Let Rolo lead the way

The mystery wasn’t whether Aloha Stadium needed to be replaced. The puzzler is why consultants and studies were needed. The stadium hasn’t passed the eyeball — and nasal — test in years. The stadium is a vain actor who’s had way too many plastic surgeries.

For some time, we’ve been at that point where a decision needs to be made about continuing to pour repair money into a rusted car with 300,000 miles and no gas cap or buying a new car we can’t really afford. But, of course, we can’t not afford to have a new stadium, because without that, there’s no football, and without football, to mis-paraphrase Otis Redding, we’re just sitting on a rock “watching the tide roll away.” (Yeah, yeah, I know it’s “dock,” but I’m hard of hearing and “rock” is better metaphorically. But I digress.)

The trouble is we’re a state with plenty of troubles. There’s the rail construction that have frustrated Kamehameha Highway drivers for two years. There are homeless basin-bathing in our libraries. There are potholes on our streets and humidity in our classrooms. There is a growing population that can’t keep pace with skyrocketing rents.

But more than two decades ago, the state had its proportionate woes and people with titles who didn’t see a need for a new sports arena, especially when there was a multipurpose arena on Ward and King. Never mind that the basketball court had dead spots that Crazy-Ball’d dribbles — OK, that was helpful in a buzzer beater against BYU — or that UH couldn’t host an NIT game because the arena was booked for a song contest. It was built and paid for, so there.

Despite the opposition to a new arena, there was one guy who wouldn’t let it go. UH basketball coach Riley Wallace lobbied hard and often for an on-campus arena. He chatted up politicians, fired up fans, talked to people who weren’t politicians or fans, and pestered reporters. During the season, offseason, or halftime, Wallace kept pushing for a new arena. There were a lot of behind-the-scene folks who made it happen. But it was the frontman who never let the subject go away. Wallace didn’t even mind when the arena’s first event did not include basketball. The main thing, he believed, was that it was built.

UH now should recruit Nick Rolovich to be that frontman. Rolo is smart, innovative, feisty, likable, and, most of all, he’s the Average Guy. A week ago, Rolovich hit the streets to sell season-ticket deposits and just talk football with random strangers. That worked because Rolovich waded into the public with a sincere intent. UH marketing and fund-raising people are terrific hard-workers who are genuinely nice. But they represent an institution. UH coaches represent a pastime and passion.

The Warriors are riding on the recent success of a bowl game victory and entertaining spring training. Now would be the time to use the momentum to lobby for a new stadium. A former record-setting QB should lead the way.


  1. tommui April 8, 2017 7:57 am


    ST: Column makes sense to me.

  2. Mytake April 8, 2017 8:12 am

    Hawaiu should look at the new LA Rams complex. Its not just a stand alone stadium but an entertainment/residential complex. Spend big bucks to make bigger bucks.

  3. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 8:40 am

    The Rams complex sounds good.
    Well, except for one thing. The Rams will play there. Hyuk, yuk.

  4. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 8:43 am

    Russell Yamanoha always had a good point about how highway off ramps should lead into a stadium parking lot, like most other places. Aloha Stadium is one of those places where you get off the freeway, any freeway, then drive through the neighborhood for another 30 minutes.

  5. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 8:47 am

    My brother and I went to Camden Yards. We spent about 4 innings hanging out at Boog Powell’s BBQ stand. I wonder if it’s still there. I wonder if anyone uses the nickname Boog anymore?

  6. PONO April 8, 2017 9:19 am

    The longer they wait to build the new stadium the more expensive it gets. Do it now.

  7. Glenn April 8, 2017 9:40 am

    If I were Rolo I would keep an eye on the number of parking spaces. No parking equals no fans.

  8. kahuna April 8, 2017 10:08 am

    #7…I think that something Hawaii fans need to change. Parking does not equal fans elsewhere. I read Alabama has very little parking on campus for their stadium size. The fans park elsewhere and walk a mile or so to the game. That is what you call dedicated fans. Oregon State University have their stadium on campus and have no/little parking there. You have to park at an open field about a couple of miles away and then bus to the stadium.

    San Diego has a trolley(like Hawaii rail) that takes people to the game. I have been on that Trolley numerous time and it is pack like sardine in there. Fan just talk story in there and have a good time. No one seems to be all that bothered by going the “extra mile” to get to the game. If and when the rail finish, it should provide fans with another way to go to the game.

    Hawaii fans are too in love with having to park close to the stadium. They need to change their mentality and be a little more flexible in finding ways to get to games. Whether its walk a little further or take the shuttle or the bus or whatever, Fans should be open to doing stuff like that.

