I can hear the local UH fans shouting “Let’s go Bows” during the timeout
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:16 pm
so I see. UH up 11-6 with Kawamura serving. TO UCI.
October 5, 2013 4:19 pm
Ok video on Big West TV. You can hear the announcer and see the scoreboard. Will have to suffice for tonite.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:25 pm
video OK but I’ve never liked the baseline view
Ace by Hartong makes it 21-16. TO UCI
October 5, 2013 4:27 pm
Since Hawaii is up 21-16, I’m happy. However, a concern, not many blocks, nor many touches. Was hoping for improvement in this area but other aspects more than makes up for it.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:28 pm
Hartong with another ace. Her kill out of the back row ends it 25-16. UH closes it out with 6-0 run
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:29 pm
6. really LB, they dominated and you want to be that picky?
October 5, 2013 4:31 pm
Not a fan of baseline view either, but better than just radio
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:33 pm
UH up 4-1, TO UCI.
October 5, 2013 4:34 pm
Emily hitting over .800 per the online stats. Does UCI have a short block?
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:36 pm
do think they are setting Hartong too much. I realize she is hitting .800 but she has 10 kills already.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:37 pm
Hartong 11-1-15. Olevao 5-0-7
October 5, 2013 4:37 pm
Yes, nearly half of all attempts…i like it when UH has a more diversified attack
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:44 pm
Hartong with a solo stuff, it’s 16-11. TO UCI. wahine on a 4-0 run. Longo serving.
October 5, 2013 4:45 pm
Ali needs to wear that lime green uni ALL THE TIME!!! For everything single match. She can be our lady in green!!
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 4:53 pm
Wahine finish it 25-17 on Hartong’s 15th kill.
October 5, 2013 4:58 pm
You’re right. Hartong got a lots of chances 15 kills in 23 attempts. Vorster and Adolpho had 8 attempts and 3 kills. Happy with Hawaii’s blocking in the 2nd set. Much improved. Hartong got quite a few blocks and touches.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:03 pm
Taylor 4-2-8, Vorster 1-1-4, Hartong 15-4-23, Adolpho 2-0-4, Manu-Olevao 6-0-10.
I agree that UH needs to diversify its offense.
UH 20-7 digs. 6-4 edge in blocks, 5-2 in Set 2.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:05 pm
18. sometimes it’s just a matter of getting used to the rhythm of the other team.
UCI Up 3-0 TO UH
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:11 pm
Not the best start out of the locker room. UH trails 8-2, Tuaniga in for Vorster. Kastl in for Manu-Olevao.
October 5, 2013 5:32 pm
Dissapointing set 3 for the Wahine with the breakdown on serve receive.
Those aces from UCI paid off.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:33 pm
sorry, was posting on the wrong thread.
UCI pulls away to a 25-22 win. UH held off 2 set points when coming back from 24-20 to 24-22.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:35 pm
Hartong with 21 kills. UCI with six aces
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:50 pm
UH up 18-12 in Set 4. Hartong with 25 kills, hitting .500. TO UCI
October 5, 2013 5:53 pm
Video frozen for awhile. Following on LiveStat. 22-14
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 5:54 pm
Taylor with a kill then teams with Vorster to end it 25-15. Be back in a bit
October 5, 2013 5:57 pm
Hartong again Big West POW candidate for Hawaii. Maybe National POW with national exposure on national TV (Fox West) on Friday against Long Beach State.
October 5, 2013 6:02 pm
Great video coverage…NOT! My daughter’s high school games were covered better. And speaking of high school, hope the Anteaters didn’t pay much to rent that high school gym.
29-that gym unfortunately is in UCI.
UCI has held off games at the Bren Center for revenue generating events instead.
That gym is what my friends called the sweat gym.
They shoot hoops there for free to work out some sweats.
October 5, 2013 6:10 pm
agreed about Hartong as NPOW on her weekend performance but the more dieversified the offense is the better this team will be during the off season. Adolpho and Olevao could have easily joined Hartong and Nikki on the double digit kills club but Uiato stayed with Hartong.
