The Glove doesn’t fit so have Artie speak at the party

It’s unfortunate for the University of Hawaii basketball program that Gary Payton was suspended from his job at Fox Sports 1 after being slapped with a lawsuit claiming he assaulted a woman in January.

It is my opinion — and that of any clear-thinking UH leader — that Payton is now not a suitable speaker at the men’s basketball banquet Wednesday. It would be very sad if Payton is innocent and wrongly accused, but UH can’t afford to take the chance and make what is already an awkward situation even more so.

A good last-minute replacement would be Artie Wilson. The longtime UH TV analyst is also an alumnus of the program and a successful realtor in Hawaii. He would be able to deliver an excellent message to the gathering, especially the student-athletes. Hopefully new athletic director David Matlin finds time to reach out to Wilson today.

Wilson isn’t a Hall of Famer like Payton, but he’s a great example of a guy who was in the same shoes as today’s UH players and made his life a success.


  1. Cruisecontrol April 27, 2015 4:28 pm

    I always enjoy listening to what Artie Wilson has to say on the TV broadcasts of UH games. He’s knowledgeable about the game and has been there, done that, and seems like a good choice to deliver a positive message.

  2. bouncingball April 27, 2015 7:49 pm

    Artie Wilson, from what I’ve heard, is not well regarded by any of the original Fab Five guys and is regarded as a self promoter who has embellished his role as a player for UH. No doubt he’s done well financially for himself but that’s a poor excuse for having him as the prime speaker. Heck, even Bob Nash would be a better choice than him.

  3. John Cole April 28, 2015 5:09 pm

    Agree with cruisecontrol Artie has a lot to say. Bouncingball sounds like a gossip-monger. Let’s follow the obvious facts instead of cloudy innuendo.

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