Friends indeed

Thanks to three Warrior supporters, some emptiness has been filled.

As noted a while back, the football locker and meeting rooms underwent significant renovations. The problem was the projects did not include new furniture.

Head coach Norm Chow then turned to three friends. Jim Rodden and Mark Rodden of Hawaii Supply and Sam Chong of ABC Furniture agreed to pay for the material, assembly, shipping and labor to furnish the rooms.

Total cost to UH: Zero.

* * * * *

Earlier this summer, strength/conditioning coordinator Gary Beemer bypassed the red tape when he bought and assembled a book case for his office.

Total cost to UH: Zero.



  1. duffer July 10, 2014 7:33 am



  2. NorthShoreFan July 10, 2014 7:37 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.

    now das some mean support for the Warrior program….Mahalo & IMUA!

    anyone knows the name of the Jasper’s eatery on Kauai?

  3. Stephen Tsai July 10, 2014 7:44 am

    JJ’s Broiler

  4. NorthShoreFan July 10, 2014 7:46 am


  5. tommui July 10, 2014 7:59 am


    And much thanks to the Roddens, Mr. Chong and Gary Beemer! They are guys that walk the walk!

  6. st. anthony trojan July 10, 2014 8:00 am

    Good morning there u’all in the 808…

  7. NorthShoreFan July 10, 2014 8:02 am

    making me hungry..nice pics on the site.

  8. boya_jr July 10, 2014 8:14 am

    Hawaii Supply and ABC Furniture, I’ll think about them in the future. Thanks guys! Mahalo for supporting UH.

  9. Don Weir July 10, 2014 8:15 am

    Jim Rodden has been a supporter of UH Football for a long time.
    I remember Jim and Coach Murphy at my parents home on a recruiting trip in the early 70’s.

  10. Lowtone123 July 10, 2014 8:31 am

    Aloha all who contribute, big and small, to the football program and all the sports programs. Despite what the opponents say, the athletic department is important facet of the college experience and is a big part of our community.

  11. Da Punchbowl Kid July 10, 2014 8:38 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 😉

    Big Mahalos to the Brothers Rodden and Mr. Chong. It’s great that Coach Chow and the UH Athletics Department have friends like these.

    Thanks to Coach Beemer for taking the initiative. Strong is as strong does!

  12. st. anthony trojan July 10, 2014 8:46 am

    ST… what was the total cost to Beemer ?

    Is kinda sad…he has to dig in his pocket for that avoid ‘red tape’
    so he can use it immediately…rather then wait…and at the same time a “concert” seems to get green lights…all along its road to a ‘scam’ and a greater loss to all….

  13. Old School Dave July 10, 2014 8:46 am

    I will also remember Hawaii Supply and ABC Furniture in the future when thinking about purchasing furniture. Mahalo to them for their support!!

  14. Stephen Tsai July 10, 2014 9:12 am

    Jim Rodden is a former UH running back.
    I sort of recall he was an assistant coach for a little bit, too.

  15. wafan July 10, 2014 9:18 am

    Good morning!

  16. wafan July 10, 2014 9:20 am

    Same Jim Rodden who taught at DMHS with Gramps back when dinosaurs roamed the earth?

  17. Kilikili July 10, 2014 9:26 am

    ST- regarding furniture, what a sad/ sorry/ pathetic state of affairs…

  18. PONO July 10, 2014 10:13 am

    Thank you to the donors. I was just in the market for a new bedroom set. I’ll definitely take a look at ABC furniture now.

  19. al July 10, 2014 10:22 am

    jim rodden was a not too big running back. shared some classroom time back in the day.

  20. hossana July 10, 2014 10:49 am

    Who are the idiots in the Athletic Dept. that did not budget for furnishing the newly furbished locker room and meeting offices the athletic dept.?? This is not the first time and I cannot, for the sake of me, understand how can such idiocy exist in the budget?? And one wonders why stupidity is so rampant in the administrative offices of the athletic dept. as this is a prime example and really, falls on the shoulders of the A.D.. Nothing more and nothing else.