Team effectively played tonight at .400 hitting % UCI just could not shut Hartong down.
October 5, 2013 6:12 pm
Cindy, this is what I meant about my post regarding Hartong getting set too much, too early. Obviously, she is Emily Hartong and she is going to get her kills no matter what, but it is predictable. Adolpho is pretty capable of providing offense, and Vorster, even when her hits are “soft,” “mishit,” and “unorthodox,” she is mostly effective.
October 5, 2013 6:20 pm
33 passing tonight was ok worse at set 3 hence the Hartong centric offensive Uiato provided but otherwise I agree with you. Uiato tends to ire on the side of caution that usually can be predictable (Hartong) if the pass is not great.
October 5, 2013 6:21 pm
20 sets combined for Kalei/Jade/TK in a 4 set match is not enough Not gonna get it done like that against the top teams, Mita needs to feed the middles.
October 5, 2013 6:22 pm
Sounds like Anteaters came out of 10 min. break between set 2 & 3 with a gung ho, do or die attitude. But Wahine pulled it together and restored order in set 4 and put it away. This will give some teams more of a can do attitude especially @ home, so Wahine may be tested, but not bested, I think. Go Wahine!
October 5, 2013 6:22 pm
28, 32 Kelsey Robinson had similar huge matches and wins over ranked teams so that will get NPOW for her IMO.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 6:25 pm
33. if you read my comments, you will see that I have said numerous times that I feel they go to Hartong too early, too often. but I was impressed that, until her last swing that dropped her below .500, that she was hitting very effectively and above .500 throughout the match. I gave up watching the TV feed because i find it hard to watch the baseline view. Perhaps predictable but just four errors.
October 5, 2013 6:33 pm
34 as to the Hartong bent, I think it has to do with she’s the best hitter off high sets off of bad/poor passes, in other words when set is less than good, Em is Mita’s best option. Ergo, she sometimes has to ‘get to’ off sets, jump for mis-sets, and keep ball in play when she might want to bang. Add the fact that the block is going to know all that, too, and you’re going to get blockers who are amped and set for her. So yes, it would be better if the offense with her hitting L1 were ‘diversified’ but it is what it is. And the teams are doing all they can to slow her down with serving her the majority of the time, too. But what I see is that she is up to it, just will need help/support down the line, but I also believe coaches will have team ready and seniors will keep team focused. Go Wahine!
October 5, 2013 6:34 pm
35 saw that as well, but Wahine’s passing tonight was not as crisp as yesterday quite frankly mediocre otherwise I agree with you. There were enough times I saw Uiato running to set the second ball.
October 5, 2013 6:35 pm
Grammy I said the same thing you just expanded on it.
October 5, 2013 6:43 pm
On the other hand, she is Emily Hartong and you can’t blame Shoji for going to her often. Just look at her stats in this match. Just would like to see a more diversified offense, especially with options like Adolpho, Vorster and Taylor. That would ensure they go far in the post season. I mean, the 2002-2003 teams that had both Kahumoku and Willoughby might have gone farther had they used their other offensive options.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 6:51 pm
42. Guess 02, 03 could have gone further than the national semis.
didn’t cover the team in 02, was in Dallas in 03. That was a weird semi against Florida. both Willoughby and Kahukumoku had off nights against the Gators.
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 6:53 pm
42. But I don’t know if if it’s Shoji so much as it is Hartong wanting the ball and Uiato feeling confident in Hartong’s ability or what Uiato is seeing across the net.
October 5, 2013 6:57 pm
Agreead that on nights like tonight feed Emily as much as possible but I don’t like seeing that Tai has more attempts than all the middles combined.
