New direction?

Coach Chow was correct to stand by his quarterback. Sean Schroeder was clearly the best in practices. And it is never a good thing for a quarterback to have to worry if every interception or sack will cost him his position. “One snap and clear” is one thing, believing it is another.

And Chow is correct that the ineffectiveness of the offense — an ensemble malfunction — means that the QB position needs to be put out to bid. Too many turnovers; too few yards, points and victories.

A change is expected, much to the public’s calling, but this is where the debate does not end but is renewed.

Jeremy Higgins would appear to be the logical choice of change. He provides energy. Meanwhile, he has directed a scoring drives in each of the past two games. He also was intercepted and lost a fumble yesterday. In spring training and training camp, the knock on Higgins was that his passes had the right intent but not velocity. He appears to have corrected that with tutorial sessions with Vince Passas, his former Saint Louis School coach and a respected quarterback instructor.

“Coach Vinny has coached me since I was in sixth grade,” Higgins said. “Every time I feel like I’m losing it, I go back to him.”

But there is public support for Cayman Shutter.

Even David Graves, who started two games in 2011, has his supporters, notably — and vocally — from some former  players. Graves had struggled in spring training and actually was overtaken by Higgins, although UH decided to list them as co-No. 1 quarterbacks entering the summer. Graves, who moved to receiver in training camp, has been on the scout team the past month — as a receiver.


  1. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 7:40 am


  2. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 7:40 am

    New Direction?

    Don’t you mean . . . One Direction?

    Yuk yuks!!!


  3. lava November 11, 2012 7:41 am

    Change is good, and a lot is needed.

  4. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 7:41 am

    Thanks for waking up early, DPK.

  5. lava November 11, 2012 7:41 am

    Stephen Tsai:

    November 6th, 2012 at 9:00 am

    I liked Mack and each and every one of his assistant coaches. I loved chatting with Rolo, Gordy, Cal, Tony, Miano, Mouse, George, etc. Great guys. But I had a different working relationship with them than they had with each other.

  6. Will-I-Am November 11, 2012 7:43 am

    I thought our defense looked really good.

  7. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 7:44 am

    I’m not sure if it slipped into my psyche, but is “New Direction” the name of a choir in “Glee”?

  8. greenthumb November 11, 2012 7:44 am

    +1 for the Glee reference in sweeps time

  9. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 7:44 am

    UH had a lot of success with the 3-3-5, which I believe San Diego State runs. The Aztecs beat Boise State.

  10. lava November 11, 2012 7:46 am

    When we were looking for a head coach, I was not privy to the “vision” that the prospective head coaches described, but if Chow envisioned a complete makeover, I would have eliminated him from consideration.

    We needed some tweaking, not a complete change in direction. Miano and Rolo should have been included as part of any change in regime.

    I would also structure any head coaching contract to include termination options, triggered by a variety of things, such as being a 25+ point underdog at home.

  11. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 7:47 am

    I was going to write “subconscious” instead of “psyche,” but I always get “conscious” confused with “conscience.” I guess I don’t have a conscience when I’m conscious.

  12. greenthumb November 11, 2012 7:49 am

    9 Technically, I think the name of the “home” glee club is New Directions (plural)

  13. lava November 11, 2012 7:50 am

    Practices have been a mess, so saying SS looks the best doesn’t say much at all. I reserved judgment on the team until I saw the practices. We look terrible in practice. The rest is history.

  14. chawan_cut November 11, 2012 7:52 am

    Morning. Thank you to our Warriors for continuing to fight and thank you on this Veteran’s Day to our current armed forces members as well as veterans who have fought and will continue to fight for our freedom to play the games we all love to play and watch.

  15. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 7:53 am

    Take a Grease’s viewing of The View over your viewing of GLee any day, Tsai. At least there’s no ruining of beloved ’80s tunes on The View.


    # # #

  16. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 7:55 am

    Excellent post, Mr. Tsai. Its a very complicated situation, but your use of “ensemble failure” is a ver concise description..

    Credit to the Warriors for trying their hearts out. This kind of adversity is going to make the Warriors a great team down the road. We have the guys, and with a little more experience and some strong recuiting, things can be turned around.

    To all of our Warriors, I salute you. Don’t stop fighting.

    And whatever becomes of the QB situation, you have to admire Schroeders grit and toughness.


  17. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 7:56 am

    “very concise” that should read above.

  18. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 7:57 am

    With the RnS, ALL the QBacks threw pass after pass after pass so that all the receivers could get ample practice catching the balls. With the Pro Set, the Qbacks throw only a fraction of the number of passes they used to throw and, as a result, the receivers get less practice catching the ball. Could that be affecting the completion %, as well?

    Then again, our rushing suffered badly yesterday, too, though. -14 net yards… auwe!

  19. lava November 11, 2012 7:57 am

    Forced myself to watch the telecast of the game. The announcers were even commenting on how SS needs to have an internal clock and release the ball to avoid sacks. SS doesn’t make enough plays, does not extend plays, and does not makes the guys around him look better. Looking forward to change.

    Noticed again yesterday that the play calling does not seem to have passing options, which may help account for the lack of success on 3rd downs. The designed plays appear to have one receiver, and the ball can only be thrown in one spot. The odds are against these plays being successful on any consistent basis. SS has been standing still as the play slowly develops, and left to throw the ball away or force the ball into a bad spot, oftentimes leading to a pick or the receiver getting nailed.

    Whatever I’m seeing on the field, it is not entertaining. I feel bad for the players that no one wants to come to the games at this point. Recruiting is only going to get more and more difficult.

  20. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 7:59 am

    I’m sure you’re a nice guy with good insights, but unless you have a really strong telescope, I know you haven’t been to practices.

    Bill Stutzmann attends practice on Wednesdays.

    The only other regular is Chow’s cousin’s son.

    TV shows up at the end of practice, but stays on the far end, away from the final team drills.

    One of our columnists has been to a handful of practices, another hasn’t been to any at all.

  21. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:00 am

    Thank you veterans! Including my father, rest his soul, my brother and the many Tsaikos and all others who have served our country. Bless you, one and all.

  22. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 8:00 am

    Mr. Tsai,

    No worry ’bout that particular usage. “Psyche” is mostly used in pronouncing, say, “the national psyche.”

    “Conscious” and/or “subconscious” can be used by themselves . . . stylistically.

    “Psylocke” is a character in X-Men comics.


  23. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:02 am

    Is the general public allowed at practice, Mr. Tsai?

  24. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:03 am

    It’s a fair assessment to say that Schroeder needs to get rid of the ball quicker and tuck it on sacks. He has eight lost fumbles this year, all on sacks.

  25. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:03 am

    I will bet 3 days away from the blog (inspired by SAWARRIOR) that David Graves will NOT get invited to the QB competition.

  26. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:03 am

    Thank you, Mr. Grease.

  27. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:04 am

    Many seem to be enjoying and relishing Chow’s failures and setbacks in what he’s trying to do. Human nature to enjoy seeing other people fail because it makes them feel good about themselves and their own lives.

    BTW: Rolovich not looking like such a genius now at Nevada.

  28. MattyBoy November 11, 2012 8:04 am


    Will there be a change in the offensive schemes as well? And not just the quarterback?

  29. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:04 am

    Well actually ST, are there any good views from nearby bridges or overpasses? You know who lives under bridges right?

  30. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:05 am

    I like Graves. We all like Graves. But Graves is not in the QB competition because Graves is not a QB anymore.

  31. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:05 am

    Mr. Grease –

    Consciously, I’m finding myself agreeing with you – even on a subconcious level. 🙂

  32. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:06 am

    If you have really been paying attention to the offense, Chow has mixed it up quite a bit. Yes he is quick to resort to running up the middle, but the offense has shown many different looks.

  33. lavascockpuppet November 11, 2012 8:07 am

    #20 lol busted!!!!

  34. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:07 am

    I told you this guy is a pro, Stephen.

  35. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:07 am


    There actually have been a lot of changes this year.

    The Warriors have gone to a spread a lot of times. They’ve run the pistol, the four wide, no huddle, two-minute offense.

    Whether they’re successful against Air Force or not, that won’t be a true test because that’s an atypical team.

  36. Will-I-Am November 11, 2012 8:09 am

    I give a huge amount of credit to SS. That guy has taken way to many beatings this year and he just keeps going.

    I hope NC lets Higgy Baby start. Even if he gets TDs on dog luck. It might be just the ticket to inspire the team and get the boys on the winning path.

  37. MattyBoy November 11, 2012 8:09 am

    Truthfully ST don’t you think this offense that Chow runs is ineffective? Even with the players that he wants, it’ll get nowhere. He makes it so predictable to defend. Look at the success with the true spread option offenses like A&M. They just took out the number one team in the nation with that offense. And Alabama got all the too recruits in the nation..

  38. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 8:09 am

    # 26, Mr. Tsai.

    Don’t mention it.

    We’re kinda’. Word guys (thanks, DPK), yeah? [a Grease smiles.] A Grease must needs brush up on his formal word mechanicks terminologies and ‘spressions li’dat, though.

