boys can gel quickly and get it together, don’t want a SB repeat auwe!
Aiyah I taught dat was Coach Rolo at first, they not twins are they?
5 inna row
how bout six
Glad I’m not the only one who thinks both Rolo men look exactly the same.
I remember the Northern Colorado game and to be honest it wasn’t fun for me come halftime.
Of course for 3 years we were used to our boys out gunning the opposition so many times but the realization that it was 42-0 after two quarters was really uncomfortable.
I am unfamiliar with Weber State, but I do know that they are NO “Northern Colorado” and with a hometown boy on their squad they should be able to pack more of a punch than what the Bears had.
While trying to be diplomatic here, we must hope for, no injuries to both sides, a good contest, AND a WARRIOR WIN as well!!!
Without reading the captions I also thought that was Coach Rolo as well.
g-nalo . . .
The last time I was down in that area was over 30 years ago.
g #122 istagata darkest side think it called back hole of outta space bwhaaa
jesse james appropriately name for hitting and running
stretch to late he allready win da open
oh you mean da oddah kine ez tiga
haha, tigah was getting nawts at the open
kinda young going hopping around kville late at night and you being only 10 bwhaaa
See Garret #65
The guy is from Florida, he probably doesn’t realize that Hawaii is further south.
ST: What’s rolo2 doing on the KCC campus? Talked to your class? Where on the KCC campus did you take that pic?
who photoshopped JD into the last pic?
Hear Ye Hear Ye – now is your chance to VOTE for face of the program. Ladies and gentlemen the candidates please… Colt, JJ, Timmy, Wags – let the voting begin
corey paredes will be great linebacker. has Blaze Soares kine football instincts,always around the ball. once he gets the “system” he will be contributing plenny.
howzit. got your message. absolutely made my morning. back at ya! see you Thursday nite.
great talkin to you. bringin my banana.Thursday.
* * * * * chit chat
good to hear from y’all. hope you had a good view today.
howzit coach. hope you had a great Monday. here’s wishing you a great week.
sent you an email regarding thursday night’s dinner.
I was wrong in my percentage as you pointed out–I was figuring things based on 5 offensive linemen, but there are only 3 people on the OL in the UIF. So, with 2 starting offensive linemen leaving the team, Chad Kapanui lost 2/3 of his OL…no wonder their team is struggling!
I remember when this guy went to Denver, which made Lelie hold out and start a long process that led him to Atlanta and then SF. Really sad to read about what happened to him in Vegas today.
I know that most schools on the mainland hold camps, but SMU has gone camp crazy! I think this is their way to get relationships going with Texas players, since most of their coaches are not from Texas.
Last week Tuesday-Thursday they had a 3-day camp for 170 high school players.
Then they had 1-day camps on Saturday and Sunday. Somewhere between 80 to 120 players reportedly attended on Saturday and somewhere between 250 and 300 players attended on Sunday.
Today and tomorrow they are having a 2-day camp for players from second grade to eighth grade. Then, on Wednesday they have 24 high school teams attending a passing camp. I’ve never seen so many camps held in a week before!
Starting from last Tuesday:
Tuesday: First day of a 3-day camp for high school players
Wednesday: Second Day of a 3-day camp for high school players
Thursday: Final Day of a 3-day camp for high school players
Saturday: One-day camp for high school players
Sunday: One-day camp for high school players
Monday: First day of a 2-day camp for players from 2nd grade to 8th grade
Tuesday: Second day of a 2-day camp for players from 2nd grade to 8th grade
Wednesday: Passing camp for 24 high school teams
The rules say that a head coach cannot go off campus to recruit. So, coaches like Saban use video conferencing via the web, which was a nice way around the rule. However, why go off campus to recruit when the players come to you and you can judge them side-by-side to see who you want to give an offer to? And you get to know the players and form player-coach relationships while following the rules during the “quiet” period.
here’s what happens when you’re bored on a sunday here in guam.
it was on the side of the road and other tourists were stopping, so we said, “hey, let’s stop too!”.
it was tied
with a very small rope
to a very small branch
of a very small bush
not the smartest thing i’ve done in my life.
good thing it wasn’t hungry for some japanese that day.
oh yeah, Go Warriors! i’ve lived another day to cheer you on! (i was never really in danger (i think!))