    All that moaning about no parking and parking too far make Hawaii fan sound like whiners. People in middle America can make do with little or no parking at their ballgames…why can’t Hawaii fans show that same type of mentality?

    “No mo’ parking so I no go game” is best not be heard.

  9. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 11:22 am

    Been away for a while.
    Brothers missing from the other day
    – Daniel & Jeremy Inferrera
    – Kainoa & Kahai LaCount
    – Cory & Clint Daniel
    – Kilinahe & Waikaloa Noa
    – Junior & Matt Tufono
    – Kiha & Kapua Sai

  10. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 11:27 am

    – Mike & Ray Bass

  11. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 11:29 am

    Kilinahe & Waikaloa are older brothers to current Warrior Kuumoku Noa

  12. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 11:33 am

    – Mika & Jeff Liilii
    – Dana & JR Directo

  13. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 11:35 am

    – Corey & Parker Paredes

  14. truegreen April 8, 2017 11:40 am

    Looks like the wheels are turning BUT it needs to be BIGGER. Make no mistake, if you read the report the target seems to be 30,000 seats. That’s ridiculous!

    The press conference was very revealing. The mentality seems to be backwards: build as small a stadium as possible and maximize the development. Needs to be the other way around. Start with a world class stadium first and then supplement with development.

    Don’t know who is directing this train (no pun intended) but we need to redirect this travesty before this tiny shoebox is built and we regret it after the fact, like a certain other train we’re coming to all know and love…

  15. SteveM April 8, 2017 11:54 am

    I’ve been reading the stadium news…even Reardon’s column in the print version. He points out that the new stadium will take 2 years to build after 3 years of paper pushing. The 2 year part worries me. It will likely take 3 years at double the cost to complete… but more importantly, where will UH play in those seasons?

    The new stadium renderings show the new stadium built over much of the existing stadium now–which means the existing Aloha stadium must be torn down before you can build the new one. Auwe!

    Can’t a plan be devised to build a new stadium NEXT to the existing one so that it will still be usable albeit with a lot less parking? The Ala Wai golf course site is looking better and better to me…or ideally, a new stadium over the quarry on a concrete “lid” like in Mercer Island, WA. The quarry end by the dorms might be the best area. Hey, if we can build a rail line high in the air, why not a lid?

  16. Akamai Okole April 8, 2017 12:02 pm

    The numbers no lie…but I could be wrong. (Cuz I not one accountant)

    $1B facility (seems to be the going rate for a quality facility) financed at 1% requires $1oM per year debt service

    UH is the only big revenue-producing tenant so with 7 home games each game needs to pay $1,428,571 of that debt service.

    For a 50,000 seat facility, each ticket gotta generate $28.57 just to pay the loan.
    Den gotta pay all the other costs to produce one game….show one profit…pay da oddah team…pay plenny unions…yadda, yadda


    We nevah pay any principal yet. We hoping we can find 1% money.

    Parking is a minor issue.

    Das it.

  17. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 12:02 pm

    CJ & Cameron Allen-Jones

  18. Akamai Okole April 8, 2017 12:04 pm

    Oh wait…

    If every game no sell-out or if 1% money can’t be found den forget all those numbers.

    Das really it…

  19. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 12:09 pm

    The LaCounts were next on the list.
    I don’t think Ray Bass played much.
    Jeremy Inferrera would have been good, and started, if he stayed. But he left too early.
    MLB’s leading HR brothers were the Aaron brothers. But Henry Aaron had significantly more HRs than Tommy Aaron.

  20. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 12:11 pm

    In the past couple decades, the biggest transfer losses were Hauoli Wong, Abu Maafala, Mike Wadsworth and Jeremy Inferrera.
    What could have been …

  21. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 12:11 pm

    Oh, and Trevor Davis, of course.

  22. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 12:38 pm

    You are quite akamai.
    Fortunately — or unfortunately — I’ll be long gone. It’s a race to see if the blog host can outlast the stadium.

  23. Ipu Man April 8, 2017 12:45 pm

    OK, here’s an idea to get the governor and unions
    licking there chops: Have Pearl Harbor workers
    build a huge, huge, huge floating stadium with
    plenty of parking—maybe the world’s largest
    floating thingamajig. Good for jobs. No need land.
    So should be cheaper.

  24. SteveM April 8, 2017 1:22 pm

    Here’s the 2-3 year UH tongue-in-cheek and head up the other cheeks plan for playing without a stadium:

    Book 12 road games exclusively in those 2-4 construction years and as many big $$$ body bag games as we can to turn a big profit at year end.

    The athletic department manages to stay afloat and a 30,000 seat stadium will then be more than enough for a perpetual 1-12 team as we drop down to D-II.