    # 25, kev-1.

    Heh. Where SAWARRIOR stay? Maybe he, like, David Carridine in Kung Fu, walking the land and such.

    # # #

  39. MattyBoy November 11, 2012 8:10 am


  40. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:11 am

    ST, I am curious about one thing (okay, many things, but this time just one). How come we see Shutter on the sideline warming up, but then Higgins goes in? Similarly, last week Shutter got a couple run only series, then Higgins got a shot.

    Is the QB competition between between Higgins and Schroeder or all 3 guys?

  41. RICHard November 11, 2012 8:11 am

    Chow needs to get this guy. I wonder what the rule is when the player quits during the middle of the season. Can he play next year in D-! or has to sit out a year.

  42. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:12 am


    Practices are closed to the general public.

    Relatives may attend, but they have to sign in. Like I said, it’s just been Stutzmann’s father and, a couple of times, Stutzmann’s grandfather.

    Duke Bukoski’s father also attends. I forgot about him.

    And Paclebar’s parents, sister and sister’s boyfriend attended a practice when they were in town.

    And Trevor Davis’ dad stops by.

  43. azwarrior22 November 11, 2012 8:13 am

    We need to go in a different direction at QB. SS is not getting it done. He may be the best in practice but not on game day when the lights are on for real. If we have another QB that starts, then I like our chances in all of the remaining games because our Defense is playing better. We need a QB that is more mobile because our O-line is porous. We need to cut down on turnovers and SS has been turning it over in bunches. If Graves is no longer a QB, then perhaps he should get a chance at WR because our WRs have been terrible.

  44. tommui November 11, 2012 8:13 am


    DPK – good day to you Sir! You said: “And whatever becomes of the QB situation, you have to admire Schroeders grit and toughness.”

    What I was afraid of was the neurological damage and damage to the psyche.

    I assume the team doctors would be aware of the amount of hits that he took and the physical damage.

    I wish him well.

  45. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:15 am

    There are quite a few posters here who have a strong command of the English language. Some are extremely witty and missed their calling as writers, especially in the realm of comedy. *coughd1homeykevinkekoacough*

  46. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:15 am

    It’s a situational thing.

    For instance, for the USC game, if Schroeder had to come out, then Higgins, based on his experience, would have been the replacement, ahead of Ikaika Woolsey (who is now redshirting).

    There was a point where Shutter was No. 2. He actually was summoned for a play, but because he was holding the clipboard and didn’t have his helmet nearby, then Higgins had to come in.

  47. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:17 am


    College football nation wide is turning to the spread offenses. Teams like Alabama and LSU will continue to do what they do because they have the athletes to do it. Yes, Alabama got beat by a great spread offense and team, but that won’t happen everyday. For teams like Hawaii, you have to think the best way to win is with some type of spread, where you can sacrifice size for speed and elusiveness.

    I still think Chow can make us competetive in the future, but for mid-level teams, switching to a pro-set seems to be a step backwards.

    With that said, I am confident that Chow will mix it up when he needs to. But you have to teach your team the system first.

  48. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:17 am

    My guess is that Clark Evans is now a slotback.

  49. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:18 am


    I don’t know if the pro set fits here or not. I do know they haven’t been running the pro-set most of the past several weeks. They’ve been running a spread.

  50. MattyBoy November 11, 2012 8:19 am


    I understand.

  51. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:19 am

    What I DO like is Higgins calling for the job. He said he thinks he deserves it. Good.

  52. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:20 am

    Good Morning your Honor. *coughaddyournametothelistabovecough*

    And you are right. After that last hard shot SS took, I was truly concerned for his health, physically and emotionally.

  53. Shoko November 11, 2012 8:20 am

    No blocking duties?

  54. Shoko November 11, 2012 8:21 am

    Southern Miss went from a 12-2 record last season under Larry Fedora to a 0-9 record under Ellis Johnson. Brett Favre is thinking about buying out Johnson’s contract.

  55. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 8:22 am

    A Grease really appeciates this from a Mr. Tsai:

    A change is expected, much to the public’s calling, but this is where the debate does not end but is renewed.

    If this blog were a southern Baptist church? This where the congregation stands up, starts yelling “HalleLUja!!!!!”, looks down, shakes their heads, waves handkerchiefs.


    Everything else is panic.

    (THAT should be the t-shirt 😉 )

  56. RICHard November 11, 2012 8:22 am

    They need to tear a page or two from Josh McDaniels playbook but of course you need those skilled players to run it.

  57. Shoko November 11, 2012 8:22 am

    Giants losing and Falcons losing, but the Niners will win today.

  58. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:23 am

    Good to see more production from the tight ends (Evans, Hall, Cofer, Moleni). Hope they continue to develop. Still remember UW’s Austin Seferian-Jenkins, that freshman TE for UW last season. He’s tearing it up as a soph.

  59. Da Punchbowl Kid November 11, 2012 8:23 am


    I’m not an expert, but I like the chemistry Higgins has with the offense.

  60. azwarrior22 November 11, 2012 8:24 am

    ST – how successful do you think Chow will be in luring blue chip prospects from Hawaii? It seems that even alumni son’s are considering going elsewhere…now what’s up with that?

  61. kev-1 November 11, 2012 8:25 am

    DPK . . . yeah, I like it too. The team seems to rally around him too. O-line has to get better though. Gotta put a tight end on the blind side for some help.

  62. papajoe2 November 11, 2012 8:26 am

    With the “pro set” I still don’t see any “student body left, right” plays.

  63. Shoko November 11, 2012 8:30 am

    AP and Coaches Poll:

  64. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:36 am

    Back in the Dick Tomey era, UH lost most of the top high school players to mainland schools, but they still went after them and had some luck in landing some local blue-chips. Keith Ah Yeun, Jesse Sapolu, Joe Onosai, Leo Goeas, Nick Maafala, among others, come to mind. It’s always been and probably always will be an up hill battle, but one that is certainly not some rewards if UH remains persistent in their recruiting efforts.

  65. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:39 am

    Ooops. Meant to say:

    It’s always been and probably always will be an up hill battle, but one that is certainly not WITHOUT some rewards if UH remains persistent in their recruiting efforts.

  66. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 8:40 am

    If anybody asks what the IMUA stands for on the back of the unis.. tell em it’s for “I made U ask”

  67. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 8:46 am

    Not sure how successful they’ll be in recruiting, but it won’t be for a lack of effort.

  68. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:49 am

    Stephen: Noticed that in your interviews with the players, they seem quite upbeat and still have a sense of humor (I guess you would need to under these circumstances). Haven’t seen players beefing on the sidelines like during the 1998 season.

  69. Will-I-Am November 11, 2012 8:53 am

    I think the defense should take off the IMUA. It should be “we move ’em backwards”

  70. Guy Bilonta November 11, 2012 8:54 am

    My sons and I went to Aloha stadium to support and watch UH play Boise State this past Saturday (11/11/12). I was impressed with with the much improved play of the Warrior’s defense. However, the Warrior’s offense could not keep up with Boise State’s scoring, hence the final score. Special teams was bitter sweet. Mike Edwards was awesome making kick off returns. However, the punt returner’s fumble near UH’s end zone was disastrous. Talk about a momentum killer. I like Sean Schroeder, but he doesn’t seem to have chemistry with the offense, nor does he appear to have quick timing.

  71. SteveM November 11, 2012 9:00 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Should be an interesting but short week with the Air Force road game on Friday.

  72. tommui November 11, 2012 9:04 am

    SHOKO – thanks for posting the AP/Coaches poll.

    No surprises as to the 1-2-3 except as to placement, perhaps.

    Was surprised at the “Fans Choice” though – ND being way down!

  73. PurpleMaple November 11, 2012 9:09 am

    Schroeder telegraphs his targets with his eyes and body language, and Chow lets everyone know by the formation that Schroeder will pass. What a combination. I ask myself, “Is this the guy that coached Heisman quarterbacks?” Besides, Schroeder cannot throw to a receiver when the receiver is still enroute. He waits for them to get open. Too late. And DPK, always trust your instincts. They’re usually right.

  74. Bowwar November 11, 2012 9:15 am

    I was at the game yesterday and it was clearly apparent that Schroeder is just plain SLOW! He’s slow to get set, make his reads, make decisions, slow release, and slow afoot. There’s no argument that the guy plays his heart out, but this is obviously a sign of someone with limited skill sets. They did run alot of spread offense/pistol yesterday and all I could think of was what we would have been able to do with a mobile QB like Graves. Higgins did OK, but I think we need defenses to be aware and afraid of a QB capable of running like Graves. Right now, our offense is severely limited.

  75. kiipua November 11, 2012 9:16 am

    #66 Good one. Not so good: “Imua” is no longer novel, already diluted. Once? okay. Always? What’s the point. It’s like mainland teams putting “Win” on the back of their jerseys. Maybe cute the 1st time. Kinda dumb thereafter. Else, why not other olelo? Wiwo’ole? Holu? Koa, e.g., ho’okoa, hoʻonakoa? Lawe pio? Na’i? etc.