October 5, 2013 7:03 pm
Great win! Love the fact that we have a King James, Kobe or Mia Hamm caliber player, in a Wahine uniform. EH fits the bill as our STAR, why not? Although, we would like to see more of a “balanced attack” because many feel that’s the path to a national championship, maybe so. IMHO, play to your strength and if you are lucky enough to have a star who exhibits the highest standards, work ‘um and allow ‘um to shine, why not? In the meantime, continue to build the balance desired; ’cause along the journey others will have to step up into the light. Many GREAT TEAMS that have won championships in lots of cases had a “star to lead them.” We’ve seen others have stepped into the light when needed, such as Ali and Mita and Taylor and etc… indeed, a GREAT TEAM that continues to win and is growing greatness by the week. -Go Wahine
Cindy Luis
October 5, 2013 7:08 pm
29-31. Crawford is the other gym at UCI, the nicer is the Bren.
But they only had 814 tonight. not sure the reason they didn’t use Bren, which seats 5,000
They were in Crawford last year. With UCI not drawing well, it could have been a money things. A lot of players do requirer the athletic department to pay for the arena time, since Bren is also used by other university groups.
this was only UCI’s fourth home match. They drew more tonight than they had in three previous home matches combined (762)
October 5, 2013 7:19 pm
Yup, like I said I’ve been on both. No way UCI will let them play at the Bren Center, cost way more money to use and operate and as it is, UC system is operating under bismal budget. They’ve also use Bren for paid community events and corporate sponsored concerts.
October 5, 2013 7:24 pm
47 BTW I like your rewind on the match on the other thread. Could not agree with you more.
Mahalo from D.C.!
October 5, 2013 8:20 pm
43. Duggins wasn’t doing to hot vs. Florida, either. But they didn’t go to Lundqvist or Tano as much, even though the two OH’s had 20+ errors between them. Gustin came in and provided great spark, but it was too late.
October 5, 2013 8:25 pm
46. Yup, great to have a star like Emily, and we know Mita and Ali Longo are dependable, but wouldn’t it be great if the others like Adolpho, Taylor and Vorster were given more opportunities to contribute? The Kim-Lily teams had two superstar OHs and pretty much everyone else on the starting lineup had some sort of pedigree, but it still wasn’t enough. USC won the championship, and if I’m not mistaken, they had a more diversified offense, with people like Emily Adams, Keao Burdine and Bibiana Candelas helping out their star OH, April Ross.
October 5, 2013 9:42 pm
I was at the UCI match. My own observation from about 10 feet away was that the team was looking really tired in the third set, and just sluggish and off-tempo. I wonder if the Bows playing twice in a row on the road, against fresh players, is a factor here. This was the same gym they played in last year, BTW.
October 6, 2013 7:27 am
51. Thank you…that’s exactly the point, we do! We do HAVE what USC HAD. -Mahalo
Cindy Luis
October 7, 2013 8:18 am
43. Gustin had been injured but a little surprised also they didn’t bring her in earlier.
52. Had mentioned that about having played in Crawford last year.
some might remember that when UCI unexpectedly hosted the MPSF tournament they couldn’t secure Bren at the late date because the Hawaiian Club at UCI had booked Bren for its luau.
Ali Longo in the neon green jersey again
I can hear the local UH fans shouting “Let’s go Bows” during the timeout
so I see. UH up 11-6 with Kawamura serving. TO UCI.
Ok video on Big West TV. You can hear the announcer and see the scoreboard. Will have to suffice for tonite.
video OK but I’ve never liked the baseline view
Ace by Hartong makes it 21-16. TO UCI
Since Hawaii is up 21-16, I’m happy. However, a concern, not many blocks, nor many touches. Was hoping for improvement in this area but other aspects more than makes up for it.
Hartong with another ace. Her kill out of the back row ends it 25-16. UH closes it out with 6-0 run
6. really LB, they dominated and you want to be that picky?
Not a fan of baseline view either, but better than just radio
UH up 4-1, TO UCI.
Emily hitting over .800 per the online stats. Does UCI have a short block?
do think they are setting Hartong too much. I realize she is hitting .800 but she has 10 kills already.
Hartong 11-1-15. Olevao 5-0-7
Yes, nearly half of all attempts…i like it when UH has a more diversified attack
Hartong with a solo stuff, it’s 16-11. TO UCI. wahine on a 4-0 run. Longo serving.
Ali needs to wear that lime green uni ALL THE TIME!!! For everything single match. She can be our lady in green!!