  21. gobows July 10, 2014 10:51 am


    thats the hawaii style

  22. Andrew July 10, 2014 11:12 am

    21. Not surprised. Even When they built UH West Oahu, we didn’t even have trash cans on campus for a few weeks. The space for the bookstore and coffee shop are not even being used to this day because they ran out of money. The book store operates in a make-shift way in a classroom and they are just laid out on tables.

  23. archives July 10, 2014 11:17 am

    # 18, 21, 22, 23:

    June 28th, 2014 at 8:52 am


    FYI…..funding for FF&E (i.e., Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment) is typically a separate source (i.e., EQUIPMENT line item budget in CIP funding appropriation) from CIP funding for DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION, respectively.

    Could be that UH re-programmed the EQUIPMENT line item CIP funding to cover the unanticipated CONSTRUCTION change order costs……which would be a typical strategy…..since gotta build the new facility first…..then can deal with the FF&E inside later on. That’s what happened when the Kapolei Public Library sat empty for over 1 year after completion of construction before the Hawaii State Public Library System could get the necessary additional funding appropriated by the State Legislature to purchase the FF&E.

    Also, some FF&E items (window coverings, position-related furniture, and office equipment – copy machines, computers, printers, phone handsets, security systems, etc.) would be funded out of the separate UH Lower Campus Operating fund budget (as opposed to CIP appropriation funding) – same fund source to cover recurring water, sewer, electricity, telecom, and electronic security costs.

    The Operating fund budget to cover operating costs (and eventually repair and maintenance costs after the contractor guarantees and manufacturer warranties have expired) typically always needs to increase whenever any State entity builds a new facility. With UH Lower Campus budget woes, that obviously didn’t happen…..which explains the current FF&E situation.

    10. kapakahi:

    June 28th, 2014 at 9:00 am

    #7. DPK,

    The cost overruns are because of UH-initiated construction change order revisions……most of which have yet to be paid to the Contractors nor the subcontractors…..with most still tied up in the UH construction administration bureaucracy under review and not yet approved.

    The UH administrators obviously placed a higher priority on requesting and initiating these construction change order work than on providing new FF&E for the facility.

  24. Da Punchbowl Kid July 10, 2014 11:43 am

    The boss and I will be visiting soon.

    Mahalo to Pat from ABC Furniture.

  25. Da Punchbowl Kid July 10, 2014 11:44 am

    Mahalo, archives.

  26. Big Papa 808 July 10, 2014 11:52 am

    JJ’s is a favorite for lunch and dinner or just pupus after a round of golf.

  27. whitey July 10, 2014 12:04 pm

    Much mahalos to Jim and Mark Rodden, Sam Chong, and Coach Beemer.

  28. Buffoman July 10, 2014 12:16 pm

    I am almost certain that UH is not the only program that is facing this kind of financial hardship as universities are faced with dwindling enrollment and in some cases (like UH) more student apathy toward athletics.

    Very sad.

    A couple of other questions.

    1). When would we know more definitively when those two who had inquired about attending UH (I assume that they’ve inquired at other universities) would make a serious effort to enroll? And on the UH end, how long would that process take.

    2). IF that new stadium is to be built, is the old stadium (in Moiliili) a consideration as a possible location, or is that a dead issue?

  29. Stephen Tsai July 10, 2014 12:20 pm

    The point wasn’t about UH’s financial plight.
    That’s been well documented.
    The point was that people stepped up to help solve a problem.
    Friends in need, friends indeed.

  30. nutmegger July 10, 2014 12:39 pm

    Railing against idiots won’t solve the problem or get us any further along.

    We should recognize and thank knowledgeable people like kapakahi who have taken the time to explain that many state workers in different departments are dealing with separate line items from different budgets and time-lines for it all to come together. It is frustrating to watch from the outside, but I am sure the folks trying to put this together work hard.

    These men that took the initiative to get the shelf or locker equipment are the people that see past the trees to the mountaintop. I am sure we will get there.

  31. Kilikili July 10, 2014 12:40 pm

    Friends indeed! But UH $’s and bureaucracy issues are just too much… But they study for a new stadium, r u fickin’ kidding me?????

  32. NorthShoreFan July 10, 2014 12:47 pm

    will probably just order a bunch of JJ’s appetizers…that would suffice for a lunch buffet…

  33. boot boot July 10, 2014 1:02 pm

    Tough day for Michelle Wie at 75, +3.