Al will be submitting our June 19 buffet dinner order count on Tuesday. The June 19 buffet dinner is by special order and we will be responsible for payment of the number we order.
Non-dinner RSVPs will still be accepted until we hit 50.
Please see:
…and note the listings of those having the buffet dinner and those arriving later/ordering ala carte. Please tell me if your name is listed incorrectly, ASAP.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
While Al is negotiating some possible surprises to the posted buffet menu, I have been involved in a few other things. We will have the entire main lounge to ourselves — one massive private dinner and karaoke room!
We are also given the Matsu private karaoke room (the larger one we usually use). This can be for storage of non-valuables and anyone who might go horizontal by the end of the night. Hey, better than Stretch’s truck…
First class. Tina said something about pillow and blankets for those left overnight–don’t know if she was serious though, but we’re not leaving anyone behind! 
This bash is going to be bigger than I thought. I am really pleased how the management is accommodating us in so many ways (some secret). Must be that popular Tsai guy…
RSVP for the June 19 Dinner/Karaoker party at:
or email me or post on the blog.
good thing they know who Michael is…..
chawan – hey nice haircut….
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off topic stuff.
Pretty cool that Honda rolled out their zero emission fuel cell car. It is only available to people who live in certain cities in Southern California. Pretty cool that the fuel cell cars only emit water instead of pollution:
Honda isn’t expecting to be able to mass produce the fuel cell car for another 10 years. It is great that Honda should have 3 new hybrid car models out in early 2009, a new version of their hybrid Civic, a hybrid CR-Z sports car, and a hybrid Fit:
Scientists have actually found a way to genetically alter bugs so that the waste (poop) is actually crude oil! The bugs each stuff like wood chips and wheat straw and excrete crude oil! It is pretty amazing that this “Oil 2.0″ is renewable and carbon negative. Who knew that crude oil is only a few molecular stages removed from the fatty acids excreted by yeast or E. coli during fermentation?
Surprise 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Japan on Saturday from a previously unknown fault line shows that a major earthquake could strike anywhere in Japan at anytime.
IBM is partnering with Japan’s TOK to develop solar technology.
Woman with 5 dead husbands is being investigated by police, especially due to reports about how she was soliciting hit men to kill her 4th husband (who eventually was shot to death). Coincidence?
Free play links pau.
Stretch — no give out secrets! I didn’t say Mike has not RSVP’d yet…
thanks, i needed one. its too hot here.
SteveM – without Mike, they might not give the extras. You know how ST is only “mike’s brother” at Genji’s.
Damage Control:
Stretch — the husband (Art) of the co-owner is the buffet boss and is the one putting up all the UH sports posters throughout the building and the UH PPV subscription for the club. He knows ST.
chawan_cut is doing the Running of the Bulls to get in shape. When you have a face like his, soon all the ladies start chasing after him too.
SteveM, kudos to you and your gang for planning and putting together another night for the Tsaikos to remember. It looks like there will be plenty of talent to showcase. My best to all of you.
steveM – i know they know ST but just giving ST crap since the name Michael came out before Stephen
cool pics. which one is you?
Welcome back! Great pic of you and Mr. gigi. You guys look like a Hollywood couple. You guys have aged well.
I look at Ah Soon’s pic and along with the rest of his hugeness, I can’t get over his hand size. This is a guy I would love to have in front of me in the Swamp.
One other thing about AhSoon; it’s great to see an O Lineman in the pics.
Betty and I will assist as DD’s on Thursday night. Anywhere between Genji’s and Mililani…anyone seen Homey lately
Only IF that were true… I’d be in much better shape!
DPK, haha, funny….
bg call me tonight or tomorrow morning after 8:30
(#162) That was too funny!
chawan_cut ~ No Bull…that’s a lotta chit!
Good to see Jack R back for a Masters degree. Does that make him eligible for another year? Why not throw another QB into the mix.