Wahine finish it 25-17 on Hartong’s 15th kill.
You’re right. Hartong got a lots of chances 15 kills in 23 attempts. Vorster and Adolpho had 8 attempts and 3 kills. Happy with Hawaii’s blocking in the 2nd set. Much improved. Hartong got quite a few blocks and touches.
Taylor 4-2-8, Vorster 1-1-4, Hartong 15-4-23, Adolpho 2-0-4, Manu-Olevao 6-0-10.
I agree that UH needs to diversify its offense.
UH 20-7 digs. 6-4 edge in blocks, 5-2 in Set 2.
18. sometimes it’s just a matter of getting used to the rhythm of the other team.
UCI Up 3-0 TO UH
Not the best start out of the locker room. UH trails 8-2, Tuaniga in for Vorster. Kastl in for Manu-Olevao.
Dissapointing set 3 for the Wahine with the breakdown on serve receive.
Those aces from UCI paid off.
sorry, was posting on the wrong thread.
UCI pulls away to a 25-22 win. UH held off 2 set points when coming back from 24-20 to 24-22.
Hartong with 21 kills. UCI with six aces
UH up 18-12 in Set 4. Hartong with 25 kills, hitting .500. TO UCI
Video frozen for awhile. Following on LiveStat. 22-14
Taylor with a kill then teams with Vorster to end it 25-15. Be back in a bit
Hartong again Big West POW candidate for Hawaii. Maybe National POW with national exposure on national TV (Fox West) on Friday against Long Beach State.
Great video coverage…NOT! My daughter’s high school games were covered better. And speaking of high school, hope the Anteaters didn’t pay much to rent that high school gym.
Great game for Hartong.
29-that gym unfortunately is in UCI.
UCI has held off games at the Bren Center for revenue generating events instead.
That gym is what my friends called the sweat gym.
They shoot hoops there for free to work out some sweats.
agreed about Hartong as NPOW on her weekend performance but the more dieversified the offense is the better this team will be during the off season. Adolpho and Olevao could have easily joined Hartong and Nikki on the double digit kills club but Uiato stayed with Hartong.
Team effectively played tonight at .400 hitting % UCI just could not shut Hartong down.
Cindy, this is what I meant about my post regarding Hartong getting set too much, too early. Obviously, she is Emily Hartong and she is going to get her kills no matter what, but it is predictable. Adolpho is pretty capable of providing offense, and Vorster, even when her hits are “soft,” “mishit,” and “unorthodox,” she is mostly effective.
33 passing tonight was ok worse at set 3 hence the Hartong centric offensive Uiato provided but otherwise I agree with you. Uiato tends to ire on the side of caution that usually can be predictable (Hartong) if the pass is not great.
20 sets combined for Kalei/Jade/TK in a 4 set match is not enough Not gonna get it done like that against the top teams, Mita needs to feed the middles.
Sounds like Anteaters came out of 10 min. break between set 2 & 3 with a gung ho, do or die attitude. But Wahine pulled it together and restored order in set 4 and put it away. This will give some teams more of a can do attitude especially @ home, so Wahine may be tested, but not bested, I think. Go Wahine!
28, 32 Kelsey Robinson had similar huge matches and wins over ranked teams so that will get NPOW for her IMO.
33. if you read my comments, you will see that I have said numerous times that I feel they go to Hartong too early, too often. but I was impressed that, until her last swing that dropped her below .500, that she was hitting very effectively and above .500 throughout the match. I gave up watching the TV feed because i find it hard to watch the baseline view. Perhaps predictable but just four errors.
34 as to the Hartong bent, I think it has to do with she’s the best hitter off high sets off of bad/poor passes, in other words when set is less than good, Em is Mita’s best option. Ergo, she sometimes has to ‘get to’ off sets, jump for mis-sets, and keep ball in play when she might want to bang. Add the fact that the block is going to know all that, too, and you’re going to get blockers who are amped and set for her. So yes, it would be better if the offense with her hitting L1 were ‘diversified’ but it is what it is. And the teams are doing all they can to slow her down with serving her the majority of the time, too. But what I see is that she is up to it, just will need help/support down the line, but I also believe coaches will have team ready and seniors will keep team focused. Go Wahine!
