Warrior Beat: Aloha ball

A vacant Aloha Stadium. / Photo by Stephen Tsai
The Warriors will practice under the lights tonight at Aloha Stadium.
The 90-minute workout serves two purposes:
> It gives the Warriors a chance to re-acquaint with a field they have not played on since the Nov. 17 senior night. For next week’s bowl preparation, Louisiana Tech will practice at Aloha Stadium and UH will will practice on its campus.
> It allows the Warriors more recruiting time during the day.
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Go Warriors! And get them recruits too!
And finals are this week.
Woohoo. Been so busy working that ice missed so much with recruiting and the last few weeks. I’m excited for the bowl game. Is there any idea how many tickets have been sold for next weeks game?
Good morning. I think the Warriors will come from behind to win. 13 points.
That was UNLV night. Cordeiro’s 3 TDs to win it for Hawai’i. 35-28 over UNLV. #12
I think Hawai’i can win. Only if they play better defense. Penei Pavihi #33 is 6-3, LB. He had to come up with at least 8 tackles. Then they stand a chance to win. Otherwise, they’ll lose the game.
And on offense, Cole must to a better job of completing his passes. 100% completion.
I predict a high scoring game. 48-38 victory for Hawai’i.
Fleegle is not supervising his son Sybil, nothing new.
And I think it’s time to rebuild this junk, ugly, old stadium. Time to make a new one.
Aloha Stadium ranked #2 Worst Stadium…
Aloha Stadium is not the 2nd worst stadium in college football. anyone who says that hasn’t been to a lot of college football games.
The Moneywise ranking is click bait and plain stupid. Yes it’s true that Aloha Stadium is old and lacks fancy amenities. The rust patches, while not structurally dangerous, are unsightly and embarrassing. But at least when we go there for games or concerts all of us are sitting in comfortable chairback seats. That’s a huge and rare benefit. Almost every other college football stadium in the country relies on hard flat bleachers to accommodate at least some — typically most — of its paying fans.
I won’t be surprised if bleachers are proposed for a substantial portion of the seating in the Aloha Stadium replacement to reduce construction costs. If that comes to pass the result will be a lot of sore okoles — both figuratively and literally.
If they put bleachers in the new stadium, I will enjoy the experience a lot less and PPV becomes that much more of a viable option…
I don’t forsee them switching to bleacher style seating. I think especially if they want to attract, certain type of events to the stadium, actual seats would be more desired. Bleacher style seating sucks too especially if you’re sitting next to someone large or between two large people. It is very uncomfortable when you lose a good portion of your seating area
Aloha Stadium ranked #84 out of 124.
Aloha Stadium for comfort and sight lines is the best I have been to. Then again I have great seats but still no way they are among anybodies worst. Sugar Bowl in Super Dome has really tight seating and the sideline is at least 30 yards from the first row of seats due to a regulation sized track so field is far away and Boise is bleacher seating with tight spacing for each seat and bathrooms were small and atrocious, Rose Bowl and LA Collisium more bleacher seating far from the field. U of Colorado and Mizzou are pretty but again bleacher seating. I did like Utah. Smaller with no seats (at the time) in one end zone to allow students sprawling on grass and huge speakers for music creating a party atmosphere.
Hey #9 – last time I checked, 48 minus 38 does not equal 13.
Good luck and quick healing to Jahlani. He was a delight to behold this year.
turfwar – I like your remarks regarding Aloha Stadium. We have the chance to make the new place very special if we emphasize the fan experience and create an atmosphere and back drop that makes it immediately obvious that it’s a “Hawaiian” stadium.
WR coach Andre Allen has done a great job with significantly improving the productivity at the position. Coach Allen has been largely overlooked, with everyone focused on the QB position.
Mahalo, Coach Allen!
Attendance is considered in ranking those “worst” stadiums.
So the ranking is correct.
I liked the old Honolulu Stadium, comfortable wood bench seats or whatever you call them. The grandstand had some chair backed seats in the lower sections, i think.
I would really be surprised if a new stadium doesn’t come with bench seating. It’s cheaper and can seat more people vs what we have now. That’s gonna suck for me.