  25. ALLAN April 8, 2017 1:23 pm


  26. SteveM April 8, 2017 1:34 pm

    ALLAN– yes I have, but it rasu begasu (las vegas). RIP. I needed a little more room so after the next standing cheer, he shifted to the side as we sat down and knocked a UNLV fan off the other end. 🙄

    BTW, who is planning to attend the UH-UNLV game this year. tom-warriornation has tickets behind the team bench. See:

  27. Da Punchbowl Kid April 8, 2017 1:44 pm

    I have to agree with you Stephen – Nick Rolovich should take the lead on a new stadium.

    As far as issues with the way our state does things… meh, nevermind!

  28. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 2:35 pm

    In 2001, Rolo played with scout team freshman twins, Jason and Justin Goss

  29. BigWave96744 April 8, 2017 3:29 pm

    Another huge loss was Blake Muir.

    Oh and in 2001, Rolo played with last set of twins I can remember: scout team freshman DBs, Jason and Justin Goss.

  30. Kapahulu April 8, 2017 3:30 pm

    Can you find out what type of seats will be in the new Stadium.
    I have been on many UH Football road games to multiple Stadiums around the country. Many of them have uncomfortable Aluminun bench seating.
    Hawaii fans have been spoiled by our individual seats for years, and would not be happy with Aluminum bench seating.
    That would be enough to send more people home to watch the games on PPV on their Big Screen High Def TV’s instead of the Live Gate crowd that we need for the Home Field advantage.

  31. amela April 8, 2017 3:30 pm

    Sorry but parking is an issue for me. Long lines and no parking is a no show for me. Unless someone picks me up and drops me off. If the rail can get me to and back for $2.40 each way like in Japan then I’m in.

  32. kalua pig April 8, 2017 4:30 pm

    the new stadium can not have bleachers.no can.

  33. Old School Dave April 8, 2017 4:34 pm

    The talk of a new stadium sounds nice, albeit I personally don’t like the designs drawn up (resembles a Wimbledon tennis stadium) . Why not simply knock down and rebuild Aloha Stadium in its current location? Keep the capacity at 50,000 , include corporate luxury boxes, with the ability to expand to 60,000? Let’s not forget Gov Burns role in wanting and pushing for a place for the UH football team and as a place of state pride. One compromise (not going to be liked by Makules) would be to have individual seats between the 10 yard lines and bleacher style seats elsewhere.


    On the other hand, 1975 was a simpler time in Hawaii compared to now – crumbling UH campuses and public schools, sweltering classrooms, the homeless problem, lack of affordable housing, & the cost of living.

  34. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 5:53 pm

    Yeah, the next stadium should not have bench seats.
    You know who loved that? Reporters who covered events at the old Honolulu Stadium. That’s because reporters had access to the 13 parking stalls, the shi-shi bucket, and nice seats. Everybody else had to lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight.

  35. Dennis Nakano April 8, 2017 5:54 pm

    Before they agree on the new stadium, better give it a wind tunnel test. That stadium area gets buffeted by some pretty strong winds. Lots of swapmeet tents go sailing by those unexpected gusts. Winds from the mauka side and makai side shift constantly. We’ve lost hundreds of dollars in canopy tents even when we had them weighed down with 40 or more pounds on each leg.

  36. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 5:54 pm

    The next stadium also needs a beer man, like that Howard guy.
    It’s better than waiting in that loooong line.

  37. Stephen Tsai April 8, 2017 5:57 pm

    The other thing is, why the heck are they lifting the tuition cap?
    Is that the state’s answer to fundraising? Raising taxes?

  38. 808 April 8, 2017 6:04 pm

    How many more studies will be needed for the stadium to be built. If the projected cost is $300,000 plus, expect the cost to go up 10x that amount by the time it gets completed.

    The longer the state waits, the more it will cost the state in the end. Maybe the next order of business is to study the cost of the stadium if we wait another 10 years so that they can compare both studies. By that time, another study will be needed to build a new stadium. And after that the cycle continues….

  39. H-Man April 8, 2017 6:27 pm

    All I know, based on their track record, the gov and legislature will find ways to muck it up. Guarantee. Yet, they keep getting re-elected. So who to blame? Us.

  40. burro sabio April 8, 2017 7:08 pm

    Don’t need 50,000 seats, 40,000 max. No sense spend like $100 million for 10,000 seats that won’t be used. The Rams moved from the Colisium cause they had thousands of unsold seats every game so their games had to be blacked out.
    The reason I want to see 30,000 to 40,000 seats – easier to sell out, then change the TV contract to Blangiardi and free TV. They can just sell ads on the live stream and not bother with trying to charge for streaming. Instead of just trying to get notice in the mainland, Asia, and Down Under, make UH the world’s team.