35 saw that as well, but Wahine’s passing tonight was not as crisp as yesterday quite frankly mediocre otherwise I agree with you. There were enough times I saw Uiato running to set the second ball.
Grammy I said the same thing you just expanded on it.
On the other hand, she is Emily Hartong and you can’t blame Shoji for going to her often. Just look at her stats in this match. Just would like to see a more diversified offense, especially with options like Adolpho, Vorster and Taylor. That would ensure they go far in the post season. I mean, the 2002-2003 teams that had both Kahumoku and Willoughby might have gone farther had they used their other offensive options.
42. Guess 02, 03 could have gone further than the national semis.
didn’t cover the team in 02, was in Dallas in 03. That was a weird semi against Florida. both Willoughby and Kahukumoku had off nights against the Gators.
42. But I don’t know if if it’s Shoji so much as it is Hartong wanting the ball and Uiato feeling confident in Hartong’s ability or what Uiato is seeing across the net.
Agreead that on nights like tonight feed Emily as much as possible but I don’t like seeing that Tai has more attempts than all the middles combined.
Great win! Love the fact that we have a King James, Kobe or Mia Hamm caliber player, in a Wahine uniform. EH fits the bill as our STAR, why not? Although, we would like to see more of a “balanced attack” because many feel that’s the path to a national championship, maybe so. IMHO, play to your strength and if you are lucky enough to have a star who exhibits the highest standards, work ‘um and allow ‘um to shine, why not? In the meantime, continue to build the balance desired; ’cause along the journey others will have to step up into the light. Many GREAT TEAMS that have won championships in lots of cases had a “star to lead them.” We’ve seen others have stepped into the light when needed, such as Ali and Mita and Taylor and etc… indeed, a GREAT TEAM that continues to win and is growing greatness by the week. -Go Wahine
29-31. Crawford is the other gym at UCI, the nicer is the Bren.
But they only had 814 tonight. not sure the reason they didn’t use Bren, which seats 5,000
They were in Crawford last year. With UCI not drawing well, it could have been a money things. A lot of players do requirer the athletic department to pay for the arena time, since Bren is also used by other university groups.
this was only UCI’s fourth home match. They drew more tonight than they had in three previous home matches combined (762)
Yup, like I said I’ve been on both. No way UCI will let them play at the Bren Center, cost way more money to use and operate and as it is, UC system is operating under bismal budget. They’ve also use Bren for paid community events and corporate sponsored concerts.
47 BTW I like your rewind on the match on the other thread. Could not agree with you more.
Mahalo from D.C.!
43. Duggins wasn’t doing to hot vs. Florida, either. But they didn’t go to Lundqvist or Tano as much, even though the two OH’s had 20+ errors between them. Gustin came in and provided great spark, but it was too late.
46. Yup, great to have a star like Emily, and we know Mita and Ali Longo are dependable, but wouldn’t it be great if the others like Adolpho, Taylor and Vorster were given more opportunities to contribute? The Kim-Lily teams had two superstar OHs and pretty much everyone else on the starting lineup had some sort of pedigree, but it still wasn’t enough. USC won the championship, and if I’m not mistaken, they had a more diversified offense, with people like Emily Adams, Keao Burdine and Bibiana Candelas helping out their star OH, April Ross.
I was at the UCI match. My own observation from about 10 feet away was that the team was looking really tired in the third set, and just sluggish and off-tempo. I wonder if the Bows playing twice in a row on the road, against fresh players, is a factor here. This was the same gym they played in last year, BTW.
51. Thank you…that’s exactly the point, we do! We do HAVE what USC HAD. -Mahalo
43. Gustin had been injured but a little surprised also they didn’t bring her in earlier.
52. Had mentioned that about having played in Crawford last year.
some might remember that when UCI unexpectedly hosted the MPSF tournament they couldn’t secure Bren at the late date because the Hawaiian Club at UCI had booked Bren for its luau.