# LizKauai [Believer]:
Good, that would include a rating system. Like I said, I’m not against the chit-chat. I just want the more Warrior related stuff singled out. It doesn’t have to be punitive – but can reward the posts that contain the more relevant info.
Thanks, whitey– but you know the main guy in this is Al. This particular buffet dinner (at a place that infrequently gives buffets) and karaoke call has a lot of hidden moving parts and the behind the scenes emails is a case study. A lot of variables and it became apparent we needed Al’s cool head and experience when the early responses projected this event to rival Blog Party 3 in number. Yes, the RSVP count has put this on the scale Blog Party 3… and this time we have karaoke, more hours, and two California guests whose names spell “p-a-r-t-y”.
Too bad you can’t make it, whitey… but we can’t have all the Genji waitresses circling around you like when las vegas was here
…or can you and duffer make it…?
ah stevem…..he is the main planner. me, i just help him where ever.
but, whitey, the guy should come cuz he can sing. heard him myself, old blue eyes himself.
Warning: Chit-Chat below:
Fuel cells are still tough to make for cars but may be in your laptop soon. I think the regenerative braking is way underutilized, especially in a place like Hawaii where you are always stopping for the next red light. Why fill up when you can recharge during rush hour on the H1?
Speaking of recharging. Its almost 5am.
What program did you use to “animate” those pics of you and the traffic stopper? Thats a pretty cool effect.
Gigi – Welcome home.
If you watched Tiger & Rocco battle it out today, you can see why I put the emphasis on how you arrive that’ll help you learn to card a good score. Putting was the key all this weekend. The 2nd key was their well executed short game. It enabled them both to scramble to the green and save par or birdie when they were in trouble.
SteveM, thanks for the invite. my nephew will be leaving to return to duty at Osan Air base in Korea this week and we have a party for him Wed evening and thurs i have committments. Please give my best to the socal visitors. will see al on wed and will tell him thanks for all he does.
al, no spread rumors, you no like if they call you the “instigator” like our friend. hahahaaaaaaahhhhh!!
chawan cut, how many leon guerrero are there in Guam?
ok, see you in the morning. g’nite.
homey….that guy. he is one character no doubt.
i almost forgot to mention how the rolovich’s look as if they were cloned.
Howzit al. How’s da pups?
no clue, probably a lot, and they’re probably all related.
DPK, its call animation shop. from the same guys that makes paint shop pro.
kekoa, yes it was. the picture doesn’t reflect how big it actually was. huge head and hooves. i could’ve been a shish kebab.
addahknowsports: i try to be funny. most times it comes out lame.
hi kid…..the pups are 5 weeks now. they sure can wear you down or am i too old for this stuff?
don’t answer that.
here’s one more pic.
i title it:
one last lap
Tutu man gotta be careful or he goin spoil da mo’opuna ‘ilio. 
I think the pups realize who “grampa” is.
too late….spoiled already.
Beautiful. I do declare that you may be the photergrafikul master of the blog. You need to get with Tsai help and him get shots of players who aren’t tying their shoes. Where did you capture that pic at?
BTW chawan_cut,
try look at the clouds in da pic. Are those paddlers I see?
i don’t see it, but if you do, hey, cool.
I see two paddlers in silhouette – the one on the left is completely visible while the one to his right looks as if he is coming out from behind the sun. Two more might be coming around a large rock, but only their heads can be seen.
Is that what you’re seeing, DPK?
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!
74 days and 73 nites.
Good morning bhf2 and all of you Tsai-ko people out there!
How is everything in beautiful Hawai’i?
howzit. Hawaii nei is dark but all is good in Pepeekeo.
bhf2 . . .
Oops. Forgot the 3 hour difference. Sorry!
Keep the place safe!!! Gotta practice your ‘gator busting.
Off to school — today is the deadline for finals submission. Yahooo!
Tomorrow is celebration day. Thursday is a half-day and then — — PAU shkool.