  41. SteveM April 8, 2017 7:09 pm

    Whatever the size and exact location of the new stadium, I think a large parking structure (like UH’s quarry) should be built adjacent to the rail station. The top level of the structure would be near the height of the station and could hold retail shops (mostly food places) and plenty of restrooms.

    The parking structure is not just for games– it can charge for parking for people who want to leave their cars there while using the rail. Also be the parking structure for the shops and buildings that is supposed to be part of the stadium. My 2 cents, anyway.

  42. islandman April 8, 2017 7:32 pm

    Bench seats are way easier and less costly to maintain then individual seats, i assume.
    ” The post-demolition hole left by the current stadium would become a three-level parking structure under the plan. “

  43. 808 April 8, 2017 7:57 pm

    Oops, meant $300 million plus. In any case, I don’t think this will be the last study about building a new stadium.

  44. pakipark April 8, 2017 8:12 pm

    We’ve had a Stadium made of wood (and termites) and one made of steel (and rust). The new Stadium will be concrete. Look at the Rail, it’s made of concrete. Whoever owns the concrete/cement company will call the shots on the
    new Stadium. Just like they’re calling the shots for the Rail.

  45. islandman April 8, 2017 8:31 pm

    Concrete deteriorates too,including the reinforcing material inside.

  46. HawaiiMongoose April 8, 2017 8:33 pm

    I have no problem with downsizing the stadium capacity by a reasonable 10-20%, but 40% is nuts. An ideal target size is 40,000. That would allow UH to sell the 35,000-40,000 tickets per game that it has sold historically in winning seasons, thereby maximizing the athletic department’s revenues over the long run. You can’t sell tickets for seats you don’t have, and you can’t raise prices on tickets when pay-per-view puts an effective ceiling on how much you can charge. NO to the 31,000-seat plan. NO the the SHOEBOX.

  47. HawaiiMongoose April 8, 2017 8:34 pm

    NO “to” the SHOEBOX.

  48. truegreen April 8, 2017 10:29 pm

    Agree wholeheartedly with Hawaii Mongoose. Good analysis.

    Although I still prefer 45k to 50k with an eye on PAC-12 membership someday. I honestly think Rolo could make it happen.

  49. Maddog50 April 9, 2017 4:23 am

    Would just like to see a new stadium period,

  50. cappie the dog April 9, 2017 5:42 am

    Didn’t the late Frank Fasi propose a stadium in Ewa way back when? Something in the neighborhood of 90,000+?

    I feel so sad that I’m old enough to remember this.

    I remember my grandmother buying me Queen’s “The Game” at Daiei, on vinyl.

    I don’t like the new generation of vinyl records. The cardboard is too thick.

    This is analogous to liking the old school Topps cards. I remember when Fleer arrived on the scene; their pitch was “white stock”. I remember my father buying me a pack at Walrich Drugs Store.

    Ugliest baseball card set ever: 1991 Fleer. It’s all yellow. Collectors refer to it as the “banana set”.

  51. cappie the dog April 9, 2017 5:44 am

    The RPI is rigged.

    Nevada beats San Diego State.
    NC State beats Florida State.

    And Hawaii drops in the RPI.

    Minnesota’s cancelled series against Rutgers hurt.

    Minnesota is Hawaii’s best shot at getting an at-large bid.

  52. Old School Dave April 9, 2017 9:12 am

    Remember during the June Jones era and one of the Press Guides ran questionnaires in the player profiles. One constant comment the players made regarding what they’d like to see for the program was to build an on-campus stadium. Its possible, if there is no track running around the football field.

    UH needs to ramp up and revise their fund raising efforts/strategy. Look at Lahainaluna’s new football stadium that came from a generous donation of $7 million (80% of the $9 million cost) from the late Sue Cooley, who was a part-time Maui resident.

  53. NorthShoreFan April 9, 2017 9:26 am

    Guud Morning Tsaikos…Bootiful Day!

    cappie…I suggested to have a stadium on the slopes of Makakilo. could be built into the hillside using the terrain and over looking Honolulu but apparently it not a good idea. The thought is it would be right off the freeway, plenty of vacant land, close to UH West (hoping it would be a good extension of Manoa), student/faculty housing could be built, choo choo train running close by and this area is supposed to be the “second city”.
    Anyhoo, good to hear lots of ideas here.
    Is it football yet? baseball/softball making me frustrated….

  54. cappie the dog April 9, 2017 2:06 pm

    How do you not capitalize on such a rousing opening road win?

  55. Stephen Tsai April 9, 2017 3:16 pm

    New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=42806

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