  76. SteveM November 11, 2012 9:20 am

    Bon Voyage to Lo-Cal uber-cruiser hawnstln who is probably boarding the Holland Zaandam in San Diego at this moment. Mexico cruise to Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas.

    He can probably watch the UH-AFA game on TV aboard ship. Excellent place for a TV-gate. 🙂

  77. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 9:24 am


  78. kiipua November 11, 2012 9:31 am

    “Sean Schroeder was clearly the best in practices.” 3 practices, according to your recent article. Fair ? = was that enuff? In other words, was it normal, standard, de rigeur in the context of programs past or present, including winning programs, to anoint a starter after 3 x practices and keep starting said starter following 7 losses where the starter contributed materially to every loss and persistently displayed an ability to function at the level required** or even, presumably, displayed in practices?

    ** Schroeder’s pocket awareness isn’t just inadequate, it’s inept. Incompetent. Suggestively indicative of mental AND physical deficits fatal to *any* individual, athlete or not, designated to play his position.

  79. kiipua November 11, 2012 9:34 am

    #77 Lol. Would be coach’s favorite jersey. Probably exclusive.

  80. markazulu November 11, 2012 9:35 am

    Our Defense seemed much improved yesterday an our kick return team is much better this year. Schroders toughness is amazing i think i was spoiled from the run-n-shoot but i still believe in our players hopefully they leave this season with a positive note. I’m really wishing Graves/higgins/shutter got more looks when the game has been outta hand though.

  81. kiipua November 11, 2012 9:36 am

    #78 Should read “… and persistently displayed an [inability] to function at the level required” or “… and displayed a persistent inability to function at the level required”.

  82. Capitolist/WassupDoc November 11, 2012 9:39 am

    Posted late last night:

    For those of you who are following the Board of Regents and their handling of the Department of Athletics, note the following item on its Novenberr 15 Agenda. The meeting, which starts at 9:15 am, will be held on the Maui Campus in Kahului.

    VII. Items for Board Action

    Board of Regents

    1. Acceptance of the Report of the Operational and Financial Controls Improvement

    Advisory Task Group

    2. Approval of Establishment of Task Group on Intercollegiate Athletics

    3. Report of the Committee on Personnel Affairs

    Perhaps Na Koa Mike can tell the rest of us wassup. Anyone here willing to volunteer to be on the Advisory Task Group?

  83. slenzi November 11, 2012 9:39 am

    Coach Chow is not new to the dance. If we expect miracles in recruiting, or even miracles in game-day execution from the most recent Chow recruits, we are kidding ourselves. Never has it been more true: “You need the right Jimmies and Joes to run the right X’s and O’s.” Now that I live in S.E.C. land Florida, it is amazing that the fans here express the same disappointments over being 8-2, that Hawaii fans express – so all things are relative. More interesting to me would be how do the Warrior players feel. Do they have an attitude of “Vhat Happen?” or is their Mana and Warrior ethos flowing in practice and games. That is something that takes time to nurture and the right player chemistry. Only time will tell.

  84. lava November 11, 2012 9:47 am

    I never said I go to every practice. No need, especially with Chow. But I attend more practices than there are games, and I think I have a good sense of what I’m seeing.

  85. cocobean November 11, 2012 9:48 am

    Air Force is beatable.

    Season ticket holder. Watched all the road games on TV. Never been to a practice in my life. Not sure what criteria uses in evaluating the QBs. Knows he eyeballs them in drills and play run throughs then goes back and watches the practice film. Clearly through this process Schroeder grades out as head and shoulders above Shutter and HIggins.

    The only way HIggins gets the start is if Chow bases his decision solely on game performance. I don’t think HIggins can win the job in practice. Schroeder is too hard a worker. He’ll probably have some of his best practices of the season.

    Chow knows what he knows and knows what he sees. In his mind Schroeder gives the team the best chance of winning. But with that being said. In your heart coach Chow, who brings the most synergistic energy to the team? Who is most likely to provide that one little spark to jump start you O? Who shown the most in game play making ability?

    The team needs an emotional lift. Do you think HIgiins can give the team that lift

  86. kiipua November 11, 2012 9:54 am

    There are many Schroeders among forgettable college QBs who’ve accumulated sacks like Schroeder (10% sack rate), far too many to mention. But Schroeders don’t last long in the Not For Long league, unsurprisingly.

    Nevertheless, if Chow/Schroeder really crave NFL self-affirmation, look no further than Caleb Hanie: sack-rate 15%, 51% cpltn-rate, 4 x starts = 0-4, current under-understudy to Peyton Manning.

  87. Come On Chow! November 11, 2012 9:56 am

    Change the HC too!

  88. cocobean November 11, 2012 9:59 am

    Air Force is beatable.

    BTW. Don’t make it a game time decision. The team deserves to know. You can tell John Q that it’s a game time decision but the team deserves to know immediately.

  89. Ao no ho'i November 11, 2012 10:02 am

    #78: None of it seemed right. Chow wanted to put his stamp on the program, and it became more about that than winning this year. I know Mr. Tsai and others disagree.

    From day 1 Chow wanted a QB who would stay in the pocket, to run through progressions so he could look at his Pro-Style offense. Makes sense. But there were problems with that in the Spring. He got angry when the returning QBs scrambled or ran for first downs. The line was in much worse shape in the Spring because of injuries, so there was rarely a pocket for more than a few seconds. One of the D-linemen who is now hurt was single handedly destroying the O-line in scrimmages.

    Some of the mess in the Spring should be expected with the new system, with all positions. But Chow is not great at communicating with players. And if the returning QBs made what other head coaches would consider a football play (avoid a sack, scramble, run for yardage) he would blow up.

    Chow immediately annointed an immobile, backup transfer QB 3 days after he showed up in early August. A QB who stayed in the pocket in practices and later games until he was hit, or found an open receiver. SS is a tough kid, but it wasn’t just the slow legs that hurt him in real competition. Lack of pocket awareness and slow release led to fumbles plus ints.

    My beef with Chow is the way he has dismissed returning players and made snap decisions which would mean little to no chance of proving themselves after the first week of August. There’s football tough, and there is stupid. I don’t like the way the staff treats the players like meat, some of it hanging out to dry until he brings in fresh meat next year. Might not be a next year for Chow.

  90. Ao no ho'i November 11, 2012 10:03 am

    #78: None of it seemed right. Chow wanted to put his stamp on the program, and it became more about that than winning this year. I know Mr. Tsai and others disagree.

    From day 1 Chow wanted a QB who would stay in the pocket, to run through progressions so he could look at his Pro-Style offense. Makes sense. But there were problems with that in the Spring. He got angry when the returning QBs scrambled or ran for first downs. The line was in much worse shape in the Spring because of injuries, so there was rarely a pocket for more than a few seconds. One of the D-linemen who is now hurt was single handedly destroying the O-line in scrimmages.

    Some of the mess in the Spring should be expected with the new system, with all positions. But Chow is not great at communicating with players. And if the returning QBs made what other head coaches would consider a football play (avoid a sack, scramble, run for yardage) he would blow up.

    Chow immediately annointed an immobile, backup transfer QB 3 days after he showed up in early August. A QB who stayed in the pocket in practices and later games until he was hit, or found an open receiver. SS is a tough kid, but it wasn’t just the slow legs that hurt him in real competition. Lack of pocket awareness and slow release led to fumbles plus ints.

    My beef with Chow is the way he has dismissed returning players and made snap decisions which would mean little to no chance of proving themselves after the first week of August. There’s football tough, and there is stupid. I don’t like the way the staff treats the players like meat, some of it hanging out to dry until he brings in fresh meat next year. Might not be a next year for Chow.

  91. d1shima November 11, 2012 10:04 am

    Nice props top Coach Vinny.

    If Higgins does get the start this week, it will be the second time that more than one of his former charges have started for different D1 teams on the same weekend.

    Upon Kalaepohaku’s rugged slopes….

  92. Robert November 11, 2012 10:07 am

    Almost all of us are not or never was college coaches or NFL coaches, yet we see stuff that is going on with the slow footwork, releases, view of the field and receivers, etc. and yet coach doesn’t confirm that. He obviously knows more than we do which is why we are killing our opponents, even bad ones. Maybe he should be back in the booth to see what we see.

  93. Makiki Hustle November 11, 2012 10:08 am

    Whatever Coach Chow’s decisions are for the Air Force game, they need to be evaluated based on the success (or lack thereof) we’ve been having so far.

    Trying the same thing and expecting different results is not an intelligent approach.

    And I know Coach Chow has been trying different things schematically–his playcalling has been all over the map. It’s clear he’s DESPERATELY trying to fix the offense.

    I just hope his willingness to try new things extends to a willingness to try a new starting quarterback, as well.

    Higgins has been doing what many have been wanting Schroeder to do: releases early, finds and hits open receivers, scrambles fairly well.

    Higgins still made some mistakes but his contribution to the offense was a noticable improvement over Schroeder’s.

    The quarterback position is not the only problem the Warriors have that needs to be fixed, but it is definately one of the problems where an apparent solution is readily available: and that is Jeremy Higgins.