Heisman Pundit is sure that Tebow will not win the Heisman this year.
expect today to be like yesterday. beautiful beach weather. warm, sunny, no vog in Hilo, practicin for racing this coming Saturday at Keaukaha’s regatta NaWaaHanakahi, Keaukaha, Waiakea, Puna, Kailana, Laka, Kamehameha all paddle Hilo Bay. Kaiopua, Kawaihae, TuiTonga, Keauhou, Keoua, Kaiehitu, Waikoloa come from Kona side. most of da 13 youth races, da lanes ALL FULL. makes me happy da grandson gettin fo feel good about himself, medals lie dat. maybe I get chance for race one nephew again, sophomore men.
my coach get alzhimahs, use gramps. 
so if yu askin, I’m tellin yu, life is good in Hilo.
BSU is only getting 2000 tickets to the Oregon game. Their demand is so great that they are using a lottery system to distribute their tickets. UH goes by donation level by season ticket holders, BSU takes care of the big donors first and then uses a lottery system for picking who gets tickets. The one big benefit I see for this is that it gives students a chance to get tickets–under UH’s system students who get student tickets are pretty much out of luck.
This guy is *really* working hard to crunch the numbers for college football, and he came up with some interesting conclusions. It is amazing to me that he entered in every play of every game last year!
btw, mo impahtant dan paddlin, an paddlin is way up dayah, is Warrior football. givin up Sprints in Sacto to go Florida. Priorities.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I hope ST made it back home safely. He supposed to be back yesterday afternoon but he didn’t post anything.
If anyone wants to see a replay of yesterday’s US Open live, come over to Pearl CC this afternoon.
Interesting analysis Garret, that is why Dan Kelly is going to be one of keys to UH’s 10-4 season this year.
Great Morning All.
Kinda cloudy day in Hawaii Nei but das OK.
Seems like that guy did all that work to confirm what a lot of bookies have known for a long time about home field advantage.
morning gang!
anyone go to the workouts yesterday?
i seen one of those UA Warrior decals on a white expedition the other day, sweeeet!
have a safe and happy day
Loa – could that have been an Excursion with a silver logo on the back window?? If so, that is the world famous Prideperiod!!
Good morning again Tsaikos everywhere.
ainokea yu talkin football, 10-4 befo da season staht an yu stay alredee countin losses.
yu stay puttin eebill tautz in my head. how yu expek me play nice in Florida? rememba, get laydees an kid wit me, so I gotz to beehayvv. so pleeze bradda, put out da sweet vibe.
try be mo reeahlistik.
if no can, try chit chat * * * * *
dare yu go again wit da negative waves.
Stretch – come to think of it, it was an Excursion and it was on the back window. ho am i glad i neva cut him off
loa – yeah good thing. he doesn’t need a slipper, he’ll just use his open hand, it’s more big than a shoe!!
Rich – have a safe trip back to Hawaii today.
howzit and watuppppppp gang.
morning to loa, stretch, d1, wafan bhf2 and garett
looking forward to another great day in hawaii nei
stretch what time at PCC and whats the happening dea?
Anyone interested in joining Rich and I for some golf on Thursday 1130 at Waikele?? If so, email me at stretch6592 at yahoo. We are looking for 2 more.
koakane – i will be attempting to recreate what Tiger did yesterday.
work on da limp.
Stretch – big mahalo, funny cause i was rushing for check dimensions and could have easily got one pancake.
howzit koakane!
Yup. Dass da ones.
Good morning everybody.
Aloha, Y’all!
I was in Florida this weekend visiting with friends. A couple of them are Florida students. I have arranged for the Tsaikos to drop by and tailgate with them. They would be honored to have y’all drop by. I’ll get you in touch with them as the season approaches.
They were talking about football already but they are focussing in on the Miami game in week two and then UGA and FSU later in the season. I think they will be overlooking the Warriors on Aug 30th.
so you going play army golf ……………… left right left right bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Alojah Kakahiaka Tsaiko Gang
Merv – good morning… thanks for stopping by.
Merv – It’s okay for them to overlook, they will know who’s in town once we start Te-Bowling them Gaytors, mwahaha!
Morning, Tsaiko Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Morning, Merv.