    Leader is at 68.

    GO Michelle.

  34. Toni July 10, 2014 1:08 pm

    I think coach Beemer is the only strength coach in America who’s office is not on the weight room. Another UH anomaly

  35. Kukui High School July 10, 2014 1:22 pm

    UH West-Oahu only has 5 buildings when 6 were paid for. The $19 million administration building was not built. The money was spent on a road instead of the building…but this story somehow did not make the news.

    To make matters worse, although the State has already paid for the design of the building, a new company has been awarded the contract to design a new building that may or may not “fit” with the look of the already existing buildings.

  36. Andrew July 10, 2014 2:22 pm

    Yeah they built a road that passes through on the outside of the big lawn that basically leads to nothing…

  37. Andrew July 10, 2014 2:23 pm

    Don’t get me wrong the campus looks nice, but looks funny when you pass the “coffee shop” and “bookstore” and see all the equipment and things in there but they can’t complete and open them because not enough funding..

  38. nutmegger July 10, 2014 2:30 pm

    There are usually five phases in an architectural design contract – design, design development, construction documents, bidding and construction administration. The fact that the design was completed only means that, at most, 15% of the work was done.

    The state could have terminated the contract when the money dried up there by making it necessary to restart a new contract process. The architects and their consultant teams have to start over to be considered for the contract. They may be busy and aren’t interested in doing further work for the state.

    State projects are not as lucrative as private sector projects. They are attractive when the economy is bad and the private sector slows, but few offices make money on them – they are more of a way to keep cash flow going so you can keep your key people on staff.

  39. NotNasti July 10, 2014 2:36 pm

    30. Thank you ST. Some people, like you, can dwell on the positive, good deeds that occur in life. Others, well, can’t wait to unleash their diatribe on the failings of others. I think the japanese saying, “shikata ga nai,” although perhaps too strong a term, may be appropriate in this case. “Shikata ga nai,” means “it cannot be helped.” It is an explanation of how someone responds and is able to move forward in the face of insurmountable adversity. Our focus should be on rallying to help the university, rather than being stuck in the quagmire of the “blame game.” Just my thoughts . . . we should try not to be so angry, but focus our indomitable energy on supporting our team and university.

  40. nutmegger July 10, 2014 2:48 pm

    NotNasti – eloquently said.

  41. Buffoman July 10, 2014 3:06 pm

    #40 true. As I stated, we are not the only ones in this state of affairs. It’s the one who finds solutions that get ahead.

    I find it interesting that Coach Chow has quietly done things to address the challenges, in the midst of a tough effort to change a system.

  42. Kapahulu July 10, 2014 3:11 pm

    I believe that area politician Mike Gabbard reported that there were 3 projects that were approved for funding for UH West Oahu.
    One was for a new road to connect to the Kualakai Parkway (North-South Road).
    Another may have been for an Admin. Building and another for Multi-media.

    I pass by the campus every day and it is interesting to compare the new Tokai University being built next door. They seen to be more organized when you can build the whole campus all at once.

  43. Turfwar July 10, 2014 3:14 pm

    JJ’s Broiler is pretty good. But my choice is the Bull Shed. Great steaks and right on the water. Buffoman, Michigan and Alabama are two big time schools also facing decline student attendance and apathy towards athletics. It’s happening to the best of programs. Certainly we are not alone. Just so many choices for today’s kids it’s hard to get them to give up their Saturdays. Even if they attend the game they probably have their eyes on their phones

  44. Buffoman July 10, 2014 5:05 pm

    #44 Turf, your last line made me chuckle, and you’re right the generation is somewhat glued to their phones .

  45. What? July 10, 2014 5:13 pm

    #35 – Tom Heffernan’s office is in the weight room, after all he is the Head Strength Coach.

  46. obachan July 10, 2014 5:36 pm

    Gunfunnit; plenny peopo sing along:

    Wen you make dis building but no moa da furnicha….das da Hawaiian style!
    Wen you pay yoa own kala cuz you no moa desk…das da Hawaiian style!
    Wen you moi-moi in da locka room cuz dey pay you bumbye….das da Hawaiian style!
    Wen you draw da stadium but no moa place foa put em….das da Hwaiian style!