  94. Garret November 11, 2012 10:11 am

    The oddest stat I read from the Idaho newspapers:

    BSU won the coin toss for the seventh straight game

  95. d1shima November 11, 2012 10:12 am

    BSU won the coin toss for the seventh straight game

    Deflated coins? 😆

  96. Garret November 11, 2012 10:13 am

    Boise State sure is having problems on kick returns–with all of their troubles, they should have known that a dangerous returner like Edwards was likely to break a return.

    Hawaii kickoff returner Mike Edwards returned a kickoff for a touchdown in the first quarter. It was his third touchdown of the season — and the second straight game in which the Broncos allowed a 100-yard kickoff return.

  97. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:14 am


    Like I’ve said, I’m sure you’re a smart guy with insights and a great passion for the program.

    But, dude, I’m calling you on this. You have not been to one practice since the start of the season.

    Again, it’s not a knock on your intelligence or credibility. But I know what I know.

  98. Garret November 11, 2012 10:14 am

    I know that writers don’t make their headlines, but whatever person at the Idaho Statesman who made this headline was just mean.

  99. d1shima November 11, 2012 10:15 am

    Fight! Fight!

  100. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:18 am

    By the way, when I say that Schroeder is the best in practice, I’m not referring to only the first three of training camp. It’s not like other QBs stopped taking reps after Schroeder won the job.

    Now, of course, there are different factors. For instance, there was a practice where Higgins had three fumbled snaps in a row. In that case, though, UH was trying to work in a new backup center. So, obviously, the fumbles had more to do with the new connection as opposed to an inability to handle a snap.

  101. Derek November 11, 2012 10:18 am

    The starting quarterback before Marcus Mariota at St. Louis was…..Jeremy Higgins. Can’t be that bad.

    Chow didn’t have a choice in saying he is going to open the QB situation. Otherwise, he would have been the laughingstock of Hawaii. Hawaii football fans who follow the team and even watch a lot of football on TV, etc. are not stupid. In fact, most people are very good in their assessments overall. Yeah, there are other factors like the OL, receivers, and even the defense, but you can see how the QB plays, runs, throws, lead, etc. There are practice players and game players, and you probably wants both. To name the starting QB after 3 fall practices to me is bad right there. And note, Schroeder did not play any games at Duke in 3 years there. Not one iota. At best he was a 3rd stringer. To take this long, 9 games, to decide to maybe change QBs is mind boggling. Chow should have never made Schroeder a team captain and that made his decision even tougher. Yeah, he’s a smart guy because he graduated from Duke and I have no doubt that he’s a fine young man and a good guy and a team player but you would have to say that from the beginning that Chow has made some big mistakes, including running the pro set offense. That’s old school. Chow has to change if he is to survive here. And Mike Leach is a goner too. Big problems at Wazzu. By all accounts, WR Marquess Wilson who has spoken out about abuses at WSU has never been in trouble, at least that I know. And after Leach’s gaffes at Texas Tech are we supposed to be surprised. I’m not.

    My other 2 cents.

    1. Hoorah to the Ducks – Democratic territory

    2. Tough break for the Tide – Republican territory

    3. Personally, I’d like to see Oregon and K-State in the championship. 2 Dual QBs.

    4. Personally, I don’t like UA uniforms. I prefer Nike and second Adidas.

    5. Personally, I can’t seem to like the “Imua” on the back. Looks tacky. Go back to the names or none at all.

    6. Things can change in a hurry. S. Miss was 11-2 last year. Right now, 0-10. Changed head coach. Goes to show the head coach can make a big difference.

    7. Urban Meyer is big winning coach, everywhere. Bowling Green, Utah, Florida, Ohio State. If he came to Hawaii, he would make Hawaii a big winner too. Meyer runs a spread offense too.

  102. Garret November 11, 2012 10:19 am

    Sagarin ratings for the MWC and other UH opponents.

    52 Boise State

    55 San Diego State

    57 Fresno State

    97 Nevada

    116 Air Force

    128 Wyoming

    134 Colorado State

    145 New Mexico

    146 UNLV

    170 UH

    17 USC

    51 BYU

    149 South Alabama (last place in the Sun Belt, way below the next team)

    186 Lamar

    102 Temple (almost in last place in the Big East)

  103. tommui November 11, 2012 10:21 am

    Usually the HC stays on the sidelines to direct his team, oversees the coaches, call time outs etc. It is tradition.

    It is interesting that in the military, if you are overseeing the battle, the Commander isn’t in the front lines or in the Navy, carriers and wolfpacks, the Commander is not right in the thick of battle – no matter how many war movies you have seen.

    Joe Paterno, when he was injured (broken leg?), was in upstairs in the booth, seeing the whole field, coaching by phone to the coaches below.

    In short, to heck with tradition – try coaching from the booth where you can see the entire picture.

  104. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:24 am

    Jason Kaneshiro comes to a couple of practices a week to do feature stories.

    But other than that, I’m a lonesome dove.

  105. d1shima November 11, 2012 10:24 am

    Hoorah to the Ducks – Democratic territory

    Portland, Yes. Eugene? Not so much.

  106. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 10:25 am

    In five games at home, Air Force(5-5) has only lost to Navy in OT… They are really tough to beat at USAFA.

  107. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 10:25 am

    I was thinking that maybe Coach Chow should do a game in the booth and call down to Lee with his plays.

  108. tommui November 11, 2012 10:26 am

    @d1shima #95 re: “Deflated coins?”

    Couldn’t be – even the penny is worth 1.5 cents to produce.

  109. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:32 am

    Back in the day, newspapers cost a penny.

    Supposedly that factored in why a lot of stories priced items at 59 cents or 29 cents. The extra penny was used to buy a newspaper.

  110. d1shima November 11, 2012 10:36 am


    The starting quarterback before Marcus Mariota at St. Louis was…..Jeremy Higgins. Can’t be that bad.

    There was a difference in results though.

  111. Makiki Hustle November 11, 2012 10:38 am

    “I was thinking that maybe Coach Chow should do a game in the booth and call down to Lee with his plays.” -madeinhawaii

    Hi made, good to see you outside SH. 😀

    Coach Chow mentioned that he seriously considered this going back up to the skybox as a possibility, but he decided the job of being a head coach, and the things it required (on field decisions) outweighed the comfort of having a bird’s-eye-view.

  112. masteruke November 11, 2012 10:38 am

    TV commentators said something very insightful yesterday. He said that BSU coaches dont yell and scream and belittle their players. What they do is teach and coach. They dont have players running around like chickens with their heads cut off. A contrast to what Chow does.

    When Chow started bringing in players from Utah that had only one year of eligibilty left to start for him. And bringing in the likes of Lee and Uperasa also from Utah to coach for him the choice of SS was no surprise. He doesnt care if they could coach or player it was his team and no one is going to tell him what to do.

  113. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:41 am

    The Utah transfer has two years of eligibility.

  114. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 10:42 am

    Stephen Tsai:

    November 11th, 2012 at 10:32 am

    Back in the day, newspapers cost a penny . . .

    Weren’t they made of bedrock, too? A Grease kids!

    Yeah, c’mon, lava. Come clean — do you attend the practices or not? You know . . . call posteurs “such as,” we call them “bloviators” over at Political Radar. Oh.

  115. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:45 am

    Nobody really knows if Boise coaches yell or don’t yell at their players because their practices are closed.

    But I’m pretty sure if they don’t yell at their players that would be a first in football history. If a player jumped offsides in a crucial red-zone situation, I’m sure that even Coach Mother Teresa would have a few pointed words.

  116. Garret November 11, 2012 10:46 am

    UH 3rd quarter scoring against D-IA competition:

    2006: +106

    2007: +14

    2008: -56

    2009: -77

    2010: +2

    2011: -10

    2012: -38

  117. Old Diver November 11, 2012 10:46 am

    Who cares about practice. We are not just losing, we are losing badly. We aren’t just losing badly we look horrible losing badly. Something ain’t right and I’m sick and tired of paying a guy over a half million a year just to hear every week that he is working hard but doesn’t know what to do to correct things. I donate to Na Koa and attend every game and will continue to do so but this is not fun or entertaining. People vote with their dollars and right now people are voting for a change.

  118. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 10:48 am

    Unless he’s dressed as a tree, he has not attended any practices.

    And, as anyone who attends practices would know, the trees have been cut down to allow better video shots.

  119. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 10:57 am

    Our Warriors — coaches, players, all — are working quite hard. Warrior players enjoy the stewardship of a Chow’s NFL and PAC-10 ‘sperience. Adaptability might take some time.


  120. iwonderwhytheyhateme November 11, 2012 11:04 am

    There are a bunch of places to view practices from if you don’t mind being further away. The dorm lookout points has perfect views of the grass field.

  121. SteveM November 11, 2012 11:09 am

    Happy Birthday TChahng !!!

  122. Dan-O November 11, 2012 11:10 am

    The key this week is the DEFENSE. Defending the option is a MUST.

    If we can’t defend, really won’t matter what offense does…unless we score EVERY time we get the ball.

  123. Will-I-Am November 11, 2012 11:11 am

    I saw the BSU coach yelling yesterday. Not only that but I could read his lips. “God d@amnit, what the Fu€£ was that”. Or something along those lines.

