Pitt stop

Kurt Gouveia’s hiring as outside linebacker coach is proving to be a wise choice.

There were four finalists for the job, with each receiving face-to-face interviews with coach Norm Chow. It eventually came down to Gouveia, who was raised in Waianae and won two Super Bowl rings during a 13-year NFL career, and Joey Porter, a former All-Pro linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

UH chose Gouveia, who brings football experience, enthusiasm and  a Westside-to-riches story that could be inspirational to aspiring football players.

Porter, who has the makings of becoming a good coach, also was in talks with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Porter today was hired as a defensive assistant coach for the Steelers. If Porter were hired by UH, his tenure would have lasted about two days. While Porter and Chow have a good relationship, the Steelers’ job was one that Porter could not afford to turn down.

UH ends up with a coach with a local background, and Porter returns to a team/city where he is beloved.

* * * * *


Former UH slotback Mike Washington is training in Hawaii through the weekend.

In October, Washington was traded from the Arena Football League’s Pittsburgh Power to the Spokane Shock. In three seasons, Washington became the Power’s career leader in receptions (365), receiving yards (4,446) and touchdowns (105).


  1. Ipu Man February 11, 2014 8:02 am


  2. Ipu Man February 11, 2014 8:03 am

    Morning to all.

  3. kifi February 11, 2014 8:15 am

    Congratulations to both Gouveia and Porter.

  4. Stephen Tsai February 11, 2014 8:16 am

    All you need to do is spend 10 minutes on the Lower Campus and you’ll be back in time. I saw Carl Furutani, Aaron Bain and Mike Washington.
    The other week, it was Adam Lockwood.

  5. tommui February 11, 2014 8:23 am


    Best wishes to Joey Porter and congrats to Kurt Gouveia!

  6. 808Fringe February 11, 2014 8:45 am

    The Lord always has a plan and it looks like it went that way for all parties.

  7. Marleysdad February 11, 2014 8:52 am

    They still let Furatani on campus after what he did to the baseball team after Coach Les has his stroke?

    Maybe he was cleaning toilets……..

  8. Warrior Dave February 11, 2014 8:52 am

    The local Polynesian presence in represented both in the coaching booth and on the field. I can’t wait to see the results in the won/loss column.

  9. Warrior Dave February 11, 2014 8:53 am

    So what did Carl Furatani do Marleysdad?

  10. Haleakala February 11, 2014 9:01 am


  11. Haleakala February 11, 2014 9:06 am

    Go Bows!
    Go Warriors!
    Work hard and good things will happen.
    Nice story about Punahou swimmer Jasmine Maui in today’s SB. She works extremely hard and is very focused. Now one of of the top hs swimmers in the country.

  12. Marleysdad February 11, 2014 9:09 am

    Basically tore the team apart from within. A D1 baseball team has quite a big roster, not everyone can fit in the “home” locker room. The “home” side is usually for starters/active players. The “visitor” side is used by red shirts/in-active players. Well, when Carl was “interim”, he put starters & contributors in the dog house & moved them to the “visitor” side, then moved his “favs” over to the “home” lockers. If you look back to see who played regularly before & after, you’ll see.

    There is more, but I won’t get in to that.

  13. Haleakala February 11, 2014 9:16 am

    ESPN article on Pittsburg’s hiring of Joey Porter.

  14. jm2375 February 11, 2014 9:33 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    Congrats to Gouveia & Porter.
    Congrats to Mr. Washington, heading up to djmitcho’s neck of the woods.

    boolakanaka – from yesterday’s post, please send that wonderful piece to every legislator, the gov’s office, UH admin, and anyone else that needs to see it. Perhaps J(J), IWWTHM, and WDoc can help.

    MVB tomorrow night vs. Cal Baptist

  15. Former UH Athlete February 11, 2014 9:38 am

    Wow… very strong finalists for the LB coach job. Don’t think UH could go wrong with either choice.

    I definitely think UH has upgraded their coaching staff this offseason. Hopefully they make an immediate impact. Talentwise I think UH is ok defense, now its coaching them up and Clune organizing the guys on the field.

    More NFL player experience on the staff is never a bad thing.

  16. Boolakanaka February 11, 2014 10:02 am

    JM- maybe, but in all honesty if people that are in positions of decision making and/or forming public policy did not already know this or have some form of inclination to “brief themselves up” on such topics, well–woe to us citizens….

  17. Derek February 11, 2014 10:03 am

    I thought Joey Porter was coaching at Colorado State, his alma mater, as recently as 2 years ago, maybe even last year! Good for him at the Steelers and good for Kurt Gouveia.
    I hope Kurt instills the technique, intensity, and big play results by his players.

  18. Stephen Tsai February 11, 2014 10:05 am

    Jacob Yoro was a highly regarded candidate.
    He’s a Saint Louis School graduate whose college career was hindered by a knee injury. But from what everybody tells me, he’s an outstanding coach. Keep an eye on him.

  19. Stephen Tsai February 11, 2014 10:16 am

    Porter was an intern at CSU last year.