  47. Old School Dave July 10, 2014 6:42 pm

    Sounding like a broken record, but the State should consider having a Lottery to help generate revenue for education and construction projects such as a new stadium.

    Washington State’s Lotto:

  48. SteveM July 10, 2014 6:55 pm

    I have a JJ’s Broiler story…
    In 2007, I was going to miss the UH home game opener since I was on a last minute island cruise with visiting family. But the ship was going to overnight in Nawiliwili on game night and Stretch suggested I go to nearby JJ’s Broiler to watch the game.

    I walked in and told the receptionist I was there for dinner and to watch the UH game. I received a bright smile and was given a homemade UH lineup. She looked at my Tsai-ko caricature shirt and asked, “What’s a Tsai-ko?” I explained briefly, emphasizing UH football reporter Stephen Tsai.

    I received a polite, “Oh?”. Just then I noticed the newspapers for sale on the cashier counter: The Star-Bulletin. 😐

    There were basically 3 dining areas and numerous TV sets tuned to various channels. I was seated at the bar opposite the largest flat panel. When the UH game was about to begin, all the sets were turned to the game. Later in the night, a patron loudly complained they wanted to watch something else. I noticed all the waitress walked away in different directions. JJ’s took UH football very seriously. 🙂

    The food is good and I eat there almost every time I visit Kauai…and that is usually coming off a cruise ship! I love their onion rings.

  49. oneseason July 10, 2014 8:02 pm

    #48 … Rather than follow a lottery model for financing, I would rather see Hawaii stakeholders self-finance the stadium construct like they did for UW’s Husky Stadium.

    The flip side to lotteries is their income regressive nature …

  50. kapakahi July 10, 2014 8:49 pm

    Ulu-Perry and Fehoko with impressive showings……in OL vs DL one-on-ones at The Opening……

    Without pads…..on Day 1

    With pads…..on Day 2

  51. Abunai July 10, 2014 9:10 pm

    Ulu-Perry is very good…. He had a strong showing…

  52. tommui July 10, 2014 9:25 pm

    #50 Oneseason:

    The Huskie Stadium will seat 70,000+

    But while individual contributions amounted to $50mil, the rest ($200M) was raised by sale of municipal bonds. I suppose you could argue that the $200M is self-financing in that the bonds and interest is paid by citizens paying the city taxes.

  53. NorthShoreFan July 10, 2014 9:48 pm

    JJ’s is on the schedule…and da onion rings….

  54. kawika49 July 10, 2014 10:10 pm

    A lottery would be good.

  55. kawika49 July 10, 2014 10:11 pm

    I’d be willing to lose a couple of hun to see a new stadius.

  56. oneseason July 10, 2014 10:25 pm

    #53 tommui:

    For $250M, Wikipedia says he new Husky Stadium will seat 70,138.

    But I don’t interpret their financing plan as publicly funded from city taxes. The website seems pretty clear that the $200M debt is paid through increased stadium revenues. As I interpret it, the Husky Stadium stakeholders raised $50M in donations and sharpened their pencils to figured out what it would take for the remaining $200M to be financed from stadium revenues. Those season ticket prices are pretty steep though, and public financing may be the only way for a new Aloha Stadium. And then the taxpayers of Hawaii or Honolulu are the real stakeholders. As such, I bet they would like to see the UH football games live on free television along with having affordable and comfortable seating at the stadium. UH should begin a dialogue the folks being asked to pick up the check.

  57. kawika49 July 10, 2014 10:37 pm

    Just give me a lottery…

  58. turfward July 10, 2014 11:10 pm

    Thanks for finding that stuff kapakahi. Ulu Perry could be a 4 year starter in the right program. He did the best job of handling McKenzie the #1 guy in the west. Comparisons to Vince Manuwai very legit.

  59. Old School Dave July 10, 2014 11:20 pm

    Good to see former UH player Kent Untermann speaking out against building a smaller stadium for UH football at the public testimony tonight at Aloha Stadium.

    Wife gets a little upset whenever we visit relatives on the West Coast. First place I head to (before Trader Joes) is the local 7 Eleven to buy some Lotto Tickets 🙂

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