  124. iwonderwhytheyhateme November 11, 2012 11:13 am

    How did we do against Bob Davie’s offense? I suspect it will be another tough game at AF.

  125. Dan-O November 11, 2012 11:13 am

    Re: 112…

    I guess you missed Perersen going off at his QB on the failed 4th down rush in the fourth quarter…QB made the wrong read on the option, and Petersen was in his face as soon as he got off the field.

  126. HiFlyer November 11, 2012 11:32 am


  127. lava November 11, 2012 11:32 am

    ST, I was standing right next to you at the very first Saturday practice that was very well attended, so the only conclusion is that you wouldn’t know me if you saw me. And I didn’t see you there for the 6 am conditioning drills. By the way, you were looking thinner and tanner. Everyone around me was getting scolded for filming, including Demello.

    I get that the practices are not well attended and you are a regular. Robert K and Bobby C and Kainoa will sometimes attend, and I’m betting I’ve been to more practices this year than the three of them combined.

    I haven’t been to campus since … earlier this morning. Thought I saw Rockne walking the campus. Made me think back to his days as a Lion. He should know a thing or two about adjusting to a losing program. I’m curious what his thoughts are these days.

    Hope we can get it turned around.

    And ST, I hope the next time you call someone out, it is the coaching staff for the poor football we’ve been witnessing. I do understand the tough predicament you and Bobby are in when it comes to being honest about what is transpiring.

  128. SAWARRIOR November 11, 2012 11:44 am

    127. AMEN to that last paragraph!

  129. SAWARRIOR November 11, 2012 11:44 am

    … and man that was a looong 48 hours. my clock must be broken.

  130. gobows November 11, 2012 11:44 am

    #102 that link has UH at 169 out of 246 teams (all of fbs [div 1a] & fcs [div 1aa]). that ranking would suck royally if UH was an fcs (div 1aa) team. kalani high school saw more success this year (by passing the ball) than UH is seeing. norm chow needs to make changes on his coaching staff at the end of the year. his defense sucks.

    why doesn’t the coaches try playing brendan daly? wasn’t he some kind of highly touted lb? i only see him on special teams. is he slow? try moving him to the d line.

  131. Derek November 11, 2012 11:47 am

    Not surprising about Peterson going off. I’ve seen Brian Kelly, and Nick Saban in a player’s face yesterday. These guys are intense and demand perfection. That’s why they win so much. Get probably also have high blood pressure.

  132. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 11:47 am


    November 11th, 2012 at 11:44 am

    … and man that was a looong 48 hours. my clock must be broken.

    Um. Not time yet. Tuesday come back.

    Bwahaahahah. A Grease kids. Welcome back, SAWARRIOR.

  133. Pauoa Boy November 11, 2012 11:48 am

    It took this long to finally figure out that Schroeder does not give us the best chance to win. Not saying that Higgins is the savior, but he can at least get the ball moving in the right direction and sustain drives with his arm and legs. The sack on Higgins was a break down in pass protection, and the interception wasn’t a good throw but Harding gave up as well in not trying to go for the ball. Miah Ostrowski and Scott Harding have been huge let downs this season. Miah with so many frikkin drops is ridiculous, especially being a Senior. Harding seems to have lost his mojo as well cause he has been non-existent in games lately.

    Anyway, Schroeder looks beat and produces same results and mistakes. Higgins just has a presence at the moment that I wish at this point in the season Schroeder would have improved to. Higgins reads and gets rid of the ball quickly. He has that internal clock to move when he needs to. Regardless if he was mostly against a second team defense it seemed he could find open targets and was able to move the pocket to find an open target. All of these things that Higgins shows is what Schroeder does not show. I mean everyone has been seeing it and saying it, he holds on to the ball too long, locks on to the receiver, etc… I mean Rod Woodson kept repeating it until he got taken out of the game.

    At this point in the season it should be a done deal that Schroeder isn’t the guy anymore. Higgins seems to give us the best chance to win right now. It shouldn’t be an open calling if Higgins is proving in game situations that he can get the ball moving and lead scoring drives. Let Higgins get his shine on. Only 4-5 games left in the season. Time to just let Schroeder hold the clipboard and heal up, tired of seeing this kid get abused game after game.

  134. gobows November 11, 2012 11:48 am

    ST is looking thinner and tanner…REALLY?

    what time is practice anyway?

  135. WarriorNY November 11, 2012 11:49 am

    Lava, really simple…

    How do you have access to practices if only the family of players and media are available to watch them?

    Do you have some VIP access or do you work the ground crew like the character Rudy?

    I don’t really know how practices really work but you can clear this up by simply stating how you get the special VIP access…

  136. WarriorNY November 11, 2012 11:50 am

    Welcome back SAWarrior

  137. turfwar November 11, 2012 11:53 am

    Peterson was on his players all day even when winning big. Had a direct view of him and watched to see how he reacted to plays. He is very demanding and so are his assistants. All game long. He has also been the head coach at Boise since 2006 and started there in 2001. I’m not a big Chow fan nor a fan of Kaumeyer but until Chow is a head coach for several years it’s ridicules to compare the two in style and how they run their programs. Seeing Jeremy run the offense yesterday was the first time I could get a glimpse of what Chows offense could become. He found receivers who were either open or in single coverage and he found them in different parts of the field. Being a starter in his frosh year at USU gives him an advantage that can’t be overlooked. I’m starting to imagine what the offense could look like with decent speed at the receiver positions and better line play. If Jeremy doesn’t tank in the next game we could finally be seeing the start of the Chow era. He’s not blessed with the strongest arm or quickest feet but he moves the chains and shows field awareness. Just don’t see that in SS.

  138. Pauoa Boy November 11, 2012 11:57 am

    The defense was playing pretty dayum good for the beginning of the game. But you can see with the inept offense not moving the ball and the turnovers from bonehead mistakes, it is evident that the defense just gets gassed. Jackson from the beginning of the season until now is proving that he is a playmaker in the secondary. Not saying the defense is anywhere near what it should be but they have been improving slightly. Its just that you hold and hold and hold giving the offense every opportunity to do something but all they do is 3 and outs, sacks galore, fumble, interceptions, etc… Plus Harding fumbling the punt just continued to put the defense in bad situations. This year has been full of one bright moment in the game (Edwards), to a plethora of mistakes and miscues galore… I just hope now that Coach sees Higgins can actually get scoring drives going we can end this season with a couple wins.

  139. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 11:57 am

    Let’s put Higgins in, make Lister a Slot and create some mismatches there for some YAC.

  140. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 11:58 am

    OH yeah.. and Graves as a WR or slot, too. That would please the crowd some.

  141. gobows November 11, 2012 12:02 pm

    practices are open. chow rescinded the closed practices before fall began. only the practices at hickam where closed, unless you had base access. so they weren’t really closed.

  142. WarriorNY November 11, 2012 12:11 pm


    Stephen Tsai:

    November 11th, 2012 at 8:12 am


    Practices are closed to the general public.

    Relatives may attend, but they have to sign in. Like I said, it’s just been Stutzmann’s father and, a couple of times, Stutzmann’s grandfather.

    Duke Bukoski’s father also attends. I forgot about him.

    And Paclebar’s parents, sister and sister’s boyfriend attended a practice when they were in town.

    And Trevor Davis’ dad stops by.

  143. kev-1 November 11, 2012 12:11 pm

    I’ve figured it out. Lava is a disgruntled player.

  144. PurpleMaple November 11, 2012 12:12 pm

    I believe Chow and his team can recruit. Examples are Steven Lakalaka, Benny Fonua, Ne’Quan Phillips and Marrell Jackson. And they did this on very short notice. Curent recruiting commitments look good. I really like Drake Miller’s and David Manoa’s videos. I know videos are one thing, but playing under the lights is another. It’s just the sitation with the QB is so puzzling and distressing. Makes you think that even with a good recruiting class, will Chow right the offense next year?

  145. Tapuaora November 11, 2012 12:15 pm

    So i went downstairs to get the mail to my surprised were greeted with cheers from around the neighborhood thinking they too are watching the U.H game.I ran upstairs to be greeted with cheers from the fans at the U.H game on tv and realize Higgins was in the game.I too joined frenzy fans with cheers!! I like how Higgins looks one way then throws the other way and once again the only complete drive down field for a score.I think it should be the best QB during a real game not practice!! We would never know how a player plays in a real game if you don’t put them in.Just my opinion.

  146. PurpleMaple November 11, 2012 12:18 pm

    Oh, these recruits from 2012 play on defense, except for Lakalaka. Zwahlen (QB 2013) looks good, but I don’t know what’s with getting more recruits on the O-side. Maybe they don’t like what they see with today’s product.

  147. time check November 11, 2012 12:22 pm


  148. time check November 11, 2012 12:23 pm

    – 36 min.