  20. Marleysdad February 11, 2014 10:21 am

    I’d like to see Jake at UH. Pretty good coach & recruiter up at Pacific. Jake & the Yoro family grew up on our street & was/is one of my brothers best friends. Good times in our neighborhood back in the day.

  21. NorthShoreFan February 11, 2014 10:27 am

    Guud morning Tsaikos….bootiful day in Hawaii nei!

    Staff is looking up….they can teach and preach but kids need to step up…


  22. PONO February 11, 2014 10:48 am

    Isn’t Yoro the DC at Pacific Univ (Ore) along with another local SLS boy Randyn Akiona.

  23. Hilo-Warrior February 11, 2014 10:50 am

    Good morning Tsaikos. Good to see Mike Washington training. He tears it up in the AFL. All of the former Hawaii players do really well actually. Hopefully Colt does a great job against any team but my San Antonio Talons.

  24. jm2375 February 11, 2014 11:20 am

    boola – #16 – yeah, but it doesn’t hurt to remind them, especially when it comes from the “outside”.

  25. Leahi2 February 11, 2014 11:25 am

    Big question on my mind is Can Gouveia coach adequately? Oh yes he can play but what are his coaching credentials? I noticed over the years that the better coaches are very good speakers. Not only do they make good public appearances but they articulate very well. They can speak to their players and get them on the same page with just a few short words! Speaking in pidgeon is okay by me but do the mainland recruited players get it? By they way NC doesn’t speak in pidgeon but he doesn’t come on as good communicator either. My critics hereafter would point to his success as a position coach but cannot say much about verbal ability in his HC experience.

  26. bowwar February 11, 2014 11:27 am

    Mike Washington played in the shadows of Devon Bess…It’s too bad, as Washington never had the opportunity to show his skills at UH because he played most of his career behind Bess except for his senior year.

    Good luck to Gouveia…For the longest time, he has wanted to coach at UH, but was held-back due to qualifications (education?).

  27. PONO February 11, 2014 11:45 am

    I like the Gouveia hire because he wants to be here. Other candidates may have used this job as a stepping stone but Gouveia should be good financially and just wants to make an impact in his hometown. He’s a local boy at heart regardless of where he went to college.

  28. Whats up February 11, 2014 12:00 pm

    Know body knows if Kurt Gouveia is going to be a great LB coach at UH? But we know that he knows how to play LB at the highest level and was willing to take the pay offered by UH. The local kids will be able to relate to the local Island boys coaching like Kurt, Naole, Chow and the mainland kids will get valuable coaching and experience from the guys who had long careers in the NFL (Ok, Chow didn’t play in the NFL but coached in the NFL for a short period). Kurt wasn’t the fastest or biggest guy on the field but he was one of the smartest with a big heart! If he can pass on that smarts and inspire them to play with big hearts, UH should have a strong LB Corp that will instill fear onto our opponets offenses. But we won’t know that until next season or so?

  29. A-House February 11, 2014 12:05 pm

    besides going to place never visited before, we meet former UH players in many different sports

    in Seattle, we met and spoke with at length to Adam Leonard and met a former basketball player and Murray Cassidy introduced himself to me in the Seattle Sheraton while I was waiting for Mrs and Midori – at Oregon State it was Mike Washington

    and, of course, a certain tv personality at Navy – he was so impressive I forgot his name – nah, it was John Veneri ( former receiver for UH )

    looking forward to visiting Houston when UH plays Rice – hope more former players attend the UH tailgate – food was great at Navy because UHAA hired a local catering firm – but best of all was at West Point! – tummy already churning for a lot of great BBQ – maybe we can find a Golden Corral – great buffet!

  30. A-House February 11, 2014 12:12 pm

    for the sake of all the assistant coaches, I do hope UH does well in 2014

    OK, Pomai, I will go out on the limb and say 8 wins and 5 losses.

    job security to go along with great games – speaking of which I don’t mind them losing, but giving a total effort – much prefer they win, but mine is not to determine the score(s)

    and we all know that “teaching” the players is the start, but it’s the players who determine winning or losing – yea, I will admit better play calling will help – no more up the middle when the opponent puts 9 players in the “box” – to my dismay, the 49ers did the same against the Seahawks.

  31. NotNasti February 11, 2014 12:43 pm

    25. Leahi2: Have you heard Kurt Gouveia speak live or on television? All those years on the mainland wiped out his pidgin accent (not pidgeon, pidgeon is bird language). He is a well spoken individual. He was a linebackers coach for the recently completed NFLPA Collegiate bowl and was mic’d/interviewed during the practice session and you would not have been able to tell what part of the U.S. he came from. Kurt would make a great motivational speaker. He will be a great addition to the Rainbow Warrior staff.

  32. bowwar February 11, 2014 12:47 pm

    I strongly believe that if the coaches can “step up” to the plate this year, so will the team. The only other missing element is team leadership from the Seniors and a trigger-man (i.e. QB) to put points on the Board.