Good to hear from you. That is my feeling also and I hope it’s true, that the Gators will seriously overlook us.
Pauoa, that’s what I like to hear. Teach them gators a lesson they won’t soon forget.
Sretch – Since you know how for golf, how many golf balls you allowed to have on one 18 hole course. Everytime I go the guys at the counter always tell me, make sure you take at least 50 balls and have a big grin on there face…I wonder if they just talking chit?
loa nows your chance. get two meat and greet CC’s going on. this afternoon 11am @ Camellia’s or 5pm thurs @ gengi’s. pick one or go both. going be tons of fun and get to meet some tsaiko’s.
yes it meat cause these cc’s get plenty fuuuuuuuuud.
I meant like a “10-4 good buddy” season. UH got unfinished in NO
morn pb, ft and merv
eh talk to much about dem warriors. it like a secret invasion go in wipe um out den leave
Merv – Actually I don’t want them to overlook us, I’d rather they play a straight up mano y mano game. I believe our Warriors are amongst the best football teams in the nation and can compete with anyone! Just would love to see Tebow get knocked around by the DLine and have Blaze Soares obliterate him like some Boise State RB last year!
Howzit Koakane
pb small kine naaaaaaaah let dem be over confident and think any kine. den once they know warriors for real to late. go commando raid tactics.
koakane – thanks for the invites, next time, got plumbing work this week and futbol in the pm, prolly see the instigators on the darkside one day, ok 10-7 laters
d1 now I rememba so call you lattas on today.
movie ‘get akami’ is funny. encourage everybody to go.
Hi Merv!
Thanks for the connections!
My sister and hubby went tubing down the Ichetucknee River near Gainesville for Father’s Day!
Another busy day.
Hi Ho Willie!
Our blog host is MIA. Is he okay?
I was within 10 mins of your sister on Sunday afternoon when I was headed back home and crossed the Santa Fe River. I did some snorkling and swimming in those spring fed rivers in Florida myself. Very refreshing.
Happy belated wishes to those who had timely wishes bestowed upon them from the Tsaiko gallery.
Good morning chosen ones!
Looking forward to lunch today!
It’s good to see my ole boys doing well.
Firefox 3.0
June – It’s almost July.
Addahknowsports© auhhhhhhh da nice patnah woooooooootah
whoa – homey’s in the hale!! it’s been a while
Stretch – yeah, the family didn’t want to bail me out.
gigi – I see your hubby wasn’t going to 24hr fitness back in the day.
Howzit gang. Good morning to all Tsaikos. Hey, is ST back already? Hope everyone has safe trips back home.
homey – gigi’s hubby reminds me of some 70s film star….just can’t think of him yet….
Thanks, Patnah! I see you Thursday.
Hey Homes-
Long time no read.
Have a great day, Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Princess Leila – Thanks for the soccer reporting and updated scores. It’s good to see that Hawaii can compete with those stacked mainland teams.
I think Ronnie must be too busy eating, she hasn’t posted since she has been back.
(Jesse) James – Is that 70’s film star from the hardcore industry?
Stretch – Ronnie is probably sunbathing and working on her bikini tan lines at the North Shore.
I think I mentioned this before, but I was on a cruise a little over a month ago and there were two bus loads of people from Gainsville on the cruise. None of them were aware that they were playing Hawaii!!!
Shorts, t-shirts, slippers, golf clubs, umbrella….I guess I’m ready.
Blog host is back from CA. He called Margo this morning to see if I already left. I guess he either lost my number or she’s more pleasant to speak with.
Computer gets unplugged in an hour…
Can’t wait to meet all of you on Thursday!
Rich – I can wait!
See you on Thursday!
Have a safe trip Rich….see you on Thursday.
Homey – Yeah, I was thinking that. Maybe you can go through your library and do a search…..MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ronnie is grinding a loco moco gravy all over somewhere on the North Shore….
homey – I’m deeply disappointed that you can’t make golf on Thursday….lol.
Neither can I, Rich! Fly safe and God Speed! You don’t need to pack any CR, that’s prolly covered.
Howdy lil buddy! Where has ya been?