  149. WarriorNY November 11, 2012 12:27 pm

    PM, funny you mention Zwahlen

    I read a couple of articles about him yesterday… I don’t remember if I posted them… He has 46 TD’s in 11 games and leads the state of California in yards… I just hope he stays committed…

  150. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 12:29 pm


    The first year recruits always look good. But were they all Chow’s recruits or were they recruited by his Staff? This second year of recruits may go down to the wire… We’ll just have to wait and see who actually signs the L.O.I.

  151. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 12:32 pm

    How many players are there on scholarship now?

  152. Tapuaora November 11, 2012 12:32 pm

    SS had enough real game time to improve and yes the drop passes didn’t help too but still the 3 and out stuff is so consistent that its expected to be.

  153. lavasockpuppet November 11, 2012 12:40 pm

    #127, give it up already .. your sock puppet has spoken

  154. d1shima November 11, 2012 12:41 pm

    Go ‘Cats!

  155. SAWARRIOR November 11, 2012 12:54 pm

    coach chow has been around awhile, he should have known they’re PRACTICE players and GAME players — chow should have been able to figure out the difference.

    when the game would get out of hand, which was over half the games, some of us just asked why not try another QB . The next game SS can start again, but try Graves, Higgins, Shutter etc… you never know what you have until they play under the lights.

    a few folks would say, chow knows QBs he’s been doing it awhile blah blah blah…i say, if chow was such a QB/offensive guru he would have helped SS in those bad games by giving him a breather and take him out for 1 or 2 series and let him watch/learn from the sidelines to pick-up what’s going on in the game— sometimes, it’s easier to see what the defense is doing from the sideline than from on your back.

    chow would point fingers at the WRs, O-line and say it’s not all SS fault (it’s not), but when you have a one- demential, non-mobile QB, a QB that doesn’t feel pressure, doesn’t slide away from pressure, no internal clock, slow release etc… it sure as heck can’t help.

    a QB with a little running skills to go along with the some passing skills will extend plays/drives and give us the best chance to win or at least make the warriors a more competitive team. a QB/ offensive guru would have known that or at least tried another QB when the game got out of hand.

    from what i saw of higgins, he has pocket awareness, has a quicker release, and has better running skills. higgins will extend plays/drives. i did see a velocity problem with a few of his passes, they looked weird like he was aiming or floating the ball to the RB/WRs. at least higgins gives me hope.

    one more ting…the QB/offensive guru did no favors for newbie SS by GIVING him the captain’s tag over a player that’s been there through the practice/game “battles”, and who was the player’s pick—that was not fair to either person.

  156. SAWARRIOR November 11, 2012 12:56 pm

    warriorNy, Chicken Grease, thank you.

  157. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:16 pm

    Number of the day: 23

    Please state your answer in a form of a question.

  158. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:18 pm

    Always nice to have a passer with some wheels.

    Go Niners!

  159. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:26 pm

    Kap was da spark that da Niners needed. 😉

  160. just saying November 11, 2012 1:27 pm

    I do not attend practices but wondering if the practices are set up to get certain results, but not towards real game like situations like full on blitzes which would make players like sean shroeder excell.

  161. d1shima November 11, 2012 1:34 pm

    Who the heck practices full contact on the QB1 nowadays anyway?

  162. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:36 pm

    Big difference being blitzed when you wear a don’t-hurt-me jersey.

  163. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:46 pm

    Frikken Pettis!!

    Frikken Boise strikes again…

  164. Warrior in Georgia November 11, 2012 1:47 pm

    Hey, ST, how about you ask why Chow gave the capitancy to SS when the players voted for Graves. And I know you can’t be too critical of the staff, but you shouldn’t just give them a complete pass on this disaster that THEY have given us.

  165. d1shima November 11, 2012 1:48 pm

    Pettis didn’t do that….special teams fail did.

  166. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:55 pm

    Pettis is clutch tho. Always seems to be open in the endzone when he was at Boise. Right before the snap I was saying to myself: Watch Pettis!

  167. Shoko November 11, 2012 1:57 pm

    At least someone saw the fake punt. It was just well executed.

  168. tommui November 11, 2012 2:07 pm

    I recall that in making SS a captain, it had to go through some sort of executive committee of the football players. Of course if the coach says I want to make so-and-so a captain, I don’t think the players’ committee would say no.

  169. HiFlyer November 11, 2012 2:07 pm

    OT niners and rams 24 all.

  170. papajoe2 November 11, 2012 2:07 pm

    On defense I noticed that the d-line players are “dancing” with the o-line. What I mean by this is both the d-lineman and oline man are standing straight up, face to face, body to body. This was going on from the Jones era, through the Mack era, and is still going on. I was thinking back to the Levi Stanley, John Woodcock, Cliff LaBoy, Niko and Al Noga era when they would shed the blockers. Is this the “new” way of how the d-linemen should be playing. At times yesterday, the qb was just standing there with no pressure at all, while the linemen were “dancing” with each other. Also, I noted that when we blitz, especially with the linebackers, they run straight into a blocker headon. Shouldn’t they at least try to make the blocker either miss or not block them directly headon? I like that we are mixing it up on blitzes but usually when a linebacker blitzes, nada.

  171. Derek November 11, 2012 2:07 pm

    Shoko, I’ve been saying all along that a dual passing/running QB is the best.

  172. tommui November 11, 2012 2:09 pm

    One observation: if the O-Line is porous, shouldn’t the QB be either mobile or have a moving pocket or both?

  173. Shoko November 11, 2012 2:16 pm


  174. Shoko November 11, 2012 2:19 pm

    There’s always a good and a bad with a mobile QB

    The good is another threat on offense.

    The bad is increased injury risk.

  175. papajoe2 November 11, 2012 2:21 pm

    Whoever asked earlier, Brendan Daily started the last 2 games at mlb. He is not 6’5 or 6’6′ as first reported when he was first recruited. He is now listed as 6’3″, 255 lbs, which is still a big linebacker. Yesterday he had only 1 assisted tackle. I don’t know if he really started or had any significant playing time but, was listed as a starter.

  176. expat November 11, 2012 2:21 pm

    d1shima @ 105 — that is not quite true. Eugene anchors Lane county. Lane is not Multnomah (where the President got a remarkable 75% of the vote and Romney got less than 21%), but it is solidly blue with the prez taking it 60% to 37%. It was, in fact, the 2nd bluest of the big OR counties this year.

  177. d1shima November 11, 2012 2:24 pm


  178. papajoe2 November 11, 2012 2:25 pm

    Another missed field goal in the SF/SD game in OT.

  179. papajoe2 November 11, 2012 2:26 pm

    Sorry should be St. Louis instead of SD.

  180. Slugger November 11, 2012 2:26 pm

    I saw Cayman Shutter last night after the game at Long’s. Good to get hugs from da guys. I miss seeing them at practice.

    So happy that Mike Edwards got that KO TD yesterday. Wish I could invite them to Turkey Day dinner, but I am going to my cousin’s. Oh, we’ll …

  181. d1shima November 11, 2012 2:28 pm


  182. kev-1 November 11, 2012 2:30 pm

    ties are stupid. there should be a 2nd OT college format

  183. d1shima November 11, 2012 2:32 pm

    As an aside….

    pretty clear why the Lambs felt Salas was expendable.

  184. kev-1 November 11, 2012 2:37 pm

    after a game like that, there won’t even be a winner. how ridiculous

  185. d1shima November 11, 2012 2:37 pm

    …like kissin’ yer sister.

  186. Shoko November 11, 2012 2:38 pm

    Well, I was right. Niner’s didn’t lose. What a buzz killer.

  187. ozark bubba November 11, 2012 2:46 pm

    …like kissin’ yer sister.

    YUP … ah likes that !!!

  188. NYUHTX November 11, 2012 2:57 pm

    About the QB leading the No. 1 team in the country.

    “I want to put this on the record,” his mother says. “UH did not offer Marcus anything. They never spoke to him, no conversation, no offer. Nothing.”

  189. kapakahi November 11, 2012 3:04 pm

    Just don’t understand…..why RB Sterling Jackson gets absolutely no PT… all….even after Will Gregory gets ejected after the opening kick-off.

  190. rodney November 11, 2012 3:09 pm

    Imua warriors!Keep grinding!Love your efforts!!!

    Play for each other,your coaches,your family and

    us few fans!!!!Love your spirits!!!!

  191. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 3:20 pm


    November 11th, 2012 at 2:37 pm

    …like kissin’ yer sister.

    and also # 188

    Grease comment: what if your sister is hot? Some guys’ sisters are so hot. They don’t wanna hear it. Dunno how they can handle day-by-day, make phony kind walk into bathroom without shirt on, go “oh, I never know you was in here.”

    Grease no more sister.

  192. papajoe2 November 11, 2012 3:31 pm

    #190 kapakahi, maybe SJ was in the stands with Graves.

  193. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 3:35 pm


    While you might have gone to the open practices, for certain you have not gone to a practice since the season started.

    Again, I don’t question your intelligence or insights or passion for the program. You speak from the heart.

    But I am certain about your attendance at in-season practices.

    I stand on the coaches’ side, so I have a view of the empty hill. And as a lonesome dove, trust me, if somebody were standing next to me, I’d know it, because I’m really lonely for conversation. I’ll talk to anyone.