  33. NotNasti February 11, 2014 12:52 pm

    Kurt Gouveia Football University linebacker training video on YouTube.

  34. dream city mike February 11, 2014 1:38 pm

    Excellent training video by coach “Ola” Gouveia. Can’t wait for him and coach Clune along with the other D coaches to implement their scheme. Aloha tsaikos have great day!

  35. 3-Prong February 11, 2014 1:45 pm

    Going to the game Saturday against Oregon? Sorry to tempt you but Finance Factors will be firing up the grill to feed the team their after game victory dinner! Steak and teri chicken on the menu. Let’s Go Bows!!

  36. iwonderwhytheyhateme February 11, 2014 2:32 pm

    There is something Duane Akina-ish about him and that video.

  37. Andrew February 11, 2014 2:58 pm


    I think more importantly for the sake of the program and the athletic department as a whole rather than just the assistant coaches. It’s important for the other teams as well that football does well and makes money.

  38. old808 February 11, 2014 2:59 pm

    I don’t know why some individuals are concerned about the hiring of Kurt Gouviea. I’m glad he is back home to his roots and excited to contribute to our University of Hawaii.

  39. iwonderwhytheyhateme February 11, 2014 3:50 pm

    maybe its just the moustache…yea, that’s it.

  40. Haleakala February 11, 2014 4:14 pm

    Great video of Coach Gouveia. I liked it when he said we (the defense) needs to adjust for a spread offense. He is a very good instructor/coach.

  41. iwonderwhytheyhateme February 11, 2014 4:40 pm

    So no one else here thinks his moustache and Akina’s moustache are twins separated at birth?


  42. AllG February 11, 2014 5:21 pm

    Maybe it’s just me but I haven’t been very impressed with our TE coach. Our TEs have shown little improvement and I don’t know of any note worthy recruits that he has brought aboard. I thought he was much more deserving to be let go in the off season rather then Tuioti. In Wynn though we may have another Rolo, don’t want to lose a offensive mind like that twice.

  43. Warrior Dave February 11, 2014 5:22 pm

    I have to partially agree with Leahi #25. Just because you played the game doesn’t mean you can coach it. I still haven’t formed an opinion on Coach Naole but I hope they both bring it this coming season.

  44. ai-eee-soos February 11, 2014 5:31 pm

    OL Coach Mike Cavanaugh might be on his way to ……

    Oklahoma State: Oregon State offensive line coach Mike Cavanaugh is indeed a strong candidate to land the offensive line job at Oklahoma State.

    A year ago, Lane Kiffin tried to lure Cavanaugh to USC, but the veteran offensive line coach decided to remain at Oregon State. Cavanaugh has spent the last nine seasons at Oregon State.

  45. tommui February 11, 2014 5:34 pm

    #38 old808 commented that “I don’t know why some individuals are concerned about the hiring of Kurt Gouviea.”

    I think it was great and that web video seems to prove that he can teach.

    But, having said that, I do know of another possible coach in Utah …

  46. Ipu Man February 11, 2014 5:48 pm

    105 touchdowns in three seasons…
    NFL are you out there?

  47. boolakanaka February 11, 2014 6:59 pm

    Thought you guys might enjoy Duane Akina during a film session with his UT DBs, great footage of all the great longhorns he coached over the years. Fast forward and he has a great nostalgic clip of Richie Rich Miano, at 4:07 or so, as I think any of the younger guys might not realize what a ballsy player Rich was back in the day…enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVILDWmFUIM

  48. Former UH Athlete February 11, 2014 8:45 pm

    Not sure if anybody saw this, but this was tweeted by @HawaiiWarriorGo


    Full summary of the 2009 Recruiting class now that almost everybody has finished eligibility. A couple of initial gray shirts are still with UH.

    2010 Recruits had more players that eventually became starters, but quality of play was not as good. 2009-2011 were all heavy on JC transfers, so lots of turnover from 2011-now.

  49. Former UH Athlete February 11, 2014 9:45 pm

    44. Cav probably saw Lane’s job future as not the best leading into last season. I believe Reilly received a nice extension after 2012, which meant more job security for Cav, probably more money also.

    Had Cav joined Lane, he’d be job hunting as Sark would be bringing his own staff.

  50. al February 11, 2014 10:30 pm


  51. kapakahi February 11, 2014 10:44 pm

    Could this local boy be…..a potential JC transfer walk-on candidate?


  52. maddog50 February 12, 2014 3:49 am

    I particylarly like the new addition of Kurt Gouveia…..lotsa reasons to be high on this. Looking forward to improved defense and winning some games on D

  53. Sachin February 12, 2014 4:20 am

    Very useful information. Thank you for sharing it.

  54. gobows February 12, 2014 7:19 am

    Isnt mike from pennsylvania?

  55. Slugger February 12, 2014 8:05 am

    Good morning, gang!

    Nice to see that Mike Washington is still playing football. Good luck in Spokane!

  56. kifi February 12, 2014 8:22 am

    Are the coaches still waiting for signed LOI’s from Donyeh Patterson and Beau Reilly? Or pau already?

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