I have to root for cement bench seating.
The current Aloha Stadium seats make me feel like I’m at dentist.
I look at Neal Blaisdell Park and I can’t fathom there being a stadium in such urban environs.
Old enough to remember Chunkys, though.
Old enough to remember when the trees were saplings.
If Hawaii is winning, does anybody care what the stadium looks like?
You’re just happy, or in the context of the past ten or so years, relieved.
if the new stadium is going to have bench seating,don’t build it.
keep the orange seating level and tear down the upper deck.rebuild the upper deck with concrete.new second level seating and sky boxes.new concours with modern rest rooms and food venders.and replace the all the seats to green.#no bleachers.
I don’t know what the planners have in mind but I think it most likely be a combination of bench and theatre style seating. Maybe like from the 50 yard line to the 30 yard line and half way up, they will have seats with backrest. These will be premium seats and fans will have to pay extra. The rest of the stadium will be metal bleachers.
I just don’t see them going all bleachers or all theatre style seating. Too expensive for all seats with backrest but at the same time, too cheap with all bleachers.
Perfect middle ground is 30% seats and 70% bleachers.
I don’t t like metal bleachers but have experienced with them while attending college at the University of Arizona so I can handle them.
UH raves about CSU’s new stadium so if we do a carbon copy of the stadium here it would be like this:
For CSU Canvas Stadium, they have some chairback seats, some bleacher back seats and some no back bleacher seats.
If Aloha goes stadium seating and no chairs…say goodbye to a lot of season ticket holders.
Imagine a larger Honolulu Stadium with all no back rests, all bleachers, YIKES !!! NOBODY GOING !! They are going to cry about not saving Aloha Stadium or making one like Aloha Stadium.
I still have memories of being terrified of falling through the cracks of the bench seating at old Rainbow Stadium. When you’re seven, and built as slight as me, it seemed a possibility. If you saw me on the streets, you would think, this guy is into comic books and video games.
Kahuna, thanks for the link. CSU stadium doesn’t have upper level end zone seating. I’ve been in the south end zone for better part of the past 30 years. Will miss not having this option. And I am spoiled with Aloha Stadium’s individual seats. Anything less will be a step down. But looking ahead say 50 years, there might be no UH Warrior football program. Hawaii’s Millennials and Generation Z are not interested in Warrior football. Undergraduate student enrollment at UH-Manoa has shown a decline the past 4 years. So looking into the future, I say why build a football stadium? I predict UH-Manoa will become like the rest of the Big West Conference members as athletic programs sans football.
One more comment about UH-Manoa. Undergraduate enrollment is just north of 18,000 students. Meanwhile, San Diego State U’s student enrollment is just south of 30,000. Central Florida’s undergraduate student population is the largest in the U.S. with 56,972. Central Florida charges a student athletic fee of $14.32 per credit hour, so full time student taking 15 credit hours per semester pays $214.80/semester. Now multiply that by 56,972 students = $13,587,585 (rounded)/athletic fee/semester. Yes that’s $13.5 million per semester versus UH-Manoa that gets about $900,000/semester for its student fee. UH-Manoa not even in the same ballpark. Strictly minor league.
I was wrong. UH-Manoa undergraduate enrollment is 12,881, US. News “University of Hawaii–Manoa has a total undergraduate enrollment of 12,881, with a gender distribution of 44 percent male students and 56 percent female students. At this school, 24 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 76 percent of students live off campus. In sports, University of Hawaii–Manoa is part of the NCAA I.”
Do whatever it takes to build the new stadium ASAP. Can always start with bench seating and add in the seats later (haha).
I think you’re right about the Stadium’s main function and design. It should mainly be for the stadium based concerts. One end zone should have the (very large if can) monitor so the stage would be directly under it and be a large part of the Show (and for the Athletic event too). Would kind of be amphitheater like in style for the concert. can still make upper level seating though. I think CSU’s stadium is very nice. I wonder if they make bench seating with back rests. Would be better than feeling somebody’s legs like at High School basketball games. Might be harder to “get nutz” with just the bench.
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