  194. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 3:38 pm

    Not sure which coach was assigned to Saint Louis at the time, but I do know that Cal Lee was the point guy on Judah Parker, although I do not believe Lee was assigned the Crusaders.

  195. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 3:40 pm

    Daley started. But then UH shifted into other schemes. They used a lot of defensive players.

  196. kapakahi November 11, 2012 3:41 pm


    In fact, none of the top 10 rated local Class of 2011 prospects attended that UH Junior Day back in 2010.

  197. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 3:41 pm

    By the way, I did not know that SAWarrior was gone. My bad. Anyway, welcome back.

  198. kapakahi November 11, 2012 3:45 pm


    Unlike Graves and George Daily-Lyles, Sterling attended the Friday team meetings….and was suited up on the sidelines ready for action.

  199. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 3:48 pm

    That’s the 2nd “lonesome dove” reference you have offered today, Mr. Tsai. Bit of a Larry McMurtey fan, Mr? Are you at the office today, by the way? Or bloggin’ from home?

    Guy Bilonta:

    November 11th, 2012 at 8:54 am

    My sons and I went to Aloha stadium to support and watch UH play Boise State this past Saturday (11/11/12).

    This is what it’s all about. Thanks for mentioning this, Guy.

  200. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 3:48 pm

    Graves was a no-show at one of last week’s practices.

  201. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 3:49 pm

    Mr. Grease:

    I do like the author’s writings. The description of the cattle run made me want to saddle up and do the Psy dance.

  202. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 3:53 pm

    Great writing that guy (Grease should’ve written “McMurtry” so sorry). Who is the Call to your Gus (or vice-ah versa, ahahhah). Know you are well-read, Mr.


  203. kapakahi November 11, 2012 3:58 pm


    While assistants were assigned by geography on the mainland, part of the problem under Mack with local recruiting was…..that assistants were assigned to recruit strictly by position…..and not by specific schools… least in 2010.

    For example, no assistant was specifically assigned to recruit Kaimuki HS… All-Stater RB/LB Chester Su’a…..wasn’t recruited….apparently ‘cuz it wasn’t clear whether he projected to play RB or LB. Same goes for Pearl City HS…..and Cyrus Coen….’cuz it apparently wasn’t clear whether he projected to play LB or DB. So Su’a and Coen both ended up at Wazzu….being part-time starters at LB the past 2 seasons.

    At least we know….that the current UH assistant coaches are assigned to recruit specific local high schools.

  204. kapakahi November 11, 2012 4:04 pm

    FYI….Sterling hasn’t seen any real PT since the Nevada game…..just mop-duty against BYU and SDSU….and nothing since.

    Not sure if Sterling even tripped with the team to CSU and/or Fresno State.

  205. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 4:04 pm


    That might create other problems if the recruiters recruit too many for the same position… tricky business this recruiting…

  206. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 4:06 pm

    So . . . think we can see you, Mr. Tsai . . . maybe on YouTube . . . you, Kekaula, Coach Chow . . . um. Dancing the Gangnam Style?

    Op. Op. Op.


    McMurtry depiction of



    # # #

  207. kapakahi November 11, 2012 4:08 pm

    #194: Lava,

    I can vouch for ST….’cuz he talks to me…..whenever he’s nearby.

  208. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 4:26 pm

    I think Lava erred on the time frame. I believe he was there during the open practices, but not the in-season closed practices.

    Anyway, indications are Higgins will be the QB this week. Hopefully for the Warriors, there will be better results.

  209. Stephen Tsai November 11, 2012 4:31 pm

    Not sure how the Mariota recruiting went, but I’m pretty sure once Oregon offered, he wasn’t going to go to UH.

  210. Postmanke November 11, 2012 4:36 pm

    At least we”re peaking at the right time

  211. azwarrior22 November 11, 2012 4:36 pm

    Alrighty then…there is hope that we can win out…Go Warriors !!

  212. Garret November 11, 2012 4:42 pm

    The point spread started this evening with UH as a 23 point underdog and increased to 23.5 points a few hours later.

  213. kapakahi November 11, 2012 4:49 pm


    Oregon was shoo-in for Mariota.

    Heard that back in Spring 2010 when talking to a friend with his sone (one of Mariota’s Crusader teammates) at UH’s Junior Day.

    Ducks’ system is perfect for him….and vice versa.

  214. Garret November 11, 2012 4:53 pm

    La Tech has a real chance to get to a BCS game this year, even though they lost a game already. They are #20 in the BCS standings, and only have to get to #16 and hope that the highest ranked team in the Big 10 (Nebraska) or Big East (Louisville) lose another game. Actually, since Louisville lost this week, La Tech has a chance to get ahead of them if they win out.

    Since La Tech will join CUSA next season, I’m not sure how much of the BCS money they will get and how the WAC would split the rest of the $10 mil. The WAC bylaws are so messed up and with almost everybody leaving and all the non-football members possibly not getting a cut, it sure would be interesting to see what happens.

    UH would get something like $100k as their share of the MWC’s BCS cut if a WAC school makes a BCS game.

  215. NYUHTX November 11, 2012 4:55 pm

    kapakahi: The story says he wanted USC but in any case he had his eyes set on the PAC. Still, sounds like the parents would have liked him to stay. And how can UH ignore a St. Louis player with skills. Well, we have other problems now.

  216. cocobean November 11, 2012 5:00 pm

    Air Force is beatable.

    From what I’ve seen Higgins is so-so when it comes to mobility. He’d be considered mobile only when compared to Schroeder. Both are passers first and foremost but HIggins is quicker to step off his spot. Schroeder tends to stay planted giving the impression he’s holding the ball too long at times.

    My gut tells me the team would rally around Higgins. With the way games have gone the team needs something they ALL can rally around. Giving Higgins his first start may signal to the team they ALL have a clean slate. That starting HIggins is a new beginning for everyone with a record of 0-0 and not 1-8.

    The team needs a spark.

  217. LizKauai (iPhone) November 11, 2012 5:19 pm


    What a busy day!

    Tsai-ko service and Wahine Softball Booster day on Kauai!

    Now celebrating a Holy Day.

    Then back to the Wahine for dinner tonight.

    Whatever the changes, GO WARRIORS!!!!

  218. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 5:20 pm


    I figure if a QB can see the hole, get to it, and run 3 yards forward before sliding … he’s a threat and mobile…

  219. NYUHTX November 11, 2012 5:24 pm

    Hey, that’s half a Wonder blunder. Good on La Tech.

    Ah, the good old WAC days. And if we lost we could enjoy the “datatainment” when 240 total yards used to be a good quarter.

  220. cocobean November 11, 2012 5:35 pm

    mih. The players do not live in a vacumn. They know what is being said here and else where. Schroeder hears the criticisms about his unwillingness to run. It’s gotten to the point where he has tried to run in the last two games.

    Higgins hears this also. That the QB should be a threat to run to make it harder on the D. Even Shutter ran when he was given some snaps.

    I think it is a good thing when you have a mobile QB to extend plays or gain yards. At this point whoever plays QB should be willing to run.

    Having said that, How who you rate Higgins mobilty to that of the last 5-6 QBs to start for UH. Austin, Graves, Moniz, Alexander, Funaki and Colt.

  221. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 5:51 pm

    cocobean… Colt wasn’t much of a runner but he knew when to go for it. That’s what you want… when the ball is snapped and the hole is so big that it begs for the QB to go for that 1st down… the QB can’t afford to hesitate… especially on 2nd/3rd down and short situations. I’m still sadden by how Alexander’s career got cut short and how complications from his operations never ceased. I hope he is doing better these days…. I don’t remember if Austin could run….

  222. cocobean November 11, 2012 5:57 pm

    Air Force is beatable.

    Multi-tasking today. Watching Bears v Texans on TV. Watching webcast of mens BB. poping in and out of the WB.

    Love the Warriors. Love all UH sports teams.

  223. SteveM November 11, 2012 6:23 pm

    Chad Owens 59 yard punt return for touchdown to give Toronto 14-7 lead. Game on Channel 19 Oceanic.

  224. Pauoa Boy November 11, 2012 6:55 pm

    Well at least this years Warrior Basketball team is exciting and fun to watch. Fotu for a freshman plays well beyond his years.

  225. tommui November 11, 2012 7:05 pm

    ST @!98 – I recall he made a bet that Governor Romney would win overwhelmingly or that he would quit blogging for a certain time period.

  226. tommui November 11, 2012 7:07 pm

    My son said that as Miah is being under-utilized, maybe he should quit and rejoin the basketball team.

  227. Leron November 11, 2012 7:18 pm

    #222 if memory serves, Colt stopped running less after being walloped against Fresno and taken out of the game.

  228. D November 11, 2012 7:27 pm

    Sure Chow will go on and on about Higgins is going against the other teams second stringers and Schroeder is going against the first team but Chow cannot deny that Higgins can extend and make plays with his feet while Schroeder looks like his feet is in concrete.

  229. kapakahi November 11, 2012 7:36 pm

    Miah’s got no b-ball eligibility left….plus he’s on a football scholarship.