I spoke w/ Ronnie last night. She was at Chuckie Cheese celebrating her nephew’s b-day. She is definitely on Hawaii time. Sent me a text asking how bowling was. The league is on Tuesdays. So, she missed it by a day…..
Ronnie better not be eating too much, we get Korean food on today’s lunch menu.
My church is hosting nine Bible college kids tomorrow — someone said we should take them to Rainbow Drive-In for lunch.
homey – I’ve packed the camera and a special filter to shield the flash reflection from your cabesa.
Aloha kakou,
E kala mai, long time since I posted, but I been lurking all along…
I noticed on that list of the top 100 high school prospects in post #29 there’s a DT (Chris Davenport from Mansfield, LA) ranked #18 who has listed Hawaii as one of his college choices! Any chance we could actually get him? What a feather in our recruiting cap that would be!!
Can’t wait for August!!! GO WARRIORS!!!
I notice that the ‘Tizer and the blog loads faster with Firefox 3.
Homey’s ankle bracelet monitor will alert the police if he’s anyplace besides work or home.
Good post. You should email it to Coach Mack.
DPK – been dealing with life’s issues and joys!
Rich – I’m not very photogenic.
James – 70’s…Woody Allen, the guy from Jaws, De Niro, Nicholson, Pacino, Hackman, Eastwood, Hoffman, Holmes…
Tom Mui,
you are absolutely right. These boys thought that Miami was thier first game until I reminded them that they were playing Hawai’i on August 30th.
make sure you go shopping to get a new Times Supermarket bag.
No forget Jeremy??
homey – that’s why photoshop was invented
It would be interesting to know what prompted his interest in Hawaii.
Is Coach Mack’s email address publicly available?
Let’s get busy wit Chris Davenport and send some Aloha Spirit to Bayou country to lock in this prize prospect. (i)Homey would go!(/i)
mcmackin at HAWAII.EDU
There ya go unkanesson!
Thanks for the quick uptake Stretcheroo.
I’m guessing he’s watched Hawaii at either Bama or LaTech on the tube.
DPK….I am a little concerned about this “lil’ buddy” you keep referring to in your posts….
Unka and DPK…yeah, and if he gets homesick, we do have some LA people who live in the islands…..
Stretch – whats on TV now?
good morning everyone!
i thought prospects from the South haven’t worked out well?
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Have a safe trip, Rich. I’m sure Ronnie is enjoying family & fuud. Sounds like a fun time in Hawaii Nei.
Keith Ah Soon’s t-shirt looks like a take off on the Sugar Bowl. Very cute…
g-nalo…Stretch is working, no TV for him…..MWAHAHAHAHAAHA
James, or should I say “Cupcakes”, I’m concerned that you keep bringing up those kinds double entenders. Get counseling soon.
Good morning everyone!
Rich2176 & Ronnie — Art (our food & beverage boss at Genji) asked me if there any special drinks you two prefer. I don’t think he was kidding…they have a drink listing 8 times larger than the food stuff so I figured we were covered. But any special requests….?
“kinds of” it should read.
g-nalo…Stretch is working, no TV for him…..MWAHAHAHAHAAHA
haaaaa………..yeah he went back to work now……….uh huh
SteveM – green bottles.
g nalo…no really, Stretch does work on Tuesdays in June…. ha ha ha.
DPK…I’m just showing concern for a friend….mwahahahhahaha
eh g-nalo & james – no make fun. “marketing” is hard work.
SteveM – make sure there is CR for those who will be earning their “Tsaiko” shot glasses. I hope gigi steps up and takes one!!
New Blog up – with new pics of shirtless players for the ladies & DPK!!
g nalo…no really, Stretch does work on Tuesdays in June…. ha ha ha.
stupid me.
eh g-nalo & james – no make fun. “marketing” is hard work.
there’s no one better, good job!
DPK & Stretch,
Mahalo for the suggestion and the address. I’ve sent the email, and will report back if I get a reply.
Gee, anytime anyone wants to join the new post …
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I didn’t agree with you first, but last paragraph makes sense for me