    Miah’s tendency for dropping passes this season….which wasn’t the case last season….is probably the reason for Miah being under-utilized by Chow.

  230. niho mano November 11, 2012 7:39 pm

    #74 Bowwar you and I think alike…Graves is a runner…double threat attack. Look at Mariota if his read is not good, he run straight up the middle…Monis was that type of QB, also…

  231. Bigislandkurt November 11, 2012 7:43 pm

    Miah used up his basketball eligibility already.


  232. jm2375 November 11, 2012 7:46 pm

    Howzit Tsaikos!

    Went to the bball game, courtesy of the SailorBlues! Mahalos! We got to sit in the front row behind the UH bench. Interesting listening to the coaches talk to the players.

    Bows played a good but not great game. The refs were pretty bad (as usual).


    As a substitute, chawan was doing his best Stretch impression. No orange jacket seen, however.

    No forget, tomorrow’s game is at 11pm vs Houston Baptist. It’s “Black Out Night”, general admission and da SSC should be rockin’. 😆

  233. Chicken Grease November 11, 2012 8:04 pm

    Some or all of you having a nice three day weekend so far? 😉

  234. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:35 pm

    Is Coach Chow a hard ass and demanding coach? Yeah. Does Coach have his own vision for the program? Yes? Does he have his critics calling for him to be fired? Yes. In spite of all of this, I believe that Coach Chow really cares for his players and that no one is more disappointed for them (especially the seniors) than him.

    I have not heard Coach say anything along the lines of Mike Leach at WAZZU, who called his players “cowards” after their loss to Utah last week. Now the school is forced to investigate charges of abuse and intimidation by that WR who was benched and then quit the team.

  235. hapahaoleboy November 11, 2012 8:45 pm

    Schroeder has Vinny Testaverde quickness, which is fine if you have a solid o-line. However, the Warrior o-line is basically a sieve — they barely slow rushing defenders down. So either you need really quick reads and receivers who can burst away from coverage right off the line, or you need a mobile QB. Schroeder is anything but mobile, and Higgins, while not exactly Vick-like, has better pocket awareness (as in, when it’s about to crumble) and enough speed to get out of the pocket. Chow needs to salvage as much as he can this season, and then worry about his “system” in the spring. That means starting Higgins from here on out.

  236. madeinhawaii November 11, 2012 8:50 pm

    Looks like the Rainbowtique has brought back the rainbow logo..

  237. Old School Dave November 11, 2012 8:55 pm

    Agreed. Winning the remaining games will do wonders for the off-season and Spring Ball. If anything, for the seniors.

  238. jm2375 November 11, 2012 9:04 pm

    re #237: for those of us who don’t have membership:

  239. 3-Prong November 11, 2012 9:42 pm

    128 Long time no see-SAW. Hehe

  240. kev-1 November 11, 2012 10:05 pm

    Awww . . . who is that sitting in the corner pouting? Yup, it’s Kobe. The Lakers hired Dantoni instead of Jackson. I wonder if Kobe will throw a tantrum about this or roll with it.

  241. 3-Prong November 11, 2012 10:12 pm

    Lakers hire D’antoni. No Dr. Phil I guess.

  242. cocobean November 11, 2012 11:04 pm

    Air Force is beatable.

    A change at QB is important for the team psyche. The team needs a morale boost. I think Chow knows this and will name HIggins the starter sometime tomorrow. Also have a feeling Evans will be in the slot not aligned at TE.

    Don’t know if we’ll win but am positive we’ll be competitive. The team will rally around HIggins. Really believe the O line, the receivers and RBs will give their best performance of the season. There should be less mental errors – blocking assignments and route running.

    The team as a whole will give their best effort.

  243. Google November 11, 2012 11:45 pm

    very handful of websites that take place to become detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well really worth checking out

  244. Kevin November 12, 2012 12:11 am

    Softball is alive and well on Kauai.

    Long day but a good day. Tired…

  245. Lesia Ricucci November 12, 2012 12:56 am

    hello dudes!! Brilliant site!

  246. Malika Newill November 12, 2012 1:59 am

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  247. just saying November 12, 2012 3:33 am

    Good thing mariota went to oregon and is doing great, because he is not the typical pro set quaterback and would not have been given a chance to play if he was playing for hawaii.

  248. Garret November 12, 2012 3:55 am

    Chad Owens came up BIG in the CFL playoffs, with his first punt return TD of the year sparking his team to the win:

    Owens’s 59-yard punt return TD highlighted a record 31-point second quarter and led the Toronto Argonauts past the Edmonton Eskimos 42-26 in the East Division semifinal Sunday. Owens’ first return touchdown since October 2011 broke a 7-7 tie and provided a huge momentum shift in the contest.

  249. Garret November 12, 2012 3:57 am

    Nice feature on Chad Owens and the different things he had to overcome to get to his current success:

    “If you believe in yourself and you believe in what you can do and you believe that there’s something better for you ahead, man you’ve got to keep working, you’ve got to stay true to yourself, stay true to what you believe in, man, and just keep working. And you’ll never be denied.

    “That’s been me, my whole life. I’ve always believed and always believed that if I worked harder than you, then I will beat you. Not to sound big-headed or anything but that’s just the way I had to do it. I was under-sized so I had to out-work them and I had to believe.”

  250. Kekoa November 12, 2012 4:32 am

    Congratations to the Na Wahine Softbows for putting on a classic event at Canyon Park, Waimea.

    Mahalo to Kevin, and the core of Booster club members for representing The team. Slugger & Liz, have added many new members for sure! Good job to all who made the trip.

  251. Kekoa November 12, 2012 4:37 am

    Garret ~


    Great article about Chad Owens. He truly is an inspiration. Those CFL guys have to get a bigger Fly Swatter to knock him down!

  252. Ugg Classic Mini 5854 November 12, 2012 5:14 am

    Awesome blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own blog soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally overwhelmed .. Any recommendations? Kudos!

  253. mo808 November 12, 2012 5:27 am

    Good Morning Folks!

  254. mo808 November 12, 2012 5:31 am

    Happy Veterans Day Holiday! Thank you to all our wonderful men and women for your military service!

  255. d1shima November 12, 2012 5:41 am

    Great Morning All!

    Nice W by MBB last night. Mahalo to SailorBlue and Janice for the ducats. Great seats, good fun!

  256. d1shima November 12, 2012 5:45 am

    Please stop citing the UofO QB1 as a comparison to QB mobility. Hawaii doesn’t have a QB, maybe no one on their roster, as “mobile” as that guy nor does it have personnel to surround him like Barner, Huff and Thomas.

  257. Bulla November 12, 2012 5:57 am


    well said, Mariota’s mobility was exemplefied in a pre season game when he went almost 60+ yards against Kahuku untouched around the left end….but when you expose your QB to that liability, it becomes only a matter of time until injury befalls him. yes, we lack in a QB and in a supporting crew as U of O has, maybe that’s why they’re #1 and we’re almost done.

    long long long long, did i say long… season for many reasons all shared here on this blog. i fully believe and know that our Warriors do not enter that stadium hoping to lose, they still want to WIN…..our coaches need to prepare them for battle and be able to make adjustments at halftime.

    GO WARRIORS from Miami, FL 🙂

  258. Slugger November 12, 2012 6:01 am

    Good morning, gang!

    Tired, but happy that Na Wahine got to share SB on the Garden Isle.

    Off to hi ho…

    Enjoy your day! Mahalo to the military Warriors!


  259. LizKauai (iPad) November 12, 2012 6:16 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

    What a wonderful dawn to dark Tsaiko day yesterday on Kauai with the Wahine Softball Boosters and the Team! See gmahoney’s post and link above.

    Have a great Monday!

  260. Kekoa November 12, 2012 6:26 am

    Bulla ~

    Your church members put on a terrific Halloween party for the kids (this big kid included).

    An army of volunteers showed up on my doorstep at about 2 PM. By 6 PM they had transformed my cul-de-sac, and the entire street into a carnival for the kids to enjoy!

    Games, prizes, food, family and festivities all for free. We estimated about 500 parents and kids came thru. Not a bad showing w/o any advanced publicity.

    I took the liberty of signing DPK to man the DUNK TANK next year!

    I hope Lyn is enjoying her Bday cruise. Next time you really should bring the Beast along so you don’t have to do all the rowing!

  261. papajoe2 November 12, 2012 7:03 am

    Happy Veterans Day!

    Heard this on the blog a year or two ago:


  262. Tak-Tak November 12, 2012 7:45 am

    Mahalo Garret for 251!!! I didn’t know about Cad’s dislocated thumb, which surely makes him a GREAT and HUMBLE player!!!

  263. Bryson November 12, 2012 7:50 am

    ST your article about Higgins “possibly starting” is inaccurate the cheers weren’t for the second score because Higgins just got into the game….We know what some fans were cheering about and it wasn’t the free Taco’s…I actually felt bad that people cheered but hey it’s better than being booed like Timmy Chang was….

  264. Will-I-Am November 12, 2012 7:55 am

    Higgs baby!

  265. Will-I-Am November 12, 2012 7:56 am

    Higgy baby!

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